Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 13 Nov 1902, p. 2

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' yuan: 51411-414 KIAIIIVIKVKI N Cnigggtering, Building and manufacturing of Doors, h. Blinds. Mouldings. etc. Planin of all kinds done promptly: and satisfactcirily. ' ot Blast Drying Kiln. Dutnct agency for rained lum- ber Factory-Ba.yeld Street. Batrieu ODGERS & GALLIE successors to Geo. B-llg oer ractory-bay1ield SI 43-Ts. aih pl`-ice om Policies, in reliable thereon. Apply 3 "THOMAS'KENNEDY & CO.. well : Block. Barri . .?;PR1a:`ussIJsrc} . l:N1'm:MEN s. CLOTHING. K*W:ABRA.N'1`E.I.) . -. . %. -. 3 L?LBs'aK,:`!'.'_f aAaguE;..; NWIN, MURPHY & ESTBN, Ontario Land Surveyors. E ee|_-s, Etc. (Established in x853. Oice. uildmg . S E. Cor. Richmond and av Sta. Toronto. Telephone, Main 1336. - structions left wjtlg Strathy ;& Est_en, Soliciton-s.Bank of '1oronto Bmldmg, Barne. wn be promptly at- tended to. . 5o-49 IE? !?;f'f:%Sfi`-"ii'i`'tiA| _ can nnuoamon BILL. ` To appreciate the present disputein Great Britain in reference to the Educa- tion Bill it is necessary `to understand. 0 that in England hnd Wales the elemen- tary schools are divided into voluntary. and board schools. These voluntary schools are real] y denominational schools "created by private subscriptions, con- ducted under the terms at a trust deed by oneor more managers, and controlled by the Board of Education.- The total number of voluntary schools is 14,294, and of these the great majority, or over 11,000, are under the management of ' the Church of England. The. total number of board schools--corresponding in some measure to our public schools --ls only 5,857. It` will thus beseen that the situation in England is- so di'erent from the situation in Ontario. that it is impossible to apply Ontario standards in judging the -bill. Over three million children receive their elementary training in England in voluntary or denominational schools. while the attendance at the board schools is only a little over two millions. If ' more than halt of the childrenin the _ country attended separate schools the situation here would more closely re- semble the situation in England than it i does.` The main objection to thebill, then, from the nonconformist view-0 point, is that these voluntary schools are not only allowed to retain `their denominational character, but are to be brought to a` higher state of eiciency at the public expense. Of coursean the money for the support of these schools will be voted and handled . by ' the town or county councils; but the schools themselves will continue to be under the control of the denominational managers, the denominations having the right to appoint four out of every six of the managers. The managers control the teachers and the course of studies, provision being made that both ' teachers and studies shall meet the re- _ quirements of the state in regard to" secular education. In short, the state . assumes the nancing of the schools and requires a certain standard of 880117 lar education; but leaves all the rest- to the denominations. m The proposal is not entirely satisfactory? to anyone. The denominations that own the schoulf , buildings are not altogether content tube left dependent on the municipal councils for money, while those w`ho"areoppused - to denominational instruction` in ele- mentary schools naturally oppose the ' T voting of any public` `money fprgthas purpose. There is nct_cnly'a question of principle.