' ' ` -A wedding wee eolemnized at the Bnptiet parsonage on Wednesday of 1. week by the ipeetoi-7 _.Bev, B; Harkneee, Mr. David Gauley taking as his wifeWMiee Megere_t Tagerty; `Both bride `a.`nd'groom reside in _.,7--,MaVny good things: _V none to S:held'on.v. end` our,-people .know_~a `good when -it seamen. Canadian *pet'io:;s, the Indies enotvsiationi of the M. E; amen in dengucbd with__the enooeee of their entertainment. W. A, `Blnci':,` Paetd E. Ghnrelii, Sheldon, Ion. i A 'Jnhilee`Singe`r'efnll_v meeonr high""exg - iv -- vuuw :1vVC'lV --'1`he l3vehd d` coocet5t'ehould he well _ Thie is o opportunity toshowh your epprecietion of the excel? lent: music reddered during the hammer Oct. 6th in the date of concert, the _Jub,ilee..Si`ngers etthe Opera Hones, A ____'lj:,, I --V-Do_n ,oA Club's Smoker bu . the 14th. Buy 3 ticket noiv from some of the} Executive. .uuuuu mnnsi `MIDLANITS OIL BUBBLE BURST. For the past few weeks, up till Mon-- day last, Midland has been the post A office address of some ninety prospec- . tive millionaires. To be the home of ninety future oil kings was an honor almost too great for one small town, but y/this embryo city bore up bravely, and tried to look modest-. There were vis a sions of palatial residences, ne coaches with liveried V drivers, automobiles gliding along asphalted avenues, hang- ing gardens, honors galore, and ultimate- ly knight-hood at the hands of a benig- A rery quiet wedding was celebrated at three o olock Thursday afternoon at the residence of F. J. Lightbourne, To- ronto, brother in-law of the bride, when . Mr. ArthurArdagh,civil.engineer.aon of the late William. Ardagh, of Barrie, was married to Violet, eldest daughter of the late Captain Lewis W. Orde, of Toronto, by "the Rev. Ernest Wood, curate of Simon e~Church. Only the immediate relatives witnessed the ceremony, after which the bride and bridegroom departed on a-short honey- ? R31 I Mina Marietta LaDeil, who, it will ' be remembered, was the accomplished eloontioniat who- contributed to the hoapital `concert in the Opera House last spring, and Miss Teresa Flanagan, whose -unavoidable non-appearance on that occasion canaed so much regret, wverebviaitora to town on Thursday and Friday. -```.";I" `'`'.' ; .. he . . Mr. O. Ritchie, of Guelph, `spent A couple of days in town lest yreek Nvieitiing Mien. "Bertha" Duttcu, formerly cf Guelph, at the residence of Mr. A. -_.- uvu-nova-vv vs AI-Iuln E0 J. Wafh/;e,7.joorner R695 and Mary `streets; V I _ ._-_ v~- ---- vv vvunl Miss Emina .Elw<.njthy` ggve a ve ,o'cl',ook tea in ;honor of her sitter, Mrs. Phipps, of mfo:-onto. - Collingwood Ameesenger. ~ - A Mia Kite FraAv?le(y ifeturned dn . Tuesday .- afternoon aftgr spending a ooIiple6f' weeks in Barrie;-'-Collingwpod A Entegpriae. `I ... I`! l;`I I\n;.-I -J -V ` , Mina Mion'ioS`-u-1-i-lT;o`;uroeci' to her home in Edgarvon `Thursday last, after Miga _ Corgis Greenwood; 7--.: V I. Zunt, wife and children, % of Toronto, are spending his holidnya ivith friends in Allnndale. _ I Next ' Miss Drury, of Bessie," niece ef.Hou. Chas. D1-ury,.is the yuesrof Mrs.-Bunt, ` Third street. . ' _ % Mrs. Oleary, of Nelson, B.C., and Miss Janie O Neil, of Apto, are visiting Mrs. Donald Jsoobsi ` ` JAPRIL2.A I903; JULY 2, `V - V ' old acquaintance: in N evnmu-hot last week. Flor`an6e"I.oII_re, of Elmvqle, is her sister, Mu. J."J.= Jajnioaon. `MI.-a.T. S._ Grlmshgy,-g_f`Styuer, has has been visitixig hex; siaiterg Mrs. Alex. Cowan. ` ; OCT," 2, I902` JAN. 1.1 1903 These Pnsmm;;%T`= %`su.b;scri%i>Now J Twelve AUG. 6, 190:5 A Nov. 6, I902 MAY 7. I903 FEB. 5. 