Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 6 Nov 1902, p. 5

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'Ev'erything_ except wood and grain prohibited -from being sold iniquantities-until 10.30 o clock. JAMES VAIR THE GROCER, and other merchants prohibited from buying on the Barrie Market until 10 30 o'clock. Sime thatiwill redound to thecglory of four representative Aldermen, the killing of the Barrie market, the nes: May the county. Merchants cannot buy a load of apples, potatoes, carrots, onions or any other kind of vegetables until 10.30. This is an injustice to the farmer; The agricultural population will think these four Aldermen quite brilliant ('3) Other towns think different. i V ' I thing ket in W 43-4 , _ '.-E-x';<:ut<')'rs"'c.:;i;:;t-:.r.:;,-arfie. A Dak at Bum: thug sand of 190:. _ N` ` ExEc9179s: _3AL1`- -IN `nuc- Township of `Iespra. .5 lb. Union Blankets, 56x76, nice cl:-an stock. Our price per pair? - - ' . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . 6 lb. Union Blankets, 60x80, grext value -Perpair..;.....` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,6 lb. All Wool, 64x84, nelofty nish best quality wool. Per pair . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 lb. F ne Scotch Wool Blankets, imported very large` size, 72x85 . Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 6 lb. All Wool Blankets, 60x80, ne stock, nice borders. Per pair.`. . . . .t . . .' . . . L. . . . 7 lb, not quite all wool, 64x84-, at line larg blanket, inexpensive. Per pair . . . . . . . . . 7x8 lb All Wool ner nish 64x84-, pink on.` `mllitn `\r\|n:J1\uu~n Qnn4.A:;.`~ AL ` n ` tn ___1 Fine All Wool Embroidei`-ed Fia;1r:e~ls,' in` V green and red. blue and white and black on white, the newest, per yard . . L . . . . . . . . . . . 850 Fine Embroidered Albatrbs, in green and wh tel : ~ only, 44 inch wide. . Special . . . . A. . . . 60 New Arrivals This Week in `Ladies Silk Lined Kid and Ringwood Gloves, Ladies V ` Neekwear, and Silk` Belts, the Latest Novelties. ' Ouf line is better than usual. Just complete with a new shipment of all sizes and prices. * ` All we ask is that you `examine ourivalues and compare with prices elsewhere. We feel condent of the, result being in our favor; 1 We quote a few introductory" values: \ gcuu;vJ `gnu \4~oa\'j 11s'y Q` `avg!-. _(13) `The tendency of national IT and State g0Vernu1entT of organized trade and of production generally is towand shorter hours. ' . A`I1J\ A _.,.._I.9` u - . . _ .-- _ `(V10 and` borders. or VALUABLE J_3EEiJ James Vair, the Grocery 'I`11ej' 2Ba1rrie' Market 1 ~}_1:w WAISTINGS AT 42 D`U'1\TLOP STREET. Court Competitib kets Cu Ll!-rllltg ul I-II-U &LIIIAU vvLItl\l7lD.. "(11) S}1Q2' hours improve the physical, mental and moral condi. tions of the workers. AL/1'(`|\ (3L,_..L.... L_._.._ 3 I 'I._ In BLANKETS and COMFORT- ABLES for November . . pair? " nkets, T . .` . .< . . 2,00 4x84, nish Per pa_ir_. ._ 3,50 Blankets, . .. "5_50 .ankets,`60x80, Per`.. .. . 3,25 l ue large naive. 3.50 3. Specials at .4500, 4_50.and 5_O[) JAMES VAIR6 SONS ` JAMES VAIR, THE GROGER. so x so Fin; Wool Blankets. 5 lb. weight, fine Mzfinish, worth $3-. Our price per phir - - - for all kinds of produce, is opn at 7 a.m. Lnxsox. ARDAGH. cowl: a; BRQWN, 7 A1` Curr. si`"' TEACHER WANTED. " VTeVacherfo__r Shiuxcy"Bav School. s.s. No. .. Om. Buties to. "II Fan. I903. `Appiy up to Sawt- glay. _Novn_I r$t_h, -`mom. GROR `ni_RA1xns, Sec.-T , A L` |VlI' I S. X1: in 401` Coin.--noo.. N. 5` 19 in_ nth Con.-zoo. (12). Sh01`t_el' hours increase fhe in- tensity and eiciency of labor. ` HI1 '.)\ -'l`|\n +nr::-inn-\n-- _ , 4 . -' III! A` A`.|IIl1Inn 1', -. ii: 311! Con. E.S.R.