H5533 such ,not- "_ *`_`.'-`I. _._ _V._ : . Dr. ryc; Secretary of the Prbvlncial Board of Healtb.._~_ certied. that" tha`_Div. ..RegiuterIof Veapras had been r'eturned*to the ,Regiqtmr Goneral I, Department. for_7l902. 1, me on showing 30` births;-15 mlglriagoa . Sun umanlioaunns. 3.4;`: .'Q ` . Luna 2:) aegnna. y ; __ _ _ The Council granted. 85 to t-h6:Sl0k Children : Hospital, Toronto. and .,;aub- scription f_or Ii'x cbpion of the Migxipd .World for..l993. _ .- ` Aoounti3 to the amount of` $60,-1-_were .`pa.I`I'ad.m`dO!.`daI`.e(1 3,0 be paid." _ - .55?-"`: y rm..'. r~.......a|.'.Iimu-and to Fabruarjfflluti. 'p8Iled.In'g1 omoreu 59 no pun. ;;gL; ` '.li`l`u'a Council adjourned to Februaryglluh, :93, ._ 1 0!I'..II[OII -II UIIWIUHVUKII-I` U!-l`\ nvuuua V Gun '6 :`1i,`5Vi0R :;;;:9.9..19;.'3-ff.9'}n mu .%n..-.35` in .1`-'o1"`t' H7n!{o tic Lionqieavotinu '! ur0. `nu AAA ._ :.1w_-_.- 3...-.. `II . I1-nnldnin "|"i`rinlr K\ : i8. Ill! Ui- `T-Fhe. til ; the- 70:0 ... (in '.l`hn1`s* `ji iy"~15tli,_ _1 903,"tho wife` of John`: `Grid-' wpll_of*sAnbni' - - VJn1'v;n.n'r Lr'--`I 'Alliiton, on Thnudu, J an. ` l5sh,to Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jarrett,` twin sons. , . ` EvANS-In Bradford, on Monday, J an. 12th. 3 son to Mr. and Mrs. T. W_. Evans. \ _ " " ' you-`-Ab {he * residence of "S-T.nn_l_`[-)|_..:Bi`I'..`;A.I`K-..oIn`nII-in.`AC_ ME H- MO- tuv V sun nnnnn U... V. i"'.the . , 'de`e'broth"er-in-lew.'_Mr. H. Mc~ , Do_ugell, _-S t eyt_iei-, on the 21:1: inet., `by i _,Rev.W. T. -Alliecn, Mr. Thomas Steed, ; of.Ievele'toke, B.` CL, to Mice Belle. 2 Be]_epn',\of Steyner. AI.I.l1t'--.WA,LK_BB.'- -In Allietnu, on Wed- enemy, Jun. 14th, 1903. by Rev. B. Iierge, `Willing H._Allen of Toieorontio to Allie -Mend Walker of Angus. .B.Y'AlI.I.-FOR!"-At the residence of the bride : father, Mr:, George Ford; Te- `euineeth, on'Wedneedcy. J aunery 21st, ` ` 1903, by Rev. E. B. Beynon, B. A... V Wm. A, Ryell. of Buckley, and Lottie _ M. Ford. ` ` sIa0AN'--`THOMAS-Al: St; Peter : church, Ohnrchill. on Wed. Jan. 28th. 1903, by the Rev. Oenon Murphy; May, daugh- ter of Mrs. J nmee Sloan, to Hartford Thoma, all of Churchill. V. * OotiI.rnn-In Inniil. on Friday, J an. 23, 1903. Hugh Goulter, aged 39 BVIATON-l-.-In Oonlson, on January 13:11, .1903, Archibald Beaten. aged 88. c t E Bum.-'-~At J_arratt a Oorners, on January` : I 1 l 1 - 16th, 1903. Mrs. Jolin Bell, aged 90. Onmnox-_-At Bass Lake, on Wednesday, January 14th, 1903, Agnes Cameron, . * lied 57. HuI:'II.'roN-'-At Lonaford Mills. on Tues- ` `day, January 27th, 1903, William 1 James Hamilton, in his 27th year. Eatron-In_Detroit, on Monday, January. J , 26th, 1903. Elizabeth Eaton, mother of "Mr. J. R. Eaton, Orillia. aged 83. . RnAznt-In Toronto. on Saturday, Jan- uary 17th, 1903. Henry Reazin. late Public School Inspector for Muskokai. Jones-`-At the General Hospital, Toron- to. on Sunday, January 18th, 1903. An`- nie, the beloved wife of` Joseph H Jones, of, Gravenhurst, in her 42nd year. . S'mv3Ns')N-At Thornbury, on January 25th. 1903, Charlotte Stevenson. A1.usoN-In Tecumsetb. on Friday, Jan. 16th, Mrs, Robert Allison, aged 68 ,years. ' ' Banron-,In Tecumeeth. on Sunday. J an. , 25th, 1903, James Barton, aged 69 , `vy---.. EVANS--In West Gwillimbuw, on Tues- ` day. Jan. 13th, Wm. J an. Event, in hi: 69th yenr. . . ROBINSON---In. 