objecting to any reduction being made. ` - The Fire and Police Committee reported, through its Chairman, Ald. Tyrer. asking - permission to have re hell cleaned, windows repaired, bell and `electric light xtures re- paired, the hose reel placed in the tire hall and the etove removed from the Bertie re hall _to the Sixth Ward re. hall for the Permieeion wee nleo aelted to purohaIe' a cord of hardwood. one table and six ohuirl. It was recommended that the re brigade `team do the snow ploughing at far at the West Ward echool endvaa for eat an Duck- worth St. and to the north as far as Sophie St . the change not to go into cect until i the first Tuesday in February. The report was adopted. A ' Through its Chairman. Ald. Otton. the the.Water, Light and Sewer: Committee recommended that "the charges against the G.'1` R for light at Elsa St. croeeing he die-o continued. The report was adopted. . . Moved by Ald. Barwicke end MacLaren, That the number of the Committee on Public Works be increased to six and that one member be new elected from wards one and. three and that the motion adopted `xing the number to four be amended accordingly. Carried. ` C Il,___II_-- AIS` `n_.._:-l_ -...I Il\--;-_ LI.-L purnoee of drving the hone in the tower. Illvunvnnov v- w-uv -.-_--__ Ald. Ron agreed to `fut-niuh.th`_L informs. i tion at the next meeting" of the Council. ` -L.__,,_I_ All UDIVCIUU u Moved by Ali. Barwiok and Tyier, that Ald. MeoLeren be elected as as member of the Public Works` Oommitte-om Ward No. 1. -0:-ied. `1n-__.1|._ Al.l 13---.--) D-....l..... nu... IIIIIIIUU IIVUIII VV Clill LII). On Moved in amendment by Ald. Powell and Otton. that Ald. Tvrer be the member of the Bond or Work: from Wnrd No. 3 The inxnendmont carried on the following divin- on. ` 17--.. IINL- '11 ____ -_.i AI.1' ua._.....- In 1\JDI'I'IU|lc ` Moved by Ald Rona 1nd Poacher, that` Aid. Stephens be `the. member of the com- mitten from Word No. 3. Il___.I .I_ __.-_J...__L I... `I II--ngl` _-;l IV. ; You-The Mayor and Ald Scnngeuf Tyror. Powell, Otton and Ponoher-B Wan-_ A III Ihnn'I'.nnnn Rnralnb Roan J.,rUI' IUWUII, \lIIUUlI CI-Ill I VIIUIIUI. `-U Na5;s-Ald. MaoLaren, Barwiok, Ron, Stephens sud Lowo-5 - 11---: I__ 11.1 I)... -_.I n-._-n Ll.-4'. - V W PIIUIII CIIII IJUVVU'-U Moved by Aid. Ron and Powell, that a committee eoneleting of the Meyer and the Chairman oi bheFinunoe Committee and the Public Works Committee wait on the County Council at iuret eeuion and eeoure the guarantee by the County-Council of the debentureeto be eold by the town and to take `ell neoeeurv Item no eecure euch guarn_ntee.-Cerried. Anna In! AIR Bacall An!` pnnn}|nl'_ thnt UIIUII 5'-I6! -Ill CU: \lDl'l`IV|Ie Moved by Ald. Powell and Poacher, that the clerk be instructed to advertise for sender: {or mquentity of stone on 3 rate per miee to.bede!jvered an the market square between the`-[present time and the first of Agril nets. ~`1-tied` :-._-_n |.... `'`` es` n-__-._II .__1 In... ad... QPTII IIUI U: Moved hvfe:"id`:l;;oweil end Otton, that wherein it ieeneoeillcry to repel: the eeverel whervee in the (town; and wherene the Dominion Government he: decided to build 1. Government when-I in the `town, the loan `tion of which has `not yet been determined. And whereas it ie inexpedient to do any repairing until the location at the Govern- ment wherf is determined; In the work of reneir would be of no value in connection with the Government whorl. Thereiore, he 2. ..---I..-.1 '.|.-.. ..I.- 1 |--|. I..- : .... ..-a...I 4... `l.'l.\/LU CV5! BAr3I3 I`i': BRKNQH 7 ______-. 4-u-u-u-u-uTrI"&|f'FI WIUII UIIU \"UVUI'IlIIIUIIV W"-O JIIUIUIVIU` it resolved that the blerk be inltrnctesl 33 write the Minieter of Public Worln eucloeing` I copy of this resolution end reqnuting him, at his enrlint convenience toetnte` when the Government wharf will Fe constructed. fI-_._'l-j _ 7 ' V The` death of Mre. Stephen Burtoneerly Sunday morning et lvv hee plunged the I whole community into the deepeet narrow. During her eighteen veer: residence in the vlllece ehe had won the love and reepect oi ell end deep eynr thy will be extended the bereaved hneben ._end e_oI-rowing eon. The letter arrived home trom` Wepelle in time. tor the funerel ends brother. and eieter off the deoeeeed were eleo preeeutifrom Mont- reel. . Mrs. Burtonwee 59 yeere of nae at the time '~oi_-herpdeeth end though _e'eoted ~*~..::.'