Ix-l\' We scndvour 200 page-illustratcd catalogue free on recciptof 2c. stamp to help pay postage No matter what your sport is you should have a copy. ` With it you can choose your equipment for eld or indoor sports, for FR summer or winter, just as well as by calling at any store-and chcaper-as wemake special prices for our catalogue goods and our trade is so large we can sell you almost as cheap as some dealers pay for their goods. Here `are a fewleading lines; BICYCLES, Automobiles. and Sundries, BASEBALL, Lacrosse` Football. GOLF, Tennis,.FlSHlN0 TACKLE, Guns, RIFLES, Revolvers. Ammunition, Traps,-Targets, SKATES, Hockey Sticks, SNOWSHOES, Toboggans, Punching Bags BOXING 0L0VBS.A Camping Equipment. T. w. BOYD & SON. MONTREAL. P; Q, Sporting Goods Catalogue oonoulfed . THE HAN-DIEST CHEAPEST QUICKEST AND MOST RELIABLE : izvjv 1 Door;7Vest; of Barrie Hotel. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O O 0 O Bell Teluephnnew company _ _, __ _, ,- -.---~-....L.. Barrie is 64 miles North North-wt-st of '; wra": on the Northern & Nmtlnvestern disisi. :. .-; the Grand Trunk Railway. the Count\' stat of xi \ . .43. ofsimcoe. is beautifully situated on H pi- .-.-. `slope. overlooking Kcmpenieldt l`:;t;.'. 7'.` ,-u of Lake Simone, nine miles long and .`r<,-n-. um` x l. we miles broad. and one of the prettiest bn_\ w in .'.u;- 43 _In summer boats ply daily to and from ne:,;-.'~.~_~-` , 1.". summer resorts and parks. The popul:ttirm ;`,..._-5: is 7,000. Streets and sidewalks are first ch .~: i.m_/1. some residencesare nunerou. SU`et'I<, cm .2 Md public buildings and dwellings are lighted w;v. . . or electricitv. The waterworks and sci-.'c-.rn-tz; <-.~-.,-mg are very efficient and provide spring w:1'.t-r. ;l--god drainage and reliable re protection in etcry par: of the town. Barrieis a railwav centre for Cr:r.tr:u and Northern Ontario. Thirteen passenger trains :irn've and depart daily. The postal ~:,-rt. ice is all rlzat can be desired; thirteen mails arrive daily: thvre is prompt Postal collection and deliver\ {l`lir0`.l{, l`lLt`t1I the town. Branch: of the Bank of Toronto anti L`:m~. dian Bank of Commerce. one Prlwate Bani: .13. . "two chartered Loan Companies. There are t-igh: schools (onelsfeparate). employing thirty-one iL'iLt;l.l- ers; twelve churches, Tm: NORTH!-2R.`$ Al>\`.-\.\`_l_ the leading` weekly newspaper. and two \.i.L`. weekly newspapers, one commercial college. i;'\`(_-r_v day is market day. machine (shops of the (irand Trunk Railway with head offices of the Superinten- dent and despatchers for N. V. \V. Division; c:::;i:r,- I and boiler works, machine shops. planing milk. ;,:r-Ls: mills, saw mills. woollen mill-, Wickerwork ::.t`:.~r;.-. cigar factory. marble cutters. bicycle ivorl.-s. Lott builders. tanner) , breweries. ten butcher shops, um er.` al first-class hotels with reasonable rates. threcli-. cries, three laundries. one creamery and all other .'7lv..l(`I C conveniences. Stores are numerous and crtrrt ft 3` lines of all kinds of first-class goo.l:= . COH1;`\L`!lI'-.`.". is keen and prices are as low as in a city. Tf.iL'_,'r{.;\l`. and day and night telephone svstems cnnrfvgt we town with all places near and distant. Barrie is m:: becoming aifavorite resort with .summer:.~..rl-:~ Exports- Live stock. farm and dairy prodm 2. .'.1r;_- quantities of grain. our. machinery and lt`.'l[l`.t'r. _...._... vv-- u.-.-V Ivvouvrnn He jumped up and whistled, for he realized the full enormity of the situa- tion-. She was going, and he was to be` left behind. The ocean would separate them, besides a sea of misunderstand- ings. His bluff had Worked beyond . his expectations. 1". _.... L- .u_- _4_-__-..I.. _'L--.4-N - :OOOOOOOOO'1:OOO0 0600096606: One is a drug. of course ;` the other .1 "ch;-:nic;ai": and there are still others--SPICES of all kinds. cream of gartar. etc. The best gace to gerdrugs is at a DR LI`: STOR . The druggiet knows more about them rhnn other peopnc. We keep a. good drug store Come ahd Ask 12>` about Kitchen Drugs. Momma : `onus smnz 2 In the Kitchen. g gUOO.S. Chums, Washers, Wringers,. Fence Wire of all kinds. Carpenter Tools, `Builders Hardware Ready Mixed Paints in all shades at lowest prices. Buchanan for your private anal general busint-ss is A. Telephone. Tm: Ir. VANiLLA. for ice cream. Bmuna Powmzxufc ne ; c stxll other of etc now. u. \an-on vvevunnuao Tl-1-e twl-{tug was all arranged in atevinr minutes. They quickly got alongside and hailed the steamer. V T FBI.