`1` W. PLAXTON, Barristet, bolicitor, Notary Jo Conveyancet. etc. Monev to Loan, at lowest Oice-McCarthy Block, south side Dunlap ` M ' 21-53 ;;__- I1-..:- ' `THE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OF BARRIE have for ado tion. in good Homes._a_ Tu`un3b.er :1` I..:...Ls ........... te-._-.I2-_. -|_:|.1__A u. __, KKIC ICE Barns. ' Clerl:(.3ount;:3-twi.x;1-c:>;.~\;r`i_l| . be at his ofce. at the Court House. Barrie. every S_aturda.ve. Residence and R0. Cookstown. I IVI&lI1I l& &&r`IIII E We have a large amount of Private Fgnds to _lend l at 4% and; 5 per cent. on the security or good tarm Mnnoram-s. McCAR'1`HY_ BUYS an MURCHL at 4; anal; 5 per cent. can me bccunty or goon [arm Mortgages. MCCARTHY. BUYS 6; MURCHL SON. Dunlo Street Barrie. `JAS. EDWARDS CONVEYANCER- _ V At his office until 5 p.m.; at his privateresidence. 68 i Marv street, after that hour. 1 x-lv nvvln. munrnx on noxnu, untano Land U Surveyots. Engineegs, htc. (Established in 1852. Oice. Medical Buildmg. S E. Cor. Richmond and vav bus, Toronto. '1'c_:|ephone, Main 1336. In- structions left with_ Strathy {Sn Esten, Solioitors.Bank of Cloronto Buildmg. Barnc. will be promptly at.- ` tended to. - 50-49- mnrromu. Nowms. The Port Hope Preserving Company are looking for a new place to locate. Had Barrie an energetic `Board of 'J,`ra'de, this town might be able to secure ' their establishment here. I HE BALL_ PLA7I`71#7Il(G MILL 'COMP{\NY-- Carg=2eng`g;.dB_uddxng and manufactunng 9;: .. 1\l....I.l:_..... -._ n|__:___ 1 `nu. onus. rL.ruVuVu MILL UUM1 ANY-- 1 Cargentering, Building and of Doors. sash. Blinds, Mouldings, etc. Planinof all kinds done promptly and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. Dxstrict agency for rained lum- ber .Factory--Bnyeld Street. Barrie. ODGERS `& GALLIE ' successor: to Geo. Ball. Barrie} Money in sums oi $2.0 gas can I _ :1. H. S-nurav, K._C. , I van Lanluunnn 3 AlUbUUu$'1'! Ur'l5AKi(lh'. ado Homes. a number of bright young Sanadian children, boys and girls Parties desiring them are asked to communicate with the Secretarv. REV. D. B. HARKNESS. Harris. `-- . ..-...... _.._._ .___ w." Banister, bolicitor, No n-....-..........-_ arc- Monnv to Loan. MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUER. Wilshire s Magazine has moved to Toronto, Cam, as a result of its diioul- ties with the postofce department, and announces that it is more chsn pleased wit.h,_the` change. Well, why_ not? Toronto is a ne place to live_,_ he got several thousand dollars worth of advertising out of his sci-immaqe, _and jubscribers will reach him just as readily i there as in New York. Probably other publishers will -follow his example. To- .` , J:l!`2_._I. L- __- 4 ALLANDAZLE. ` Lots 3. 1 and 4. VVet`Bnldwiu Strec-gt. North Cumberland Street. Lots 1`! and 18. Jacob : Terrace. L91: 1. 5, 3, 4, 5 and 7. East Sign-y Street. L9: 54. Apply at M uvv ..V V - . MCCARTHY, I\ i $ .;;f:a Qnnmvnrn. Rnainpa-nu I-up (Fm--..l.I:.l...a :... T . ARNALL; 1VI.D.C.M,, oice in Bothwelrs Block, Allandale. On the premises at night. _ _ 43-ly H. LYON. PRIVATL BUNDS T0 LOAN nn Dual Return 29 lnuincr rnluc pnrn1nru' 135' in; R. P. VIq\I_IAAN ....._._.____._._____._______ M. CAMPBELL, Ban-istr , Oicg -....... ....- Mnnev to loan. At ajoint meeting of the town coun. oil andboard of trade of Rat Portage `it was decided to change the name of the town to Kenora. This nameis derived from the `first two lettersof three p1aces,AKeewatin, Norman and Rat Portage. They claim the name Rat Portage is suggestitie rather. of ' a backwoods hamlet than an enterprising toyvn. MONEY TO_LQAN_. MONEY TO LOAN. .v1A`Nu1Ao'1`Un'1i; D. C. A Mukcmson. MISCELLANEMIS. . _ PIIYSIUIANS. -I=-o7nQ1NvEs r.