A Special discdunt o all Wool and cashmere Hosiery. The regular values speak for themselves, and when these prices are discounted it -means a great saving to the buyer. Every pair is reduced. i In clearing out our Millinery Stock, price and value count for nothing, We do not wish to carryover any goods to mix with our spring stock ; every thing must be new, So all 5 There s zilways a choice. of Bargains. Shop early are offered at .a very low price to clear, All orders taken will also be lled at greatly reduced prices. Special attention given to mourning orders. If yotr are looking for somewhere to spend your Xmas money you can spend it to good advantage for useful articlesat Hambly Hardware Stoze. We have a large stock of Table Cutlery, Carving Sets, Silver Plated Knives, Forks and Spoons, Rocket Cutlery, Scissors, Nickle Plate Trays, Tea-Plots and Tea Ket les, Skates and Bells. J. R. HAMBLY Christmas Buyers We don t claim that our clothing is better than the merchant ta.ilor s high priced productions, but we do claim [and our goods will back the cla"iml] that no tailor can use ngsl than are put into our garments, , ` priced > workmen than those who make A` can give you rnore correct style than i . V. H n in our garments. As to fit, 1 in nine cases out often the t of o ' `erments will be found to be perfection.` In the tenth case our own tailors will alter the garment so is auto "give perfect satisfaction. Our prices are about one third` to one half thechsrges for lmiade to order garments. ' ' ` l "Kt no tailor employs higher rments. That" no tailor : -, er fabrics, trimming and lin- Va-tau-u n The wek s Iotuls of Boer casual -A tics . are 36 men killed,` 9 wounded, `261 made prisoners,_and 72 sur- rendered. rI\I I .1- L. -1 __ rl\-.__ ,, ,,,,_,._ Suits $5.00 to $20.00 0Overc0a.t $5.00 to $15.00` %:HL_Jl\|%TE.'.F? A See our Bissell for the ` ' Xuiasv trade for ` BL1lUJJ.N F93. BEJL ME vvvvvw Oppositg Post O`/ice. 3 CLOTH IERS. BARR IE5 $2 5o| TheBHSSELL MAKES A MOST ACCEPTABLE PRESENT TO THE w1EE-:2; SBMESERIUUSSKIRMISHES] Phone 14 ituor Valentino um 18 Mon Word Klllod ' and Five Omcois and >28 an WOT?` Wound'o_a_l--Louw'a Luger` Sn:-P":'_` and "mu non mum! and so C-vWI`"' --Gon. F:-ouch Report: That Capo C01` ' . on: Only Sends Police Now. .the a.(l(Yili0n of 21. S(]ll1L(h`()l1 V Fra.nl Kitchoner's blockhousc system in the ]`r:msvaal is com.lcm11c'd by (-},-rman military o.xpe'1'Ls. \\'l1u~5zxy lhzlt. V i_t con1p1 cripph.-s the ;!1':nsive pow'- ` er of the British m'm_v and destroys the morale of -thc_ troops. ' 3. increase Li;;'l-.t- I!-vrsr .lh-igndn. Durban. Jan. 7.--\Vit.h the consent .In11.-8.-A- I of Lord `R0bc1`t,S'a11'1(1 1,l1c_up'1n'ova.l of M Lord .Kitchene1', it, h-as her-n dec'u1L~.d, to increase "the Inxpcri-.11 ;.jg}1L Horse M Brigade, making` it truly imperial. by }rea.t, Britain, Canada and tr-ulia. from ` Aus- % J Halifax, Jan. 8.-,--.-Dy to~cl:1_\' or to-D morrow the men of the C.fl\I.1`.. will all have lrceived thcir outts and the work of placing stores on the troopship llfunlmtt,-.m will commence. 1`he.troop's-hip is all rczuly to re- ceive thc men and horses. mud out-` side of fodder, fresh nmuts and ice, will require very little in the line of stores. 11; is now Ul()lIg`]lt. .tha.tl she will sail by Tuesday ut the ' latest. - Ott.aLWn,. Jan.` 8.--IIon. Dr. Bbrden received the following; u.-leg,-mm last; evening from Lieut.