Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 19 Dec 1901, p. 8

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S -FRAYED Into the premises of the undersigned about the mth of November. 190:, a. red heifer rising 2 years old. the owner can have the same on provxng property and payin ex uses oxherwisethe animal will-be sold. GE RG HALBERT. Ivy D {\ Amen I`I\I9IiI l'\II`I Qfllnhn \rII III-Iv I I Modern Brick House on Louisa. Street. formerly occupiedvby R. I. Fraser. Apply to t\t'I\YAI `l\ 'Dl'\QQ - DUKES ' U9 PCT I-u1oIooo5ocouoo-o .Laidper1bIIOlII;IIOIOlCOIICO.}.OIOII Eggs dO2.. upon--_u-_uo.oo |'onIoI_ Applgn per pgck. ..;... .........`... Applcspqrbaa-rcl.... . . . . . . . ......'.. Potatoes,petba.g..- . . . . . . . . .......- Hay ex-ton. . . . . . . _Woo.washedperlb................ W901. unwashed. pen-1b..1.`.. Wood.aft.. percord. Wood) permdOIIII.IOIIOUOI. Anthracite coal. per ton............ Royal Arch degree." A pleesmb eve- ning was spent. The concert to be held on 23rd ormnieea to be a `success. A great number. of tickets are already sold. Mr. Simone and his committee purpose decorating the hall suitably So: the occasion, ` 4 Cow HEMIIOUIOOICIICII Calfskins perlb..;.... Tallowperlb............ Horse]-Iain-perlb....... Lambskins and pelts. . .. Hm-mi, I-lid;-,1 , , , _ . _ . _ _ IFIOTBB FIIUCS .--...o.uaoaoo Olloldon` Sheepskins)choiccooofoooonuocunooon Toronto Farmers Markets. NWIIV. LVIUKI'l1!. a ll-3151`, untano uauu Surveyors. En ineers, Etc. (Established in 1852.) Office. M ical uilding. S E. Cor. Richmond ` and Bav Sts., on-onto. Telephone, Main 1336. In- l structionu left with Strathy & Eaten, Solicitors Bank L of 'loronto Building, Barrie. will be promptly at- i tended to.- - . a ` so-49 i IMKUIUSKIHS at Horse I-Ijdes CL.'..._..I....- -1 Dated Nov. nth; 190:. S.0 No. 6, Essa will have 9. Mr. Bosl from Oxford County to take charge for 1902. , He seems well recom- mended. The rebiring teacher, Mr. Mc- ` Cracken; is going to attend the Univer- iciwhic Toronto. I This school has been Vswerded ,for cqxriuussioc class $50.00 for past year. 'The,. trustees are l-ukxng forward-`sochsgin-g more-=inte}=esc taken by Aphe0aroi.f"ta,piyersi` ac tphegxnual meesin g The Liffary Sciety is making group Vprogresa under the leadership of f Thus. McLean as President; On the `evening of tha 27 ch inst. there will be a mock t_riaI,"wh1ch will prove very ,in` ing. Are Fashionable Not invisibletbut nearly so. The can be made up with either solid go] , old lled (warranted to years), or ni el trimmings. They are not expensive. We adustthem s: that they are perf y adapted to the features. ~ Winnipgg, Dec. 11.--Yes1'.erday scl- vic `elections resulted as follows: Mayor, Arbuthnot, re-elected, "_ ma.-. `lrityiabout L600; WardvOne, Al_d. .-_C.a;mpb ,evll,_ .re_-elected; Ward. Two, Bar- xay ,% .a.ra :Threo_.* can-..-~ " iv _h:td1"`1<`o1-,-Sho,1;p,`_f- Rimless Glasses afu Dink, _u . II`C.|5D ctlw .. V .._, v.`...y. .. may for Aa.`_'sys\t_em.. at` sub-j "`.`_.-`1_1ax` ~ '-.=1'or"-nizcg- Ma:1`eua4t,he Week. '_H_9us_r: FOR sALe:_ on RENT. T ___._- ;..--A I'..