Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 22 Jan 1903, p. 4

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DUmY-In Coolntown. on Thnndsy, Jan. 1, 1902, Anna Irene, infant daughter .of Mr. and Mn. J. H. Du'v. aged two months. __ * . . I COLEMAN -At Thornton, on Saturday, Jan- " lotn. Lens` May; eldest. daughter oil: and Mrs. James Coleman, tged four year: and life months. A I I ~ F'nLt.-In Ens, `Sundsy; Jun. 11th,` Haul Annie, infant dnnghtus of Mr. and. Mn. T E; '1`. `Fall. god `7. viooku; _ ~ _ `~Bzx-At omm, Jnn. 13;Riohntd Rlx, nnwn-r--At nJn;n_l2,_'fAlblz Dung: '4E__1A4 Q, n'd..`nn;i3`u`=n '- Hnwxrrr--At Orillig, Jun. 12. Aime mum Hewitt, in his 72nd your. _ k DUNLOP--At 0;-lis, Jn._ 12,` In. Theta`: ;l>uIIIov.}-no.3 4 1_oIi'_rI-A _ _ -9 ei5.:.;; REYNOLDS---In Beeton, on Sunday, J anuery 11th, 1903, to Mr." and Mrs. George E. Reynolds, 9. daughter. Nnwnmur---At 0rillia,Jan. 12, the wife of John Newberv, of a daughter. CHISAMER.E-At Urillia, Jan. 8, the wife of Harvey Chisamere, of a daughter. WA1NMAN-At Orillia, -Jan..7, the wife of Wm. Wainman, of a daughter. Wan-'roN-At Orillia. Jan. 5, the wife of John Whitton, of a daughter. _ V RICH--At Craigvale, on Friday, Jan. 9, the MARRID. HtrrroN--ELL1o1~r-At the residence of the brides father, Bolton, on Wednesday afternoon, the 7th January, by Rev. Mr. Hager, Lincoln Hutton, of Bolton, to Minnie, youngest" daughter of Robert Elliott. of Bolton. _ MUs'rAan--MasoN-In~Essa, on Wednesday, January 7th. 1903, at the residence of the brides parents, by Rev. L. `Howe, Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mason, to Mr. Mustard, of Creemore. of wife of Frank Rich, of a daughter. 'PaAN--CUMM1NG-0n December -24:11, get the residence of the*bride svfather, on the sixth concession of Flos, by Rev. James ` Rollins, B. A.;Franlr Francis Wellington . Tran. of Barrie, to Minnie Cumming, daughter of James Craig Cumming. WI.Nenovn-MAw1tm'Nnv--At the home or- ' the oioiasing clergyman,` Rev. Mr. Gran-. ston, on Wednesday,`Jan..7th. 1903, Mr.` - Chas. Wingrovs to Mid Georgina Maw-i [ ' hinney,_both|of Collingwood. , ` M -` nvlnr-x` 1 Mr;'J. s. Duff, `M. 191%; .iLi7na's.'i5I.IzE.'l.i Coo'kstown, were visiting their aunt. Mrs. James McBride, Mulmster street, on Satur- day last. Miss Sarah Irwin, of Alliston, was also visiting Mrs. McBride. `Mr. Jonauigia Hentieraox, of Collingwood. formerly of town. was in Barrie on Tuesday. `A I I n `In as m;.n'R.;n...a Tu}-,&T..;L;}, Miss 30.93 of Winnipeg, are thejzueats of Miaa_|Ca.rrie t Ross, Toronto street. I\;I-i'*ieZ who` has been visiting. Mrs- Holmes, McDonald street, for some weeks, has returned to her home in Sudburv. 1 an -I:-n Q`- - Iiargains reserved fer the SECOND WEEK, and which will be placed on sale on F riday |23 l'd-, `at. 8 o clock. As usual ht this storeleverything will be just as advex-Lisecl. " '-As .d\}e1'tised weg/ivek this week ue` Programme of `the many ad.1i:i.,na1 480 yards of White Cotto, good weight. _ free from `sizing. 35 in. wide, Sale pr-`ice 5c ` The Misses $prv.sI:[igh street. have been visiting friends in Toronto. - - II I, .-I ,,, ff , ,1,,,, II`! In! C JAIKIUEI. wasu-:v.''P|=m'=:'ron '2 dozen Frieze Walking Skirts, unlined, ' strapped seams, colors, Grey, Black and Navy Blue, regular value $4. c Sale price . . . . . . Q . . . . . . . . Q . . . . . . . .