-Col. Ev-uns,com-9` manding the` `Canadian I\Iu'unted Ries: ""Hulifax, Jam. 7.--Repor.ts "of accident, greaLl_v. nxaugg-cz~a`ted. Woodsidc will return 1.0 duty in,1,wo. days. Other accidents uqtxully `in-` significant. -2 TJ- n,__,_ -n>,,_,- . - ,, ,'=,- Lieu t. Corr `uV'ouhdod. London. 'Jan. 8.~.Full details - of the capture - by a. Bri1i.<-h force of Nodiz Fort, which_ haul boenvseized` by a, gang of Persmn raiders, state; that Lieut. Cory Son, of Chas. D. Cory of '1_`oronto, W-.129: zLn1()ng the ser- iously wounded. Lxcut. Cory was 1ea.ding* 1Jhe charge of the Bojnb'ay" Sappers against Muhamexl Ali when he was stricken down. London. Jah. '8 -.~A xnov-3mo.nt been started `in Liverpool to replmge`. iforeigners on British ships by _Bri9t,+f.l lish sailors. 2 M . rust, o_ 3 Viv "UK-D` VV "J *4`"`` 'U1Hlll|,` '_ It is pointed out- that most Va!-,'; 'se1s under the. Ul1i0D J-dclg all-e ,ned-`by seamen of other u;~_r,io'mg1i t,**,'g`g -auch__an `extent that in 1,he; .~"""T`-=`f W1. aa E'1.I'9P.9n war the -British; ` pI`o.;te=ct;.,;i}ts Iuercam; 4:71: Dclasaubbo ; This is the outcome uf an ,:,,git-at: 'tion started by Lord I{0mn.3y_ - T4 31: n\uII-uni gal!`-:n,..L am. 9, won. . Reports G rgcatl v Ex'ag'-.'ox'at.o-d.` in-itish T\b\'unt Native Tan, `v - . '!`i|esq.l'u_v at the-f lmtc-st. - R v_-- t =NO:'IV1O ~ )il`c`n'o`.:EV 1; . Nsgauhee; `Mi< :h., J`a;,'3,._`p ,-,'n 3 to 17 miners are thought to have` lost their lives as the result of 3 Gave-in at the bqttqm of the old hn'f_ nt {"10 Nnmnnnninn ...z..... ____A. - ~-- From 13 tip 17: '! In.ss|';M:.' '.'J ' ,' Domino Basso. e11vIte.!ien". _was'res- cued live. 1Iis .story' is gas" ' tollowsz` We were sitting e.roun`dthe pump at the-bottom or the shaft, when.-with- I `out warning, thousands if tons of . ore came down: I remembered no e more until I heard the fsound of picks\.` and Miovels in the hands of rescuers" and their shouts- When they `found ' me I was in a drift 75 feet. fromwthe place where I had been 'sitting.'! Hundreds nf rmm urn. n+ +hn- rninn TIC V 9 III SUV UOIVI u` shaft at the Negauziee mine yester-hi day. ~ . ' V ' , _ 'I\n...3n.. 13-....- .' 1`; no ` . { yugvu. vvucsu .1. uau UI_1Ul_.|. 1I,LlIlg'.' '2` .IIundreds of men are at the` 1`I_L1iLne,V -eager to help `in the work of rescue, but it is thought the other - bodies cannot be found within 24 hours. ` nu... `KY ...... .. 1.. ----_s.I- Vsvlncsv v uv auu;5u vvnvxlyll 1 llUuI'Bo '.1`he Negaunee is considered one of the most unlucky properties in ' the Lake Superior" district. , Much trouble has resulted in sinking and dz-if.t.ing from surplus water and quicksands. It. was at this mine that $1,000,000 was recently" expended to sink a shaft to the ledge. '!'iI'o Water Caused This Tragic Iifdlan ' Brutality. > V { smut Ste. Marie, Michi, Jan, s.-T A horrible at1'ocil'.y, which williikely I rcs`ult. in dea[th, was pen-'petrated*Sun- day night at Garden River," a Cana- dian Indian reserva.tion 12 miles from here. Joseph Buzenaw, `a. half? breed, loaded-up with re water, went. on a. rampage,- terrorizing `half the inhabitants ofTthe village, `and wound ` up at home. He gave his wifeva. terrible beating, and then burned her side and face with a red- hot iron. ' button, Jan. 8.- l`he W. G. Urlin- inquest. reopened here, yesterday morning` at 10 o'clock before, Coron- er Ling. Chief Government Inspector, Murray was pI'eSL`ll1`,, also 1): J. O Donoghue, 1.