thoesv Dick Fox-bu` has the mimpa hero. mu Jennie Spillott, who as. bee; viminc her `abbot, Mn. Jon. 'Robinuon, of Toronto, rptgrnod home on Saturday droning. mu... 3. .Q..AA?.b.tiiAa n ank : Bnv BOW. > The young pohplo of Nsntyr have formed tn Epworth League bunch which has bognvor guooelufnl no for. - . A very an den duth hqoponsd In Bell'o_` Emu on Suturduy ovoninni whofn Mll- oolm Hardy, while talking on `tho ioo,'_foll dead, the onulgigbetng hgu-t failnra. A ' I 1`- . (l-Ieldovar f:o'ml-{Ill W303-) . ` Mr. Thnmu Ohcpmpn Aha xotulned. In New LowolLl _ Tlfalj |P`n ` v , -_.A.I.". q...`-53`.-3 `ll `V" auavvvvuu -._-v- . month : vsostion. ~ ~ Ado Clarke, of Onngevllle. ' in V _,du`I. I few weeks with friends in thin` mo ' Bnrtohfs o!- 5- \ L " Li *!o:1f_|t K_|V)II* `L'oJis . Drawers 159 150 7c -n-`u-:[ GREATEST OF THEM ALL. THE: LAST. au*r NOT LEAST. . uy. ... No Peace in Ireland. L . . ; In an into:-vie'.v, Redmond sai-d:.`t`I_ d-o not knowwh_v '1 am 1'eleased,.but.. I certainlydo not thank the G-overn- . A ment, `who have kept me in jail for three months for really noth-ingh..".V . Mr, Redmond added that he Stood I by every word of the speech, for; xnaking which he was imprisoned; ` and said there will be no peace in Ireland until Dublin Castle shall have been cleared `out from top to bottom. A . _ - - -_ tr..-.I... `lllnnv-ntnd. med on eleeveeend neck with line embroidery ~ insertion end ne Val. lace,` regnler 90c. "February. Sale price". . . . .b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 745-2 (102. only Lediee ne Corset Covers, full front, trimmed with ne insertion and em- broidery on neck end eleevee, regular 60c. Febrnerv Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Four pieces only ne 8-4 Englieh Twill Sheeting, reagnler 27c` line. { Our February sale price per 30 piece: ago Engiisu P`:-ints. nigh: and am cplon. reg. l2o. February Sale price. yd. . . . 2 pieces only ne C;ttoniEiderdown, regnlsr 30c. Fem-nnry_3nle `Price ..... . ._ ............... . . Matchless Bargains in Linens Fine Baaohed Damask Cloths, 8 x 12, regular 33. Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .82 Fine Bleached Damask Cloths, 8 :10, regular $2.75. Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 -Fine Bleached Damask L`-loths, 8 .x 12, regular 82.25..Sa_le$r:os . . . . ..e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "$1 Flne.Blea_ohsd A mask Cloths, 8 x 10, regular 81.95 Saleprice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~F|ne Unbleached Cloth, 72- x90, regular 81 75. " Saleprloe.....' ..... .5....` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$I vd,__. WHIT E GOO D8 RV-kite and Qreahx Ei-de1-down. 1s1q1.1an tity`()f New Goods,we will oer all Jast seasbn s lines, some mg, at 25 per cent. off regular prices- The goods are just asgood Ladies fxnd Children s Flannelette Underwear at same reduction, fuunded on facts--Me_rchandise Facts. the kind in which the will_'not_.bear.-the Searelights of puhiicity and examination. The 3' same [facts-,-just such facts as you see in this advertisement. noney-saving incentives which we offer during this great White D0LLUu1 _ _ _ John Ros-he Liberated. , ' 9 I Later in the day the Irish member, John Roche, was liberated from Gal-. way jail.` Mr. Roche was senteucedh ` September 30 to six months impri- '. 