IE MUS! IS CON'l'A$NED IN` THE (Continlued from page 2) ' THE FINE ARTS f [onPainung._-mgurepa1nein .M1.a'-M;I:. "P6:-klnu; landscape. Min Perk nu; marine, Mlu May Ron: animala,Mln Perkins; Insul- mno objects. R J. Russell, Min Perkins. Water Colon-Laudacave.Mlas B Stevenson, `lI-- D--`Inf--. nv.nJn.A 113.. DA-mIIQ-' ha WWVUIIIVIH IIICIIIIIIBUUQ I Wlvlll H IIIIBU \JU_VVUIl' Ion; gure, Mice Stevenson, Mlee Perkins; 1 nnimnle, Mlu Stevenson, Mics Perkine.. Drnwinge-T-Pen" and ink. Mlu Stevenson, Lyn Montgomery; pencil. Min Steveneon, Lyn Montgomery; charcoal, Min Perkins.` Mill Stevenlon; collection of photogrnghe, J. F. Jackson; ink drawing on wood. lee` Stevenucn, Mien Perkins; painting on tetra com..vMey Roll; on China. I and 2 Mien Perkinu; orevon, Min Stevenson, _ Mien Thornley; pencil drawing or iketch by chil` dren under 15 years. 1 and 2 Lyn Mont- gomery; collection of paintings by it-eelf,Miae Stevenson. R. J. Russell. VV DICK \JUlVI_ lildwullivilvghlllnu ll uuivvlluvu. Mlu Perkins; marine, Mia: Perkiu_I(,Miu Stevenson; inanimate, 1 and 2 `Miss Steven-' -nun tuning :3: qbnlvnnnnn Minn Dnnbln-. THE FAIR IS OVER. In plants and owers L. Vair and Frank Browne had ' exhibits. The former was awarded seven rstsiand two seconds and the latter two rsteand seven seconds. D. C. Campbell received a prize tor a collection of 25 plants in pots. grown by amateur. There was a large number of entries in the out owers exhibition, prizes being awarded ._ 2-11-..- _ `I v..:;. .8. Anne. rm nnmnndn: U M U M U W U I U` as follows :- uuuurwuur, mu uuunu. Children : Work.--Best `Collectioh of Children : work. Mina Curran. Orillia, An- nie Dobaop, Barrie. - Eschsrn. Mrs Wsrreu..:f1sncy mentledrepe, . MissiLew1s, Mrs-Lewis;,,netting. Mrs..Heu-,` e:-son, Mrs...Perkins; -novelties,` Esther` Henry. Mrs Sihith; ottoman.`-. Mrs Ile'gwis,. Mrsl?`S mi_th; outline work, Miss Lewis, M; E. Ross; gpillow shains, Mi_s's,'()srripbql1, Mn Henderson; point lace, Mrs, Curran,` Miss" Henry; patch-a `work, ` Mrs. '- *Per.kin's;` ~.M_rs. Lewis;`p`oker work on wood. Miss May Ross; on leather, Miss M. E. `Perkins; quilt for crajd_le..Mrs McEeohern, Mr: Lewis; quilt clcwn;.`M." E. Ross; quilt, outline, Mi-s7IJewis, Mrs E. ~Sewrey; white quilt, Mrs Lewis, Miss B, Rhinehart; uilt patched. silk, ."Eve Partridge.` A-Crown ill. Miss .Leishrnau; other than silk, 1) Mcilueig, `Miss Lew-is; qqjlt, piece, Mrs W. A.` Turner. Mrs. '1`. Moolloch, rag met. worsted, Mrs Lewis, Miss Lewis; rag mat, hooked, Mrs Sewrey, Miss Lewis; reg inst. sewed, D. Lewis. Mrs Sewrey; reg carpet, D. Lewis, D. Mccusiq; ribbon work, D. Lewis; sofa. `cushion, "Mrs. Turner. Miss Bertha Ooles; sideboard scarf. Mrs Smith; slipper holder, Miss Campbell, Mrs McEechern; tettin , C. A. Perkins; `tea cosey. Mrs Smith. iss Henry; dining table centre, 0. A. Perkins, Mrs Curran; ve o'clock tee table cover Mrs L`-urren. Miss Campbell; piano cover, D. Lewis, Miss Per- kins ; toilet set, B. W. Smith. Miss B. Rhineherr; table mats, linen, Miss Camp bell, B. W. Smith; work basket, Mrs. Cur- ran, B. W. Smith; whisk holder, Miss Henry, F`. .N. Warren; woollen socks. D. McCusig, Mis. Mccullooh; woollen gloves, D. Lewis, D. Mcuaig; woollen mitts. Mrs McUulloch. D. Mccueig; yarnpgrey, D Mo0ueig. John Kev; white, Mrs . Camp, bell, Gilchrist, D. MoCuaig:. white cotton underwear. Mrs Curran. -. I VI..