-involved, there is th'e:-ques- 1 ,_tlo_n of the `actual situation. ` -3,1 fhaioritye OM11. the lament"! is-I*h9 ohirohofnllnsli ` .Ina'y"b`e the Z` , I i T A EjIsIpoWMENT INU,RALNGE PoLuon=.s ori-`1cEs-Lane Block. Cor. Dunlop and Mul- Vcaster Sts. [ .._I.. "l*-I.._'1_-_- _ _ _ H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Dissounted. Collections made in any art of theCounty. Real estate bought and sold. &.vnvey- ancing in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. O$ce-Ross Bloclk, Dunlop street Barrie. I . . - 1.3` V. K- __ --u--u Any quantnty of money to loan at 4} and 5 per cent. Easy terms of repayment. LENNOX. ARDAGH. COWAN &.BROWN. 34" Solicitors. Barristers. &c. R. `S. BROAD, M. D. C. M., F. T. M. C., L. C. P. S., 0., late resident Physician and Surgeon of Toronto General hospital, with special attention to Diseases of Women, ans: Nose and 'I"hnnn.f. `lnmrl alsn tnr name mm: sunzeon in Lfrzg J. Han, M.D.. M.R.C.S., I-:ng.. .L.R.C.P., n. Sli ECIALTY-Diseases Of Chest, Stomach, and Ncyves; Consulting Physician. Victor A. um. M.D.. L.R.C.P. 4...: s. Edinboro, L.F.P. and S., Glasgow. SPEClA`-TV-S||rapru Midwilnru [Thu-;;ne n6" 14.1`-1 . Illa n, IJICIEOW .sPEcuu.'rv-surge-y Midwifery. Diseases of Skin; Consulting Surgeon.` DR. E. L. BRERE:I`ON. Dental Surgeon. 0_l::e over Hambly's Hardware. Exxrance, Owen Street. Out of town 1st and 1rd Mondays of each month. 51-lvg I $7 0,000 ?`?..e`o1"s`. . ?.;?,?."i ?.?w.?.ae%`} theitcrm. ' te t. ` _' ' ' ed til d f `:4 ' 0:i .:`i'."1'~"1 ,`1"1 ~ n'[ z`3"'.oi0 o.,`E2, 81116. " I0 UIBBBBGB OI wumuu, uuu nun: uuu Throat.` Work, also tor some tin): cur eon charge of Emcrgencv Hospital. Toronto. and night m`uidenoe-- upstairs in McCanhv Btock. 21 Dunlop St., Barrgp. second door east of Douga Bros. furmturc warerooms-near Five Points. Phone _1o . aq-lv j DR. J. ARTHUR RUSS, L.K.b'.r. 8 3.. num- bmgh; M.F.P. & S., Glasgow; member of British` pthalmological Society. Sp'eclalI.v.- Duoueu of Eye, Bar, Throat and Note. QFF|CE.-78 Dunlop Street, Sanders Block, Bar- no. opposite Post Oloe and `Railway station. Phnne :4. P. 0. Boxa. . 7.) R. J. F.-Falling, Graduate of Trinity umvqsaty Toronto, Fellow of Trinity Medncal College, Member of the College: `of. Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Ooe and Residence, 18 Owen street. P0`! 1'03! UHIU ilgmhongp . ; .0.B,ox96-: R. w. A. ROSS Phyucxan" Sn ` , tc., 1.; 11.6.8. nan... L'.R.c.P.. Laauif-&aes and night residence--Brown : `Block, Dunlap street, Ran-in. Talanhnne '1'). 1 bohcito` "r._ProctoV r,AN,ota.ry> , _ ecc. Special _attcnnon tn robating wish, obtainsng letters at ` and: p administration an dianship, cohecung accounts, Ross lorcx. Bu-ne. Monev`to..Loan. DR. . c. smrrn, x`..c.1>.s.. On, one of on. ' & Smith. Otillia.) Ojlice gnd regidenoe -)tnat of Owen and Comer stnjeets, Ban-ie. 23-ly lllnI_: reuaelwc-nrum Barns. Telephone 77. ,5 annex, ARDAG1-1,.A gown: .& BRUWN._ Barristers, _Solieiwn tor obtnimng probate of guardianship and administration. and General 1$o|icitn.lNoxarie_B. Conveybineen. etc. I-'l'w_e1-rrou Lnuuox, T Aux. Cowau, `B. Houronn Annex, G. E. Lbaowu, L.L.B . Hinds Block.` No. 6. Dnnlopbtreet, Bar- mranch Oiceu-Lennox &vArdagh. Gravenhurst; Lennox. Ardngh, (Iowa): & `Brown, Creemore `and ' ' as-Iv .m:.m.::.;-:-,.