{.AL`.., W. L. Laws and 0'. St. Clair l.c,it.;h, composing the legal b'a.ttery. The` Town Hall was `packed to the doors, owing to the seeming mystcr_\' that surrounds the whole' case. , only Lhreevxvitnesses were called yeslc.-rLla,y, muuely, Al- bert.`}1crtel, J. (3. 'II`ertol, in-law of (lcccased, and William - Smith, and so fat!` the`ovirlcnceT ta,k(,-n ; seems of a. very unsatisfactory nature. : The jury viewed the place here the crime was committed twice during the day. _ 'n'..4....a.:..,. 1u.......... l..;.4- ..:...L+` .-....,l,. ` bruLl1e1"s~ T The poor woniun; shrieking with agony, managed to esozipe from fthe house, crawling on her hands and knees. She had not gone. far when the ha.1_f-crazed brute followed 1 her with an axe and tried to chop on her head, but was prevented from striking more than one blow by his sister-i11-lawnnd other help which. Varrived. - The woman had received- a. glancing cut from the axe, and was picked -up senselessvand covered with blood.` __ ,, ' n 1 . 1 Buzenaw was overpowered and tak- en to the Town Hall, where he was locked up. Soon after he broke down the door and went to his home; where he` attempted to cut his wife's throat with a butcher knife. He was fought `off by attendants, and Chen escaped across the river to Sug- ar Island, on American territory, where he is supposed to be Wander- ing in'the woods. An armed party is after him. if is said that Buzza- ua.w s wife cannot. live. Dctt.-ctivee 1\lurruy last. night. - made the statement. that he was C8Y`ttl.iD Lhat this was no case of suicide. William. Smith, one of the witi1es- ses, swore that he saw deceased ` at`: about 11 ofclock on the. V Saturday. night, in company_iwit,h another par~. .ty, of whose identity he could not be certain, though he knew deceased by his having .spoken'_to him. Pro-T gress in the `nmtter of evidence` was very slow yesterday, and it became. necessaryto adjourn till this morn- i iug` at 10 `o cl'ock. V _ v , New York, J an. 8.'--']`he. Journal has this from London: Col. Arthur Lynch, who was `recently elected to the House of Commons to represent ' Galway, "will be prevented frm ta.k- ; ing his seat. More than tluit, as ! soon as he` sets foot. on English soil he will~be arrested on a. charge `of treason; Col. Lynch ddes not` de- . ny that he aided th_e Boers, but says, he will take his seat unless prevent-Q: ed~by force. - `.. ~ . ' . f .`i Detective: MurI'.z_v Reported to Have Made ` This st:n.emm,t at Dutton. ' the policing . of Ultima. Esperanza, Buenos Ayres, J-.m_. 8. - (Via. Gal- veston.)-The (}overnments of Argen- tina and - Chili, having come tovan agreement as to the wording of the clauses in the protocol referring to Argentina. s rights in the matter be- ing sa.feguarded, the representations of Argentina_ on "the wording of the clauses referred- to are ended, and all the questions in dispute will now be submitted to the arbitration` of the; British commission. ' . ~ ' of dynamite occurred yesterday in a _a, watchman employed by P; McMan-- . on :-1 l`iving`i1i`the vicinits; were cut` cwin Philadelphia, J an. A8.---An xplosion contractors .too1_house beside the Pennsylvania. [Rculroad tracks . in West Ph'ila.delphia`.` "Doc, Mullen, us, `the. contractor, vwasglitex-a11yV blown to atdmS.`a.nd a. dozen ; per`-~ by . ying .slai,ss from `the .shatpgred'g __sa_ pnia_,` Jan. 8;--Isaac and Wa.1ta'r.f zkesy jwcre-V lg3eIore_ _P oliqe Magistrate '2; ;.G`_E b L` L ` `3<;~ W-.;'9V1 -``1$ here - yes- .1`:. " ,a;"8,9i~i7*f*~`r0`91?ing. thh% W mu law 'Hn.su'.;iu: 3.. .,.,., L9,, Tllolxf Liven: hi gt ,`;;yf.;,, M; xuw` L`... _-g_. g.