__.... fuwm. MURi>HY. 8: ESTEN, onsaro Land enrununoa F:-\r:nnn|-Q `F90, Iltatnhlhhnd `II _W1niIpo: jlhnloipal qlootlons. V The mus}: supplied bv THE ADVXNCE is greatly appreciated by the lovers of ' good music in this-burg. V 1-` I&`It\a-,-I\ A;-u `f;5i~3X1'.D ROSS.` T Solicitor, - .:...; out-a. #0....` OIICIIUY 46-tf 49-i 450 425 45 8 5 Mm. Marshall, of Washago, is visi- 'ting her` father, Mr. Jos. Orchard sr. CC?-`I -Irv 25 15 x` "Werai)l_esA.,~.'.s_iznillnstgrafioxg of` Athgse all. pmverful resources, we \V()'I](1:;sk you egamine fog]-' your. own satisfaction a few `of the positive I)(( l'{](/ns sh_ow1_1 by us_th_is week.;the desired quality, style. cut, nish, and ,wearability.. Description fails to do them fu'HwjusLic':. See them, and if not as. stated; you will not be pressed to"bny. A complete stock of all popular cloths. l A special l_ine of travellers samples con- * taining agood variety of cloths and sizes. 1 The lot is put for sale at two prices ; $5.00 and $7 50. J 60 pairs of heavy, all wool Men s Pants, well made. just the the thing for coming \ cold weather, extra value, $l.%. 3 About 30 pairs of Men s Heavf Winter ` Pants, of the quality usually sold at $1.25, for 31 oo. Boys Suits and Overmats `DRESS Goons, SILKS, MANTLE A CLOTTHS, CURTAINS, DTRAPERS, CARPETS, VGLOVES, HOSIERY, CORSETS and SMALLWARES. .' --,reour<.':es_ pf this,' the bigg:-st sto-e in B-a1`1'i9, en :`ab 1es`n.3 tovcom-,inu9.,,g;;pp1ying the} greatest posmble values m Men s and 1503-5 "Wearables. - [As an illustration thgsg all resources, wo-uld ask V. '---V- . Bettr qualities at $6 50 and $8.00; % Men s Suits `ill:-. Kerfoot.- of l`o:-on-to Me`- dical College is home for big holidays. Men's Fine Winter Overcoats, in colors _ black. blue-black, and Oxford-gray Eng- lish Beaver Clothe, elearantlv lined and trimmed, Cheatereld style, with either box back or semi-clone tting, work- manship guaranteed A full range of prices, $5.00. $6 50. $7. 50, and $10.00 Men s Driving Coats, ~: Men s Ovegjcoats This house -giv es more than ordinary attention to Boys Clothing. We are do- ing a line now very much in demand at a very low_ gure. It is a Boys Reefer Coat, in sizes 22 to 28. double breasted, high color with tab, in frieze and beaver cloth, at. $2.75 Made of Fine Quality Frieze, lined with a warm tweed` lining. double breasted , high storm collar, slash side pockets, 52 to 54 inches long, all sizes, 35 to 46. at an: nn 3 . If you areelooking for somewhere canspend it to good advantage for useful articlee at Hambly Hardware _Stj.o e. We have a. large stock of .,Table Cutlery, Carving Sets, Silver Rocket Cutlery; v*Scissors-, Nickle 1`.`. SW9 M39115? to spend your Xmas money you % .Ple.ted e_ Kni-ves,`Forks and Spoons," TPla.te'Trs.js', 'I`ea.Pots and Tea Ket Christmas Buyers W. .B urkholder,. of Cornhill,' Jiaited friends here last week. IE'R.A.'VVLIEIY 8: DEVLIN, 129.! XMAS 19.! HAVE you seen our New season's Mufflers, Dress Pa.ds, Colored Silk and T T nicer than the ordinary scarf and just as cheap, 25c, 50c, 75c and $1 00. T MBRELLAS at this store are the pick of the new styles and will be found nicer than ever with Sterling Silver and Gold.Ha.ndles. Prices _$1.