`Mina ' Frdnkie ` Gibson, of Elmvale, paid 1 short visit. with friends last week. - Mary, '01 Sunday} Mina Entie renewing old - Mr. and me. I. cmpbeu called on .Mr. -a',nd_ Mrs, Wm. Beelby,-_ Thgrqmn, onfugndhy-JW A r.` O1i`ord Ferguson nd sister . y, of Midhmfat, `visited here over (Too late f:or last week's issue.) [ (Tot; late for last week's issue.) Lverczusonvale. Advance bofrespondencc. -----J - Advance Correspondence. V Wh;i.e"-o1<;ir_e';;aiug7Tthese few `words to our county ` reporters, we would excend to you all our best; wishes. for this nev Howe, of Toronto, was aoquaintsnoea here on LL '1'3 5 '-1'h%u';%-bait! ldv; * . ~Iloig h-long! from here tended St. if : l o_ "Christmas enhertiihmont st Shroud dn Thnrgdoy `evening but which"- they enjoyed very much. - Too late fog week 3 issue). . .4 Guthrie. A ` . A _ Advance Correspondence. . > Mr, John Johnston snent Xmas with his sister, Mrs. Cool, ot` Orlllis, ` , 2... I.__.- "A'.l;t;e;`){mas ttxee in the Presbyterian Church was 9. success and all` who at.- --_..-.. W--- ,____`_.___ The entertainment given in Oro Sou tion Methodist Church by the Sunday school was a. successful one. Mrs. Beasley, "who has been very. sick, we are glad to ssy _is much im- proved, and we hope will soon be sble to be around again. .n.-\. In. tended were well pleased. Mr. and M1; AJf Carscadden spent `Xmas with Mrs. Oarsoaddenh parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Brown, of Midland, and had 3- very pleasant. time. A ' VMr. Grafton, of Bu:-tie, took charge of Rev. A. J. Venl a work on Sabbath last at 0:0 Station Methodist. Church and gave a very able diacouiae. T I-Iva v$v- . A Adiance Con -ospo:;deuoe. _ A Herb Reynolds is, home "from the volty for Chriatmng holidays. I A V T .A`_-_ `I.,_L _--`L. Mrs. Stanley of this "place was called away very suddenly to Bnwmanville on 23rd, inst. but was net able to get there before her father died; he was buried on Christmas Day. We would-extend our sympathy to the friends in their bereavement. j Big Bay Point. Advance Correspondence. Miss Clara Elliott is home from To rontq. \ Rvival meeting are being held `at the ohurohhere. -Miss L. Moore, of Torolito, is I visit- ` or as Mr. John Cowun a. Mrs. Robs. Cowan, of Novar, is visu- ing at Mr. Geo. .Cowan'a. ' can run . --n hr. and Mrs. Joe. Smith, of Toronto, are visiting at Mr. John Itwio s. V 5 Mina G-5ace Elliott, of Toronto, is` visiting at her uncle's, Mr. Robt. Elliott. ' Mr. and Mrs; George Green were visiting Mr. and Mrs Tribble on Sun- day last. cu`.-- -Mr. Geo. Reid had a sawing bee on Fciday last; 3 dance was held in the evening. on- q-- .1 in an-\ . Mia; Myrtle Guest, of Barrie, was visiting at her aun`s s, Mrs. J. Smiles. last week.` ' 79!]-_ Mr. and Mrs. S. Elliott, of Toronto. I spent Christmas at Mr. Redfern-'o of Painswiok. _ - - Mr. James Tribble and Miss Tribble end Mr. L. Guest have returned from I a visit to friends in Aurora. At the anuuai school meeting` Mr. Thoa. Redfern and Mr. Thoa. Soule and `Mr. Wm. Irwin have had a. num- ber of sheep killed by dogs lately. T V (Too late for last week's issue.) We are glad to see Mr. Wellington Partridge able to be out again afaer his illness. A very sociable evening was spent among the young people at Mr. James Pattridge a on Friday last. `Mi. Voodley in ;gain in our midst looking well. We welcome Mr. Wood- ley as our teacher for 1902.. ` `Mr. and Mrs. Fitzpatrick, of Toronto, sr spending their holidays with her brothers, Mr. Arthur and E. Wilson. The English Church Christmas tree` was well aotnded, and the entercain- ment was good; Mr. Primrose, of Minesing, waachairman. ' .n- '-I-\, as M17. John.Pat-bridge, son and daugh- ter; of Edenvaleu, spent Ohriatmaa with Mr. Chas. `Partridge, where; a large family gathering was `held. ' Tvhe enle of tie late Wm; Andereon s estate `was well attended on Friday Jest. Mre.