Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 9 Jan 1902, p. 8

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Previous to eureregularannual St0k'*'t`~ki'ls'a W W5-IN Y0 I'+'*xnn+- sum-!: 'te lowest possible amount, as dictated byvbest ln1siw:~"~' I"i'3il"{"-' 'l"`-* is -`I1-'~`== `desirable so as to make room for early arrivals of new S|.n'in__: (_.`m.l.<, A f'uz-dwv; ':a d_vantage tube gained is in converting all Wimer (z`r-eds Lu c-;m1.. e-: anling us -- u. 1 1' (I :L_._........ -_l` l..,._ ""'-"'D` ""' O _ ~to do businessvon smaller capital. In futherance of =11es+.- in..,H.,.,.3_ M. (,Vhm.\.,,A for this week ss cial sellino the followin arnnnzz (`)b|1w'iC('-.n-5 " .. . .. . . ea - . l_|u._y nmlu. interesningpries for nheypresent byers: Special Fm Pr-ices. On Saturday morning the mercury reached_8 deg. below zero. This is the lowest` temperature so tar this winter. Jun >9 . C n Millinery Specials. between Allandale and our boys. The gamejwas rough from start to nish although no one was seriously hurt. At half time the score was 4 to 3 in favor of Allandale and after having 5 minutes rest our boys came on the ice as fresh as ever and scored 6 straights, making the scare 9 to 4 in favor of the home team.l The teamslined up as follows : _Allandale-goal, Greeneld ; point, C. Pouoher; cover point,` R. McDonagh; forwards, N. Johnston; A. Walker, Fleming, Longhurst. 'l'hornton--Goal, Hvxon; point, Jae. A. Stewart; cover `point, Csllighsn; forwards, Jno A. Stewart, L. Thomp- son,- S. Malle, O. Scythes; referee, Doc Johnston, Barrie. i`;l;-Wa1king Hats all reduced. Carpets and Rugs. 3 full pieces all wool Ingrain Ca.rDet,. new designs,Agood colors, good value at 750 a. yard, 50c. Several pieces of good Union Carpet: in ends 1 of 10 to 35 yards, \ortl1 500. to 60c. per \ yard. selling at 406.. ' ` `A quantity of Brussels Carpet priced to make room for next so-ason's importntions.` $1 Carpet for 75. V V V Smyma Bugs and Axmiusters, I yard to 1-}, 1 vards long, at $1 each. M I Some timeago the neiivs reached here that Marshall` D. Davis, of Chicago, formerly of this place, died suddenly of heart failure recently. M r. Davis was a son of Commodore Wm. Davis of Mid- land, and had many relatives and friends here. ` On Christmas day this place was the sceneof a very pretty wedding, the con- tracting parties being Mr. John Nelson and Miss Emma, fth daughter of -Mr. Geo. Ostrauder. The young couple were united in matr'iino'n_v"'at le Con- gregational manse, Edgar, the Kelly performing the marriage cere- mony. Mr. Robert Marshall assisted the groom and/Miss Tillie, sisters of the bride, acted as bridesmaid. After the service the wedding party drove to the bride's father where a large number of the bride s and groom : relatives. had ev. Mr; assembled, and a , sumptuous wedding dinner was partaken of. The bride was the reoipint of. nil? Valuable _and use- full-presents someof which Iwe"re`.as. fol- e ion:-7 8iler- -rs butter? ~ oodlr; Mr; L }R. . `lllarahe .$ Q51??? ;`.cr'u6b .494 ~h,g;Ise.vnr=is a Mr s Meme: Big` Bay Point. Advance Correspondence. A . Our Sunday school held: its Christ- mas tree lass Thursday evening. A` very good program was orovided. The chief event of the evening was the pre-' sentation to Mrs. Wm. Smith of a handsome silver tea. set and an address. Mrs. Smith, who was superintendent of the Sunday school, has left. here to re- side in, Barrie. The address A was as follows : , To Mrs. Wm. Smit.h,- -- _ .1, _c .I_- cw.-.._.1_`_ ..-i.,.,.1 Mr. Thmas J ohnabon, Bf Markham, visited his relatives here last week. 6 Astrachan Mantles, 36 inches long, re- liable make; choice of Satin 0!` Farmers" Satin lining, worth $30; to $35, for $25. 