**a:.=="*"-*=-~.: "2 tum! .. i \J.I `ICU: ` On motion ot_ Ald. Powell and Tyrot, it won dooldod"to' purchase a snow plough for Q0! All wan mmpfmns. STEPHEN atimun. nu__A_1-_.|_ -2 ll ..- n.-._I_-._ 11..---- --_I__ D.1`he report Int adopted, Ald. Tyiet L.'-..L_.n an. aunt! -nrlnnbinn II|n3nn Inna` 00 Q9. Tho-Connoil th_e_n ndionrned. seams us w.ugK. A RESOLUTAON PASSED UOMPLL Mmm-ING CHAIRMAN COWAN on E18 RULINGS DURING-~~ ' THE YEAR. _ The ' Annual Financial Statement Pre- sented _by Secretary-rreasurer` Ma.rr--other Business Which` Game Before the Board. Owing to there being no quorum at the regular meeting of the School Boerd` on"Jan. 12th. the members were called torassemble in special session on Friday evening. last. Chairman Cowan presided and the following truateep were present :-Measrs. G .. G, Smith, P. Love, J. S. Brenton. W. C . Andrew, R H Webb, '1`. Smith. J. -F. Belling and A.` Milne. 3 5. 1'8. A mmmnnicntion was received fro guuug anu A. Auuuu. ; A communication was received % Trinket. caretaker of the South Wartlnghool, asking for an increase ot wages. __I`R.e_ferred I to committee. 1 ll\I__ l`|-..._.oL-- 4- "nnnnnrnnnf lhlnnnnh {\ I0 committee. The Committee on Management, through its Chairman, T. Smith,_ reported having,re ceived the reports of the various school principals. The following teachers were absent on specied dates during the month : iss Kin.Mr.|Shear. Miss Charlton, E `Mc- `nald, Miss Irwin. _Miss Eva Lee, A Moore" and Miss Small. All teachers were present at the reopening of the schools after `the Christmas holidays. In `accordance with. the request of the parents the senior part of the Junior `Third Class has been allowed to remain in the Central School under Miss Booth. The formation of a special class for these three pupils in the East Ward School is thus avoided. r w The report was adopted. . The Finance Committee through. its Chairman, Mr. Milne, reported recommend- ing` the pavment of various accountsamount ing to $120 98 An account at the Pease Furnace Company of $500. was struck out and thereport was then adopted. Vlua Inn-when nisnnrntnn mt tho Qnntla WA?!` `STRAY--Came unto the premises of the sub scriber, Lot D., Con. 2. Oro, about Dec. noth- three sheep. Owner may have same by proving roperty and paying expenses. S. CURTIS.Shanty 2 \' _ 3.5 lbllll l.l:U-1'U|.lUx'u wan uuuu nuv puvuo The heating apparatus at the South Ward "School, it seems, is (living satisfaction. as fol` as heating is concerned, but a discussion revealed the fact thst an enormous amount - of tuel was being consumed. The_ Supply Committee was instructed to investigate the matter and a. representative of the Peace _Furnoce Co y. will be asked to cive some I instructions on the matter. In _-_ ___ ._.-_s L_ nu.-- co_:.L ...A....l...I Inetrucuuuu on out: Iuwvwlo ` It was moved by Thee, Smith, seconded by W. 0. Andrew, That the members of the Board desire to place on record an ex-- preulon of their very high appreciation of the very genial, impartial and able manner in which the Chairman, Capt; Cowan, has performed the duties of his oiceduriog the cunt. mun run! trust. In mini Inna live to on [IUIIUIIIIBU ulu uuunvu uu um VLu\ov.IIu|Iu uuv paw ear and trust he may long live to en joy 1: a confidence of his fellow citizens and aid in advancing the but nxitereau of the Ivnjn The resolution was put before the Board bv Secretary -Mart -and carried with ap- plause - ' (`|l...8un~u.- f`..-.-.. a.I._..l....l LI... ...J.-...I......- A Chairman Cowan thanked the members lorthelr expression of goodwill and stated that through their assistance his duties "had not been at all hard during the year. The Board hadrbeen essentially a business Board and trustees whotransacted business along such lines were the kind of men whom the ratepayers should elect to oice. There had been no friction whatever during the year and no squabbling. No large expenditure of money had been made. with the excep- tion of the amount involved in the `urchase of the heaters and the cleaning of t " West Ward School. The fact that thewhole Board had been returned by acclamation was proof that the ratepayers had appreciated the service given by the meinbers. In oonclus ion, the chairman stated that he eould say with pride that the town ossessed a splen- did sta' of teachers. e spoke in this manner as the result of a personal know- ledge of the work they were doing. 