rv v---vv- v---v- ---r-vv r-' ' '_" "'J-'- ' ' "' " '*`J 'V""' J "' " `_ Crempton s"1l1'ay.e awoxjld wi<'i-e't.1;e"p`11tation and a condeticy:-e.thAat will never be shaken while, the present standard is kept up and thisyear "Crompton s. never were 'better, 0` Wfe1_'ecQmmend`them and guarantee perfect satisfaction. 50c, 75c., $10.00, $135, $1.50, $2.00. A Fewofthefferings e - V The e_contin uation tbf F thisGreat White ,. Event gives you the 01 pnrtunizv 1., save a deal of money on your purchases, T The larger you purchase the gr-ear..;n-`the saving.: Whatever you want in _ _hite.or LinentGoods there's plunder at this went s to ret fog. o`u1voerings _areas" gr` tea 3; week ago; the choosing is made easy fm um- store sefyicet is the best. ' ' " "g " ..n~l'?9il'.\ 13 . I \ .1 1 917'] GEORGE VICK_E_l3_.}mporter ;.~,S.`::.::s?.3::.in I . I ` `. ' ' ' ,- .24. V - I I... .. `) ' .` I '. . , .` C -,- . I. \ The`bestCa.1iadian manufacturene lofty nish at 10c. VNIO35 %;@.m*.AL;.hv.mw# % 1215c. Swfss Mdslin. tic. F raw|eY& M00? .\ soc. 'raue Lan., 42. '10-.~. Art Muslin, Sc. 22c.._SlxefIx. 16. White. Flaxlelgtte. 21c.sm@g. 21. _8c.__'lf.|-in_te_s. Sc. 251-ob % iCRS'8-fKEMPENFEl0T nu. Ladies Whitewear to auittho moat _faatidiouI__ taste may be found at our store. Selaoted blends at 250., 350., 400. .and50c. a pound. Nothing ner `crown, Warranted Q to purity and qualit . We` make". a specialty of pure, high gt: a teaaand ooem. ` Our prices, you know. are. always low. a And our ouutomeru `are oi, promp attention and` satisfactory giyoatnponb. V - 1 " , . {E03132 BROS. ; ._fla` %EC_fcf-`.'Mr_hanto %EI_:.E1$H ANn_1v1f.;m1zANT TEA N_e_W ]_?ri}1ts_ Corsets PHONE 169. :Men s 3 Buckle Fine J ersev Overshdes.` sizes 6 to ` `Men's $200 Llllllg Felt Boots. leather foxeditb V elem` at l - ` " Mans Felt `Congress. plain and leather faxed, c ,- regu`lar price $1 35. to $1 75, to clear at -. $1 ()0 `Ladies $1-35'*se1; Boot, lace or elastic side plain &n=d lea,t`ner fnxedf best quality. sizes 3 to 8', to . clear at - . -T - A .95 Ladies $1.10 Felt Slippers, lace or elastic instep, - warm and co1nfurtnl)le' fur young or old, exible soles. sizes alto 8, to clear at -i 7 5 . Ladies Fjne Rubbers, reliable quality to suit any * c c shape shoe, special at` - - -.. 45 f l(l,.our regul'affpr ce $2.25, to clear at -L %$`1 $1 50 G?- ~ 40, 42; 44'and 46 inch, the best made, barring nom- start atlc up to 22c.- Extra lien 18 inch Brown Linen Tmvelliug, nuulu of otrongestgtocvi, plain or checked weave, worth we at b'c_ 4.}, 5 and 51,- inch best Tatfeta Ribbon in white only good wearing 14c. ~ 36 i`nhe`s- wide, in Lace,.stipe and Botder,.worth 10c at 86. ~ - A20 pieces heavieft. graae Factory Cotton, 36 ilxche` I-ride, Nos; M12 and" V9,`a.t `It/3. 1oagioces on1y,best English 10. Cambric, ne even cloth, wonth l0c., at 86. ' 6-patterns light colbred Oxford Shivting, good wash. ing material 6c. ` ' - circular Bin-ow% Cottons 10. Bleached Cotton. 8c. a;:orl;i)ioley has been `initiated dntethe I. 0. `F. A - '- White W'1hdbw' `Satin: Oxford 'smuang 6c. 10; Towelliixg 8c.. 20 Ribon, 14. Heavy Fac111l Y .FOR LADIES AND 4 GENTLEMEN xyxmieinthgunited States. 