'Bru'lford, on '1`bureday.l - Jan, _]5th,_ Maria. Adelaide, infant. "daughterof Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Bob- ineon, aged 2 weeks and 5 days. S3'1`HEB`LAND---}[n Went Gwillimbury. on " 'l`uesday,~Jan. l3, infant child of Mr. . and Mrs. Rose Sutherland. 'HoLLY-`-In Bradford, on Saturday, Jan. 17th, Cassie Matilda.,'youngeat daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. "Thou. Holly, aged ' 1 year and 23 days. of Canada took place last week in Tor- A'l`he forty-th annual meeting of the li Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons onto. The highest gift in the bands of I the` Grand Lodge, that of Grand Z,': went to Abraham Shaw of Kingscomi The other oicers elected were: Dr.: Martyn of Kincardtne, Grgnd H., and` William Roaf of Toronto, Grand J .' -`George _Be1_rr_xet was` elected Grand Scribe, P.-_ W. Broderick, Grand Scribe Hug"hxM1_1r_ray. Grand Treasurer; Comp. Wenino, Grand Registrar. APRIL '2, 190:5 You I . : notpcq. gnn JAN; 1, 1903 JULY 2. 190:5 {Musm These 0.3:. 1.1903 Next ` Northern Advance 0NEf_.D9LLAR; UV 1:13 ll! ` Twelve FEB. 5. 190:5 MAY 1. I903 AUG. 6; 190:5 NOV`. 5. Vplafttornis, ehasi `attraoted1co}i`i';siir` ` uri tents of the last-_mai1. snow.` enough. There is, nothing surprisfni . . in that. . The temporary return` 91,: the Gladstone bi Canada to.a-the.p01I!."_ lic life _or the country in which nu political fame was won was an event`; in Canadian politics, and. of partlcv ular interest. to the Canadian LibOI'~ al party, which he led through thl wilderness for six years. .It is alf- most ten.` years since he gave up` hit seat in the Parliament of Canada to devote his great abilities to M the cause of; Irish. self-government, thl cause to which he has devoted the remainder of his life. Sir Wilfrid Laurier has alluded to Mr. Blake II -the ~gx'eatest' of all Canadians." Ever since the general election 0! 1892 he has represented South Long- iord in the House of Commons. 411-.1-._ __-,_ L- I_-A.4-.._ ......l.`AAA '9 `A notice in the Dominion. as the.`-:,g;ou-yg 7 Are Free ` _ mcnt." 1orn.1n_ me nouso 01 Uunuuuua. - 9 _ Few men can be better qualied." `Days -The Daily News, "to point thi `evexkrecurrlng moral of the exten- sion` of self-government to Canada ' ..than Mr. Blake. There are, of course. dierences at all points between the cases 0! Ireland and Canada , as no doubt there are between those all South Africa and Canada; but striko ing illustrations of the benets of self-government have come about in Mr. "Blake's colonial experience. The contrast between the rebellious Can- ada of 1837 and the contented Can- ada` of the present day is one to which Mr. _Gladstone pointed often enough. - "Again, the