Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 15 Jan 1903, p. 2

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$70,000 interest, ._No I 319 term. A . -c:1u`o Any quant ti` 7 Vf- - ` _ cent. Easy `O0 fI:_!:Il1;utI<;nlgan at 4% and 5 De}- I,RNN{\\( ADI'\Ar\1r n.\u-n... .. .....___- ,, t O H. LYON`. PRIVATE`-Fuubs TO LOAN C . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Diuounted. Collections made in any (gut of the County". Real estate bought and sold. nvey- ancing in all its branches. "Marriage Licenses issued. Oice-:-Rosa Block. Dunlnn gm...-r 11..-..:- ..-- _......-,. nun wags? uuugn; and soul. ponvey License Oice:-Rosa Bloclk, Dunlap street Barrie. . ' l. V. ' , OFFI [caster 5 9...].- CES-Lahe Block. Cor. Dunlap and vMul- ts. . A Dental Surgeon. Of ware. Emranoe, Owen nd std Mondays of each 51-lvn. "`$'i5'1`."E';'1ALTY-Diseases of Chest, Stomach, Nerves; Consulting Physician. Victor A. Hm. M. 0., L.R.C.P.'and s, Edinbaro, L.F.P. and S., Glasgow. . ` . SPEClALTY-5u:-gery 'Midwi_fery, Diseases of Skin; Consulting Surgeon. ' .---.- Hours-u to 1. 7 to 8_. ...__. rrca J. London. uDl'.'(`lA Dunlop`St., Barrie. 'second_dour east of `Doogall M Phone to . . ' . no-lv ;- S. BROAD. M;D. C. M., F. T. M. C., L. C. of the same matter exceed four. 7 ` R. P. S., 0.. late. resident Physician and surgeon _ot Toronto General hospital. with special attention Cl"! "01 311 7197118011101!!! ml!!! In one ` to 131593393 of women am; Nose and case be mounted on solid metal hue. ` Throat `Work, also tor some tune sur eon in charge of Emergencv Hospital. '1 oronto. U eand night rcsidence-upstairs in McCau'thv Block. 2: &a ` Bros. tumntnro warerooms-near Five Points. ' It i|NSURANC.E AGENTS ` ` CONVEYANCERS, &.C. `F... _- - , !).............-._ n. J. nz.\:._nun nuaa, u.x\.\u.r. .a 3.. Lam-_ burgh; M.F.P. .8; 5., Glasgow, member ot British Upthalmological Society. Specla.ltv.- Dueaueu of Eye, Ear, Tnroul. and Rose. OFFICE-78 Dunlop Street, Sanders' Block, Bar- rie. opposite `Post _Oti1ce and` Railway btation. Phone 54. P. O. Box .96. _. 7-ly HIDE!" 52-ly J1 Lurpnw, reuow ox Lnmty Luealcax boucge, I Mymbcr ot the Conlegc of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontatio. Oice and Residence, 18 Owen street. Fred J. Hart. M.D.. M.R.C.S., Eng., L.R.C.P., London. R. J. F. Palling, Graduate of Trinity Umversity ' Toronto, Fellow `of Trinity Medical College, Member of the Conley: of Phvnicians and SnI'nI1\nn . R. W. ROSS, Physician, Surgeon; etc., L. R.C.S. Eding, L.R_U.P., Londun. Offices and night residence-Brown : Block. Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone 77., ' DR.- J. c. SMI H, L.c.P.s., 'om., (late of Drs. arvie & Smith, Urillia.) Olce and residence -corner of `Owen and Comer streets, Barrie. :3-ly % _nighb.. .' (Held from last week.) , A ' 5 in to the`nu_meao`us cases of mumps In thiuaotion. . _ ~ Quite a `lot of snow tell; berg last Ilunnnvg . -- D1`. Little is kept very busy attend-V` ..-- -...-1 -uuuo vs 11:`-IJIJIIIGXIF. ' '1,ENNox.__ARDA_GH. COWAN & BROWN. 34 ~ , _ 2 ' ' Solicitors, Barristers. &c.` -**`xw:; M`Wj; ":1; gun:-nnun-a P_...:. AVA. NI. unnnrpuuu, Uilrutcl, auuuw-g .Nota.ry,vetc. Mane toloan. Uices-Ba.rrie and Stayner. Barn: ie-Bank of Toronto Building`, Owen street, . 