$3 0( T $l.25 Gowns at 98c. Ladies Gowns, ne cotton. with `yoke ` - ofinsertion and hem-`stitched tuks, . We want everybody to secure `Some of our great bargains. As are limited, don t delay. 'Shop early. Terms Cash. 4_ T Our aim is"Lo make this, tour '_$ifitliAAnnu 1.11 J anuary Sale, the biggest yet, and we are now positive of sutccess, forAsg1estso.far have almost doubledany previous year. Weather I I I - t \ . ' . 0 A permitting, we are determined tokeep the Interest up unt1'l__January 31st. angl trimmed with embroidery; $1.25. Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . _... 8c cotton, 5:. SARJEAN'r& SMITH ~ Whiteuds Sale _UU VI Utluuus Haul. r'*' _ Dear Mr. Newton.--Since I_wrote you upon the subject of the medal, I have been trying to nd who Hans Krauwinck-` ol was, but so tar without much success _Althongh I have not been in Toronto since then, I have been corresponding, and have perhaps` succeeded as well as 1 could have done if I had gone direct to the libraries. I enclose herewith copies `of twoletters havelately received from , acquaintances of mine`. The Rev. W.M. _ Baanchamp is about the best-authority on . [roq,uois sites. His suggestion that the `Nu may bean abbreviation for Nurem- berg is Interesting and has some value, , because I nd that Nuremberg after 1530 . became famous for its manufactures in bronze ; the material of which the medal ` is made is bronze. The only difoulty -about the Nuremberg theory is that all the letters on the medal are Roman,` not Gothic or German; but this objection is. '_ not a serious one. Nureurbera is that ' I A t of Germany where High German. or ; lgh ?Dutch is spoken, and I suppose that is what Mr. Beauchamp means by ioalliug it `High Dutch, the other inscrip- A tlon `Gotthsgaben etc., being in High _,__German. The projection ofa rival site of A St. Ignas II. quite latelv need not trouble \ on, I infer from newspaper paragraphs t it is No. 26 in my report on Tay, :1-which" is too far fr-om.St. Marie on the to be entertained. seriously. All those eye-witnesses who wrote narratives jg. Ignace II from St. "Marie--namely. i"|asg,ue and a quarter `(three miles) go. tonne ot~them.;. ` _ ~ 7 pf'the massacre agree as to the distance of ' two leagues (ve miles) and only- uru PRICES THAT }TAL4.K A Phenomenal Success] r951 98c Anglicans Lead, With Ilethodlete Next, | and Presbyterian: Third. ! A man of studious disposition could spend many a protable hour conning over. the census volume is-- sued at the close of 1902. Ten years i ago there was only one Pagan found 1.1 ; the whole of Canada. That one i has evidently increased, as there are x 13 in Toronto and one in Ottawa, besides ' others scattered all ever the , Dominion. , There a are 173' Mormons in the Queen City, 221. Quakers, 95 , llennonites, 80 Adventists, 13 adher- ; ente of the Greek Church, 682 Bre- threxw, 524 Disciples, 625. Salvation ,A-_njgli_`oa.n e .~ in Tomnto j. 61-elig>us community, i. V-,'-1.6.. the -r '11 ""`Perhap.s not. / All this time the gentleman oppo- ,site seemed very much -amused. When the car reached Spadina. and Quecrf, he got up and crpssed over to the ladies. ' 1[`Il ., `I ? ` ~ ......-u..-u vuu get. 111 all rlgnt." The gentleman bowed and smiled pleasantly, as he left, the car. The ladies `went. home, Each of them, as she picked up Tuesday. s paper with th'picturo of the `Mayor-elect, ex- claimed: dntnva ~ ?3i;7c'i'S7 eo'r22-7. '27;S'1.'"