1 RUBBER `FITTERS - are 7the nes; qmllit," 4nd;%`ahtest Weight Rum` IN STYLE; ZEPHYR niwvonx RUBBER vv ausuu 4- vs nu-gnu Mr. Richard Soanlan and family have gzqhe to Toronto. . . ' mi , ,__ -_ `l:_._._A.-.. 2- ....!'....:..... `anon on IS V THE NAME Fnhnusnv 5, OF `A 7/ `iper mo January .-dnring I per we -"all tame 'ritp vacati. CAI RES .`l'rema}n 301'. `hi; face badly burnt last w,eek--Visitors in and out of _town- Deuth of Mrs. Wm. Brown on A Monday in Stroud. _ `Mr. J. S. Clark is moving to Bradford -attest. 4 ` , L BAI LIUIII 6: coll VOL it ,4; Mon V son - J; W.'Ul1urch`ill in the Burton Ave. Megha- `two; on u u o u v - - --.v- --~_..- `.`CsmirSunion service will be held bv Rev.M 1.1.1" is .` dianchurch `on Sunday next" wwv u..-.-... _ ...__V_ .1 Firemnh Bern donkme ma `his race! badly burnt last week through the le-H V1l'om'the :'engi!V1 aring out.'in.hi. fj.6'_ ; .1 BUDGET OF NEWS cowczxwalvq T`!-IE MOVEMENTS or SIXTH WARD u RESIDENTS. L tun vvvv Dtlver E.` Costello` hn `removed .to Jloutresl. V - T Zrvetured to De- pot Harbor after a month : visit in pawn. , 1 . nu , nrl IX.` 'u7-\.I. 1.-.. .-l..... .. .`.....I.`.. .......a. A "$ wb` 1iidhbl_1 a .holidav.' f `i `Dir. George-Cowie,-jr . of the~ C.- P. R...;| `WIS irryown thisweek visiting his fa.t.h,er.." Holden his way no the Old Uountiry fo'r3;a |'-- I -u'u-. ;;$1isa~'L`1.;xr;'t'\y-i's visiting at the residence K v'f~Mr. Isaac Boone. In I I `II II` `DVD on-an-av. ---cw. - .- Mr. W} B;-` Webb.'l'1;;_t_;'o.l-teZ11_;Vj"1;n}6r .pVar t- `i not into his business. It is a ne boy. _~ -Cogrgsculations. up. 1-3:` Il_I'I,.II .7: tl'_._.1:;...'...~- '_I.._ e_"0'xV1"I`ueed.ay Holiy Epwonh ` Tgue drove in _a.nd spent a pleueanc` even- ilig at. the Burton Ave. parsonage. V x w ww v- w--- Mr. John Adams and family have returned to Bat Portage. . n__._I___ -...s l.....:I.. 14...... -jg yuv vv -.vo vuwuu Jlra. Jame: Brunton is suffering from an attgok of arippg. RI`- C|-...~.-I T`:4u1La|CI `an. Roan :n:`n`nt` _ Syl via McMor1-an are `-visiting friends in Midland. ` ' V In... our sqnn_:;_I__ I.-- ..-4......_-.1 1.- h- " `G; T. R. yatyd on Thursday last when the, fcollingwoyod Enterprise :-Brakemanf McDonald was'xit 1g semaphore in the; arm swung back and struck him on the ' `hide of. the head a hard blow. Manama . I {'53 un8b1_e' to` co_ntinue- work fund` was ! fajhmoved to his home in :Allenda.1,e.' L L -1 ' 7 The death occurred on `Monday morn-` dug of one of Strand : oldest and heat_ '1, V _ `residents in, the peg-non of_u Mia. Wwiilidm Brown. aged 75, mother nf. Mrs. . John 8. Bttunton, of Allandale. The de- f?=1iaII9.(1`."|!.$ n-W9 of G15-.x9w ml had in__~,St:oud for the past 45 _yea.rg, iih fghevexogption of a. short tigne spent _T'R.V.` Mr. McKee`, of Strand, ` `1S6d,.i._3,!'.".EQ1|i.9l'I1..99'~"i.`? 9:: Wed: \ . .'..9s=_=r...**'.i'...,..` 1%.: 1 _ \.r---Bung-1 --yua- Mi..Fzo.. ikooon. or Hamiiw; who Inna been the gueatof Miss Bertha Thompg don ha; returned home. 