` 0 ' \ MANY M:%NE 3:(K1LLED. ..'..- \ll`or|o! 3 C`ox1ig1I$lttI_9_l~ For 1:1-T:,..'n. 'HI'.l`l-4` MAN'S \VIlSKE. London, Jan. 8.--Lord Kitfchcnel`. telegrayphing fromjJohannesburg on Monday, Jan. 6, reports the occur` rence of a number of slcirmislxcsvin various parts of the war field. The most serious were at Amersfoort on Jan. 3, and Jun. 4,VWhen Major W. H. -P`. Plumer and Col. J_, Spensc were in contact with_Comma11da!1t Christian -Both;t's and Commandanti 0ppcrman s commands, and drove the Boers from their positions after considerable ghting`, during which the Somerset Light Infantry suffered` severely. . ' '!|.l.\~i..m Y7.-.\..n+:..... .--..,:I 11`: ,, NOT A CASL or smcuu-2. The Fate of con.` Lynch, Mun Blown to Pincus. An 1.; Quios_sm.'i mruunsor lH}l8lM|JRE. Sir Olivef Mowt Performgd the ' 7 Ceromony.This Afternoon .- The Queen : 6": Fnrnluhdgl ho_ . Gunrd-- Ohnngu `lid: in the scan on `tho Govoulucnt Side of tho Hiouu-Nana of Ilolilhon `on the Front Row-A f lhputnlony of Doctor:-Application: Foriinsllway Legislation, V Toronto. Jan. 8.-With .the usual ; eelat the Ontario Leislature `will be opened_this"aftern ()o'n 'atA3 o clock by `the Lieut..-Governor, Sir Oliver Mow- ,at. His Honor will drive from Gov- ernment IIouse.a with a. mounted es- cort,_ furnished by the Royal Cana- dian Dragoons, and at the buildings will be received by a. guard of honor, -composed of 100 men. a band and three ofcers from the. Queen's Own Ries. ' __ , ;c n .5 1.: says: 9 4 All the preparations for the open- 9 ing of the House have been completr ` ed, and members are qlready begin- i ning to arrive. Jlon. J. P. Whitney and Speaker Evunturel were at other buildings yesterday and took posses- sion of their respective quarters. The `former had nothing to say about the session and was not even dispos- ed to express an opinion as to its length. ' Vianmn `gun Rana nn-.nu::~Innnl\1A Alana-xn-A-< -w'w~*.7- . Major Valentine and 18 men were killed and 5 ofcers and 28 _ men were W0Unded. The Boers left 9 men dead on the eld. I"_I I`..`,._l____ 1"-' ` V as :53 Int: n There has been considerable change: made in the location." of the seats on the Government side of the House. Hon. J. '1`. Garrow will be Hon. F. R. Latchford s desk. mate, and W. -J. McKee will occupy the front row seat that was formerly` held by the late Robert Ferguson. of East Kent. C. M. Bowman of North Bruce will sitbeside him, and Samuel Russelll ofoEa,s.t Hastings will take Mr. Bow- man's old seat and John Lee, the` new member for East Kent, will sit V in Mr. Russell's old place. t rn|-- :.;..._. I........1--.... ..l- n... n........... egg. vac: QUI-or can/an u was. rgnavvu The front benches on the `Govern- ment side now are: Messrs. Ross, .Gibson, Harcourt , Dryden, Davis, Stratton, Conmee, McKay , McKee, Bowman, Caldwell. Carpenter, Auld, and Richardson. , ` ' Doctors Wait on the Premier. A deputation of physicians tfrom the Medical Defence _Association waited on Premier Ross yesterday, and asked him to consider the ad- visability of making the council of the Ontario Medical Association elec- tive. The interviewers were Drs. Hillier, Bowmnnviile; Sungster. Port Perry; Coburn, Oshawa; Rutherford, Aurora; Parks, Sninield ;' Bing- ham, Peterboro; King, Toronto; Jes- sop, St. Catharines; Armour, St. Catharines; Haig, Oshawa, and