5-bly R. E. L. BRERETON, Dental Surgeon. over I-lambly's Hardware. Emman- nsnnxnl oz naL_n.u, D ` b . Barristers, Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Laonvpyancers. umoes over the Bank ot Toronto, R2:-rm. Money in sums ot $2,000 hnci xipwards, to loan at 5. wt CCDCO a__ .___._V tr (1 4! LI D.-mu.- -_, V- --__ (ifs. unwsmi. Jumna KENNEDY well : Block. Banfie.-` |_EWSON & CRESWICKE, barristers. Solici- ' ton of the supreme (curt ox Judncature ot Untario,- Procton. Notaries. \Jonveya.nccrs,' etc. money up loan. Otiiceas-Ross Block, Barne. II In 1-, I: ll .`_ ......... .--. V A. RADBNHURST, Barrister, Attorney. ` o Solicitor in Chancery, Uonvcyancer, etc. Unwo-Fnnt, door Owen stteet, over bank at Com- au-onn I`noou'n ,.(;.`_ "ccA'R'mY. uovs 8; MURCHISON, Barris- tets. Soucxtors, Conveyaucers, etc. Success- on to McCarthy. Peplet a mccanhy. 0ic%McCarthy Block, uumop Street, Barrie. J. A. McC1u_z'r1-xv, ` -' _ W. A. Boys, n ' 1'! na..__..._. -. -_,. ......... ....uua. muuunngs. etc. Planin of kinds done promptly and satisfactorily. ot \t_D_x_-ying Kiln. Dust ' 3` igency for rained lum- Fa.ctory-4-Bayeld treet. Barrie. ODGERS `vALL_IE -successors to Gen. Ball. ;'*nNuqx.,~ ARDAG1-1, COWAN & Bauwxs. Solicitors`-. for obtaining propane 01 wnlgguardianshio `and adminisn-anon, and beneral sohcnton. Notvariesgbon-veyancere, etc. 'H4mGa1;'on( Lirmox, Aux. Comm, '6. oimnn Anman,l G. 1:. Lbnowu, L.L.B X ,: Hinds Block, No. 6. Dunlap street, Bar- rm. |.ul.3ran?clV:.O1cca-'-Leanox. & Ardagh, Gravenhun. ; I Lennox,rArdagh, powan B_rown, Creemore and Aiton. . ~ . ` . _ 35-ly MONEY `T0 LOAN, AT 4;; AM) 5 PER cnnrr, 2 ' :'e`r;'aolicitox-',_Proctor,Not.nry.' o` Conveyance:-, ecc.. Spcclnl attenuon an htawing ano probatingwilln, obtaining wueu ox admmistratinn nod guardnannhip, cohectiugaccounts, qtc. Uicu. Ron , Block. Barrie. Moncv to Loan. I vvln. munsrn Surveyors. Eng Oim-, Medical I3 .. . ` . ~ ....-.-..-_ - ONALD ROSS L-.L.B. . ' `Ctr Solicitor} L .eu:.} Bank of Tomato. Building, Ban-in. Jgginoy ito .Loan. )R. J. ARTHUR Ross,` L.R.C.P. .& $..TEdin- hllfh! X: S l;lnaa'n\u rnanglvnauu nl-' 3. P. Cook has returned from visits in his friends and opened school Men-P dey last. Fineeleighinz on the roads here now. Bicycles were running here Sunday . Andre.vf King has treatedehimeelf to 3 brand. new `double-barreled beckon.` ]_lu`>|d!ng%`nhet gun. f 7 3 H. H_.` Srnuruvg K.C. `.TRA1`HY 8: ESTEN. - Ra )R.- SMIl-1,] Flat-In'n R: Smith I Si) BQROAD. M;D. M., '1`. 1.. _ (1. Iain rennin-at DI-u'nm.-inn -.n u-I \..-........ 135' BR. R. P. VIVIAN`? Homoeopathist. ' :60 Dunlop` St. s--u Residc"nce'and Oicc. _ = 8-ly _ .-___j._.. ~ DRS. HART dz. HART (M. M; CAMPBELL, Ban-iste unborn ,-o.- Mania`! In Inan I Mna 1'. ARNALL, M.D.c;M., olce in Bo:z}En's Blo'c_k, Allandale. `On the premises at night. v 3-ly .-_ g _ ` 1 "W'.l`hor rg-oezing at the Canola!-115rvo'I` ` bymiag no a. "great APeVopl9 Iron % Lhre were 31-45 '0 :l}sar t`l_1ai :_"_4:_oId % -_`~`4"'`7"%"" %"'`."`:"'7` ' 7 MONEY TO Loam. [ manvrcfrvuns. .V _....:.: .;3uu ucuurlly qceaowesglratg 0% _ r t: ' `*_d ."`';`. .si~;%2`3~'n?`oufo., `im, sugnmyons. ,.__. _.___.._ 1\ . in v nax mnN'1` on `good freehold security at lowest rate of Inonv l'XII1;l'Al' III-aft.