R. E. L. BRERETON. Dental Surgeon. Ofce over Ha.mbly's Hardware. Entrance, Owen Street. Out of town 1st and 1rd Mondays of each month. 51-13 - sncyounty. ncau estate oougnt and S010. bonVey- ancmg in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. Oice-'-Ross Block, Dunlop street Barrie. ' 4:-Iv- O H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN .' on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Discounted. Collections made in any part of the County. Real estate bought and sold. ` Convey- ancimz in all its hrancheq. Marnun Li:-ennpg exes` ": . "S1'o`l'riI{c'i}a';T'?x.c?SZ"`}'q1Ti}e2i' '.'.Tx'3 3} the term. . H. STRA HY. Solicitor, Etc., Ban-ne. "Any quantxty of money to `loan at 4} and 5 per cent. Easy terms of re-payment. LENNOX. ARDAGH. COWAN & BROWN. 34 _ . ' . Solicitors. Barristers..&c. NNWIN`. MURPHY & ESTKN, Ontario Land. . Surveyors. _En ' een_'s', Etc. (Established in 1852.) Ofce. Medical uildmg. S E. Cor. Richmond and Bav Sta, Toronto. Telephone, Main 1336. In- structions left w_itl3 Strathy Est_en, Solicitors.Bank of '1oronto Bunldmg, Barne. WI be promptly at- tended to. 50-49 _ HE BALL PLANI-NG MILL COMPANY-- , tering, Building and manufacturing of Doors, h. Blinds. Mouldings.` etc. Planin of all kinds done promptly_. and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. District anrencv far m-alm-A 1.....- nu nuns aone_ prompuy_. and satunactorily. Hot Drying Dxstnct agency for rained lum- her Factory--Ba.yeld Street. Barrie. ODGERS & GALLIE sugcessors to Geo. Ball. I-IOMA well : In taking the chair the Warden ex , pressed his pleasure at meeting the members again, and stated that al- though there was not as much business to transact as at the June and January sessions, yet the affairs of the county were assuming a magnitude and import- ance which demanded that three ses- ` eions be held in` each year of the Coun- oil. A matter of particular importance. 4 to which he wished to call the attention of the members, was the necessity of l dealing with the question of the County assuming the supervision of the roads. All present knew to what stagethe County Road System had progressed- np to the last time the Township Coun- cils had been` asked if they were in favor of the system" and approved of C the roads _within their municipality, which had been designated in the pro- posed by-law. Eight of the Township Councils had" answered in the negative, and as it was only necessary for one- third of them to object in order to stop proceedings in the direction indicated, the by-law would now have to be sub- mitted to the ratepayers themselves, and the nextstep therefore would be to make the necessary arrangemementa for taking a vote on the measure. .In referring to the County nances, the Warden thought it was a matter Of congratulation that the Countyawas in an even better position than it. was a. year ago, although it was strong then. is a matter of fact the County was about 811,000 better off than it was out a year ago, and if care was eiercisi or! there would "be a surplus at the end. of the present year of good` 7 hard cash-not fictitious asset, and the new Council would be in a position to take up the County Roads System with "success, it the ratepayers would give them the authority to do so. Before` `concluding Warden` Quinlan draw at - "tenticnto the impending. law suit of "Mrs. McDermid against the 7Countie?l, of, Simcoe and Ontario for injuries eeived at Jnpp'e_,brid_ge., , He wasvsure s that if ethegollini was; If'jlu8 one the ,_l.0ount.7' 'V9uld_' tee `-willing . to so J;ghpt: was fair: in the mItt9r.'altho]l, uniformly suocessiui ` suits. thitlthe_ Council-niigh ` 1;; , ...