=|.I-nu. -u 117..-.l, _RnssI- nnnni:nn A` I'D U115! UUIII DVVDI uvu u :--L. Vain`, six ute, ve seconds; rLownn's AND rrmrr. II, IIIUIIU. 5` I -'1 IIIUIJUO Heavy ])raught--'1`wo year old; 8. Kin- aock. `Jon Edwards. Crown Hill: yesrling. J. W. Fennell. Painswioke, Geo Cnwford,.Oro Station. W. Wi gin:-, foul of 1902, C. H. Bennett, J. W. ennell, G. Crawford; brood ..._..- _..I-L -_I `I I1? IR`.___-II I` IV..___ Bennett. J. W. Fennell, G. Crawford; brood mare with foul, J. -W. Fennell. G. Craw- ford. C R. Bennett; matched pair mares or geldinge. John Boyce; Clyde stallion. H. G. Bong, Churchill; Shire stallion. Joe. Chap- pell, Mine:-in ; beat foal 1902; by Prince Hathaway, . Jones. Horace for Agricultural Purposes--1 and 2 J. Boyce. 11-., 30. G. Atlrinecn;. yearling. A. D. and * . Campbell. Gilchrist, George Ootowsy; iosl of 1902; R`. `J._ MoConkey, J. Edwards, W. Re nolde; brood mere with tool, A. D. and . Campbell, W, Jones. Mineeing, W. Reynoldugmntched pair more: or geldinge, A. D and N. Campbell; beet singleturuout, horse... bu gy end herneu.~J. A. McLean, B. Mcbonel . Barrio. KKK QIIIIIII I Roadsters`--Beet yearling lly or` gelding, Alex. Brown, Allandele; best more with foal by side. N. A. .Wilson. Churchill, E. J. Byrne, Barrie, H J. Bernhardt, Mitchell Square; best tool 1902, N. A. Wilson, Churchill. Welter Watson. Delinon; beat 2 year old on halter, S. Kiseock, Oro Station, A, Marlina, Cooltatown, Alex Brown; beat 3veer, old. E. Wilson, Crown Hill, John Farragher, J as Goeeling; beet pair mares or celdingr. F. Richardson. E. A. Little, Thoe Bowman, Thornton ; stallion, style and speed, N. A. Wilson; beet foal 1902 by eire Ben L.. Wm` Smith; beet foal 1902 by Ee- mond. E J. Byrne; beat by Fred Wilkes, Jame: Black. "1L-..-.-._ILI.._-.I_. 1)-_L ___-__ ___j l-,I [V U CIIIUC IJIQUQI '.l`horoughbredu-Beotz mare and foal, S. Dyment. N. Dvmgnt; bonbveu-ling. N. DV- menb. S Dyment; beat aged stallion. N. Dyment; been 2 year old lly or gelding, S. Dymenh, N. Dymeno. "Anun Ilnnnnhl-._'"Inn nanny n`t`. Q Y}: HORSES. Saddle horse, Geo. Raikes ;.pony, Mo- Kernan Bros , John Bingham; saddle horse, showing speed. B. W. Smith. A Carriage Horses-Two year old lly or gelding, Thos. Cassin, Thornton. D. Beath. Dalston; yearling lly or gelding, David Coutts, Midhurst; mare with foal, D. Mo Cullougb, LeIroy;, best foal 1902, 1`. W. Lennox, D Uontts. D. McCullough; span in harness. R. McCullough, Guthrie; single horse. 16'hands or over, H. Martin, Shanty `Bay, Howard Bertram, Dalston; 3 year old or over, Wm. .Wiggins. Oro Station. Thos. Blain`, Gillord. D. Coutts; stallion. or line, H. J Barnhardt; best haoxney colt 1902, C. R Bennett; single under 15 3; W. Rev- nolds. Vine.- Asa Warnica, Painswicke, T. W1.