--aooa. . TECUUSETH. VN 5;-;aaas.;4san3~eacoa.-aoa. =-ro LET. A JNNISPIL. Ii... 2. .AI_(A`\_;_ V 29: $410 `ni och Com-about . zit: :Ith Cou.- 12?: 9th (`nn-- " -no - = INNISFIL. _ N.- 56 19. in nth Con. FARMS _r-33 sue. % Evirmans. White Vand Grey Flannelette the largest size, r e nish. I borders, at per pair . . . . . . `White and Grey Blanket She wide, at per yard . . . . . . . . . . Fine 56 inch Freize, `in Black, Oxford Grey, and Blue, all wool, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7'50 Fine 60 inch F1-eize, fine quality in light and L dark grey, black and Navy, regular $1 25 line. Per yard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J .00 7 lb. Fine Saxony Blankets, Canadian; made of Ausrralian wool, 64x8`4, beautiful nish Par pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v-v All qualities in Union and All Wool Grey ' Blankets from, per pair . . . . . . . . . . .],75 to 5,50 Flann.e'e.-tte blankets, 10 4-, in white and grey per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 merchants want to do it too. It builds up our oycg }Jo|.l\.l LJJ \-o-V saunas U`-.ww. "T he second demand is similar to me Iirst, in that it is designed, to increase the hourly rate of wages of mine workers employed by the"hou'r',-V day or week, and all the reasons ap- `pli('able to the first `demand are ask. ed to be .uI3D1i9'd to thevsecond With repetition. _ ` 1 .a1.. .\rll'l;I:I\_ flan:-nf- Inn .-...1....:4. ;n_ NEW sumucs Q-jna ADominion'Piaa6. nearly new, and - mend Sewing Machire, nearly new. ' Applyat THE ADVANCE OFFIC . ~ ' ` 43-If - Innis!-_-5o acres of good clay loam nearly all under I cultivation. On the premises is a frame house 36:56,; hull. etc" a nice youuz orchard ; first class convenient to houne and ham. Thicpropcrty isgnlyi of s milg from church and wheel. Ann` ..u..u:n-cm |.u nous; avu oarn. Ihisproperty i one-quarter of s mule churrh school. jendcr not necessarilv acce ted. or further ticula. &c.. an Iv to Mrs. rleis . haw. S.` `Bay, or to Mr. rank [-1. Ball, Baniie. Oqt. 3: u-uuT commodjous solid brick residene known :0 Boulderfel" immediately west of the Collegiate Institute. to moms. Pease hot air furnacc and all modern conveniences: rent very low to a satisfact- o|_'y tenant. Apply to STRATHY & ESTEN. Sol- cmon. Barrie. - manna szwms MACHINE ran SALE. THAT cbmmodo st ABoulderf-I" im as solid brick residsne known mediatelv want of tin. n.n..:... run sue on To me lET. Sheeting, 87 inch rcyc Ll L Aun- `iln addition thereto we ubinit the following:-- ' - ` u/1(\\ rm. 4.... |....... .1--- 5- -,.,. '. Plankets ll 4-, .good colors in ~ Ont. FCHOOL further pu- .-haw. Shanty. 911-28 1.00 5.75 ~`seco;{d, a re'ductio o} _2o_p9,. cent, in hours of labor, Without any reduction of earnings, for` all em. ployes paid by the 110" . `day or week. ' Mrhn second demand is Qimilnin +.. "57(1"d$ ri~he ten-hour day is detfi-H mental to the health. life, safety and well-being of the mine Workers, u/11\ Q1.-..4n_ l..u..... _-._-_,, [U11 IUUV -' - A.q`o the Anthracite nstrug` : Commission:-~'1`he mine workers .!#'&k: of mands, which were forxnulatgd by th Shalnokin convention held March 18. the operators the `following. ([3. ` to 24, `and for the enfomcement of which the strike \vas"inauguro.te'(i~ Iv Increas of wage "First. an increase of 20 ~ upon the prices paid during Iii; "';::!.`_- 190{ mo employee performing co. J a- tract or piece work. Shorter Hours or Lu, . A , _ ` _ . 0 .4 {r7`_.. r. wwhell Siggyea ti}; w'Bp1-eselltlng the _ L wo,ke,5.1n Iq `-He Pn|u_;t`% commission the D0m3i|d|H_f::V:1N-_8,.