`-.- .-_.. -I..--.1_., ._.--L -.__n;__,,__,;' REDUCES }EXPENsE We have Bet and Cheapest in the four ring goods. |_ A A V I ! ' - ARE NEEDED EVERY DAY on DUNLOP-ST. BARRIE. Wholesale and Retail laxjtnfacuxrcrs. B_FIADjF'Ol'-`ID STREET. . 58! aannna. BEDSPRlNGS. { MATRE3SE$. PUMPS w. n.nun`m; .034; THE TQWI-I OF 3Al{RI`.. or CANADA. P69r_:`I:ian! Two Vh.uf`1d`red and tlftfy, . ' ,;_on;dgmahd! Her `cheeks burn-I 1i;-3fR133"..~"V"3s~;','V"I f, :1"'5__-'.V' ` I -4i.n_.l_I]x I.us4c__. rt we for instance: Powmm. `for cakes} 6; CO. v ;Ay 1. 190 }Servant I-IICBVSK" A moment later she was tearing a price mark o a sloppy dress of a dirty chocolate color. She rushed into It quiteunmindful of the fact that it was two sizes too large. long waisted -and bulging at the hips. Throwing the opera cape around, her, she stuck on her T blue hat and rushed madly from the I `store. 1 . ` -if hailed a passing cab.` Fivne dol- "lars if you get me to pier 17- before the Mosaba `sails? ' A "'8s`!37 -3. n4\I\lQ ll\I VT 0 She pounded on the door. Miss Macy hustled in. I m so sorry, Miss Fair- weather. I ve been delayed with some customers. You shall have your dress l shortly. ` I , But I must have it at once! I Impossible! Andi Miss Macy bus- . ed oxr. . ` ,: Lilian wa now frantic. A ` She caught the next girl that passed. I Give me a dress, any kind of Va rnmal-'. i ._.v....~.~ - . \.a\v|b Anus \.|\)\..DDc How fau'stv:`:ct;.e minutes ew by! Halt an now`! ' T -av no VI $L9 l\:l-l\lJn Then a girl had appeared with`a gorgeous pink opera cape. Such rai- ment was far beyond the slender means of the strugglingeartist, but for once she forgot to revel in its richness. She was lsookinganxiously at her watch. ' Three-quarters` of an hour and then the Mesabae would clear her docks. "I`.._. A._;_ LI, , H `j ._.v-\. non uau uuthuhlulluu . This was the day of sailing for the Mesaba. From some feeling-curios ity. of course-she knew the pier from which it started. the car lines leading to it and the time it took to get there. She certainly would not give in to him, especially after the insolent tone of. the letter. Yet it was from a fear that she might so far forget herself as to go down to the dock and lose her suprem- acy over Nicholas forever, that` had brought her here- Her suit very op- portunely needed alteration. Miss Macy, the headtter, had hurried off ' with it, promising to send something to. throw around her for the few min- utes till it was ready. ` mm..- .. ...:..: u-..,1 -__-_-.-- ---\ _--v-`;- . , It did not seem so clever to her now, after a week during whichthere had been no one to carry her prayerbook to church, no one to take her to first night performances, no. owers, no (sandy, no books, no dinners, no Nicho- las Purdy, but there had been :1 wea- 'r1ed feeling. Much to her own surprise, % she found that she missed the man , more than his attentions. l'l11..!.. .__4A 1 uyuu l`&l.I`ICl Cu.._ 1. clfu L. . ` : V`-.t!1Bl.1;-`|j3:%wtllr`_I1ave you:-nrjr` if ] , -vvs-an-us. nun. sun-\.n...u II: vvuo \.lCV_Clo "Church on Sunday, theater Monday,- owers Tuesday, candy Wednesday, new book Thursday. dinner Friday. dead sick on Saturday 61' Nicholas Purdy. V v - TL 321 _-_L _, Vhaei been the subject of gibes, both to his face and behind his. back. One that she had coined she gave current issue among her friend. because she fancied it was clever: v u Jacob served seven swears for Rachel and then got her sister. Ihave sr-wed ve years. see no hope of getting you in seven. and you have no sister. .Unless you say yes in a week to the question I have asked you so often I sail on the Mesaba. for Europe. Remember, `at as signal from you I shall turn back at the - last