`Lennox D ,-.A-4-____. T` . ll , (`II V... __.----..~--,V ..---_.._ _ t _ '1'H.E.DOG snow. The building devoted to doge was a place of Interest, and the tickets here showed the following In owning doze whiohxook prizee, in the respective breeds :2-Bloodhound. 1 and 2 H Wellwin; loxhound, doc, P. Love, Geo. Livihgutone; foxhound; bitch. 8. JL Stepheni, Geo.. Livingstone; her:-ier. d., 1 and 2 P. Love; barrier b.. P. Crogan; Egan`- 1` .` an!` 0- W nbbnuennne `uu...I.. `7"i:'i.`"Iz'u`"ei-' }?'":Ls: was small. prize-winners being, W. C. Wilson nine firsts and one second; John Key. three firsts, and two seconds; Geo. Campbell two firsts, and G. H. Wilson two seconds. _' v . . , DAIRY rnonuon; Wponnds butter in pound rolls. Mrs D. Mecuaig. Mrs W. Partridge, Walter Wat- son 3 not less. than 20 lbs. in rkin or crock, Mrs"D, McCnaig, Mrs W. Partridge. John Key ; not less than 10 lbs. in crock. Mrs W. Partrid e, Mrs T. McCnllengh,vWalter Wat- son ; re 1 butter in plain rolls, 2` lbs. each, R. J. Russell, Mrs D. McCuaig, Mrs W. Partridge; farmer's cheese, Mrs J`. Camp- bell. A. _D and N Campbell ;eured'ham.,0. M. Hiekling; itch of bacon-, 0. M. Hick-_ ling ;.loai home-made bread`. A. D: and VN. Campbell, Mrs. J. Campbell, Mrs D. Mc- Cuaig; maple sn or, John Key ;' maple molasses, Mrs D. eCuai, John Kev ; hon ev in comb. O, H. Wilson ; honey, extracted clover, 0.. H. Wilson, J". 0. Morrison ; honey. basswood. C. H-. Wilson ;honey. buckwheat, C. H. Wilson ; best named collection honey. J. C. Morrison, 0. H. Wilson; assortment piokles,P, Love, L I. Vair; collection do mestic canned fruit, L. I. Vair, Allison Leadley ; assortment home-made cakes, Mrs T. McCullough, M. Moore. DRESSED`. rouurnv. Dressed turkey, Mrs. D. MoCuai ; dressed goose, Mrs D. McCuaig, Mrs T. McCullough; pair dressed fowl, Mrs T. Mccnllongb, Mrs H. Mnnnnia Edi}: rasqd 1 D. McCuaig. and 2 P. Love; hnrrier b.. P. Croaan; beagle, d., 1 end 2;, W. ateereon; beagle, b., A. Morten; collie, .i., S. J. Stephens`, B. Mollxin; collie, b., I and 2, J. Malkin; bob- tailed ghee dog. 8. Sargent; setter. J F. Onlg; coo er Ipaniel,.d_,, H. D men, J`. F. Graig;-lame. b._, B. Dymeub, . .5`. Craig; tepeniel, any veriet . (1.. G. W. M. Smith; nine 1);. John Ines, Geo. Livingstone; lax`-`terrier, smooth, 6.. R. Ellis; same. b.,- H. Olivoi Geo. Livingstone - iox-om! i .mm'1. 1 |'nd2 A.- w. ,VVsl|eoe;e:iry?v Ivsriety terrier. H. ' Oliver. `H. Dymene. `Puppies;-Hound Love..'Li.vinfotone;- bea- k . lend.2 lama-r orumoooh, Oliver. . .AVinley;,wiro-ehoijred. Living- pI;on'e.Lyn Montgomery; oolliee. lend 2.A. I e . I F. 3|-owne, nix ute, three eeoonde; D. O. Cemplpell, ve `ute, nix; eeoonde: Thom Givens`. four ute, two eeeonde :D. J. Tuck, three ute. three eeoonde : H. Heweonytwo -rItI;`John I-linen, onevnt. ' one eeoond; Mlle Creewioke one second. and E. J notice one eeoond. ` . ` :`IlI__ -,,-,.9 IIII. n n . C ; Thea` .. exhihit of it-nit H the A , v 1, nnmerons competitors. The tol- lowing was the distribution, of prises for ex- hibit: in In via. peer: and gripes :-_-Geo. ,0't'tow'ay,1 ght r sts and three seconds` ;- Jes. Orchard, Mlnesing, three firsts, ten seconds;E. J. `Tract-, four ii`:-its,` two seconds; . -T. Connell. 