."." I3n3". .'"JoZu'}'J In-qqnolu sites. An only Ga}-mun modal it: found on gun Iraq boil` Onon- ` v--`I nav-v\aJ IKJIVKIJD Perhap all the returns are in." - ' 1 {cu . ."Howland will get in all right. -.---nyug Mr. Urquhartis ahead `now, but there are still som places to be heard from. "Oh, that accounts for it, 'one of Mr. Howlund a supporters replied, Th linflnrnnn ..-.I q-nun-nv - "Why. {that's the _man we were talking to in the car._ _- It atoms that it was. vv----1 4 "Uh, no, it must be Howland, the other replied. They were both supporters of liowland. No; -I am sure it.Was Urquhart, While these remarks were being ex- changed the ladies noticed a gentle- man enter the car. and take a. seat oppoiste them. "They noticed him yespeciallyon account of his nervous nmanner. l'1`he_y, however, continued 31:0 express their surprise at Urqu- hartv s election and their disappoint- Lment at Howla.tid s defeat. 11] _... .. .._A.- . ` ` _..--.. ... \.n\A\l\IrUo _ I am so sorry Mr. J-lowland was defeated. He_ was so different from our former Mayors." . T Yes. He was a. gentleman. And this Urquhart is nobody." Oh; that is the way in Toronto; the nobody always gets ahead. -`.`pnFhnnn n]] 41.. ..AA.-m I low If}. Urquhart Was Courteous. Under l V Dllcultlel Election Night. | Two ladies who take an interest in municipal affairs went down town Monday evening about ten o'clock to hear the latest. election returns-, says a. Toronto journalistic Man About Town. They took a. Belt. Line car going west on King. As they pass- ;ed The Mail building` one of them lcaught sight of a. bulletin saying} } that Mr. Urquhart headed the poll. "\Vhv' `IT!-nn-lnnvf in ..I......nn ..1.- ` mu _u__ U...luuu.u. t.I1'e"P0u1.l 1 u`Vhy r Urquhart ls ahead. S 4? laid. .c.\I.. ---- 1` 60 pavirsvovf heavy Casmerr-. Hose, Ladies `sizes, regular value 500., on sale at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a-4 SI-|EE`l'lN__G |"I_c.% n: ....-.J... -1` .-...LI-_'_L_j rn, .`- _ -yu-----ur--Iv II?! 95 yards of unbleached Sheeting, plain and twilled. full two yards wide. heavy weighc,22c. vahie. Sale `price . . . 575 yards Pink Shaker Flannel, fast color 30 inches wide, special value at 8c., sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. _ _ - vs--`U 2!-IUVCIT) Ladies Sizes, medium weight; regular prices, 250 to 40c. , to go on sale Fri.- day morning an. . . . . . . . . . . . ..loc each, 23; LI... .1 AQ_ n Tl-IE N.o.i-ruzian Anwmc: Hygiene Vests -_-.I RELIGIONS or TORONTONIANS. `--1-. IIUIIJIIIE . u o 9 LJ 1 I an 16.113 50c..Hose at 38c. ' T1 .....-.__ -1` L___,,, I`, | _`_%_ _Z__j_ TORONTO'S NEW MAYOR. `Knit ! Drayvfersx ___` _.L._ n ..._,, Direct Importers. not > 6c " ~ -IIUVIII-I` III! Quuuuuvavu VI. vuv `Va . W gland States. As it has a hole pierced em 1115, it is not improbable that it once sdorned vtheneck-of some Iroquois brave, who may have been slain in the ght which preceded the capture of St. Ignace. Mr. Newton sent -the medal to Mr. Hun- tor, of Barrie, who is nowrecognized as one of the best authorities on the archaeo- logy of this county, and he has interested hilnlelf in trying. to identify the. medal. `MIT. Newton has received a letter from Mr; Hunter, in which he encloses two ioliheiletters from two authorities on the question. In Mr. Hunter- s letter, which is given first, it will be noticed he makes as reference to the property which the `Jesuit Society -has recently acquired as the ground rendered sacred by the blood o_I\the martyrs, and expresses the opinion that it is not the true site of St. Ignace IL. giving every conclusive reasons. for the belief. Mt. Hunter writes under `duo of J anusry 2nd 2-- III"\..._ `ll - `K| .....a.... _.Ql...... T _.....L.