'nBl1.QA '|snn`nn- Qnn=IIs an Obs: -nu-sun: A` IU|l`U III BIIU WIIIB IIIUJ WUIV IIUIIJ Trustee Thomas Smith. as the rnover of the re-olution, added a few remarks of a nature complimentary to the chairman . nnrinn ORA nap;-:3-an 4. R-aqua:-I -I-a bnvnnnb IIDVIIIU UVIIIIIIIIIIUIINCIJ UV IIIIU UIICII IIIQII During the evening is financial statement The receipts during the veer were as follows: Legislature at-ant, 8624; Model school aunts, $300 ; Model school fees. $160 ; vy, 1901-2 ; bslenoe. $3,447.81 ; Levy- extre. 813068; Levy, 1902 3. 85 575 ; Non resident fees.8l8 Appendsd ere theexpendi\ tures: Selnriel.$3.948;extrn tenohing.$2-ll 50; caretakers salaries, 8870 ; repairs. 8-248 30 ; lnsurenoe, $72 ; Inter, fuel and supplies, 8659 43 ; printing and stationery, $5 50 ; mleeelleneous, 7 63; equipment. $32 There is on existing balance of $227.99 The . balance of the levy of 190203 smouuts to 86,474 32. ' mgr- ...-- `L- 1-4. .`-_-.:.... -: .|.- n--..- -: iwespresented by Secretary-Treasurer Mu-r.` Death of one of Inniere Most Highly , Resneoted Pioneers. _ A typical specimen of the induetrious,God- fearing pioneer aettler pasted away on Wed- needay, January 7th, when. the death oc- curred of John Leonard, aged 69 years, at the homeatead. on lot 22, conoeeeion 10. of Innial. `The deoeaeed was born at New Carliele. Bonaventure County. Quebec, and irfohildhood reeided in South Carolina and afterwarda in Soarhoro Comintr tolnniel with hie parents on Dec 3rd, 1853, residence was taken up on lot 22 on the `loth [me which has been the family` homestead ever Iince. On October 311:. 1861. the deceaeed was united in marrige to Sarah. daughter of the late Jamee lack, of Innieiil. His wife predeceased him twenty years ago. The following children survive to mourn the death on an ever-indulgent father _:-Mia: Mary Ann._a't home ; Mrs. W. H. Martin. Hrs. Benjamin Johnston and William Jarliea o!'I_nni_al`; John S... of Barrie ; Mn, bot Webb. of Innial and Mia: Tilly, at home. Ahtother, Mr. Robert` Leonard, who lives` on the adjoining I '.and. a ailter, Mra. l1....... Anti ` ' I11... '4 .`ne\ cunning U IJUVUU, `II `V VUVQIU QIUU CHI VIVID: .-is Mr. Leonard had been failing in health for eeveral years, hat was not_ taken seriously -Ill nntabonilt three` weeks ago when gang. rene not in. He was identied with, the Masonic Order for over -twenty years and for thirty years was Maater of Prince of Wales No. 606, L.0.D.. Oraig`vsle.J He was twenty yearn. In politics he was an ed um 10;. the-funeral.-=:The mve=5-e?eP9" who Silo Treasurer of the'DiItriot Orange Lodge `I';_nwe \`e'rin'h% Uoniervative. * Orange Honors" ;__Ca'non_ oinwtinvi hire. nu(`lmu*.|T7i'Ite:?; * L! George Scott, 0 `Wyevalo, also survive. I`: Innnnu Inna-I hnnn Cnlnn 3|: hnnlth VOLLIE DOG ESTKAYT-A bfolue Dog came on the premises of the undersigned Lot 1 . Con. I Flos. on Jan. and, mo}. The owner can gave the same on proving property and paying expenses. J. J. INKLEY. Anten Mills. 4-6-p ___ `Rev. `Dr. McLeod wan prelppted with `av .1/nndoomo fur-llnerd coat by his congregation ` 1:. ~ :V..`,g.. vgtax ua. gain was the his meeting of the Board of OBITUARY. [A31 MEETING. It Proved to an Tjnguelied Success; Names of the Winners in the ` ` T Dxiferent Rounds. .` The big curling bonspiel. last week, ,wus' participated invlbv twentv two rinks and the various competitions were most `c_losely.oom.ested. Us Tuesday. and Wed- nesday the skating ice as well as -the the play in the various draws with the result that the last game was played on Thursday . night. ` ` . The results were as follows :' Barrie. Newmarket A. Habbick, Col. Lloyd. J. Coifey. . J. H McGil`ivrav, D. A McNiven, _H E Chopin, G. Hogg,skip,. . .10 T H Burton, six. 14 Orillis. - Meaford. I. C.;McNsbb. - M. Pilgrim. J. Wilson, M. Mclnnis, W. A. Harvey. J Pilgrim, F. Toogood, skip 11 S. W. Wilson, sk.16 11 III (\_2il2_ curling rink was used in order to expedite 3 c;m:..;.;..a;a. ` T.` Brown, J. Wilson, `V E. Vernon, C. Noble. skip. . . .20 V CZhurch'ill. 0 Gross; I) I1! 