2 rsts 4 seconds; J.Contts. two iirsts,-two seconds ; A. A-rmstrong,`t wo firsts, two seconds ;_ Geo. Somers. two firsts, two seconds : Wm. Crowesnd S. G. Blow each two rsts : D. J . Tack` and , Allison Leadlev. each one; rst and two seconds :0. G. Atkin- son, E Justice and Henry Tracy, each one first and one second ; Geo. Walton, D. C. Campbell, H. Martin. J. J. Brown and J. A. Rose. each one first and Fred Adams and John `Key each one second. GRAIN, GARDEN AND DAIRY PRODUCE. There were 250 entries in garden produce and roots, in which the tcllowrng were rize winners to the extent mentioned.:- Echo Johnston eleven firsts and ve seconds: E. Justice, seven firsts and 6 seconds: Jae . Contts, seven rsts, two seconds; George '_Somers.' ve rsts, `two seconds; W. Moore and W. C._ Wilson each four rsts and one second; D. C.` Campbell, three rsts and one second; D J. Tuck, two rsts and four seconde;_Geo. Campbell two firsts and two seconds; John Key. . two rsts; P. Crogan, J- A. Rose, A. Leadlev, Geo. Ottoway, each one first and second; F. Adams. John Hines, E J. Tracey. P. Love and 3. Hinds each one first; Joe Orchard` two `seconds. and F. Browne, A. Armstrong, L Vair, Geo.` Sneath. T. Cavena and Mrs. Campbell each one second. when nnnwnkgu A` --_3_ -_;..:-.. __-- ___-r|` % 0RAIGBUR8T._ T ' II.jxm.'.'cmo-fp.oud-pt.-_ H l1_i_;'i,'1`ilI{o' 0 8't I::udor'in h6n`no op; ..ViilHoh`or'!i1dnida ` " - =" .Il;__.r__`_.-`- -"-_'n.=:uI_1._lI_u< 3'. n.- *gn3qRz'i.:"3"i'1?e'S},"ia:`:I"Zf"6`nTg.' `W HUI--958". LA... -"-A-g ` `Ann-I U-_U VI IIUI \I-lIIIW` X`-0 SI: 9I-IsI 1 `t'wo,-churches lieu were deoouted `in ihaning with ` Hlrvut Home `Bunion. L Wan - '"':1'i'>7'i3?}'a'3n`f"'i'ei1oh1.e.~ u the ingnli/'4" Inn Alitnngm I nnn`m m;rI0MHm %ADY+1 DUIIOT, llDu,pl'lD................. Butm, W lbooooouonaonooo-It LardperhiIC..C....C.D.`.I.OI.I. Eglpet`d0Z...............on... baggppouctotaooou `lav nan. nertnn _ . _ . _ . _ . . _ . . . . . . .- RuKhvn'MI.IICICBCUIIICIIICIICE Trimnzpdi-lides.. 9;. ."'..r 10` at-colnnootcso. l'OI8l0BpI|VVpPB|' D3Kou.po>-I00III0* Hay new, pea-uon.......... ........ I IowwlnoouIouonououonuooolocou Horaa Hairper lb............. I.nmhnknn.and Pltn_,ffnsh I4IIIIDUnD-Hull :l o I u u - to. 9 `wRmck.V;"0`IIIOIUDQII!IO Hound ;m: OIOUIIIIO@VII..O IDOCOIQOI` mm; white........ ~o`n oououcov-cu} .r.dwI.I'I D. C...%I... \"hnnt.9nnln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- Iouonooanoouuoooootb. Lamhskinsand Pcltshffuh. .~.. .V wnn`mobn` , , , W % ,7B-o:_:;.r .`-`Wt % , Mr. Hury. Brynon, oi Barrip, ipbnt Snndnvin-town. ` I . " Wl:liuH'_;rVtiojVEJVooke. spent sum} {rith iligndtin B_g:9n._ , _ - \ Bin on Sept. 9655. `to Mr. and 1 an B#l3tinR._ I 303* ` ThoMiuoIMMI|llon, ot Alliafon, spent - ` miumoaio wag, or Baotou, upot the *9` `*9 `n W` *`"`V`- . 1 Mr. Allld M`n ."l'hoI. Webbmf F on;1l_|, npento Sunday viith Mr. Vanll Mn. "'1'. Wu!-3 ?