`. ...... .38c 17c `W511 *9 !"|"f{8k8 in In) of his maanies on the best term: and lowest rates. All first class com- F "11 amount; of losses paid. tsuisviin . '9 . .._--_ ___ - -v-vvv yu--us GENERAL AGZENTTFOR The` Sun Lo Insurance company OF CANADA fAG1=:N`r FOR n1'hnPnrth llutnal Fire Insurance 00- Insnranco Go. ` yggrjown natinfactnom Mary {st.. Bmae; - V % nu A Hind Quarters $6.50 per cwt. Fore d $5.50 #$_`Cut` and delivered to all parts of the Town. in- to be nutritious and wholesome, must he the best that money can buy. and none but the most reliable. true and tried brands ' are olfered by us to our cu<- tomers; Deleterious effects on the health follow the use of inferior goods. \Vhat we sell we know are pure, fresh and wholesome as they are delicious in HIV-'0r. preserving the natural taste of the fruit or, Vegetable or mect. ,1:-I_oBLEY BROS. CannedGoods An" interesting relic in the shape of Va .bronze medal bearing a Dutch name was recently picked -up on {he farm of Mr. 0. `E1, 0. Newton in Tuy, `on the `size of the '. uron village of St. Ignace. It is `one 9! `the few evidences than have been dug `u .5 showing any connection at the New qbnbnn An :0 hnn II hinnnnt` cu jtltillg 138i 250 yards all wool delaine, regular pri./.9 500. Sale price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #36 inches wide. freefrom dressing, gornl value at 10c. on sale at..... I _.II,,I? :7:--vb n puvvti Of ne Cambric, with deep lawn f1'iI' and cluster of hemstitched tm-k.~, 1 o ' . . . . . . . . ".g"-31"" ..;i"E .`l'. ." ......% I 300 yards heavy R:llei' Towelling-w-i; V" } striped border, to go on sale Fl'i:11('.' morning at.....-..,...- . . . . . . . . . . ,, 1., 600 yards of Fine > _Blaachod_ cotton i A11` 3,, ,1, , xmsvaancs A F132;; LIFE 12:: .IIevI:1Ar3;WB'_e11 PURVEYORS OF lvlieats Towelllng at 49. ygrd. Pea and Coffee Merchet; and Grocers. L0. cluster 0! nemsmtcned tm-k.~, gular value 60c , sale price 43.; '50c. Delalne, 25. Unrtlu 0'] uynn` t"n`n:v\n ........I.._ ..,..I up WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ,_ - V .r'- ' . a La}: name will he added to the Stibecription ._ _ Illtil the monev in paid. ,IIbIcdbe_u uovi in arrears font three months and 90! ll! becharged 8!. to per annum xv up .I.UL ' uu own: an . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladies rawers D LL .1... I,, 1- -v~ `.. l`1......L..2.. .._: quantities of some lines :2,`19o3 0 4.: 5c .80 gwas . hers Ijess ` Ibrnuauovgacuuana In I-lrnnsumnna wnavoasrnig auuua To ALLANDAL8. . ` 1.3! p.In., 7.56 a.m., 9.35 a.m.. 11.15 a..m.`, 12.1: 7.3., 1.36 a.m., 5.2np:m.. 8.oo p.m. 1 . ALLANDALB T0 -Iuluua. 7.50 11.15 3.111.. 11.35 a.m., 5.n p.m'., nup.m..,4..;: p.m. gdvhilc` L {riot `was _g .tisk??< ject. c WY A1 tom` l'eh.'r C` En g" I _"tl1cA -Sizt1 that . "the {U11 5- ' bur BM}! .2: _}he Damp-I_m . V " man. < -V 11-33 ::.m.. II 5,; pm: 'fAtlantic& Pacic Ex. 3.58 pan. ' `I'll 'evonu;g:l$xpreas leafveu Toronto at 5.39 . HAMILTON.