Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 9 Oct 1902, p. 2

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es: | OFFICES-Lane Block. Cor. Dunfop and Mul- ' caster Sta. 52-ly ` Telephone :24 Hours-u to 7 to `I ,--_ _--_- -_-.--nova c--can v\/Au: 41A1l"'l 1 C enterin;`Building and manufacturing of; Doors, h. B ds. Mouldings, etc. Planin of all kindsdone promptly_ and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. District agency for rained lum- ber Factory-Bayeld Street. Barrie. ODGERS & GALLIE successors to Geo. Ball. Victor A. Hart. M.o.. L.R.C.P. and s, Edinborb, : L.F.P. and S., Glasgow. SPECIALTY-Surgery Midwifery, Diseases of Skin; Consulting Surgeon. L` 0588 111330 the County. .8`q,ndwicb,; has I mid; dog I.osre,e and %%9Pla of%. 3*?!`39. nmdj. I-amlbii aI1d_:;;L Vf(gIaaa.:'sV;..hIya% l_)`eonv [` '4 I R. E. L. BRERETON. Dental Surgeon. Oice 1 over I-Ia.mbly's Hardware. Entrance, Owen ' Street. Out of town is: and 3rd Mondays of each NA month. 51-Iv`, 00 FOR INVESTMENT on good. 9 freehold security at lowest rate of interest. No rincipal money required until end of the term. . H.` STRATHY. Solicitor. Etc., Barns. I , LVVVl1Vg Luunrnx on I:-DLIMV, untano Land Surveyors. En 'n_eegs, Etc. (Established in 1852. Oice. Medical unldmg, S E. Cog. Richmond and av Sm, Toronto. Telephone, Mam 1336. In- structions left with Strathy 8; Eaten, Solicitors,Ba.nk 'of '10:-onto Building. Barrie. will be promptly at- tended to. 50-49 Vvdu `nxrget the `anzhnciw coals,` sum, wolcooat E and Nut, atlowoat I-ices. Wit.h_discouut for cago den `and Iain it vexed IIIV _tuulyou want it. A : .MOI`l'OI`l O. .V.S.; 62 Collier street, Barrie. and B.` Parker : Livery Stwlel. Allnndale. 1-..`./:1 v . r Frgd J. `Hart, M.D.. M.R.C.S., Eng., L.R.C.P., LPARl(E_'R ' "Ii"niiEu R. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. 8; S.. hurch: M-F.P. 8: S.. Glasgow, mem IHE BALL'P_LANING MILL COMPANY-- zm ::3"a -' .?.?:1;::.?':::`=s*.::*:.s, 2:2 --._ _. _ - ICCARTHY, BOYS 8: MURCHISON. ....., snncimn. Convcyanccrs, etc. 5 Survevors. Emrineers- `Etc. (RntaI-.I:.I....I :. '1`. ARNALL, LE Block. Allandale. 135' -aw - DR. R. P.` VIVIAN Homoeopathist. :60 Dunlop St. 3-1: 1. Residence and Oice. ` 8. - - 8-Iv \ _ M. CAMPBELL. Burma}, '-t--u -on Manevtoloan. DRS. HART HART cl 80308: `gut drdeng 1 --j`-`L A _ _ .. ; Ja<;oB a Te;nce . 1. . Wau Bdldwnin St.reet'.'. --3--_-m C. Muncmsou. ___.__. PHYSICIANS. SURVEYORS. FINAN CIAI4. "`.. DENTAL. -_- , M.D.C.M;, oce in Bothwelfs dale. On the premises at night. 80 VII 43-ly Lnucx, - I 45-13 . G. H. Errnn. Solicitoy. -- ,-llgn-In rouus no-lv ADvANca . - . L. f ADVANCE is ptjoven to have 1, ..the_..,-.larest....circnla.tion of any paper hi far County Town. , the Aglunil-inn:-nnnfn nl-n AL......._-.1 IIVIIJIIIJ Lvvvaag , Advet'tisement_s are charged new s[:_).'?c`e-[-IV8 lines agate measure make ( 'rRAN'sImT ADVERTISING 7'*Leal`Notices, Auction Sales, Amusements etc.; -V-`Firat insertion 10 cents per ne I anbdequent insertion 5 cents per line` each Padina nation: 10 nnhfn `rush 1:... Bggding notices, 10 cents per line for sug3_quug|- zuauxuuu u cums per mm, " , first insertion ; 5 cents per lme for each sx_1bgeq,m insertion of the sagne matter. All Items um dc, 5 lines, of the chalacter, oharged as 5 nes; Obituary Poetry 5c. per lme. |RnPn3s3N'r `rm: FOLLOWING FIRE INSLJRANCI Commruns: The Mercantile, now ailiated with The Lon- _don 8: Lancashire of England. Secur- ity.` $ The Waterloo Mutual, of Water1oo.0nt. Tothl assets, $334,083. The Economical Mutual, of Berlin. 