fhe Advance V Has been sending you. music; free Every month since last June. OOQA -' And we have e Decided, that, as it has been Very much Appreciated, we shall A ` Net-send out any special Christmas edition, but shall Enclose this week, another . ; C U C` V Musical. Supplement; Please p 1 Understand that sw_eethea1't8. Long Ago |s-a special, free V Christmas Supplement, and that WEVSHALL CONTINUE L ;'.ro SEND TO ALL PAID- . % UP SUBSCBIBEES A MUSICAL SUPPLEMENT" . EVERY MONTH. Subscribe now 7 for I902 % $1.00 In Advance |IHE`AnVANBE, Sir,-Undersm\ding that the con sciences of some weretroubled by the sight of the word Palmiatry at the Hospital conversazione on Tuesday, I must offer a fr-w words of explanation. ""' - "'-~ A --1--L -- 'D......:.1....L -1.` 1`he_ Editor of THE ADV-A.iv(`;E(:M 11 British Army Were Needed Elsowhorb Says Premier seddon. Lltllll III-Bill: Us vvunnnu -- v._r--._--_v When Mrs. Ardagh, as President of the WOmBD -3 A.uxil1'ary," consulted me as to whether the offer of 9. young lady to read chaxacter from the hand should be accepted as part of the even- i.ug`s programme, I asked two questions before replying : T ha; .1. ___-___. 1-4.. .__..L.....J #1-nu UULULV lvrn ...a . % lab--Did the young lady pretend to * cell fortunedor to readthe future ? and 2nd--Was she to derive any gain from mu `transaction? . ' ,, __A2_____ VUU VIIIIIDIIVIIIVIJ l V The answer toboth these questions was in the negative ; and also, as to the `t-at that else dieoleimed. any power to read the future but only .to read char- acter from the hand._ 3 I' I .`I _L A`. __,_ HD1401 LIUIJJ Ituv uuuuuo Ithen stated my` belief `that. there was nothing either legally or morally wrong in it. A .. .- 5].... 111111;` nu-`Ant -I-horn an nn WIVII5 III at: .- As to the legal aspect, there waqno presence to tell fortunes," and what I was done was not for gain. ' L`... AA-an an an IIIJI-ll ! VV_CD IlIU av-u av---u ~ As to the moral aspect, the same re- mark may, in part, be made--that there was_no'pretence totell fortunes or to read the future. It was merely `what I have seen done in the parlors of some of those whose consciences were offend- ed._ - " 3 I .3 -2 -I__ _J_1 L`__L uuuuny `VIII? vvuu nu .-.a..-3.-u...., ...- ..- one of the meanings of Pal;;istry," also the art: of judging -character from chehhand. 4 ` ' 17" Q `For each I woeld merely add _ that the latest edition of the Imperial Dic ziunery (the beat. in England) gives as __- -.l.' ALA .........-u-n `CD51.-n;gf_'9`7, PRESBYTERIANISM IN \ u Th i rd Contingent .-Miust Wait `For-the Com- ing or the _Tran_aporc. ~ V" ' F 1 . Ottawa, Dec. 18.-.--I-It; had been in- tended that the thirdccontingentj shmlld sail from Halifax on Jan. 10, . but this arrangement has been up-' ' set by- a.