0|--- \J u I In-av, R. W. Sloan, A l..I...J......... l.Io vvu uuvugu, A. Malcolmson, R. G. Rieves, skip 10 Alliaton. D. C. Murchison, M. C. Wright. R Scott, W. G Fisher. skip 13 ' Ctiuiohixl. ' ` F. Allan. G. Rieve, J. Allan. V W. Patterson. 51:. 14 V V MR3. 1` . Lu. xuun ll VVelliugton and Peel streets. Ignig N. Gross, J. VI, 0. Patterson, A. E Stapleton, a_.1l VCbut-chill. J. Hanham. S. W. Moore,` I` IV` AIL... a Illvvlv I). Lennox, skip .. 9 Barrie, W. Cline, T. Pearcy, '1 . Love, A. Brdwhlee. algip 17 ' Barrie. `J G Scott. A =Dr. McCarthy, H. E Jory. J. Mcl. Stevenson I ` _I_:_ I 2 co11angv}'o.i.*' " * E S, Brown, J. Morris. EB. Nectleton, H. Y Telfer, sk. 2'2 Meaford. Uiltllllngood. A \ Vilson ak . . . . . ..17 Noble, sk . . . . .. ' Orillia. Collingwood. Harvey. akv 28. Fryer. ak Ncyvmarket. _ A Collingwood. .W.A. Bruntou, ak.l5 Rule, alt . . . . . . . Newmnrket. Meafa T. Brunton, 3k... 11 Wilson, 8l{.. .. Churchill. T Midland. Sloan, .1; ..w......12` Grant, sk .... .. /Barrie ' Collingwood. slevensnn,-.k.... 13 Telfer, sk .... .. ` M`:-. '1 . H G-. Denne, who has been Mayor of Peterboroagh for some years and whose policy of extending libel-pl encouragement to` manufacture:-e wu largely `responsible for E!x4erborough e present indugtrial boom, was in :t'ow'i`r;on,_-Wednenday in;._'connectlo_n with s Iine1jie_o'n$Gi`aq1..,Compiny,.. hnqinonj; which n [-_!_Ifh6.f..gg j Olil_al.f,.9.ohC.,l'?44l_Iing'. uyearlyl egg, o Orillis. i Newmnrket. A. R. Harvey. ak 12 . W.A. Brunton, ak. 10 ' Oollingwood. Meaford. . Telfer, sky .... .. 17 Wilson, sk.... .. 15 Midland. Uri`lia Grant, ck . . . . . . . 15 Harvev: ski . . . . .. 16 On the hnal round skip. Telfer of Uoliiug. wood, wonbouvs from skip Harvey, of Oriliia. lat. Consolation-lst Kwuud. Bronrnlee, ak . . . .. 7 Fisher, ak . . . . . . . 14 Lennon, sk. . . .. 9 Hang. ak . . . . . . . . ll Stunloton, Ck`. . . . 9 hohlo. sk . . . . . . . 20 Cunningham. 3k. 18 Bell, sk . . . . . . . . . _ 4 Stevenson. ck. . -. . 18 Rule. ak . . . . . . . 17 W. A. Hrnnton,sk 14 Frver. SR . . . . .. . 11 Tall. Brunton, uk. 10 Sloan. ck . . . . . 17 Consolation-,-2nd Round. Noble. ak.L..... 19 Sloan,ek . . . . . . ..'l3 W A.Bruncon, sk. )4 Main. ak . . . . . . . . 16, Cunningham. ak 13 Fisher, k . . . . . . . 10 121...... .1: I0 Tnnan _ nk_____ 20 nuxg, an . . . - - . - . 4 Sr.eveuaon-a bye. (:3'tlu_!-1-i;gl-1;l_x;.- a`k. 113 Fishevl-, k... Ht-am. sk l9_ Toogo . ak. O--....-....._ _ kn ; !\.lJ , I932. ETC l'CqUll'CQ U DI" DBKUTG INC {DUI-I `LE of February. A.D., 1933. tgsend h post pre- paid or to delwer to Vicssrs. Stewart & tewartof \)UGv9uuvu-'-I- IV :1: lot. Conaolation--3rd Round. Hogg.ak ...... .. 10 Wilson, ak ..... 17 Mable, 3|: . . . . . . . 16 Stevenson ek. . . . .15 ' lat Coneolamon-Einals. . Collingwood. A Meaford. Noble, alt . . . . .. 18 Wilson, ck . . . . . . -10 7' 2nd Consolation -let Round. Sloan, ek . . . . . .. 13 Fisher, sk . . . . . .. 15 Rieve, uk . . . . .. 13 Brownlee, ak.... 11 Patterson, ek.... 18 Stapleton. sk.... L13 Lennox, ak..... 17 Bell,`e|c . . . . .. .. 15 T.H. Brnnt.on,ak 14 Lennox, ak . . . . .. 10 ` 2nd Consolation--2-st. Round. T. H.Brunton,ek. 2% Patterson, ak.... '9 Fiaher.ak . . . . . .. 17 Scevenaon . . . . . .. 15 2nd Conuola.tion_--3rd Round. I-Iogg, sh)`. . . . .- .` 16 Rieve, alt . . . . . . . . 15 Stevenson, ok... 16 W A. Brunton, all. 8 richer vak . . . . .. 12 '1' H . Brunton nk. 21 . In the fourth round skip Stevenson, of Barrie. draw 5. bye nnd ikip Brunton, of Ncnnyurket-,' won out from skip "Hogg, of Barrie, by four show. This `left. Stevenson -`and `Drunuon in the nals. but no thelnbter on union: to-get homeby the early morn~ in; m.m,. Mr -'5_seyenaon,_i_,n;.n_ very`oporu- .xnan1ike" mnnor. vir,nived*hio,ri3hu toidgnnae `Ind oferede thoiliewmnrkegemen the pick of Nofn `to beouodonevino oonrtuy, ne mend prime.-V `v :_ BARRIFS BIG BONSPIEL ll-D KIIIVV vuuu skip .-ak.... 're1'r4 Third Round ,`.".".Mib w. A. J; Bell, sk. 14. Second Round. A`lliato_n. I A C. Robinson, 0 Knight, '1`. M. Brown, Newmarket` `H H ` H ll .. 