` n-uJ'..t j____T FOR INVESTMENT freehold -4-mu-in. at r......... - FINANCIAL. nn'N'1uu.. PIIY SIUIAN S. D. 7 C. Muacuxsu. "` ihe leading perty of the season their plans at the home of Mr. end Mrs, Donald Ferguson on the night after Chrlltlnss. They entertained e ' large number of their vmsny . friends with ' excellent music end tables set _ with ekskes, oysters and fowl. ` Nothing was spared to make every person at ho:_n_e. Everyone enjoyed themselves moat he2v- unuux, I wiv- "& ESTEN, Ontario Lahd beers. Etc. (ls`.:tnhI:.I....4 :... LEGAL. ucunu, Untario Land 3, Etc. (Established in [12, S B. Our. Dial"...-\-A y ' ed u til ad` f i'i~rI`3`ouafo., mf, ., .--.-.. \u.ou1uu5nea to lg. S E. Cor. Richmond cphone, Main 1336. .111- 3: Esten, SoIicitors.Bank e. will b_e promptly at- {fl-Afl "A. i.'Ii.';};v.cxa. "Telephone 124 G. H. iEs'rnN. 43'-tf r W1!I:-.- Rugeu c:..;.;;, `of British Oolumbia, is visiting friends in this pm. ' I - ; 4.` cup II? A` ' -.n-A-n 3. Both- V 14' h, and Solicxtor, nn__l-19991.3 com % nI.I..ruIunLI: LU % WPTC H] j` ` % ALE absurd _ ,.-;; shuuid. FEVFRY -DAY BARGAIN DAY *',`,i,',',`:f. atfh following prices until every lot is ,,L.1 L Nf".rhUlIlhberland Street. . . .335 9.: Th. I" ` K - -av _ u .'... V," J`r lml . -V . -~ :.3~'k`)'1l re A u`- Q. .Wmr n.I.a...:.. cu_- . An Mrir. 7: [AILAMALE qua! e tor.-oon_sultati4 ` 0 F lCE--Opposit Peter-Srtreet. Orillia. hit. ond Mrs. Wm. Adams and` Miss Gprtlo have returned home after spend- lujtheir Ohristxhai holidays in I:Iomil-- ton nnd Toronto. ' ~ .. poovua, yJ_,q.vsr_5. The` ii}:-:-onomical Mutual. of Berlin. Org `mm m TOt3l 35S_et39 A Also L1ovd a` Plate Glass Insurance Co 3-. pany, of New York. Cash capital, 5:: U ooo' / And tine Sun Loan and savings Comps: `a 1 of Ontario. ~11!- Private funds to loan on first mortgages. 1" ` counts collected. &c. ce over `Henderson; Hardware Store, Bani 7` -Vscnoeeug 4:. SMITH. g.oooo_ooooooooooooocoooo n- "` Ont. Rnrnissznr ;n1m Fonnowtnc Fuzz Insrmi Coummns: , The Mercantile, now ailiated with The Ia; - , V` . _don & Lancashlre of England. Sea: , . ~ nty, $,ooo. T The Waterloo Mutual. of Wa.terloo,or: Tothl assets, S .o83. - A MT :3 -- -- ~ vvill `Ulll'p DUI Dy ofqgnng ][uu- MoRR`.'!_4 3' 5 . u... An1L4.uL`a.\ 1,3. Condensed advertisements on 1'tpamf' as wantsof all kinds, lost and found,;,g for sale or to rent, snecic articles, etc., e;}?: must be ace--mpanied with the cash, and be inserted-Vllrst insertion 2 cents per '5 each subsequent insertion Lcent per my (names, addresses and gures counted!-` words); but a. reduction of one cent per will be made when the number of insert ; same matter four. '_ vvuunu `ue; oycyiai Pumuiulis Du given. , i- _rul`e'w1ll be,st.r1ctly carried out. CONTRACT CHANGE r, Advertisers `will please bear in mind, notice of intention to change advenigg must. be handed into the office not lm,.~_"'v" Saturday-at 10 o'clock, and the copy (mil; . . change must be in Tm: Anmxcx om. later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday g` may not bemade public until the wee}; lowing. ' 12 changes of Advertisements a11ower;7l \ year. It more are required, composition _~"./V will be charged. ` "tr Advertisers will not be allowed to usegif space for advertising anything outside 3-(E; own regular business. Should they dz!-2 transient rates will be charged for such veztisements. . I l 1 week, otherwise the advertiser s announce,--3 I I I I .5` I I 7Preferred posxtlons for local ad .