\1ENT on good hvnnhnlr` anonrhv nr Inunxer ran: nf sunvnyons. FINANCIAL. ` `The-`Ontario cement manufacturers saw Premier Ross last "week and asked that hereafter Canadian contracts be lled with Canadian cement,which they declared was better than the American cement`. There was a million dollars worth of cement imported into Canada, and they wanted this stopped as there was enough-in Ontario to supply the demand. - The Government was re- quested to try and encourage the home cement. OFFICIAL. DEN TA la. Homoeopanhist. x 56 Dunlop St. Residence and Oice. 8-lv KESWICKE, barristers, bonu- upreme Counft of Judicature of Notaries. Conveyancqrs. etc. ices--Ross Block. Barne. ` '1 I`-nnun"I(It_ |.ooo and upwards, to loan at 5 ._ . .C.P.S., Ont.. (late of Drs. , Orillia.) Oice and residence [Conner streets, Barrie. 33-ly i3ARm.. *-11m`..'aDvAxc.n*' I I layman ibis rather ditfioulo to see where the United States mail service is gaining revenue or cutting of ex- pense by its present attitude toward certain publications.--Press and Print.- or, m-isters, Justice, Notaljies Public, .. the Bank ot Toronto, Dan. UIHCCS-Dc: I lit -Bank of Toronto :-lv J. C. Bnoxovsxx. ..._______._____ I-I uvvy --_-- --. W. A. Boys, LSI . or uuugau bxve Ponuts. zq-lv Solicitoy. `Ran-out 1-Iv Mr} James McMullsn, the other. new Ssnatox-,is the second son of Arch- bald MoMu_llen, who emigrated from .'the`County of Monaghao, Ireland in` 1846, nod settled xiear T Fetgus. ; He was bornin Mohoghon in_1836,` and, ' "coming to Canada with -his fa.ther,_ was wguoatsdoat the Fergus common `school. `Mr 'M.cM`nllen is a merehqnt -a'nd7hu . 9_pqu1qr`d` {save_`bf`_ ;ouat`j` sea A rstv;'tfljl`l:`4P5.1l u ` is; t.~ae1e.q do tin THEneNohTIiat_=;tm g ADVANCE -T ADVERTISING RATES. a L inns Anvancn Inn A OIBCULATIO as on noUn';11n1c1'-nunnnnn AND ' FOBTY corms. Almost, if not quite`; doub1e that of any other " paper published in Barne. lunvnxfrxsx-ans snoum NOTE THIS nc'r.`Eu' 13 lines solid agate make 1 inch. TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS. ` First insertion 10 cents per line, each subse quent insertion 4 cents per line. mmdina nmices. 10 cents per line for rs, insertion 9 cems per nus. Reading notices, 10 per rs, insegtion ; 5 cents per line for each Subsequem insertion of the same matter. All items un_ der 5'lines, of this character, charged as 5 lines. - ' Legal Official and Government advertise. ments viill be charged an above rates. CONTRACT ADVERTISING. . Contract advertisements will be taken 9` the iollowing rates, which are dratted on co,_ rect commercial principles and will be snictly afihered to. There will be only one price to, 3\Al&\ all. 5inches, )5 eo1umn...... no inches, }4column.... no inches. 1 column. . . . . . `For one month-- the three monthly with 15 per cent. added. ` `For two months-the three monthly me with 10 per cent. added. 9' Preferred positions for local advertise. ments in the piper will be sold at an advance of one-third on above rates, on no the: an. count will special positions be given, This rule will be-strictly carried out. . CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of intention to change advertisemnt, mustbe handed into the oice not later than Satutdav at 10 o clock, and the copy for such change must be in THE ADVANCE oice not 'later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday inany week, otherwise the advertiser s announcement may not be made public until the week fol- lowing. . 