190:5 Get Are -Mr. R. D. Gunn, K.C., has issued a writ: against the Counties of Simcoe and Ontario for damages sustained by Mrs. Margaret: McDermott, on Atherly Bridge, which, in is alleged, was our of .repair. The writ was served on the solicitors for the County of Simcoe last week. A woman named Frances Jackson, who started to walk from Montreal to Halifax by the I.C.R... was run over and killed by'a Grand Trunk train near St. Hya- clothe. .. nvuuuvu-I ;u.|uuuUu, Bulllilllg 85 3 H1". meeting in New York, declared that the miners would remain out all winter to gain their point, and were in a poaition to do so. - - A meeting of the committee incharge of the matter was held on Monday night, Mr. Oke was paid his $700, an_d the remainder of the money will be distributed amongst the shareholders. i The result is that the. arrival of the palatial residences, coaches and coach- men, automobiles hanging .ardens, `knighthood, etc., has been unavoidably and indenitely postponed;--'Fr_ee 'l')..___. ._-_r ---v `I ca 15370 go.. For this he was to `I; paid the i suniof `$700. He arrived on the 2 ground some three weeks ago, set up his machine and began operations. He` encountered some twenty feet or i more of limestone, also a big Boulder, which occasioned him lots of trouble. On Monday of this week,` at a depth of 103 feet, the seam of granite rock, which underlies all this section of country, was struck. This was the end a of Mr. Oke s work, it was also the end of the oil bubble, so far as 4 Midland, was concerned. Had a paying ow of oil been reached, it would certainly have been a great thing _for Midland, and particularly for shareholders in the project. As it is, the question which has occupied the `minds of some for years has been answered, and no one is a very heavy loser. returns,` V . .~,- . Mr"; Oke, of'Petroleh, was engaged to sink a yell till he reached thegranite, no matter how deep he would have to __ `fa .10 c were communicated to some ninety pers'one,` "who all had some money. to risk on the yentnre in the `hope of big returns: ` ~- 3 ' President Mitcheil; speaking at a mu! mntina in Nair V'...l. .:....I-.....1 u_-L LL- It `will be remembered that new weeks ago a sum of money, aggregating over $1,200,` was subscribed in $5*sharel for the purpose of sinking a well to test the belief that oil "could be found near Midland. There were quite a number. who strongly believed that the oil indi_ca'tion_s were such as to warrant the expense of a test well. These hopes warn an-nu-..u...:-..L-.'l L. fto ea.1-thi The death knell of theta V _brigi1t fhopee was the ringing of the drill upon the solid granite rock, 103 feet. below the surface of the ground. on the spot where it. was fully believed I flow of oil would beifound. ; .. , '.u.1'?,s ; '.1f'a La>;,anse.y;..;a:i % an to be ralizationa. of :heneargtg:g;;`:$ Times are ohidged jinoe -Mbhdiy. A diadati-bus blow.hu boenhlglod. dashing the tondst and brightedt hope. 4;.-."`...-sI.` rm.. [1 -- SEPT. 3. _ I903 JUNE 4, 190:5 MAR. 5, 190:5 DEC. 4. I902 Sheet Times With The `at. L ?. we the; V. Beauty, comfort andeaszzrlnlcew shoe essential that ...h.f'amoiIs" .'_ appreciation Of we aixiilfatiireffi : .Qua1ity 9h5 the Ln ass 0fi`~Y3`?:5"::`? which always keep a desire for 9hea of gulf +workmai1ship- In Stags 1 80 beautiful and V3 , bf K {every whim and, `.99?,._;.._' % "M followers. ` ' ` ' vw; , ::::`:n for s.hoea supeon':fo}IV%:;a9@.f ery 15"} vaned as follow `ml 8 `3ny.. of Mt OPS. - .".g*Vv~.;`_: N : All thelatest . ,4, (`rt H.B. MYERSJ SOLD QNLY BY Gofflns and caskets of all kinds in Stack O13 .L"ni#de% to order. Robes, Grape and all Funeral.Requisitesffuri1ished Orders by Telegraph or otherwise promptly attendedto. V u. u. JJULJHAGE, Ma/nager, Strand. w Steam Works and Showoom. ollior-;I;.A Barrii sums, '95: The Can`a_d_ian_ }1|_>ileeSingersl The 35th Regiignt Bands] GraHOpera Hausa Ba.rriK, Ont. X `I'\H`I') IIIIYYR Av` nus`-. .1-n;- ..