8--.! J. 1-` IJIIIUUIIQ U30 1'` My ` V uurcuiin. H Allen, W. Allen, T. G. A`Ian, _H Sloan, _ \Vrite for General Catalogue. Our Boolflet " Back to the Farm will interest Farmers Sdns specially. A postal will Bring it. Address F '4 -- QIIQI-I ormia A. Jamiaaon. B. F Stewart. G. T. Madden. ' A.R Harvey, sk. 16 Midland. _ R. O. Stokes, J. M. Wallace, D. L White, F. W. Grant, 3k. 15 3 Collingwood. H. Fowler. R. W. O'Brien. . A Coilins, ~ ` W. B. Fryer, skip 21 ' om. Dr. Gilchrist, H. Holcrofn, ' G. Grant, _ T. Main, skip. . ; .11 _j Newrr;ark;n. .G. A. 1Bims, J. S Bowns, W. Howard. 1 W.A. Bnynton, sk. 15 IIIIJIIG 11%-J. Wade: R. Cunningham alt. 1 l (jrillia. ' ` A. McKinnou, E Hindu, ' `I5 l'I7_.I- Gollincwood. L; Watson. J. Peterman, A. Campbell. N. Rule, akip.. . Meafomd ....l2 sk . . . . . .. 15 Telfer,sk...,... 16 ship 18 .14 `vanrznecooa General Servant. Apolv to MRS. F. M. MONTGOMERY. Corner of '(l'..H:..n-inn and Dnn` lfonf 5-,4 15 Although the roads were verv, heavy. on Saturtlav, the marlget was a large one, the post-holiday slump being apparently oval`. Prices Qremained firm and the proddoq marketed sold readily. Chickens brought 60 and 70 cents a p_air..freeb eggs sold I9 from 25 uo28 cents a dozen, hunter at 20 cents a pound. Fowl was scarce, especially turkeys and ducks. Geese brought. ll cent! a pound, turkeys. 13 and` 14 cents and duck! sold at 80 cents a pair Beef -bind quarwl: sold at 7 ceutsand forequarter at 6' cents. Potatoes are still in demand at. a dollar O bag. THE HAPPENINGS or ,A `WEEK IN "5"'frIe`1>}B1'aE 'i.?..'ry'}nee:ang has been |adjourned until January 25th. ;3'A'll of Bari-ie n pi-lent; girls into takihg part in the Kermess which will land on additional attraction to the entdrtainmenv, | - - '1jowN AND vldmrry. lladdie-. Clucoon. smeru. Whlteuh &c.9 . ` "` I'\III o .0 u q T_;{1ieii'rnI,`.i;}.L;;{T ck; ;;..c{;L Eo}E" I if alumn on Saturday morning. In happen near the post; ofce on Dunloo 812. [In ry Webb : line Confectionery and Walter Bakorhn (Bacon and. chocolate! It B0'l`lIWEIaIa S. _be impeded. -It was found necessary; last week. to remove a large quantity of the snow from Dunlop street in order that traffic `might not (l_i:I'.eave orders for transfer of baggage at carting as" J. G. Scott's otlice, Phone 86. J amen Scott. D - V-"I`vh`e loeel branch of `the I.0.0 F. in- stalled their oicers on Monday evening. A __ W&"|&Kf 'IV:I`31II will be received by the undersigned until Moniv. .the 26th day ot January. 1903.` forthe supply of zoo cords of good body ha:-dwood.1 feet long, maple and beech. not moreth In one-thnrd of said wood to be beech, the balance to be maple. to be delivered at the Countv buildings in Barrie. not later than the 17!}! day of Ma.rch,:9a3. to be delivewd and properly piled at such places as may be pointed uut. _ . 'l"....A ..... .2II L... -Ann:Iynt` Can Inc. II` an 4-no-Ac nn nn. ~--.-_-... -_.-__ __-_a_ -7 7 , ' -Quite a little excitement was caused on Mary Sc. on Friday through a chimney taking re on the residence of Mrs, Craig. 'lhe damage was slight. ' .--u. 1 , I ___g___ -.-uv -.---pnu--av -- --- ---'.'--w- _H"l`be Kermess omotioen are being largely attended and the programme promise! to be on of excepnianal merit. . - - _L ___ -1: m_:-:.}..: `"-'V V. vnvvy,--In-I-9 ---.v.--. -The Sunday School teachers of Trinity church will sake the pupils for A drive on Friday afoernocn and sea, will afterwa-rdl be served in the school-room. ' 1 _.I- --Bobbing parties should beware of the fate of the ve unfortunate youths who were killed at South Bethlehem, last week, when their sleigh ran into an express train. _t3'Huuter Bros. Clothing always fit! and it is superior in workmanship to any cloth, iing in the market. Prices the lowest, qua ty considered. 1 BI-I. vvu an Inn: wuuuu. ...-..-. l$"1`ickets are now being placed on sale for the Kermesa and no citigen should upg- leou to nominate 129 she Hqepmlehroush this medium. ~ M" _.: __,, 1 I-uuv IIIVUIVWII M t8`The best people wear Hunter 13:01.4 Clothing. It fits, looks well and wear: well. Prices verv low. Qnnliity considered. `TIL. 9 -, --------- -- -AppIioations for General Servic medals for service in the Fenian Reid, 66 7 and in the Red River Rebellion of 1870. will not be entertained after March 31 at. 1903. Mo;'Lio Weir left. on hsaturdally to spend 3 month in; Toronto. in rm II cit:-I ~.. 