separation of Upper and Lower Canada was I ~measure based upon the same prin- ciple of gaining peace and unity by the grant of self-government." To go further still, it may be said that the rights which were aflast won by the advocates of provincial management of the affairs of each province have immeasurably strengthened and not weakened the Federal union of 10 Dominion. `I know of no way/`said Fox, ' more than one hundred years go, `of governing mankind but by` letting them have their own way, .' Mr. Blake has probably seen more 0! the application of that sound prin- ciple _than any statesman in Parlia- AV is Iqld._ Get ` Tl-'|`E GILADSTOINEDF cAN'abA.- __._._. t.rouble Iofno Violnitndosi of Mu-uocrlpt. Writers who send unsolicited con- txjibutions to magazines give mot! than they are aware of, and ----L 4-A kn mnntlnrnd at thl.` tr0uble tnall CUB) 1.1.11`. uv-van: U1. u... it is -noteto be Wondered at that they are sometimes treated with Vacant courtesy. An editor is human, and there are moments `when the burden he ca.rries,is so heavy that 1 another straw, in the shape of an illegible manuscript, is likely to make him break down. None the A less, we sympathize with the hero of the following story. He is very young, but he is" beginning to get. accepted, and some months ago he was delighted to receive a letter from a We1l-known editor` inviting, him to call. He did so, and was asked to send in stories and sketches. In the course of a few weeks he sent in several, and one of them was printed, 'L- `'`'`'\I`(\ tune gilt-.nCe_ and he printeq. Then there was silence, went and saw the editor, and asked if hemight have his MSS; back _i1 they Werenot going to be used. It was `quite a friendvly]i_nte1'*.iew, and the editor" !was in his `most genial mood _When he `said: My dear fel- 'low, `T will do my best to nd them. The fact is,- I have three large brown `paper. bags at home,` and I take manuscripts back with me and put them into those against the time when I shall have leisure to read them. They are ull.ful1, and I don't even remember into which of them I'pur. yours. This happened__,1nonthsago. and the little` sketches, probably quite salable, still dwell in the brown paper bags.-_-London Morning Post. IN ADVANCE 1% With MAR. '55. 1903 JUNE 4. I903 WU ' rpis SEPT. 55. I903 T lmes hc." 3, 196.: Sheet The en : fol- V`! I "59: l0II|nu- Ivonne Fall __ `A (Continued from page 2) * V Townships which were not agreed on the roads designated could be instructed to reduce their rnilesge, while those which had agreed on the designated roads `could be reached through In by- law which would instruct them to main- tain at their own expense such portions of the County Roads us would equsliz9 the distribution of the money. ---- A` LnIu:QlI II'\ HID \IlB\lllUuvAvun V. -._- ._ . _ Mr. Jupp was in favor of taking up the roads es mentioned and doinqnll they` could with the money as? long as `**------J- - ruuuu an Inn; ..........