-.***.:.-..-*-~=~s--~~*~ .15 s`:`.``..`.'. . "?.m.`" Building. Owen strecg. ._---:----...:.-..--.:____ Ullop rtvuu llouoyto loan. _ C. E. Hxwaou. GIVING STFIENGTI-l'&. VIGOUR. 43-I6 _.-___-V - Alliliton. _---.-u-I ' te ` orsto mice- J. Mocurrav, ' MwARTY. 36715 as .niuR"c.u1 _ rs, Soucitbfs, Conveyancers.` etc. Mctiarghy. Pepin: &McCnrthy. McCarthy Block, Dunlap btreet, Batrie. W. A. Boys, `0_l'8_l0 Ulcvasyllyn - ~|-'- - ' 0 ice-McCu-thy 1 J. ' n C. Mm JIIIIUIOII. .MoNEY%'1'fo LOAN AT . __ HEIDI D 52-ly Ittliulua [-1. H. Srnurrm, K.C. 1 per Immnm " on Ialvwnoe . .:..-.-..._-_._.._._.___.._._.__. Qfrlurnv 8: nsran. ` : Ba 7` A adm1i'able'food. with an ` its ngtural qualntles Intact tted .to build up and mamtain robust 'h.O8lth- and tn iinnlnln --I-A----- 1 uuuunu .qua.nues mtact ttil `5 mm b t health. and to resist winter-% :1- com. Sold in 'hI.b9lld 'TAMI!R mbna K tin-8 , uuuun In} {UB1 treme 1 ,1d. Sold 1abeue,d3AMma Homoeopathic Che _ '_.g` ...:.._._ 11 (- EPP8 . Enmand. ' wlntefs i'n . lb. g mists, Loii )R. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. & 5.. Edin- hnmh: M-F.P. an Glascow; Honey in sums of $s.coo and upivnrds, to loan at 5 I 'l`.l\l.' ' -V "V 7r M. u. A cmrgxnn. Barristbr, Solciu u.....-...u-A onavtololn; 0ica- an *- LILBA rf` Toronto Bmldmg, Batne. AI - , THE MOST NUTRITIOUS Ba. R: P. v|y|AN ,IA`lM{lL '\hisi.:v. Fhdpnutron Notary, 1 Smvner. '1`.ARNALL,M.D.C:M., oce in Batman . Block. Allandalc. go the premises at night. A`!- DRS. HART Gs. HART 11-11` ~ MONEY TO LOAN. wot` nun nucrvnns, 8UBVE YORS. D . C. Muncmson. 0 rutsn.-mus. now} in a-nun fot three months and VII VIII luclm-god 8I.o nor snnum v FINANCIAL; DENTAL. I Homoeopathist. :60 Dunlop St. Residence and Oice. 8-lv hsaid for Endowment Insurance H oz_np'ania,a or money loaned unnig O. I-I.` Lvon unuun, I 45-Iv. ' 45 Axsfn 5 PER cum, __.-__._.________-.J L, Architects. Both- ` . 4`n un \.c\J1Vl.l'{\lV I ' " rs. Planinof satisfa.~m'..:1..' ..- iii '1'". "i{ii:I' ` 11`. ii,i4u..` II. ."Mhutic & P 8:. 8.58 pan. `u Inning Expnn loaves Toronto at 5. an A gain Ina`! -- 7:1 508 101 Barrie _ Telehon :24 E H`. E51. lZl.lI 7-1! fou adgtlt the` best Anthracite cQ3'5v -and Nut-{at `lowest prices. with_ dnscoul QB I 'nnrI `Inn; :6 Anluunrad 2l\V time You Won {an 33% the hes t 5 . nthracxte mow, ____ for cash mm nu . l at .`0w.a{ . P"s' with discount antit. rd... `'0 d haveit ac; v FA. M ""94 anv time - `R .- on-e ' , V`'.' "" B: "=r'3 31-i\'"s::'orfs?"3" E3 Ttj gpv -- v. uxJ.a_(z\).1.-J Real Estate - and Jnlnrance Agent- Get YOU!` property on our list : costs nothing- MOM? to Loan--Don't borrow a dollar until YOU 5 me? tefms best. rates and charges lowest. l)ee_dS. M"E388o Wills. etc.. pre ared on shortest noucq. aoyeafs doing business in imcoe. Farmers esP 311V Invited to call and see us. Glad to see vou. M for consultation or advice. . CE?-OPPOSRC Barrie Hotel. Barne. and Peter Street. Onllia. 48-ly EAP COAL --AND W00 --- run jrulivuruu-w It the following priceauntil every lot is sold- Lot 17, North Cumberland Stfeet. . . .335 00 -`.|| '18, II n u .... 35 00 --- .. _ _, nn uuuw vv _-..-w. .--'a-_,_ --._, - ~ l'IAIlIL'.l`ON.. T ~" 7.01 am. I: ma. O.I8Vp.Iu- -GRAVBNHTURST I NORTH BAY.` 11.`! Ian. , Mail. ll! pm.` 6. mm. `Atlantic & Pacic 8:. 