10 ,.i..m.mn if Advertisements allowed hey l0v{i2n%hange.s'of Advextleements pex ear. It more are reqmred, composition rates` will be charged. A .a.....;.:....... um not. he allowed to use their will be enargea. Advertisers will not be allowed their space for advertismg anything outside their own regular business. Should they do so transient rates will be charged for such ad. .7- __ ;._ vertisemeuts. vLIyu.vu_.- --- , , Condensedadvertisemcnts on first page such as wants of all kinds, lost and found. property for sale or to rent, snecic articles, etc.. etc., must be accompanied with the cash, and will [be inserted--tires insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted tux words); but a. reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed four. Cuts for advertisements must In every cause be mounted on solid metal bases. " Two Ontario vacancies in the Senate have been lled, bringing the number of straight Liberals up to 38. Mr. Wm. Gibson, whose home is at Besmsville, is a Scutchman from Peter- head, where he was born in August, 1849. As a. contractor, Mr. - Gibson has builtimost of the; principal struct-H men of the G.T;R. west Toronto, in- cluding the masonry of the St.- Clair tunnel. He first entered Parliament G as member ior Linoolnin 1892, was re 1,. A W eleotedein 1892 and again in 1896,. but was defeated in 1900. Mr.` Gibson is _Grand~Principal of Roval Aroh Mason- REPRESENT THE FOLLOWING FIRE Issumscn M Comnxms : The Mercantile, now affiliated with The Lon- don & Lancashire of England. Sccur 2; Q.- ouosru nnn ASCROGGIE &. SMITH, uuu ID L12!-I\JGlDa.A3A\4 v. .---.=..._... ity, $15,000,000. The Waterloo Mutual at Waterloo. Ont. Tothl assets, $334.o83. The Economical Mu; ./ml. of Berlin. Ont. Total assets. $303,078. Also L1ovd s Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany, of New York. Cash capital, $250. 000. And the Sun Loan and Savings Company of Ontario. Private funds to loan on first mortgages. Ac counts coected. &c. _ na: .... ..... 1-Innrlnrenn u Hardware Store. Barn: coliected. &c. Oice over Henderson; Hardware Store. Barns Ont. SCROGGIE G. SMITH. OFFICE.--NextT door to Bank of Toronto. Owen Street. Barri`. ' n-`.\ PROVINCIAL suunme nun win ASSOCIATION. A gen: Standa_rd Lire. London Gum u- we and Accident 00... Provincial Building and Loan Asuociptlou. etc. I ounces 0 E EVER CEI LEGE be` given so I trons as (1 Three tim extend its as fast as the pupil: A comp Iv up-to u` line there It pays 1: Circular BAH M J. oULVE}&WEL1: s Hanrcutting and Shaving Parlor OPPOSITE HAI{l:IE HOTEL. `BARBIE- R_azora and Scissors art.-u~nd and set on short { nouce. ,~ - __.... . RC3] 'UC_IU Ila '.IIIIlII'IIlI|.U -V" `ma: terms best, rates `and Charges lowest. Get your propleu-ty on- our list: co. ' Monev to Loan-Don : borrow a dollar unul 306$ Mortgages. Willa, etc., p_re area on shortest nob`: no vars dninov hnninmu m . imcnc. Farm| 5 95??-.. iEsE'e'a.' in/"111-f':'c.,';S?e 'I{3 '8n';}mnes: no: .ao_yeu-s doing business in gimcoc. Parn1erS`5P'g -. allv invited to call and see us. Glad to see v0U- `. ; n':';w?~'i:Z'}i_"_'i".`:'.`L" `3_`1`_ :`.fu-.. Rame. .1?` ~ "5FFi'E'-1'5{$s'i Peter Street. Orillia. '1- ADVA N C E John Bogerson, Number of inches can re. JO t0 :>ErLI4I.\-I/7 Real Biute and -Insurance .\$:`_'; 4. , ' ` _. _-o un- Mtge tor consultation or advnce. . ` 0 FICE-0p ositc Danie Hotel. B3""'&] `dint Street- 0:3 Ha. 5 4 \JJ.2IJ\JL\J LU IJLJKJLLV .I.'JL: k` V \ 4 I LEGE had such an attendance. 