` 9 `_ V `.31 Ian. ' lsxbress. ` 9-13 1i.m. 1051;: Barrie ton; and arrive from the Odlrlnoutiond places as follows : to: V TORONTO ' now [An . ...' a....--.... n no - _ v 'I I-In. I pun. m;Avn1 I .u can. punk ` . In nan. tirnvcnuu -COLL: 11.15 mm. 340 wow I- us. an , 4.:'.IIII'I IIIUIIIII IXUTC 3 .BlI(I'lECl`8lly I\I|lW IIIIO and Hand Book-isaued moathlv. `Daily. All other.trains Daily except Sunday. ' I 8 Page 48'0ol_umn Newubeper. A Plblhl/iledfrom the Ofce, 193*` Duhlop Street Ben-in. in the County of Simcoeythe Pro- . Vince` of Ontario. Canada. every ~ Thursday Moreing, by Ivdlin should secure a. Rand-McNa1l)3 Railway; |IIn Ind Hnnd Bnnk.-inn.und mnnth|v_ - Linnani RAILWAY auto}: ' A rnunLunu. #15 mm. Accommodation. 5.88 pm. .58 pan. Accommodation. 7,56 a..m. ALLANDALE 8: BARRIE SECTYON. QAI ID 'I`l\ AIIAIIIIAIID Wqtlb v III` II V I\Q & G BKJRJ II [III Iv `Om! M8. pnlllu pan. `Atlantic 8: Pacic Ex. 18.10 p.m. Iplan. ;.Soo Express 1.2? an. tinvcnuuut Jntxd (south onl 9.85 " .I`l\I.a I I LIl!llIt\l\I'\ 1|. III} A l}l\I') I\ "ad-AvnNuuRs!r a`; Non1'H_.;'\'.-` LIA`... M : non-.. Portraits. .-"AN INTERESTING ammo. - --- `uvunvoc w-ul , 3131.;-l`:;3.\;-(.3?)-D & M.IsAFo1i3 Mn" I OH ` V Tums or Sua:scx'u-1-Ion. A` J v` =.( Packet.) h':;;.ress. PEN STAN G. A naps.`-n.`pI-mt}..- llfllflal Tu _. Express. Maul. oun ORONTO yuan Exprpss . 7.58 p.m. Math 11.33 mm. ntin Xv pnnin 1!. Q KC _ _'. K man. 0 to pan. b Mixed '12.-15 pun Express. _ 7.58 mm. II N h"I` A N(`. . 9.23 am, 11.33 a.m. . \II\IJ 5 88 pan. 12.45 mm ` A lottof our farmers are gathering oat- tlp fortho. spring market. : `Chm.-la: Cross in taming wood homo from-tire tl1_lin_o_farAIn.> . . ` . . D. f8biJlett' `II. bobnjj `It %duringgt_h4; ';...!`. f._:.'. f9!"'i' Ii"! 3:.-;`30hdrl'[f4)Ij_" View.` At `the tame time if it was a sur- msny`.: -`-Probably`=` tlie yawer.` p ` ifor.` `is-=t3o"'aa_t all"un1iltel'y`-' some . Iroquois` "captive were she `one. ion mention, and-' that tt'""wa_e _talt`en- from hinn,or.some other slain, In the luhref its nationali _ty I` am inclined to". takethat face nd. it maybe modern. I think not, though. I have seen some of "our older cents and tokens ploughed up on Indian sites, just as that one was. All your in-s "dicatiens are of an antique, and -I so re- gard `it, but 1 no not think Hans Kraut- wmckel was ever in New York. He stay- ed as home. I hope to mention thend m a Bulletin on metallic ornaments, novrin the printer- s hands ` tn..- .-..1..... 1....-- 4... ...I..:..i. mu - * tI....a.,.... The boy} who I.r o1-o cutting weird for Frgd Woods; has moved their csmpjto" WilIon,Forbgu"bunh and pro cutting` wood Bob` "l`l1omosnn started for Bramly Wednesday with a load of logs and had a hard time to get through but managed it. We are all glad to hear that David Janka is able to be oatagain. : Potatoes are a scarcity here. g 1 Andrew King started to the Home farm for a load of wood Tuesday morning and ' unable to getlthronglh had to turn and 9='9`!~9k- ' Lonic i'oc_I_cnd Dick Forbes have" taken the contract ofthroahing clover for John Crou this winter. ` ` ' ' _ Train: are making better -time again. There in name toll : of establishing I a. school library hero. ` . (`II '1': I11 up 4` -. -c--an-aw vr uavuwuusuu -av M % Amrmm in Advance. avaauwu ""My` Dear Hunter,-; The discovery of I the medal is very interesting, showing communication` with Fort Orange at an early date. The name (Hanus Krau- winckel) mustbe that of some `obscure .. trader, as I `nd no trace of it in the in- diceu-_to the Colonial Documents, Records of New Amsterdam, Munsell s' Albany. and a number of smaller books with lists of Dutehmenvin New,York. Neither is it in the index to the Colonial Documents of Paisy. 