Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 30 Oct 1902, p. 5

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To LET; INNISFIL. -IN THE-- "\7i:sPRA. u. nlrrle. on me rr. aged 73 years. C, 0!! $55 `I V` Y.` 13`. N 7 Tiressed, per 1b., 160? `Ordinalry Chickens, but per pair. h Choice young-Ducks, per Ycung Turkeys, 10a. to 1 _ _ . -I e ouuquuoueouuuoooooooooooooooooooeuoo . %We give Highest prices Cash or Goods\--Dry Goods or Groceries. GET YOUR DRYS GOODS AT JAMES VAIR 6 SONS. V New laid Eggs; 20c. dozen. Fresh kept Eyzgvg, 16c. to 17; per dozen. `Kept Butter, 150' lb. (in goods only). Fresli made Butter in~-printls and rolls, 1_7c. lb ~ Chickens, well fed, ifat bifds, prperly killed and ~':'t1`|'D'Dl" nan Ha 1-n- . WANTED at the Ready Market; ________.._,__._._______._____.______ Cheaper lines in- Freize and Mixed Tweed ' atfrom'$4.006o A .` . . . . . . FINE GREY OHEVIOT, g length` Coat with imitation yoke`e'ect, tqcked trim- ` minfg, well linedtvery dressy tit . . cm I . dren s Fine Zebeline Cloth Ulster-s,`in blue and old rose shades, very prettily trimmed with stitching and tucking. starting at $6.00 to ,. . . FINE BLACK CUIILED CLOTH com.` lined with good quality Meme:-ized Sateen, in sizes 38 to 44-; extra value . FINE BLACK BEAVER COAT, 3Q in. . Tong, stitched trimming, good lining, ` pearl buttons, the best: value in Beaver we ever sold at '. ' Better Beavers in black and. fawr; at . `.4 4-. -- A..- v v v - '--vvv `I-vviw ._ We don t. We have all sizes. Misses Blue and Grey Cheviot Coat, in sizes 6 to 9, lined throughout with; Mercer ized Sateen, at . " \ - We have th products of -three of the best German` makers. -Canadiamwhich makes-upwthe mosticomplete showing we have e` Our last twoweeksf selling` demonstrates. the fact that we have the condence ` of the public, and that what we say we*ll do is always done. We now wish to call your attention to our superbcollection of F % FASHIONABLE COATS -o Muses Fme Grey Llama Clothfoat, 30 in if! an. 1:-:__... __-1__. L 4 __.__.__________._.________.__________.__________________ Don t forget the ]_m3sses~a1 zd V Children Soi:?P?h 6. SALMON; best quality, 2 ti1 1s -for 25 cents `_ :'vj_'V "-`df gll ]_2)wesVt Lpiic es.`in town, quality congidered. ` ABEST GRANULATED SUGAR, in_bbl. luts,- per 100 lbs % }$3._90; .`;24_`lbs. fo_r$1';0_0, `6 lbs for 25. BEsj:%`YELLQW;sUGA~1z,V` 28 lbs for 31.09, ,7 lbs for 25c. A % A :5_ 'pouNns FOR 25 CENTS LEADER MADE OF FINE GREY CHEVIOT, lined throughout with . Mercerized Italian, 36 in long, pearl buttons very special . - . . '. 5 .....- -any VJIUJ J.ui`.|vl.ll. \J!.UDn Luau, Cu in. in length, ne linings, velvet collar and silk facings, sizes 7 to 9 injthe Goods % and the Sellers first %Essejntialst'o Successfg] ARe_tai_ling nr I-act mm nrnnln-.9 o.-*.Il:..'... A.............;..._._ EGGS, , BUTTER, CHICKENS, TURKEYS, DUCKS, GEESE, APPLES AND_ CRAB APPLES. nnunuuaul `y v IL is reporoted that. several hundfed 10"0 fanaucs are calnpeiijn the meighborhood` of -1`oI1oc]s's Bridge, A S'~VPl'n] rnilnc Ow-nn-u vAM]r4*nU\ fl1l....-....v JAMES VAIR The Grocer GROCERY SPECIALS .a-u-v $16, ii.5.$12 ...a $14 JAMES VAIR 5 SONS not scalded, 400 to 650.. met pair, 800. , to l2c. per 1b.`. SOME 500 REMNANTS and odd lengths, `in cluding Dress Goods, Silks, Flannels, Flannelettes, Wrapperettes, etc , marked at very low prices, somehalf price, some less, `all good cioths and very useful. V starving. ----3--~v-asuvu 1.11. 4. uuuun D _.