`. ._ shgmokin Conventldn and For 'l`hem--Detal1I 91' Demph . '_'._ \ I Hazelton P3" Nov ment of the anthracite n1ine_wo;fke;f} base, which was filed with -tl"1`O3tPiJl`(_i:f` commission " ,unday nigh. W-as-/{.m`d public yesterda.V' `C0Dlf`S ,0! -' .thef; statement. have ben_furn1.shed to` -the operators, who W111 1`P1YWi'I1 IP80 `Om. `days. The miners 'statemeg`g `ma lull fo|loWS1-' " ' ` ' . ..m.. Hnn Anthrncitn nal .Qh-lb- * &v..-y Plainly Sttd9'%yb A ` " Mitchell of the >a',_. - qv-aw`: _f;ja nurse. j {7<$ account of ud to . A V I if}f_` -+--`4`lT';xcels pxfno I have ever used."--A]bni, ` ` --,1lwI tone; Qtllfy. touch and mechanism is a % feredit to any country. ?--Prof. F.` H. Torrington, ite lwith/-the truly great artist--who will alwa, . V ys is overdo. fdvor . at p1ano.gThe subdued tonal eects of insist on a ;truly zgre this dgroatjinstrument is only one of`-ts ~ ~~ - . . chtaj aQt._9_l_-`.i8$i05T"'?' :Pi94l that Stands alone? ev'E`llg cgstlnctlvle on th I-R oTyal ltram . tad willobeo used the l Coronagioiimcfd ~ 1.-.1... . ~' .. f -` .. 5 l ` ` A V. ` r. ..`__n For sale -3-`-vwu employer and empxoys. , t (4) Experience. shows that. -the "d P is the only eaocti.V9* method by which it is `possible to` regulate questions arisig mp193 0PS and employes.i'xrlar3)O;s"1!1E: 931I`1es_. and that 3, trade V T93?-his it the 0n_ly possible .way the relauons between `omp1_dygrfa`:` e? Wage earners in the 1 ds on a, just and permsnsntg .3.` M1! as far as possible. `t.qsfI0`.::.fV!;'53' fth' 00%! Strik . J}; been called? in 8SRectfully- s_u_1,;m(t~ -au---w-.., ..____,_ ,_ Sunday Nov. 9th being the actual birth. day of King Edward VII, a special thanksgiving service will be held in St. George's church at 11 a.m-. For the 1-9. covery and coronation of the King, for the ` restoration of peace and the" return of the Canadian Contingent. The loyal lodges of the Sons of England and the Orange Society as well as others are cordially in-' vited to be present at and take part in this service. A Special Sermon will be preached. ` A very pretty wedding was quietly celebrated. by Rev. J. W. Churchill, on Oct. 29th. at the residence of Mrs. Christopher Varty, William. St-., when, her daughter. Mics Florence Vsrty was` married to Mr. Charles E. Robinson, of Toronto Junction, formerly of Midhurst. The bride was prettily gowned in__ white orgsndie with garniture of satin ribbons lace and insertion- She carried a very handsome boquet of white chrysanthe mums and wasassisted by `Miss Lucy Brock, of W evale, -who was costumed in white organ _ie over pink and carried pink and` white crysanthemnms. The grooms- The funeral of the late Mrs. Francis Bedford took place on Friday afternoon last, services at the house and the grave being performed by Rev. Uanon Murphy. Interment took place at. St. Paul s ceme- tery. Innisl. The son of the deceased, Mr. John Bedford, of Minnesota, and his wife were present at the funeral and a daughter, `Bella, of Michigan. A bad wreck `occurred last week on the G. 'l`.R. just south of the `Bedford crossing when through the breaking of a cross- beam a number of freight cars were ditched and badly smashed. It took the auxiliary some time to clear away the debris. There were no lives lost. The Greed `Trunk engineers and re- men to the number of 45 are still center- rmg with Mr. W. D. Robb, Superinten- dent of Motive Power. 'l`he_meu, it is said, are `uking for 3 schedule of wages similar to that granted the` Canadian Pacic men last year. Min MedgeB1-unton gave 3 most `en- joylble evening on Hellowe en for her friends in the Sergeant & Smith estab- lishment. Games nnd'other nmnaements made the hours yqniokly and all present had -3 thoroughly pleasant evening. On the evening of Sunday Nov. 9th, I Mr. T. D. Bell hue kindly contented to deliver an address in St. George`: church to young people, all of whom are invited to be present. All sittings free and un- appropriated. Stranger: welcome. Mr. ' Edw. Shesr,- of the Allnndele school,` has removed to the reeidence two doors north of the school. The residence which _.he formerly occupied on Burton Avenue will be occupied by Mr. D. Mc- Millan and family. ` ` _._......