(0 to $4 00. A HE Mocha._and Kid Gloves we show are the nest goods ever brought to ' Barrie. The prices range from 500 to $3 50_per pair. LEGANT Things in White and Colored Silk Handkerchiefs in plain :m.l brocade. Special Xmas prices, 20c, 25c. 50c, 75c and $1 00. RICH'e'ects in S 1k and Satin Suspenders. Latest patterns '; very slxccinl and madeto wear, 25c to $1.00 a pair. C * C HIRTS and Collars in White and Colors in the very latest American and " Canadian Styles. Colors guaranteed permanent. The Styles that tit t-IuI \ ITEI See out Bissell for the limas tljagle for _ Our New Stores`, Opposite G\'1`.R. Station and P t Oice. 'OBBY New Neckware in all the leading American and English stylus. 25c, 50c and 75c. ` r ' nawvtnuvla N/VJ :2.:1d feel con1f.(:;'e`.,A l\I`AIN STREET, BARRIE. T J R, ilnmblv, of. Barrie, wave `in Jl town` onfMopdgy. - PM om- 'I`1uc Srons-. FOR SUITABLE Christmas Comes A But once a. Year; And when it comes Ibtbrings good cheer. $2 so] BARRIE. Fx BROS-, Ladds Winter Coats M"ll'mer'y: , A description of ouraalways handsome Millinery "being out of the question, we will merely state our acknowledged sup- remacy in this department is fully maintained. Our large exclusive Mil- " linery Rooms contain an elegant army from which to man your selection. In addition, our Miss Wright is a designer of styles and can suit you in a style all ` vour own- Johnston, of B.C.I. is home ~foi- his li_olidy& ` " : 7Y0Ilt_hI'- sizes in same goods, sizes 29 5., ' 34; for $3 50. lHen1 -s` Umltgrwear _ . An opportunity came our way 1., p.._ _ chuaeu lolzof Men's Fancy Striue A11 W'ool `Bhirtu and Drawers at less than regnhxr price. We took the Inc and are ohrimg them at 50c per garmc-nt. See our extra heavy Fleece. Lined Shins and Drawers, $1.00 per unit. Dress Making Dept. Under the able management of Muse Murphy; this department of our buai. mass has gained almost a provincial re- putation. Prompt. attention given to all orders received. AND USEFUL XMAS Gmrs. 220 Ladies Winter Coats, highest class tailoring, present season s make and proper lengths. They come from our regular makers and are Rmmx We are selling them at bare coat of material, the ne work of making thrown in. In other words, halt price. Miaa .EihelT'_oott, .0! Shelburne, is. visiting Mrs. N. Doharty. A in Has etarted-in. earnest and we are prepared for it with the best and biggest variety of Seasonable Footwear ever uered in Barrie Ou_re prices absoluteiy the` lowest for goods of merit. Our stock just now is the best showing we have ever made, and sugg est/many suitable as well` as useful, handsome gifts forholyiduy shoppe1's,. for. instance : JJGLIIDD ..I.'Al.Iuuv miss 1 nus an vu rsvu -, 4.;-.;uu aaoailvu vv.J vs--4-..uJ -vJ- - allwidths, w'oi~eh"7$? 5"o."peJia1........ ..... 1 20% `Ladies Vici Kid Slippers, Instep Strap, Handsome-style. _-Special 1 50 Ladies Fine Wool Felt, "Black Juliet Slippers, High Cut, Fur ` I 1 ____,__.._ ' 2' I`? Q ' I. V "I --..-1.`...1.-I..1- ..'...1.. Q .. .. 0| 1.. .......... OR "L_a,dies Finest; Slippers, Instep Strap, Kid ]-ined, very dressy style ,,,2_u1-_ ......;.1_ an Kn Q........'..1 - Ladies Chatelaine Bags, very liamlsome in the nest Seal Alligator and Morocco`leath_ers, prices 500 . 6 . . , . . .- . . . .. . . . . . . . .$ Ladies Raticull Hand Bag. v-1-.y useful and handsomegift for `a ` Lady. Prices inySeal, Levant Grain and Morocco,,90c to. . i.,Gent s Hr-ndsome Suit (.'asea_, $5 00 to. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . ~ Gents Handsome Travelling Bag in the finest Grain, Seal and: Alligator. Prices $1 50 to . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . _. . . . . .. JJEMLUD I-' III`; '7 VUI. J. \llV, nqsvuvun v IllQ\.IV must I Ivan -samba. \rInw Q won I. . bound, warm, comfortable style. Siz? s '2; to 7. Special*.... 1 25 Ladies Felt Slippers, Elastic Front; will be very com-forto.ble,_` 7 sizes 3 to 8. Special..`.. . . . . ........f.. . ` 50 Litdies Fine Jersey Button Overshoe, Maple Leaf Brand.-._ .Special_ 1' 45 Men s Fancy Velvet Slippers. very recent`: style in Black, Brown " and Wine Shades, sizes 6 to 10, prices per pair, 75c. 85c to... V Men's Fine "Leather Slippers, Turn Sole, Dressy and Serviceable. Special Value; prices $1.00 to . . . . . . . r :Men 8;Li1mberme~ ~s Rubbers, 1 Buckle '; every pair guaranteed to give satisfactory wear, sizes 6 to ll. Special . . . . . . . . . . . 5 b_Ie1i s lLumbermen s Rubbers, High Ankle Style, every pair war- ` `ranted. Special . . . . . . . . .` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . Stockings, very best values ever shown, p erpair, 400, 500; .aii,(l'.C 9 0 ob c o I o I o u n s o o - o o ,0 9.`: 9 u_o n -'1 o e rel": 0 I 0 v 0 o U-no v mgp"s __'___'_`s Lace Mopcasicns,` No, l.Grad siz 7 ' ll QM. Overshoes, J Buckle, `guaranteed VNO 1` quality, A ' en : `In W ` ' 1. o`._ o o o u o IoIOOIIoOo\oooo_0IOIVO-0I0I.o.g.~.. .. ,` B5oys- and Girls` Dept. , _C)1oth Sewed Soles; all sizes, per pair .' . . . ;". :_I9u8a' Slippem, yery natty styles, all sizes`35c and.'. :I';a .s2:I`M'nangninnn finest nnalitv- Il{7.AR' 3- in 7'..- L _ ; _ .lIyUl'u, titty utu-U] Dtlfw .11 910130 Uuy nuun - fgllwecasions, finest _qual1ty, _aizes' 3* to 7. -, . ..` . 076 u 0` 0 0-0 I 0.0 D 0 I (Ch? 5 0 31,0` `f `0v0 Frawley 81 Moore Ghristmas Buying Ladies `Dept. Man : % Dpt. The people of this village extend their sympathies to the frieuds'of the late Wm;_Auderson, Mrs." Anderson, his mother, and Mrs. Pratt,` _all-- of Crown Hill. Mr. Anderson `was a resident of this place for some time and had many friends here. The annual S. S. Christmas ? tree. and , entertainment -will `be held next Mon- dav evening 23:-d,1i nst. All are wel- | cotfnfa. - Hoff Advance Cotrespondence. A _Mr. Robibs Broley is very iH,Tat ' the time of writing. f'I`l.,, _ ,1 (`I 0| INI, E,;,,, -, '-, L ,3 _..-.-- Mr. Szuhba, of Peterboro, gave an \? entertainment here of `Gas Ligbny views iaud several selections on the Phono- l graph which were verv much a_ppreoia'2- `ed, on Wednesday night of last week. --_--_ r----- -__ `...-'v-- v. .--w..`, The temperature for the past week held precty well at 6 degxeea above ze- f to. the lowest. on Thuts_day bemg 3. do `great; below zero.` ` rnL- _,--,|_ -c -|-:- ___!___--A_,L___j . Urdignurat. 4 V . A ` Advaneev Cortspondencm. a `. Mr. G. B. McLean is visiting friends in Barrie. ' I` :1 ` J; zlnnu g n n "EL; mi`I{giJ i23i.}L}3x,' of 'niE&?Tr}{, was the guess of Miss Lillie Oscrander, last `week. ' , ~ Mi-'.v"tn. Hodson visited his daugh- ter, Mrs. May; and grand daughter Mrs. i Wgbar`a:.M_,idla E\d'lna5at. vgeek: _ vvvvvu -- -q.uvu-u-o.