|.u1u::, ' several miles from Yorkton. These are more rampageous th :1 Athts rest. being exalted With. the 6 altation Of `DEM. -u- _--'I-I0 , -I A . . . . . _ . . "J vvunn puvvp. Lu LUWII. Don c buy your (`oat or Cape until you see our range. ' TWO SPECIALS, made or heavy black Sateen, elaborately trimmed at A Special Purchase it 7 DOZ. ONLY Ladies Fine Wrapperette Shirt Waists, lined throughout, In Navy, Grey, Brown, I ale Blue and Pink `Stripes, all sizes 32 to 40, regular $1.7 5 Blouses, very special . We have condence in the quality and assort- ment of `our M antles and challenge comparison with any other stock in town. ' "I'\-_)- L,; 4" A. cyunnllg vovg QunaUg Fine Brown Cloths, lined with Mercerized Sateen, heavily padded at . . $6.00, $1.50 ana,$1o.oo Exr Lined, at 111.93! \llUlll unpes. wzth 'Jl1ib(-t or Sable Trimmings - Ladies Plain nd Fancy Cloth Capes. Fur Lined- mn. 'Ihih.+ m. .Q`.m.. 'r..:........-..A- Apples, all fall varieties, including Russets and V _ Talman Sweets _.and `small winter varieties, _ per bbl., 75c `Good size_d_ winter varieties, per bbl., $1.00 Northern Spys, pei bbl , $1.50. ` Snows free from spot, XXXX choice, _perAb,m1, 81.50 in Q2 00 A sympathetic. citizen offered :3. glass of milk to-a blue and pal-1-i-d` `baby, `whose mother spilt theemilk to prevent the child s drinking it; Soda- biscuits oered to children were`.!or- hidden to be used. Simeon .'I`soher-A ninkov, who talks a. little. English, 1 and Whose bare brown feet. bore wit-ij ness to his in`-yune zeal, .explained} that they were looking for new light, ! Looking for Jesus.'. _ _ ! ,When asked \\h1`re were his boots, he held up his nal foot, "and cried. inane knnfn 1-..I.:1n H... .:_-..1... .-_-v .-- -nvv nl.\ll.ll V, LIJLJX , $1.50 to,$2.55." Crab Apples, per bbl, $2.00. Geese 7c to 8c. lb Brought to the store in sugar barrels, well lled, with no hay or s=mw 1n the bottom. (Apples .to " be paid- in dry go ds and Tgroceri-. s only.) Badly spotted Snows are r 01: wanted. ' .Ladies ' Black Sateen Under-skirts. On Sale "IT;-d;y_ THE GROCER. Ladies Shirt Waists. akers. `along with some- lave ever` had. ' 151.50 and 51.75 t*.i1Luum....... .....u---J "'5" `-U-1111'?`-I `-"Hr , I on the outskirts of Yorkton without l shelter or food. The mob conisted, of men! women and children,` includ-3 jng infants in arms and one bornvlastf` night, whose mother marched inf;/the procession, Some sick were borne on I litters, mamy were i-barefoot, -1ew;'; were rubber boots and others coarse , sandals`, made of binder twine. ' I `Q I at The Sick nausea. V` _ " Despite the fact that it wasknown for several days that the Doukhobors '- Were marching on Yorkton, no` pro-f i vision was made to aid them. On .- me arrival of the invaders a. meeting ; was hastily summoned, special. con- ' stables enrolled and Corp. Nugent, ! N.W.M.P., applied to for assistance. The inhabitants of the town co-oper-. ated with the general.im1nigratio?1` agent, Speers, and succeeded in get-`3 ting the sik. the women and children ! housed in immigration sheds 1tm7c_l`j other buildings, much against their" will. Mothers deserted babies, and allowed them to be taken into the shelter, refusing to follow until forc- ed along`. A ~ - I mu: or Eqtlns 594* ` areas at Pollock`: Bridge 1;; (0.. Dervish" Stage of Ballgloliq 3, T . ifzv Winnipeg, Oct. 29.-The` army. `; -251, jmukhobor fanatics, " nea.r_ly- . thousand strong, whichehas. be'enag)g.b..Ir than-ng in the Nurthwest Territories my the last we yveeks. * and mu ; started on a Dnlgmnase toeLook.1 for Jesus," reached Yorkton yestepa 7 day a,ftern_o0n. "These unfortunate people, fanatics at `best, and now be-[T come entirely. insanevthrough fonw_ mg the teachings of thenr priests, are . 