moment. but my terms are uncondi-_ tlonal surrender. ` Miss Lilian Fan-weather's s_tafe "of mind was far from pleasant as she sat ii) one of Schenck & Scl1enck s tutfy little tting rooms. Nicholas the` Meek, Nicholas the Downtrodden. `had turned. V The Words of his 'letter stood `out vlj7id- ly before,hei' eyes: _ \ The Artist and mu Kaleidoscope. - The kaleidoscope is of wondertul as- , sistance in geometrical drawing, and . people yvho suppose that this. little toy is of no ue will probably be surprised . `to learn that the greatest portion. or the geometrical designs employed in art and architecture are copied by the artist from the gures produced by the kaleidoscope. '._l?he instruments em- . pltoyedgare somewhat larger than the toys sold in. the shops, and some of.- -them are fastened upon "stands in such C Ern` as-scald`); LL- A_'4:AL.~:.__;'L`- - .._- _....,--...... uyvu. wuuuu an aucu a way as will enable the draftsman to retain his instrument in the same`po_si- tioll. for a considerable length of time thus -`give him _an._oppo1-tunity to n ` ` ' "N : . Eugene Sne s Vanity. Notwithstanding the `extraordinary literary success which he enjoyed when his works were the vogue, Eugene Sue posed much more as a -man oi! fashion than a man of letters._ After his dinner at the Cafe de Paris he would gravely stand on the steps smoking his cigar `and listening to the conversation with an air of superiority without attempt- ing -to take part in it. His mind was supposed to be far away, devising schemes for the social and_ moral im- provement of his fellow creatures. These .philanthropic musings did not prevent himtrom payinga great deal I of attention-_too_ much perhaps-to his . personal-appearance, for even in those `days of beans, bucks and dandies, oi. Counts ,d'0rsay. and others. men- could not help thinking. Eugene Sue `over-j dressed. . not ' :5. I UUHUUD Get rid oi the professional bosses" and keepiurning them out, one after the other. ' "Turn things upside down : get new men in ; put every man on his mettle. Ontario has need of a -great big shaking up. ;.uuy unu uuuu run,- `DAIRY nmno MILK RECORDS. As a means of converting the row i products of the form into. more saleable ifoi-ms,`the good dairy cow is without a `peer. _ _ ' In order to know your cows vou must keep` a daily record of the milk yielded by each cow. Duringthepest ' a number of dairy formers, made: `an n"nI-It nlnma this "an "I-`Inn -n--`|I-- .they cannot arrest me. ....__.v v-r`lV\vI Balzac. put his hand in his pocket and produced an almanac, showing. that the sun did. not rise before 3:50. I am being tracked by the oicers ot the tribunal de commerce and obliged to. hide myself during the day, but at this hour I am free and cantake a walk, for as long_as the sun is not up ' 1 l 1 Eludlng the Oillceru. V Here is an amusing description of one of Balzac's periods of impecunios- ity. Mery, the poet, a -great friend of Balzac s, was an inveterate gambler` and rarely left the card table before ` daybreak. His-way lay past the Cafe de, Paris, and for four consecutive mornings he had met Balzac strolling leisurely up and down dressed in a pantalon a pieds (trousers not termi- nating below the ankle, but with feet a in them, like stockings)` and frock coat` with velvet facingsu The second morn- ing Mery felt surprised at the coinci- dence, the third he was puzzled, the fourth he could hold out no longer and asked Balzac the reason of these noc- turnal perambulations roundabout the _same spot. ` - Y`I..I__ - _,,-n, V: 0 n V C - _.--_ wuuvoa ovvnA.Ag ,f`Goodby. savage) . Then to herself as she mounted the stairs: ``_It is not so bad to be taken possession of. I do like `a masterful man! i av-v sav- Ten minutes later the cab drew up in front at the boarding house where Miss Lilian V Fairweather occupied a fourth oor back room. ' Ill`! _ . HI `*` V.._- 5-.