26 volumes. `Winkel is Dutch for shop. and is probably` spelled 'Winck- el? as a proper name. `Krauwen is to scratch, and "Krauwelt is crooked nail, _ and evidently something to scratchvwith it is also used when speaking of the clutch of animals which` connects it with L our English word. `to claw. I unafraid I have not given youmuoh assistance, but liddoubtewhether you will get it on this s e. `The anew storm whicl; has continued this last week, has mude the roads in a bad state for trevellinar. Tom Oethcart got stuck in a snow bunk here thin morning on his way to Churchill with 3 load of wood. -Andrew King came along end tried to help him out, but when he new it was '3 failure bought his load which raved . Tom from my ` further trouble. v V Bin Hunter and Charles McCullough have been kept busy driving the children W.Z01. vV ; -.-c(`}'t'x`ll`i;ugh in foaming log: to Lefroy. ` . ' 7 Kipling s idea of Canada in the matter oi Our Lady of the Snows is being pretty well veried this week, the snow-T fall has made the roads almost impassable. The deputation oi L.O.L. No. 985 ex- perienced muoh difficulty in getting to Waverly to the District Lodge meeting on Tuesday.` V T \ `Left-oy. . V Mr; Thomnw. Tfsckn is hguling hair to J60 T O;)l#lt6l', of `Toronto, la'viiting at `rhomu isck |; T ' U51? EIIIIJIJVI. I IJGIJKIL1 The other letter to which `Mr. Hunter refers is from Mr. James Bain and 1'; as follows} . L K `I`\ 11' -.- nu 1- 3:-I C. M. Kiel,,of the Barrie C.I.'was home `on. Saturday and Sunday and was unable to return to Barrie nntxl Tuesday anac- count of the snow storm. The snow fall to the depth of nearly 18 inches on Mon4 day night. Reiadereoi THE ADVANCE will be pleased with- the beautiful piee` of music and words entitled "My Sweetheart : picture on the wall, supplement in last week : iune. Mr. Paul Sheield, a pioneer resident of Oi-o for 40 years and a native of York- shire. England, died on Saturday night of last week at the advanced age` of 84 years. The funeral took place on Tuesday at the - Presbyterian church. The Rev. James Skeen conducted the funeral service. On Tuesday evening his son, Charles, aged 40 years d_ied from bronchitis and his funeral also took place to the Presbyterian Ceme- i tery on Friday, the Rev. W. Archbold conducting the service. Charley Sheield was `unmarried and lived with his father` and brother, William and being `diminu- tive in size and physically weak, he was generally engaged in light work suchas the-selling `of newspapers and was a con stant attendant for many yearsat the band room on Saturday .evenings, where he disposed of his papers. He was a general -favorite`among the bandsmen and in con- sequence the band engaged in the solemn funeral service by playing the funeral march`. Diadem (by Minker) which was very effectively rendered. Mrs. T. Cross. of Victoria Harbor-,'and Mrs. Gordon, of King, were in attendance at_ both funerals. Theaonly member of `the family absent was George Sheieldgresiding in Michigan. In politics Mr. Sheield and son were Conservatives and voted at` the last elec- tions. .T