*:.o..u.y..ae,'`l, ':. =,e...a..,l` To EPPS sc0C"0Al 43-X6 roucuu, III renal l thereon. `Apply )bNAL*?iiSs L;L.B. of Toront: A-..'.u In.'!|1II`I, Barrie. . Money In sums 0! 59-0 an aunt. Iva vw-- H. H. Stnuruv, K.C. EP_Pi0GOA| . AND GEN f A.LL.~W.0F-K'W if0,_.nL,l$l;G:~rQ*!A..|-.-;l-::3 '. PBEJSSING T 'n:mnN's Gmwmne. A RRANTED . . :E9"- ENDQWMENT lNSUR.ANC_E_ POLICIES, uuvtmsan session or THE l10U_NTY BUIJNCIL `Fred J. Hart, M.D., M.R.C.S., Eng., L.R.C.P., Lnndnn. ___________________________. vrimrnv 8; EsTEN- \ Ba luv. no--.... ; l I ' V | EWSON' & CRESWICKE, barristers. Solici- tnn "of the` Supreme_ Com} of Jp_d_i3ture of GIVING :rn:NG1*H a. vmoun. ,1-16 - MA~UI,i"-a-Barrister. Solicitor. Proctor, houry. v ,Cony'ey:`ncer, cue. . Spscial attenuon m` r..- ..... .I-arnhaunz wills. obxaxning letters or A dmlroble vfood. with 1 ngtuafal quahtlea Intact tted `CO. build up and mamtain robust ::" &`.`1%,`s'?3`` "',`,;"1`i.u:.' me . o n . labelled JAMES EPPS & uo.. Li: Homoeopathic chemists, London, England-. . . ` . A. RADENI-lURST,_ Barrister, Attorney. Solicitor in Chancery. Conveyance:-, etc. W A 2- nu... nu-eat. over Bank or Com- '1`. ARNALIf,"iI.'D'..(TM Block, Allandale. On I 4.1-IY "SR. R.` P. VI_V_IAN FUR IL` VILDLAVIILLV 1 on good freehold security at lowest rate of at. No rincipal mone required until end of arm- lg. H- STRA'I-IV. Sn|io:tnr_ Rfn,, 11.18 mm. Aooommodadon. . 5.88 pan. .. 7. min. Accommodation. 1.50 mm. . ' ALLANDALE & BARRIE SECTION. nun: T0 ALLANDALI. . 1.3: |.m., 1.56 1.111.. 9.35 mun. u.:5 u.m.. mu 0_I. `v.6 I.l|\-, 5.8Ip.m.. 8.00 pail. " ALLANDALI to IARIII. , 1.5o a..m.. 11.15 a. m.. was a.m.; 5.3: pam. .11 n,ln.- 4.11 mm. ghee: cash price for Endowment Insurance men, _in I-eliable mpnnien or money loaned Io'n.. "Apply `3 i v - THE MOST NUTRITIOUSW M. CAMPBELL, Barristenj, -~-.... -..._ Monev to loan. Om DRS. HART 6:. HART u-lv . Mom-:v TO_ LOAN. MANUFACTUBBS. D} C. Muncmson. DHYSIUIANS. SURVEYOBS. .rnc.':;.v. au`a.'?oT.7a' man n` tho Ilofujudouod phcu as follows :> ` ` 5 . TORQNTO '39". T '0 `:3 B! IO.` - van. `in vvuh `no `amt u. pan `Atlantic 8 Pacic Ex. 8.IQ pan. g"l|| waning Exprcu haven Tordnlo st 5. 3 aauuxrozg. _ '.I1Va.uu. Bananas. ~ 0.83 pm- I" LEI. FOR INVESTMENT oi: good freehold securitv at lnwmt Hana nf SS L.'L.B. bamngr. aouaw.,- of Toronto Buildmg, Ban-io.:_v FiNANClAlu ~ piggy. DENTAL." Eomoeopathist. oicc in Bot.;1;vell's dale. me premises at night. .n_Iu mac and upwards, to loan at 5 I I \l 43?-ly uwus, I wiv- -11.15 min. Maul. J o.IolI\o poms OI mm. `Aunts: 8: Pacic Ex. 18.\0 pan. I40 um. Soo `Exp:-on V 1 87 mm. Gnvouhuut mixed (south only) " - COLLINGWOOD C` MEAFORD. . ` . .`~omn `loll pan. " j#xpreu. V `$.50 mm. o. H. Lvqn Q Druwu, v-`~...--- _.,,, V 35-Iv ` 4% AND 5 PER CENT_ ___._....___..._._.___._._ :60 Dunlop St. Residence and Office. _ 8-lv` ~ vs, <--j mrrzs Tn: ADVANCE is proven to h . 'th`larizest circulation of any pg): til? County Town. ' 9 ` Avnnuvl-inrnnnlrn urn n1un.....,`l _ vvuugl `en nu Advertifments are charged according to, pa,oe--13411088 agate measure make one inch. Ijotjces, {motion Sales, Amusements etc.:-e-First _1nsert}on._l0 cents per ne` each `subsequent msemon 0 cents per line, . .PmnInn nnnnn In nan!-.n `now I:... 1-, .. ju u-nu --- -.