jutn ml nquxeu roar; 1-no raver __fL.nest. and; a _bIrd .st1rs,T and gig` lfIlllI_ll',Wl`ul' I lIl"E DTVIIJMIUMB` ugnu, uaw 6.; ` a . - 2aled`;e'_cnd pct-saga 91 _our dvstin.\'. ' ' . -V-Uuncan Uompbell Scott. 9,'v.._- ',v`v`v~ I-Avv-u-391515 [GUI-Cl flI'ULll Qste!hout; missionary at lion-l`S>in'1pson. The town is a, mega. E! bf` cdfllnlerce. -With. a vopu-' .o;fro1n 700 to 800 lxidialns. 8'1! utwhfqm have loiig since a_dopted Crigxiahity. They no longer` live in . flat "roofs; but in new, ..`.;nou.t cottages, snug, warm and orna- fln1fental.rQ ,l`h,ey' now have an elective rC_ouncil,;fwhich adiiiinistefs the laws go! the ,'_'_toWn, twelve representative `and, ehiefs; elected by public bal-V '-Jdrt; 'l`l1e?yiha\'e a re department-, 9. ,temr:e_nr_ce society ' and - several {heir -.o,l(_l style _-(if Indian houses,` "`5`8tgO1`es.:f',To all outward appearances - .l_1d_\'e adopted Christianity and L;,~our`~ div'ilj_za~tion, gand have a. `large -aind V ;w_e'I`1-att.enlded (Jhul'Ch, 'a,- day f sehoolg end a home for girls and `unother ,f,c_>r`.~boys. `~ . -`-T-...u#.....-.I .-v\...-._..-..-,_ Al, `I Modal`-Vn Town and Elqct Thclr lxe'(;m,ivo Cou ucil. aim; Io ., ..m.' Ci.,.S.t=ephenson, ass-istant secr'etary of the`MethQ- receiwed while in Toron- intcresting -letter _-from (`int l\1\Il u=n:nAl.-........_.* ~...L~ `Canada? " ; ` 4 ' I` .pl3;_1'4iid, b_en_nt1es.at,d_u_r sun and shade.- M:u`o,}v"-11dge`d_` ,Rock_i_e_s._ fungi along then: ``h2= d` _-ftlng *l (_>uds,4 `1\ San;-:.-n-a's cavalcnde O1 ;hhti1_1detr_hi',g"..ltjg.`oxns, lswmd St. Law- :,~ _ reni29!s sweep. `- " Are `our- (Ianadu? 5-me botimlugvot two u.~ 6ai1s, deep to deep; imnzvfnorfa fill,` dp a` ctpntlnent, . . 11-om we uli_im- - , Though (these beyond all` tellnng -precious 3 ;(_)_u1{. is `son:-otblng` d_g-ax-er. tar. ?W v::; :5 7' L " V . j .. <,l.I;;7l_'II,\c-`r, raster, more-f T _ ;{tihe;fy4,!9_VI_r_- w,ea!~t-L1 _ in c-n.rtLh.'s` ya" on tho Pnlrlu. %I7iHaIsTlANb INDIANS. "uuupu 5-u-VJ vs vuuo` AIIIVISIUI l`lIlv|Jl'|Iu' , ;l`he namegl of placer at`; redolent. L of days -when 'Nature -reignodgsupnamo. in this vast l)ominiqn., The Cra.no'.{ the ,;un, vth_e_ Goo -uni! the: Eagle T , oer ,_t`ation,; `_-C1903}-. `***N st,*PtS$`-_-iar`.x,mi'Jloa which"n1_~ig`ht' he indenitely"mult~ipI`ied. '_ hfanfies aw constan:.ly._`-recur;-lug,V6;g;;; 5!: W3?" ` 1"u!S&:WM`!%n.;t .*=~`#3`?"!100!Q;-i': }i!i?Wli{% `-1 ewitmi`. 1>e1;akq...:u;a. .2!hi*Cd.- ' tho.1i%mi9i9n9 M"? .,l.`%.`.t.f.t:.h3i1'...t,!T`3@'. -mi~1;::croga6?%Lurzsiffiaa:niWt?:`*:;Ts- - ~man Uache; ,gzmw.% j afterythe Iweiu :e;prasst*1~ w_1xo.:f_huj1t=-~ " '1'`tfl"y 7 ago he_g',a.r'1.1a. vvjorlg-`-*1bAlg|fi_:;g :vs.s1s:aw.-.;:et;Latxi_` V * `M97139?-" althois - h.p[_.:ear to` be` very hea,lt1hy.TThe witcr-A ; DU uut: U! U115 LOWDSIHBII,` he , ` Oh; we `don't mind it; yo`u,aee. he's an orulpan from the Old Country.-" The truth is these men earn gooil. money, and the-ir plaqes could, Anotybc easily supplied ifvthey went on -in a -hurt. One 01` the menUt_o`ld_ me t.h:i.t_V as awsarpenter lye earned four` and 1. half dollars 9. day, and could live on oe dollar. By way of change he had t-azken on work as 0. port-er'in'theo hotel, i'ecei\'ing bOa.rd*a\,nd lad-gi free, an-di earning, with tips, forty dullars a month. The town dogs notg, -i _drawn_!rom wells.