'I'\ " and 'VMra.VWn'1. Davidson and Mr. :Whibe ot the Royal Template of Temper-_ - once are organizing a. council in town. Llidlgnd will have an opera houue.w1th ` "- ,- ' `t fl 000 .ova1-Osbor 9 - ' y iosewn-Letter. N ol:_v.i; ' ' ' I H % j"_ kindly infoi-tn L 300000 00000 Q0O0O0O80000O0O0O0 O0O0O0_O0000O0O0OO0O0'.oIg These `half dozen truly good`bargains will.gi;v_`e-you "kn idea. of the numev.-saving on all WiI1ter"FoQtwear. We '<:a1i?c.dx1pl;1caLe a smgle paw so the ea_rl1er you come A `u-{.uG;\`un .C-A 1- tJ1\l\I (flu i To carry Winter I-'mtwe:i;r`Overi from one}s,easnAn to? imutlier isi1 t to N1!` lilcing and `the proof `ofiit is the fee. di1ction in( the prices In this" instance. the lossvis ours. "even ihg _ct11a.l cost hasn't been. spared a.nd with quang ititiesi lixni1.tii'ecl.b11y_ers who appreciate quality and nmpey-L saving nii-ght. um: tleltiy in taking adyanmge of these, oerings positively the best. of tineiseason. Best Bargains Yet `V X \'UIOI'v wuvur-q-V _ Ashe .b.e.Mar ue coic-8." n .j ~... .A..~.. ..% THEE 0: the West menu: of Simcoe Jbidt \ Stock Agmcultural Company. . ~ 1 The eighteenth annual` meeting oi the ` Wee: Riding of Simeoe Joint Stock Aqnl 1 cultural Cuinpauvvwaa held "In `the Ouuu 1 oil Chamber on Wednesday the.28r.h J,vm ` 'l`hLI nnnnnl lvnfuun up n u n ` . . . A AAJ -- nu vu-uuuvu. uu vv uuuuuuuy Dlblin d/In The annual report was presented aunt. read by the President, Dr. McCarthy. It oungi-atnlaied~th_e sharehoidet-e_ on -the ioombletiou. of the half mile track, the prolperoua nancial condition of the com pany and-the leasing of. the buildimzs for a.` trnrof th_ree ye_n.rs to Mi`.`Ji ,'R _ Todd. It expressed? the great regret of ` the Di:-~2 eotors on the loss the Comoany had am- taived in the deeth of the late secretary. Mr. Dickinson, who had `held that posi~ tion ever since the incption'nf the Com pauy. eighteen years ago. Mr. Dickin- son had been oneof its most aotive*organ- `izers and prornntefrs'._{.-b The Go_fnDI'Inyend` the D.1-ectors recognized how diioiilt it i would be to fill his position.- i runuuvf snnnn-nu`:--....4I...l - .`l._1.1-_J AB - `seven peg cent. fr..th& i;;gE?:f.;o ye}: `of $624.21'aud an-u.:xgend`1t:lIre of $625 87. \.`v3 puygble m.arud 1. a.ttur smha 15:11 day of March man. The Treasurer : gnteruauq shows reoenpca on apaugt or track acoouun am on ueueral =,uo}:0fu:nTq. ` aims $686 91 with an expendinre df'$3 26. mm: 9lv_- mg a_oaeh balance of $875 99 -vmh our.- atanding Jmhvlwlen of about $15 00 winch I with Inncolledted subscriptions or $40 00 au.d`.$200 balance due angles M_a1-cu of ram will give a_ aumof]$600 available for diviend and ntheriwqrk ,of the Company. 'l"hn fnllnminn rVnnf`nvnnn uivnun 1 ..'l....4....I uavr vllu null "I-uUl`~VVl|I'IS,~'JI. H10 Uuulplluy. The following gentlemen were "elected directors : Sheriff Dru:-y.` J *` M. -Bothwe, -G. Rtikea, D. v`Q.1in la n,..J.: J, Brown}, R - A.Step'hena. .Jno. SiaI'1mii1;=S. Dyment- and D:'. McCarthy. ` pt. A-McCarthy was re-`elected President, G, Ruikea .Treu_I- urer am; re`! Marr`Seor.at'ary.f vv v-sou vv vu uu Ml! lllllulug, * The repurt recommended aeduidend of.