- AThe( See them before buyingt your Footwear for: the Autoinn. :. _. MONDAY % j,\T'~: or. Q: .....a an VIII VII? lvuo o%cTo_aEi=a`% eth. .----_ . 1' ` up ' ` .3. `. ' OOOOOOOOOOOOCXWI ' . " y -' ;- .-.w.v. T'T'1-sq-5;-A-_-- __ ____, _.__`.-- uneven p 2 only J ubile company that stars its soloists. on the road. . .5` 1 u, \ .,.-\:' `-01.33. g. ' 9 I & ` -' . (;~ . `I. ` ` : ._s_.1" _`;Ji-. gt - ` \r,.".__" ` . I O 0 3 w h ` :_ ,3. _ v " I .v 5;`; I . ` " "' ' ~ M - :-:f - , ,. .\ - v . ~ . , . . .s. ' x . - \ . 5 o < ._ , . ~ .. V . V \ V 1` I I " "' . * .` ,1` 5"-4 |` :'l v~ . :-.~ . .rv -, 2; V 4 ` v -5 _'< ` = :`_: v_ 1 Apple Parersan~d ` Lanterns. Stoop Shovels, Washing Mac*l\;in!es~ andlwrihgers .,\:| .- . np 0'44. --yhb . boron=i*A'3 5, 35 and 50 Cents. \JUll III IIUCH I BIE3S'I` FRUIT . I 1:5-mien-r G. O. DOLMAGE, Ma/nagor, on -.-A. BARRIE AND s1`nouD, FOR woMEN opposrrm PosTAoFF1CE4 And. Imp_eria_l_ Orghestra. UN DER` TH E AUSPIJES F % 4.*39,1.P3!! I*j . _W6gkuiin}id _6dj'9-`uih 3 ' .. ` ' 1' ' [1031 Jlollg.-4 ` m:enu.~.-'~ ~ ,3` . L % teooion if V `concerning the developmentof Midland . ~ rm:-.4 ; Freight , '1 _ra_oi Manager of the C.P.1: `_ adnnitted thatlt"'viduId"l5e iIi`i`enor;no(q` advantage.-ito -the~Oanadiaa"-Paciic A cleapatoh from. Montreal says that Mr. Charles M. Hays, General Manager ` of the Grand Trunk, -stated that he considered the`,.-`project 'the:'Minieter of Public jWorke had. outlined at Orillia, as a lake port, a moat.feaaable.one. It -was preferable to the French and `Ottawa route scheme which would eu~ ` tail such a_ tremendous `-expenditure, ' The double-tracking of- the' "road froy,'n . Midland" to Lake` Ontario "port `wan not a proposition they , regarded with -havea lak"e':terniinii'l V "a -line`- of`5` vronld enable. jfl ` ' " ' . - r . ecu" ugmtaaittae .1. 1 . t : l -~ ~ I v` ` " .'u: A"`* 1-13,;-. ` It'~1..,t'.v}f`3~'j: `>_"v'f-7., `H a_.. -' ;: 4 g. I|I{9,I_f0 l ';"!':'LJ;~:!-'2-g - . 3 .. , ., ..v T iii 55:3" 09818113 1; fol- HAYS 1vAvo3s_ MIDLAND. The beef negro musical organization Plan at_Roberbuon sT)rug Soie. {I00 ;Judg'e J. H. iuwyer ;;ho_prooipitotod the punk: In thrsiloh gppme church at Birminghggn, Au. as V ` -V Anpi 'Moo:, _ rho * ..` no. ' -. . :s ` ... . `. .-ff oo:inpidu1o;din' The leading artistic footage.) _iea: brief ppmoiatin of the wet}: of J. Q. A. .Ward by Russell Stgirgia. The hnn; drede of thpnpenda who admired, the `jntvel arch of_ Neyv Yegk w_ill__ recgll ..t_:he Qigowning Viogofy by Wax-d_. `They dldo feniiiier `men `the wasniiggtn` A the:-_Si1b-;limeaii;y Tube :Be`ehe:.f Ju Brooklzn-. 1.`..GF919t9.--39. or one ffribune otnoeundzcho-eGanoraerJ:namu `V. wighmaeogj. "Au? heae`sia`i`g5s m.f v ;nllr rewvdsdinf-:i9rP*-'ee,. . IN SCBIBNERRS FOR OCTOBER. V _ Bet-rie s delightful `aerial; full` of "humor and pethoe, The Little White `Bi:-d, dominates the interest in Scrib- ner'e_ for _ October. Even his most ardent ndniihrete will be delightfully enrprieed by the versatile. fancy shown in the fairy tale of Peter Pan, `which is the feature of this instalment. It in written with: 'an:d','d(ellioaoy. that "efy'en Berriehna never surpassed. ' The Presbytery held their:-eguler meets, lngin Bothwell s Hell on Tuesday, when Rev. J. A. Dow, of Grevenhuret, was elected Moderator. and Ree. J an. Rollins, ot Elmvele. an Clerk. Rev. Thou. P>a.ton, of Midhuret, was appointed to the New Lowell and Angus eld for one year. with Rev. H. D. Cameron as Moderator of the Mldhuret vacancy. _ .'