0211, Total assets $303,078. Also Llovdls Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany, of New York. Cash Capital, 5250. nnn. I lUVVLl.l6o ' 12 changes of Adver_t1aements allowed pg; year. It more are reqmred, composition rate, will be charged. I Aunu-I-slant-u :11? rank Ln nnnwnrl 1-n nos 51... . I Condensed advertisements on first page such as wants of all kinds, lost and found, prnpem for sale or to rent, snecic articles, etc.. etc, must be accompanied with the cash, and wi be inserted-hrnt insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses ' and gures counted as words); but 9. reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertion: of the same matter exceed four. Cuts for adiertlnements musun every case be mounted on solid metal bum. Private funds to loan on first mortgages. Ac counts collected. &c. Mn- nuns `J-n/I-scan Q I-!-...l.u-..-.2 QM-urn Rarn 7T H Preferred positions for local adyemw mnts in the paper will be sold at an advance of one-third on above. rates, on no other ac, count will special p081tl0D8 be given. T111, rule will-be strictly carried out. ' CONTRACT cannons. _ Advertisers will please bear in mind 1-.11.: noticevof intention to change advertisement, must behanded into the oice not later than Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be. in Tm: ADVANCE office not later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in any week, otherwise the advertiser's announcemeng may not be made public until the week fol. lowing.- I0 nlunuma nf Avnrhnanmnfu allmnmi ..._ Wu; Dc Una: 5004. Advertisers will not be allowed to use thei, space, for advertismq anything outside qmir own regular business. Should they Q0139 transient rates will be charged for such ad. ' vertisements. And tine Sun Loan and Savings Company of Ontarip. `The Sydenham Mutual and U1- % tawa Fire Insurance Comnanies. Scnoccn-: &. SMITH, i The Largest Farmers Insurance Compnny In the Province. ,CogiInn_micat1ons addressed to the undcrsignednt Bame wnll receive rompt attention. \ W } Raina nn Fain: rnnnrftv C-am K." on -7: rank ner Darne wm recqwe romp: auenuon. I Rates on Farm ropcrty from 60 to 75 cents per 5 $100-1 years. Schools and Churches same Rate. nivirsn is-Iv f\AIV Y__- y Jv-.... V`--vv-u u--- `any-.-..y.. .......- _._r- THOS. GILRAY. General Agent for Simcoe County. At Webb's` Hotel. Barrie. every Saturday. 27-30`?- tlon, hovjve:';t',7't1:Zat anything is boiling done to have the wharf built? T _ and PROGRESSIVE lI`f&IIi II` Uii I _ For Rates and Information apply to ' ""1 V-,-I-I_w uwvwg I Mott:-ca. ~wm., `see, a on Ioycdn doing busine s:i':%aiIl:coe. F Glad to 360 V'` " `A cllv utvu auu nu-.5-.. -- Invited to allnnd see us. _ Jof.t'-. Slfuunuv I`. 53081 Estate and lnuurnnce Alibi. ` t 1't:c8t5." ,.e .lIouv 1:o;- oggogg; alsdollar |!"S:b. AIM: wrung best. rates and charges 10'9"` tnodec; tc., prepared Sh :",pa`J' E rein (loin: lnunint-nu {n Simcoe. Farm NV ` -. 1. ~ . 1.". ` V , `E33Zsl d3I'"?u.W 356?; conlIlll:It_l0q of Cylclizl` Pa.` Bame LVVENDOWMENT };tvl!URAANoE PoL|0'E5 1011!!!! COIIXICCI. NC. `Cilia: over Henderson; Hardware Store, Barn": no. ALWAYS PRosi> rf1i61E{ Because the Sun- Life Assurance Companv has the largest premium Income of any Canadian Company for 190:, viz.. 32.573137? next Company to us 52.476351; also ucw business taken aad id for, $zo,S34.203i . next Company to us, 7.078.356. A_--L_ _.._ ,-- -.. The Town Council have months ago decided on where the. wharf should` be end the representative of this constit- nenoy has been asked to bring the mat. to: to completion. `There is no indiu- .L__. __ 1- L_!.. .. a. uuqnxuuuulc . . . . .9 _g,u\_43,uuv.u, INSURE IN THE SUN LIFE 4 15-4-- _ I .:j:~:;". ' . I Tn`; '?.bV%`"i""3|NG RATES . 'L_t'\I! 33'39 COMMERCIAL, CONTRACT BATES. INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, ac. CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. SCROGGIE GLVSMITH. STOCK OR MUTUAL, nsse_ts. . ..`. . . . . . . . .51 1, ,-73.o32.o7 Busmessm Force.$ Totallncome .. . .