` cant-. f'r..tha2 ggmtyo emu nnvnhle am'uu:.d"P.;..P&..?1kpL A! ..c He Passed Away on` Tuesday--Funera.l on Friday Next: at 2 p.m. ` ._ In the dach of Mr_ Hezekiah Edwards, qn Tuesday morning. Barrie lost one of its; "most. innereeting old; residents. thirty seyena yearis connecfiofn * j_vi_th_ yhe disericu news ` pupra hvinz pug` him into cloae,_tquh with current ali`aira.- He waqjborn in .ZNcrwioh._. 1 Eng., on.Feb'.: 7.th~, 1832 , and was the. son; of l Benjamin Edwa'.'rda._a-", Baptist mlnialsenf. He] lwasfnnitedfin rna.rrisfe`to Miss` Elizabeth` Wn`ler"in 1855, `and it tho Canada. on their wedding trip, `settling in 5 efvoung cuple ca`m e , Schcmher-5, -where f,o_r.. ve-~ veers Mr Ed ' wards edited 6 newipnper. ~`He,then went to Richmond Hill forhshree years and later was on who Owen Sound Advertilior tor seven, `years. . In l860:hoeoa'.me to Barrie and was: `oonnect.ed..wichen|l1.hree of the local papers} charge of the Public Libm-y eon`, tinned to act~a.eu.librari,nn.nnhil he .-.illej._ llhlIt _0otolor._ The decespga-waif. ::1:ta1ona*% j Go_ngrsative=ri_Ind~'*vte ldencg ',_Ql;o,' > Or-_~n`s_e Order; under the i: .snqp.ic9.b of :"ii1}iidh-,e1 `:I,he`I_ fnnergl`vgill,nukq_,=-ftluce 9n,:l!' ` ~l-M znmweroliikl J 44. . .V '- -V , I 3!-*9 =9!=~ dc di e1:.enu. t.innq. Eleven? yearn rage ` he : i THE LA'r1: i-1.mimK1a'movy'AaDs. . ANNUALMEETING In a moment of absent-mindedness we consehted to oiciate as one of the judges at the carnival `last week, ` - says the editor of The Aylmer, Ont-., Sun; 3 At that time we thought we knew all about fancyand comic cos- tumes, and that it wouldn't take us two minutes, to convince our, con- _ freres who should have the prizes.` _- Before -the wog had beeii in progress two minutes. we were perfectly will- ing for the other fellows to do the judging, while we acted as secretary. They would not have it-that way, and it took the three of us- nearly - . . two hoursto award ten prizes, And. " it "seems that there were at least a dozen in every class who should have had the prizes rather than the ones we picked out. The critic could `not get at the other judges very well so 'we`-had to take all the abuse, which continued until the hockey match last night switchedltheir attention; About 200 ,who were not in costume, but were waiting for jaskate, have refus- lnt ed to recognize us since, while our little girl whom we left in the band lroom for the (`few minutes" while 5339 we did the judging, got mad and {'1' went home, nearly frozen. `Ever act -11- as judge at a carnival? Try it some Ml time`, `and then come to this oicefor mu. sympathy. A - kn sinus cu auu5uu5ug: sun uu.uuu.ty.' - Like-most other important German industries, the briquette manufacture 1 is controlled ,by _a, syndicate which includes among its 1_'nember,s`_ thirtyv one rms and companies, or more than nine-tenths of all the producers in Germany, and regulates the out-V put and prices ior each year. From the oicial report of the syndicate for 1901, which has recently appeared, _it is learned that thetotal output during the year was1,566,385 tons, to which isgto be added the product of makers outside the syndicate, con- sumed at works, small` retail sales, otc., making a grand total of 1,- 643,416 tons. a , . | To ...