-g njents imthe paper will be sold at an "Tm of one-third on above rates, on no t'::,.. ,a0u:1t' will special positions be given A prulewill be strictlv camed om ' g ' n`1-Notices, Auction Sales, Am inserion .10 cents per guuaeqnenr ins_eruon 0 cents per line` .._ Rgdfng nouces, 10 c_ents_ per linu. in;ertion ; 5 cents per lme for each h insertion`ot_' the sa_me mutter. A1111. der-5 -1ines,`of thm character M v h-rm lines, Obituary Poetry 5c. per line._ .;(1`nl ADVA].vc1_a; is proven the. lamest circulation or a, County. Town. - LA1ynpI'nnu-nnnd-.. -._. u wr.'ArthI`1_'.t' Esjhaon of ;$1.;1 ha gone to '.l`o_ronto to remain. . . 5 M3, Willievtiampbell, of the S00, is ' Vllltlng his psrentajhete. . ` \,(v|QJlUJ_ _&V"lIu , ; Advertisements are space -13 lines `agate n 2; Jwc. Baidw"'in Sre}t;.. L `M by M3 `L` '_} NRTERN `ADVJ libin II .' J m':'ob a"1`errsc; . . . ' 'v, , f'_,' gf,1LB1,%gDVA1cE? OFFICE. an _;Jn .23 CONDENSED Anvnarxszmsxrs. I I I ' `Mr. Alberh oampbeil and Anymer` Mn gone to M niqkoka wood; `to. woxjk. ` [CQMMEBCIAL co1m:,m BARRVIE ~ Tmnslzsr _ G On SHOFICSI. xmcoc. Farmers -'-70F-- I Finn Q..l , W-Zosura. Spro-u.le'o_ and. E. Thompson 4` V 1m`. rebut-nod to Toronto to college, Xmas. holidays at home. - f`:%w1-an an 2*3'eTi'caV{' `$7 ! oud . u" oat Ia 99.1:- ass duc ,, OOLWELL. ` Mr; Albert Ferguson. of Toronto, and Mr. Garnet and Miss `Ethel spent" that Christmas holidays `with their parent: here. ' ' ` ' - `._. All _ I R ' I II ,_,I -I `in t H1011 _q_._1(n nthg! u... -I . .\ .`__V U "` "'P1- Tu upon`: in ap;:: F0t the evenin s'S2'"; v-=5$b`;"~on5 "" _~IInd* " Id "'3.SVne.e up bV `ling. A On. ',Fuany, -3, tour of the baseball ' boys guonerea an the Ainerxoen Hotel ` end gave a banquet to three of their players who are leaving, in we -persona of Messrs. J omen Pnmezfeon, Edward O. Ayers and Geo. B. Henxfy. Afner Vlupper a count was drunk` to `the King Ind then one so on boys who w ereleav_` g, otter which each of theboye madg lI'h_- _-..s -5 .1... ..___.z Fwlski `A :_:i;. E. D.'AyersAgn d -'88. Potter- ` lonlefs tor l_)eoro1u oh Monday. ' nn_- L " % .M.r.j aha Mru, Harry" Caulnghan, of Bmrgon 7Faun,, are houduymg at Ma. ' o.un;nu.'. taBh_er, Mr. John Ssewurt. ' ,. - -_..__ .---.-w--vp ` VL W;;ute sorry` on nest of the stokneaa bf 'Junneaon a boy, who 18 suck i ' Wiih Suune'u tever. ' _ ] . d;]I W"l 1.h-Mun Eula Read. ~M'lIl Vlisnc;-;>;:|o Nev} Year's '1 in Drum. 7 }A .j > _ ` _ 1&6` Tudhope is spending is few. thaioladuyu rim when k ` Hdioiwn, Mugs Mpry Goods. Mr,` Wllll. : uhoifM ra. Jhh Hm, _vuicip'M-r. Doinje. * " M ,I" Jun bu: sold his: |hd \oo : Mr. mm, or ' BAtne,"j who 1 cI,to_`jI`I .fe.ported that John and Meifdgp have purchased the smoke tin the.q__ncte`?ft;`siow carried on "by M 1'. Ed.- ~ Lt}hihtj,, 1 Kim one New Year, Mufcin -7Bron.'_`wil11;iji ._one some end post oice. ...-The`.`Ohn`gt.mas Tree and e,m.erunn'-'1 menu In thfqeohodiet church on Xmaei nijht, `waei'very_ largelyvatteuded. The proceeds not-p:us'ae in` the paste records at the Sunday school. 5. f,W;|'l;ma,.. lat j Nowrmorket,` Mt..1; Y.- Williuina.du1fing' the holiday a.___ `Punk Iu mung iu. Tofontd. A fLe_9`aley, uf'Bau"1e, waited Mrs; , V?a'|k' 1au"S_.und_ay. ` ` I ' \ NANTYR. iaoauron. "}a chase}-gain Mreooi2p1I'I fI'on``I' . A the} C .Il:Jx 'f4_oo::_;puny"q A `om b%f9re`ho'; Ah-rd Vbmht ;shm..