18.30 pm. Call a.m. - Soc Express 1.81 am. - Gravanhunt mixed (aouth only) 0.85 . OOIJLINGWOOD l MEAFORD. Mail. `'13: Bxprm. I ' l.::`:::: _ PENITANG. .18 a.m. Accommodation. 5.88 p.m. `LII mm. Accommodation. `LII a.m. ALLANDALB & BARRIE SECTION. anaxl 1'0 ALLANDALI. 'o,`.oI`o. 7-56 8.31.. 9035 lm. ll.!5'l.I`lI.. [lull p.u., m6 a.m., 5.u p.m.. 8.oo p.m. auIAallIAll 1'3 IAIIIl_ ALLANDME ms I FOR SALE. Rarkxsnxrr -ms Fouowma Fuzz" INSURANCI COMPANIES: The Mercantile. now afliated with The Lon- don 8: Lancashire of England. Secur- ity, $15,000,000. The Waterloo Mutual. of Waterloo. 021:. ' Tothl assets, $334,083. A The Economical Mutual. '01 Berlin. Onn Total assets. $303,078. Also Lloyd's Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany. of New York Cash Capital, 5250. 000. Ancvlvghe Sun Loan and savings Company of Ontario. .Privaite funds to loan on first mortgages. Ac cognts collected. &c. on Avon I-lnnrln-n.~.n pl I-lo.-A...-. _- C... D..__`. counts oouecteu. ac. I Oce over Henderson_s Hardware Store, Barn : Ont. . SCROGGIE G. SMITH. nanny Luuunvnvu an uvuna IJCA Wufu each subse uent insertion 1 cent per word (names, a dresses and gures counted as words); but 1 reduction of one cent per word willbe made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed four. cuts for adverhnemenu must hi every case be mounted on solid metal hues. $B99_G&!%'-6~M'TH. I conaaageaj;a;;;m;n;;;g;;;1i};; ' e 3, _ Fag sch as wants of all kmds, lost and found, pmpmy for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc.. etc, must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted-hrat insertion 2 cents per word, each snhseammt insertion I m:n+ nor .m..,a @l'Preferred positions for l:c:1_:fd~vertCTe meat; in the paper will be` sold at an advac of ,one-t.hid- on above rates, on no other ac count wi specia positions be ' , 7 rnlc< will strictly carried out. {men Th _ - ` " .CON'1'BAc'l` CHANGES. V `Adve1-tisers will please bear in mind that notice of intention to change advertisements must be handed into the oice not later than Saturday at 10 o clock, andthe copy for me}, changemust be in T11: ADVANCE oice not later than 12 o`clock noon on Monday in my week, otherwise" the advertiser's announcem en: maynot bemade public until the week fol. lowing. 12 changes of Advertisements allowed `,9, yeanbe Igmorei are required, composition meg will . c arge . Lawn!-tings-o mi nnf Ln nll.-us-...l L- .__. .1 nus vs: vuun 61:11; Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertising anything outside their own regulvx business. Should they do 3,, tljansient rates will b charged for such and. vertisements. 7""! """""'I ,|l""'r'"--- ~.- - . - . ALLAIDALI 1'0 unml. . 1.50 m`m.. nag 3 m.. was 3.m.. n p.In.. O" 9.!!! Q0`! pc 9 . - ' ` 3'}~;THl ADVANCE is v)rov t . fthe_1a1jest circulati<}nA onan; 1:3? `County Town. I ' Advertisements are charged accm 8p'i1oe-41.8 lines agate measure make . `TRANSIENT ADVERTISING --]L4'3galtNotices Auction Sal A etc.--Eirst_ inse rtion 10 cen1fss,perm _sub0'eqnent insertion 5 cents per line, Rmdimz notices- 10 mm. hows u_-_ u U Uenl per lineo nu" v-"`ugQ| IJIDV . L. taper line for first v Regding noucisso P13 15:`, for each subsequent ` f -. A. 5 gen kin,-non 2 tter. All ' . 5'91-no` ' of 1:113 Inc ma t chu `ner 5 ies. f tlggeggya ;:a,r line. . obituary _, hues. . __. Items un- rged as 6 Coal islgoing, but by oraenng --v--- %4PARKEn a. moans! --:--_- EVERY DAY BARGAIN DAY J. P. slc ans: Wat Baldv;in Street... Tnlulavo chi M nununtionod phat It follow: z 14135113 .._A.