East- ward, Whitby. r . Wl.ll,Apply For Legislation. Among the applications for legisla- tion that `will. he nnule when the House meets are the following: Hur- on and Bruce Railway 00., e which _proposes to run -.1. line from ; Wiar- ton to Goderich, through or near Kincardine and Southampton; Ham- ilton Radial Electric Railway, which wants to extend its line froni Mirnico to Toronto; the town of Dresden, to -have a `bylaw to give $40,000 Bonus to a beet sug'z1rAfuCl0l _v, conrmed ; the niunicipality of `Shunneh, Thun- der Bay, who wish to have the pow- er to advertise tax sales `in `The Ontario Gazette only. V ' Manitoba Legislature Winnipeg, Jan. 8.--The opening of the Legislature on Thursday after- noon will be attended with the usual boom of cannon and parade of tuni- 'formed- soldiers. The reply` to the speech from the throne will be moved by J. T. Gordon. M..P.P., for South Winnipeg. and seconded by V James Arg;11e, M.P.P.. for Avondale. "'01-.tawa`, Jan. 8.--`\Ir. Rudolphe Lemieux, member for Gaspe made to Mr. Marconi yesterday the generous offer. of Mount Ste. Anne for a Wire-. less telegraphic station. 5 The emin- ence is known as Mount Ste. Anne, one of the fhighest 01eV'.Lti0nS on the. gulf coast. . It isisitllaited in the County .of Guspe. M1-.Ma1'coni,l however, has no use for mountains. He says to establish a. station on a ; lmountain top would only 1neun-that.` the apparatus would" have _to be hauled up hill, thereby increasing the expense of installation. ` ll`l'I--J. A- --.\.. \.\I\`- Ill-`II 1:34-an an tater- ers to secure elevution'.{- 'thcVinVent- 1 Luv cnycuov vs |ALn.lu\un-vvvsvun But do you not use kits or tow- I or was asked. ` ur1__-;._.-,_1_- \..-J..L- ...-..~....- -.1.-...4:-.. ` Marconi Declines an voor of one From. Budolpho Lemioux U1 V! GD @0150 . 7 "Certainly, butto secure elevation above the surface of the ground. If I went to a_. mountain top I should still have to erect a tower for my 1 apparatus to get away from then earth current_s," was the answer. 1 -|r-...._1.: n.-...LI..__. .i-...-..--_A 4.`I._'u.. can V11 bus I. vu uu, vv uau v--\4 Mr. Marcobi further ob;;1'w\r'e:i- `that -in all his "experience withwirelesa telegraphy on land he had experienc- ed no trouble from the intervention J of mountains.` ' 7 A V. V 3 I For the scotch LilIth'O'|II'OlI. _ London, Jan. 8.--T'he co'm`m ission- ers for the northern lighthouses in Scotland have decided to adopt wire- less telegraphy as a means of eatub- lishing` comrr_1unica'ti'o'n between ' the mainland and certain -of their light`- houses. The `first `installation will "be made without delay, on the Flan-V nan Is-la/nds, . \v'hidh.are about 16 miles outside the west coast,` 01! Lewis. The Flannan Islands 1 are practically the first land sighted by vessels coining from America; 3 and the new installaltiolr will theretdre be excee valuable forreporting the sight ng '61 __ ,_'1`he_. installation` . `is being made in" gconjunctlon-A with " Lloyd`_s_`_hipping_ ggeney Aa.nd,[will be Seumtle. _ Wash; ,Jan. 8. -1- The steamer V_:Dispa`t,<;h.' which-picked up the suArvi.vors~.,of the `Wa.1l`a.IWg.lla. 'di,S*e7 we a4'_1, Aqrlay and ` - x V vii _i_d3 2uoUN?u :1: .\'o'r mg V HIM. yo ..;;oov; mu: `-1; cup: ,y;;\4 \/`[lJ.`,\.