Ygillfi/an17T\7ViVl_1iamo anti her father, Mr. Jnhn Johnston, nre both seriously ` 4 COLIN M. Kusn. Correspondent. Mr. D. Hart, of Toronto `Junction, is visiting friends here. . : T If TIYOIIO "I"lII` ` I I `.0 -"The J olly Entertainers ? Onncert Onw- pany were here last week end during their stay in this village made many friends, especially -among the baud boys. Mr. Geo. Cede, baritone soliat, and manager of the company played with the band. (had CRAIGHURST. "NAN"rYn. Seven Star Masonic Temple was recentlv ' dedicated" in Allistonand the ;Herald refers asfollows to Mr. Alex. Oowan s response to e `tosst :-'- The Grand Lodge elicited an able . and flowery response from the District Deputv Grand Master. V- W. Bro. Uowsn of` Bertie who, by the way, isone of the young- est District Deputy Grand Matte:-sincansda. .Bro_. Bowen Voonned a his . address largely to the charitable won-kl lhythe" G;-ma DIN:-D a;D*h!satho*etv-':*t!-1: 241. , JIs{l9SP.!.9 81,,4r.0_0_9.if_1_ia| this ' .a.v usav_.a.-suauva Va LIIEJ IUVAJ.VUl.`4 DEAR SIR,-Please publish this follow- . ing :--"` Mr. J. B. Johnston received a telegram from his son, Dr. Herbert J obn- ston, of Anuheim,-California, announcing the deathof an old and much respected resident of this place, Mr. Peter Knapp, on Wednesday, Jan. 7th, 1903, at his home in Annheim, California. Mr. Knapp was for many years a most success- ful1farmerin.Minesing, and in character he had many qualities that endeared him to his friends and commanded the respect and even the admiration of his enemies. He was a man with a deep and profound conviction of right_eousness,',a judgment mature and. decisive, unfaltering resolu- tion. energetic in body and mind, and of great moral courage. The stern Puritanic aspect externallv was more than balanced by a genial temperament, a tender heart, and an open hand to -comfort and assist the poor and alicted. The subject or this notice . was many years an active member of the Baptist church here. where `he labored incessantly and unselshly for the church he loved and of which he was an honored deacon for some years. Those associated with him in church work while here will not soon forget his hearty greet- ing and whole-hearted service. Some six years ago Mr. Knapp s health began to fail andialthough he fought manfully to regain his former health and strength, he had to give way, and upon the advice" of his physician he sold his farm and with hiswife and family sought a home in a warmer clime, leaving his old farm on Dec. 27th, 1899. For some time after reaching the land of -sunshine he seemed to be benetted by the change,bnt during the last" year he- began to'go down -`again, and nally the call came. V Four sons and three dauirhters with their mother are left to mourn the loss` of one ..whose memory they shall vcherish with tender affection`. May God comfort them allsspooially the widow who will : misrmost keenly the companion of, her youth. .'l`neir `-many, friends In this place extend-to them their heartfelt_-sympathy` "in this hourof sad- oss: is. His * gain. .a,.`~Blessed n."`-.',i:0?;.1 . . , . .. . -r9;*h*:d*d-`iro dew h9.Lo=d.?f I I ` `-The Simona Luv A;a;oi;tion burs-elected T time training his driver to the saddle, but hat got .her.well trained now_. i an O -\ 5' Th(:b;H%;S'$e}i;,'on paliad.\vith' thofhuw. ' . ` ` 0? Powell, whospent turd years in the N ox-uh, is visiting friends "around homo- gggin. v - / .