- Anderson intends moving to town "this week with [her brother, Mr. T. Bell, and sisters. bur --- B, Beegej `moved to`Lefroy last week, where he` has secured work. V an` (Inn and Line Lurks. Advance Correspondence. Mien Lizzie Dryedale, of Seerboro, spent the holideyennder the parental `Mr. and Mrs. `Jan. Sumh, of _Pore I-Iona, are viaining .hi_/Ia) sister, Mrs. E -M"cClunVg. vSmit.h':ery ablyysa % ~ mm-2%-t li1`l% - wrw-u Mrs. A. F. Chealev, of Sn. Thomas Ladies College spent Xmas as "her home Wioi Farm. " gigs. ;jVI.|nieV Richardson, of Fer.-guson vale, wil; take charge of our qchool at` Igor the New.Yer. ' .i_n.iea`ying iiuit with agqu|in- (Too Lite for use week`-s issue). -gr v--$--- _ ;.gfgg_- yogi : . Crown Hm. Advance Correspondence. " y w.~rpA1'1'UN,.Burister, boIicitor,.Notary - ' . Convdyancer. etc. Monov to Loan. at lowest fates. O'Ige-McCarthy Block, south side Dunlap Sm .2-hr: V 1 0:: the evening of Jan. Sch, Mr. J sbel. Robinson. M.P.', Worthy Master of Dominion Grange, will deliver a lecture in Knock Grange Hall. ` Music pro- -vided. Admission free. ` ' Mr. and .Mrs. Issac Armstrong, of 'iCollingwood, are visitors at Mr. Geo. Nelson's. Mrs. Armstrong (nee Miss Lottie Galbraith) will be remembered as ` one of our moss popular soboolteschers. nvl-I-Dlrnster. aoucntor. Proctor, Notary. W. Conveyance:-, etc. Special attention in awing ago ,proba.ting wills, obtaining letters ox administtatiou and guardhnship, cohectingancounts, etc. Ofces. Ross Block. Bame. Monev to Loan. uua u._ Dnunuvonl, narnuers, auncncoruv Notanes, Lonvcyancers, etc. Ofees Bank 0` Toronto Building. Bame. Branch Uice, Cold` water. Money to Loan`. ,,.-._-_ ___ ..... I vvuuvvuu ---v--_, -v -- Down. Ross. u..s. - I'al`L`\JJ\, llcl-\lJl\\WI'I) \u\J'Vl`l8V Dl.\\I 77 AV. Barristers, Solicitors for obtaining probate of wula. guardianship and administratnon. and Genet-a| bohcitors, Notaries. Conveyancers, etc. - HAUGHTON Lurmox, ALEX. Cowm, B. HOLFORD ARDAGH, VG. E. I. Bnowx, L.L.B -_ Oices: Hinds` Blo.k, N9. 6, Dunlap street, Bar- ne. A Branch Oices--Lennox 8: Ardagh. Gravenhurst; Lennox,'Atdagh, Guwan 8; Brown, Creemore and KI1Is}...'. CCARTHY, BOYS 8: MURCHISON. Barris- ters. Solicitors, Conveyancers. etc. Success- ors to Mccarthy, Pepler 8; McCarthy. 0fce--McL;arthy Bbck, uumop Street, Barrie. J. A. MCCARTHY, - W. A. Bovs, D l` Nlnnruvenhl _.____. 1 A. RADBNHURST, Barrister, Attorney, ' Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyance:-, etc. 4urn.ce--First door Owen street. over Bank of Com- -A4:-B4) Harris. I 49.48` `ca-cw merce. J "l.iI:.'.1`1-'i<:t;<;la;;'Mheer, of Buklo, is `visiting his brothers and friends here. ` H-EWSON & CRESWICKE, barristers. Solici- tors of the Supreme Court of Judicature of Untariog Proctors. Notaries, . Conveyancers, etc. Money to loan. 0ices--_-Ross Block, Barrie. .. .. u__-......-. - A F. H. Cnnswlcxx. ITKAIHI & naxnu, _ D Barnsters, aulicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, bonveyancers. ufnces over the Bank of Toronto, Ran-in. Barrie: Money in sums ot $a,qoo and upwards, gqloan at 5 u u CV01-I3AIl'l.I\I, ICC. G. H. Esnm. _ LVlu Lllc \I(1Lu.a. nan. W Notary, etc. Mon and Stayner. Barne `Building, Owen street. R. 1. L. SMITH, L.L-.P.$., om., am of 0:. harve & b_nnm, Urilha.) Omce anu residence -corner or Qwen and bother stteets, Barrie. :3-ly -IJ nuv-we a..-...,, ----V mght_ rcsiuence--uww1 Barrie. Tenephone 77. ____.....__-j:___...