3 Astrachan Coatw, 30 inches, saiin linings, 1 prices to close, $25. Balance of stock of Muifs, Boas, Oaperines, Mitts, etc., all marked at ciearing prices. A We are making a closing out sale of our elegantly trimmed Ladiwes Winter Hats, best selling designs, quantity limited. but i priced to clear, $1.90, $2.50, $3.50 and $4 50. . - .- u. q __,,- -- __-__ -- __- _ Owin' to the variations of the Canadian climate, consi erable allowance must be made in all fences for contraction and expansion, which makes an or- dinary wlre fe ce unserviceable, as when it expands it becomes 301 _e as to prove of little value. Note the continuous coil makes it e no and selfiregulating. The Page Wire Fenceis madeof Page wire, which 18 twiceas strong as ordina wire. Prices are particular! V low thisiseason. 50,000 miles of Page fenc now in use. e alsomake Gates. Ornamenta FencesandPouJt Nettin . the Pa ewlre enco 00.. Limltod.WalkerviIIe.0nt. FRAWLEY E9 DEVLIN IVIAIN STREET. BARRIE. NOW OPPOSITE G.T.R. STATION AND PObT OFFICE. FEBRUARY Ist, .1992 UPQIRDUPBE. Advance Correspondence. `LU Allin. vv u.Io rqmuauu 9 . We,` the friends of the Sunday school at Big Bay Point, desire on this OCCII9 sion to express our hearty appreciation of your work in connection with our ` Sunday school. The foundation of the school is due to your zealous efforts, and its continued success is chiey due to your unwearvinz. diligence. You have not spared yourself, but "have given yourself unreservedly to the work. For all that this means for ourselves- and our children we owe you more than words can express.` We regret very much your removal from our midst, but are assured that your absence will not in the least diminish your interest in our welfare. We pray that the Lord may bless you abundantly in your new sphere of labor. As a slight token of our esteem,- will you please accept of 1 this silver tea. set. We trust it may serve to remind you of your pleasant andhelpful associations with us. ;'Page Woven Wire `Fence :x..:-'_ L- 4.1.- _.._:..:..-..._.. -3 u... n.......::.... ..l:.......4.. I Blanlsetx and Comfm-f(:'rs.- Maggie Robinson, Midhnrat ; lemonade set, Mr. "and Mrs. T. Nelson. Dalston ; pair of Lfowels, Mrs. Geo. Ostrmder; set or gmsaware, Mr. and Mrs. A. Oadea; aTairm.clock, Mr. Phillip J ory, Barrie; china ta set, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mtirahull. Mr, and MN. Ne`~1a0r* will reside at Uhthoff Their mauv friends of this vlllage wish rhem is long life of happiness. A Bargain Lot. f Midhurst. Advance Lorrespondence. Miss Ella Hubbert, of Barrie, ia`at present the guest of Miss Stella Coutte. . .. . ' ith St. The social In connection W . `33 d Pdul s Church will be held on E116 ` inst. . V L r\\.Uu __----gr `Ivy. U|.|'I \JlIUU& uu 11' `j are back at. the Barrie Collegiate Insti- tute; A 80000000000000 000000000000 000000000000000000000000 0008 of Dress Skirts, Blouse Waists, I)ressi ng Sacques and Wrappers, Ladies and Child. ren's Underwear, Knitted Goods, Gox-....-_ Hosiery, etc. ' . Cloth/mg. uunohu .. .., .. -uuv a4UUJ`V]I U` `J returxietiiome last. week after a short visit hre. ' A WW and event happened I-use Sat- `'d3Vs When deaoh again entered and k from amongst us a bright and _-Promising young man in the person of Mr. JAB.`-Garvin. Mr. Garvin contrac- Nd * very severe cold couple of weeks 830 ivhich: developed into pneumonia `and in spite of all that medical aid could (In `A451. -_ I v ` 53, .. .. ..._.uu ul uu_ mat. medical mu Counu `he 0" of 33 Years. The funeral :00!` P1339 Oil Monday bein conducsed by the RbVv-EVV. Paton. The fl)-ml tri- t'.`:."'0 many and shows! the reac- p." i`K"hi`ch the deoeused was held by hi` fgndio The pull-beazjere were five a nephew viz , John, Da- George and Armur, and H VJ.