-, _-..,: _ _ He thought it would he a great mie- take to go to the people and state that the $150,000. was not enough to _oom_ plate the 400 miles of road mentioned I 1 I , _ __-.'..' nlnnmhnn I'll HIV tney` UUUIU wavu uuuuu _. it lasted afterwards comglaaiag -the roads as the County could a`ord_it_ .3} !4 5 ~19 V 1` PIUDU UISU TUU Ilulllvha -- _-, It would be 9. poo :-`I showing to say the the Roads and Bridges Commitbselhsd made such a mistake as would be` in_- valued in saying that $150,000 wduld 7- only pay for'200 miles of roads instead" A of 400 miles. ` ' 1.-2__'-._ -.c 55. . REES OI `kUU muuu. y Major Bruce asked the opinion of .the f : members as to the advisability of appoint.`-_ ing a county engineer. to go over the roads and also inquired concerning the selection of road overaeereg - y y . Mr. C. E. Wright inquired .re`gar_dlng the employment` of local `labor and tlie` purchase or rental of machinery. He advocated that local labor be employed in the different `sections. n .I I I_L J.-- L...ua1\ vll-IUCII DUB DAlJuIIueuul.w. 9 Cameron, that a. competent `eng_inee,r... ' work should begin in `the 1'i(v4i7ere11_t_`,( l"v'-1 ` ieions and edperintend the _e'en:'e It was moved by Menu. Bruce ant} , ehould be appointed. the duty of \ 4 should be toreeommend u:..eci,qhe'ra... ,i as make an estimate as tothe colt. ', , - -- - - - ` -- ` v."- `- V-r -`.4. `,2 -`:`*_i_Ij'_s:\.".`(!`Ll\4 Major Bruce thought this left too inglgh. H18 uluuruuu nuuuuuu. 9)` l . y room for grafting H. ' `- - - - I .1 ,L ._ _@...I. IUUILI IUI; gtuuuuu V Mr. J upp stated thatian effort, v:roul`di1`'o: madedto gratt under any oirpunihtjigggz He advised renting the machinery, ; Ill being cheaper than buyipg it. ` 5 11v II , A_J L- I..-` - uulug uuuuyus vuuu win, --9 --- Dr. Wells wanted to [see no ooninetent engineer employed to take charge of the entire system. Crushed stone,.he pointd out. would be too expensive for the county roads, it would take a million dollsrrto. .meet the expenditure. ' u u nr__@__ D_.e.'-` And` -an lulils IIU Dlvuuuvu us up Ivlnv wvwvu Warden Murphy ehqugm ' ensr `;1i*i representstivoslrom the -should be largely resboplllf 5!` decision as to where the work .gin4in their diviuiohu. : ' " ' "V `IR 1-` , ,I__!__ 3 `_'.".`ILI-';.Ln` .51. III IOIIUII UIIIIIUIIUI Mr. Freeer advised vVr"oit-lIy'_z},;'1I'I41'Ai1; Provincial Bond Oomlnielioner dressed the Council before such` 5 5 moon; concerning the eppoinhnent x , . .. . _ ,, ~;_,_.&::` -xggo Ah, ma. .;.* r`*VA':%%* ounpben inxpnmc; aoihioldi; __ _ __._.___.I.`.`'` L... eir Fair 0 so ooit of less then 10 cents` yrod, He ad- vined the employment of an engineer who would inutruot the commissioner: in each dietfiot. T ..u . ' 9 L ;_ __..___h. I.:... ullnuuv. _ _ _ Mr. Slain did not wish to commit him- self to -the motion until the Provincial Road Oommiuionoro had spoken. Mr. Fruwley, Mr. Hunmell, Mr. Lotherdnle and Mr. Hot.