'aonment with hard labor under the Crimes .Act for inciting, boycott` of .'A land owners. { - h 890 Sheeting Prints Vlllo II I" ---- ~- thin? sgnd Mu. Thoma Jennett. of - = Bu-rile, Ipont Sunday with friends here. Vopolla Mn. Wlmiironl il dlngerounly ill. ;!~A%:;'%?'%%1'-.'3!':'!%.?'* ' " ' 4` .`2.`~ , They are marked excepyionally low for this Sale only. No. 6l2-2_doz. Lsdies Gowns, mode of ne English Cnmbric, * fulieize, tucked yoke, trim- med _with fine embroidery and A insertion, reznlsr 90c. Feli- runry Sale prioe............- 72c No. 6l-Lsdies Gowns, all sizes, mode of ne English Cnmbric, trimmed with deep A frills and cncking,rgulnr 60c. February Sale price; . . . . . . . 42c Lsdies "; Night Dresses Little Dnughtor of Mrs. Lucy `Smith, B1-antford. Killed on .G.'l`.lI.. ` `,3 Brantford, Feb. 4V.---At 1.30 yes'te1\- ~ day `afternoon -the ten-y-ear-o_ldtn daughter of Mrs. Lucy Smith 011661 George street was run over and kill- ,. ed by a freight car at the Grand '1`runk station. She was engaged" in picking up coal from the track, ` and I attempted to run under a car W-hich was standing on ,the track. [At-the aame moment, however, an engine shunted the car, a,nd.the unfortunate girl was knocl down and run over, the wheels passing over her, completely crushing her head. An in- quest will be held to-day. n '- Mr. Parker Cu-rnthou bu Vroturnodl home. after spending 3 week with friends ; inA._vD9tr oit. - ` -- , nn.-_.'-.. `l'.......-bo AC _L \N; J._ R O S S ` V V ' , Aggnt tor&MORRIS PIANOS. _. Bicycle's. Sviing Machines. Sportin/g Goods. V ` > .RP8iI'il}. /NEXT BARRIE HOTEL. $ H U N D RE D `-Qll$ Q A X $ Q `HQ `in n SEOOWIIII-I-lAlllI OIiGANs AND PIANOS `i-Siair ..... .. 31.42 no. FnnnU._s.nx. `H5; - 69c 48c 190 21c rs, and this determination has inuenced hundreds of tide. 9f shopping "toward this store We never (10 e No- 707-3 doz. only Ladies neCamhnc Covers- trimmed on neck and sleevczs with hue Valen- ciennes lace, regulm-'35c. line February Sale price; . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 703-demo Covers as above, trlmmed with embroidery on neck only, regular 30c. line. February Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VV IIIIV &\rbu\:nu_ - V vv V--- 3daa'. no Cotton Towels. extra large; size, reg. 150. February Sale price. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 3doz. similar site. name Towel, good value at ; . l2c. Sale price. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8c Hosiery. P . ' i 10 dos. ne Ribbod Wool Hose, in size: 8- to 9;. i 1-ognlar30c. line. Sale" price, per unit . . . . . . 20c Fine Unbleached Damask Cloth and l doz..Nap- Sign to munch, regular 34 50 per set. Sale -----A u... ggg A V V - ` A . ` - - - .. S nun: vv .-u-...., ..a_.... _, price per sec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 Fine Unbleecbed Dsmaak Cloth, with red strip border, regulnr $2 50 line. Sale price . . . . . . .. S Douronto Han. Named Blatohford Struck by 1T Freight Train. ' I Deseronto, Ont., Feb. 4. -- Monday 1 night a. man -named Blatchford, about 58' years of age, was struck ` by '3, G.'I`.R. engine at Deserontq 1 J uncbion and had his back broken 1 and head badly cut. He was .. ing on the track at the west end of the yard, and in getting_o.ot one track to save himself from an a1)- 3 proaching trainghe got in front '1 _ c..