.l`he oenventionwee `a success in eveiy way, and the delegates departed with a feeling of condence in the coming year unwell as maiiy helpful ideas to put in practice. ....c`___ _r. --- unnv The i...m.;,." of Beeton to ho1i"eV1:.; next `convention was brought up and ac- oepted by the oouvention. After an ad- dress by the new President the meeting olosed with votes of thanks to the Pastor snd Congregation of the Allandsle church `and the President and Executive Com- mittee of. the past year. _ ' ` nu__ _-_ ,_, The (i(ai)or;;;tl;; _l_ l;; <;f"V; c:1';bom- lhittedwas then brought in and adopted. TEL- 3___.IL-L1__ ,E I ` " - The reo `of 110 nomix-listing commit- tee was then ieoelved `and carried unani- njouply. V The new officers being : President- -Rev. H. D. Oaineron, Allsndale "Vice-Pr,eaident--Mina Aikens, Beeton. Secretary--Miu Catcher, Allandale. 'l`reuurer-Miaa Oonnell. West Essa. 1n%Tc'iSfe;ning'%1;ev.Q J. oginpbeu do-.. 1iver_ed an address on Soul .Winning. which was very instructive.` ` ML- -..____L ';L Al , I T "The afternoon session wee .de.voted: to the Y.P.S.O.E., and much work _wea.done in this line ; interesting: addresses were delivered by Rev. Thou. Paton and Rev. L. McLean. The delegates reported In-- oreued interest and work in tvhejooietiee. and everything, points to e euooeu in the, comingyeer. ' n ' T V 'I\ Q 4-u " q .. - .* ing addieaaee delivered on atatieticaot S. R -8.; by Rev.- 'J..,h'. Smith, Work in the Fat` Welt by Rev. A E. Edington ; How can we aecure the cooperation of Parents,` by. R. J. McKinley ; What in the best thing we do for Monti` Sunday `8chool_e,_ by Rev. W. A. Bremner; and a Round . Table Oonierence, by Mr. Thou. Yellow- leee, where inanv subjects of importance here diacneaed by the delegates`, and many valuable ideas exchanged on conducting thOW0l'k.` _ _ _ - The Allandale Society provided ;both `dinner and tea at the church, and the delegatea were `inuch pleased `by. the'Alioe- Ttheir vvhole eta , R ' pitable way thy were entertained during, y _', _V_'.._',::._v... .`...`...-..,--t -3-; ug? q`.xr5I,Il_.I|yuuuvv., ;l::oUV'. J. `F. Smith. onokhtbwn ;, Rm}. D.;_ D, ,MoI4eod." of Barrie ; add (M2. Tl/loinu` _Y_e1lowl99I. Secrogory. '0! thq Pmvinhgjl S`. r s.` ;Auoou"' ' ttpn; Mr. Yguovyleaa gavagame ' vary" viinhrastiiig` htdtiltidli 61:3 the wbrk, And brought forward I pl`9_n for the5trbm- V ingrofrtndhars; which mm: to be pan of uion oloud sbotit 10 `,'.yr`_ 1..., A*,, '7 uIII_____I_'<,4` 1.. .-| the gr_ot_aqtneod,a in the work," '.l,`he"j:ea- % -`I-vac UIUIUII DI-IUIIU IV `mo A ` on; `1'ueddy`t 9% '.:.imha -aonruuoe .resumed..wotlI., when the reports the So9nt__IJI'y_;-u_:d~ tho ,-veto pre- lnt, th'Npminstiii3l hd.Pl.Q:lI of -`Yo:-1:. .q4\-an-m=LL'--_ `__ _!_ The first session opened at 7.30 p'.m. Mondny Ito that Allnndslo Church. V with deirot`{onal' axbioileu by `Ian R o'v. H; D, Odmoron, folldvlimz which vie:-e very; in"- __ter9n_ihg add;-cues, by the Ifrqui(ipnt,' ISBV.` '_T : n}-`gills I'I...`I_.LL..`_,;`,, luntyo I 16'. . (nuns! Px_-eabytorigl` Oonvohn of the Snbbnth Sphooh and` Ohriutlsn._ En: `duvet Sooletiu` of Bgrrio Pr9a_b,ytery wag ? h_a_ld ac` Auaimup prenbyusrun Oman 5 `oil Moqdy.';|u3"ThIdI:y_'.` 8ept."