%.% Id" ` iii, C ----.-, -v cnnuull .ItrI 8=, 19#A`h5F%- he l`I_-,1`h9h uinred pvidgnoa :. V... A. . 9` 11,, .1! VII . ' 9;. mo`- wadmnd but A stay of proceedings who _entered`~in the_ cane againgt Salnnel gray, n fufjner of Weyburn, who.w`n/n ohu-god; at the: laatj nasiiea "wi__thV"f6:rging Agrniir oeipta and obtaining the vxnnneyg fni: thm % ; #39`! Li~._`"!- P 'Wi['9'.'[?-5953;` Elovitotv company. ~. :~~1t.v `be; n`io/Vhgtnlpatedb >A.'..!.._.:.l V-`AI. _`, _ Muskoka has not done giving up its wonders yet. Recently I resident of- Brnoebride, shot and bronght.liome a white V deer, 9. three-your old buck, weighing about 150 lbs.,.en exceptional "beauty, halving 3 ne set of home, with: 13` prongs on each hern. Miller worke for Thou. Code," soda-e'ported his. geod luck when returning [to itfork on` Monday. `Mr. Miller vies-e'ered $100 for -hisdeer- on' the_ spot, which" he re-T -sou-o'e._ tlrei-6..being.Apne`in~TOrento the"; Normals .Sohool_,: which not -.-hen ghtfot" fused. He is getting .it 1stu`ed in . `Braoebridge. White are very` ' 81.000 s e t s ' sous MISCELLANEOUS Nmws. Matthew Black, formerly of Boston; was Vkilld on the rail why hack at7 Fort Steele. } . Dr. has -returned to his college In Columbus, Ohio, havingepent. the holidays with relatives here. f Mr. Mb"ert (iiiiilon hnksjireturned to the 800 after spending 3` pleasant time with friends here. - V ~Misa Florrie Dye; (visited frienda at Stu-oud,l_ut_week. _ - I w %%Me;sra. Hetgb Lougheed quid Wll_ao`_n` Hum .viisgd_ Mr. W. `Colemgn, _of Obokstown, on Monday. . ` ` ` M1f. Wailaoe Oarr:;t'Vlie_ra>an_d McN ml, of Ivy, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Dyer. . . The annual Christmas Tree` and concert of the Sundav school here was held last Wednesday evening. A large number were present. _' An `excellent program was rendered by the pnprls of the school. Proceeds n -amounted to nearly $18 which will be invested in` a " library. _ ' . Mr. Nathaniel W149, 5: same,` was A viaitinget Mt. 'J.Lougheed'a Ftiday. ` A numberfromyhero spencNew Year s night at Mr. T. Lougheed a, Allgndqle, `School opened on Tuesday with Miss Bertha Srigley on teacher. H * Mi." arid Mra.'Dona_ld `Oame_r;>n, of Brentwood, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Brown 01} Friday. . A Mr. `James Btqwn, of Barrie, and -Mrs. J as. Cunningham, of Orillia, visited] at Mr. Jnlnea B15own a on Tuesday. Mr. `Willie Gilpin and giter, Gertie ), of Barrie spent` the Christmas holidays iribh frgenda here, V ~` 7 M_isa Ad:iie Horse of 'l.`o'ronto, viaicegi her cousin . Miss Mary" Lougheed during the holidays. _ ' .Messra.' Duke Tyndale and Wilson Hurst returned to the city on Friday. Miss Funsnn Cmpsnni. Corsbbndent ` Mr. Wotater, at To:-onno,' visited Mr. ` James Longheed on Friday. ` Wm. Peacock lost -a horse which fell and broke its leg on the Minis Mnnie H'ikling `Ind ,'Mias Alice Hill are _ho1'ne_from' Whitby College; V . - - ' ` Mina. Maud Luck has -'g-o_neV to To~ 1 runto, where she has aecuted 5 situation in the General Hospital} their`: :. ,teI_.Ihl oodingr:1;iIy .'if.