- 1; Jai':_ob s Te;rao V BARBIE, ONTARIO. DOIOO'0lIO6`;OIQ9'lQC0'H_' INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, gc. jnj I is going, but by ordering 77 `.~'_.ii~_mA-,' ~~ ' .___--2 COMMERCIAL CONTP:AC l` RATXS. CONDEN$ED ADVERTISEMENTS. BARRIE `*:'IE ADVANCE oven to` have - of any P3?" py far m the _ CU IID IlvUb*IU'u- nwv,-v-uyu `Dally. All othot tnigu Ddlv except ' OFFICE, Bnmo. 3. 1902 om`. IARRIE, BA|LWAAY?_."GU|D .f Get ld Bud-Ilcall lull ` Rm thou I|lI'|"._ 1' VI! A n _ -1. __ 4_.!.._ l\_2I.. ._...L G...-J-.- `rluu or suimun-non. m...~ , --vv---u vw % "rononr5' UKU A correspondent can become moat` jnluoble to n._ oewapdper by .inoroosi,ng `itnf oiI3ouln|:ion,7 through mIk1ug_-=frio[ hjs to. it.: Friends rough inada bynukiyg` M of vvl9- ` mie Prof. Golden Smith in the Weekl Sun :-This explosion of Doukhobor insanity will,` it may be hoped, deter the Government from pursuing its ill- Itsrred policy` of importing into the Northwest, mostly not the cost of the eastern` Provinces, the vrsits `sud: trioltles of Europe, sullen to our oivllizs-' tion. - Inquiry would hsve shoynfwl1stf" the Dooklxoliqi g 17.010. W ,sud_ yylxy `the. `Rm!-0 GV?hin% smhi -'.n'..'F'.. `dons ..of'sl_legi_s_nos,- Jnjs yang. tp` glstf thsm_go.`l _ , _. . I, William Mulock istsking great credit to himself for the fact that the Post Oice Dept. shows a surplus or 85,000 this year,=but he does not go the length of explaining what the general public does not know-5-and that is the circumstance of the rates being doubled on newspaper correspondence and on pnrcels. But fcr this increase the De pertinent -would "hsvelbeen operntcd at a_ loll. - . " - No one now can. say that Canada is not aefree country, as the Owen. Sound Sun reports the proceedings of a meet- ing of Fenian Veterans, which was held in that town the other evening. Where_ elsein Christendom `would the powers ` that- be. stand. aside and lock calmly on while its `ancient enemies assembled in conclave within the text- ress walls, as it were.' i ` ' Zibro' hn cold hi; ronios there yill no winter. and that the fine weather in but a eontinoatipn of the summer that will last nhtil their search for the Meaeiah id rewbrded, But the ne weather has `passed, and they have now to abide _the frost, and the biting winds end euooeting snows, with only a. handful .of 'rew grain to stay the qnewinge of hunger. ___.- --v-- --u ----v '--g-vu vvvov navy UIl$' `founded. V Frequently was this -monrnful chant. interrupted by the v'vild_en'tioe ofkJobn the Baptist," who..ndvnnoin about six overdo in front of the army. raised his long arms aloft end called a belt. The Russians obeyed him like automatons,- for they believe in him next to Jesus. A hnrengne, during which Zibro` would ivheel eroundnnd around in the prairie like 3 teetotum, followed. . 'i`hese ijgnorgnj peofiuexus-1:9 evidently under the hypnotic spell of Zibro`, 3 Mad Mullah. mnrromu. riowms. _ The Toronto Star of Thursday laetin referring to the annual report of the Inland Revenue `Department makes the astounding statement that the -yearly ponsumption per` oapita in Canada of beer has increased to 5,102 gallons. Some of our bloated millionaires must have takeua notion to take their morn- ing batheiu beer, if the Star : figures are correct. Ktmol;loo3_- , achoola we-already havo. Ihmrooally .tha.