__ R. J. F. Palling, Graduate of Trinity University Toronto, Feuow of Trinity Medical college, Member or the Codege of Physicians and `Surgeons or Ontario. Oice and Residence, 18 Owen street. R. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. 8; S . Edin- burgh; M.F.P.v & S., Glasgow, member of bntish Upthahnological Society. b|DeclulI.V.- lineages of Is) e, liar, `throat and Nose. UFFICLL-,78 Dunlop street, Sanders Block, Bar- rie. opposite Post. Umce and `Railway nation. Phone 54. P. O. B0196. ' 7-ly _______________.______..____} , S. BROAD. M. D. C. M., F. T. M. C., L. C. . P. 5., 0., late resndent Physician and burgeun ox Iorontotieneral nospntal, with special attention to Dxseasea of Women, anu Nose and '.|.`hruu.t Worx, also tor some ume surgeon m cna.tge`of hmcrgencv nospital; Lor-unto. Office and mght residence upstairs in McC.u-thv B.ock. 21 Dunlop bu, Barnc. sccond d0ul' east of Dougau Bros. turmture warerooms-near Five P0in[S. Phone 105. . 29-IV V ne. opposite rust. Uusu Box Q6. . -beg. Alex. ass, at '1`or6nso,' is spending theholidays w1t.h_his patents and'frienda H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Diuounted. Collections mad: in any part of the County. Real estate bought and sold. Convey- ancing in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. Ofce-Ross Block. Dunlop street Barrie. - Jar-Iv. I 70 FOR lNVES 1`MEN'1` on good $ treehold security at lowest rate of interest. Notrrincipal money required until end of on... o..... * . H. STRA1 HY- Solicitor. Etc.. Hours-u to 1. 7 to 8. UTE J: Lllt, uson/-g us:-u---...., -..., _.__.- London. al hC[ALTY-Dizseases Of Chest, Stomach, Nerves; L)onsultiu'g Physncian. _j.__ ' 0FFlUES-Lane Block. Coin Duulop and Mm. caster bts. 52-ly . Telephone - NIUNLY nu Luau. We haze a large amouht of Private Funds to lend at 4 and 5 per cent. on the security of good farm Mn.-mam-.q- McCARTHY. BUYS 8; MURCHl- I Victor A. um. M. 0., L.R.C.P.and s. Edinboro, I L.F.P. and 5., ulasgow. _ . K _ SPhC1.xL'1`Y-aurgery Mxdwitery. Diseazes of Skin; Consulting Surgeon. I R. .h'.. L. BREREIUN. Dental aurgeuu. Uice ovcr Ha.mbly's hardware. hutrunce, Uweu bcteet. Out. or town 13: and 1rd Mondays 0: each month. 51-Iv 45 and cent. on me sccuruy or gouu [ann Mon838$- McCARTHY. SON, Dunlo Street Barrie. W-ies Lena 1(enneiy and MiasTMoote, of Barrie, are the guests of` Mrs. John 'iOoyun. A " T. BANTING. cum County of Simcoe. will be at his oiee. at the Court House. Barrie, everv Saturdav. Residence and P.0. _CE>okstown. I 'JAs. EDVVARDS CONVEYANCER- At his oice until 5 p.m.; at his private residence. 68 Mary street, after that hour. u-lv KVVVIIV. UIUKKFFII X EDI. 2.1`, \JIal'IO Lana Surveyors. Engineers, Etc. (Established in 1852.) Oioe. Medical Building. S E. Cor. Richmond and Bay bts , Toronto. Telephone, Main 1336. In- an-uctionn left with Strathy 8: Esten, Solicitors Bank of loronto Building, Barrie. will be promptly at- teqded to. A _ 50-49 I I5 BALL` KLJILVILVIJ MILL \.;\llV1l'tlLVl." 1 CargentennELBuilding and manufacturing of Doorgy aah. 8 da. Mouldings. etc. Planinilof all kmda_done promptly and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drymg Kiln. Dnstrict agency for grained lum- her Factory-Bayeld Street. Barrie. RODGERS -& GALLIE, successors to Geo. Ball. an CHILDREN'S AIDSUCIETY OFBARRIE _ have for adogtion. in good Homes. a number .4: n...:.s.. ........... .......a:.... ..:.:u.... 1...... .....a ..:... I `I13 \JI'I.II4I.IIK.Bl` all]-IJ3\JLo.lEa I I IJ1` Dnnnnn ado tion. of bright young nadian children. boys and gins Parties desiring them are agked to communicate with tho Secretary. REV. D. B. HARl~ .NEbS. Ran-in. . ` q-lv Perh'.nsTthe ouly ointment in the world that has 'passed through an Oxyiezing grace s i.. order to fur- nish it with a'_pfnoperty altoget er antagnnisti. t the buyers_grow_th 0191. notes. ulc rs. ca ncercus tumors used wnh success on scalds, burns, cuts. itch (of any _ki'n_I) gxumg. ' 35 per bqx. Sold bv , ~ V JOHN WOODS. :Z Gat.Cix-`cular. 