-.._ , -_ ..-.-... Ihlcdlmn novi in arrears for three months no Co! will be charszetl. so not anuum sunuqucnr lnueruon 0 cents per nne, `Reading notices, 10 cents per line for gm insertion ; 5 cents per line for each subsequent insertion of the same matter. All items nu, der 5 lines, of this character, charged as 5 lines. Obituary Poetry 5c. `per line. k___.... 'Preferred positions for local advertise. ments in the paper will be sold at an advance of one-third on above-_rates, on no other ac. count will special p0Sll',10I1S be given. This rule will be strictly carried out. CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of intention to change advertisements must be handed into the oice not later than Satmday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change musthe in Tax: ADVANCE office not later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in :m\' week, otherwise the advertiser's announcem-u} may not be made public until the week 101. lowing. . I0 nl-mnmm nf Aalvprhnnnwntn nllnxx-all ..... Condensed adverusements on iirst page .~`: -1; as wants 0;" all kinds, lost and tound, w.-1.-;~_w,~ for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc.. e:.., must be accompanied with the cash, and w;'~.` be` inserted-nrst insertion 2 cents per v~r~,.-.1, each subsequent: insertion 1 cent per v-.1-rd (names, addresses and figures counted as; words); but 9. reduction of one cent per w.-;J. will be made when the number of insert: '11.`: of the same matter exceed four. Cuts for advertisements must In every case be mounted on solid metal` bases. I IUW Ills: 12 changes of Advemsements 5.11owed ;..., year. It more are requxred, composition Utes will be charged. Arlnnwl-Joan-n u nnf Ln 4.annu'm} fn nun H n. "m [,5 Ullal stun Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertismg anything outside their own regular `business Should they (in transient rates will be charged for such mi. vertisemeuts. ' REVPRBSN'l` rm: FOLLOWING Fun: I.\`SL'PA.\Cl7. COMPANIES : The Mercantile, now ailiated with The Lon~ [don & Lancashire of England. Sc. :1- ity, $x5.ooq,ooo. ` The Waterloo Mutual, of Waterloo. O:`.L. Tothl assets, $334,083. The Economical Mutual. of Berlin, 02:. Total assets. $303,078. Also L1ovd's Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany, of New York. Cash capilai, Szgc, M EH1 And the Sun Loan and Savings Company of Ontario. . Private funds toVloan on fst mortgages. Ac ,counts collected. &c. nmnn nuynr "nnJnuann a HQPAIIIQFQ Qvnrn R1 97;. EX Busine A EVER in CELSI LEGE had given so muc trons as duri Three times J extend its sea as fast as the the pupils go A complete ly up-to-date line thorougl It pays to 3 Circular fr: - BARRI IIOOOIIOG `counts couectea. ozc. 0Ofce over Hendersonp Hardware Store, Birne nt. -g:g_.- - -_.-.. ALLANIJALE HITS ; FOR SALE. % EVERY DAY BARGAIN DAY at the following price: until every lot is sold- .Lt 17. North Cumberland Street. . . .535 W " 18: II - n u .... 35 00 __-_ _ ._ Ann fnd have it dehvered anv Vl:)l`l`;:;"m,ee,_ 7. ' 7U__`I\@I\ In nu-"- V.6||- Ola [ct the best 'Anthracte coals. and" Nut, at lowest prices. with discount ` .1 Au ' . V.S Park:-e : `Livery S9019 - V-'-AND WOOD "nus Anmcr. . 9001 i8 going. but by Orucnug ---- -- i*ARKER & Manner: EVER its history has the l{.\'- 7 CELSIOR BUSINESS CUL- such an attendance, or much satisfaction to its pa- tronsas during the present session. has it been necessary to its seating accommodation, and they can be got ready, out go`to situations. It attend the E. B. U. (ct Circular free for A post card. 1 9.31. Ian. `:3. 