`, right. of.,.. Mothodiah.` ._Anglioa_nI,` 1 Baptiata. APrea_byteriaoa,~ and` ,oth_era to aohoola in which their fafiooa amauu shall ho taoghtloan beoo moro doom!` than the. right of Roman Oatholloa; but if tho right is allotted by; the var- Vlooa denomioatiooa, what will become; of our oohool oyat_em"l Perhaps this in. looklng too far ahead ; but it in better to look ahead. than to look back who - it in toolata. ` _ from the word: cg my roeii-tug ? Our lather: trueted in Thee; J Thev trueted end Thou didet deliver them. They cried unto Thee and were delivered. They trusted in Thee [end here not o`on- R-.__.I_.I - T A wagons! or ran rngms T `It. la (real tnggdy that in beiljg en- Iotedon the Minitbo plains, whore six hundred fanatical "Donkobotu_-3, ill clad, foot-sore pad starving, no migh- lng through bliuu-d_u in jearoh of `the Meulah.: A borrenpondent In-ltu:- " Ac thoy much, `with homeyoftvl-iempt at military order, headed by Ziboo} moat faootlool lender, who is glad only in trouuli ma shirt, ind tho voolla himself John the Boptlot, whey slog in man uomonionl voice: the following verso: of the Twenty-second Psalm, re- peating the ohootxogoin and ogoln: My God. my God, ivhy hut_ Thou forookon ,,' V... ..---v. _...-v- `vow--v- moi . T A Whyjrt Thou so far from helpiniz mo and `-4.. AL. _....I. -D .__._ ._-,'_`L'~ r n \ A hoqkoy rink 462172-in size and 25 face in height with a dome roof is being -areotpd\ at-.(A :`:a`:-o Buy at `I ooahof 8600.. ms ni1i I 6terborOnQh rink is only a. trie rwidggnd pot iasalng aid it will ` `:.W:ll3<`0.9U`A ` *ditf9r9n9e.: ` A A sum oonai},Qe}u , of '&.nehmiue 'ooal.`hnve1-aqohagi Ottawa: since the strike It It -`ellinu:%"it`% 38.50 A per ton- : 1 :-n.u-\..-. .._...( - Anaddision will hlikely be made to- Lten G-LnlI7O_ollogiIto Institute. ` " Mr. J.'l`hornton received Ilester from` his daughter, Mrs J. Williume, at Way- bnrn, Mum, hm-iI'.te_n sheet the 20th of Ocgober, saying the line weather pre- vailed there`: `and they` head` isecenay thrashed 1 with the fol1ewing__tun_1-out 1,900 biyihelafof whey, 800. bf` e'_ceag':d; 1`5obu.ue1a.ot meme. arm. in Mr`. WiieleI _ res 'e:epA6uAt there.` " ` J edging" from he nnnrher of oornet players at the bend rehearsal on Wed- nesday evening hen, the. Craighnret band need not tear 3 soaraity of sop- ranoe es in the pest. The band has con oornet gleyere andextrar music book: had so. be procured tpeupply Vthem"ull._ Il'__ TflIL-,,,4 Whde -Mt. Swan was leading a colt. through a gap the horse bolted and a snap on the halterahank `caught in Mr. Swan ; hand nearly tearing 011` the skin of one of his fingers. He was" dragged_ several `rode _on the ground with the snap hooked in._hi_s hand. = AMre. J ohheton me. A his-eehyterien` end 3. foithfol member "of ,he church of her choice, a `devoted mother and one who was meet eolicitioui for the wel- fare of her children over whom she ex- erted a lasting` inuence. ` Mr. Geo. MoLeanhad four valuable sheep killed `by dogs recently.