0? so much sstisfuctidn to its`P' trons during the present session. Three Limes has it been necessary to extend seating accommodation, and fast tbevean be got ready, 0115 pupils go to situations. compiete equipmntgwa thorou2h' ' .lv up-to date establishment, in ever) 1 `line thorough, practical. saLiafactorY- \ . _. _ `1A` pay a't`t-end the` B. 0. U9` : Circular free for a post card. 1 w - 4 EXC E_ LS I O R Business college. 'AU'I`H.0RIZEI') CAPITAL. $5,000,000 . INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, ac. CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. A_'_,,L____ Fire and Life Kssuranca. [EVER in its history has the 15 DWI QT(\D 1ll'.ul`ML`uQ (`H BARRIE, onumo. 3 IOOOOOOIOOIOOOOOIOQOC/" 'c'1sL1a;: `IF L-) _-_-l, , _,__ nr Aovanns: IN lrmmg 20, 1902 at '9 '3 One Inset-;] Inset-! tions c 0:4\n nunna [I I | ! PRICE FOR mm ONUEABIO, Govms_minm's,.3ILL `wrnunucnng-nmrnannnun - TO 31: TAKEN. _ \ Premier Rosa brought". down his pro % hibiuign billhac week.` _v_._`_ The ActW"respesting the saleof in- `L toxicating liquors in the` Province of Ontario" is in two parts, and contains in. all 223 clauses. The ` first part, which is practically an election Act, providing forrthe referendum, contains 104 clauses ; the second part is a replica of the Manitoba Liqnor Act of 1900, and contains 119 clauses for the es- tablishment of prohibition in Ontario. The following is a. cohdenaunibn of she clauses. ` ' It is provided that the following question :--Are you in favor of bring-' ing into force ".l`he Liquor Act, 1902 2" shall be submitted to a vote of the elect- ors on October 14th next, being the second Tuesday at the said month. All persons whose names are on the lists of those entitled to vote at _t.he next general election of members to serve in the Legislative Aesemblj shall be entitled to vote.` T If the majority of the votes cast, are in tsvor of the Liquor Act, ,'l902 (i.e{, a measure of prohibition), and if the number of electors so voting, exceeds one-half of the total vote cast at the comingnbegislative elections; the "pro. hibitory clauses shall become law by proclamation. If carried at the polls on the abovr terms, the measurp of prohibition con- tained in part. l1.ia go come into effect on May Inc, 1904, that is, one year end a half after the referendum. Liceoses under the new Act to the classes of dealers permitted to sell under its provisions may, however, be issued at any time after `the referendum is taken, ' ` " Per: 11. ohhe Aco denes as urchi- jbited liquor all fermented, spirituous. and malt liquor, and all drinkable "liq- uors which are intoxieating. A D`:-uggiete wholesale ant; retail licen- ses may be issued for the sale `of these in specied quantities. nder `wholesale license alcohol ` to the quantity of ten gallons may be sold to any person for mechanical and scien- tific purposes, and "liquor to the quan- tity of ve gallons to any physician or Vretail druggist. ' n _. wen u .- - I Under ;_retail license a drnggistnmy, sell liquor to private individuals un- der bona-de prescriptions. A Dentists- may purchase one pint for professional use only," and veterinary surgeons two gallons. Clergymen are permitted to purohase_winepto__ the amount of two- gallons for sacremental purposes. B All purchases of Ii(iuOI:, with the exception Qf clergyman, erg required to, make aiavita. A aiok person is allowed to keep liquor in his room, if prescribed for him, but he must not let-any other person [drink Nothing in the Act shall prevent the manufacture of liquorfor export; to an- other province or 9. foreign country, or for sale to 3 license ' under the Act. Clubs and societies sire prohibited from having liquor on premises. The Act contains no provision against ghe importation of liquors or the con- an miption in a. private dwelling-house of