-: ....av, uuwu Well, little girl, I ;1on t see what else I can do. When fair words for ve years "Will not win a girl and yet a man nds that she does care for him a lit- tle, he; is going to get her thg ya; he 'c' I'1. You have shown me that the only way is to take possession, as the sav- ages do. -- vvv nun u\.A.lo "``'That s right, little girl, lean your head against me. That's where it; ought to have been long ago, if only I had had; the right` sort of spunk." H7119-is (Tn unn nnl-I 4.1.... ..-L3L1J-!-A- ___... _..... .....u ....-any wusu UL apuun. What do you can the exhibition you are giving me, then? j` j V- 7l\l` I.!LLl_ _s-I v H ' only thing. I could do? I `wish I could, were it a thousand ` times that amount. I mean your heart, mydear, and I knew money can't buy that. . Silence for a few moxnents. ' f`You ll acknowledge, Lilian, the sit- ` nation was awkward. ' D1dn t I do the urn. -1. `-1. 2-I '75')1{,"-if` (;h`,`:i::.z`1`1'!""vs.obblng. It s all been too much.'_ ~ - - ((7:11, .. 7---- \r-4\ln.n.l-IO`, 0 Oh,- you are too bad! I suppose you` think you have bought me with your $250!" ' A i{.}n3i With the look of a loving and obe- client wilfe Lilian staggered into-the cub. Once" inside, her expression `un- derwent an astonishing change. There were several moments of silence, While the storm g;'1theredofm'y and -broke. qnt\I-Ira:-`mall 'I" 1-..! fl` .u an uuva. \.u r .I.;JLJ (ILIU 'U,l.'U1SQ'.'. Scoundrel! Liar! To barrow my feelings for_a week, to get meidown lil-z this and~then to nd it was all a. bluff! I might have known you would. not have spirit enough to do it! T Iilun .u-... --l--- --~-4'-- " ` " ` `"_1;-c;. s.`s."wi thank you, sir, and I beg the lady s'par_don. I did` not know. she was Mrs. Purdyff ` ` |`\`.'4-`ll LI-...L)... ..-A_A.I__1 wt [T `;\\:"e;l-in, Here are out two cabs. A You go in one. my wife and I in the other. .. - zvvs . ,_ ._`_,,.. ..,..-..-._v "Miss Macy took `my dress to x it `and kept it until I knew I `should miss the steamer. And she burst into ten`rs. ' ' ` Now, sir, do you understand and will you accept my check for $250? I will send It tomorrow. You know me, I think, Nicholas Purdy of the rm of ' Purdy & Bros. ` AA`, A .. Despair and rage and thankfulness mingled in poor Lilian s~mind. But she. nclznowledged to herself that Nicholas had taken the only way `out of the diillculty. and caught at the proffered sumrestion. . . W 1:3]; wife. We were starting for Eu- rope today. but were both detained, as you see." * V ' .-. --g vv up`: Your wife? `She 15 Miss Faiiweafh- `er. am we have her name_ on our books." :`I'3-iii"-hcholas Tx_1`6w' ihteniupted angri; ly. How do you dare. Lsi%r.~to speak so to my wife?" ; n11?-____ _,!n_n nun . _-. -. -~ % ` SL'1umck. T` ` -v -- u-u--sun wnnvnn uv 55555190 -'The captain saw peae,tor Vhi m when" perceivd the tug. " The steam'r and` Lilian was`?1\i,1_::a,z;sfrred to meet hex-`1shameless4l`Otii*:a6_the just- 1`; indignant costumer. She. beganto ~ Xnpbx-aid the former ` whe-.`-.tli'e` commer- .;da1 man .1nte?jected: L w _-_. ..- .___ 9 disc, , A .`c., If you ever sell cows,` the ability to give an accurate milk record, will, gen- erally speaking, raise a cow's value,and i facilitate the sale. Especially in this true if she is a `pure bred. Further, knowing the_ returned from each cow imany he:-d,`yo,u _' are in Q position to, _ eieily faelect for` breeding, heaides, in almost every herd are found Boardere` . my. that pay of very low price for their. _` fo:gd,`leave'"a.o }proli_t," freqeptlfare .1: ei'e7id?Th1,e~hh14i be. sltect-c In order you must yielded by Doringvthepsst your a uulnbs; of `dairy farmers, made `an effort sloiagy this line. `The results were most sst.isfsotorv.' ' ` The present government have been proved nnfaithtul to _the people's inter- ests. Theyought to go. If Mr. Whit- ney comes in and does not do what the" ` people want, let him go on short notice But the great thing is to keep putting the bed and incompetent out. Changes in (government invariably bring" some kind of improvement. The aspiring have generally something new to intro- duce, some abuse to remove." Ifthere be plenty of `these changes, and the people will find themselves in possession of their own-'t-he right to rule them- selves. They are nnderbossee today. of and