` Two hounds, accompanied by dogs of other breeda, `have been heard `running the bush `by themselves several highteof late, and it ieeuepeoted that they killed the ebeep. ` ' w :-vvv. I Ci. Q .10?! "Hrs: Eovhueton daughter of the late J onethen Siuonly of 'Vee'pre, where she was born in the yeer_183_6; She was . one" of a family of thirteen including four brothers among them Mr. Jone- than Sieeone one of Barrie : w_ell_"known public men and at preeent governor of the goal; end four eieterqeurviviug. Her huebund, the 1eteJ_oIeph Johnston for- merly of Oreighuret and later a resident of Steiner, who was engaged in the lumbering bueiueef and forming, pre- deceeeed her some 15 feere. V The deceased lesyeafour cons, J amen 0., J. Wilmott,_ Fred.J.-, of Yellow Grass, Anna. N. W.T. ;` Joseph 11., of Stayner; and two da`ughters,_Mra. Dr. A. McPherson, of Toronto; nnd Mrs- J. A. Horner, of Toronto Junction. 1 Miss K..Mc'L.een returned last week from a two weeks visit to friends at Toronto. ' The imp! and ghoule of the def}: regions did not. put. ineen eppeerqnoe hereon Friday night, but there were a feyi Fairies out and the Hallo.w een eaeultiee were light...- - `. up -up - ~ <=ct9n~ `t F A vpith" Inca! knnviige `no .p`int." _Neve:th'elo!u'the point iii. ften. shsmnuot tlumt; hxarth-.. .Ev!ir)'- body7' enjoy! hirmleili `fun, but the p':-ivatn `doings; {lie li'ttl`nv_n'Inbitiono,' the luvs-manage; the little slip. and `gettyn Iniofoi-tnneb - should `be -left a_`ev'eroly alone, ` To: never wt-1:6 about 3 neigh- bor `anything yon wonld not like writ- ten nbobt yontilf, in 6 golden rule. gm; np.pu.n . 'np_ -jn" -anchf5?*n, t ORAIGHURST. Conn M. KIIL. Cgneapondent. D. Baker bu moved in the J. D. Hough reaidenoq Madonte. Mr. Bidwell, ;f moved on the farm purchased from D. Baker in F103. V. V nmu-n by dovnnnoa. gxssonw 818- +rnnA'ra'ronon'roaUNor1oN. , ` Wj-=09:-in minded fth? u`ni tainty of life, by the VV de`ath"o t Mrs,- 8n_ssnn ah~ Johnston; late 'o_.Toronto Junction and `formerly an` esteeined residgntlof Barrie and also of Stsyner. ; Mrs. Johnston had been"oonned to her bed for about manna from . severe illness, during that ;period she snered intensely` at, times; but, with that fortitude born only or atrue tin]: character. `She cheerfully borethe trouble until " nally her spirit trium- phantly panned awny`on '.l`hnrsdoy_(_)ot. 30th at 3`o'clool: in the morning. The body who brought to the old homestead Pleasant V161) Stayner, where the funeral servioewas held on Saturday Nov. lot and the remains conveyed to the town cemetery `nt.2` p.I_n. mum. Mrs. 81:. Denih; or Montreal, hu' writgen to -thevTo1-_ouuVo pohob taking {og- the address of `M:-`._ Braden; whose husband "wits ,snp_poued- to have hcn` .t_,9 ER, it :Wi|1njp`g`(; Mvm-.~Bradenfa`%hunbund 'ln_1-z_;;ed .{;p; .-an .11;-'.:-.' n;n.:__ .4L_- Mn. se. .])vafx:;i:a th_ihk xav 4the"`r;1.tsn-`l':\ii-1;; "'* W i"'..~ *"';h.V ."?="v~"""'?`;% '3 1 5 - % Mrs. VJ,t_unLea '1`rnIl, wife or :1 you. known former in Piokehg `toynghip, died to-daiy pa in rgqnlt '= of` being: {ght- .'re=` on the kitliq ntove. fuiliy hurpod"yeaterd'"sy' in Ithroiving oh: of dqoralf pot of rooting cat th_|t`caught_ A French paper at Fall River, Man, states, that Sir Wilfrid Laurie: has accepted an `invitation on apes]: heforg he Boston Merohehte rA.eeoci,ati6n in December on Commercial "Reciprocity with` the"United emu. e . Commander Martin, of the Italian orsiseron which. Marconi is trying his experimests, states that" a wireless message was received 01!