-ale`, dh took him quietly from us, at M -Mr. `S. G. Cotton has_ again calfe P This duties here, after spending his holl- daya in` Croanland. mug t0 hold a public deliverd by 3 df_V.1h9mpson and "ta? qghton Len- ' 9`.510ll Tuesduy, Jan. Just to hand`; a law pun-c}m.~;e of \\ m,] -Blankets, good yarn, soI't:unl nice, win. pink,`bluc 0!` combination h:.1`c1(-rs, vXf:(:p- tional values. . ` A good 5 lb. Blanket as above. $2. A large Blanket, 6 lbs , for $2 40. 71b and 8 lb. Blanketsr at proportiomm-l)= low prices. Cotton Blankets, grey and white. at 65 -,, 75c. and $l'a pair. Reversible Comforters, made: of hewy American Sateen Coverings, doublv but size for $1 50. 24 Men s Suits, made up of several hrok.-n lots, all "sizes represented, Canadian :mI.l English Twceds. Special, $5 Another special lot of about 30 Suits, ;{Iu)\l values at $8 and $10 the suit, now pl-in-.1. :1? $7.50. _ Dr. Wrai, of Port Colborne, has re- jurned home after visiting his sister, . I Extra values thls week in Men s aml P)H.\'\' Overcoats. See our '01) wriccs in Bo`.-s Suits at Sf] 7 A. _n on 1 .mr\ -vn $1.5oV.w$2"am1 $32.50. Mi98 B8l'tha Urroci; and H. J. Paton .. L-,I . `.- Mr. Githetl Leadly, of Cookatown, ntnr-and l.;._.... I__;. _ _ _ _L....> 5""s"*S :7:..`-.,. ;' -I 9, `I802 ' Wyebridge. V Advance Correspondence. Miss Hattie Copeland is visiting in Toronto.` afte divi Edi writ the THI ioooooooooo6:obboooooooococoooooooooooooooooooooQooo3 I Mrs VW. E. Farr. _ . . Mrs. A. Biahopric is spending is weak ` in Epronto. - , . ' V ` L In an . II III 1,, :_ Mrs. J. Craighead; of Midland; visit- ed with`-her parents last week. \lIu `IX V30 om Nhsa Lilla'Gar'diue1,-, `of Toronto, is; home for a months vocation. Mrs. Braiden and son are visiting relatives Wyevale this week. Miss M". J..S3nicfz, of Midland, has returned_ home afer spending in few days with M18. A. Lummis. . ` F-IVYVIVI-e.T 7H.eV:nu1'ingvgav left last week to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Burgoyne, of Strabfurd. ' UI-I .I.llIllB\lm] I-I UU nun Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dyer, and family spent New Years at Shroud. 7 s . ,1 _ Ill'___l__`. ..,;,,1_ Hdlly. Advance Correspondence. Miss Addie Hurst, of To:-onco,_is visiting friends here. `ll - AIL....L fI:Ln.-.o. v-nlrnnnnra in thn' Vlllllps IIIUUUD uvl Us I Mr. Albert Gibson. returned to the : |Soo on Thursday last. ` `I `ll'__,, f`I..- 1\...... nut` lI'.'HUUUl' a At: the school-`meeting of S. No. 12 on Wednedgdav, .Mr. Dyer was re elected trustee. ` ` -.-rm..- _.- . _ , School ooenoo ito-TdaTsyT (Monday) with Mr. Geo. Vanderburgyot Thornton, as [teacher{ - - - _,_nn :1 wr- 10` A number irom here spent an enjoy- able evening at the Parsonage, Allan-A | dale on New Yeai-'3 night. - .'-.4 .- vu--v ..._ Mrs. ijnsepn and Eennedy Gibson and Muss Gibson, entertained a number -of their friends on Monday, evening of -- u-rr n rn I ,. A1I-...I_l.. ..-.5 usuu W Gun. Mr. W. Taylor, Allandale, put two cold air conductors in the -church here last week, whichjnakea a great impro-vement. mu sum slx. isms-ae South-:AVVAeetern Divleien. with _ l:a_ Pleasant streets`. its trastv Dwell- ings, its; Pretty Churches. and its Go- a-head People wall Entlce Settlement --A Weeklv Record of its Domes. _ V . C.O.C.F. lneels on Tuesday, Jan. 14. , PhilliaTMeeking has gone to Toronto` to. live. , . A. `E.9Hex'xdereon has gone to Bruntford to Awon_'k there. ' ' I `D. Bnidge spent Sdnday withhie pa`rent.s.' " V -In -r u n - s - - Mr. J aniea Wilson, of N iagara Falls, is home on a visit; J ' "1-fag` 3A1tLwA_;1r omrrnn or THE` ' - ` ' .Is'U'ru1u:`c;-rY.- ,V V Missmay Tindall has been visiting friends in Toronto, , , ' Mr. Wm. Got-inpg spent} a fw days in the city last week.