2 ....|u c.h.,m;.... Barrie. ,, ~ JUHN wuuur. C||'_?|l`,I.'- * 4o-ly Chemists, Barrie. THE $Anvm"l "His: Edna Tucker, of Toronto, Qshe guest; of Rev. W. H. Neas ond. \ITRAI`l-[Y 8: ESTEN, - B ENNOX, Animca, COWAN & BRUWB-. I H.511-nut:-rd .\'nIh~itn|-n far nhtninh-Ina nu-nhntn nt. FUI UGIII-I H. H. Snuruv. K.C. DOSS & BROKOVSKI, Barristers, Sul:dtol'8v In Notaries. \.onvevancers_ en: Hank nl Fred J. Han, M.D., M.R.C.S., Eng., L.R.C.P., I ....Ann MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUER. . . R. w. A. ROSS, Physician, Surgeun,.etc., L. | R.C.S. Edin,, L.R U.P., London. Umces and ght_ xcsiuence--uwwn s Block, Dunlop stI'ect,l In , I . . _ _ __ .. ruxron, Banister, Solicitor, Vm. em. Mnnnn In I nun - mg BALL_ PLANIN6;iLL COMPANY D..:l.!2...- up-IA ....-.....6'-...o...-Z-ur A6 _:_______ [M. M. CAMPBELL, Banister, KTnnr\I arc- Monev (01030. 0510! -days. 1' wiso Eohel McMorran+ of Allaudlale, in viaibxng Miss Mabel Dickey for a few 5 I 11: n 1111 -1 'I`__.,_.L_ -jj" * I WIN. MURPHY & ESTEN, Ontario Land Qumran`.-Arc, Rnahipnrla I-Ch`, lhutnhlzglmnd in __:_; AUI.'l`- Barrister. Solicitor. Proctor, Notary. Cdnvcyanoer. Special attention in T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M,, oice in Bomws Block, Anandale. 0:: the. premises at mght. 4343' ~-------------------------.-._._._...;._._._.._....___ - I BR. R._ P. VI'V.|AAN %'%`l1xygena_mr _intmem" an I... 4 In . .. .. ......-l4l AL. DRS. HART Gs. HART MONEY `TO LOAN. N- _..-._'_A A): D_2.._... 17.. MONEY TO LQAN. *-j1~IUZ1*A(:'ri:_l?a: Lo, DITDBICIL, h7\IlI\vIU\an , , Money 0thces-Ban-ie Uice-Bank of Toronto _ _ ____,`,_. `_ -.-7' -. Wm. James Black, R0,. of Toronto, spent Christmas day with his `parents 1i|1sfLuAmnot}s. D. C.T Muxcmsox. nncnpax money requlreu untu cuu or .. H. STRALHY. Solicitor. Etc., ` I'll I SIQJIAN S. 8I}ltVEYORS. FINANCIAL. 0FFlC`lAla. -:_-- . L.'R.C.P. and Edinboro, an.-.`-an DENTAL. Homoeopanhist. :56 Dunlop St. Residence and Oice. 8-Iv Dluus. 45-lyn I\vaa -any--, _._.._v. - A.-E. H, Canswxcxn. _____'_______ ' 1 J. C. Bnoxovsxx. T . 35-Iv 1-ly `Miss Cora Sawyer, of Cherry -Creek, III the guest; of V M'iss Frankie Hughes has week. and THE? N dB'_i'HE _ . V AD-V.-ERTISIX Tun Ahvaxuic ans A or 1roun'rmsN,u mu . -Fowmt corn `Almost; if not quite." durable thus)` V . ` - pagier publisheu in Bame. li'AnvnP.'rn-smcs suouw NOTE THIS rAo'r.`8I 13 lmea mlid agate make 1 inch. 1'1uux'st1c.\"1` A1w1-;m'1s1cm~:N'rs. First Inseritim 10 cents. per line, each gmbse queut insertion 4 cents per line. . n..a.m.n mm`.-us- 10 .':enr.s mar line for trait i qucul ulncxuuu -.x yclua yxn uuc. Reading notices, 10 cenps per line for fast insertion ; 5 cents per line for each subsequent iuscrti011otthnvs1ynIe mutter. All items.un- 'derV5 Lines, of this cmnacter, charged as 5 lines. a na:-.--1 -__.3 n,....'............ ..J.....'.... Legal], Ofcial and Guvmment advertise- ments will he charged at above rates. COI\"l`RAC'1' Al) V ERTISING. Co1|trau:t= zulvertisehients will be taken at the following rzues, which are drafted on cor- rect comxnercnul prillciplces and will be strictly adhered to. '1`be1c wail be only one price for _I1 uuus all. mun ..._............. 254 inches............ 5 inches, % column. . . . :0 inches, }{. column . . no inches. I column. . . . ._._. `For one mVunth--the three monthly rate with 15 per cent. added. `For two months-the three monthly rate with 10 per cent. added. ---4-` -.....:L:p,u-\n I`.