` and A-diphtheria *wsis prevalent at; the -time `of our` visit. . . v_ v !I..' II,,| Any Englishman `must -be struck wnlh the disregard ' of` appearances in the West. '1`ra'Velers - -in amt-class 1-arri_1g`es,.wh_o prove to. be edu_cated., inI.elligent,~and often Vw`ea.1t/hykmon, ` are dz-eased in colored shirts, i-/o_pen ` wa.ist,coat`s, plld slouch .<;owb;)y,l3o.Ata;_`j while their persons are o1tenVnona.;1 too clean`, -.a`n`d` the edisagfeeabld` _lIa'b`it7 of chewing 'an,d`s Spitting 1;` almost` Int-,i.Vw:'8!.l: ..i.nd9,c1J.o.ye8t.!i. o-to disgust,, law 45 `fairly 2 wast:-ag-gsssaa,_ woman: gutItf- i;!tlv`is:~hate_f:ixr I_ih!t>it*;`F'f`1 'l`hn nnnn-`Al. -.I.'.n'.`... _..- _.'.:-I'__4 I . eta- S1.9f=;.v_~"-i.t,'y~' in7A8%?'_iIi1.%i0 _i -ftne station of. the`! 3:.` }..~y:~' rolice, threejniles, ,o,_ut.71. 5'. er `1~'el'ryj` ` wnbl" . tomniatnds . the P9F:5'QY'1'8-115 Rg`n't 1' `via . ,. amous s-Moq`nt e,d 1- saomntissiorliv showed; 'u_s j;over.fthfe . p forc"d`.`_` remi- 1 _V es, `a_md__ took u8]:.i,j1tto._hisA,"ho.use, tot," . `tea with `his `wife and 'd~aughtei's`.` .'1`heij inen _8.l0 often offgood family, who .enllist for t1;e;ga.l.g 9,1,; _a.d,v.enture.`;a.nd_. V I `; spl.endi.d` Eh toi`1tli'is',, inj.eai'lier days at `least; `they, " ._ hag] 'tl1je i,r', 1l.\,.`",D,lo{:l,e,sst chair 250 of -` - thum.vo`1unteez-ed for service in_b`o_uth ' ' They - are fearlesst` fellows, orsemen and good shots. . Althougnonly about 750 in number," ' " these vast` . ,theyVi.e.ep`,._per1`e-ct order thrpurghout . Nolthwest `territories, - peopletlthough they va,i"e by amen of ` diheifent nationdlitie . 1ndia.n'S. r ` of them, s, including and make it their many 2 ' The Canadians are proud - boast _ that when-<-once they are set on `the track` of "a criminal they never give 'up_ till he is: cituglit, and it is claim-, ed -that the certainty isfar greater on their bordertha.n' on the other.. time, ago 500 lndians had p . trowblesome in the United S of punivshmentr `side of- the Some roved tates, whose authorities, sent them.-V with an escort` ot,200,_men,, to the border. A couple of Mdunted` Police were tailed off to receive them, and across the line ,``Where are your men?" . asked otcer in charge, expecting a. of soldiers. "Why, here we are. the (Jana'dia.n s answer. Then ihg to the Jndians he shouted ' in; march! and instantly `his mand was obeyed. ;_ `American suggested J risky work that it to bling so small a `_de- ` .rode for. this purpose. ~ the. troop ' was turn- .` `Fall com- The amazed ,_ was force. Oh, that's all right, said the Ca- I I and all the Indians, know us. `never have trouble with them. i_ natiian, we wear the I{ing s scarlet, s We I 1 I! tell the story as it was told me, and ` it is simple matter of fact that the Indians under Britiszh rule giv trouble at all. Law'a,nd order `vail unive-I`.S~al1_v. _l{egi11a `told me that he had times left` things out all night they were ne\"er touched. ` nw. .. ..... ` _ '1! .. A `shopkeeper V in * j e no pre- ll some -if - and _' I I - 4 - .~----:-*2-r " N V V- _E'. yE.AR$.;_:Af`0,_ _*!Wi% 9U8 7* GR3T A-PBA|:R!E: {FM P185 3-k 1 = "-7S`f'fiU OK,A'N ENeLIsHMA~.ji- j Rev`: 1g.aga:.$F'n:s smug- - \ 1ng'lx;ierlinbbn f6r tind lohdn Orlit- un Wprld-+"Jook so . G1_Iod in: mi '2 lionwonlthy in tho_M$_ttbr of_'l.Di'ou`_' lighter `In I Cansdd {-Short99m1pgq of '- "Shun the an! Burl-nor. T dor `of. b.u`rned hptlfq ,.w_Mch, V one ;in p`ussi|:gg.