- -` u-- unvuvnvvvile Q..:Sl-137 services with the sec- rnment "-wereheld in the Burton Aven- ue church on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Churc- hul delivered 3 temperance sermon in the evening. ' J on: H. Henson, 0. G. T. R . conductor on the Midland division died at Belleyille last week. ' He wt: 3 ronidant of of Mid- land until nine month: ago and land been with the company 17 years. The Womunn Miuionuryaociety at the Methodist pnrnongge on Tao: and the Lydian Aid vmgt. at the a place on Wednoudayu` ` T "2_-I", nu- -'- -- (5) The change of the present systemto the one asked for - would Dfovea, strong factor in.a1_1ayi!1F.' Suspicion-and discontent among the mine workers. . - - IN-,`nit( Agreement With the Unlopu Fourth, the incorpora.tion in an agreement. between the United Mine Workers of America and the anthra- cite i'oa1 ,co1I`1panies of the wages whichsliall be paid and the condi- tions of empmyment which sha`ll ob- tain, together with /satisfactory mo-` tho'ds for the adjus'tmen1> of griev- ances which may arise from timeto - v ww-vunnjti I . [1V\Z(-ie'vc-Horner,.of Medecine Hat, who is visiting in Alltndule took the topic at the league meeting on Diondov evemcg in.the Burton Avenue church. _....v_- - vv-can-no `lull!-lo ';1`ldxei'l)`<;ye in Allendele cut. loose on Hnllowe en and considerable damage to property reeulted. A ne let,-ze bill board belonging to Hegsrty was destroyed. l\.-_..L-..l_ _ - ll Vl aldon "Law:-', who is attending the Ontario Normal Oollege, Hamliton, has been appointed manager of the Col- lege Anooiation Football Club. 1 . --~ v- v-v vvnllllllln - Mr. and Mn. R. Hardy nnd family ire moving to Snultistc. Marlo. where they intend taking up residence; Mr. Ali. Youndhu moved his family to Toronto. Mr. Young bu Iecnred 1 position with the O.P.R. in the city.._ `Mr. and Mn. Harry 380661`! have the aimpathy of the community in the loss of t oir little child, who died on Tuesday. Ml W nnnb In--71---I--- --- `- ' ` '1`hb' family of Mr. Alfred Yo"J.}-1sc, lanweok. to join him at; Toronto VJn'nc- Hon. ' ` ` V An uaareu by Hiuiwulwill begmn on Fuday evening` in the Burton Avenue Methodist church. `. Min Role Meekins retul-tA1ed bu Mou- day aefupending Ievarglwoekn viuitinjf friend: in the country. ' ` `In- -_.1 13,- is in - - - . . . V . V . . uu u.I1C 1L75o|.1 hull. (4) The adoption of this system would remove an incentive, both to the operutm' and the worker, "t0 cheating and dishonesty, a,n'd, would allay jealousy among the miners and prevent. unjust discrimination and favoritism. - ' ' A ll/P'\ nu HEINTZMAN 5 C0- , .--an, , vavvuvu IIIVII nongge Tueadsy the some on ma met nature OI HIE SBCIIHIIBB. 11' any. RG10 DY tnem. ' And take notice thatafter such last mentioned date the executors will proceed to distrihute the assets of the deceased among the arties entitled thereto having regard only to the caims of which thly shall then have notice, and the said Executor: w` not beliable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at `the time of such dxstribution. Dated the 4th,day of October, men. `A CHARLES ARTHUR MONTEITH DllttefpcrInn.... ..-.............. Chickcnl. Iptinuo-u.u.n....... $|l:I":t:f'.I,"p:l'.l.b.o.o'o 0 0 0`: I 0 n 0 n u u u 0 0 u 0.0 0` Gang: . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ .\,bu- vu.