Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 30 Oct 1902, p. 8

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.. _ % `EDGAR. .. ,L`1~:'2'. :' 2"`.',:c_j-v_yK-.'CAVANAGH, Corresoondent . _ . opllnm, of Orillia, is manna I Jan. Cookburn. . m1....nlu- Box 25 Mrs. Dr. Bailey. of Orillia is visiting he!` P`Nnta Mr. H. Ball. 0!! Sunday last: Rev. Mr. Carpenter. preached 5 good sermon to the children. . A.`lIlIl'lL`sn- ..c ..-...__ __-_u. -A _.. .....nu_ rnvuvllvu D U00 Hermon to the CilH(lI'9D- A number of young people_ spent an en}0Y' .|b19V0ning last week as Mr. Wm. Elliors. `Mr. John tl:..I... Lt. -_ u-..A..u fnr I39 Pl ttilv- costumed in seal brown vene- tian frxeze _with garniture of straps and bl}tt0!ls,.. With blouse of white silk trimed With chiffon and pearls. She wore a hat to match. - Mr. a.I_1d Mrs. Barry left on the noon stain f0! 3 trip`-to Buffalo N. Y. Bradford, M. .D'] 3' BI1 Mat-y s, Pennsylvania. .011 6017:: um IInn::`nnr`) nn . ~-.--- -----~ um u.uu_y 3, Iuuuuyxvuum. /uu their return they will take up residence on J01"! Stfand Mrs. Barry will be at home on I8 first Thursday in Decembsr. A large lllllllbelv oi very beautiful presents were received.-by nu. h.-sa. .--nu-spur Ill: VOIY D83` reoeiwedby the bride. .noL'5- gnnu evumng last week Mr. W m. bl f r AM:. John Hicks left on. Monday 0 . . h Georgetown where he Intends to WOW M '3 trade; V A e 1: : Oh; ight has week Mr. Thos. Scvthes `Md 3.91110 sheep killed and a number wor- riedby doga. . Mr. `Raid ..c n..:n:- '1.-- .........I.......A Mr. vwv an inn IIIBIIJOGHIE cnurcn. _ __Mr. Tom. Wilton : horse ran awaY Phwwd hiinnnd his mm out of the ng ngd rknooklng hi: shoulder out which was P W Dr. Morogor. His sister got 05 `" gpod shaking up. navu_uy uogm M Ridyof Orillia, has purchased MT- `Bllll stock and started to take stock 011 Mndny morning. 1 ti... AL- 111.1 p `T u 1 l\ 1 XTA IR -31 CIICTIIWU UVVI luv -IIIVII III - IIUUIV Stuynor boy last week. Congratulations. What about that fowl supper in `con- nnnlainn 2:5`! ihn "AAA:n5 n`|n-A`: ML`-A Bounty morning. , ;~-.Q.ll the fifth of November L.O.L. N0 1 .|| a banquet. in the Orange H3- welcome. .qr|-n;:-- ....._._2.... LI... nnnnahr nnvvtfynoay welcome. I .NQit Sundav morning the member5 { .-L90-LT No.16 intend attending divine ser- Vioe in the Methodist church. 1. .|lV..... n-n1_-_:_ L __, _ _-_ -_...... Hm?- THORNTON. A. F. Garrett, %...Prop... and ()"zi1YemoVfV'_>;1";_;:e;;;i;l;<;;:Q"l;;;;_iuas been ' FRAWLEY &` MOORE , .------.---:--.---1. u aoooooooooooooooooooooooooobooooooouoooooobqoo I5 A `III I-113 n n nfz\l-`us:--n n BRENTTWOOD. V A verv pretty house. wedding took place recently at the residence of the Mr. John Muir when his eldest daughter Susan A. was united in marriage to Mr. Albert G. 3 Young. The bride was becomingly at- tired in white Organdie trimmed with white silk. Miss FannyMcFarlane. late of Sault Ste Marie, was bridemaid, while Mr. Robt. Young ably assisted the groom. I Rev. A. R. Sanderson, of Angus perfprm- ed the -ceremony`. Mr. Muir gave` his,` daughter away. and immediately after- wards about sixty guests sat down to a sumptuous repast, after which 'yarious games,dancing and other am usements were indulged in during the evening. The many expensive `presents the bride receiv-. ed testied,to' `the esteem in which she was he@. The happy couple repaired to their home on the 10th line where they will reside in future. 