-m Inna` or1IinIVfI'Co- VVIJLI AV Pun yu Preferred positions for local advertise- ments in the paper will l. sold at an advance of one-third on above rates, on no other ac- count will special positions be given. This rule will be strictly can-med out. QUNTRAC'1` CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of intention to change advertisements must-be handed into the oice not later than Satux day at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change mus_t be in 'l`nn Anvnncn oice not later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in any week, otherwise the advc1'l,iser s announcement may 1201- be made public until the week fol- lowing. ` , - - 12 clialxgs of Advems~e1'neuts alloWe{'xe. year. It moi!`-c are reqizirml, composition rates will be charged. ` A:`v1nn9;nur'_. mill not 3 .9 allowed to nee their `Miss J esn M. Wallace is home spend- in Christmas and New Year's with -her family. ' Miss Kate McKee is home spendiiig Christmas and New Years with her` parents here. It '\ II` (`I I 1| CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. Condensed adverusements on first page such as wants of all kinds, lost. and found. propettv for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc., etc; - L . -- _.-...-.:....| ..,.'..y. .4, ,.,g}, and win Advert;1ser;-s wm I10\ ."ue zuluwcu w uav ....:.. space tor` advertismg anything outside their own regula-.* business Shnuld they do so transient Lnes will be charged for such ad- u-wuvav.-u ------ vertisements. specic artlclea, etc., ew., must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted--hrat msertiou 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but 9. reducnon of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter excemi four. Cuts for adverllm - .ents must In every case be mounted 01: solid metal bases. SCROGGIE &.%SMI1'H, Rspxnszxr 1-mg Fouowine Fm: Insmuncs Commnuzsz The Mercantile, now affiliated with The Lon- don & Lancashire of England. Secur- :bcv Q... AAA t\r\t| IL ; q1la,\Iuu.\-- -.. , The Waterloo mutual, of Waterloo. Ont. Tothl assets, $334,083. ' The Economical Mutual. of Berlin, Ont. Total assets. $303,078. - Also Llovd s Plate Glass Insuranc Com- pany, of New York. Cash capital, $250, vvv . And the Sup Loan and bavings Company of Ont-a.r1o. Private fu'nds to loan on first mortgages. Ac counts collect: d. &c. t'\BZ.... -..,.- Kl...-.l........... .~ Ll-..J.....-.. Cg--- D___:.. COUIIIS COIHBCI? (1. (IC- Ofce over llcndex-son_s Hardware Store, Barne Ont. ' ` Agent Standard Life. London Gun 11- ? tee and. Accident ()0... P;-ov|ne1a| Bulming and Loan Association. etc. 0FFICE.-_-Next door to Bank of Toronto, (Swen Street. Barrie. _ _' u-lv ----..-.-.u-I.v.q..-L'.J- Razors and scissors szmtnnd and not on short notice. onououoooeoooauuu: `E XCELS|OR '3 PRUVINCSM BUILDING AND LUAN ASSOCIATION. ' .1? cUL}?"ii7I:fJ?"i7ti"" Hanrcutting and Shavlng Parlor OPPOSITE BA zmuc HOTEL, BARRIE_ `D...-.._n and Inning`... . BARRIE, oN*rAi=uo. Luurtgagca. yv Ins, clc., prepared on shortest 20 y ars doing business in Simcoe Parmersgf allv invitedto call and see us. Glad to see you` charge for consultation or advice. 1' 01' F ICE-0ppo:-ite Barrie Hotel. Barrie, Peter Street, Urillia. _ 4 ' ME. and Mrs. Dun McConky, of Toronto, spent Christmas with Mr.- and Mrs. Walson Forbes. ------- :~v-v- ---- .--.u...-..`;g `W Get your property on our list : ` Monev to Loan--l )on't borrow a dlla-olgtir $1 me; terms best. rates and charges lowe~t. ] Mortgages. \_rV:lls, etc.. prepared shotteatj I V domz business in Simrnn 5- 3...--- - "w. -- _ --"--' ` Real Estate and Insurance 1!; ...-.._ -..._..__.__- _ '11! be charged. . Advertgisers will not_`.;e allowed use ` ' -14- ---1..---n .....