-c-mT tmin mnvimz slowly in the A great number of end: of 2 to 3; yards in length marked at exceptionally low prices to clear. - ntnzc- I -..,... V` IIII` Illbwllwp 200 yde. only ne White Lawn, 40 in. wide. regular l5cV queliuv. February Sale price.... 10c Wrnpperettes. M We have divided our entire etockfiuto three lote : V Regular 10c. and 12c. quelitiee. Sale price. . . . . . 7% Regular 15c. 18c. and 20c. queliciee. Sale price.. 11 Reculerc. 300. and 350. qualities. Sale price. 17 turn 04 , II- 44-.- 'I"-...-I.. . --'-WANTED BY---- EDI. . III emu. till U951 U-..v \"`.VTl \uitg_S3A3tto`1:"'l`$v;vels.' __. _- I-_._n Q:nA In vauvysuvu .. ,.- - ...., .- }VhIte Lawns, .| Mr-nd Mrs. Geo. Qunntz hve the s hen:-tfel: ylnpnthy of the entire com- munity in the log: of their infant child [' `who died on Moiid__Iy;' 26 h inst. , ` ~Mna' Enokrida. returned after ;pondlnp,a_onp )o_ of inch: in -Toronto. .. V Il....`;.i.. Inn` naninghmihnlndlhbolo pendlllg . ooupl "I WEI!!! Ill .I.vIIIuuva Hump: has again entered our neighbor- --.1 ~~ - - $1.40 230 proacmng BT81, Ht: gut. Ill uuuv \Jr I a freight train moving slowly the vopposite direction. He was sent to the Kingston General Hospital yes- terday morning. 1 Workman Urged to Destroy Authority and Pillage--Vlolont Speeches. Barcelona, Feb. 4.--`A meeting of representatives of 23 trades yester- day voted in favor of a `general strike in support of the strikers at ` Reus. Violent speeches were made V` urging the workmen to be in readi- ness to destroy authority, pillage and launch a social revolution; The authorities are preparing?-tor tron-' ble. love:-Al Luge Bands of luau:-`onto Pro- ` pun-In; For 3 Fight. . Constantinople, Feb. 4.--`-'1`he`Po1A't a has notified the Embassies that `it. has reports showing the .Macedonia.n Committee is organizing several large bands for the invasion 0!. Macedonia. _in the spring.. AV Bu'da. Pesth, Feb. 4.--Johann Scho- enberg, a. well-known miser, hasvdjed as the result of exposure at I-Ieranesl eney, near this city. After his death it was discovered that he- owned :. several hundred thousand acres" of_- land,_ thirty` houses and .p`o_ss ` 35,000,000. 11 left. no will.` .- 1' l Panama, Feb7.V4.-A cablegram, re?` ceived yest.erday'morningT from Hon-. ,_. duras announces that civil war has `broken out ,in that country.` ._Gen,j' `to `the Presidexxt-gelect, Vieppr Sierra, the retiring President; has tused to give-up thejPresidentia1 l59.8,*".}A OVG et `CV53-I Ii VQIIIWIJ [,. tllgerce. Over , 0ttawa.IE`-:1-J-.w-_1~.----"-';`Nl\;cguadidn I agent. in Paris writes the Depayt1p,ent~ ` CBAT. J PICKER KILLED. numonasu Dies From Exposure. ' `INVASION _0F MACEDONIA. A Edam. `REVOLUTION. ms BACK BROKEN. Ireland.` .. 1 ____` Civil War in Honduras. iimnsdluno in run. .T lull \J5Il-ILIJUI VI Vulcan: `:4 ;'"_`V`.". aii and mount`-an uruuumuu Uullvuv, solnu. . 3. was the direction that the evi- [ dance as to.Ch1fistian Science cures_ . had no bearing on. the case except ` as showing good faith in the prison-{ 1 1 52`, a. proper dirwt-ion? . _ rm... .......+:.-m...-. man ha r-nnnidnreld. Warrant. tne Uuuvluuuuz , *2. Was the direction `to the jury that the word necessaries as" used in the Criminal Code-included. medicine and medical treat-ment~ correct.-; and. n `IT... 4.]