`hlacknifth T - _ ;-an". o' to _the noatin,-ijls\,t; icausl at it. ar;o1:1gi;;;;b,__oj;.3agn qgag; V `any one` who has 10.! 3 ,. 'l?hia buriting_ 1"` the -, (any . time Vt._l_ " V ` azy_'-;or`i'nc9n1p'e " mtsnz.ue . ....--... v. -----av Av vvau Auuuu. ` * j I I _ Cus~ter s force was a.- part _of a big I force, nearly two thousand soldiers, _ [under General `Crook, sent out to _ fdrive the Sioux back` to their reser- I \ation._' Custer was separated by the ._ . main body and sent ion a scouting . ` expedition, _ Here he still further di- ; =\'ided his force, sending half of his . , men away under General Reno; This V smaller force was near enough to ' hear the reports of Custer s guns, v `but couldrerider no relief because of ` the presence of some fteen thousand. l rlndians. ' The Sioux Care .ma.gnicent . lhorse soldiers and; brave in battle. They` overwhelmed Custer, though several who took part. in the fight said Custer's troops killed hundreds of their braves before they. were I "wiped out. . . 7 - .- one` of the sub-chiefs, Rain-in-the -.;- Face, who had a. grievance .aga.in st 3v Captain Thomas Custer, ii.-brother of S the general. cut out` the still. quiver- .ing hea.rt. of his enemy and ate it I raw during the conflict. Thewlndians horribly mutilated every victim _but_ ` the body obcuster, the chief. "They afterwgrdsvvexplained that he was .` `much heap brave man" .and\. they would neither scalp him more other- `wise mutilate the body.- When found i he was .t'ully'.dreseed, with his sword _.lying on his breast. One single bul- 1 let wound in the forehead told how {he died. `All the other,dea.d were `stripped of their clothes and cut to i pieces. ` , e ' ' fl'1I..'~..-._L .I___ 41., Au 1 run ' pursuit was stubborn. Up through rcvvvu The next day thewhole Sioux na- tion started Lnorthward on the run, As soon as General Crook discover-e ed the disaster that had overtaken I Custer, he sent his V whole ` force` after the Indians. The warriors abandon- ed their families, knowing they would ' not `be injured by the troopers, in or- der that {they could moveifaster. The 5 the Bear Paw Mountain of Montana f fled the frightened Indians and `then on across the Milk River and into Aeainlboia. .- The trooper`: of` Crook never came in sight of the Indians. ;but `kept steadily on.` `Sitting Bull halted; A fty miles-over .the'border.,. only to find. the so1dlers'-[w`ere.-tsitill. after him- Then his force swept on into the Wood Mountains. Ine~~the` _rn`ean_timp ' *G ener_al. `Crook discovered that he had "exceeded hid authority` and had: invadedj.Oanade.. He :.`v e'ry.." promptly retreated. though he after- wardsfi` `asserted that he -would have fought a_ battle wltltfthke .In1iuis `head-I he caught up with =them,'~ if he had been on foreign soil or in. h----. Only I the chief. men of the t,r_ibe,. homexer, , remained for any` length of thnel` (iii Brit.ih.`.eoil. Sitting;-;.Bull~.;h.iml=.rei 'm_a,in_e_d-g `in Canada for a. yleir,--`the G-ovenignent refusing:*to.. expel him as [ long "as. hes - `can-n.-.._ . ning` .o`lfr !p_7eIit,.`-`;b'cl- to I the sme.eunde~ to stanagfjgg . Been fqu : .Iivdi`a'`jg"1"?;`:i3liris.i,`iiar5:.7b??:.aostfsihimlhwi ithe `(:'2;_l1o!'3t"v.(la_.I'i`_ce.`7 `er ' . - . - . 1-... pa ' ,.;'.`v 51'.` ' ae;e.th:e;.::eby -~=t.hq'-- > Indian_ scouts an the I'1n`*R1slIt<!. v?iI;1g.