~a-`dun nvvfcin f}l63.1-T J ohn Rogerson, Fire and Life Assurance. Number of inches annr, ELIJLI. (XI I-IIELILQ1 xty, $:5.ooo.on<-. .- 1Y7_A._._3. T on vuuoxuna ouo1L`u`J.` COL. LEGE had such an attendance , or given so much satisfaction to it; pa. trone as during the meeent session. -Three Limes has it been necessary to extvod its seating accommodation, `mm as feel. an bhev-can be got ready, out the pupils go to situations. A co.mple`te equipn;;:;-; tborou . v . I!- IV up-to date esnabht-hmnc, in av; line thorough, practical. aauisfa/cto;-y ' Ir mum tn anon?! H... 1'.` 15 n .. . ' It pays autgend the E. C. 9. Circular free for apost card. * Harvey Hughes and Charlie Robert- lon spent Sunday with their lady friends in Cherry Creek. Business Gollege. AUTHORIZED CA PITAL. $5,000,000. J. P. SECORD, val ana lnuurlnce Au-i INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, &.C. SC-HROGGI E &. SMITH. DNDEN SED ADV ERTISEM ENTS. AD\l.ER'l'-ISE IN three rate ._ -.IJ...I "JAIVVJ V During his atoy in town he Rev, C. E. Dnxon, of '.l`oront.o, was the guest of Mt. and Mrs. Henry Rich. Ar m-4 9. . ,. ,3. _One Inser- Insets Inger- lnser- tions dons hon: tion. _1mos.;6mos. I yea! " A _....__.J..:._. .__.._.._ $6 5: `$2 5|$4 0036 00 $050 znn| Ra: rAnn 1): PRICE FOR JR ms the EX- E:S COL- endance; : ent eceaaary udationfand a. thorough- us, in, every. apisfactory. B. Got ard. Amo, % noun I ; rI;`I" `46oo 8000 {isl- -r1`be> Ihenibers of` Minerva Lodge A..F. & A.M , 304, installed thuevirlof "oors on Fridaynxgho, Dec. 27. Bro, : lap L-ounurd, u member .who"'hn not- Abj8_'(`I;pu-.6_ub f('.'(`( 1Q 7681?, `Wu! in '33-` J#f=9r;A%i%W1%%9* gs!-n% Mrs. John Dickey and family meved to Barrie last week. Mrs. W. Dickey moved into the house vacated by her sister. . - `Chester McConkey, has almost re- covered fronfan 'st.t.ack_ of diphtheria; This disease, it seems, has new entirely disappeared from our oommuniw as yet. W00 Wedneadny, `Jan 8911, the pupils of Knock Presbyterian Sabbath school will be given a social evening. `Prizes will be awarded and 5 good program given`, after which cake and candies will be diecribuced. - V ` ' G-nbeT Mconkey am'i family moved to the Smith farm on l1ch cou., which plloe he has routed and will work. Ill 1` I 1'\-I Al` Mr. Will Adams is spending the holidays with his friends here. We believe Will is time-keeper on the Aurora. and Sohemberg Railway, now being built. ' 111- (\.I It TI: Thelannual meeting of Innlal Plow-, `man : Association will be held .in`Tem- -pounce Hall, Sci-oud,on Fridav,Jan. I0, 1902. Directors and oioers are re quested to be present and the public are cordially` invited. " ` ' On :Deo.' 185b, at_ the reaidqnoe of Mr. Joseph Gregg, a very quiet house wedding took place, when Mrs. .Gregg'a' father, Wm. McDougall, of Allandole, wag unit.ed_in marriage to Ayiniai Law, `of Barrie, tlmceramony "being `performed by Rev, B; McKee. ' _ __-L-___ -4-'1n:_.'___- -"I9--.a__' oumeuauhovk. 1 tuny aeo`o':-cad use as 1 tor? every scholar` in `ochoohf good -fptogmn vuji-veh_._ _end thef A} boys and". "girls .wh'o'tooE per6.ecqeited = themselves edminbly. The ehorueee I wane muehenioyed as were the mouth and the heat of order prevailed. `. ho` 'II|I UIlV UVII \II vu uvn V.-ur--.-_ `At the regular meeting of iieorgian` Lodge No. 280, A.() U.W., `the follow- ing oicereyeie elected for the ensuing year[:--Master Workman, J . A. G. Evans ; Foreman, R. A. Sutherland ; Overseer`, A, L. H.aDunca.n ; Recorder and Financier, Hamilton Young ; Re- ceiver, Johnston Black; Guide, J. P.3 J ohneton ; Inside Watch, J ..:M. `Math- era ; Outside Wat.oh,; W. _J. Leonard ; Trustees, `E. T. McConkey_, E. W. Murphy; Rep. to Grand Lodge, H. Young. 