... plhannl-inn fhof 1-ha AVI- ' and abnne Q; -:~+!uU- . , . V` ' Henry Branton and William Walsh. I V '_ V were each sentenced to a_ year 8.1111 " lirisorylnent for attempted b31.t'tf'- 0 ~ , _ , . . 1\T...;.. r\` 41... man Art: in .1f:he ORV. I CeSSa]']es_ '_[_`]leU qucavxunna GIG` I 1, was there sufcmnt evidence to` warrant the conv i ction? .4. u.. .u....n4.:.u. I-n 1-ha inr'v1 and V Sentence Passed Upon st. Thomas Peruon- a.tors-Invest_igat{lon eat Penibroke. - I 9 St. Thomas, Feb. '4.--Judge Bel1~ of Chatham yesterday pronounced` sentence in the three cases of person- - ' i1tion,Aan-d ballot stuingb committed _ here-on Dec. 4th,4i n the referendum. . ca.mpaign.` `L\k` Innumu fnr mnnnrsnna-tion. _campa1gn. `land ane of $400. Robt. Foster, for lxnpersona-tion, Wassentenced `to [one_yea.r's impri- ,' sohment in jail, wit1gou_t_:`hard labor, . '1 T7 .... -. t)..'..;.+nn and W-illinm "Walsh 1mg. ' - -_ _ - None of the men are i-n/ohe city. Ivnvestn;-Minn: at Pembroke. T 3 ~ Ottawa`, Feb. 4.-.-The investigation . into the alleged opersonation in be- 1 half of -the liquorvinterests 4at- the~ referendum on the Liquor Act.,- De-I `cember 4_th, wa commenced _yester-' , day afternoon b fore Judge De_acon,_ :; of Pembroke. 'As_ far as can be 1 ,_,_.I A.-u.` nlpxnnrv-na `IBVD .2`, proper u1re_cr.-xonzr The questions, will be considered. jr-Ti ;of Pembroke. us my as .Lau . .... learned two charges have been laid,` one- of which is against a veterinary` surgeon, who pleads that he thought he had ' 8. vote in " every ward in which he owned property.- V ] A v -r-I----... . Mxxlcnn gtrpat. ' was He UWIIUU 1J1u`aws VJQ 0. Lefebvre, Nelson street, was convicted and o sentenced - to six_ months in jail and fined $100. J.` B. Hollingsworth, veterinary- V surgeon, pleaded guilty to voting twice on` his ....... nnrna The iudsze reserved `sen- pleaueu gun-Ly Vuu Vuuuns .....-., -._- .--.. own name. The judge reserved `sen- tence until a. decision is handed out by the High Court. on a similar case in Western Ontario. Toward, Recovery A Coiasldorod Quite Satisfactory. - - London, Feb. 4.-King Edward, who is suffering from a` mild attack of inuenza, passed a good night, and is making fa.vo1"able progress to- \ wards recovery. His Majesty's pro- posed visit to the Duke and `Duchess of Devonsh-ire"-at Chatsworth has been -' indefinitely postponed, however. Sir Di-ghton rProbyn, King Ed- P1-ogluu -w'ard s equerry, ofcially notied the Mayor of Wi-ndsorat 11 o'clock yes- terday morning that His AMajest_v' was progressing satisfactorily. Sir Francis_ Laking, ` the _.'K-mg : physician, conrmed the statement" that the King.had a slight attack of influenza. c He` said His Majesty's ..--_ ._..... .....:o.. -n+iulnn1-nrv {THMNG A1fEsjf'cAsE1-:;`V OI lllllnucllltn 1.16 own 55; ---_._..-`, ._ progress was quite satisfactory. b Late -last night Baron Knollys in- formed inquirers at Windsor Castle. that the King`: progress was quite _-A.2..E_..A._...-9 U5l%U `U019 -- -~. satisfactory. .._.. 0 _ Crew Not Aocounted For, But Body 0! one Boy loungl. London, Feb. 4.-'-Advices from Bay ` Head say that a large ship has been F wrecked off Duraborg Reel. -She is believed to be the French'be.rque Van ' `Stalgel, which sailed tram Glasgow, Jan. 17, for San Francisco. The. body of a. boy has been found, but thctate of .the,remaind_e!_` of the crew is not known. ` ` ' . Sarnla, Feb. 4=.