4 . GRENFEL. W. A. I-Iocxluncx Correspondent, I The Beef Ring ha closed for this 5333099 -- ._ A A "2-.. \l_..._ I_. _,__ !_,2; , . !, tutu: 1 WeieT Mry Trjoof visi.o(lin Gilford, week. ' i Mu. Goo. Young apgnt s wek` 320 Sunday in Holly. `>1-sun c . -- -"([}a -2T.m1iI-<;ney and`'hu-d' Hook1-idge, 1 have` returnad from Toronto. j . _ _` Mr." ' _a`-'i;'i_ Dita:-uWI`a;11s| :Aux`ford,' of Oro were the guest of Mr. and Mn. Ween Scott on Sunday. " ' working on perpetual motion for dome time. He uys he has it almost completed and will have it running in a `short tiinef. Your correspondent had the pleaeure~o`f examining the machine a_ few days ago and gmuat say the inventorie a. geniuaof no meanjorder. When he incomplet- ed it willbe one at the `wonders of the twentieth century. Who known but Brent- wood may have the honor of introducing to the world that long talked of, inven- tion _-perpetnal motion." ' T vuuu vuv Luau vvvl` Llull ptpfiy JAM] up Adamson and % Oot.15fh;the_Oounoil me` this d}te.; All the ineniberi preeent. The minutes of -the lent meeting were conrmed. Several _fdo`ou`Ih1eutp werempreoezited end reed" `viz; 1 `.`lA.....` nnisnI.;.A *....t -..n.....-. --..;.`.'_ n-.:i:.~... 5"3:""63J:2E"5S3"$Ke::ou?TixL that `the. rogd over H1ll'g property l2:.h "1 nu-';~":l:l" A.I-;..-..a. -_A, . -I_ resbyterian social on Friday evening last proved to be one of the most suooesstul affairs -held in Allandale in some vears. . After tea had been served a most interest- ing programme was presented, to which the contributors were Dr. Arnall, Mr. and Mrs. Whitebread, Mr. Watson, Miss Graham, .Miss Blough, Miss McMillan and Miss Logvue. The chair was occupied during the evening by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Cameron. NIL- _I--'.I_ ,1. an 1 The government bee inspector visited this section a few days ago and examined the colonies of several bee-keenere. He was pleased to nd theibeea into heel thy 6 con'- l `dition... Foul brood has been the min of many an apiery and should be diligently guarded ageinet. _ e ddjouined Vnubjact `to tie` call of th:e_Re_ev_9._ . " " ' H A C` . - ... - .'Koved~ by 1 Oounillon Coleman and Graze, that the Olerk be ineuugted to notify M Gaviller. Township Engineer, that they ooneiderm-it necessary that he ehouldeinolede inhievreport `that part of Walt. Gwillimbu;-y examined by,him as .f.l1eeIonth eelthu-foiinereeite'ef_ J ebb e mill qe'Ohept;r 226 R.S.V0., been onitwhe same, -:32-s<.i_-e` ' e ~ ELEVENTH MEETING on` THE _ .INNISF'I1.n COUNCIL. ` The following accounts were ordered to be paid :--F`red Woods, for gravel, $5 25 ; Moses Robinson, work on 12th con.. $5 25 ; John Mon`, six yds. of gravel. 48. Wm. Hamilton,'work on 7th con . , $13. 7 5; Jas. Herrell, worlron 7th con . $1.56 ; R. J. Duncan. for gravel, $3 22 ; Jos. L Brown, ll=ug inwashout. $435 ; Richard Grose, for gravel, $1 40;. Wm . Duncan, repairing washout on Penetang Road $5 ; Robt. Bateman, Innisl share stumping on S. townline, $6 ; Geo. Wice, gravel eu Tollendal road, $2 ; Wm. Greeneld. fur roadway. $2 ; pavad Barclay, for gravel, $5 60; Hudson and Pnckens, on contract, 840 00 ; R. Cristoe,`receipt book, $3. 50 ; . A . W. Whish, work at Tollendal, $1 05: 0., Palling. iudges Voters List Court, $3.88 ; J as. Ferguson, constable, $1.50; Selectors and Jurors ,$10; R. G} Reeve, P1ow|nan s Association, $20"; Lsnnox & Co", on account 840; R. W. Sloan, _V.'oters"Izist Clourt, $2. . - I'....