1,, 3 most deplorable condition. 3 with the thermometer standing -at 14 degrees below freezing this mob of, enthusiasts Monday night camped out , ,, 41. . nnf`(l.r+ l`: vnmirl-an -o.!A.L---L Yuan S fcamp Out. %Soihi;nu Degrees Below Freezi'n`g$* { arlin, Oct. 29.--'l`h " ion Dessler was up nor Judge ChiSbplhd1"`- sentenced .to_ five V ` '._g'=. ._'. : -`ihlKa.l Minister or oom non;` f Bucr gc;1`ec1 the Wall; Looking Fox-. Jesus. Gtvaxi {Five Yevuj:-:. P;~ophet P:-ophesled. ed to T 0:-n;hed iiy Ours. `V 1`; *3`! w Port Arthur . Oct. 29.--Milo Alger, 5 hailing `from Aylmer, Q_ue., was hon- , ? ribly crushed between two cars in the` '.Canadian Northern .y-a.rds.' He was seated on the drawheadw of a,` car, t *1 Axnakingw 3, ying shunt,` when he slip- M 5- pod. His hip and the lower part. of iuw- his body were terribly injured.- nthm-.. - ~ _ I , Mexico, and clouds of ashes. have , City of Mexico, Oct. 29.--Volca.nic` ' ashes have fallen continuously since 7 Oct. 24 `in Palenque and Salto del i Ag-nu, Sta.~te"ot Ohiapas, Southern turned day into night and subter- ranean detonations, like heavy can-I . nonading. have produced a. panic._` The sun was obscured. 1 3 Ubu U, 1.! In -u-u terda.y ;.mornixig _. Jblllfvu --w --.... -.. 7--. Winnipeg. Oct. 29.,-A. Vc_bal' `repairer named Anderson was. _crus,hed .to. death by a.V t2_faln_ Aa.t: -1_W_o<.$s`)a,w`I` A-.._s-.. ..uu ..ui\{I|d". .. pow- _-..~V_ ..- .1`.4TfHl!il., ()ct. 29.-,--. Florenge Wirigeld, aged 4," rec.-ix ed svere_ bums".'t.hrougjh her clothing catching re? yesterday \\hi1e=...plp.ying with ~ma,tches. Her .recovery..ig .doul_;tiul. .. . `cinigheing In tho Paul Soa, ' Oct." ~29.--Leading Mace'don_- duns here assert` that the insurgents ilnicted se\'ere'1osscs on[ t1i6-Turkish `A ---v_-...: A....nnn flxn nnnnnf in llnlcbe-u S8\'L'l`\.'c luaralqn uu yuu -.........__ `troops dm`in;.': the recent ghting in the Krdsna Pass. by the use of d_vn,- mite mines. (I In. 13;; hvtingf is the Pas`; is` still goip.-,"' on. _ V . A A .' .Toulon, . Oct. 29.-The Italian steamer Elena, is reporte to have `been wrecked while proceeding to this. place from Cette. According to the: report the ' capt.ain_.\an'd, six of 121? ,-1 crew "escaped in a rowbdat, but 11-` `teen others` are believed to have been . ost.:_ -` T `- I 1 v7-_v --vu-5 uzuut: gouu; Dy 8l_.ll'Ot1OS. - I Some ,timeVag;o it. was suspected | th9.t`somfething was wrong and that '_`Percy Gahaun started h.n1ovemer;t 13o have the books of the township of 1-Romney audited, F. H. Hacpherson of Windsor was assigned by the Gov- ; ernment to the work. _In his xepuort ' to the-`warden I... .=....... I... 0-.----I AI--I Engine Driver Will Dle-'l.`ralns Delayed ' For Hours. Ilalifux, N. S., Oct. 29.-'--The worst ' accident V on the Cape Breton section of the I.C.R., in recent years hap- pened -last evening at the Hawker bury Siding,` one mile this side of Point Tapper, when 3.. special train and a shunter collided head-on at full speed. As a. result one engine is ecompletely demolished. W. vKeith, a. `driver, is not expected to recover, I `and - all trains are delayed several [ hours. . l I1horndale, Oct. 29.-Wil1iam Car- ." roll, an `old man living near Kelly's siding, set re to his house last, `night and then stabbed himself. He was evidently brooding over," the loss of his wife, who ,died about a year! ago.