90'`- A: Anon complete equipment, a thorough- up-to-date establishment, in every line thorough, practical. satisfactory. EXCELSIOR Business college. J. P- SECORL), nan` `I_n-o_ ..__ _ u__ ____- _. COMMERCIAL CONTRACT RA'I`ES. Binnm lN$URANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, ac. CONDENSED AnvnnT1sE:s{Ex'x~s. W III nlllu I3UOI"'_|II\IU\I luv-oeuv- `Daily. All other trains Daily exeept Suu'de.y. BARBIE, ONTARIO. "9?T SCROGGIE 6:. SMITH. 2-1- W 90:08. but by ordering from : J <;ob a Te;race ` .v TRANSIENT ADVERTISING Went Baldwgin Street. pl, nu /` "THE ADVANCE" OFFICE 7).. car`! -49017.. name Al.LWAY7* GuIbl.f -., ,.,. '7 50` 2o oo: 30 00 } 50 00; T- Barrie. THE MATTER 05' mm COUNTY nouns SYSTEM A mvm sue. mow or msoussxon. auvnuuuasr a NORTH BAY: L-`xl-m. . Ml. ' 5 `C Q. hit in sun u--... ._. - - u a "4` pvmv WW-\AM- , up `runs or Sucunnozg. Express. PBNETANGI A nnnIcnnl'In:I_ I `emu - I ; g`gi"1&gdf`gly:;.hud;V ii`fpt- ` uny. sud wuihouti WjOl`O` nughei-ona}? oh 3 "elk different` _ oho `ii ;por`&Aii1il|r; mkiig I one may any 69} i'I::d;opth,. _ and nooeuaicutidg In oxpendioutif of 8370 for repnirs. The" total damage to the odwnphip rouda was `estimated at 31,000. ` V 'r`1UounoillorObh'tee mentioned; the hog when the bngevwashout referred` to had, occurred on mm `in: really a County Road, 93 it w._aa ueedee much by Flee slid other townships as by Veepu, and was one of the toads`-yvhmh the County had designated` as of auioient import hence to be assumed hinder the County Roads System. W Cdunilldr Finis? Ilia ipoko stone the some lines; ` V` f County Councillor Bruce, of Calling- wood, fsvcured granting the request of Vesprs, stating that while I` the County might not be legally responsible, yet he considered it morally bound under the circumstances to assist the Township in its time of need to the extent of hslf of the $370,. which won spent in repairs on the fth line. . 1 `The We:-den o'ered to `supply the ccnvey'uicee_ if the Council could spare the time to go outnud view ehe wash- out. The offer was accepted. V 0ouncillorsJ and Campbell moved that the Tequest be referred to the Roads and Bridges Committee. The mover favored ' granting the assistance mentioned. The motion was carried. The Wardeu and. Councillors J upp end Hui-Vvie, were appointed as on Ad-V viaory Committee to `act with the Com: ty Solicitors in the case of McDermid at al againatsimcoe and Onturio Couu-. ties, with power to carry "on or settle the caseasfully as the Council as a whole could do. Councillors Gray and Wrignt` moved that the County Property. $mmitt_ee consider the advisability of erecting a a look-up at Elmvale. ' us Councillora Juppand Harvie moned that the Finance Committee consider the advisability of guaranteeing 0rillia e Electric Light and `Power Debentures to the extent of $48.000. Caxfried. Councillors Ruby and Wright moved that the Finance Committee consider the advisability of guaranteeing Mid- land s debentures to the_amount of $20,. 