~'.to.- *arrest-'- him for _.,.;m.. ` `V It was the spring of 1876; July 25, that General George Custer and his 252 men were slaughtered by Sitting Bull and his - cred w`arriors. on the V plains of the `Little Big Horn River >3 in Wyoming.` The battle created a sensation. Custer cofnmanded 252 tzroopers; of the Ninth` Cavalry when he went into battle and there were just 252 dead: white men found on the iknol1- Where they'- made their a Stand. In other words none escaped. These men were superbly mounted. Had they broke ranks and ed for their lives, .many would have escap- ed. It is a singular comment on their courage that not one `attempt- ' ed to ride away. To-day `there is a tiny monument - marking the spot where each soldier fell `and "at big Euhite shaft'ma;rks the apex of the hill, the high-_wat.er mark'of the bat- tle which raged that day. The white` stones are beautifully aligned there. 1'l`he bodies `were not fo_und.for many '. days. t Then decomposition was". too far oirntun `tam .....~.....-Iv 1n-..|. 1.-.) _`~u-.Ju- ouvan uuuvAuyUHlbIUll .Wu- (U0 far adranced for removal . Eachbody 1 was rolled into"a grave dug by .the side of where it was`found . n....4....v.. 2....-- ..,- - - - ' ur---uus Auuuo nu SICGM \4u_ UK lullll vuculy. ., L It was the sequel of the'grea.t}bat`-` rtle the Sioux and Cheyenne Indians had with Gen`ez`al`Custer, and tho, Aredskine tied into Canada to avoid - the infuriated` troops who were de termined to kill everything with a coppor-color`ed skin, they. could find. Indeed, the Indians appeared to have been so f1`ig'htened_ _by the magnitude of their bloody V victory that` they "never ceased running until they pass- `ed over the border and away into British territory, where the wilyold Sitting Bull,` their chief, understood that he could not be -pursued except after corxespondence with Washing- ton. V `L Vi_ ,. _ . -_-_- _ _ - v _ .)Vt`tts`vv$._`- 1' ~ Before Dawn; V v , p _ `on the alone;-ftlne ruestnn-t hill: re~stI`irs ot:'mbrn; it km.-n"wlnd vg._c(-uni _No1-.'_th : me Ohuudlere` ultli`- I|\`l1_iI,d mar: btfh rtvetff on1fho'd;'h' (2 gei:a'.q il`_is":`1;_e'1'og -r.l_to1i ` by .'ln|ydIgou. j l ' ma.'ny_%CianaTdians or/e'a.liz.'e'* .lanxie $y thpt:o13istis:; Tposeseiol;s_4 . on - this, continent h_as'egat one time and axnjoiheif chlxsd ftiiee `diplomats `oi the States andl Great. 13rit.a.in?_. - 1'~`h`e" trou- A `me over; boundary lines is tZr`a';djtion7 a`1,~but._th&i:` and the Fenian _rai_d- is_ notv_.,the' ,onlylso_nrce of di-p1'oxi)a.tic V ` correspondence` in_[the past. , ljnjaet, ,jt`zs t'_-28 _yea.rs ' ago this year Canada` waeactually `invaded -by, a `force of cavalry. from the States,` and strange to. relate there was no `call tovarmn from.` Her Majesty's warriors, and thereine {lies a . decidedly interesting story, a story "of warfare, bloodshed and massacre, defeat of v United ,St.`ates soldiers and a, wild desire for revenge which carried them into Cane adian lands in "search of their enemy. If uinu I-ha annual n0 I-Inn ...-n.~...4. 3-1. '7 ..'I\v- 7 1118 1_`.u\'-llI.ll8y `BIIOPQ I; rather. _u;p-to-date, know the ',t3"`'`:'; M,>his' paljt/iaular ,oCA`Sr.8.i'o"n swam *1 wis ;.;.wnh; 'L:'i'(k3o"(V>-'-,'g"6pJ;-A ..Eus ._qnd:. singilqn` 3:} * <;w.;1e2n: ham-b .w;.,r`a~: Lg V .. -., . ,, I 2,; - `__, .2, _ 3 1 , 96%;: apggq:ya ' V .v. x: A .-t~e.;.%,.%,.