-.: L- ....._-.'n-.._ d..n___|__.1 __..I ,-' -___ `..._---, _vvv -u you-o--V. week removeseonee` of the "oldest conductors on the Grand Trunk system-indeed, -it is said. that Mr. W.m. Williams is the only one guson in this respect. ' Ueath came to him" he had not complained to any extentof being unwell and had refused to see a doctor. there was no one _with himwhen he passed away. When on hisusual run to Penetang duringvthe day he took quite ill, and the train hands feared at one time that he might die at any minute, but the weak spell passed of and by the time he reached` Allandale he appeared to have quite recovered. This ill- ness took the `nature of an apoplectic. at- tack; and`-about four years ago he suffered fromwhat mightbe termed a mild stroke. He retired togbed at his usual hour on Thursday evenin at the Graham House, where he reside and nothing was heard of him. until at about four `o'clock in the morning when Mr. Graham decided to look into the room and see how the old gentleman was resting. He was greatly shocked to nd him lying on the oor.` Dr. Arnall was summoned, but the vital spark haded, life having apparent- ly__ been extinct ior about two hours. _ The _deceased was taken to Toronto for burial, on Saturday ' morning,` the remains being taken in `charge by Mr. John Harvey, a cousin, who was Traio Manager on the old Northern Railway fty years ago. Several brothers-and sisters of the deceased reside -in Scotland and he visited them there last year. Conductor Ferguson was 55 years of age and had been in the employ of the G. T. R, since January 5th 1870.` He quali- ed as a conductor in May 1873. Consider- able property was owned by him in this dis- trict, as well as in Scotland. death of -Mr. Johh -l!`erguson last who could claim precedence over Mr. Eer-. sileutly in thewatohes oi the night, and as `ll-Ill! ugh nuv =uI.uv.1\1aI||uu- . Moved by Oouhoillore Hill and Groae, that the Clerk beinetructed to notify the Ulerkeof `the Town" of Barrie as to the den- gerous state of the t()wnlin_e between` Price : shoe etofe aind the Lake. and also tothe fact that this is the eeoondtime their `attention has been `called to this matter, end that this` Council will not be respon- sible for'?"auy damage that may occur.'-- O33-ied. I I A '\o-u pa 1 . rvuusn ulna vuulu, we ---Moved by Councillor: Sutherland and Bill, that Councillor Grow be authorized to meet the Reeve of Vespra on` the llch October on north t.ownliuer.-r-`Carried. 11"-..-) L 1 IICI Ill-I IJIJI VII UUWIIIIIIVQ \JQlIlUV| Moved by Councillor: Coleman and Bill, that the time for completing the contracts on the Hewitt : Creek be ex- tended until the 15th of November,` and that Councillor G1-one and Sutherland be a. committee to inspect the creek and re-' port on the same. -03:-tied. . 1ur..~.....a' |..;. n-......-:n....-' azn __s n____ _-- _.._=' wwcunuvavuwutitl Qnerterlv communion. services will be held on Sunday in connection with the Burton Avenue. Methodist Church. In the morning n Love Font and Fellowship meeeting will follow the sermon, and in the evening the Sacrament of the Lo_rd e`8npper will be ad? ministered. t anniversary eervioee in the Burton Avenue'Meth6diet Church. on Sunday, were a decided success. Practical and soul-` Itirring uernioneby. Rev. Dr. Long, of Bond Heed, were heard with "much appreciation by the large congregations. - I\.