000 issued forthe purpose of purchas- ing' land for harbour improvements and extending the waterworks system. Carried. Conncillor Bruce thouglit this was a campaign motion and to get into line moved that a goal be constructed at Collingwood. APPOINTMENT or AUDITORS. `Councillors `Jump and Ruby. moved that Messrs. M; N. Stephens and T. I. Trumanibe reappointed auditors for the current year at the nasal salary. l ` cc-o V W(dJoundil7lhr'Whites'1d_e objected to the appointment of the same auditors each year. He did not think that better man could he soured than those men- tioned in the motion, but thought 6 changoahould be made each year. ' Councillor Jupp spoke of Messrs; Stephens and Truman as excellent men and stated that no books b in any County in the Province received better attention. L Councillor Whiteside answered that Mr. Sanford was considered oneof the best of treasurers in his time and yet his peoulstions} began three months after he took oioe. He did notbelieve in closing the stable door after the steed had been stolen and wanted to see all the proper precautions taken `before- h-9_ Councillor Bruce stated that -nothing could be ner than the things which were said of Sanford-, when he was in oice. This was no guarantee and he thought it was wise to change at least one auditor each year. New men would come to the work fresh and would not follow in the rut worn by the previous occupants of the position. _ He suggested that the questionbe referred to a committee; ' " v : ` . Ootinoillor Bnokenridge advised I special ungjit pa`:-iodioqlly. p ` ~' oe a1l4uppointtronI`:n4.mude in open oonnou, xihere the details could be :11` -`thrashed out god every mem})ar.be `no- q,uqi_ueodw_:eh s:1eu.6:g.L `ii3'>11V|-1V:illox:?.TWV|1A;V)_ ...; um .19-"! uh!IIW9.*A"a;u316r-;*Vvho. T` a;;.;ni;; 3l,};].;`.$a one am the b>ond`sInenL were satised | _ndV thought Vthig should be quqient. Ho viahod to V I Gonnoillbr _Raikei 'thohght it` was pime ouoqgh to buppoin`t i\|1*,ii0DrI! W_,_hIi_: ".;th9 %v`3nt i,"0ik%~!*n 6omnl6t6d- . ~. , LL _ ' 'lf:I|':qi1entiA)n Fiance Committed. the nunolof L. `cud_:itot-.__ I Chpgnoiiqra. .Os_gp"nell and _Bn'kenridg6 numed M.- N. Stephens jr. inotioxi of ouing11or?* %boA'6ouiierod by thdommitteo, as an Whitiido suggested: fthoi mm o o't'J1n I",Ii6a ' Rou,- of 01-0. Ortfnoillora Bell and Councillors Ruby dud Jup brought in L. I. Truman : nme.; _ ' l , Conhoillon Ball and Grahailn moved that the. Finance Committee oohaider the advisability` of granting $300 to Veep:-a Council _to "a'a'aiat' in defiaying the coat of repairing `a ood damages. Carried. ' _ `T `x . comm! no-Ans svsrnu. The rst report of the Bonds snd Bridges Committee, recommended that the council pursuant to the Act, on municipal election day, suhniit to the ratepayers the question as to whether they were in favour of 1 County Roads System and provided for the" printing of-hellots eto. '.l`he.report`wss adopted on-' motion. of. Councillors Bruce And Whiteside. ' ` Oonnoillors Jnpp and Whiteside strongly urged the members to hold meetings in the` Townships prior to the election day and post the rstepsyers as to the benets to be derived from the adoption of such a system as that sug- gested. " ' Councillor Hnminell advised that pamphlets oonteiningthe information be sent throughout the county; and that the newspapers be furnished with mat- ter` V1-elnting theiaane. - A 4 An --- Tn - On motion of [Councillors Whiteaide and Hammill,the T Roads and Bx`-idgea Committee will! Vmlvise an to the beet means of advertising the matter.` 15 . `II A -\ - - "A Report No._ 2 of the Roads and Bridges Committee recommended` that `$200 be granted Veep!