keep-nturningthem out, the things down: get in; every has of shaking The trouble in Canada is: we do no make enough of changes; we do not _turh cut of oice enough ; we do not e-those `-wh have: been found out, Ia there to be any punishment of un- just stewards? If a gcvernment has proved unreliable, if is has sacriced the public interest, if it has preferred the interest of corporations and individuals G) that of the people, therein only one thing to do, and that is, makea change. IIII . . IVI And, do they desire to change, and a new administration, starting fresh, with a turnover all round`, a shaking up of s foasil?zed system, a regeneration of otcials, that have moss growing on their `backs and boots `I The electorsef Ontario have to choose new representatives to serve them in the legislature. Or, to put it anether way, they haveto peas jixdgementlon the re- cord of the Ross Government in the eei:-efof this Province. Or, etill eno- ther way, are they satised with the Liberal rule that we have had and are having now `I ' ---v .--.I. -v.v-. - He ran to:the-;teamer s starting place andifound a stout commercial looking men in a state of great excitement bar-`T gaining with the owner of asmall mg to take him to the outgoing -steamer. --Nicholas joined forces with him. A common `object--to catch the teamer- ~ bonnd them together. mm - 1.1.4.... ..-.. -n ....__..__.-n ._ _ -_-', YES, SHAKE THEM UP. This ia_ how the Toronto World s:a'.ea% th case: First Uscrape o the fat. Take equal parts of alum and salt, add water` and cook to a paste, says New England Homestead. Spread the skin out carefully to keep the wool clean, and rub the paste thick- ly over the esh side. Fold. to- gether, roll up for a. day and next day rub over it. more of the paste. Repeat. this a, thirdtime. After it dries out scrape off` the salt and alum and rub it p soft.. Use no oil on the skinl It may then be colored any shade desired and .will make pretty mats for" the oor, car- riage or baby's gocart, Sir H. Le G. Geary, K.C.B. Lieut.-Gen. V Sir H. Le G. Geary, K.C.B., President of the -ordnance Committeenhas been appointed Gov- ernor and Commander-in-Chief in Bermuda, to succeed General, Sir G. D. `Barker, K.C.B., whose time; has expired. ' Sir Henry Le Guay Geary, .who was born in 1837, join- ed the Royal Artillery in 1855, and served inthe Crimean war, in the Indian `Mutiny, and inthe Abyssin-V ian expedition of 1867-8. He be- came Lieutenant-General in 1898, has been President of-the Ordnance Com- mittee since 1899, and was created K.C.B. in 1900. - _7`_i1*;-ibai1 `pr 1 * `onallite; 9:41 no ,c_lass1is`so' short asjtl1_,a-t_ of -"the. ladies who: dance for our delight in `the season of; pantomine, and none nowadays can be -- sjaidfto to dance through two generations. What a surprig-we the present public would experience at such an announcement as appeared in The London Weekly Journal of Jan. .26, 1723, that a. veteran danseuse, aged seventy-one, would on a." certain date performa -a. series of dances. The celebrated Peg- gy Fryar. therein advertised, had ipubltcly danced in the early years of the reign of Charles II. and made her nal appearance in the time .01 George II. Her dancing in her sev- enty-second year drew crowds to the new theatre in the Haymarket `in 17_23,_bi1t the charm was probably the novelty rather than the excel- .5rIf',l3 (`If hat` Y'\t)!|;r\~uvy\nu-u...` u-av nu V 0; VJ L GDIIUIC lallugll lylence of her performance- Tanning Wool Skins. [A Vgtrnxn uanseuso. ran? nogmnmzmugn `In Alliaton' and Creemore the` popu` liation has decreased to such an extent that threg licenses i_the- limit permitt fed by the atatntgqfqr.-thg formfr place, ~while-jtvwbx g1l_i`ii"| .f0`! _.-hf latir-,- H `V '- . = ` _._.. .......w.. vumugwuuu and utsvner. ' In Oollingwood, Notteweeege, Easel `_Toe.ore_ntio aha Stoyper, the present Jieeneee were renewed with little dis 3 onseion. - an -u-novw on.-no quvu-uauuo There was already` great excitement" aboard the Mesaba. A woman in a dirty brown gown, a` pink opera cloak and a- blue but was begging hysterlcab I 11 to be taken back to land; _` I EFL- ___A.