`a?f.A; GhiI`i!f5'9'-4`K!9'e"' ~v:e;ri9nc. : 36 onefoclock gall "to: the" i'dinin[gf room. wheie ,a vmoa:lrdfo1_iciooaf'hnd;f beautiful sablc'waa,ln prca31`.r:V 47Afucr5' the 'goodshinga had been: par:aken_of, M :-__' Peacock `the -att'enl.i'on' of the children to the front door; at` which a strange looking guess. `wan received and introduced` toyhe children so Santa Claus] who was hnhjered '_int.ol'the parlor where a Ohria'tm"ac _,_tree,jwh1ch_-was heavily la'den',.w.aa' soon releived of ire" many_ -presents. The merry hearts` and shining faces of the children drew the attention of allpreeenc. The afternoon. waaa uiine, long so `be "remembered, and in the `evening a delightful tea vraa pa:-taken of. At ten o cloc_k the guests began to retire '50 their several homes wishing Mr. and Mrs.` Peacock many returneof the celebrated day. HOLLY. Qonnrnawobn -.- Death --otoaed '~ca:_'aer*of7Ddngl`d L. Currie, `eldest "bf`._t l_a.te D_.jA. %ogg~;io, on; Sdtu that rcAs !ib?s.i1I?-9i% no-n `rho: 'ti.iI:m,.7t'-thVe_ ,O;BI'17%g9f,O`c` 337,u-a *.f.% i`hAe%ViV A w: ()RILLIA-`.'.|.`(h6',6l`-ill'i B' Uollegiate Insti- I tute has a enrolment of 215 pupils. Two score of the Orillia Collegiate Old Boys held their annual dinner on N ewYear s Eve- A disastrous runaway accident occurred on Mississaga Street on Tues- day afternoon. . A `team of young` horses attached to a heavy sleigh, left stand- ing` infront of Gilpin s hardware store while the owner, Mr. John Horne, of . Rugby, went inside to._'get some goods, started down the street, and, becoming alarmed at numerous calls of whoa, dashed r madly towards `the market. Coming up "from West street in a cutter 2 was Mr. Jae. Millard, who is suffering from Va paralytic stroke, with. Mr. Brooks M_illard s groom asdriver, who, A realizing his. danger, tried to escape a into Sinclair 65 Co's. lane, but were met frmhb01 ,4Ii0V.. 7 by the runaway ."?.B&m,` which dashed wildly at the `single horse,` as if en. deavcringto leap , over it". 1`he forge of the compact was such.`-that Mr. Mi-llard, s' horse, with the shafts and part of the `dashboard was carried` away. several` rods` "by the team, the horses. -rolling" together in `a confused heap in 'the'micldle of:the_xosd..'. The tongue at 5 A the bigsleigh '"pe`netrated``the bgck 0, Mr. Mil_lard s horse, ineotinti alserions" ' and; probably 'fnth:l;'wonnd.. The out-' i 09!`-.WB51ifd,`9V6P$1,f9etiof the_ road," ;"d.' sit~9r~9d, aarownd. but i TnoaN'Btm>Y--While under the in_- 7 ~ uence of liquor,;Mr.,J. Mapes, a resi- ` dentipf Thornbury, walked to the lake and fell in. Adcg on board the sail4 vessel Irene," gave the alarm,- but; the only person _at hand was ' a son or` Mr. I. Vancoughnet s, a lad about 15 . years of.age,'but he proved himself to be ofthe right kind -of metal at a critical moment. As soon as he found that therewas somebody in the ~ in the water he got an oar from the boat and handed it to the drowning . man. Being too heavy to lift out . l he tied a rope _around his arm and 1 lo fastened it to the best, he then stripped ` one of the sails off his cover and with I 7 the block and tackle used "for hoisting , the sails, managed to raise him on board 1 the boat. Being afraid that hefmight t possibly fall overboard again, the lad I put him down in the cabin of the boat and closing the door ran up town and get assistance. He, was taken to the Revere house in an almost exhausted. condition where he was given the s best of attention and the following day found him none the worse for his cold dip.