-e. Township re ood damages. Adopted on motion of oonnoillore Bell -end Graham. - The first report of the County Pro- perty Committee reported that the total cost of `the governor's new residence at the? gaol amounted to $1951.82 and suggested that lightixturea be placed iulpoaition as an additional out $15. On motion of Councillors Murphy and Breckenridge the report was laid on the table. The first report of the Finance Com- mitted recommended that the Orillia Electric Light debentureohe guaranteed to the amount of $48,000. It was adopted on motion of Councillors Fraser and Breckenridge and the by-law was. passed. . -I` . nu ... ' -In ` __ _ Property Committee Report No. 2 recommending the purchase of a new range for the governor of the goal was adopted on` motion of Councillors Murphy and Wright. T Report `No. i3 of the Roads and Bridges Committee recommended the granting "of $100 for repairs on the Adjale and Toasorontio line and $200 for the lake shore and river road in the North end_ of Snnnidale and Nottawa- eege townships. It was adopted on motion of Councillors Bruce` and Ham- mell. T ,. hue and Hand Book-iuued month- A n -.|.-. .1... 11-311: nxcant Sundnv. ' I3. !I_ should uguro I Rand-MGNIIIY RW3Y C The "Finance Committee's eecond re- portlreoommended the guaranteeing of Midland : harbor imp`:-ovemente de- bentureato this amount of $10,000; It was adopted on motion of Councillors Fihaerani Eplette, and the neoeeaar by `law `was passed. _ - ~ ` wno ours THE nanny l_ Councillors Hammell and Kitely moved `for a return `iron: the Treasurer showinc the amount paid to each Uounoillor during the years 1901 end .1902 V and also the amount of mileage drawn" by each, the Statement to oppea in the November minutes. . r_ -Report. e. 3 of the Fieenee Com- mittee recommended the payment of en eoceunt. " " "O'5)|1-sioillo_x'.;J't'1;V>p' sun-gse tl' slang the` ssme um stst'ing'th'it its weulq be a `useless `expense ,6 `the s_tst_,e_ment. thine over. the ujotioh yes amended to: [ask `fer e.t`etun_: efo r.` 1902 only, he jvipgl PPO!t_ic. '_ I ...I` "' " 3;. `_ 2* V . I` Oqnhoiildr Bitch thought vtljat the 'piio'ting jbf nch is _nt_t9;,nnt_ would be ind,6_tj;'n`tgir4'%and -1iI%ifiIlepd_i_x,,::g,'- the = In speaking to the motion Councillor Hsmmell s_ts.te`d. that? he ` wished this return published as an answer to those who `claimed that the County Counoil-_ Iors were growing wealthy. The ma. payers could not _very well go, sestfohing through the minutes of the` last three yenrI`_luok_iug `for details, ' ' _' Oounoillot "Murphy thoeght that" as the expenses been published for last year it would be useless to hive th9!eP,"9.#!*1.`{-snin- M ._-c, u Ia1" `:;..._.x. the mihnteid jvlud out." U(_iide'1-` the oirogmimogu mug; nigh; be lft:.t . '. . . , . ~ ` " - n \ ~ ; ;`.-. ` W. _ ya: -2; 3011 on g` swung A 8 Pitt 48 column `Newspaper; ` Puhliihod frouytho 0509, :13 Dtfnlop Skeet Buih. in the Countv of Simcoo. the Pro- vluca of Ontario. Canada. IVII7 Thundny Morning. by ` IIHU II. WESLEY. PROPRIITOH --v -__ .. Alodvk iigfth the"f:ota It ...;.... `time, Instedd of -trying :6 get but `efoeidn literature otj this n`8tur'e' the aOouncillora should gait down to bupiueu. ` - ' ~ Councillor Whituido roeeiexuitingly, to state that it was -9.. long lane; that had no turning. Four years agcrhe had to work againat -a `similar statement, which had compiled in_ oonneotion with the erection _ of .. the House of Refuge, but he h been able to_. eon-' vinoe the electors that he had earned hie money and they had again returned him, _The men who had advooatedthe procuring of this return would now