$ 3,095,666.07 lvellere eheuld eeeure e Read-McNe||.y Cello and Head Book-ieeued moethlv. ` `Dilly. All other treine Dav except Sunday. .1- .ZJ.1.J_ 4.1, District Agent. Thornton 1=.o. __________.. gocrnnn 9."19o2 5 L 32.. E`: a.Ann.non.00 ' 1..m'r Us I-u.vm"rHm WI-IARF. Thouh Orillie received its grentffor 1 new wharf there a. couple at years titer e grant was made to Bsrrie plans have been made` for theirs and tenders liked for, while Barrie a money still lien in the Dominion Treasury, ' rear Mllean -V_... `V ___- . We think that-no time "should he lost in pressing upon the Government the .`neo`essity of early notion.` If this il done the wharf can be built this V winter. Another winter should not be ello wed to peas without us having the Government Dock as a reality. `O1 por m Advance. If there is any csmpsign of s poli- ticsl nature which should be fairly and honestly conducted. it is thst"of the temps:-once people in the coming` refers endum vote. Political parties may -resort" to questionable methods at times` but at least thstought not to be said of 3. class in the community that claims to be endesvoring toimprove public morale and do away with public evils. i unuu. WESLEY. Pl-IOPFIIITOII An alleged newspaper publication in this city which isbeing run in the in- terests ofthe temperance people, in its last issue makes the astounding `charge that the newspapersof the City of Tor- onto have already been purchased to ` work againstwthe cause of temperance at the "coming vote on the referendum. This charge is as utterly false, and de- void of even an atmosphere of veracity, as the source from which it comes. If the temperance people most of whom are deeply in earnest in thework they doing; allow such methods as this to be mod "on their behalf, they areno better than the most unscrupulous of political V partisans. THE NORTHERN Anvmc: The newspapers of Toronto are not, and could not be, boughtito anything but what they think is right end in the best interest. of the province on this question.--'1`he Toronto N ewe. `Papers published outside the city will peeent any likeineinuation. Neither on they Deer Sir,-I noticed in a recent issue of your paper, on report of the` expres- etone of opinion by the members of e representative deputation who wnited upon the Town Council at their last meeting. While I believe they ruc- ceeded very well in demonetretiug the neoeuity of new ecelee by which` `live Itock might be weighed, "I `do _not the people will concur in `kg! the town. _ . 3,. . . ' ~ . a _ A 2 , . . v. idea can the whole expo p ..nuu be wamsni MEEEEBE ARE DISGRAOEEUL, wan NEOESSITY won wma soALn}s. To the Editor of Tax Anvmcm, The primary bouofuotoro certain fsrmonwho might wall units and pay t than of this oxpohoa. Failing "that; the township council: are more ' uuudva of the fuming lnmem _ ||_|. ggho jtuwn. MI` underltolld thohuiong A-mun: t9 put, uni-e-:u.aa~%muu's: " ` " 1.; 4_~ .1, ~' A I Page 48 column _NowIpsp9r.- I ' ruuumtm the omu, us Dunloisttou Ilrllmln tho CountvofSh:cbI.thPro- vluco of Ontario. Cumin. ovary Thundav Mowing. by an nu. ma` th s u......u:`a::'.'.'::.".:,I:..a...` ` ' ""'"' Iublcdbon now lam-run for that month: and uv will In clnuud than D0! nunum 1 II: D loll: um. u as [man pan. _ Exprou. `(J6 mu. PBNBTANG. - #0 DO! A9u|mdCBo V `on aw .8! pm. Accommodation. . 7.58 mm. ALLANDALE & BARBIE SECTION. ' IAIIII 1'0 ALLAIDALI. -V 1.3: 3.111.," 1.56 0.111.. 9.35 mm. nu; ma. um mm, m6 o.m., 8.oo pm. 7 o ALLAIIDALI 1'0 Mann. .". - "iIx':I'V.m '""';. 1% $3 wmctca mus 3;.ua.':'o 33:. $9 {inning Expnu lawn Toron1.oVat_5.oo ` -` ~!-IAMILTON. ` I. ma. 0.88 psi. .0 Dan. _ Ccmoi GBAVBNHURS1` at NORTH BAY;.' ` I .86 mu. 7 Mail. 5.90 pan. N van. `Atlantic 8: Pacic 3:. 18.10 pan. `cl. mm. T Soc Express 8`! Mn. Gnvonlumt mind (south only) 9.85 " ` COLLINGWOOD B MBAFORD. HUI `#0 5 I.1 '3"'""" u M 4.'