|`_ uu. Gen. French 1'epo1't.s tlmt thu Boers in -Cape Colony are reducc`d in num- bers as tomequire only an elubomto police system to keep them in- check. ___,_I_I, . ,. I n 1-\ ' ,, W1 Cowardly `Sniiou. `THE N onrnnlfn ADVANCE. Colored hotographs of Celebrities of the British Army. COMPLETE IN EIGHTEEN PARTS. godooooocpocooooooooooooooooooooooooooog Annual Remliant Offering Of Dress oods, Flannels. Flannelees, Wrapperees, Shi Etc. Etc. Eic. dings, I \2ll\|U5 K7`-50 The Cape Town eorresponc_lent of The Times says u summary of the" weekly official reports from the end of last June to the end of December shows that. l-_.16`. . Boers were killed, 876 were.wounded, 7,.")93,were cep- tured, and 1,912 Surrentleretl. , ` Details of a Night llureln. I A correspondent of The Times, who is with Gen. Bruce Hamilton", writing from. .1.lu.vidsda.le, Sout,hea.st Transvn.-.tl, last, 1i`ridu_v,` gives de- tails; of a. great in-.u~ch and the sur-- prising of a..Boer party 7 Friday morning. Information having . been obtained that the Boers were near Amst.erdam, .Si1'npson"s and.'lle'wlin-. son's columns started early on Thursday evening. `The evidence of Kanirs whom the troops met en route Was conflicting, but` the en- emy's trail was found at 3 -o'clock in the .morning'. zmd after it. had been followed along` a long`, Wind- ing Va`l.liC_V, the Boe_l`S were surround- ed at dawn. 1*`ew.of them escaped. Forty `surrendered, including: Com- mandant Erasmus and tlteremainder of Protorius`s commando. Two other .Boers were Slll)SC(]1lC11i.1y Callgllt to- gether with .`:i()_() cattle. The same evening another p;ro1m of Doors W-as S1lI'I.)FiSed, nearer the Briti.=.l1' camp. 'I`we'nt_V of them were captured, to- gether with five. wagons. Will Now (`o-(iv ."'~umu _l`e1`rit:m'_v. Amstet-d't1n1, Jun. 8.---Thel Boett ieatlers here are holding `daily `con- ferences. After one of-these meet- ings yest'ertlny. Boer Agent Wessels said: If we are forced to it. We should .Cet`Lu.in1y tzetle te1'i'ito1'y. But we "will not; Slll`l'(.`l1(lt.'l` our sovereign independence in \\'l1-at is left. `Mr. Wessels further stated that former President Kruger and `llr. [_.uyrls were in favor of the -cession of territory. (`omlnmus Kan-Ii:-nor :-J l`olie_v. 5000000000000OOOOOOOOOOOOOCDOOOO000000005 Part one contains. Sir Radvars Buller Field Marshall Wolselay Sir Frederick Forrester-Walker Major Ganaral Baden-Powell. Many 6f the Germrals `Whose pora traits will `appear, will be prominent in public affairs for twenty .years to `come, making the series valuable for reference. The regular` selling price of each number 1s twenty-ve cents, but to one paid up subscriber we will mail post-paid on receipt of ten cents in sin ll`|I\I rI\I|J|l'tlI-ILU stamps. We have secured a quantity of ' magnicent Four large Pictures in each part. VA|R,V|CKERS 3.. cos. HOSIERY... lof t;1e *`VVorst Were `at ersfoort on Jan. 3 and 4. MILLINERY... READY TO WEAR HATS, TRIMMED MILLINERY AND `r-mummes Size of "Pictures 11:14}. VAIR, VICKERS TA} Wholesale lllearing of I I I I AT Our lanlllual `stock-tanking clearance has always been marked with '21 great. success, and this season s .event,merits a still greater success, according to the bargains offered. ' ' ' All the ner grades, as Well as the. medium priced goods, are -included in our All orivniew on the (_en_tre tables Thursday morning. `Ebb! I-|\dlaIa\4 `III [4556 IIKJIKJ - Col. Colenbrandcr suspriscd Fieid Cornet LouW s luuger at Waterva1e, Jan. 5, killed 5 men and capt,11I`e(l 29. Lord Kitchener mentions oth- er minor surprises and captures. (Inn 'II`......nI.. ............ .41.... n,.., I`),-........