|L _\.u a,H IU }.)Ul|llU a ' "13) The excessive ton was Orig !-` nally intended to Ac-ompensate the op- erator for the weight of the sma.l'l_ sires of coal which were then dis-~ carded,` but which are now utilized- and sold, an(l"therefore there is no present. neressitv fol`. the use A of any` a other than the legal ton. l4.\ 'I`|un A.-I...u:..... -1 LL)- _,_-LA- D`K"PCI'aUZHIlunonaouoo oouoooonou Potatoes, pen-ba................ Beef. Hindquatters per cm: . . . . . . . . . Beef. forequarters per cm... .. . . . . . Muttonouo ovaIn.IooIoooonoccopoouonc Ungl---IL w r Pursuant tto.R.S.0. Chap. 1 all creditors and [ others havingvclaims against t an estate of ohn 5 Monteith. late of Barrie (and Roaseau) Hone} cep- an-_ who died on or about the nut dav of Sentembar; " Monteltn. [815 CI DIIT15 \ICl 508558.) I'I0l3CPI\eCp' L er, who died out or about the rat day of September; 1 1902. are required to send by post prepaid or deliver ` to therunderaigped. one of the executors ot the last I Will of the sayd deceased. on or before the 20:1. ` day of Novembe_r.,l902..their names and ad- dressee. the full particulars of thexr claims. and the 1 nature of the securities. if any. held by them. L 3 `And halts nncn thnihnnr cnnh; Ian} mnntinnnrl \Ja`UuconnIouIvI'unun nay, umomy. . . . . Straw............. V-A--AA Lam'- Wmon-one-uooooooono-coon \l l ho lunnosoououoo-I-0 nun-.. an`: I ; .'..`?`.'..':"xE'.'::::%:?::::: . Chinkmn. nnrino. . . iumulooootvnlonooaponnnuctcotoong E I fdozenunono coo `Pggtnpaen- nerhn:r..:... IIQOOIIIIOIIIIIOGII4 `v63lDl'lb..uuo.u 0- cans - ---vu nary a what. White........ `lIIuco`1Icouo'0I ` Wh8t.tedW..... oIoo'Ic'nooc'coucIn 1323:3,goose............_.......... 'u"u,,.,_, ....v . ~ v - sous-nu. (14) A working day` `of `eight hours is su1}`1cient,ly long for the. best interests of the workingmen and, 01. the community. H Pay .~\t'(-ordiny: to Weight. 'l`hird, the adoption of .-a. system by which coal shall be weighed `and paid for by weight wherever practic-h able; the xninimun_1 rate per ton to- be sixty cents for a legal ton of 2,- V 240 pounds, the di'e1' now. x- isting at the various mines` to be maintained. _ . T \\'i;;?,.g:`>-o;e'......... `spngnuucotocu-I Baflyuvs Pt.O;III000IOIOIIAIICIIIIOOOIOOQQI Hay, timothy. . . Sh-aw _ . _ _ . . . . . _ . . . . ' ' ' \ RIDES: HidegnonaoIooItvI0IonIosoo TrimmedHides.......... .... .. .. Calfskiusperlb.................... Tallowperlb...................... Horse!-la.irperlb.... ......... Lambakins and Palm, fresh. . . . .. lWoolPicks...............,.. jorse Hides ..... ............. . Mr. C. H. Ritchie, of Guelphmu in town on Tueodoiy on his wny to Collingwood where he has accepted 0. position as tvpograph operator on the Enterprise. He visited friends. in Barrie. YeeI-Ald. Powell,` Brennan. William: "end McLeen-4. Neve--Aid`. Veir-1. ' T L` . The By-Lew. which goes into effect at once. was declared carried and. the Council then adjourned. ' . gn nuvuevllv 5 uuuu, qululslv lllllll _Ul0 Ill!`- ,lue liquid wax o`. plunge the leaf ationoe. or a moment, in the `cold water and the work is done. The leaves can then be heft for years between the pages of books rea y to be utilized from time to time tor dinner table or other decoration. Uare must be taken when shaking off the surplus wax that it does not fall on the clothing or the carpet. - Itowill interestthose who have been col- lecting autumn les'ves this fall to know that these leaves, when dried under pressure, will lose their brittleness and-have their beauti- ful colours brightened and intensied by a _very simple and inexpensive process. Melt vecents worth of uerene. wax and pour hot into 3 at ssuoer ; have ready at hand a large and deep bowl of cold