such liquors purchased outside ihe pro-- vince. Bosrding and lodging houses are dened es public places, where con- eumption is prohibited. MIDLAND. Mrs A. A Osburne has taken a psnt' ner into his growing business in `the person of Mr. C. E. Smith, of Sprsgge._ The death occurred on Friday after- noon of Mrs. Fountain, of Midland avenue, in V the thirty-seventh 1 vear {of her age, after an illness of less than . a week. The family haven net `been in Midland many months, having come `here from Gannington. ' Mr. W. N. Earle, the popular man-i anger of the Midland Hockey Club; left on Wednesday morningfor Lindsay, where he has obtained employment in Sylvester Bro., anew mnnufaotox-y.` Billy 'Earl_e,as the boys called him, was _a very popular young men, endhisedepm tare ftfom townyaill be much felt; Pnumnmun In won 2 on nu` 0!. AV:!3'n88*rs;V~ WHY namuiurxam 18 min ~ , OA'1"A_RRH.. ? ~ . Thefollewingwie thegietofthe epeechee pf three Conservative members of the Aonee during the recent `debate on the budget : . ' . Dir. Hoyle who followed Mr; Lee of East Kent on Tnesdai rstriddled that then took on law l`9f0l`lD: . He showed_ how in his `own onunty_Judge Cartnell had"o'ered to perform duties for which another J udge was appointed. As a result three judges are doing less than two judges were doing a year ago. `He quoted" so eminent an authority as B.B. Osler, K.C. that a needed reformation invthe system of county judges would effect a saving to the Province of $7 5,- 000 per year. This is only one of the good points made by Mr. Hoyle, who is making his mark as one of the most ifective speakers on the oor of the House. 'gent[eman s;gures on timber sales and A. `Mr. McLaughlin of Stormontl de- clared he had been listening to doctors, "lawyers and editorseulogising what the Government had - done for agriculture but not one farmer hada word to say about it. As a matter of fact the far- mers themselves had made the.` rst move in every advance made in agri- cultural development; and the first en-' couragement to the dairy industry "came, from the. Conservative Govern- mentvin Ottawa prior to 1896. The Cold Storage Scheme had been ` fought `by the Liberals when introducediin the House of Commons by, Dr. Montague, `while of the money voted by the Out- ario Government for that purpose only 3500 had been applied for and that by a private industry that had been in ex istence for years. And in a similar strain Mr. McLaughlin `criticised the` Government pretensions to good roads, labor, etc. His sound business talk `stamps him as a good man for his county and forhis country as-a whole. ' Mr. Carnegie declared that the Con- servatives were not opposed to the Agricultural College, but that they con- tended that it should be put on a sound nancial basis--something that could be accomplished by business like man- agemen t. It did not follow because the Conservatives opposed the Western Dairy School at London they were against giving instruction in dairying. The results had shown the school to be too near the Guelph farm. Reports showed that five pupils attended that school and that there were ve instruct- ors-juat one for each pupil. Mr. Car- negie closed a rattling speech by charg- ing that in handling Crown Lands the Government went on the principle that revenue derived from timber sales was more to. be desired than population. msmmssme Em or consump- ` TION. A Toronto clergyman `tells of afamily in his congregation, which consisted of the mother and ve children-the father being dead:-four of whom in a few years have fallen. victims to con- sumption and died. And now the fth, a daughter, who is employed in the oice of a.