4 an . n t'The only exclusive men. setore Borrie is Hunter Bros. Clothing and men : furniulr inge can be got there in greater variety and as lower prices than eleewhere. uut. . Tenders will be received for lots `of no cords and up- wards, each cord of wood to contain 1.28 cubic feet ; this will be strict! adhered to. All tenders to be addre-red to ROB RT J. FLETCHER, Cduntvi (`hark Ran-i.-, Ont, 1.4 ..- vvll v- rv-vvv rm`... :- -Jamea Goodwin, who was committed _ the County gaol some weeks ago for. having assaulted his brother, the station master at New Lowell, is violently. insa.n&&ud has to be watched carefully In: (1 u I Q III . I !;_ u-vsa av: anvvnn wavy. u..." -The Woman s Auxiliary of the Royal Victoria Hospital request. a full attendance at the meeting to be held on Tuesday next. the 27th. instant in the present Huspital. The meeting is of especial interest and im4 portance. ' Mr. J, J. Gibson spent Sunday in Toronto V V - TIMI`. S. R. Wiokctt. of Toronto, formerly of Barrie, spent. Tuesday in town. 1; vl`$Yrb`Ul6a:fwZaI.e(1Z':o{ ii..}.?.vax1e, was visiting friends in town over Sunday. an. use I. 0 `Q r: A Lxbbie Lennox. of Mary`, went down to Toronto on Saturday morning. I]. ll Ii` (1.... I-35 an-1 'I`ng..A..n ...........:..n IJIIWII U`, .I.|JI Qllllvll `III KJCUIIIIIC, IIIUIIIIIIKQ Mr.-M E Gray left on Tuesday morning with his horse for the Peterborough ice- races. Trinity church. on Sunday. -avwr-u--` -. -- --v-- Mr. O M'oara. of Toronto, spoke in behalf of the Diocesan Missions at both services `in I D. II 1,... ,. r . Mr. W. J. Bellof Anne is at the Ontnrid Agricultural College, Guelph, this week giving hie uuuualleotnrea on turkey breeding so the students there. i Iran Ivan.--- Orillia Times :--Mr. Marshall. has -given up the ideaiof returning to Chicago and left: vegtetjdayfor Barrie, where he takes 3 pool-" tionu Superintendent in Dyment 85 Butter- eld a tgundry. _ - In nnolli`, I,,- -_,_,__j A|__ _g_ _ aUQTC`FEO [0 KKUDI Clerk. Barrw. Ont. CAPITAL '7'" $2,500,000 (RESERVE!-`UND$2.600.000 -_ ._ -_.-man nu\Isr\\1'l`t\ uvnu II I\lll Mr. Fro;-.h:l'<:Millan has entered the office A number of h ' jant etudenta have grsduated-om lifj ennedy | efoe and -is 1'1 59.950 Iin*.:~?'3'h W1-'~.;`3.5m"I`||'I v.tiway;i!i9I!d!&!`F?5`1'5"" . y of VMr. Thoma`: Kennedy, architect- -- grand . -{VISITORS TO THE TOWN.` Miss Nelli Scott has returned to New York. Min L. Pulling is visiting Mrs. A. Wal- ker at Eady. ` _ I hiiu -(`knee Little has left town to take 1 `course of training in the Sick Children : Hospital. Toronto. I-sI\l' 5 III _ , I u n a ll LUVV l.-IloIvI- AIR:-Ia can gov--:v- Rev. Mr.` Wilkie. formerly principal of t.he.Presbyterian College at Indore, d1'Lver- ed two addressed in the Preabvtegiu church on Sunday. L -. guy 7 n at ,1 1., -,,__ 3.. .- A..__ n._.-._1.` --The School Board will not buy its supply of wood for next winter until the prices drop. Many of the members appeal: to think that dry wood can be secured at I cheaper price in the fall than the gure asked for green wood now. IIII O A ,1!` A ,R -I_- `I)_.._I ~ C. R. Sanuzan, formerly of the ADVANCE, is now on the anti` of the'Londo Advertiser. - ' ..----v' ----v ~- v---v ' The Very livev. Dean Egon left on Monday to attend the obseqqiea of hu brother the late Rev Patrick Egan, in Boston. 6 . n A WHAT BARBIE PEOPLE HAVE BEEN DOINQ DURING THE PAST WE EK- } Whit. H. Ardagh wasv up in Gavenhural 1 last week. Sf d1i`2ai` x31'i; "KI i`5.'. '1'5':=,S." 'E'Je3'c';b"5 pai or_ e war T cssrs. t_ewart tewarto tizc gown of B?-rite`. Soliitggs tic! Em admisistratoa o t e estate 0 t e an: ra V -owrie. ecease their Christian and surnames. addresses and descrip- tions. tfheh full particulars gfhtheir claim? aha unte- mento t eir accounts an t e natureo I osecuri- ties (if any) held by them. , * V And further take notice that after much [All man- $1.00 "PER ANNUM IN ADVAc' amen: corms mm curt: sncuu mu PEHSUNAL. AROUNILBAHRIE. UJGAL mmn. U38 U1 any) "910 UV ITIBHI. And further take notice that after such laut men- tioned date the said administrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the part es entitled thereto. havtn regard only to the claims of which they shall then ave notice : and the said administrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any pereon or eereone. of