` Young Vancoughnet is cettainly deserving of some recognition by the `,1 Royal Humane Society. l ` III nu---- A lc - _. - -_.._J ---vu Mrs. snbreii from lhng trouble and hnd been in a critical condition for ` some time... ' ` `* Mr. Theophilus `Cross, an old and respected resident of town, who has for years been practically- conned to his house on account of illness `and vfeeblenesa, died on Sunday, with instant. Deceased was in his 77 oh. yenr. The funeral! took place on Thurs- day-nfternoon from his late residence, John St;, to the Church of the Good Shepherd. - - H Si'1'AY:1VnB-V-Cl`he dgith of Mrs". Wan- po;i,.w1fe of Comiiiilloi John Wat \ son, took place on Wedngsdy last. u-.. m--_;_ um- -- - - ;GlA.VillIn1Ii':`sf::t'-L;-'.I:.`l'1oi.:!'i|4: di1_ig of the tbitruuin bautdiaaito _Ih value of the fplqo:io7.i>_lnt. in 818,012. Thai mm gs i-Veofeigqd lush F:id3y" and in "some- -_W h8B,0Vel' the smouinti anu'oipatodL by the council. The jvvprd also puts `all which wili 'amo u'I_:Tto $4,000. This 'mu_kee`a_grmd_ soul of $22 000 is will `coat to take over` the pins or $4,000 fog nding ousina waldo, whether in 18 takn over` by the town or non. '~ Athev cons pifithe arbitration on the town. j.-; breast . !'BAN`BPIRIn_lG`_.IN."1_E,IS v1o1N1'1';`*: LOunings'n'om.t.he local pxchsnzes oon~ vcerqinc, the important h_a.ppen1n88` . ' orthopastweek, v- [uewsarcummaunmarl Irrie, -ldpeut` 95 . Oh. hs.`tu.;rd`y_" . 4-;-_~ - - xii: %%1~Ao}1 u:ii1:1z1"v.1 % .9I_;gi`l um] % ; my 15:, A % 5.-me:-` gen 1 kniswn % 'regjideI;t_/o ; Nottiwggagd, _ died It ' -Wil- , 19vpR-nse;L Md-ze. ,%%Deo;: V31, After ;.na.v:i-ts rusd'%nn attack. at -ripendipisi-; typlgpid:qydt iotiili ithih he was `uqjble for cheese were also _larg.ely`in edvaxice of any previous, year, cheese bei%ng-Vcon- etantly one or `two cents higher than "were- net Lifeleitively-A" so, ' fopuhet, the price bf ..buster. being lower dtiritgg the; mops bf '-the needed: "then it vies} _ fivouiil` , prebefbl} to . 9 The diabereemente en `the factories the '. previous season.` Bim;erm,ak ere ~ .l90` 1_ ether -vexporta Aye;-e_: hi:-g'e; :,' ...,h.V'Fo -#9 9`?iL5"1."iL.'!.`?`11"".'.:"!"?`;,'V"-i`.` ' lpngi tn inoteasaof .2[78,38.8 paoi:;3;i4_a:; love; thdfagagogi T1900`: ` --:: CANADA ;;BEA 1'S HER izmuoan. V The'p''scn.hcs been the` most successful jevia'r `gexpeiienced in Candy in the manufacture sud` eiport of butter and cheese. ' Cheese. it exports during the season ` just closed showed c_' total vincressge c__f . `30'8,43`2 L: boxes j 'oy?er ` %che for 1901, can a total-. increase. or ` 22,354 bcxes'ev_et` Ithcse fer _l900,vhile butter` shipments shcwed an incressenof 124-{O58 pacligc. `eve:-_ those _;for 1901 .._..1 e;.. .-- ' - --` ___,,.-_.. .. vnlv nu-u _vuuu waxes It pay. Thteimsn who advertises with a shore and sudden jerk, is the man that blames s theieditor `because it doen o work. The men who gets the business takes a long and steady pull and keeps the local paper from year to year qnioe full. He plans hie advertising in a careful,.; thoughtful why, `and keeps forever at it, nntii he malies itpsy. [He has faith in an the future, oan with- stand at siiddenshock, and like the man of scripture has his business on is rock KEEP MOVING.