-vn unwary I-vuun ` Last Wednesday evening imiug mild ` g the band was outside and rendered so-` veral patriocicpieoes of music. fI\L_ ._.___.__ L`_- -I__ ..__L ___I_ "3f'B3E%1E}S'Bo}{ E3m New York Suete where he has been for over a year. Mr. Geo. Marshall is on the sick lieu, suffering from an attack of pneumonia. u:__ n'..-._:-.n,1..-.__-_ .1 :::.n_.__... ."K. Bell. of Crown Hi1l,iaviait- 'ing friends an this village. ' . cn..n.-...x.a :.. n___... c_..'._ \T...... 1r-..I.. :33 75 fvisit the store` tlii week and see for ymjs'e`1fth the moat handsom'e - A_gifts,% that n`eeds_no a>rg ui_ngT ie_ea'rly ; it is bebt;er allrou11jd.ff .Qu1 sqlespeopie f ` ` " . 4 00% :32 oo '8, 00 L25 250 75 I 20,; 165 125 1 50' 15 .50 1 oo: ' Saturd xy. ' Mr. W. Boadrav, `of'the Basket fqocory, had the misfortune no get the endawaken off some of'nis fingers on On Tuesday of last week Conductor Wm. Little `had a very narrow escape horn a serious accident. While at Thor-neon station he had occasion to change the semaphore, and when he went `to move the -lever he found the dog was frozen, and he kicked it With` his toot, when, the lever ew up and struck him on the head. Mr. Little. was knocked to the ground in an in stunt. `He was badly `bruised about the face, but. we are glad to say, is im proving nicely and his many friends hope to see him around again in a few days. Mrs. Anderson also passed asr_ey on Sunday morning last at her son-in-la w_ s residence Mr. W, Grant's, after a short illness -it -is supposed that she oontraoted pneumonia. from her `son thelate W. `Anderson who died two weeks ago; she will lie in the English Church Cemetery; Our sympathy goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Grant and friends in their. double bereavement. . 1 ' ' ,M!_'.- 0. Wu_lr.on' redeived severe in juries to one of his ' hands on Mouday He was engaged in putting A spring in an engine when it. slipped and fell on his hand. " /, Crown ' Advance Correspondence. ` We regret to say? that Mr. Welling- ton Partridge ia_ ill but his physician ; hopes for his early recovery. ` \ I __ arm a run a` L The Methodist Church Sunday School * intend having a Christmas tree and en- tertainment on Friday night, Dec. 20, `recitation: . and dialogues by the chila-_ ran and music as well, it will he held in the Temperance Hall- The Englxsh church intends giving one too we hear. ` w ': -.`-Ag-.WVe9k,l_vL`R.esord`-Vot_ . O.0.`C7._F-, mebtu Tu'eada_y,A Dec. A2'45'h. James W\lker 7viaited- friends in Khgck mu week. % 1 `Settlement-` Y Fd;' Dixon, (t. .Tor_ont6, is, hoine for i short time. gunning rink. 1 . Minesiixc. Advanbe Corroanondence. 3 Work is progtfesping (avorbly ozjthe A1\lNi'I At the station the other day a colligo was fastened in a box awaiting Ship- meant. and getting reanless it. made a. break for liberty, and succeeded" in do ing so. In a day or two in was capt.m- ed and sent on to it; destination. Death has again visited our neigh~ borhood and taken from our midst one bof four aged neighbors Mrs. Pratt. . 