-.l._ ___ _- , , Among the letter was Mr. MoAllis- ter, who applied for a license for a hotel petition from a number of people in Gollingwood and it was strongly op- posed by the temperance people of Stayner, lead by the Rev. Mr.-Seely; a representative of the clergy from Elm ` :_vsle. The` Collingwood branch of the W. 0, T. II. also sent in a .pe-' tition protesting against the granting of the license; in this case the temper-. ance people were successful and there vilill be no licensed hotel ongthle, Second Line between Oollingw.ood`snd Stavner. , ' .1- n.n:_.__..1 1' -- _ __ . nu Q &IbIlL%\JJH The`Licenae Commiaaidhere of West Simcoe met at Oreemore on Monday afternoon to coneider the applications for licenses for the current year. The cuetcmary applicants were again in line and there were also one or two new ones. a " ,_- _.....- I V`. n\.\1I.lIl\'-`Q The new buildings are completed and the trustees are anxious that theyshould be furnished with the least possibie de- lav, so that response be made to the daily and pressing appeals that are com- ing `to them for admittance. Contri- butions may be sent to Sir Wm. R. Meredith, Chief Justice, 4 Lamport Ave., , Toronto; W.J. Gage,-Esq.. 54 Front St. ,West, Toronto ; or to. The National Trust Co., Limited. Treasur- er, 22 King St. East, Toronto. LIQUOR LICENSES IN WEST SIMGOE `C : Another, signing `herself Let not yourlleft hand know what the right hand doeth, writes Mr. W. J. Gage:---1 "Enclosed nd $1.00 for the Free Hos- pital for Uonsumptivea. I would like, and it I were able,would give you $100 or make one of ten to give $1,000 each, but I am poor. Though `very poor, however, I cannot resist your special appeal, and earnestly desire that you ` will soon have all the cash you require. VF]... ...._. L..:1.1:._ -_ _i,-I - - Allover the Dominion families are being broken up by this terribler white plague. Need we wonder, that those who hove lost loved ones should .con- tribute of their means-much or little --to bring hope and health to others who are suffering in this wav,and whose case may become hopeless if help does not come lquickly? _ LOST THREE CHILDREN. . That one touch of nature makes the whole world kin is being shown by the many sympathetic and practically help- ful letters that are being received in re- sponse to the appeal to_ furnish quickly the new Free Consumptive Hospital the 4 first Free Consumptive Hospital in America. A. few days since, Sir Wm. = R. Meredith, who has kindly consented to receive subscriptions for the hospital, found in his mail a letter from a mother in Hamilton, which reads:---The'en- closed three dollars is a contribution to the Free Consumptive Hospital, being one dollar for each of the three children I have lost by that dread disease. e 'l.`he Dominion Experimental Farm would he most happy tolsend you forms for keeping t_he daily record, as well as forms whereon to make a summary to be kept for reference. d When you write for the forms you should state the num- ber of cows keptesnd address all letters to J.H`. Grisdale, Agriculturist Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, Ont. Letters so addressed go post free. milk record is a sure way to discover tb"em._ To the breeder of pure bred stock of any of the milking breeds, Jer- sey, Guernsey, Ayrshire, Canadian, or milking Shorthorn `V strains, the daily milk record should be quite as import- ant as the breeding record. We vent- ure the assumption that in a very few years, every breed putting forward any claims as a dairy breed, will be making a specialty of milk records. w-our co-no--4 nn4vvAJ\a\'|.\.\.4u Easy now. easy,` " Wbata a bou:V hundred and fty d6lliu"'vrap, Mnot I,/a x_n aged the cloak so w can't take it -.. v)I1-__n 1-1,, , '.V Y. _- `A - _-..~ tfo,1`nention:_;the._d1-ess?