-'_._L-..I_`_ A __.. 7 `- wjldrrvl`.`JfEo;i;{e;,'-1+:`X.-U-W-;l:;;a; Miss M. Trioker and Rev. Mr. Churchill have been appointed delegates tottend the Bar- rie District Epwo'rth' League conventien an Coldwatornext week. semi! here who have been growing reds elover foraeed have been sadly disappoin-` tell when the time of cutting arrived hard-` ly any seed was to be found and conse- quently it has been consigned to the hey I now." Farmers meet with many `disa- puintments. b V l The tower for the new re hell is pro- gressing re ndlv. The interior of the build- ing which. u been purchased to serve this purpoee had not been altered up yet. __ 1'. "_f__.-_. II... A itvsllg Ito ' irs.1";fc;hn Glsssford is amending the W. G.'I`.U. oon`vontion~whioh is in session in the` Metropolitan` Methodist Church. Toronto. this week. i . - -vq-,-v- v `r7V_rYtw(`?x_C vwuvu ~ urn. `8 . l)ipkoy, Lt Touanw, is visiting lri0IIdLITIgt_lJg.yonporz-und To:-onto.,~ . `I.Jl'..A.I_ A L A II I . A... Y fi1w7i.7i.}'}2:r' :1I1';J.I'.;r"ia ;-. "Anthon- i013I'lIt_h died ot oroupon Sunday. He was buried on Tuesday afternoon in the Union Cemetery,` ` Il._ x`! 1 lil ' n 1 u . -_ - -- -,_ .._..._- .._-_ ------- wp - -9:---E-ovvnu E. B.VCem'eronT,A patter of the Pree- byt.erien'ohnroh, be: taken apartment: with M Cherie: Catcher, been street. . A 12;.` `u - -- BII`Al`il|"lL/_S(`>V!ItVl1-W8_t Ol.'l.l` with` ItI;P,lOII8nt Streets. ltl TBBWDWQIL 'lI[I_u Pretty Churches. 8110 115360 cehl`-A P091316 wall Ignace Settlement >--A.,W9okIv Record or its Doinzs. *3! % . fLind , `t Mu-r3ma.Ar:`h:r. " """ ll-._'_ Q/I\n-'l_,__ ,A III II 0 - o o.'u vvvv-v-_v_ ,~_ _` v--rv-v ----u -v-v-aw- ~, .Bfrthm;;:Alhndsla on Fri_ y.'0ot.`\24th, 1902. Mrs. John Blevins of 3 daughter. L`-.. H I) 1'1. mu mi 'r,,.-.;~,B.AI t.wA!_ * , V vnspm cbtmon... Mrs`. Gaulei and son have returned home from Detroit, where they spent a couple of weeks with Mrs. Gauley aA bro- ther and other relatives. They speak in glowing terms o( the bpauty of the city and also of the kind hoapitalityeextended .to them` by their Yankee` friends; C3143,-P.u . Clerk. ;or} Willism 0. Kine. who is ohsrged with the murder of Willie ,;Frooman,~ issuing his for'mer.'omployor,: MtWilliam Free-' .,lN!F)`;.f Rdn9!:;iI`1W -:;; T ynaauuauu uruutjuu. so no pun. " The Council sqjgnrned to 19th Nbv'om- hp:-'at10_a ;m.~ ` ` `. _ A `ICC CODY TWII IICIY `'5 ,v' F!?IQ " 1;;<;1;hta to the amonntof$41-1.60 wot-6 puaedmad ordezed to be paid. ` -'lu...n.........:I ..a:...........a .. 1nu. nr'.f;~__ .' In: In LUU nu unu JIIIU yuauuauuu. - Resolution were passed as follows;- 'lhat the Reeve be requested to search in ' Registry Oice Sunnidale By Lawe)No. 246 and 280 are Med river'dralnage' and ascertain the smount` to be paid by Ves- pre, under the same. That the Reeve and Councilman Finlay attend the next meeting of`the 4Flos ' Council and -impress on thorn the necessity there is of doing certain work on the townline of Vespra and F100. That the Re eve=`end Council- men Hicklidg attend to the matter to Russell : eeomplaint also to inspect and value the tilnbervou side` 1ine=betw.een 15 85 16.. '- That the Reeve: and. Councilmen `Finley L` and Ooutte wait on the County Council at their November; _eea_a1oue.,end ascertain whether they,._will mslre agrant ingid of payment for the repairs o f.. the `I_v'aehont-on the 5th line of Yes re-f ' llnntunrhlyn in `kg. A-amnesia`-Aa\.