-vie spoke along -the some llnol. - - C .1 n I --_-._-l.A_L Mr. J upp urged that only _ oompeient engineer: be employed to overlook the work. eren if it we: more expensive. Far more work could be not out of {the laborer by a queliedfengirneer than by no local overseer. ' '; I ` , Mayor Bruce w_it hdrewVhie motion ind naked thevviewe of the members `up, to whether 'or not the `council should exer- cine its` power to take` over the county. road: for ordinary repair: as well. as per- manent improvement`. u A_ 1.2. -_x..:.... L'I..'b ` `rnight yet be possible~to'hengeftheroedq IIIDIIUIIII Illlynv v vs-v-ave Mr. Fruer gave it en.-his opinion . if the roads were once` assumed byfthe county. the county was responsible for ail repairs. i I ' L `)1: Warden Murphy thought the ea.me.'f . _ ' Mr. Quinlen expreeeedi the View thet i9. designated` on` ecooupt 9f 'the_ hot` that eight of the toypnhipi hed Iteted thdt they were `not in *_fe_vor-1 ii! the reeds ,whioh"j _ heibeen selected. .. .. .. 2| u. _ I`-_--:lc uuu Uvvu uuswvuwuo . . . ., , . The Committee rose and the Council] ~ went into session, a petition _be1n- :9 ceived .f_rom Allandale calling the stiteni-; b tion of the Council tothe dshgerous {oon.,- '5 dition of .the'rsi1wa.y crossing there._ '1 gates were referred.tofss being inadeqfnet` 1 1 as proteotionin oonsiderhtiontot the I . jnoreese_in traffo, since their instgllationjf I Oomfiliiht wee: mdde of the length of tiny; _I the crossing was blocked by double-heed?` ' er trains and it um` suggested that, the} G. T. R. do itsishuntinnv east of the cross}: . ing on their own grounds and oonstrnct,4:$df:- " * subway -or overhead bridge At the ' ing. The Council was `asked to `epnolI_it _ ' at committee st'thej)resent `session to terview" the Rsil`wty"'O_ommittee of;-,_; I Privy Council =together:wlth_ the loesl V prefsentativjesinIferlibnientlwV 7]*{, . ,1}:`5* LA "' '"- --`-- 7 -------It I'D `nnkwi s1 ` Dtuuuuuuzvuu on -I-ulI_Iaun-v---~ I. _ : } Mr. -Houghton ]';!Bnn?x" M. -P. days 1856!` I9, d.lImlIBO(l BB6 Ovnitluwr. w ' " ` % \ V ` After four days he ebendoned the Mirtin Boton~ eppeeied in upper; cg _ _ _ , em} the towfn eenie '-_into Councillor Sloe_n_. 4-Mr`. I-_Je=nnox session. '* I _` ` . _ " ` the `petition and. were lxyatroduoedig Work! 1' mane. providefti.-he. payment should de- . ; pend on; tlnoorpontion` engineer : giv-~ 31;` . "2; leg _e oertioete ..that the worki was u -eet.ia`fi.bto.rily do_ 2ie.. Though` the works` , e . , .. A V . I ``.1,.i!`|}'5e . the: W9" 1'9I> -f V ma xetxooqnnegf e;j%?f13:e..j;.g9::_ A j_ 'e,_7[h;oLjl}es_e'AgM~;/,$`58;7Q0 .-9.149%-; * hi :`!`!Pl5`*5e4ee%!91:; .;9i99; e .oi1qhtbotyuue.thIi&*:v e ;uhda`.iuto ` "` Em" ` " " 3" '6 V "W 'k'-.3'%* I `Cf `V/9;"-.:'~\u.z`:`:`*.:<'.`9L.'1`\ 3`:/:"v'.4-'r= - 4 . ~' ~ -i ` jot`_-.monev_ito oom- " " .n"|-i"a'II`|I: .,- ygde. 84,033 smongu .tho""mo'1-' chain duri_ngA `jhe "put. 1,, II i IIIIUIIUQ vat: *jwV:u--,_-..`.V___. I , mun % lu 7in.'fin1lui.fri:1:_"g for t'h`o=.\iI|`ntllI`lnenI: of the "miner pyntoui in oonnotion `with the" munioipnl Voiloo-. mo lightwplspt.` 3` * % `.'