1033,- After a lingering ` illness she passed quiebiy away on Fridavmorning. Her remains were taken to Innisl cemetery whe revR ev. Mr. Murphy oouductsdvthe fvineral service. She w asra'metn_ber'o`f the Edalish_JOhureh `asd {kind peighe bor, leaving many frie de t.o.mourn her ' `Mikhail Pigs id oh 5 `two. vfaelia .vi`ait" to hisbparenta here; In I` - ' on. Mr. hrennan, of Angus, visited his sister, Mrs. John Blevins, for a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Black, of Col- lingwood, `were visiting with Mr, and Mrs.` Walter Longhurst last. week. ~ For 0holee1famu)" `Flatt and all kinds of Feed :0 to Wllklnlonh. All orders delivered promptly In any uunul. . Please leave your orders at, I e M11 olce or lfelephone No. 23. Mr. Rdberu Pullford, who has been laid off dub? for two weeks through a meal rail falling on his` foot," returned to work on Monday. - Happy New Year. Your correspondent wishes the many rsders of THE ADVANCE in the sixnb ward A Merry Christmas end A There was as large crowd of disap pointed people as the post office on Sat? urday night. The cause` was the non- arrivsl of Saturday evening : News. T S.` ezerminment in Bruntona hall to`-marrow (F:-itiay) night, -. Dr. W.VC. P. TBrem;er, of Svhrgaoh Falls,-is in town for a few days before leaving for the`0ld Country. I ~ no.1. N5. 432 and Couit Allandale -I;0.F. blectj oicers tofnight (Thurs- day. ' i - Mr. James McMillan, of Depot Har- bor, returned home for the winter on Tuesday last. Mrs. H. Keely, -of Allandale, Vapenh last week with her parents, Mr. and} Mrs. `D. Ggnton.-'--Elmvale Lance. .` Mr.'A lex. fan huhltwg sheep wor- a} dog one day last week. - _. Mci hel- hgs retured. heme after a viaitto friends in Uxbridge. II` il A `I Mr; Art Wyatt, of Richmond, Qua, is the guest of friends here for a. few weeks, V . Steve Brennan rtm-bed on Thursday from Depot Harbor for the winter. V . Sam Ling did not nd business up to his expectations in the sixth ward, and therefore leaf: on Monday for Toronto. `nun: vuuuwv w--- var-..--.---- ` Slighing is in Vorddl again, many people we`reTf9eling blde gqooun iof ghg {aVn`_t>_wf_1egv_ing' up Ijnoergmniously Mr.` Ed. Bun-idge, of Montizzal, is ; visiting hisparents on the tpwnline. -u- 1;: `c The "Epwortb League. of Edemiale, ` visited this townionwednesday evening and conducted the service in the Math-` odiet Church. \ `The congregation gt the Methodist church held their? anniversary services eonundnv 1ocheingc.e,oWe {have not ..theh._etIionnt Tcontxiihuted` is "asst-eh i_. F ."6`.3_ing:" "RBV7 9ni'e*moP9rin\ah aim L.::: nunuaym` " * 0.1L, 1* `Advance. ` Thornton. .O'ti`s..,`-j._ L , "3 ., .:l;`e{uaj..i;;..... _ ' _ a: ,4 -`I' [not Oloaouocccon` -j-B_`df-Qolgfvcb|`oI'noOoio;l~I0UiQnII vRy0...,... nouns-aocuoau cocoa..- -F10llr....'..........-....,i.'...... `cap RdclOV_ef.;`........u...;...-...`. Al.:l... ` BCt,f0I Q_`qI.lIl'll'I'..-o;..ou..aQ`..{- ;Bef.hindqll&l'teI'8......;......u... Muttolh`. ooooonogouuancncorona-can .La.t_nb..-.............. . . . . ......... rDI`e8BrdH0`S...............-...... Live Hogs, selection :70 to 230.... ` II II tllhf , A , . _ . . _ -. 3 ;.. .'.'.`. -n'..-. 2 -1 >:`L_I.I'IOO'l>II`nI`Oi`0O|I$ We are sorry to chranicie :.the death of one of our esteemed youn men on Wednesday 11th inns. in the person of Mr. George Campbell, who had been . conned tzoihis bed for nearly a year. ` l I-u . l\

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