-_ } vvuuu vuunuu W350 Java IIIUIIV Ill nun. Thank Vina service on Obi. 19th. :15 10-439,39` ._..'lk-9 A, $.75 _8t.`John n will hold tuna ! _`-I nu.--._I.-..a`_..1..... _.-__z_- '-.. n;L Illgl I Toronto Pu-mere llarkets ":0RONTQ.sPT. 3o. I993` 719.. O z_ ._ Q Wedo--a. large-anddeonstantly increasing Carpet business. The department is:large-larger than. any here or hereabouts; Large, airy, and well lighted. Or- ganized for big" and bigger" trade, and the right kind of carpets are kept there. The stock is large. Don t Worry about the prices. What. We paid and the way we boughtthem xed. all that all beforehand. A cordial welcome. a `-Every. day 'aads to the splendid assembly of new DRESS GOODS. The best` bought and best selecte stock we ever owned. Most. everybody will stop am} save a little money. 7 - . ? v`..Our of::every'thing:qnired ih tvearables for men and women is to hand with this weeks newestadditios. UIld01,1bt9d`}Y the 11105` complete we have \ ever had. The valueseare uns u`rp.assed.,,. Th?` Y31"i'9tY Will be_ found fulltr up _to the buyers expecstations; tWe arejustied In statmg no house 1n the Provmce Is in a hetterpositione totsujpplyyour wants; greatest faith `in the values now placed before you. Come and test ourtaablhty to please 3 011- new eamnan ones MATERIALS Y new suck one GOODS- uaweonnunonrs new VELVETS new cononzn sluts new suck su.Ks new VlA.I$TIlIG$` Mn f5andIBoyJ vj-coats, ~ V @ Mon saml Boys Suits `%M'on iv%and"3oy_s" ll'ndierw"e'a'I';_%% % . A-Mon: and Boys Hats and Gaps` f M. A W .% 1 VMon s Aandioys Fumlslilngs, ' S;1'1cl:1-=1 as Glbves, Ties, Colarsj, Shifts, Umbfellas, bc. V % ` }Men s "and Boys Vlafbrproof coats. FRAWLEY ea DEVLIN NEW FRESH _GOOD=S,% FAIR DEALING, AND` LIBERAL TREAT- E R MENT AW-II-T'YOU AT THE` DOUBLE? STORES. F ra A 163/& Bzv 1 i R %99sTo.wN-: DISPLAY OFDRESS GOODS OUR; CLOTHING STORE 10" 7:50.... CARPET .OFFE_RS Mons. (THAN: USUAL IN VALUES or 0-3;. An 900- When 8 "m0 is exto11ecP Wench aftists as EREIDBEIM, PLANCON,Al.BA.\'I, m.1'.\":ii.7 '9 BURMF-1S'1'~ EfR. `EDWARD LBOYD, LIEUT. DAN. GODFl{F.\', t1me.~urr..=" can be no_ 1_1estion as to its merits. When they go farther, as in, this case, and :1grm- lb!` 5 1301181 , I {quay of tony-nd touch and construction. the Heintzman 6: Lu). Pianos 33? unexcelled, It plgces thssanstmment in an BILWBNO position in the mns1c world. .., T Usea excluswew by an P7i.n9 and Pflncees of Wales on their Canadian tour. CD 3` Q O_nnol, of Alliaton, will gonducb both aer- Ye Olde rihis. J Rev. E. L. Home occupied `the pulpit at Homing : Mills on Sunday last. Rev. Mr. Goodove of thut phoe oiolatinchoro. 1`-_ |'_1__ :1 1-sun an I-- - -_ -....- 1,...-vu vuuu-uul nun). Mr. John S. Willoughby and Joe. Din- woody Sr.. arrived` home on Saturday last after an extended trip through Manitoba and North West Territories. They both speak with glowing terms of Quads : Western Provinces. I z.VI`:1:o; `Owens. of Toronto, is th; guejt of "hi: dulghtef, Mr:-. Jno ll.1..;. \`r_|u, shma. V ,___|`_...' -.o-- vl-III: uuulr. Min Nellie Hookrldge left on Frisky to vhit ft-lvondu, in Bradford nnd Toronto. H Mu-in mug: And Jan: El).iot,_'W. J; om. nnd J II. McFadden spout Sfundagjli Bar- I `day in Ivy. ` . GRENFEL. W. A.. Hocxxma: Correspondent Mn. Wm. Hiram v_isitod_ in Pholpston last, week. _ 4 ~ But ind -D. Donnelly spent Sun- Haotoi 0ameron-:.huVjuQf- :;ampletad on gddition to ruidonoe. .. . . j[ ' Yohngr elthp 0.19`-, 9? 