. -"'_5" l"-"f`. . . o F!3`o 0*` - o\ndldo-iorji.oII'_I(Iidnteo to ll` the n- A onnoi ' elm iillogio Joooooili, iyhiovop -go `hoir'tokon place o1;_;'JV3huradoy;.1\loat- xi-o`ultedV' win noioz. The rVop .n1"Io\V! :II_ . ` oioor won. on hand woody to no minstiono, but use no `time doting tljfe hour were` there enough zjptepoyera pro: | `T _1.2 --.. `1 Illlllr wvuw van... ...__a_. ____ , ` . x ` '. I out to make e oominitionx Notices" llmveubefon issued` ceiling for e ilomietion on'.Monday.= ` ' Tlouitlrn -e-e-A very v hoppy crud pleeqclitiwevent took piece}! the home of Mr . bIl|d_Ml'I._ Ford, Fci:-Ay"view Farm, ` Teonmeeth, on * Wendneedayi "cuu`c`ry,_21ce, the occuion being the marriage of their daughter, Lottie M., to Mr. Wm.` A. Ryan. 3 pt-oeperouc yonog former of Mono. The ceremony which took place at 3 o'clock p. m., 'WII llwllvnsnvu nu; _- B. A`.. of Beeton, and was witnessed by a large number or relatives and friends of the contracting par'tiesg...We re- gret` to chronicle the "death of one of 'l_?eoumeeth s well-known residents, Mr. J amen `Ellie; Penville. "P; which "tool: place at the family residence, lot I0, con. 5, Teoumseth, on Saturday last. The funeral took place on Mon-_ a day and ins attended by a large nunr A her of eorrowing relatives and friends. ,-I_I__ _______ III). `I. Irv--V .- __.- . . . .On Sunday hit the earthly cereer ef Mr. J emee Barton closed at the reci- denoe of his eon, "Mr, J. _T. Bu -ton, of Teoumeeth, es the ego of 69 years. The=,deoeued'_Ipent the "gt-enter port of his life in the township of Adjele, be- ing e carpenter in his -younger. days, some thirty` years` ego. entering. farm life on the model farm, now owned j by ._.---. hia IOIMI`. R. '1`. Barton, near.Kee- j nanaville. r UnI_Lr;`1A-_-A unit 1... been oommeneed at .-'.l.`oronto whiohiiqetpeoted to talks two weeka in` hearing. It in an action brought by Philip H. `Patriarch, a .a Toronto contractor, against the Town ' of Orillia and Mr. Peter Ryan for pay- ment of $211,462.50 `for thin construc- tion of an electric jgeneratina. plant at the Ragged Rapids, on the Severn River, for-the trans mission of electric light and power to the town..: So extehhiv is the evidehoe which the `counsel expect: to `call that Mr. -JuatioBritton. has appointed Mr. H; H. ' hStrat.hy, .K.C., of `Barrie, to _' hear the ,4 -_L-._-.n :_ ILL- KT-.. KIIIICIIIQJ, ---u., -_ ._ , case. T'.l`_he suit. in eVnVt-o:1-e_,<'1 inlt-`he Non- jury Adaizea of the -County 'of Simone. II "'I Mr.iPat `arche values the material supplied at $178,835.52. and :2 his own services at 833,127, Mr. _Ryan is made a",part7....to]the._ action ibecanae "the .ad~ - `vanceri money for the conatruc,ticn,._-and now haaclaimc on the. possible proceeds of._thc unit. ~_ ' . 0].. uuu Illlllo _ . Theown, repress nted by Mr. E._F.B. J ohnatdnhof _j,_l`oronto, and__ Mr. RED.- `Guiiii, of1.0,iiilia, atatha Izhg w_o1-1:` ' under the contract_'_waa__ to have Been. oomplgted and.pqaaepsiop givgn the pwn _ 9i;t1`>e9-.,2.,1,8`:l9. 9nd.gh pri '3! * . `.95,.'.}$3W99 4'.I. '3;..`%.`..".`%`f". `:,`3`15h}1 V %9`_'.