..:' 3.1%. ' H , nllluvo lion: tionod place: :0 follows: T l- TORONTO not H! 32'.` . `{`I .'.'." "" 'f"f M...Je*ax.[Lw4%y au...;a. `nun or SUIIOIIPTIOI. `mu Ilnls Iomo. '0'. '03:. Univ! '51? lnluuno I 7 . . 11333. 3.3. I I ll I|,|||_ Um: Pv In. '0 . A 1 .g..-_;- some .wsy ss other h sin`e'ss'enterprise'e. E A .-W.-i!>1Lew ret? "`?.`l `P9. not only for the money i,nv}ted`in the-o. "lend", stock sud idtplementsgz -hntenlso: for the lsborsnd `cores of Insnsgement. Every former "should, by s` simple sys- tem of bookkeeping,` keep _s Ioerefnx check on hie reoeipte end expenditures, so ss to know exsotly` which of his isrniing operstione are yielding hung s prot, which are conducted at s-loee. end which sre osnsing him merely to merit tirne." A little guring of this sort they rovesl to him snnmber of lime leske which almost imperceptibly drsin ewsy the prots-thst ehoold re- wsrd his lebonr. In these _dsys of eroe oomipetitionit is only by keeping downthe ooet of`produotion sncl pre- venting all waste thst forming esn he mode euooeesfui. `Some sources of lose sre here given which will` resdlly sug- gest others. A n.s |o,_ Use of Time Tables. ' All mendem ployed on the farm should have? well dened~dutiea to perform so that their n time may be used to the heat advantage. A good system provides for the feeding of stock at regular hours each day. When etock are fed and watered at regular hours they-become accustomed to the regularity of feeding, and thrive much better than if fed at ditferent hours of the day. Care of Implements. A very com- mon source- of loss is found in the neglect of expensive farm implements and tools. These are left lying in the elds where they have been used, sub- ject to all the inclemencies of the weather, which are more destructive than "actual use. Small tools are frequently lost, and larger implements rust ' or rot. There should be a place on everyfarm where implements may be kept under cover, and none should be left outside, when not in use. A workshop should also be provided in connection withthe tool-house, so that during rainy days or other? slack periods, implements maybe painted` and necessary repairs made. Much time is lost by farmers, during busy seasons, such as seeding, `haying and harvest, because a belt or some other small part has been lost, and "a trip to the blacksmith shop- or foundry is necessary to replace it. This waste of valuabletime might be prevented by a little forethought or examination of the implement before it was required for use. .In many cases implements are purchased, which the farmer could well do without. 2 ` ' ' of system. One of the chief lesks on many farms is the loss of time and energy because the manage- ment is not carried out on any denite system.` A study of any old and suck cessful businesswill show that success has been largely due to a methodical and systematic way of doing things. System m_ay"be carried too far so as to become merely mechanical, ' but as a general proposition. it may be said that alter a well-deneduplan of action has been determined on it should be rigidly carried out. As more knowledge is gained, or new ideas acquired," it will be necessary to make changes in the routine, but no change should be made without due deliberation. All work should be carefully planned in advance and all tools and implements gotten ready so that there may be no delay when operations actually begin. -1-. A III. II! All Mr. Hudson then goes onto refer to the keeping of unnecessary stock, im- proper feediug of stock, waste of man- ure,` use of inferior seed , the neglect of - fences and buildings; In conclusion he advises the guining of all `k/nowledge possible and says: In this age of progress it is. ideas that count; a single idea gained from a paper, will oiten, when put into practice, represent a gain. of many times the subscription price. The local paper should. always be supported, and: each farmer should. do all he cai to assist the : editor ;ct_the_ agricultural pa'per,_ au('l` the `local apapierf` to produce as . at sheet as -5"! to Mind vhe 9i'1-oilef {If the progress of Onnndu is not to beretsrded on; Govgrnqnont must take to, provonti o_t!;"o_;.