-a ` The nohool childreo m;.b1e`t3 walk to ichool now as the roads are well broken which saves hired men trouble. " Ron: Carter, of Gilford, treated himself to in brand new cutter. ' ` Wess` Wdye in ma up witli the mumpe. Mina Lena ee spent a few days with ' Miss Olive Wu lace, of Strand. ` ' On Tuesday evening J an. 27th an enter- teinmenf will begiven by the Epworth League. Several essays are being prepar- ed and a good musical program. also novel refreshments will be served. A collection will begtaken up during the evening in aid of inisslons. T T ` To the'_Editor of THE Anvucg : .... Q-.. I'\I_, CI VII? `II VKVC _UvwIlI|I. II- ; The letter from the Rev. Mr. Bench- ` gm . who is 3 resident of Syracuse. N. Y., ._j 'to r. Hunter. in as follows :-4- . _ DIV Deer-Mr. Hunter.--"I am much `btoluted in the High Dutch medal you A1-.1`I;'IInclon,e and am` sorry [can throw, no- light upon it. There are verv full line 5! the early Dutch and German news ou sud oicisie in New. York. but I can `nothing reiemhliug `Kreuwinckel. 9'.l,'lu' `NW1!!! be in `abbreviation of` , l:*!`.1iIp-,+ 1 e Igdczuot think an h '9nyv,1horb;A`.thi-31" M law-9:!e29rr which stretched `its hands Sq. `Mrsf claire, Jacks, \ Skxitiugw every Tuesday .and Saturday ,.I nigh: on Churchill rink. . `CROWN HILL. A _ (Held over fromglast week.) . Quipe a crowd attended the social held at =Mr. H. ,Pa.rsridge e on last Thursday evening. They expected still more had thedweather been favoreble. Every person reported having spent an enjoyable evening. The T proceeds amounted to $20. ` ' Miss Mabe l Partridge is spendingl some time `visiting with her meter in Toronto. _ Mr. sn:lgM;-a. C`h;a. Thornton visyted Mr. and'Mrs. A. Dyer on Friday. A ___.__L___ E_,,_,_ X number from here spent;Friday evan- ine at the homeoof Messrs. Knowles. of Thornton. Mrs. M.VA'yers, of Weybnt;n,7`is visiting hep brother, George Graves.` A social will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs; J oaeph Ferguaon next Friday evening, 23:-d. A cordial` invitation in extended to all. Procoeda in aid of the church.` T On Tuesday evening last at the monthly consecration meeting of the Epworthleague three . were received as active numbers. At the close of the meeting the election of oices for the year took place. Pres. Miss G. Srigley let. Vice Pres. (Literary, social and missionary) Miss Lougheed, 2nd Vice Pres. (Christian Endeavor) Willie Bigger, Sect'y and Trees. ' We are glad toaee Miss L. Foid back` in Crown Hill. HNEXCELLED. JHGKSOH; , Mr- T. Smith, of Barrie, occupied the nulpic in the Methodist; church on Sunday lasuwhile Mr. Douglas lled Mr. Iugram'a place at Culdwater. Cedap Grove recentyg ` Mr. J. Ferguson attended a. weding at MISS Fnommca CAMPBELL. Corresnondent. Mr. Musord Andrews has returned to Toronto after spending a. week with his parents. - V `pa -ro u 1'1uI' V I A. - ` Mien Lizzie Gibaen left for the city on Saturda. week. y where she will remain for a few `Will'iam Jgcks and pan. of Strut!)- Manitoba, are visiting , Thoma` % MINESIIIIG. Anv;mci:.% HOLLY. G'r'avn_uras ;hu.d_oo ido'd to accept the ' yard of the crbitruox-_:u and} buy out the olgonrio light glint in n at me urobv4:%i1.ti0fTny'%%4% ..v.i-y. % `. ' bronze Medal made Four Huhdred '_ Xedrs -.Aso and Found in `ray Township.

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