`T** ?4 A99`i"`%{:i. .;r--"- ~".-v--wr-rv-_ at-.. .. . . ,, . T balance was to be paid 45 A days after i1 the entire work had been completed g ; This agreement, the `defendants ' ay, f I not fultiiled in-_:pointfo4.time, and :5. .-.1 . .. , .1 I I I I 4 anp;iiemen ;`y agreement was _,.drnwn } ~` between `the Electrical" Maintenance 5 and Construction Con1pany,.M`r.. Peter. Ryan, and the town, extending the time limit to Sept. .30, 19003 The work ` 'wa'eVetijl_l, not oompleted with, the, dew, 1 epatohed npon the defenoe aueg, 5 end on March 17, 1902, they gave the '7 contractor notice-;req`niring hirn to sup- ply en_oh'add_itionaljforce.to the town ' would goomplete ,. the , contraotj. Three days `later they diunieaed .,the"`eontraotor. After four` days` She __abandoned the ~vtkh-7* `the. envy- IUBll8lI_ 0} I l U PU!` VD vv _a.-. 1`!-_ ,,,. `-,;y...__',~:4'.y;_-;.V:`\'..;__ ~_' ' -. `.'.fIJ _:-L`: . Jpleibd-`Wfks .-1$f."P. .. I_I.Il ----u-_--- -f ---~v, H Tp1eto`k`th 'Ph9>W.'n It-9 -iArish to 95-00 ? 9! lav n-v-v- _.____. ."Mr. R. Bu-goin. nesriKat_a- rat? :5 rent` E -1-. _. _ eri.,as.er2;*ee;.agaaAr as ye W 6njueAfdrf_eited~byA'ch:e pm a.;;.he,os=emene;' `they the coui_t`.'re ;.mIke the -Electrical Madh- teuince3 end r0onntrIjotlou Company a _ `perry to the action for the purpose of their recovery." . .. -.. -rrnn g_ ,_A:__ .` ; inlirvo . -wv _v -yl_ 3 Mr. W11).-.IaiAdltI..`\`\`v.`. K.c.,g is acting for Mr. Pat:-hrche aid J imes Hiu`voro\n_ for lqmr`; p , - We are: sorry to lsim of the con- tinuedlillnesnof Mina Nollie `Gibqglf. . % . Mind _ Lizzie 4_AriI_as,1 -gag reifuihd % home but week from Eliiil. ' '&;z.. Lu ' _ __ ;>'f'h-ln;:n;f*;i 50 g'uep 3 of Mia Alio_e J"onen.% 1 Miss Ijziie Moi: tetusned on Mon- udsy from (visit with Totonto friends. '_.MiK Minnie Bum sinus Sunday witl1WNottswe friends. i ` s The histories! meeting of Union G.`E.' ves `si decided success. Excellent pspefs were given By Misses Maggie Furious, 'Lsnrs Mosmj, Amelie `A litil dgughtor huoome` to grace I the home of Mr. ind Mrs. L. J aokrnpn. Mi;"J:no-t- pf Vespru, 1 gpont Sunday with Min E. Mair. -0 re-..u:._.'.....-..l ....._-5 .-r--- -~ -~ -- T~ Gordon M Sunday gt his homq . oir,, of Odllingvood, spent here. ,_j II ... 'I'\ n_`{,` Dlllllll -U IIIE IIIIIIIII Iuvuvu The home of M1-.`and Mrs. D. 4,B;t(e is brightened bx the arrival 01 a son. ` ll` 3-nna-nh Jnauankfn ll llltaulnunvu Ir '.--- ---_--_- _- N , , We learn th:t the infant daughter T of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Sohell is quite "ill. ' ` ' Mr. N. Soheil, an-.. auryriaed his friends last week by bringing home 3 ' bride. `"6; Wednesday, J on. 21st, the home of Mr. enddMre; McDougell -was the scene of a very pretty wedding when - her sister, Mira Belle\Baeton, became the bride of Mr. Steed, of Vancouver- B.O. The oeremony was performed by Rev. W. T. Ellison. The happy oouple took the ev_eniug`t`rnin at Steyuer for their future home. ' "`lJ_PA Ive mend gygrmzsg " '_Mr.'" In` Spiokor `ta nndergie Eiootorozw L At 3 meeting of the Township oounn me week Mr. T. W. btouqh wee re-appointed eeeeesor for ; theyeer 1903', which goes to prove that A - _ ..