`und of':on' 5 ign- 'fnon d1y ngtiongiv` tIk`l|:"`g{I'd-_vVo_inzcdge 20$ folk` pi-o`I[`)eTtit}"j ind ilo6dijn ;7odt- nrirl-w%vith% at 1'? V .. %"'zi ; * 89-kins ore!-eye me Mr. Neil J. nurkingpjiforeemoro sag: and in 1. what : iniu -ywy-_- -- -- '-- - ;1f.8H2i'9:E use in` 1847 with" his parents, brothers ._an(l s_tsters. sailed` for Oanatia. inother two of his {brothers . died with the cholera, which epidemic that year. ._ With his father, his sister, his younger brother, Martin, now of Stayuerphe came west and settled 'on the farm atpresent occupied by Alex- Hadden, on the Nottawasaga and Sun- nidale town line, which was then an unbroken forest. After helping his father to clear the greater part of his farm, he then struck out for himself and took up another bush lot across the town line a short distance inisunnidale, which he cleared and on which he con- :'fj- Harkinfwaa eboriI'.:`:-hi f*;.1..saer4.i ~ f`JniiT"T.befoie1' 1a`.amg* :g2l` "qaa:.e;;`.'i.i;. survive him. ' ".\`! tinned to reside until the last. Mr. Earkin was .a_-great reader and took an active interest political aiirs of the country. `Early in life he became identied with the reform party, and for about twenty years he was Presi- dent of the North Simone Reform As-l sooistion; Years agovhe was honored by his fellow rate-payers by being elected reeve of the township, and. he ha'salso been a -LP. for many years as well as _a member of` the Board of License Commissioners for Centre Sim- ooe. His sister, now deceased, was the mother of the Rev. Father O Malley, of Uxbridge. His partner `in life died some seven years ago. He was the father of eleven ebildren, nine of whom wrtmox IN MIDLAND YARDS. What came very nearly proving an- other fatal accident happened here on Sunday morning last. ' About 4 o clock a double-header loaded for Lindsay` started out from here with orders to cross a doubleheader coming up at Victoria Harbor,_ the despatcher from here having notied the despatcher at yVaubaushene to hold the upcoming train at that point. The Waubaushenc "operator was evidently asleep at his post, for he reported back that the train had not reached his station. l.`he truth wasit had by and was thunder- ing along on its way to Midland. ` The train pulled in here justin time to meet the double-header going out just around the curve at Dollartown, and a head on collision resulted. The crews jumped and thus avoided injury, but three of the engines were badly wrecked. Had the accident happened three minutes later there is no doubt it would have been attended by loss of life and the destructiongof much "valuable property. The loaded train had not got over the grade and was consequently moving very slowly, while the incoming train had been brought to a standstill by the semaphore being thrown against it.- Midland Argus. . PRICES OE` EGGS. "Farmer eV letter in The World yea- terdey morning, has attracted some attention. The fact that prime hogs bringfrom 900 to 82 per owt. more in Chicago then`: in Toronto, is 3. circum- stance worth enquiring into, with a view to ascertaining the reason there- for and the remedy, if there be one. ~ About 2.30 -Wednesday manning nl ,nenn.end 4 oomexen eoeiitned between two treicht '?'F9!`3959 Gr-x i5%eiiI69#r.'13%-M114?-vi11e"5-i inn: 5 merge `ea ; If Osnadian hog product; more than holdtheixf owh in England. Canadian hog prices should hold their own on the ~'.|.