53 % have 3. `yield of iron`: 900 , Hir9nu g W4OOk;SDl1.(1Iy. ` wgpm ll.iis,.(3r<"uy1,_ of Elin- vglo, Wm. I fgpon, 9._'1'oroqt_o, um V ` .T,6!.,A!1`t9rAr-htll % ` /.- : . 9. ~s-~- 5* . - r v,..~_r ',.`.! w AL .3-.1.` ;`.'- ' 0.. ', v`-`.-7.8` LL`. vInl'-- " I; `f .;,,* .'V V` . aunts "2. id/.M |'|-A vusalywwssg tulip Ukllluu IIUIII IBIIJUIIIUK. LVJJID G. Campbell, Mrs. J. Henderson, Orillia; honiton, Mrs. Perkins. Mrs. . Curran; hand- kerchiets, fancy, half dozen, Miss . Ross, Mrs. Curran; knitting. `wool, Mrs. D. Mo- , Uusiq,-Mrs. Lewis: knitting, cotton, Mrs } Lewis; pager lamp shades. Miss Boss,- Mrs. Smit ; Indies apron. Mrs Neil Mo * J Ijeintzman 8 Q9 Heimzman & Ga. ""8 the ` Ilzg of his ham ma fawn > -7 Orected a I . _' I an t `0 hls barn, Gxti). Solid . ton under th e. found. ` `ho be:u'{:.l `\r3:?.h`3. `wen buih mt burns 1118 Qmnk him one the Ylcmity. T1,. M . ontertain:e!1a1?rvl3 fowIsup~ f the Grenfel -mm hm~eh oIdlY. Oct. gt? be hgld on Sunday and 0111. Them- Vioeg on - Sand. y I will be conducwd by Rev. 9`, `A Q. MKinlys B.D.. of Bum. .\\A`_-.'r'---`T-b . . ' In _rg,-_-9 1.. ....;......1.".`.:::*.:,:"..;c1..u-.1 t yoanon Murphy, of St. Paul`-. I9; " V` Oxoollent discourse 7" 9:1,, following text in Palm `5' | BIG BAY POENT. Benj. RBDFERN Corrcspocdenh M NIRJ. Soulel in on the nick list . _ W ~ _WIll&co Tribble was visiting 111' ` L. Guest last week. _ , W .. .M;n. A.-souloa, of N. Orillim 1 "" Iihinl. And Mrs. J. Soulee. wk Juno: Irwinhad his shoudldef " _ llrt-while plsying last Mon IV- - 5 Goo. Reid hu rented aflfmmn T0dd.0ll the 6th line, InniI1- uh. i Wit. Ind Mu. Frank Guest, ff Wank, `won `visitor: at Mr. Ed. Gueatli `puhtion of this place ' ,,g ` `(V N" : Born, on M'0Dd| Mtf'd I boy and 8 SW11 ` ' I. F. Earre. Prop. "A WEALTH or souwo" PLANO -Smit LADIES wonx. , Applituae, Mrs D. Lewis. Mrs. B. W. h; attenburg, Mrs ._ M. B..0urran, 0rillia,iMiss Esther Henry; child's dress, Mrs. B W. Smith. Mrs. R. J. Russell; crochet, cotton. Mrs. D. Lewis, Miss F.'E. Lewis; crochet, wool. Mrs. M. B. Curran, Mrs. B.`W. Smith; coverlet, worsted Berlin. Mrs. J) Lewis. Mrs. B. W. Smith; `drawing room or tire screen, Mrs. D. Lewis; darning, Miss F. 19. Lewis, Mrs. B`. N. Warren; drawn work on linen, Miss M. E. Campbell. Mrs. Curran; embroidery on silk, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. C. A. Perkins; on cloth. F. E. Lewis, D Lewis; on linen, silk, M. E. Campbell, Miss B. Rhinehart; on linen. cotton. Miss_ M. E. Ross, Mrs. Smith; fancy slippers, Mrs Smith, Mrs Curran; fancy work, col-. lection not lee than 10 varieties, Miss G. Campbell. Mrs. Curran; hem stitching," Miss a, r`.n.l!Inhll" Mr: J "Annnnnn l'\sIHIs'ne