` A`Mr. Woods happened `to be" driving past Carroll's house. and saw the re, and when he broke into` the `house the whole interior was burning. old` pair of sheep shears. Carroll was sent to Victoria ' Hospital yesterday afternoon inf charge of Constable Stanyer. - e 1 Carroll was stabbing himself with an` i _ _ -3. _-..~--ano- Their prop-hetvhad prophesied that on their a.n-ival at Yorktorr -their babies would be taken from them, and they gave them up willingly, for was not the voice of their prophet the voice of God`? A long, lean as- cetic, with unkempt beard, disheveled hair, and bloodshot-eyes,.stood, Eat. ihe head of the `halted procession and prayed. He was protected from the wind by a, long frieze cape're,a'ching, from his shoulders .to the ground, while many of his followers had not suicient cloth`fng"'1o prevent their peirisliing` in a snowstorm, A lower ing sky augurs ill for to-day. 7 Like Howling Dervish- A despatch received from Yorktoh at, 11.80 p.m. says: The situation` now looks worse. The Doukhobors lm`laLl`e God is telling them to release: ' the women, children and inrm im- prisoned in the lmmigmtion Hall," and special` constables are being sworn in, and the Riot Act, Will` be road if necessary.` ' I1 :.. .~nn.\.....-J 4|_-;. _..._..V! I -----'~ -` Blasting at the Ontario Power Q0. Is} A Canto 3 Death. .Niagara Falls, N. Y., Oct`, '29.--` Twolaborers,` employed` on the State reservation. on Goat Island, named Moakler and Ellis,` were injured yes- terday by a rock thrown from the Canadian side of the river, where a number of men are engaged in blast- ing rock for the Ontario Power Company. One of Moaklerfs legs was ; severed below and the other above ; the knee. He will "die". Ellis had * severalribs broken, S-t. Catharlnes, Oct. 2.--A terrible: shooting `accident occurred here about 8 o'clock last evening`,-.-when ayoung lady. Miss Muriel Bensomsaged abowt twenty, was ' ` accidentally A shot "through `the head_by- her young bro-. ther Carl, who is only about fourteen * years of age. The boy was exe.min- 1 ing a. small Stevens rie at their. home on Academy street,` when it was clischargeii. the bullet entering the hack of his sister's head. She, `expir- ed in a. few .minutes~. Miss Benson was highly connected in the city. ....-auv vv uuc wuru. 111 [I13 lmrt 2; the'wa;z~den hes-aye the found that entries were made in the la.n'd regis- ter showing _ taxes e `to have been _pai'd, . in sums aggregat- Ving some $2,000, in excess of- the amounts entered in the ` Coim- ty Tx`ee.surer s cash book and ac- counted for to the township. The trnnmwmo mun inn. :1: _.-_ uv\D_&VV\I {UK LUVLHU LUVVHSHIP. The treasurer, who was ill, - was summoned fronl his home Monday, but he was taken with 3, ta.-inting fit` and had to be removed to his home. .- v-~ .v.---v..'-Ir": ~ ah8ai=i3i,.`.'" ,~+ ;'velpbd:=.hefre:;*yestjrde;y` in: c'o1_mec_l . -with the; otce "of . County1.'1`reo.surer [A_. L. sha.mp1eau,' thAra,L.,t\J "suspended a.n"d..Wu-der`x- " ~.. 3." put ,m~ possession of 1137 ;ti'on:w as taken on -thetstrength 91 Ha, rport: tjy Government Auaitor`? H _. phrsqh; that the cash vaccounfv oi Romney townsh_ip`- land register -`was $2,900 short`. - W H` `< ...A special _meeting of -the County Council has been called for Monday ,to deal with the mqtter. ` ' . ._QI|nvn|\1.... .- ---A-`-- - ` ` ` I-vvr uvwa Wlbu cue "latter - : ShamblQa.u s predecessor, Arnold, 12 years agovdgtuu-lted to the amount of between $8,000 and $9,00O,4 34,- 000 being made good " by sureties. Some f.ima mm 44- u... _------A-- CANADIAN nocxs G0 mro 0.3.