`orono 1' Iigftket. A. '_oo1-respondent ouggeotl thug` the hog In`_a__I-kel: '1_vould'bo henetpdit there more h`h`*.?'77`.'.`f"oj'.'|*;"`re; h fGPPf'*i9d.h"'-`*5? *3 0E Canadian hogs `should bring good prices. They are mostly of the best weights, especially when intended for the export trade, and it is maintained that. their quality cannot be excelled, `for they are very carefully fed upon the best foods to produce the choicest meats. , A proof of the quality of Canadian hogs is found in the fact that in open "competition on the English market, the Canadian pork trade is forging ahead. According to the British Board of Trade returns, the imports of Canadian bacon for August this year, were valued at $194,894, against $126,522 for Aug- ust, l90l, while Cans_5_lian`ham gures were: August, 1902, $55,109`; Aug- me, 1901, 853,865. The English re- oeipf-I of United St-test has prqdnots have shown a oil`, but this may due to the inoresse_d._;doines"tio ds. rnand in .thO..'Amerioan-Union. seaming Abvmcn; a-`neuter Kneemiuo IIp'ent'" utok with her sister in Veapru. 4 H Aw lwxiome `bx-ightenthe l9I_n_e 6! `Mr: Miiflbhn am: -friends in Oollingwood this wash: Q. Au cu A C? 'III,. A W Mr0ull:ugH, of. New. Flos,/ spent last Sstgrdsy at P. Gi'en s.' ` `Miss Maggie ~_MoLeod has returned from {visit -with her sister in Owen Sennd. - L A quiet wedding took` place at the manse of Rev. R. Roders,Owen Sound, on Monday evening, when Mr. lohn J. Cook, of Collingwood, was united in. marriage to Miss Mern Agnew, young- est daughter of Mr. William Agnew. The bride was a popular young` lady amongst her circle of friends, while the groom is one of Gollingwood s. stalwart carpenters. After the wedding the evening was pleasantly spent at the homeof the bride s parents,by a number of friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Cool: left on Tuesday for their home in Collinqwood.-'Bull,etin. `i May Bnrkhelder ieependihg 8 few weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Elliot, in Tenonto. ` _ ` oonnmwoon. g `Martha Graham, the seventeen-year old girl who ia charged by her mother with attemping suicide `by poisoning and who did not appear when the case was cal_led.on the 15th u1t., has since returned to her home and on Monday morning the charge was again taken up before P.M. Nettleton. _On being ask- ed to plead the prisoner pleaded not guilty and asked fora summary trial. An adjournment until Tuesday morning followed. On Tuesday the case was resumed -in camera, and after some evidence was heard, again adjourned until Wednesday morning. A Misses -ids Spioher and Mabel, Ms- gee hive returned'_ from a visit with Owen-Sound friends. `Min euie Burrows, of Torontd, is the guest ofher oonqin, Miss Maggie Burrows. .- . Mina Ella Blair, of Stnyner, ppent Sunday with her sister, Mrs." Hector Armatrong. All along the line work is now pro- gressing more rapidly and the excava- tions for the foundations of the new buildings are nearly completed. Mr._l H. G.Wynes started yesterday on the I concrete foundations of the boiler house, which has a frontage on Hurontario street from the railway track to Watt a boat house, `L with a depth of 120 feet. The machinery building will have a frontage of 160 feet on Huron street and a depth of 120 feet. The big crib was launched on Monday and will be placed in front of_ the dock gates next week. The dredge Challenge will be taken out of the `dock at the end of the week, when the dock will be bridged and construction started on the new eteamere.-Enterpriee. . Misa Lizzie And Emily Mair and Millie Rainey, spent last Saturday with friends in Bollygranh. 