` ` ~ Gab, Moxllsh is trying `his hand as xeman on the` G.T.1i. . The S.O.E. win we a special meet? in 00 night (Thursday). . -I~1-\-I- L.O.L'.- No. 432 -;vill meet nex Thursday night, Jag. 16th. ' Mr. deorge liswi; of Depot Harbor, is home on a two weeks visit. % Mr. Hart, of Sutton, spent the -past week with ft-_iends'in the 6th ward. Mis Clarn.1Rainey, of Knock,` isbn u week a visit to Mrs. Wm. Walker. `Mr. Frad.`V. Hamlin left on Monday for Toronto Medical College $0 resume his studies. ' `L Mrs. Brvnns and daughter, [of New York, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James Furlong. 'Il' III u A :'n.- _ Mr.` R. A. Levialefc on Friday for Gelert, Victoria County, where he has eecured a _ position as `public school teacher. ` ~ ' Mr. Chas.`]`!-`doors left on Friday for Winnipeg, where he has secured a posi- tion as reman on the C.P.R. Conduicbor Jnhn Dalton returned to 1 his duties in Ohatham after spending ` the holidays "with his parents here. l' `\ - . M'r..and Mrs. Jamieson, of North Bay, were the guests at Mr. and Mrs. M. Brown, Cumberland street, during the past week. . j - ' ' `On NewYear s night on At Home wneheld at the Methodist Parsonage. Games and social conversation were dis order of the evening. A very enjoy: able time was spent by `all present. D.ut-lug the severe wind storm. on Tuesday of last week part of the chim- ney of the new Presbyterian church was blown down. or is it. going on on the quiet? Wonder? what has become of `the Young Men s Benet: Society 1" We hear nothing of it now-a-days. Have the Young ladies given up in despair, The Allandale hockev team` was de- feated byithe score of 8 to 4 by the Thornton` club on New Year's night. The following composed the 'Allo.udele players: C.VPonoher, Alex, Walker, R. Levia, R. MoDon_ngh, W. Greeneld, E. Longhuret and R. Whitebreed. On the Saturday night previous the Allen- dale team defeated the Thornton club by a score-of 3 to: 1. - Rev. J. A. Rose, of Churchill, occu- pied ` the "pulpit of the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening and preach- ed one of his. excellent eermuns. T A number of young people of the sixth ward bed a very enjoyable hop as the home of Mr. Forbes `en the 8th concession of Innisl on New Years night. 3 nd Mrs. _'.l`hoe. Schrieber and children returned to their home, To- ronto J unctnon. on Saturday, after spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark. ' The N ewmarkec Era says :-M r. Albert Cain, son of Constable -Michael Cain,wee _home this week_ on a visit. He wrote gt the civil` eervice examiua~ tion and has the honor` of coming out head of the list with 99% per cent. Newman-ket buys alweye stand well in au_oh team : hit.` A. Gun : many friends In this vicinity congratulate him on his sncaeea. He was a great favor; ite with railway men while on the par- lor oar.` ` St. George`a.Sabbath school held their annual Xmas tree on Friday evening last A very enjoyable evening was spent by the young folks. Before the . giving of the presents` the following program wasxgiven :-Song, Edna Gor- ing ; recitation, Gladys Patchell ; song, Edna Mc0aualand ; recitation, Bcbecca Srigley; song, Jennie Gibson; Rose Maiden`: Drill by 8 girls 3 comic song by two coona, Abraham White and _ Sam. Brown ; dialogue, Who on Airth is He; song, F. Hamlin; recitation, Ethel Srigley; `recitation, Rebeoca Sriglev : aong,.Myrt.le Patchell 3 recita nion`, Euhel. Storey; song by 4 girls; `.`Prince` George," chorus, by 6 girla; dialogue, The `Train _"1`o-Morrow; aong,`by 4g girls; chorus bythe Sunday School.``: Beaidee _the above Mr. O. -"Walton-_-_delighoad the audience with a - nu'mghr=cf1eelectiona_,on his gramaphone; ` Augie: the-_program9waa o1;'e1;::`,;tlIe heart: a 5'fii"'<.P5P19 were:*rIirhted:bv : Xtnain . from < ` -J-Death came to the release of Minn Nel- oop, of _0r`eomora, ;ou' Tnagday morning of ,1?