see how it worked when their own payments were questioned. He was oppoed to euoh returns being published, but would vote for this one in order that certain Councillors would haveto undergo the ordeal which he had been "made to face. Councillor I-latnmell agreed to wil:l1_ hold his motion until later in tho oes- aion. THE Gsor. anponr. ` V Gcvernor'Sissons report_ showed that 98 persons had been committefd to the gen] during the past -year,-the urisoners sentenced to the Central had been left with him since June 1st, and had been ofvalnable assistance in the work done on the . new residence and on the grounds. Through the utilization of brick andfstone from the old walls, no purchase of these materials was neces- sary for the erection of the new residence. The report recommended that one of the apartments vacated by the gaoler. be used V for the accommodation" of the insane, in order that these uniortunates could be removed from the criminal . corridors. The necessity of such action was emphasized in the report by the statement that of the 1200 commitments during the` last seven years 118 were insane patients, and of this number only 58 were afterwards committed to the Asylum, the remainder being liberated. The Governor considered it a disgrace that some of these had ever seen the inside of a use]. - The report further stated that the cost per diem of the keep of prisoners would be increased this vear. At presentthere are 8 male and 1 female conned. The Governor asked that permission be given to pur- chase a few trees and 500 feet of plank for sidewalk. \ The report wasreferred to Committee. Report No. 4 of the Roads and Bridges Committee reported the com- petition under the supervision of Cann- oillors Graham and Ruby, of the new steel bridge near the Wye at Wyebridge. The superstructure cost $450 and a temporary bridge, erected while the new one -was being built, together with the substructure of the new bridge` cost $416.40. The report was adopted on motion of Councillors Bruce `and Eph. lett. . HOUSE or REFUGE. o The first report _of, the Committe on "the House of Refuge showed that the July audit found an expenditure of $1000.03 and the October, audit an outlay of $1245.86. There are 72 male and 16 female inmates at present. On "motion of Councillors Hatnxnell and Kitely, the report was adopted. County Property Committee report N o. 31-ecommended the payment of $50 to Thomas Kennedy for plans prepared in 1899 for the polar : residence. .- The report you adopted on motion of Oonn~ oillora Murphy and Breckenridge; - l Report No. 2 of the House of Refuge was a return} showing the produce and stock raised on the form this year to be as fVollo_wa*: Wheat 350 buehele, oats 1300, potetoee __350, turnips 1500, auger beets 1000, vporsnipa 25, carrots 30, onions" 45, tomatoes 20, beans 10. com 10, beete 35, butter 1140 lbe,~ eebbegee 1-`I00 , apples 45 bble., geese 5 pairs, chicken: 25 pair, eolvee_7 and egg: 125 dozen. The report was adopted, on "motion of "Councillors Kitely and Hommell. ' COUNTY BRIDGES. ~ . V Report No. 5 of the Roads end Bridges eteted that certain `parties holding righte of way in` connection with the propceedenevi bridge. overthe North river between Metcheduh ma Toy, wanted `certain privilegae. `The report recommended that power. be given to proceed. ..1`he "report. was. adopted-on motion of h(A}_cniu'o,il1oig- B311 Repft No. 6 at an Roads and Brd`eo_ Committee _repoi5ted that am Ohnipmdn and Opqpcillor .Jupp' hgd `ipupgqted 1t_he_ btidgo , over Ihg _ 396629 ; `n f . if 77. "-~._ I1 per Armwm in Advance. A `No now name will be added to tin Suliacsiption Lb! Illtil the mondv in paid. n .1, ._- ,___LI.