- cablegram received from the War Oice Monday. It stated that the - Victoria would not be able to leave Cape Town in time toreach I-Ia1ifax'Jan. 10, as expected, and would not arrive at the latter port" before the 17th. The `troopships will be provisioned by, the Admiralty at Halifax; Recruiting in Kentville, N. 8., (not Kentville, Ont., as at rst reported), which has been substitut- ed for Quebec, will take place on the-_ 23rd inst, Major J. A. Northupv of the King's Canadian Hussars will be the `recruiting o_i,cer for the ve men 4 to be enrolled; . N ' Col. Evans Says (imul-Bye. had an interview with. the Governor-_ . eneral yesterday morning, whenitlle H _ ommandant of the Mounted Ries n id `good-bye to His Excellency. ` _; 1. "Evans left at four o'clock I for_ T ._ He received a iuessage l:'~ erday morning from Major Ham- Merritt, stating that 220 8 had arrived at Halifax; but _ them were suffering from some- ~ bad colds._ owing to exposure _ Recruit Down With Sicasles. lne trooper in the Mounted Ries, :1 Prince Ed\_vard.Islander, is down ' xv-ith`n1eas1es'.` Col. Evans saw the! western ' men when_ they passed - through Ottawa on their `way Ilaljfax. _ -and are as fine a lot of fellows, the to Hon. F. W. Bordenand Col. Evans] ` I They numbered about 250 i I 1 cars. I = `(L1/om1nandant' says, as `could be seen" anyw-here ; 5 ,' _.,.- nu .....-.. Sir,-Noticing some few weeks ago, in some or the locals, a short historical sketch of Presbyterisnism in Allsndsle, I thought I might be able -to add a few items of interest, which the younger and more recent members, of the con- gregation are not cognizant of. As far back as. 1875-6, when 1st and 2nd In- `nisl were one charge, under the `pas torque of Rev.` Mr. McConnell, of Craig-A vale, ` Allsndsleavas annexed and a student employed to assist. - For quite a length ct time regnlsr services were- . held` in~`the old Orsngesll, Essa rend, Allsndsje, .. Rev. _.Mr. McConnell and Rev.` `Mr. lling the sppoint-. `meats jelterhnte; Sebbsths. Mr. Fish- i59`i'!i:..!5`9'5""59l!19"*i'__`lF `show of to'M?+ 1-51*?4ii"`Pb3'.ris !r+'i4h9r`w um! i :19!!! : v I .. P IBIIJIIUI IIIIUII uuungvpw u--u. -r;.----..-.._.. of the aervioes~__of t.hoae,. "who ,;drpve. -!r'-ii-'%%*!!`19' .999? %39?"W* %. *8iV5thm% Ilillgv -as-vw ---._ `rgn-lair i A WHAT PALMISTRY IMPLIES. Dec. 14, Ol. Yom,_&c., % Joan A. ARDAGH. _B;srn_I; m:`1i. J BaIfr|9- Q These are merry timesut this store, `and no wonder. Crowds of- happy buyers come and go, well pleased with our efforts to supply the best within the re .~.ch of all. Everyone is enthused with the season s joyous spirits, and the usual business ring demonstrates this store s popu larity for gift selections. The goods speaklfor themselves; all marked `in plain figures and every available space is utilized for displ -y. What is not on view will be cheerfully shown. You re invited to this Yule Tide F east; There is nothing wanting to make yourshopping both pleas. E ing and easy. Shop early and take your time. Ours is yours. - <'l.0s(:(-I and volumes of_water : `3"`Wl'l`luk!.-3 in New Zealand Cause G1-out Damage to Property. A ! San Francisco, Dec.h18.-- N-ew Zea-.