` Sunney Hat-I hour frou; the. station at Cornwall," Eng. . -" " " OXVKI John Wood, owner of Dondy Ed, 3 horse that is allegedvtp be 3 ringer, who committed for trial at? Hamilton on a charge of conspiring to defraud the Fair. Association. A `The Inteynational Portland Cement Uompanv, Liniited. will locate at Hull in consideration of tax exeinption `for 1.5 years. They agree to employ 100 .Rev. Dr. Moore, on retiring from the pastorate of Bank street Presbyterian church, Ottawa, was granted an allow- ance of $1,000 .\_year for six years. :'.1.'9`' N "."N'- %. ` Rev... Dr. Gee, of St. Cothsrines, has delined an invitation to a landing Methodist church in the London con- fernoe. T Ohiewonatnble Legnult, of Montreal, ndmita having liquonin hinhouae that was seized by the police in unlicensed Another patient, _ Mrs. R. G. Hill, has died` st` Miss Gobeiile e private sani- tarium in Montreal; where they live on liquid diet. L V Jake Gaudaur and two companions have just returned to Rot Portage from 9. twoweeka hunting trip. They had good luck. and brought back` 350 ducks. The Training Sciiool for Names and Attendants at the Hamilton ` Asylum has been organized with a membership of 75. _ ' Provincial Amiitor Lning is making 1 thoronghnudit of defaultingtrebaurer Shambleuuh books for the Knt Qounty Ernest Smith, of Brampton. had his arm shattered by the premature ex ploeion ofe gut: which he was taking from his ri'.' A ' - V A_ I J emes MoLeren, driver for the Can- edian Express Company, at Guelph, was found dead in the oice having suf- focated" with coal gas. ' V A how gas works is to be greeted in Halifax with a capacity of 45o;o0o cubicfeetof oarburetted gas and 360,000 feet of ordinary coal gnu daily. 14,310 in my-nptrnqgg. v z % or "the 66`ewEni; in dg : J " . [ hjgiicsgtohliiognhive'!' =.9d -99 P9!_"_".'. v...<=9..f!9- %A ` .`..-'.. ..... V ..: ` .A.;.. i The moohAiniat'a of the Dominion Steel Oompny. Nova Sootio, ore dis- aatioed and another sttiko is liable; 5 ,v-. V. _.v...-- .-vuvv f.`i m'.;;L'T:a*;x sci}: m.'eFcax 4leot6r of 0nu_t.'bm.ut DVnndI`|,' is dead. Thbmu A. Hall,.of Lohdon. left a $70,000 estate, 810,000 of which was bequeathed for aChildren aH_omo in that Onp Uxbde jrurblvmsad ove'r `85l00,00 worth of `grain szgd produce in 1: year. ;--3-h n . p. W g; i11avi;1e, m on- gineer on the Grind Ti-i1xi'l':,' for 28` y'eAa'i`-'3, `gt .the%ogro'Jp;f 48. T" m:._ |.-._|_-___".I-'_-- J.` |l--.';.._| 4.-..` "i'L0.E&;0?"i$e.:. show] an indr99jg"of (6: this y'egr'-, all but $3,000 beinglor imports. ` A- -9- A;xti:1icite 31# iq 1-ning at $7.50 per ton, at Kingston,On't., nd tbil will Kathe pl`i08 for bye faction; i v--. ._'1_'h`e`Bell. 'Tl_`_6I.epl1o?xi o.(g ;)._ s eaj uiept has been niaeoigin Woodstdok .11-om s2.6o0 ~o;w..009- i The; it-and ju'n at Winnipeg have aoqu`itt6d- Gusuvh M_nel_loLr, .chsrg9d wity` his yilfe.` .' . A 15: can wsemgvnxe ' .4...-...:,% og1:, j "its .i.9*!#A!=iv=-=v- T A Ridean Hall ground: and the Rocklib r-W` ` 99mP1* ` -A .4... .:- c '.l` i1"e'1'e :59; `.{%...;%..x or 435 npilea and 59 remalgg o%.f;mi c'ed% co` ehgimiagnesex county iail in 3 year; me E.;.;a.guz smash school .a; HE PLANING MILL COMP .. k`al:....`.:"'E'3E""".`:`.`.`-' B"`*`"%'.`.*.d mnufaemrlzyof -_'. A. II `TH: NORTHERN Anvnucz V A 8 Ian 48 coming Nowlpnpgr. 2 Publhlud fun tho mace. 1:3 Dunlap sum lnnloyln the CountvofSino`oo.thoPIo- vlnoIofOnu'lo.=CIudn.onry ' `rhuudny Morning.` by V -V

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