whose claims notice shall not have been received bv them at the time of such distribution. ' . V Naomi -:0 Ran-:n elm. Incl. 4|... .6` In-no-u A T` There will be oered for; sale bxyublio auction at the VILLAGE OF IVY. in the own: ' of Egg, on Wednesda .1'ebruary 18th. 1 . at twq o'clock in the ternoon, the. following properties" ,5 namely. ` : PARCEL ONE IIIEII, A`. `A0 nuunknu snub... DV lnem at me [H.118 OI SUCH alstnutlon. ` Dated at Barne the Iqth day of Januarv, A.D.. 1933. . ` (\'I'\I.IIIv A with n 1-nlincni A win! AuM1N1sTRg'roRs" SALE namely. Pnacm. ONE -The west half of lot number IIXIOOIJ` (16) in the ujn_th (0) Concessxon of the Towuslnig of ; Essa, containing. xoo acres more or less. Thus ma 5 first class farm. mnety a_creB_ of whxch are cleared and E in a good state of cultuatlon. The balance of the 1 farm 1: comoosed of a good hardwood bush. .TlIeI'o are erected on the property a. comfortable-log dwell- _ iug house and good frame outbuildings. `There are ___also : large orchard. two-wells and stream upon the o said property. A . - I _a|so large orcnaru. two-wen: and stream the gaud property. . PARCEL Two -Part of the east half of lot number twenty (ac) in the eigh h 8) Concession of the Town- shi of Essa .(which propertgais in the Vill `of Iv Jae lately occuied byone rah Low ' W ~ further particu rs and description ofnwalich vlillbe ;ma dc known at time of ealelcontaining ecree more 3-on this propertv. Also a good oreherd and well. parcel: and each parcel eubject to reserved bid.` ` , 4', ThCfe 3180 bl! offered fnr an`. gin u- ness- or less. Comfortable framedwelling and-eteble erected , The above properties will be aered for eale in two : III! IIIEIIIZIOIICG laud. Terms and conditions `of sale will made Itnojm-A Tat timeof sale or in the meantime u on applicntton `0 Robt. F. Lowrie, Esq.. Egbert P. ., or to ' srnwmzr & STEWART. S" `' t`:..*:;-:`re'r*:;:.';;;%; .pu-can auu eacn parcel subject to reserved bid. ' will also be offered for sale at the lame ftime allthe household good: and effects upon add _ lut mentioned laud. ~ . Tnpmn gun! -.....I:s2-..-'-l'-_|- _.sn 1..- "Z I `- W. Moiriaont. B.A., the nvawly-up-_ 1. 3 `ivhted Classical Master I8 tho! 00l,li!7Il=I-SQ; fgjunw. before leaving 8%.` ._Dl_l%l'~'3'_:If-,.!V'9I VP_'!f!=<- by the |tudouu_&h9pi wit ' !vowelfI_I1 " [ in II n u u - --. _.._ , ` V ?- OWEN STREET _ E Commercial Paper and Farmers notes discount -or collected. - sAvmss BANK-_i]EP__A`B.ThIEI`{T _._..z ._ A--. Central Business College, vroaonrro- ;__.o[{.'_. Valuable %~Lan VOL LII No. Sun): %TENDERS]:FOR woon 3 __:__:___ 1oLLIE DOG EST RAY-A Collie Dos came on `I... _..;......-e A6` than nn:Ia-rein-um`! Int 1'1. Can. I Notice to creditors.` -`VVANTED-Tn learn the Printing Business. __u.. .. 'l'`l-lli`. ADVANCE OFFIC . NEW AnvIa:n'nsEiv1EN'l"s. icwv-:_ HEAD OFFICE` 'ro'Ror'ro. F A fur-:% ::BANK m=_I_unnNm - _ ---IN"l`HE-A-- Township of Essa. -iSEALED|T__E_NDERS_: __-,___1 I.-. .|__ .....I-....:..._...I ....a.:I'lI F1-om` ]anuaW`5th in all Deparmentl of the . L , .. .~ _MONY TO LOAN. _,_ ___-....L J D-Junta nu :1 N . waonn No. V Sufunz Wnsuzv Proprietor. srswmu` is; STEWART. s;1:;;;;`;;r.; {.2 25..}}I.E.}}.mr. :3 Owen St.. Barrie.- W. H. SHAW IVILIIVII-I I u u..v-nu. \Ve have a large amount of Private Funds to lend ' at 4} and 5 per cent. on the security of good farm Mortgages. MCCARTHY. BOYS 8; MURCHL `SON. Dunlop Street Barrie. r we Aammutrlwr. V` :3 Owen St., Barrio. L J. NESBITT, v2.6-n Booklet P4uNcu>A`L. :1-isounted In the matter of the egtate of JOHN GOUEPLAND. late of; the township` of Vesbra. in the County of Slmcoe. V Frmer. deceased. `Notnce IS herehv gnven. pursueut` to the R.S.._0.. 1897, Chap. 1,29. that all ct ditors and others having claims against the estate 0 the said John Couplan . deceased. are required an or before the Of J anuary, A.D . 