% ggcitlon with. Zpomiqipm supm.m`tn_-.A'_ _ ` ta or Fqre`-try; .%smsem.% 1 5. -,1 5` utour in.;th9.; `far; nona%%:.*yas ,3re.s=, .$?91`?.9`t.in-`OM.-Lf~"lth,[ %83f nits gar-699%.11ia; e`iisi;4?A1 r.,aj ..k`i, thOrg-1; V . `-.-1-*o.thoI`.~ gun-.-to-dut_`" knnnie ha. 6 .:Lt-_a. * ,......`v. ` uauvlVIlNU- ' , There should be- erected? "on" the lawn bifore` the'C'i'tw `Hul'l"uW life-'-9!-io" statue 0! Eli. the Dewar. =;v_v_ho Myra"- , seats the `extreme. t:o-`.wh'ioh` '4 tho~`ago u is tending. It -woulfd be I. timely: I sermon in stone. Ih:Vwould~arrest'the` ;,jctten't.ion 01 ten` th-ou`aani1- men who, likejihim, are ..graapiI1g`.?a..er wealth` ' j int! `n'm'e'l'o-_ ; wealth;:_: and, guratively ` speaking, -sewing kit I into. their ?ve`su,*: ` where it zany-like `his-.--.be7rounil" by _chu1c9 when-, ~a_u-angers 3` . strip than-+ iue&P8*.>9ii` forms; T`: (Ana; " many of? those vest: . wm--an nearly - happogqd to; his--bVe-. thmwn. on ?i}ro* `sni- cop'aumed;.`,..wga.1g.h `ago. an. sunaji no on; [the wiagzn. . _; This -etntuoz, would` cut ` = quite a `s-m1.hg .Many~2wou`.l-i1_r~pauqc jto, copsider `its " mean-ing.-.'I':oront.o, Sta:-. .. V ` ~ " "A Star-. ` T" 1"`!-'*# -nsI`ft!-6145:!-niaii-he-5;." `A mg`-Kan.` -..`-.-..l_ _ ,, _ V... ...-n..-.- v--w uvggually unu- erand vsome`- men of wealth, who `heard at hinywith much surprise and a little aversion, is not as `great as they think. Like him, they have save ed -end schemed*f-or money long after their earthly needs were -`met. Wealth that he concealed in the lining of his vest they have -`stowed away in do- posit..vaults He, being rioh,`begg'ed pennies from the poor.` '1-`hey, being rich, and having -glfownstrong` and- 'lopg_-armed, . reach out and seize wealth they do not need from under _ the groping -hands of those `who need T it badly. He denied T himeel!"tho small` pleasures" that "men -of `his club are vuaujally inclined; to, heat, light, a. `bed, regulurg nourishment; but `he joyed to do it, 101' the gain-A `heg`ot.. Thor. with their gratentn-tseliiggencc ipoeeibilitielu` deny. theniselvee :1: do . .113 lived for money;!:_they -live'for" " 'm0noy. He hid his'1ealth" inhido ;t_no,'lining ot-`hie `clothes: '- . hide ` -' theirs " ohe'v`vhere~,j_t`-_- -_ s~.di.ereime .~ ` 'fI"Il.-..- ..|_--.1_n.1- - . .-., , ' 4 [ and to live rather ' we.ll'WaVa.V regard: ` creature comforts. A V 1 But, like Eli the `Jew, they` live o`nly for money; -It is the one great thought of their I-lives, and if it is not their only thought," it -teens into all others and discolor: em. The `dict;-remce `between this `beggarly min -' it some` who unu can; vuxv xuuuu Allowing for certain differences ` in station and surrounding cir'c,um-` stances, there are plenty of Eli Hy- mans to. be met` with whichever `way one turns. They do not dress asethe old Jew did, for they Operate on a. higher level than he: they do not sleep` in stables for they were reared better than he; and. they are compel- ` led by over-ruling ' laws that they _ cannot maikesway against, to main- tain more `or less expensive homes, and live iwell as creature comforts. V Dc`L Iu_- `I319 .u. `.7 .- limo Newspaper lloralizlng That II Wot-ih 1 ` 8omo_ consideration. The old Jew who died worth: $100}- OOO, although he lived as if,he were not worth a cent, merely carrie-d the money-hunting spirit of the times to ~ the extgeme limit. All.