?22'and 23. T` Thetj lfdrg atebdnhoe, abug 50 jdalentbl gbgling present, `spd; qeuly every Iooiety .izi they 4'Pro'I'byte`r bimz repre- -An had jvoidibly A *2? =- 1:h_:on1;;g is the rqpb rt that WiO:.l'.|l1-. ' to hold over A%%%-Prog:;m of Laogoue % sniokr- ivill `be-iilnodnext teak. } _ 1_ . " u. x. .v.- s-:n-.a- *9 I9 |:vd.-ml 1&3` 4.-M-:,r:-fer:-;:v:ho h~d=%%`:i issuing-g6 n.va1V ,aern`o. T T, int_a! 'eII. 1 to have` . liniigih Cano_di.' A ernment which` . indepohdent_; ;-t. nwny inue%no%oLwonld_ not crests iniohinery for the -closest =*r..3a:'; u : ` " ' * AgggTeIgrshi; 3}` V Fed pa: :1 rate: Rai1wayV ao?d;c;W are carefully in. veotigutd in England. ` N at infreqn9_nt- ly Government investigation as supple- monted?1`l,>'y_;`en<;niry by Lgat"fyeni- i:ot_`s.ain`le life win" Lt` ___ V_ 4 :5 n.- u tioticd tlie pgpqgidg pf bright od,a_hinipg_opntrnpt to the V ~Cn_:nqdion and "American - RECENT RAILWAY `ACCIDENTS. ` Two railwav accidents. occurring , within avweek; and each attended with loss of life, do not tend to reassure the travelling` public. Neither accident may be attributable to. negligence, A Unfortunately there is no impartial authority to state `the _aotual facts. Railway` accidents under L Oanadian: law are assumed -to: be the chief _onoern_ of the railway companies. A- .` .._-LL-._ -1: ,. -. ,,_r-,.._v--v As a imatter of fact, it `is `the public y1;ifoh~ is primarily interea tod, and thre` slfdulgi` _ vgv system `of invegtigigtipn by Governjhent ooiqla. . _..- -_.v --squat have to say. Mr..Haverson presented the legal argument from their stand- point `but the ministerial representa- tives declined to argue the matter to ` a` conclusion. The moral side of the question was laid over also, and in do~. T ing this though, much free discussion was indulged in. The Board passed the follow1nqreso1ution,a copy of which was ordered to be forwarded to the be- reavedfamily : Moved by Commissioner A. Brownlee and seconded by Oom- missioner Lummis, that this Board de- sire co express their deep and sincere sorrow at the death, of their esteemed ;and respected fellow-`Commissioner, N. J. Harkin, .Esq., .who for many years occupied the position of Chairman and whose judgment and" unswerving in-' those associated with him. tegrity. was always an aspiration to_ .. vuv union w. one -or tnenr members, Mr.`Neil J. Hsrkin, of New Lowell, the chairman announced that no busi- ness would be transacted, However,- as Mr. Hsverson and `Mr. Boys were. present on behalf of Mr. Wright, of Allendale, for whose benet the recent census was taken and also ah deputa-` tion consisting , of Mrs. McKee, -Revs. Churchill, .Hm-knees and McKinley the Board listened to what they might. L--- L- _-.. `ll _ . - -~-- --- - r"""' I"""""" of ;l9dinBuigh' Unigagaicy; He is at prbent A_-editor ' of. "the Sstnrd,3y mega. zine section `bf`Th e-News. Itnia un'der- me he will accept the cell. V ` aioners met or'1"l`huredaylaat,bntowmg to the death of one of their` members, Rev. W. T. '51.;-.',':f. 'E'o:o;t;.: Mr. Allison '3 young married man, I-gradiiste` of Ydlp? gnldi 3 post graduate 50' .Il|.I:..L.__Q_L. 1-7 a -.-AAI; .' meeting of, the di Steyner and Snnnidele Presbyterian: in the church _et~_ Sceyner on; Monday .night_ of last (reek if was decided to extend a cell to `D___ 117 [I1 A'III . f-I--The Toronto Globe aaye :-The Ypngq Street Methodist` Church was filled to oi'erorin`g. last night" to hear the Canadian J ubillee Singers`. A very bright and attractive programme was preaenteda ,The'-an'dienoe- val greatly delighted with many or the-plantation aong'a,. some of "which ~ha.,ve never been heard in Toronto before."