` wholesaler, and who has been the one source of support to the mother, is obliged to leave _her work, realizing that she alsc--\-mainly, it is, believed, as a result ot nursing her brothers and sisters-has contracted this dread disease. Kind. friends are inter esting themselves in the case, but the diicultyemet with is to send her to a place where the proper care and treat- lmeot will be given. It is for such cases as this-aud there is hardly a clergyman in any city who is not constantly meeting such appeals- ` that the new Free Consumptive Hos: pital, under the auspices of the N ation- al Sanitarium Association,` is being built. The people of Canada as a whole `must feel grateful to Mr. W. `J. Gage and the executors of the late Hart A. lMassey, who outpof their own funds haye-erected this building. But be- fore it can be oc.cupied4it must be furn- ishedwith beds and other `proper furn- ishings and appointments. The Nat- ional Sanitarium Association, already carrying a heavy debt, arenot able to furnish the new building so generously . placed at their disposal; and are appeal- ing to citizens generally the Dominion over for $10,000 forithis - purpose. Chief J uatioe Sir. Wm. R. Meredith, 4- Lsmpot-t.TAve., Toronto, has kindly consented to receive contributions for the Free Oonaumptive .-Hospital ; or they can be a'entto J. Gage, 54` Wee t,:.Totonco:;_ or tlie.' e 70-..='Liinited;.1:22'Kip; It does not need the suggestion that this is the most pressing of all charities` at this` time, for the public are fully awakened to the widespread character of consumption, and also to the fact, "as demonstrated by the best medical au- thorities, was when -this`dissaseis mk- en hold of in its early stages it, as much as any other disease, is curable. T The new hospital, just so soon as the money isfraised to complete the furnishings, will be ready to receive fty patients, free of. charge-1-even their'jrail'wa'y fare will not be a tan upon ._thern. . ruaspv . ---" . *;- ., _:'_, I :.-- .~ . 1 `.: .;. -`-`~> at Y ;?%;~ `9 ~N0n'.rERN iwhat Paper Do You1? Friends Read ? gshow Him This Weeks Issue. NEXT MONTH3S MUSIC WILL BE I2 Sheets of Music Free. [TE[EADVANCE| BRAINS BEFORE DRILL. Under the above heading` the Orange Sentinel Inst. week published the fol lowing editorial, which about hits the mark :- One thing that the war in South Africa has demonstrated clearly is that the well-drilled, disciplined, and obedi- ent Tommy Atkins is not the equal of the brainy, untrained, alert Colonial. This has-been illustrated in so many cases that it sounds somewhat strange to hear a Canadian oicer exalting drill as a chief requirement` of the militia. Colonel Buchan, in an address to the Military Institute at Toronto last week, urged the necessity for more drill. That may be all right for officers, who must be familiar with military science. But our experience. during the past few years proves that drill is not as essen-i tial in the make-up of a good soldier as initiative and brains. All the drill that is requisite" for modern warfare can beiacquired in a very short time if the soldier has the intelligence of the men who were sent to Atrica 'trom Canada. The soldier of the line in the British Army has the enthusiasm (drilled out of him. He becomes an automaton, because he has to. "He can and does die game when the colonel so orders it. and excites the admiration of the world by his uninching bravery. But he does not accomplish results, and a sold- ier s value is not determined by his readiness to meet death, but by his!re- souroefulness in avoiding