-.un..-.- l--- ---4 E m$Vl;;;1`f;..k1e moose wos skinned itwsa found that he had five bullets in his body. V The head is. one of the best of the season the antlers v being 55 3 inchgsvacross, with 13 poi:-ats on one side and 12 on the other, _The car- casqweighed 1,400 pounds. av-a_-uv yuu ux DWU LUUIV 51101.5- Both hunter and guide followed, the %rail being plainly i fmahked by rampled undergrowth and blood- staineg leaves. :From -9.30 o'clock in the morning unti1.2.3O in the after- noon the `chase was kept up, but without once getting. sight of the moose. They found a place where the animal had lain down to rest, but here the guide lost his` bearings-, and it was decided to camp for the night- Next . morning the chase was again taken up,- the bloodstains-were seen- no more, but it was evidentgthat the imoose was wakening, and nally they came in sight of V n-iin,. ' far ahead and still game, `although bad- .ly wounded. In the course of an hour they came so close that the guide was able to put in the nish- ing ashot. un.......~4.._- --.- , , I, .,-.._, v\J vunILb 0 uuc uus; Juurc, Luz` In- 'an instant it was up again and rush- ing upon` Mason and the guide. A second shot from Mason's rie stop-A 1 pea the bull, however, ygvhich then" turned and edand as it ran the, guide put in two more shots. ' `DALE I-nu.-.4-..._ -...'l ._,.__ _ p 11 u wiI';sv<;;1L hid jllist time to get his Winchester to hfs shoulder and fire V once-_-before the hull was upon them. ` The bullet struck at theishoulder, and 4].... 5..---- :_n - .1.-ue D1_lu(.'(. struck at the ShO|l'Idel`, and the moose tell.`-- The shoulder blade was shattered, but this seeined [only to enrage the bull more, for in} an ihcfnnf 4 en.-.o n... ...-.- _ . --l ----L vaayun Gonna u.-IVA: lllllgg ` A j l`he' party ` was. encampred;-bf 30 north` ` of "Grand: Falls V in` Victoria ` County,,'and early. ,on'evmorn1fn'g..Mr. Mason ,~= aocompanied by the guide, while tramping in the woods, 7 came. Jupon,-"an exciting combat between two bull moose; As they stood gaz-" ing upon the terrib1e.conicL_ of the forest monsters, suddenly from `the 3 `rear they heard fearful beuosyings, I with the pounding. of hoofs aeuof a l stampede. of wild cattle. Mr. Mason, turning sharply saw an ensebull moose bearing down upon t em, not 50 lyardsaway. The animal carried a magnicent set of antlers, and the ponderous horns swung low to the ground as` he came charging on,_ with blood_ in his eye and rage in ev- ery,bellow a `II'...,.__. L ,1 ` I ` A `V -`T"0ilV"':Ul.lJ.;I fh\?"` Al ` I A , ~g1orim;sly bygpurlty,, _ {._:_;o;4,hg1rv < 'mu.ot.rumIanltx_: _v : __d_i_gpt--`Q1111? .'g\_1Ieua.tlons; ' ` A H1!lfv`!st ` 0_b`t,`a'.`In-lug, dnvernnce ' 1'. ., r and 5 ` c;-rmp-ty . vent-rations: Tl.aeu!g:;`_7of God among" the` nations, -;_ARet,nxb`..ot"tghc oppcressevl. ` % . V .f"Gonsi,!Iatlo1\\. or the disstrnssed. 5 W53. M895 . . .11})]~, _r- on'vm1't.l`hns, *` A -nqccvalvngo. , ' ' o ._'yIn`. miI i1kInd`s mvenons. ' ~ ` i. -in" {th ghxoart of tho for-est, V .j;..A~1i]bU1,d not: . V . Z V v0ur`]mqthef:;s lmve suckled thej babes witha in imttngj of the wolf's howl. ' A - And fulgled-"`not': *'s:'.2::* *2 `A r -us no . Is amda: ' Ql_aiud.o, Ontm-lo. Cn.-18--mnnhmd. tru and strong`; v .`_ ,9; '5'.o\}IIg.. qtalwarts.` arm} and Ike :1 vblow rclx -`lss jg"-*[T\[7is'x',ox1'g.."'