`.`l The Prices Ruling in the Barrie and Toronto Markets During the Week. ' BARIIII GRAIN MARKET. ' M .. Buuun, Oct. 29. 7902 Wheat,new..............,... .... .. 6! nn ta IVQIII an n I Wm. and James Russell complaining that they are suffering damage through water owing off the roads cintotheir lots, J ohn Travis asking-the Council to make a road to s lot he has just purchased. .n.n-nlurh-uh ma-A nnnnn -- :..l`l.....'..__ T'i!`1iw'}a3i; 'i.%`ii{}$.e upon us. Boya don't do anything in the dark you would _boaIhamed to be aeeniolng in tholight. Many thlnga. are done on ha_l|ow ean whiohare really an injury to your neigh- bora. Boys don't do It. _ DrLessGoods. lSilks,_.Linings,s sCorsets. Whitewenr, Flnnnelettewear, Hosien-y_ Underwear, Gloves, `Ribbons, Laces-, Sm-all Wares, Flnnnels, Flnnnelettes, Waist- ings. Sheetings; Shirtings, Cretonnes. Sateens, Ginghnms, Wrapperettes, Towel]- inVgs.Tn'ble Linens," Napkins, Blankets, Quilts, Curtains, All Furs, including Persian Lamb and Astrnchnn Coats, Gauntlets, Muffs, Ruffs, Caps nnd Cnperines, all Men's Land Bnys -Wenr in Suits, Overcoats, Underwear, Ties, Shirts, Umbrellas, Sox- Coillnrs Cuffs, Mnfers, nlsoi Men's For Top Coats, Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths~ Mnttings, Portiej-es and\Table Covers- Toronto Farmers Markets ` ` _ . foxonro. Oct. 28, 1902 ` h' -noon:-o OIOI|IlIIcuuoI- t V V :.:..'.:...o ................. .. ` *3: In - addition` to these are 200 ;,Swm,ples frcra London warehouse just arrived. They includu Ladies ne Oashnere and Woollen .Hose, Ladies ne Underwear and Gentle- men s Sow, which? are-{to be`cleared out in 3 days at a. saving to the customer of 50 per ..,ut., which means half your money back on every purchase. T -v`I .---nu:-.45.-.\rn-u;.-.-.a.a--.n h To facilitate selections," goods are plainlj Vti'ck.,ted and .36 arranged. that customers can- easily judge ; c 0033. ' - _ . V _ GeoPgeVicker-s A =t:*G-BEAT REDI-JCTIONS`T in evety Depertment right in the midst of the want seaso'n.`- Do not pass it "by. It s a saving for you. .T'l'h'e'freedom of this large and nely tted. stoxe is yours and it carries with it no obligation-s, except to make knownto. you the eavingeon all yotir wearable needs. We invite an early call, for the facts 2m: behind.a.lI `our statements, and the profit is yours._ ` 1"` 'Tl'l."'n:l:H1'I'<'l'f`::.'t>'n`z-i.-a'.`;`;x.d;'pe ihieipehe in the Bargain Tviluee before the close of this the greathst am} most nsuccesafpl sale i:ha.'t`.has" ploe foratleast-V15 years; V _/ ooooo'oooo "oooooo 1.;-...'---J;-_'."-.}.4I.:v...-..'..l.- :.. LL` o:J.`--:.n In...t.-.4 LL11 nlnnn. an `1\:n `Ln ....... _L. ..,L 1 Vcontinuesto attrafct immgme 'crdwds- and hundreds of. customers have made money inrnhe savings effected THE.;.% ` needed. Move quiokt JV IICV CUUIIV UIICU IIIWI UIIPVUT III UU|I' neetion with the Methodist church. There ere lots of ohiokeni; turkeys-and genie in this neiohborhood. ' Funds are bedly ran: MARKETS; UP BUSI N ESS VV.orth:of Goods to be Turned into Money W 7 ' % `OD SpOt. ' ._-._ .;-.--j--_-n:-:.-g.-L:.:;-. '_Gno. SNnA1'1=_t,_ Clerk`. Terms of Sale-Spot Cash E A quleu out very rettv wedding ceremony VII performed by ev. C. S. Pedley, on Tuesday morning, at half past ten o'clock. at the teaidence of Mr. Guy Appelby, No. 150 Dunlap St. . when his youngest daughter, .M_iuMV h. _` pelbywu ' t'd',i%.lharriae to Mt; liam H given [away by; srd.:Annbxby; 02.01-illi. ......