---. L_see_-_y,4_>_u' have ' Now, how_`do_- I know you on Two washings with Sunlight Soap wear the linen less than One washing with impure soap, Ask for the Octagon Bar. fdv-Win'* f%`wvA~cE~"I -----u I P liljghest cash price paid for `Endowment Insuxiuce M o 1cm, in reliable Compannea 0; money loaned thereon. Apply >- . _ . o. H. LvoN, . n-lv "' William Hare, Grand Trunk car inspec- tor, wee run over and killed at Cayuga. The Ohilian Ministry has resigned. The deputies oppose the reduction of Chili`: navy by the mile of two cruisers An-.. 'l ..I._ 61 N -' -___ --.v um vvvu UIIIIHUIU A'fte; July 21 South Africa will aaume the cost of 6,000 of the conatabuiary force` | of 10,000 men. ` [ _-- _. Lo;-d Pauxieefote in so ill that g reat con- cern in felt by _ his family. Dr. W. M. i Osler of Baltimore has been consulted. ENDOWMENT INSURANCE POLICIES] 450 Ivy extend to you and your family in your sorrow our sincere sympathy and ` pray that'God may give to you and yours. ` His own perfect peace, i . Signed in behalf of lodge. - T. F. Lnmzox, W.M. . -' T. W. R. Annom, REC, SEC. [_ CONDOLENCE: FOR MR. J. BURTON. At the last regular meeting of L.O.L. 3 450 Ivy, on motion of Bro. W. J. Carr, J seconded by Bro. T. Gauley the following ' reaolntionof condolence was adopted. -Mr. John Burton. 1-`____ -'._V _g r--. It seemed an eternity until she was rushing doWn"the` lon.g wooden" shed. Pushing aside the `man who demanded v liven" lliket.-she ran -up the.gangp`lank, and herefeet had scarcely left it when it was withdrawn. No Nicholas was" in sght. She approached` the- steward and asked him where Mr. Purdy s 1 stateroom was. He replied that no} such party was booked. 1 'I'Vl-.. `I 3|)--. -,A 3" A wreck of an unusual nature occurred Nairn last week. A few tons of rock which had been loosened from it s ; bed by water running into the crevices and freezing tell on to the trsck. A freight train in charge of Conductor C. Bently, struck the rock, and, turning to the right, went down the bank into the bush upright. The driver was thrown out, the head ` brakeman went through the cab window. ! the reman crawled over the tender, and 2 no one was hurt. A Liberal caucus resulted in an al most open row. Mr. Blair's resignat- ioni was practioaily called for by some of his followers,` but matters` were sided oer. Western` Grits objected to the` extensive Sc. Lawrence improvements. On the tariff, the discussion was very ! ibreezv; * f "he {Yukon telegraph lines. Grave it regularities were revealed, but Mr- \ Tarte and Mr. Fielding openly warned } Rochester not. to reply to certain questions, and a Inn of damaging evi` dence was kept concealed. I A `Do- The public accounts a;omm1ttee_en- devoted to examine J. Y. Rochester, an employee of the Public Works De- partment, concerning expenditures on 9 '`L__ '-`7.` ` ` u -. The Governh1enu simmigrazion policy, I under which diseased immigrapts are allowed to land, was vigorouelv assailed. Reforms which would bring in British settlers were called for. mm WEEK AT OTTAWA. . The past week in parliament was at- tended by the most important discussion of the eesaion. The imposition bv Great Britain of a duty on food-stuffs was a, hard `blow tothe government, who were challenged to show what had been done by them to have Canadian iour. meal and wheat kept on the free list, Sir Wilfrid Laurier admitted that no action had been taken, although every member of` the British ministry, jwith one exception, is favorable to al mutual preference for Canada. i thus makingit necessary to reduce the number by one in each town. As this is amatter requiring careful conaidor iation, the Commissioners dzcided to 1leave it in abeyance until the next meeting. which will be beid on Tuesday evening.-`-'-Colling wood En terprise. vlf your Ga-oncern canndt supply, wrife to LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, Toronto, sending his name and address, and a trial sample of `Sunlight Soap will be sent you free of cost. FREIGHT TRAIN WRECAED. _._-_ `....- .._, vvunrul IuvvAlV\An '.i.`hen- Lilian gave a gasp. She ran to the end` of the steamer: nearest` the dock only to nd that the vessel had begun to move. She uttered `a cry which attracted the nttentfon of a youngishman sitting on the piles -at the corner of -the pier hanging his heels over the water. A