it.. From that standpoint, which is assuredly the best, Canadians make splendid ghters, even when they are not brought to a high degree of perleotion in the matter of `drill. Discipline there must always be in a well-organized army. Drill, is organization, and must be learned. But when these things are carried `so far . that the individual practically loses his ' identity, an army is not much more ef. fective than a brick wall which resists * the advance ofthe enemy. V , l IJJIIIIIO CABSOADDlN-At Oollingwood, on Sunday, February 9th, 1902, Sarah Jane, beloved . wife of J oueph Gsrncaddon, aged 51 yrs. . DUNNn'rr--.-Ac" Collingwood, on Sunday, Februur 49th., 1902, Margaret Clinton, "70 ,h!+ .r9ll_.ot- 0. theuuulml-mu Dunnetc. nod WEST blmcon. PLOUGHMEN l At the annual meeting of the West Simcoe Ploughinu Association. held at. Stayner, the following oicers were el- ected for 1902: President, John Mc- Kee; vice-President , Geo. Spearing ; `Directors, D. Currie, W.G-. Isaac, N ot- tewa; J. Smith, J. KellY. Duntrocn} ' E. Doyle, Betteuu; Wm. Young, Alex. .McAl't.hnr, Creemure; N. 'McEacher_n, Steyner; T. Weatherup, Ceehtown ; G. AB. Weatcotlz, Sec,-Treee., `(Jollin`g-w_ood.T W-EBB-- A`t Grenfel, on Sunday, the 2nd of` Feb., 1902, soon to` M1`. and M1-e_Alberp Webb._ ` 1 , Wxmvrou--An Elmvale. on Feb. 7th, 1902, the~ wife o$f,,Mr. John Whigton, of 3 danghber._' V O -`-1: . You read THE NORTHERN AD- VANCE when you want news of Bar- rie and the County of Simcoe. Have you a. friend who doesn't: take a loeal paper, or who doeen t get all the local news? Paid-up Suhscribere get at least 12 pieces of Sheet Music Free dur- ing the year; Februa.ry a_Music_ is going out with this issue- If your neighbor doesn t take Tm: ADVANCE . show him or her the Music too. The nextrissue of our Musical Supplements will be on March 6th. $1.00 a year `in advance. I WONDER 11-` sun WANTS ME BACK AGAIN. Eight Solid Pages : Week. ' 52 Weeks for a DOLLAR. BORN. (SE8. \.n|wu- ' street. -Barrie. W AUL'_I`-`Barriste|-. bolicitor. Proctor, Notary. = o Conveyance:-, etc. Spccial attention an awing gnu ,pnobat1ng wials, obtaining letters of administration and guardianship, cotecning accounts, etc. . Rosa Block. Barns. Monev to Loan. uuuunn -~_-.._` , DONALD Ross. LL.3. , '0SS & BROKOVSKI. Barristers, Solicitor! Notariea, yonvcyancers, etc. Oices Bank 0' '1.oronto`Buildi`ng. Barne. Branch Oice, Cold` water. Money to Luau. ` "`-~- -- - I. C. Bxoxovsxx. I TE Barristers, Solicitors tor obtaining probate of NNOX, ARDAGH, cow AN 6: BROWN. wxils._guardi_ansh_ip" and administration, and General Sohcitors, Notaries, Llonveyancers, etc. Haucirrou Lnnuox, Aucx. Cowzm, B. Hou-`cap ARDAGH, G. E. Lbnowx, L.L.B ' _ Oices: Hinds Black, No. 6. Dunlop street, Bar- DYE Lenn 7 CCARTHY, BOYS 8: MURCHISON. Barris-. ters. Sollciturs, Conveyancers. etc. Success- ors to McCarthy, Pepler& McCarthy. OFce-McCa.rthy Block, Dunlap Street, Barrie. ` " ``" - W. \ __._..__.._.____.. G `A. RADENHURST, Barrister, Attorney. . Solicitor in Chancery. Conveyancer, etc. 0tee-First door Owen street. oirer bank or Com- --.-- Rm-rie. ( 49.43. meme, 1 Ontario. .1, -ro'&;Jr's ._ Nola Money to loan. Ofnces--J C. E. Huwson. D ~ llllnaunn -, bolicitors in High Court of Notaries Convcyancers. utnces over the Bank of T oronto, Ra:-r32. ` I A- 1...... no 2 NI. L719 \u'|uu.- -7 Notary, etc. 1940-: and Stayner. Barne n..:m;..a nwen street, Ind btayncr. um . .