0nvFriday, 10 h January, the above oioers will he installed, `after which the members will participate in. an oyster supper. l'I'l"\'I' v-- v.,----- _..r..., At the zegulair medting or L.O.L.. 234 on Thursday night, 19511 11115., the following oicers were elected for 19021 *-- -- nu 'l\l I 1'\ II 117, W.M., J, Wilson Black; D.M., Wm. Hunter; Chap_., Dr. Evens ; Sec jr, H. Young ;` Fin. Seo y, R. M. Moconkey ; '1`reae., Win. Diclgey ; Lecturer, R. J. Black; D. of 0., Harry Pratt ; Com- mittee, Harry Reynolds, Levi `Pratt, John Reynolds and Fred. Reynolds. No. 234 iecerteinly forging ahead this winter. A special meeting was held a few nights ago, when 6 candidates. were given the Blue Degree. On 2nd January a number of candidutee will be given the Royal Arch. - nn_- 1-.- 1'-.. I--. ....;..I-'.. :........ \ and 1_Vlr_s. Jae. Cook were the guests of Mr. W. Heart), Allaudale, on Xmas. j K A W M153 Edith Ferguoh is home afcr spending a year in Brantford. `Toronto and'New' Stork. ' Mr. Harland Marshal i seribuslv ill with In grippe. 1 `nu 1 .| Mr. Geo. Hnizrt gave 9. social hop to a few of his most: intimate friends on Xmas night. ' -19 11- . V . Ferguson. Mr. a;d' Mrs, Wm. Chapman and son, Morris, of Brantford, are spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Donald -in-u OI.` `. .1 LII II 0} Friday night last the Allendsle Presbyterian choir assembled at the home of Mr. Denald Ferguson, _and with a. few others spente very pleasant time. ` ` Aooupleot sleigh loads from here on Friday night lasbdroveto the home of Mr. T. Bowman, Crqwn Hill. where they tripped the light. fantastic tovthe strains of 9. rat-claaeorcbesnra, return-7 iug home, much delighted, in the wee ame hours. " .`ppp 865437 1Ij1`#Y. .. . .'b \l's ;l g_LI;.. 's;_..hli__ W" nwd Mu.AJ. Johgqn and Myrtle. : Joa._ , H_o:at:i,->?. =-.Michig. ia...t lIo.v iii /r -ru+ - an--.-. Smith. bf Buffalo, is ihe gueufof J. _McDermo_t_t. A ` V . '%_1kaT aohel H3okridge, of :r.......;., is visifiljg In hquye.` . ` ?~ A ' . On Tuesday svening, Dec. 24-lm, the Grenfel Methodist Church held itsan-V nual Sabbath school Xmas tree and en- tertainment- Ono of the most inter- esting features of the program was the address bvfllbert. Young aud'presenta- tion by Harland Marshal, which was as follows :-' T V Dear Pastcr;--We, the people of Grentel, feel we cannot let this merry Xmas and pleasant opportunity pass without, in some small way, showing our esteem tcrycu. . As` a pastor, we feel you are all we `could desire; the interest you have taken in our spiritual welfare, endeavoring in s most noble way to instruct us and help us-to he- come a Christian community. Your ever faithfulness to your duty in the church, and presence among us. in our Epworth League Society, and the great benet we feel you have been to us therein. Your friendly handshake and sympathetic feelings towards us, has won such a place in our respect for you, that we ask youte accept this robe as a slight token at our _esteem for you. "sinned on behalf of the people-of Zfnmgop said _Mrs. Bmhp, `spent Ohriucmu in Hglly._ ' - A ,. I | Mr. T. G, Scott,--T _ Gpnfel, 13!! VI. VV~.l-Ila `I.LUW.lllu 4 v . I V (T90 late 3: last wek's issue.) Colweu. _ Advance Correspondgnce. `Too late for last iveekhiuue.) _ ALL Q vn-av- Advu_:c:CoI-|fcspon_deneo.` `\ 1 :-;."=4: ; :;...g...-.-.________' `l`'``` " .` - K W V ;'- 5 < chum wcuajggsrnuniuuz. j Grenfel, Dec. .24, 1901. R, Yotmc, _ '1`; wmox. v'i: aiI|.'i(n|z :liei- :d_'IIl_Qil'la!:',# '1`ho`a.v Bishop. 1 ' `b ? _` -. in sun 3' .n-n-_-_:_ 2- ` Vii: % magic mornxgp, or `Burma , in the guest of Mine Olive Yung. . AI, Wm: Gill; 5: Tot-on.;o,. inane guess other` mother Mrs. Jno. Hook- ridgo.' ` A E! 0 `*|k9`,I,.