-..A I......aI-- 1.- .;_.-.1 41.-;. ;|.- _.___ ,|.\C V null VIQSWO Briqjuettos form the principal do-T `mastic fuel of "Berlin and other cities districts in Germany; they are used fonlocoxnotive and other? steam mmg. and are employed for `heating in various processes of manufacture. yFor all these uses they have` three tangible advantages: They are clean. and convenient to handle; they light" easily and quickly, and burn with a. ' clear, intense ame; when made of lignite or `peat. they burn practically without smoke and are withal the cheapest form of fuel for most pur- poses, says `Frank H. Mason in Gas- sier Magazine for January. T Tjltun-Ynt\I` Afhnuv {I\1:\nIIJ-nub (`Amman- 5 Wmbow nnmssmc -compm-11*1oN_. | N`. . . . . -- ---o vv -a-v-inure--w \' waste-as qua.-occur.-V - . .'i`-he. very tasty manner in which Mr. Grant Hsmmen- s` window was-decorated dur- inq the nhouqava has non- gone without (its rcwntd as she has_ been awarded seventh prizj: in the `Amerxdau Tubwco Company's wiudow.dxfesaing `competition and has re- cnred ncheuhs for $15. ` ' .6:*v:ir*sas=ces.e ~ l V ::b_e'cause V of 7 their eonomy, '_ `their `re- covery or_ -utilization oi'som`e` raw `material which exists "unused, or be- cause the involve the most intelli- gent app_l'ica_.tion_ o_i`aci-entic _know- ledge to technical processes, may` be reckonedthe manufacture of briquet- tes from brown coal, peat and the dust and waste of coal mines. Cana- da. is welliprepared by nature to re- duce this question to her material advantage. * ' . I).........;A.. n.._.., .1, 7 - - - - A ._c i iijoi;8Ii;t;iil ' i lbilnongwhe ,'seYeral?b1'ahches`.vof Linen :i_ndustry. which-;desei've attention \ `and factories, must have a decided ; u-;w,'aa.\I vvlluo _' It nvd hardly be said that the gen- ` eral use of briquettes for domestic ` fuel in_ a large, densely `built. city, as well -as for generating. steam in a j number of `electric generating plants ; and benecial inenoe in reducing ; the smoke, which in many places has a become` a persistent and oppressive 1 nuisance. Berlin, although a busy rnnnnfnnl-nrinnu nil-u cunvulra as A..- -0 ` ' ' ' INNISFIL. Rapott of S.S. NoT13,jfor the .mon.h of Januav-y.; . V .n!---1T,,:'T:1l:-.... nr:....'... AI_.Z_. un__ The Ipdefatigable 01d__ Gentleman Still - Laborlng 1n.the Vineyard.- Mr. Geo. Buakin of the InternM}ipnal'Col- "port.a.ge*Mis|ion of Algoma. end, tlie North-e 'west_i_a making hieian nugl vaip to Barrie in its behalf. ' ' n__,,:J_,,--9,.v .1" V n `n -- AI IQVKI` II LLUCIYICLL Class II-Tend Kenwell, Barbara; Out- ri6."H. Averul, Ch`ordVLeOnard. `D..-a. 1`r_`An`-.. n_.-u__ '15 1~n___s__ v1. ;;l.: `I-I':"A.a;w(3:1;itgniuyfu-VVarnica, Edith McAlliater, Ida. Hooper. = L _ 2 L . ' l J. E. MORRISON_, Teacher. ---`--u-vvu -Iv! All! can vuuuslx G: uuay Exargtfacturinmg city, ranks as one of e ganest. and best` kept in Europe. ` j: Providentisllv thework of the past year his been more successful than of any_pre- dvlous veer, both in the exceut of work done and support. received. 