` _. A , If you too: your little `motor, and then lay aside your horn, there : not a soul in lien short days will know that you were born. V The `man who -gathers vpnmpliine is` the man who blows all gloy; and the nian who keeps it humping la the man that `makes it rrn 34 3 - 1. . _`OBITUAR.Y. _ _ 1-,; g. The death occurred in Aurora, on | 59- Sunday, of `George Coulter, formerly, of 5'. Innisl, where he was born on the 2nd concession and resided" for over thirty years. During this time `he made a large circle of friends which was amply testied bf the large funeral gathering, while his friends in his home in Aurora showed their appreciation of him by the two beautiful wreaths which decorated his casket. Mr. Coulter was married to Eliza Bennett, V who with a family of live children, three daughters and two `sons are left to mourn his V Among the friends from a dis- tance who attended the funeral were 1 Messrs. T. Herbert Lennox, Gec.`Bate- man and W. Appleton, of Aurora ; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Coulter, Qookstown ; Mr. S. 0oulter,,Ivy; Mr. and,Mrs. Cook, Painswick ;,,Mr. and Mrs. W_atso_n and Miss Nellie and Edith Watson, vWater- loo. ` . A J y -,ua_g`1;g'hg.'_ppnga_nted j'preneht.: The a `How R!!!*|'d`.1 175`'!!*5iIie-his`1150". l .Pltdg'.` ;.i be riprsvnei-re. coilinsmdrs is to be _ the 1_headqunr_ters.` .:foi'!-..Iw_ho6hl'...- `new corporation; the Ontario Fish 00.", 'Me'`s'srs.VjD. Malcolm, LT. Driver, Robt. Clurkilid _W._A `Clark, jr., and`.s`cc`ord' ing "to -their charter, 1. they will ' he `privileged to carry on a general sh, ice cold storage business. The authorised capital of the comcany will abbht $50,000,-of: which $40,000 will be`psid up. Tad company WI operate` at Squaw Island, Bustardk, Bing Inlet" and Point -Aux Baill, and will bring'their product to Cullingwood. for shipment sndstorsge. Theiroutt will include about eight tugs, besides ._ Limited. ..'I`he`stockholders of - the new_- conceruure Capt, Clarke` and 1 many ski's,.and at Collinzwood they I purpose erecting large cold `storage _ buildings. The sites for these build- ings have not yet been selected, bur. : they will be, located either on the waterfront east of the track, or near the lake junction. The buildings will be erected on stone foundations and I will be erected in a_ first-class manner- = .f..` '. Ids -'H;antin_ga `1:l:VIuV gftlirnfl `_ qohoo!.'in:'ToroII!(\i ' Machin.6,.x'1early`new. Apply at 1 ` ; -" ' / A Donin_ion_ Square Piano, nearly new, and OFFICE. 43-: U surveyors. nngmeers, Etc. (lsstablishe. A1852. 0fc_:e. Medical Building. Richn and av at: , Toronto. Telephone, Main stmctions left with Strathy 8; Solicitors} `of '.loronto Building, Barrie. be promptly uoors.. bash. Blinds all kinds pron .Bl`a'st_Dg-ying Kiln. I `bar Fa.ctorv.4'.B:.wa our ractory-huayeld Stree & GALLIE vsuccessorg THOMAS `KENNEDY .9; co., Architects. ` B1ock..Banfi.-'_ -_ \ A A 7 mun Aun~swmt; mcnm - FOR-SALE _' ` EoS3:1_iox1_ Squa.|_- Pi'ano,l nAew,l o" Mach .,. L ` . ~3.'D'\IANc}3`oFE15'1 :'l M " "" " yiicsv : THE BALL PLANING, MILL COMPANY- " Cargentebl-Egg. and manufacturing o: ; inn n:u.1._ KLANING, MILL COMPANY Ca entermg. Building and manufacturing of Doors; h. Blinds. Mouldings. etc. Planinglof l_l kiqds promptlv and satinfa.-m.-:|.. ..~ VVV.We are glad to Maine; Harvey A Patterson out again after being laid up .7101: rheumatism. ' . ' `

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