` Jon, Applebo, of Agsaginiw,` Mich} Medics! Uollege,_ spent Sunday with" J no. Hockridge. ' ' ' , , A _ _. un`d4M;s'. Jae. -Lennox, of Innis- _|, `were guests of Mr. and ..Mra._A. Lennox `rt-Tce'ntly._ M The 0hriat.n;a's tree and entrtain- menu on th 24th, was a success, The proceeds `were $]\(vi\. ? ` Mr. arid Mr. Jacobs ' ahd family, of Barrie,` spent Supdsy with Mr. did 1 Mr._nnd Mrs. Wm. Wil_son.. ` Mr. Thompson and Mini Bertha Howard, of -Slouifville, art; the guests of Mr. and Mrs. VWm. Howard. ' Mia. J amen Marlin, of Barrie, and `Mias'Eie Kerfoot. of M_iue_aing`are the guexs of M ta. J. McDermott-. I 1\ - One sleigh load went to Shanty Bay on Friday night and another to Mad River_ on Mbnday. Both had an en- joyable time. ' Geo. Hart gave a. number bf youhg people a dance on Christmas night, Messrs. Dee and Rob. Donnelly sup- plied the music. ' _ at gun `vs 1 Q `Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nickson and family and Miss Lena Auxford, of Dal~ ston, spent Xmas with .Mr. and Mrs. Wesa Scott and MI. and Mrs. George Young, in Holly; ' T ` `Mr. Geo. Middleton, of Elmvaie, spent Christmas it Mr.` J. 0umming a. Messrs. J. Edwards and W. Evans, Edgar, called on friends here last week. _ ' Miss Anjnie Keri, Saurin is the guest of Miss Jean Elrick; ' . g LU VIII vvnov-yv----._ . On account, of. our to:-(no having to bcmgdo up on Tuesdsy, Dec.'31av, ,-__LI_` ___ ; Jno. Cumming,` spent Christmas with his sister Mrs. L. J ones, of "Elm- vale; A Mrs. J.` J. White and Miss Laure are visiting friends in the vicinity of Collingwood. I 111- -rm u--n _ Mia; Gerttude and Mr. Fred Burton, of Crosalend, called as Mr. J. Richard- son's last week. AMrs. Chas. Andrew and non of To- ronto are visiting her aunt Mrs. John Richardson. ' ' Mr./ and Mrs. Jae.` Cumming spent Chriatmaaiwith Mr. and Mrs. Johnston the Bslaams; ' ' Mr. A. Campbell -and Norman Graham, of Guthrie, spent Christmas with friendsiheri Mr. and Mrs. Vanaickle, M Elm- vale,jspenh Christmas with her mother, .Mra. A. Cumming. Mr. and Mrs. jlohn Hornaby Pene- tangispent Christmas with Mr. Jan. Tana: of this plgce. _ A numbbr. from here attended the Christmas Tree `in Elmvale and the concert at Auten Mills last week and reporba good time. x Mm. Hy Thurlow is attending her father Mr. "Wm. Huddlestou, Floa Centre, who iaiserioualy ill. We hope to hear of his bpeedy [recovery for less weei-::s issue, csnsidersbls occ- respondenoe was crowded `out-. '1`his_ we publish below.` We wcnld sequent A our correspondents to favor us with their copy on Mondays it possible so as to insure insertion, as it is our aim to publish as much local -matter ss possible slid to receive county contributions as regularly as possible. ,,,,lj _.-_..:_.I -1` Ann nnnIenn_ M-r. Jan. MoGinnis has returned to his home from `Neepawa. after an absence of Two years. His many friends are pleased to see him. - Mr. Wm. Bloxhnm has been on the sick list. . L O T Mr. and Mia. Wm. Farrier` visited in Elnivale last week. ` A Mr; Herb Loughed and sister Mary, spent Sunday as Knonk. ` ' - Mr. Ail, of Marq'uet,` ia`the'guet of Mr. S. _Gibs5on, . . Mr. A`. Bishop, of `G1-enfel, apen Sunday with friends here..- Mr. Millard Giban; of Niagm, spent Christmas with his pnenaa. II',, A `I\ 1 'Mr.A G'eorge ' Gibaoh, .'ofV Pimburg. -PM 0h?i9F'"" ="ih 5*? brt5r-"wad . Mr.-A: Dyer andWf;s;1iE_;>;l'`a'i>rated. `Christmas with friends in Barrie. M120. Brown and fBrown, of "Barrie, called on friends here on Sun- day. ' ' ` 'v.-_.._ -_. ,, , We wonlci remind elf our corres- pondents that news should be written on one side of upapei` only and ehonld in every case be signed. ' - L4 __...I_ L-