3,700 copiel of Scrip- tures and books were supplied in seven ,la_n- gueges. many were -sense co` `camps, -free of cgist; mahv more have {been given. and not. `reckoned. $230.0Q_w_ee received fr those sold , `The expenseeeand arrears. ps.id`we're `.670 00 `tows;-d-s .Berrie contribued 6 95. which the imlesioubrv "gr atefull'y do- knowledilel. 40.000, additional -copieliiof :ih09kl-M3 tile 1" ?! h\ib!..h- durillll 05" * adiv!*=v-`*<'?fvr:elsr.v"`I!-`ii ie the work?" -`f:N.Zh9!?I . :3, net! heir uuderukgc 1 "(">'1;.fIi:'A fC`1;::::i:. J. Wi-ight,` ijNixoq,J Kenwell` ' ` w 111...`- 'n- m'_.'_.` tr-.__-.u -n__x._-_-_ n__;_ l vn y--sauu- J tum. V--Wi11ia.m Nixon. Amn Wlce, ,. 2 - Oscar Hnratf, Walter VVu.ru1ca. ' nI__..11'r nL_ `nr__._:-_ A ~r' Lonard. Wm. Kenweil. H. C:o_ok. A t '- l'--_ 1'1`? A n r :Irr-- 1 . 1:3. Do:-lvntlon `of Word "Nevis.-" "News" is nothing more than a_ plural `formed from the adjective new, treated as. a substantive, The singular was once spelled NEWE and the plural was once spelled NEWES. Each word was__then `regarded as a dissyllable, and was'so pronounced. ' Like the word tidings? the word news is `now plural in storm, but singular in sense. Though the latter contains the initial letters of the : four. points of the compass,_tl_1e exv-. planation'usual1y given` is- only a, fanciful way. of deriving the. word, The four cardinal points of the com- pass are North, East, South, West, T noteNorth, East, West," South; H\T....-HI :p. run... '4.L._ '..._...-_' `..- -1. _ _ 4 Trnow, Alvv LVKII. 1.15;, >a.4un.1u, vvvuv, |.}Uuhll.` "New" is irom"the sam`e`root as " and, as Professor Skeat ob- %serves', i.t means "that which- is .noW_,. "-news, therefore, is some- thing recent, o'r_ something belonging .to the present time: ._ `urnLu2:w7sf*`:i:rafsuEL* ezgbaem VBUSKIN IS `HERE. - The Trouble: (at '3 Judge. 4`-`i`;ErA;``.N .1vra1;1u gnvwcn. \a Ill uuu JAGUAR , .l.I-ll vuuv, [UK I -. ~ . . ` Vofr.-..'..' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christie Brown & Co. ,-_ Toronto, Jun. Vair....:.'.' . . . . Robertson Broq, '_J.`or,-onto,` per 1` `V_8i!"......`,..`..'.,.....u Icon: Hy. Dollo_ry,- j(mpkin $100) ` . ;. Donald A; 8 nos ._ . . .g.'.` . .'.I;.-.' W. Bremner, H cling. '. . . . g . MiuTothill.'.:. :3. . ; . ; . . Du MGw.u. o 9 o o 0 o`C`o.; `/\ 0,0 ,9 -*-In Ar ` ` *1 regular rates. -- . bPUL.PI'I` ADVEB.TI_SING. ` . I . Theookstown Adlzocateis wrathy over the pulpit advertising done by the dibrenn I congregations of that burg` `and announces that. in future church noticed will `be charged VI... lVnIISnnunnn:I.'W.nOAnnn;nn nun: C-Inn gaunt luguluns Lvnuuu. ` `_ The Collingwood'Enserprise says the some thing prevails therevand after each service congregations are obliged ,tc,_-. listen to numerous announcements covering a wide.` range of subjects. Last Sunday-one of the` clergy announced` that subscriptions "to"`e certain. newspaper might: be renewed jby spplyingtoone of his flock.