- uv upon uy gun uuxywu IUOL, H.110 GU80. ".Iesus boots, while the ickerin-__{ light of lost reason gleamed tful1'y from his eyes. ' A A LAMENTABLE ACCIDENT. Bo'n`u`)n of St. Catharine: Fstsllf Shot by Her Brother. ' , Flgeon Persons D1-ownodl. 7/Hor Iqooxory liuuistfuxl. `.-. .- 1 Mexican Towns Terried. wluncx ox run 1.0.3. ;Ko I I.I.;1bIf 'II.8. Ainy. , EV. J Klllgdgls nogaojaw. TArso;xiand Suicide. A v 1115 u = "`?.`he3' are rolling` an th p}'aii'ie ` in` the "$Vhi!`li11g` dervish" stage. of 'i'o-- ligious frenzy. Aoonnti : Northhalf of [mi :4. :27.-i; th "`o\;'nahip of llnnisl-7-50 acres of ood_cla) loam nearly all under ctyltivqtnon. On tha premues us a` frame house 31-4355, ; berm gm`. 3-`:;'ico*voun bgchnrgdnt cla.ss_-wa't7g- ; -:I!l.I.'l'|;l|19'!,j . ` 99.. . . `l`-. . 13P"P_ .1? _,` P. H; ,. . Piand, nar.-ly new. and Ra - ` maid} Machine, uaarly now. Apply at .-`THE ADVANC8%)Fl?lC_E. V 43-cf , THAT commodious eolid brick residence known as `Boulderfel" immediately went the Collegiate Institute. to cognac, Peue hot at: furnnc_e and allmodern`convemeucee' rent ve Jawto a satisfact- ory tenant. Apply to _S RATH & ESTEN. sol. l!;tPI_ Burris. ;- X-tf. nmAAnu% sswma mcmn: lJams}Q-Mill USED Al-VIJ \XELVLlJllllI.IllLV D \Jl.A\I.l`IL`I.l Kit. WORK WARRANTED. .. . M9350 HALL auocx, - A anann`-:. London, Oct. `29.--The Boer `com- manders 1{1`itaz*inge1', Foucheand J 011- ' bert,'after addressinga, meeting at T Cambridge last night, had a narrow escape from the angry. crowd ~0f `V People that had listened to their Speeches. Kritzinger was obliged` A scale a wall to get. away, while the 1 others Were escortd to their hotel`; by the police. ' ~ ~ } S.- u in 4th Con-.-`--x`;o`." an i N. )6 :9 in nth Con.--xoo. h V . _ A Apply to ' ' ' V LENNOX. ARDAGH. C_OWAN~& BROWN, 1 1 NOTE-yrongf 240-52 Solicitors`, Bards. I nature or me SBCUHIIEB. it any, held bv them. ', I And take notice that after such lasts mentioned date the executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the arties entitled ` thereto having regard only to" the c aims of which they shall then have notice, and the said Executors will not beliable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been_ received by them at the 1 time of such distribution. - ' l Datedthe 4th day. of October, xgoa, _ ' CHARLES ARTHUR MONTEITH 42-45" V . ' s Rosseau. Ont. [Pursuant to R.S.O. Chap. :29, all creditors and ,others having'.cla.ims against the estate of John | Monteith. late of Barne (and Rosseau) H(`tei-Keep- : er, who died on or about the 1st day of September. ' xgoa. are required to send by post prepaid or deliver I f to the undersigned. one of the executors of the last :AWi|l of the said deceased. on or before the 20!]! ! [day of November. 1902. their names and ad- rdresses, the lull. particular of their claims. and the ' nature of the seeurities. if held bv them. i take notice that after mm). land-. wunnh.-nun) I v ' , w---rv:- vc W 9at :2 o'clock noon, that valua `e parcel of land I known as the West half of Lot umber thirty-two l(3a) in the first (1) concession of Vespra. oontainin ` one hundred acres. eighty acres of which are clear . ; There are said to be erected unon said lot 1 Dwelling ; House. 1 Frame Barn and Frame Stable attached ; thereto. There are also upon said lot two orchards andaspring creek running through. The land is clay loam. Terms and conditions of sale will be made known at time of sale or in the meantime upon _application to I nuance-.-._ -/_-._..