--James Tait, em- I ployed as a. freight Abrakeman. on the ` G. T. R., was `brought. tohis home 5} here yesterday" suering from 1njur- ' ies received by the` breaking away of part, of his train near; Ailso. Craig yesterday morning. The train was eastbound, and the` accident was not " noticed until the train stopped for` water, when the rear section collided - with the front ?part, throwingTait. from the `top of the train, [severely injuring his head and neck, It is not known how serious his injuries` are, but his recovery is /thought to be ,,,,, -..-.I Winnipeg, Feb. 4.--Benjamin J ohm- ston, a. man about 45 years old, at- tempted suicide at a north end hotel early yesterday morning, . but was discovered" before he had time to complete the -rash `act. J ohnaton wan tound lying on the bed with a. rather severe gash inhis throat. which had been `inflicted with '9. Jack-knife\ that was` otou'nd,i`n' the clothed. He . may recover, ` V 5' 1 UBO I119 . assurgd. . KING mssen A 0001) mam`. White River Junction, Vt., Feb. 4. --The advoqates of local option car- ried the'Stat;e yes`terda'._y.. after half. -a. century `ojff p:'*ohibitio'n' vthq -cities a,nd`tow,ns ot3Vermont,;..wi1l"q1-'- ` tae'1\MqZarchL >1 _perm(lt.j;ed _t,o gecidei fwherther or. not i "tox~icatin'g `liquors, -shall be sold. `i_n_ 3; coinmugitigo, ea:::nga tor the Week '3`8} `7`.'?' L81, % m.:;aa4e:.ooos% . `._..,~';~..;~.`.aa3'.-*.L"I..`iy"'-Ih:n4` 17902000 . ` 0; for the _sa.nm % % !7L9;.0_00,;1 ; EACH am one YEAR. L/{nae sun WRECKED. Loch! (_)p.uon 091':-ion 133:. VA 7. Tried to Km u;.,..i:. loll m... 3'` ----___. 0-1*-we-er-I---%V V '1`:-Iain. Our reputation for unqiialled bargain giving is founded facts- public is directly interested... We buy nothing that will not hear -the essentials of _*our buying an s A y 7 We cordially invite you to. inspect the many money-saving ince Goods event. ; Goods 0 Of course. our Ladies and Children srReady-to-wear Garments claim the most im ort t 1' - ' offering--all made for `us by the " Eclipse Whicewear Company, whose goods have a mfst Slvifbnl er1e;>\13:?ior(:':r style.nish andwear. Don t miss seeing. the splendid collection while at `its best. You` yvill agree that the prices have never beenrequalled. Our young ladies'wi1l be .p1eased t.o show you the range in the White Room where they are all`-;displa.yed for your convenience. _ This season we have added a range of Practical Garnxents for Children, .which will be found complete in everv particular; Children s Drawers, Gowns,_ Infants Dresses, Skirts and Slips. ~ ':'1`liis` ea.son we Hav add evgry particular. Childretfs Been C1eared'0ut. _ . _ Dublin, Feb. 4.--The Official" Ga.- proclamation issued last year, plaic- ing 13 districts in. Ireland under the Crimes Act, and maintaining `sur- niary jurisdiction by the magistrates, 1.. .-n1v:\ L` (I ours. Roddy. M.P., `\\YAm. and John Roche. M.P., gldietl: . Jall--Hail Only Served 0uI;`Ealf_ '.l?helr Sentences--No Peace` in IrCla`lId-.:AI_`I" lmpossnmuyunm nubun cum u _ zette announced Vester-day-tha.t the- 7 L NANTYIM Jumsry. that In: came at last am the not {I going hit. . ? Funk Thoinpoon, who has been `hm ling` log: to Bnlnl . upuot hip loud {osu_Iod him 1 lot; 0 `M-cub! . ` .. --.I-- I.-- Iignn u3nI.