1903. to send hy poet prepaid nu tn (I;-liver tn Mn-nsrn. Stewart 8L Stewart 0* the Of J A.D 1903. send Y P0 PWPIW on to deliver to Messrs. Stewart .91 Town of Barrie. Solicitors o- the exeeut`-re 9f the last w?ll and testament of the aid Johu;Couplznd. deceaaed,- their Chrintian and vurnamee, and deecripvions. the full particulars of their clams. the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (it any) held by them. ` . And further take notice that after such7la.at_I_'.neq- securities (it anyyheld by them. - And notice thatafter such last Ineq- tioned date the said executors W1 proceed to dist_n- bute the assets of the deceased among~the plftli entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice and thatthestud executors will not be liable for the said assets or agv part thereof to anv person or oersons of whose claim notice shall not ha.v- been received bv the! at 3'10 time of such distribution. v Dated theznd dav of Januarv. A.D . 1903. STEWART ESTEWART, _ - \ . Executor-s Solicitors.` 2-5 13 Owen St., Barrie. _______________________ 1 aouusrou g._ ?i.{_v'.'"' '" '""""v ' ' ARM TO RENT-Apply td A. Angus. Ont. _ has arrived and we can uw' auppiy you {with been quality SCRANTON coAL. I OFFIUE-43 Dunlap Street YARD--Foot of Mary Street Fresh Mined Baal sumows guns The F-'ur.-iers. For tl\at_ ticklin sensation in ..the?throt use;. I % nonEn'rsoN'$ VGOUGH XMAS Fuss, , g JACKE;TS? ETC; Quicvk Belief . Cbugli Cure 5c 3 package at _ % obens%on's Drug Store, UH I 1.5! UH Banana. --- _....-___.__ Interest at highest current rate allowed on deposits of $1.00 anq over. . 1 ` ,__ . A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS c.nNnUc'rIm. . 2:-Iv JOHN R. LAMB. Magucsn. COAL 2 coAL:7 A%coALr Behigh Valley; "and gua'rb.n- teed to give satisfaction. Ask our customers `gdnd. j they will I tell you that it iburnsjto and . best quality SCRANTON COAL. EGG. STOV AND NUT AT RE ASONAB % PRICES. FOR couoris. cows. 1-:'rc. GIVES: INSTANT ,nEL1:1r. % ` pmclczsc. the best 5e. Cigar on the Market. Sold by T Notice to creditors.% HANMER REASONABIEI GIVE, US A CALL. In the matter of the estate of SARAH LOWRIE, late of the Townshio Of Essa. in the County ot Simcoe. Widow. deceased. ` Notice is herebv given pursuant to the R.S.O. 1897 * Lhap. :29 that all creditovs. and others havigg claims agaxnst the estate of the said Sarah . Lowrie. dc- ceaasedmvho died on or about the gth day of December. \ A.D 1932. are required on or before the 13th day nf` F'n`hrnm~v A_D.. 193.`-I mnend hv mint nra- . aomsnv CIGAR on-'ost'r: Posfr OFFICE.` * 343213, put. SMOKE Tl-1lE --CD1\TI.-Y`--`-. snnasgur DROPS INTERESTS OF BARBIE." THE COUNTY OF - SIMCOE AND `IKE DOMINION ' OF CANADA OUR CRITERION." -_ FIRST CLASS FARM FOR SALE-x5a Acres. S. 3`) Lot 18 in and Innisl. 75 acres cleared and in good state cultivation. acres hardwood bush. Price $7505.00. Apply to avid Clement. Fennels P.0.. or to Hews.-n & Creswicke, Solicitors. Barrie. ----- Telihone HQ `VARRIE, LCOUNTY OF SIMCOE,hONTABIO, JANUARY 22, 1903. ITHENEW cuuucu scuum iauArg|_1'_s_ , BARRIE FIRST Rmeui-.AR'Tsmss1 oN HELD oN' MONDAY EVENING. The Board of Works is Now Cotoposed of a. Representative From Ezli Ward-The Committees The Town Council nxela on` Monday even-V ' ing with Mayor Boys in the choir and ' the following memberal present :--Aldermen Strange. .MnoL\ren.. Barwiok. Ron, Step- i -hens, Tyrer, Powell,` Otton, Lowe and Poucher. *` I Vlvu Ill uuwvuuvun Froni Chief Smith enumerating the fires 5 which took place during the put your. , -4-) -_'L_ A'_- _.--...k-- 1 . Iluvlulvll Communications were [received and re- ferred to the comm mean as follows : V ' From John Powell applying for the poni- tion of. asseuor. . !`,,_., vvuluvu vvvnn rs-uvw ---T Ald. Strange enquire; eeiitorwtthe nnnmber hofe town licences which hed been renewed thieyeer, stating that he intended moving to the effect that the Chief of Police report hmouthlv on the matter. I U I nl , J, l_,,..,_ J 1 `Ross._its chairman. recommended the pay- UIIJII Q-U `aqv cuw - --v--- The Finan-ea ComI'11`ittee.mthronigh Aid. ment of accounts amounting to $241.62. and also recommended that a grant of 3200 be made to the Royal Victoria Hospital on the oondition that a bed he at the disposal of the town for 67 weeks. ' . The report was adopted. The report of `the Market and Parks Committee submittedby its Chairman, Ald. Stephens,a`d vised that the town hall be rented on -the following redueedterms:--Mrs. Ham- y, 84: Mrs. Dougall, $5; Mr. Stanley Prior, .l.lIB repute wan` nuupuuu, nun. .1. ll..- IP35. and `DANA: nnmmitfnn I-nnnr O\" VVKI_I"lTI'_3-D-Tn Pgnting E Apply at THE ADVANCE OFFIC ,