water; dip the dried leaves completely inethe hot liquid for a moment ; then. quickly shsking the sur- illlll WAS! A nlnnnn Ohm. Inn` at (sauna . - ---v---v- -uvun WJI ;l3lV slanted`. thethe could not see` how it would hurtthe. merket. If he thought that harm would result hewould not press for its adoption,-button the contreey he` wee sure thetmuoh benet would accrue ` to the citi- zens. During the winter,` buyer: would "be in,Berrie from Toronto and other pleoee and would gobble up everything it they were not restroined. and it was to protect citi- zens in this perticular that the by-low had been framed. ` ' * Ald. Brannon also spoke in favor of the by low. . r - Acting `Mayor McLean explained that the by-low had been fully dieoueeed in commit- tee, when all the members present had fav- ored ite useege. If it proved the bugbear claimed V Ald. Veir. it would not take half- en hour to repeal it, but the citizens had rights on the market on which so much of the town's money had been expended and these rights must be respected. The you and nave being called for on the essege of the by-low the vote stood unfol- OII 2 L...` V .. 1;; , '_rv d dejeuner ; Fig. gighoo % the ' after-V Auojun train foritheii newhome, A number :0` b.i.i',0dng irinqgpppedins $119.0 9 uvqrfpffrie otjof; .; 'P e.':`.-.'{* !5 -`E-"..'.!l.. .399-9.9108 ti ': -ver~V.m: 9'9; M I -Z 4- : Q. __..A ,, `u. -v nus I L'u-1Ul1D- ' (`13vIVIeas1L1'e1i1ent " by the - legal ton Wherever pra,ctiL'a.ble 18 the only` honest and just systeln of measuring the earnings of mine workers '"t0\ \\'1..... H..- A-------- ~-" ?:'.a; 4/? . PISSED ON MONDAY NIGHT.` V (Continued from pagea) " -_.`. -;_A , 39;! 9; the bride we:-6:`i`n sues.` `. -`0d.1fior' tyq _wedd_ing --party had \. Pd` l"l'!=duntg1y served de]euner,. p.'I`IIhnnn ,`nau1y `In. 4.35-- OF` JOHN MONTEITH. DECEASED. w {sauna auuuj Lu.uuU DDITIU DI `Tornto Marketa During the Week. nA-.--- -g-.-. --.____ Notice to Creditors. '45 Pamsmnvme ram -LEAVES. Torontq Farmers THE MARKETS. v--v vvu uufga U1 uuuc \VUl`l\Ul'H ` "'(2) hen the operators sell or trim-`s'POI`t coal it is on the basisof a, legal ton of 2,240 poundg. ` 'lR\ rphn nxrnncvc-itvn 4.... -~__ _.._Q..i' GRAIN A. F. Garrett. mere Markets A fpnowro. Nov. 4. uqoz _. L_ Q Rosseau. Ont. at m o. cloclt noon, that valuable parcel of land known as the West half of Lot Number thi -two (_1a)m the first (1) eo_m-canton of Veepra. con V nin ou`e'hundr`ed_acreI. eighty acre: of which are clearer. There are sand to be erected uvou said lot 1 Dwelligg House, 1 Frame Barn and Frame Stable attach thereto. There `are nlso_ upon Iaidlot twoorchardn end a. spring creek. runrung through.` The land in clay loam. Terms and couditionsoof sale will be imade known at time of `sale or in themeautimehpon aiv1i*<*"`* ` l suwwr ".4 ...... A-) 1 00.9 Saint-dgy.Novembe`r: Bth, I902 ` There willbe offered foreele Irv ublicx at the Queen`: Hotel. in the Town of _ nan-ie, on No restrictions as to time of selliug. Come early. A Game on Friday if you lean, and get the highest prices for. your goods. Our velued town customers shop early on Saturday morning. Telephone your orders in the forenoon, the finest ._of the produce is now being brought to the store. _`We will not ship the goods away if you want to buy them. And we will protect you as to price and not charge more than the ruarket price. One store has set the market years._ price for Warm Pferty] We sfill want to pay the farmer in fair price for the goods. . Other town. Some others would pull it_down. ` -- gunman vying nus. , This demzmdu is made on the following reasons: /1'\ rfn.-..n..........-..J_ I__-

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