- . . ,-. . . Dmrv nu nntinhn II` (`.IsnhIu'|n\ 3- nun`-0 QPIJIJIIIK IIU UIJU UL IIIO ILUUBQ ' Rev. Dr. Babtisby, of Ghatham, is only one` among many ministers who ,objeot _ to turning their pulpits into general bulIebin_- boards. . The other Sunday Dr. Battisby "said : The newspapers are `lbs ' proper channels through which to make many` of the announcements which have been hereto; foreread frointhe` pulpit`. I in making -the. pulpit - a free advertising bureau- and ..t.hus depriving ;the printing oicss of their legitimate Ipatronage, and I don't intend-in future to do it. , ' Th: ?oi13i.{' 1}; WE. '.;TzEc}:'p'Ei.a` to` Feb'."2nd.' 1903, to the Royal - Vliotqriab `ospital : Gordon Ma.<;'l:.ay,TL';.1`:ob1:ox:.t<`), e: V ' V43`. . ' Q nz`.nn' Medium Unblaacliod Twill Shcziing, 2 yards` wide, n-.3 xlling. regular 22%. Sale 160. . j..`_ 1; -A " ROYAIJ VICTORIA; HOSPITAL; can Rougt at a great bargain--yoursWnn the, same terms --42 to 46 inches. wide, _ real tine. good-, worth l2c and \ 15c. Sglpgug 100' 7'handsome patterns in colors, with ivide open stnpe and `border. exceptional oolorings, worth 10c. Sale 8c I 5 patterns ne .Sw1s_s Sot Muslin. Spots in various sizes, worth. l2c Sale 80. #7 -----v-' ww- Arnold's Ame:-ioah Indigo Prints,in very nneayt patterns excellent washing goods, for ladies and children : wear,re- gular'7c. and 8c. at 6c. L I2;c. and-15. WhiteAALaVwn,jl0c. 8 Our stock of Towels \w'illcreate `enthusiasm, all new stock, bought _ % and marked specially low` for this great ,e\?ent; every price repre- sents value that is unequalledby any previous Linen `oer in town. You ll-- be in- terested"and justly so. V n > M" ` ` `A LII I QIQE -1.` "I."l'\T`I'.` C|I`1f\'l`f`CI T f1T\Tf`| `IT A lip _' __ J terested "and g _. ' V o . ADVANCE SHIPMENTS of FINE SCOTCH GIN GHAMS md ZEPHYRS.. The rst glimpse will repay you, the prices will astonish you and you get a rst look at _Fashion s Fagncgy for the ensuing season. The bag Unbleached Irish .Damak. in 3 very desir- able deaign_s, 56 inches wide, worth 50c. Sale 42c. The demand for our Whitewear was greater.t.han'we anticipated. necessitating the hurrying on of goods intended for later delivery. This week there are-new ar- rivals to greet you and we expect a geat rush forthese popular lines. p E corset covers," Skirts, Drawer: and Gowns ~ -' Amake and nish that recommends them at prices that prompt a ready choos- ing and warrant valnes. . 1 1 3 ii 7CIW' ---w_w Thebest Bleached 'l'.`w_i!ledSheeting, 2.full _ym1"s wide ne heavy twill. rognlap value 270 Sale 2lc. `7w--..:; 2: ` .Gradu-ally and safely. demands on. our Corset Departfnent. are increasing: All the popular and most approved'stylessare shown in any size you wish f`I._-.__'.1._-_`_!_!J `L---- - _.....I.J _.:.lI.. a......-d...L:.... -...`l _ --_.11_1--_- - , .1` . -11 1 l`8_c_ll!._'e all your _sp1ffingA needs. ptunulaoxlynuu up uuo. none. 011:2 first attempt at this` White Event has prolrecl a decided success. This week's` selling will n%ea;rly doublefthat of last week for the good news quickly spreads, V A , . A V% V l ` Visit this store`:--ther'e'_ s .,a pleasure awaiting you and a protable cham:.- to -`v' C 1112C.l& p Among our_priIits is lthe celebrated Cru-ms. Those who know, the goods will choose again--requests by phone or mail for` samples promptly attended to. 3)