-. Re'C lv'f!)g kindly "In its ',i1ubltaxt:lonI. athei'b have rough-hown their home: ,,.1:dw,-u-a A.` Wlclevz-.-"I :. . T-Am.0._n-z .th; `parties whiz" Jmet Jvitlr.` ghting mO'O,59 Qtuii/ng the "pa_,8_t 968*`; sonjn` New `Brunswick was one comes posed of" W. 'E. `Mason `of ]Ca_nada, ~.itnd;~ `Western }_Mort.ga'ge' -Collvlpany`, ` Dre-.~ .J. and Geo'rgel.R'yan of Paris, l`rance,- and W. W; Lodge. 1Mr. Ma_s~; on is the hero of_ the party, for it was he who brought down a 1.400- pound moose 'as he, animal was chargingupon him. " ` ' 'I`|\n -\.\..4.. .......... ...._..._...a can -__.:I`__ ELI, THE BEGGAR. A? saqsgiidai; gttended; to. 1 :~-2% J `K R-1:./1. V . V O V . Owing to the necessity ol having,-more Iror space to show. our goods wehave tted up the sdtore between Vickers Dry Goodascore and the Bank` of Commerce (4 doors west of old mm_)_yA... Barrie oannow boost of having the`-neet Book andstationery Stores in Canada EVERYBODY INVITED to inspect the store and large stock. of seesonable gooiis. . All thslatest books of popular-authors. V . - Toy and:Pioture Books for the ohildren. , A ` Prayer and -Bvmn Books for all churches. . ` `Vydehave madea speoislty ot Bibles and can o'er the geatest value at 50. 75, $1 00 npwawvk f ._ , y. Leather Purses, Wrist Begs. Chatelaines, Writing Folios, Dressing Uesee, Inkstanda, Photo Frames. Photo Albums. - ' ,Me_gio Lanterns, Steagn Engines, Drntns, Dolls. Xmas. Cards and Calendars; prettier than ever. ` r Endless Variety. : Ping-Pong at 500 which eannothe Eqnaled Elsewhere at 75c. _____j__ -. ..--.. _-_--` -cu `min:-vu ' wuvuo u 5 _S0'l'I:1'.th::i<'>'oksellr. in the store`. $.61 pp}-estry, made arrangements ,h?_i .-.~-oI;'_ `A `.3 the plain {or systematic ;;',_ T f;j_platt.i_g.`-. The forestry branch , 7_1;l'Ol: {54!t'AQp&!`t for't1'ee culturo, ' A.Bpqhdon and Indian Head ex-' b "Vj:I:!1't_:O`,;;$`fa,r1x1l.%.,.'I`he8o `plantation: W . excellent progress, and ,oveVr_n.~;nil_l_,iozA t.reqw__ .1: .or'* diSt+!13*!"sp- smug W ' .1 uplef; ;-Vaottois -;i'\i*ao`li...;f;;. ga`i|_ 5 e I - plgvr;-.v 3!!-on`; the: *s`tnp'pen . - u any; --`adapted `;t1). L Assunnucn: company 0F'CANAl)A_. I-nun omcz, - A -A % -ronon Vheadqnarbrs at Barrie or '4 is already partly organized for the IMBEMAL LIFE, omm; . 'splemiid qppottppity _fbr.q manfbfannlergy. and characte;-:' to work up u firetblgas busineag qna :set`n`-e"an anualfy increasing income. A Iibemi` "'oontIaot;ill_bpj'acodrded the right person; Communications will hp oonsidexfed as congiapncial if so desired. "Fuyll pJartic1i&l_a.;-s, furnished upon aplicatb the-- ' lverybody Invited. -..' |_l.U:...,l.JFIAI _c:'j-I-_Wi4'IAl`,|.'. A LARGER AMOUNT ; T % svucu .YEA.R'-`DEVELOP Wu-us. ms`n= ucfr- ` % ` % _fGRO_W WITH I-us worm; In %oPPoRTUNmr The E. B. may Co. Ilndrated Fibrewam. Tubs and Pails are haimibo-me in appagw -.._.. 1...; ..L-:_ _`I_-_ ,__..|._. :, 1,, , ORNKMENTAL IMPERIA L LIFE 38]! '0? :1!` long no" v`I3ith_th_e:_low `roofs, gnout ,n1ental.rv`f,l`l1,ey C_ouncil,;fwhich `up! lnen bal- Xot.` '1`he7y have tire `temr:ei'a;1g_(:e .t}O1`es.:f`_,T0 .na_\ie our c iv'ili_za~tion, Vandv W'a,- -`another . - . .