-- I There wilibe offered for sale by} ublic auction 5 the Queen : Hotel, in the Town of arrie, ; an. 1 no - ?sa.1;;;a;:i .;";;.;;i.2,1 $331902 Q A... - T N ' T an . Dunn. V L ]AMlESON-At Barrie. on Sundav. Oct. 26. man, to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Jamieson a son. ' - A ; MARRIED. V B.OYCE-BOO'l`l-I-'-.At the -Methodist parsonaie. Orillia, on Wednesday October and. I902` y e Rev. g.` Locke, Albert Boyce. of Flos: 10 Violet H. ooth, of Barrie. ` DIED. . BAXTERV--At the R. v. Hospital. Barrie. on the 23rd October, Iooa. Wm. Baxter. nand .. ...... _ ULEU. BAX'I`ER-At 3002, Wm. Baxter. W:I:W>'J:NG -, `c::L':mANJ:N`G,V REPAIRING. ~ 1. PRESSING 1,. -nru n n `tn lluumr uni:\r'u l`-r nmurun `Widow Wm Released. Cortland, N. Y., 0ct..29;-AtV"th:_O coroner's hearing last night Mrs. Maud Kiehl, the 18-yean-old widow; Preble, di Charged with poisoning her brother-1` in-law, Adam Kiehl, was released for: lack of evidence to connect her. .with-` the crime. It, was proved that A who was a prom-ient {young farm6rg9!"~ ed of strychnine pojaonlw `,- \ HhLY- _ M188 Fnounricn Canaan. Coh-espondent. Threnhinc has been the order at. the day here this put week, - Mr. Willie Gilpin, of -the B. 0.1. spent` Sunday with Mines Srigley. - _ . _ Mr. Jones, of Murquette, Mich., in at present":-he nest of Mr. S. :11. Gibson. Mr. and re. Allan Meley, of` Barrie `are spending some time with friend: here in La. m.......... ..e n.=--_:-n A -A `F`erguuon`onV1 Drury. `of Muidhui-at St . and Min Brown, of Damon on their way home from visiting friend: at Church- hill called on Mrs. Jan. Brown on Friday. ' BORN. lAM|Itn\rT A..:___e- - - - ..... .,, uulne mane vmn mend: hero. 7 Min Lily Shannon, of_Painawiok visit- ed her cousin Min Ethel Bloxham over Suncfay. . w 54 ` uic ;_ b t . E. 5; 2.` 3.? 31:. c.`.`._ 9-" .293. 5. in T 71:}: Con.-- too a. 1\I'C`I"-'\ A - un- 17. in 3rd Con. ` TECUMSETH. N_ 54 7 and S. K 8 in` 3l`d Cqn.-[-290 a. - - II(NISFIL. N. `I9. in nth Con. CYIIEIIII A .I:'J:1u:JDa.I..l.V_a 5.3- _ Lmms AND Gnnnnmnus Lnomma A I` `I IITITDIP II? A DD A\T'I'V`I3`I'\ ....,..-muuu -nu nuuvaue nu Ill: '-Wednesday. Mr. an -Mu. DeLong._ of Waverly werethe guutef of Mr. .und"Mra. Miller on: Sundsylut. \ T- `- We ll`B_`l0'y to learn that Miss L. Gsmpbellie `ill in the R, V. Hospital in Bu-tie with'Typhoid fever. Mini E. DeLong.-hu returned to her home in Wqverl after spending a month withher coinin ' `W. Miller. mam rda"s`A|;: aY,?;:Np:r. Q-.9 ; 4-iv - ,- ff. ?_ .Af. Mopoherp Min n no:s'y1-iced friend an Allenwood-on Sunday laqt. , . - M5: and; Min-4 Mitchel, of upnyM 9 vuitetffriendo i'nB'arri'e 33' Sizndaf. . 'Q33it9 .3 nuznberof fxipndg. from here unaided the Eliivale fsii `list `Wednesday. and MEI. DnT.nna n` T----'- -. ..... .-.uu-nus us vuuIqIlvD1i.UI'_ . Tien Tsin, Oct. 28.-Yua.n.Sh1 GVe1.`.nor of Pe Chi Li Province; been-* appointed Minister to!" .Oo__1'p;-: merce of the Chines Emp1re. VH,l;weill Y9 Supreme control over. minenw Twllroads, telegraphs :an'd com:ner,c1a.l;; mfmers. and greater power than `"'y has ever possesse'd.V_e ~ 1. -nun:--sru L\l STEWART &" STEWART, 43-45 A. Executors Solicitors, Barrie. Dated in? Barrie this and day of October, 1902 OF JOHN MONTEEH. DECEASED.` U3. `gs-Iv ion sun: on In as LET. Notice to Creditors. ExE9`_ T9B$' SALE Town$l;i`p `oufu\_Iespx-a. OF VALIEABLE vv-. sUNN;DAi." tn Qh `I- Q Q. to Q` . "~35 V I3 {Nah Q0, Q2 :1`*:*1 11% ix] get 5r~9q&' Q - Q N $2 23grihB`F'lVn. '1l'1.'*Iu `Tia "-iljsi R 1Wc{}`ti ...*~f'~7"u;~. Qbt:`t'l':` - ,,:;9 3!: Rx

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