-`,6 W!=:":~*sh ne._vt_ %r:s~ined4 ~tfh9 Eieiof. % Yuri"-inne-`:sh9 {* .*%`:;:'.% ; v .\ . THE` 1*1?TH5``N*,4'15VANE~ 4.03,---a `IIIIIO Buckwheat .... . . Pease ......... . . Pease. large. . . . -. _Bar_ley....I..~.... Ry: ..... . . . . . . . ~Flour ......... . .. Red Clover; . . . . . Alsike. ... . . . . . . | IJIVB FIUES, 5CIaJC`lUll5 I73 LU `30: a o n ` . heavyorlight........... Clzickeng ' ....... Geeseeac pe_rTlb....... . . . . Tu'rke,vs.perlb......v......,...;..-.. Ducks, efpair.................A.... Butter, oll,perlb.........'........ Butter,Tub.per1b................. Lardperlb....... Eggsper doz...... ....... .. . Apples,p_erpecI-T.....-.............. Applesperbarre!................... Potatoes.perbag....., . . . . . Hnyperton...- . . . . . ...........`.... Wool.wa.shedperlb................ Wool. unwashed. per lb... .'. `. Wood,a>ft..percord............... ` Wood. 4tt.. percord............... Anthracite coal. per ton..\.... . . . . . . Rough Hides.....'........`. Cow Hides ..... . . . . .. Calfakins per lb. Tallow pen-lb.............. Horse Hair per 11).. ..... .. Lambskins and, pelts. . . . .. H0rSe Hides. . . . . . . o-oulnu whiten.-tenzeulcyounu-on-noI Wheat,redw..... ................. Wheat.goose...................... Spring.................... BarIey...... ........... I I i I I O II UUIOIIIQQ Rye..... . . . . . . . . ............-...... Pmoneonoutoouuooa-uoolcltclotool Hay, til'l'l0thy.................uu-.J Dressed hogs............T....,...... Butten-perlb...... ..... Chickens, spring................... Turkeys,pen-lb...............'...... Ducks,. Geese. . . . . . . Eggs perdozen..................`.. Potatoes, perbag . . . . Beef.I-lindquarters per cwt.......... Beeforequarters per cwt...... ..... Mutton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vealperlb. . . . . . . . . . . .. Are Fashionable Not invisible but nearly so. i The can be made up. with either solid gol , old lled (warranted to years), 1` or iii el trimmings. They are not expensive. We adjust them 53 that they are perfectly adapted to the features. Brentwood. Advance Correspondence. Mr. Sevigny, of Barrie, was the guest of fxuienda here. .~iss Emiiy Bishop. of Ba_rrie-,4 was the. guest of Mrs. John Bishop, -New Years. ` Rimless Glasses `ISEi;s~.IVessVieTii)ia.vids9n, of Barrie, spent her Christmas Holidays at her home here. |- Maude Simpsgn, of Thornton, was the guest of Mrs`. J. D. Gmley N ew Years. ' ' - it-[r`..(-)harleja Warner, of*Toronto, who the guest of Mrs. Warne . ' -- 1` l`l__,,,2_ ~_A_L Miss Cvomorbin, nd Miss Georgina Qomsrsin, of Toronto, were visiting at their home here during the holidays. - '2'-_ " .'_F*-`:'-.;`.R"3"' Mrs. I;-o-`v;;__a;':,;|;uV' [a few days in Allandale but weak. GIlCIl\II--U nuvv v Mr. A. StewI;r-l;;;;ben the tune:-:1 `of his I'.IephQW in Toronto last. week. "` "` --~- L-..'olmn I18 Z'_.l'lK.a'Uf`U" nuuux uuv; 3IJl\:DO- `-romnm~'mgrme ?punnc the weak.`- 7 muum: aIuIN_uAxx3fr, ` _ ` . .: " BAksIx.JAN-i8-"99 heat .... 73 to `Jl IIIS IIVVIDIIW -1 --_-____ Mr. Geo. Thompson hag .[ rented-'t.he house lutply occupied by Mr. A. St_ev6n- BUIII ` Missed` M. Fiesher. T. Boake and E. Spronle started back to the B.C.I., {After Xmas vacation}. , `- 11'_,; QIKUC JIJIIDU vuuvuuwuuupu ` Messrs. Geo, B. Henry -and Jno. A. Stewart have decided to, take a course in. the Excelaior _Busineps Gqileqe. ks. _oury (anions Ahuntexi, ;~%9?4~1m w9ek Scientific Ojpgician, MacLAREN'S DRUG STORE. .BARRlE Toronto Farmers Markets. - ~ azxaut. rnonucx.` Thornton. Tonom-o. ; . JAN. 1, 1902. A. Q(\, '5 Do... fs .,__._ E`- Z lffl. J 0 22 70 9 2':

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