`;In` outward appearances, the Indians ' areaccurate jimitators 6! the white man. but in morality and `, spiritual : 5 things they have not as yet been` able :to_ conform to `the best approved cus-` toms and habits of the whites.. When `a young? man marries it has always been the custom for the relatives of. the bride to makea great present to 'him,`.the amount ranging anywhere new $100 to $500., Ostensibly this has been given to the bride, but as a-matter oi fact for !uture`reckonin_g i;}ha.`s only been loaned'to the groom `mm _-h._,._must.A 1-eturnflt with usury. cm. resu.lt_o f`t-his custom is that the iiewly-xn_ a!;ried, couple are compelled 1_,o,l_s1a..ve year` in and year out to meet their ob_l'i'gatibn,' subjecting, ` mm we-...-mwh ..ha,rdship. and ezcpo- ' . "1?hB."b;g,,feas.t;-f,Whifh,2 is . -the. ' '5c`,sgat,ig2;a"c<'onipani'men-t to the mar- _ gge; jg what, _t,a,kes the marriage Xn.f;iand;1iwhen the toast is `over the . _"j_'mg- `couple must start out penni- 'Mr.'J_ Ostetjhout states that this ~ ",;ji'o(.;;jhe fmwy customs that hafvo "be ujpi-oozed from Indian life. Before I E i giheir and l- ? --my Vanna vv \.a c IIC v Ul .DUuu4lUU.o The worst`: excesses here, as in-our own country, are due to drink, and of the towns we have `visited Regina is in this reSpe..t one of the worst. We stayed `in what we are assured is the best _h'ot/el in the IIIHA e, yet even in it we were met by the notice that a drln`ee would be served free to any- one who came between 10 and 10.5 , pm. `A traveler in the hotel said, in the forcible vernacular of the dis-~ trict, There's more hell-in` the li-' quor traic here than ever I saw '_anywher_e. _ . . g'We` `Were I amused` by the `free-and-' eeisy ways; ofthose, whom English- Jnen are wont to receive ` with re- spect, if, not_sex'.vility,. Jack. is as goddas his"mas te:',". if, not better. "Boots,~ _` for example, who in a` lad fa,\'or'*to give`-more shine" for ve cams, and on duty he. was dressed.`- with the best, swaggering` into the : visitors, . writ.in'g-room, (battling the and whistling shrilly, now and again, to assert his indepenodence, The bar- ber conducted .operations in the same room, and for practice, or c.pleasur,e, N: hegan_ s;having.himself, walking round theroom, and exhibiting his skill lzhappily on his own, throat) without even a glan-se into -the glass.\occa- ,s`ioually;mal aijoke. or singing a 8nat of, a[music-hall song.` Mean-3. , time a young clerk,` -from `a ClySD_by, seated himself inthe shav- . in_g'ch2_i.ir to" wait the good pleasure ogxthe barber, f'who,'-1oo king at ;him ,q`u`i'"aziclalley, ex4l:timed,. A Well, my buck-, you ' needn't look sapious, though you may be as `good as you like." The next customer was facet,- iously asked, "Do you want a s5ra.pe? Then I, guess you must, wait till l'\e done my own hair. With all thisnoisy` chaff there `was `great gn'od-nature. -when 1 expressed! _._my" surpnise at thcinipudence of` Boot!" to one of the vtownsmen,`-i he said, (no an-\' nnivtnl {J-." -.A'.. ....- .L-l... store . A I 1 1 I 1 s - -from Wh.ite-hgapcl, made it a great a E l 3 0 l [It reams Simone .0oum'yEPaople1,;l1West~J ' ' ""'_" _" "' "I.'f"i ance. but their chxef excellence is lbecense `Jhev are `dnrable;. light, made in one piece and have no oops tofal-1 off - _ Was_l_1_i;1g___ly_~ is relieved of _half itb rdens using this ware. IN Inuuuz Fox: 'rr11a; uAN wH}o CAN.` Fovi- Sal Everywhere V ADVERTISING A87 fink - Ls ` If?` UIICII 7'?` I :-Pong cannobe Half; Canada. w ap cl ~'p1' fnesh sq!l." ` we *v1w ' . 9 wire:-e l\,1tln . &';1__-,;1_1:.-It USE. 1`oI'3oN1-'o, om.