- | Building, Owen street, DR. 1.. C. SMITH, L.C.P.E Harvie 85 Smith, -cornerAof Owenand Colher s R. w. A. ROSS,\Physicia.n, surgeun, etc., L. | R.C.S. Edin,, L.R C.P.. London. Offices and night ,resiuence-drowu's *Block, Dunlop street, Barrie} Telephone 77. - -`---r V --i- DR. J. F. Palling, Graduate of Trinity Umversity Toronto, Fellow ot Trinity Medical College, Member ot the College of Physicians and. Surgeons of Ontario. and Residence, 18 Owen street. R. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. 8: 5., Edin- burgh; M.F.P. 8; 8., Glasgow, member of British Upthalmologicalv Society. Specially.- Dueuseu of Eye, Ear, Tnroal. and Nose. OF F lCE.--78 Dunlop Stteet, Sanders Block, Bar- rie. opposite Post Oice and Railway atation. . Phone 54. P. O. Box 96. 7-ly i_`i_.I`.'f: owns Towns i-xusrnme` T L5-';_`I`hs number of tdwns and cities in ;' Ontario that are interesting themselves the sneonrsgement of industry," value `in cnnnicipal ownership, is" increasing.` _7The foil wing is 3 list of by laws sab- mama in Ontario as snznmsried by the Municipal Wurld:- ` S. BROAD. M. D. C. M.. F. T.'M. C.. L. C. . P. S., 0.. late resident Physician and burgeon 0: Toronto General hospital. with special attention to Diseases or Women, and Nose and Throapworx, also tor some time surgeon in charge of Emergencv dospital. '1 oronto. Office and night residence-upstairs in McCarthy Bnock, ax Dunlop St, Barrie, second door east of Dougall Ru-no, rm-mmm warerooms-near Five Points. uumop $0, Danna, aepvuu -V... .. Bros. furmture Phone 105. ____ QTRATHY & ETEN. I r` B Hours-u to x. -on)! DRS. HART Gs HART Fred J. Han, M.D.. M.R.C.S., Eng.. L;R.C.P., London. - - SPECIAL'1`Y-Diseases Of` Chest, Stomach, and Nerves ; Consulting Physician. - OFFlCES--Lane BfT._cor. Dunlop and Mul- caster ats. . 52-ly I _ ` ` Telephone 12; ` Victor A. Hart. M.D., L. R.C.P. and S, Edinboro, L.F.P. and S., Glasgow. SPE.Cl;\LTY-Surgery Midwilery, Diseases of Skin ; Consulting Surgeon. -j...-. ._.._:. _._ _._____ __ .~,._, , ` R. 13.`. L. BRERE ICON. Denta: burgeon. Otce ' over Hambly's nardware. Entrance, Owen Street. Our. ot town xs: and 1rd Monaays 0! each month.` - - ' 51-lv I I1. Lxuu. rxuvrun. runua LU Lklnn U. on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Dissounted. Collections made in any part of the County. Real estate bought and sold. C6nvey- ancing in all -its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. 0ice-Ross Block. Uunlop street Barrie. 4c-i\'. ' the term. 7 l`\Jl\ 11` V DD 1 AIIILLV 8 OD gUUU as freehold security at lowest rate of interest. Nokfrincipal money required until end of . . H. STRA IHY. bolicitor. Etc.. `I2-um... Hamilton $25,090,for stock` in the ggsmilton and Calidonia electric rail- `1ray;Ayr, $3,000 for permanent side- ` tnring Company; Collingwood, $S,000,a I toy, to erect a grist mill; Gait. free site`, , chair -factories; Meatord, $16,000 for 5 `V electric lighting; New Hamburg, felt works; Oakville, local option; Ottawa, 0. walks; Carleton Place,to reduce licenses ~` of saloons and hotel; Chatham, $25,000, F a loan to a new , industry; Collingwocd, 1 $20,000, a loan" to J. J. Zock Manufac- ` I I loan to Stewart & Cameron, of Strath- tor sugar factory;Guelph, majority for l municipal ownership; Kincardine, bon- `uses and exemptions for furniture and 4 cabinet factory; Milton, civic control of -1 nlunicipal system of telephones, `taxa- tion not to exceed one mill in the dollar to support the hospitals, and abolishing the parks board; Peterborough, $230, .000 to purchase Peterborough Water works Company; Petrolia, exemption of pork factory; Sandwich, exempting Saginaw Lumber and Salt Company and J. H. Bishop Company for taxa- tion; Seaforth, $8,000, for drainage; Walkerton,grant to beet sugar company; Wiarton, $25,000, beet sugar company.