- -..}I 83.6 Wu, ODISIIIIII` IUIGVIU v. adxmmstrauon '__d guardianship, couecung accounts, ac. T Oiees. Rah Block. Barrie. Monev to Loan. '11 Site. gone, so IV-`. _ Conyeydncor, Dpccuu _au....;........ drawing ana probaung wills, obtaxnmg .Amunntrntion and zuudiannhip, cul.ecungaecc_>un1 _ _Solicitors for obtaining pro gunrdnnehnp and adminilttauon. anu General Splicxtore. Nptuiei. Conveyancen, etc. Hauamon Llnmox, Aux. Comm. 8. Houronn Annaan, G. E- Lbnowu. L.L.B " %ices: Hindi Block. N9. 6. Dunlop street, Bar- Brnnch Ocee--Lennot 8: Ardagh. Gravenhurst; umnox. A1-dazh. Cowan & Brown, Creemore and Lnmcox, ARDAGH, cow: '8: snowy bate Of Dnlncn vuu-ca-uu-....... . Lennox. Ardagh, & Alliiton. ` ,MONEY TO LOAN AT . CCARTHY. uovs a MURCHISON. Barns ters. Sollcitots, Conveyanccrs. etc. S on to McCarthy. Pepler & McCarthy. A 0ice-McC:u-thy Block, Dunlop Street, Barrie. ' ` """"' - W. A. BOYS U. 's31ici:o: c 0ico-Fint doot Owen street. nu.-no Rffl. hanoery. bonveyanu over 1 UIIEIIO. I ruuu. C. E. Hnwson. Tn-u: Non1'H:nNAnvANca I I 15 II n u. ___ -, Solicitors in High Court of Justice, Notatics Public; Conveyanccrs. . uiees over the Bank of Torotno. ngr9;n__ ' ` I L- I--- at 1- --._-- -- - R. W. A. ROSS, Physician. Surgeon, etc., L. _ R.C.S. Edin" L.R C.P.. London. Olces and mght rcsio`.ence--urown's Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. ' R. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. 8: S., AEdin- burgh; M.F.P. 8; S., Glasgow; member of British Upthalmological Society. Specialty.- lllsealeu ofly 0, Ear, Throat. and None. O_FFlCE.--78 Dunlop Street. Sanders Block, Bar- ne. opposite Post Oice and Railway Station. `Phone 54. P. 0.`Box 96. 7-ly MI Id] ~ cIJBllIDl\vu_, -'-.-,V _ . _ ~Nota.ry, etc. Money loan. 01ces-Barne anq Staynet; Ba:-no Oicr-Bank of Toronto Budding, Owen street. ' 5-ly _____________'_________________ ~ R. J. C. SMITH, L.C.P.S., 0nt.', (late of Drs. Harvie 8: Smith," Orillia.) Oice and residence -corner of Owen and Collie: streets, Barrie. a3-ly R. 1. F. Palling, Graduate of Trinity Umversity Toronto, Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oice and Residence, :8 Owen street. R` S. BROAD. M. D. C. M., F. T. M. C., L. C. P. S., 0., late resident Physician and Surgeon of Toronto General hospital. with special attention to Diseases of Women, anu Nose and Throat. Work, also tor some time surgeon In charge of Emergencv Hospital, Toronto. Office and night residence- upstairs in McCarthy Block, 21 Dunlop St.,` Barrie. second door east of Dougall Bros. furniture wa.rerooms--near Five Points. Phone 10 . 1` . zq-Iv \ Hour--u to 1. 7 to 8. rrcu J. nuts, Lu.u., Au-1\.v.u., A-4:15., u.n\.u.s ., London. SPECIALTY`-Diseases Of Chest, Stomach, and Nerves; Consulting Physician. . Victor A. Hart. M.D.. L.R.C.P. and S, Edinboro, L.F.P. and S., Glasgow. SPECIALTY-Surgery Midwifery, Diseases of Skin; Consulting Surgeon. OFFICES-Lane Block. Cor. Dunlop and Mul- caster Sts. I 52-ly . Telephong 124, Ratepayers wm be asked to vote on the queetnon on the date ofVthe`Anext T Municipal e1eet1on-other ' A busineesetransaoted _ ` The November session of the County Council opened on Tuesday, November" 18\h, with His Worship Warden Quin- lln in the chair and all the members present.