_...5.;. not megaieelzure . of Mr.` Patriarchds tools and construction plant, have been re- ferred, by consent of both parties. to County `Crown Attorney Cotter for adjustment. T Osborne vs. Town of Midland--A case in wlinic gltlgsiuee for damages for injuries re- nnv -c-I=--=- - - * -------- -TM4RmAc}i:_ on '1`Um$DAY or M188 M. M. _a APPELBY AnD MR. W-. a. A = -aamw. ' A V `A quie lint V0 ` thaw wedding Tiildnv liim-hi... I ,... |._u ._- `die-X UIIIU VIUIUIII II I` UUIIO Mn. Jen. l3e:l:l:;n, II. ., who has been unwell for some time to now able to at! tend to her household duties. I ' It... nn._..1__ n__u_.. g_ - - -,u_,-,s ;:.____.-jjuj V is ever a favorite with the truly grea insist. on a truly great piano The this great instrumentis only one 4 chara_cterisLi'cs-a piano that stands on the Royal train and Will be used ,- ..', --ww---vulva Usborne Midland--A which 1:1. men ceived, v falling into a drain. Steers and Story, Midland, for pltf.; Bonnet and Fin- lIVIOlIL M3t{In`nJ 3;- 41.1- . q. _ _ ,-_--..., .....u an uuuu. DUGBPB 3110 int luynon; Midland, for dfdb. Adjourned. . vnvuus no avuuwl 2 . Elliott vs. Hamilton. D. 8. Simpson. Q. (0., Bowmanville, for plaintiff; Gunn, To- ronto, for deft. Argument on action for ejectment. Judgment reserved. Patriarohe and Regan vs. Town of Orillie. Patriarche vs. Orillia. et al v Patriarche ye Orillia and Ryan. In theaethree cases Laidlaw, Kapelle and Bicknell, Toronto, appeared for pltf. and Bain, T1 rmto, for dfdt. These cases arose out of Orillia e dispute with the contractor who has been engaged in developing the Ragged Rapids power. The trial of the main issue, as to whether the contract it binding or not, will be taken ,up In Toronto. The-secondary suits. as to the amountpdue .Mr. Patriarcbe for running the plant-for the first sixty dew, and for daniagee for illegal eeizureof Mr. Patriarche a conlifntinh hlnnr Inn -- `-AA~ * * 1 at thi. OCTOBER SITTING WAS A VERY SHORT ONh3-FIVE CASES ON THE DOCKET. The Non-Jury sittings of the High Court were held on Monday last before Mr Justice Britton and the session was a very short order asfollows : , B. 0., Bowmanville. nlsinti'- (1.... In. one, the ve cases being disposed of in short For` Sale NO D[SA_PPOINTMENT. $36,000.92 A uulg wsnnmn. UVIIK UV IIUI IIVUUVIIUIU \lIIUlUUu , . m-."'1`honim Bu-tlett in quite pleated and all smiled over the urinl ofg -L-_...-_ I.-_ I__L _,-I_ fI-___.__u__I A ---Excels any- iano I have ever used."--Albani. --In tone, quality, touch and mechanism is a credit to any country."--Prof. F. H. Torrington. nu: man COURT. V 4,-,_.. .. rvlv W33 srriage William H. pride who was given away by 1".` Richard Appelbg,` of Orilliu truly great artist-`-who Yvilll nun/x VIVL _ I 1 ly artist---who will always subdued tonal eects of r of its several distinctive st_ands)alone._ The piano 11St`(l :.used by the Coronation Choir. ltlq Ital. ulmuuuru. of Toronto, spent Thnk" _J._Addiaon. 7 a oolkburn or... hit! 1'"d _ Be): 30. Mrs. Jno. O`0iJnI_1eIl is on an extended vilit with her daughter, Mre. Stevens, of\ Toronto. ,. . ,Mr-.JnVo..Bel|.e of'New Lowell, is par- ehuing pressed buy from the farmers in this vicinity at 88.00 per ton. mm Tn `I\-nhI..... -- Jun `Q3 `Anus

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