- L:_- _a.-.._ ""a'- '~ -- .. his work lust yar was satiaisolsorv. T CROWN HILL. . Mil: Wood from Tomato is viniiiing pt Mg. Atkinson ; ` ` ~ '-I. an -\ cg-"_____`_ ` Uullo ttvnluuvu -o _ Sorry to report that Mr. DavidPeacock ` in still under the weather. - -- - no f 11.1. Mr. and Mtg. John Adams froni Rat Portage. `who are visiting st the former : home in Allangale called on Mrs. Bert Puftridge last week. , n, _;_:_r.._ __}.__L-:_-.l . ise~ V A nce I. -IIIIIIIBII nit VI\lb.- 5 W .Miu Eve Partridge entertained 3 number of her friends last Tuesday evenv } ing. Although the weather was tun-i `favorable, all invited were present and report having spent an enjoyable evening; I in 111 1' ,_ ,1. :_.L-_.I_ .._L......Iou- in bhn nwyusu uwvuua uy-_- .... --.-, ..-_- , b. Mr. W.ALuck intends returning to t1:e ` ivest on Feb. 4th. We `Will! him every ` eucceu. . .. `.' an 1' 9 L_;.I_ __ Mr. .Lewii Paftridge alto intends re- i turning to his future home in the west. D 1\ I,L,_ _|__ |___ ` lolllnug luv uuu nu---uv -..-.--- .._ Mr. E. Naive, of D.1.con;wwho has been with Mr. Wid Partridge for thepnt `month, roturnpd home last week. `A ` VESPR; couuom. . I . (Held over from last week.) I The Veapra, Council held its Iecond meet- i [ins"9n M9&1!.Jan.%19th..u per 9'.1o_urn- `me n t`fof`~\`v'M'1`c of `a"`qtio'rum on J an. 2th. V ' A`l LL- mg-ngkgn-.in-nnnn . Am. in "tB':_cu_l1'..,` ' a `L'-_ ,' v;`._._ '. .3 [g I The Reeve addrelaed the Council, thunk- ing them for their kindness to him the Roget-`two years, during which he had the `one: of nreeiding over them, He treated that they would work together the present f.I:[eg'; oongratn t __d the_It_I;.g on the ninoial _etg.'nding-1of._,the _' orporation. N6twithetnd- `inc the heavy" outlay` ceueed by the;{'wesh- outs, there were no outstanding deljte not provided for. They had -to thenltfr .the County Council for-' the ver liberel%,1;help , theythad given them to repair the weahgiute. .m...I nnmmnuiinsitinnn warn nranhbetf for thebqt interest: of tl:__e;~Town`hin. ` theyonau given mom to repair one wuupuus. Several communications were prelnted and read. J ; J. Thompson wrote com}'1lnin- ing any; ua.rda,had not beenj.erected'on the daneroua `lace where he met his ietiouu _ accident. a claimed $30 coats for geaira . to his buggy damaged by aiid accident,l which the Conncilox-dared to bepaida .g.`Jno; S, `nmen, 'plied_I;o be up ointed assessor. A On I:f-inn nf; fillliilloli C0i:t": and ` lsenueniappnea 130 D0 appomwu lmaulupr. On motion of Councillors Cout.tI". - Cameron, Samuelvhcoba and T._ T. ..Yoong - were. ,appointdd auditors. ' nun and-u`nI|. A` Tlnmnnv On motibn-Lof, Downey and Filay , Dn L rWood;wa;s appointed membr of :he`;,,_B9ard Lwere .apD0.ln1:ea auuuoru. fdf .Ha'zl:: s;-1 - lDI.II. IU5 "nun vn nu \iIuIVnvnsq- .1A-tl;Ve,Axno;mher_q;;`zv:_jleiajq_I;\_t. ' ' \ Fhe ;bhr5; . rm__ bu..- ...1.i..;...-L..a 5.1}. I KW?