{na' L In order to make more room for the enermous quantity of Goods,we ef which are slightly soiled and missed by handling, 25 per off as new when laundried. We also include _all our Ladies Children Flann 25 per. cent: o regular price. % . . ~ The New Goods-Don t miss seeing thesespecials. They are marked e: n IIIIII - IUV_ UL `iuvuwuvv `. V `Jon. Coulee:-,; who ha-been Villtingl frlondu here, has returned to his home in Toronto. V 'Divid Jack: and cousin, who upont n >~4L 1-. m.......o.. - um:-nod` home Just ' Lllruuvua Jocks cousin, upon week in Qforonto, returned home Just night. _ V V 2,R9bort Lunhin do; with the mumps, ~ ,'We1`o 6 hour that th 10- .ms_`initig-jjo` , 1')! Mr.` Edvrudlnwronoo, Ioou .3nml.oy_, Au ablohto be ~`p"|%gll: \Il:! ufO!ihfl6m:I!}OI!iV0l; *-" -' -1 " I \ _.-._"-.A'.;'"."."I.';'.n` `Lang-`A `than; 4 No, ` 52 No. ' 5 do: only the Pillow Sllpo, mod; of fine olrculor Pillow Cotton; wide homo, good aim, regular l5o. .Fehmu-7 Solo prloo; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 doz. only homltltollod. -Pillow Sli . ne largo .1... ....... 5...". nmmn. nmlnr 2o. Febru- in Ireland Still leaves sections of the` act, in force, providing for the V.\em- ployment of special Ajuries and `oi change of venue, whilst. in Sligo,_. Tipperary and Clare Counties no re- laxation has been made, and the magistrates will` still have thepower of summary ju1'isdi('t,i0n. " i_i(|_.' In :34 zaeleused. _ The Government has ordered the r_elease of Nationalist Member of -Parliament Ready from Tullamore Vjail. Mr. I'{eddy's sentence under the Crimes Act, would not expire until "next March. v I Wm. Redmond, !\l.P;. Alrqudy Out. _ 5 William Redmond, M. P., Who was _ sentenced last _vcul' to six , months imprisonment because he ref1_1sed_ to give bail in $1,000 for. his future good behavior as the result. of an ual1~0g;ed incendiary speech at Wexford, and who was arrested at 1 and taken to Kilmain-ham jail, Nov. 4, was released yesteclay morning, although he hag] only served half his` 20 places ne.-I;-f.t-'; Cambx-Aivc, regal 1- make. goods. February orioe.... .... Iv r- --w-- - Me1-\ ; \VVhit Shirts A gr} i N Apioou only ne Inch Stripe Fl|nnolVtte. T well worth 109 yd. February S_slo~piioo, . . .. . We determined that this shall be the igreateet of all the year : Whitewear Sale: remarkable price peductions, of _which the above are Just a sample, that are bound to turn the things by halves, as a visit to this store will plainly demonstrate. 4 000` yard: ne Colored Muullno Orgsndiea, lloroerizod Fouls;-du, Zophyn, g u-than-un from 25:. to 60o.`snd 750. 5 yard. but we sre -determined not to than them thu non. They slligoiiut one prioaper y|_rd.... Fine _V%hiteT Qotton 1`: A T lvaounltohot-I. SR5; duo, oxtrs bony Cotton. . Fobrul -nun ilfh _ . _ . . . . . . . - n u u o u o o - O o o o o - I o a 0 W. "U|` Iii`; Vvvvvu-' :v-_.-_ PI"09.... ooocoooo n v .0 . nuts 0.. '31 Q Some %rn%xo:m:mmmvgxcn. 1". ' mums Am now "ininov syips Flannelettes Jaflxes Vair1E9 Sons, Barrie. _ ; of the Special Offerings- pnderwear. Greatfehruary sale of OPENS THURSDAY. FEB Y.% 5th. No. -407-2 doz. only Lediee `Fine Underekirte, msde of ne Cembric, with lewnrill, trimmed with wide Torchon lace and insertion to much, * very wide width, regular $1.25. February Seie price. . No.` 457-3 doz Lediee ne Skirts. made of fine Cembrio, deep ounce. trimmed with ne embroiderv end ineertie , regular 900. 1 February 331 price A.V. . . . . . .` . . . . . . . . . . . . .