'RoiIn.aI'.'i&ni}3'b5I'I37.?E" oi' :"63i?u 3? %A*T"`P?hinx%=m-'3" * . % i * The Surveyor-General and Director of Agriculture has published a `report, in which he states that Natal re- quires, 10,000 white settlers of the right class to attain the necessary developments to `enable the Colony to supply its own agricultural needs. The class wanted is the small far-' mer, men like the first German set- tlers here, who will work with their own hands either as tenants under the existing proprietors or as settl- ers under a suitable system of, Gov- ernment land administration.` The report says that the balance of con- ditions is in favor of small holdings, and recommends .that Crown lands. which arediicult of access be let in leaseholds. at an annual rental of three` per cent. on the unimproved value, and `that easily accessible Crown lands be offered"for selection, a in areas not -exceedingV800 acres`, on `- 99 years'h lease, at the same rate, or on the conditional purchase system. It is recommended that Government 0 advances. be . made : `to co-operative "factories, such a.SU~ti`l0Se' engaged : in , the--niaking of butter and cheese, : baconscuring, fruit` p_ack"ing' and a pre-_- %- serving, the manufacture of tobacco`, i,g,n'cl igindred trades.` * ' " I S`ilver .. does ind; rust. but tarnishea 3 on exposure to airpdntaining . nul- \ DhllI`.: coming Days. _ An English paper records th'eA re- cent marriage, ' near Cornwall, `of, Miss Jane Weeks to Thomas ' Day," and nthia-. % ;;.`a.`a$: n- 'R u.tlf1 wna oertoaty 1 injured gs, >;;I-g..: `M" 1...`. -51.1. --..1...:~._ .1.- . A DVay;`isV gajned, A Week is lostr- Bylt time cannot complain; -For soon there will Be Da`.ys% enough . .'I`o` make 9. Week again. D -'~-. . .. . aim. '9 5;!?- ,; " " - 6' .. 1u`2.1m: in viuicmg ha; Agriculture in Nafal. (Too late for last week). _-_..`-,_J., . ' 'AUI ;"g-.-:Bn.rru` ' tar, Solicitor. Proctor,,;.* '. "q etc. Special atxenuonym drhnpqg anypxobnting wins, obtaining letters or admmntrauon and guardianship, collecting accounts, etc. Ross Block". Bums. Monev to Loan. **--- A nnaulllm 1 Hwanrou Lnxmox, ALEX. Comm, 3. I-louonn Annex, G. E. ].Bxowu, L.L.B : Hinds Block. No. 6. Dunlpp street, Bar- ne. 3 I ch Oces--Lennox & Atdagh, Gravenhurqt; Lennon. Ardagh, Udwan 8: Brown, Crcernore and Alliton. - ` ' ` 35-ly MONEY TO LOAN AT 4% AND 5 PER CENT, 'cCARTHY, BOYS It mununmvn. ....-- tern. Sollcitou, Conveyagccn, Succe* on to McCarthy. Poplar & Mctuthy. Oee-M(_:Ca.tthy Block, Dunlap Street, Ba:-rie.\ ` ` "`-"" - ' W. A. Bovs .i:H;l: N**" P"' x-,....,....nnmn. mince: ova: the Bank of Toronto, Barricm Money per cent. 11 II in sums of `mono and npwnrds, t G. H urrnl- K.C. , R; J.`C. `SMITH, L.C.P.S., 0nt., (late of Drs. , I-larvia & Smith, Orillia.) Office and residence -corn_cr of Owen and Colher streets, Barrie. 23-ly Ru W. A: sur`n, etc. La _ R.C.S. Edin" L.R.C.P.. London. Otces and mght_ residence-Brown : Block, Dunlap street, Barns. _ 1`-clephone 77. Unxversity College. Surgeons :8 Owen street. Edin- burgh; M.F.P. 8: S., Glasgow, member of British opthanmoxogical Society. spee1a1w.- Diseases of Eye, Ear, Throat and Noise. 0FFlCE.-78 Dunlop Street, Sanders Block, Bar- rie. opposite Post Otce and Railway Station. Phone 54. O. Box 96. 7-ly R. S. BROAD, M. D. C. M., F. T. M. C., L. C.` P. S., 0.. late resident Physician and Surgeon of Toronto General hospital. with special attention to Diseases of Women, and Nose and "Throat Work, also for some tame surgeon in ck_:a.rge of Emergencv Hospital. Toronto. Oice and mght residence- upstairs in McCarthv Bnock, ax Dunlop St., Barrie; second door east of Dougall Bros. furniture warerooms-near Five Points. Dlunnn In , 2o_lv M: M: UUKIIIIDQ -v-~--v 0ces- Notary, etc. Moneytoloan. and Stayner. Barn: Oice-Bank of Tomato n..:m:..'a_ Owen street. , :5-ly um Eyiyn Building, ( DIVE. ' l|.ll'l.ll Phone xo . (`F00 J. nan, ul.u.. Au.:\.v-0-, I-EH50) a.4.n\.uu. a, London. - SPECIALTY--Diseases Of Chest, Stomach, and Nerves; Consulting Physician. - .

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