` land newsreceived. by steamer gives` details of great destruction of pro- perty in the Cheviot district by an enrthqua.ke on. '4 Nov. 18. . In the town of Cheviot and surroundings country the damage Willreach $20,- 000. Scarcely `a. building was left standing. The `fine homestead of Sir George Clifford was wrecked. Great ssures opened in the earth and water issued from them. In` one 1 oice a. heavy safe was thrown across theroom, and -brick chiuxueyts fell like. toy houses, _ The people " are pzmic-stricken ; _ The shocks jstill continue. -At Walin River, ' great mu-ks opened in the river bed, into which water poured. "1`lien' they ' _ were sent hundreds of `feet into_ the--aim ` g GRAEYE s XMAS - Mother, Sister: B `W ` ` .-.`y ..;,` "I" I >` T ` ` ` . 7 ; .-V~- L . ' ` .'-- . % ELIZABETHMAESTBEET, BARRlE.; QWIACKERWORK. _ ,Which we `offer until Xmas. at a discount of 20 per cent. less Athanjlzegtut prices. H 1 . - " f; No\hing'better or more acceptable as Xmas. presents for Father, ;_L1j`)t)I;jer,`hSistep, Brother, Sweetheart oru Friend; , " J A `CHAIRS TABLES SOFAS ` A LOUNGES OTTOMANS A CURATES AMUSIC AND MAGAZINE STANDS, H1.r.1tf0l`d,` Dec. 18;--'Zacchcu`s Wil- son Burnham was yesterday sentcno-A; Ct] to two years in Kings?/on.1 c~nite1}'- Iiury by the .police_znagist1~:a;tc.` bimme n.-unths ago Burnham pleaded guilty. *0 obtaining lmoney under `false pre- tr:n(:0S from Hon. Ja1ne8`Ba.lla.ntyn9-*9 Mo was not then sentenced,-as.s'eve1'jw ul other actins. -nfa, similar charlac -'-' LC!` Wet'e pending--. ' ~ V 7 the pric of Wicker Furniture of 'every description until Xmas. We have a splendid stock of new Wickerwqrk cons sting of 2o PER CENT. DISCOUNT orr SALE P1ujne 74. 50 60 B1 25 1 45 1 00 75 85 .0: the manic son. ; Halifax. Dec. ' 18..--An1ong.'te' `bass-`Y '~`I.:<>!'s who arriverl.here. by t.he ma.il. -st,ca.mer Corinthian "yesterday % m()tn- ing from Liverpool, was a. party of 8*` ..Vm.1ng Scot.ch 1'ar1ne1's, who 5 will hf: disturbed tlrrough .TMi1n_i.t oba.l :1 he men are bctwee'n the ap;__es J2 and 30, and are;a1l oxpen-io_i1cj_ed L` farmers. .'_ . 4| "`-'-""""""""""` 25 1 O0 50 50 35 25 00 60 ~ ' Otta-W.a.;:=- ' Smith, ' coLpNI1ss comm END wan. ` SAILING IS DELAYED, '5? I? `inn iczu'ra' ornmw. Sentenced In A _ l".ut|u.-I`. Disaippeairso TH oraucker_bV`11l-`otiiid GP !1 * ,",'. `r '>..`u\ V ~'If;'u. $`un' I.n Nf.r:ntfo'd- . 18 .'-Zacchcu's Wi]- ; , ,3 , -_ ,......J-nu-\n_. H.a;ines- __-_ -L A E vrankis % 1 o.i=i1`niZ.1'@" i .bor, the great ,i1i`(l_us'ti'ia.l, `und'-'_na.n`-{ i ci`a,1Jlea.d.ers and. the public not iden-` tied -with either of the other two interests. ' ` .- A..__-_.._ A.I__-,- ,1, ,,, - one vvyo Vb?-I-OW Among thols chosen` to reprcserit vcapital are: ' Ma.rk'Hanna.,\ S. R. Callaway, Charles M. Schwab and ~ J ohn` ` . "Rockefeller, jr. H1- ....'.\..-......A. \.-|..-... c4-..,.__..| (1---- """`' "" """"""" I - J ' . . To rpresent. labor: Samuel C-`om-.T pers, John Mitchell, F. P; Sarg-ent, Th dbre Shaffer, James O'Connell an James E; Lynch. ' ~ -rn- ....... -..'L J.L- -..I..1:-. rt ..... .,... Vie 'r'i?r"'se' `1i;`.'.`{m1ic; . Glfover Cleveland, Archbishop Ireland, Bish- op " Potter, J a;nes-H. Eckels and John G. Milbnrn. ` Mission of Abyssinian Exploration Com- puny Engineers Fails. `London, Dec. 18.-The most im- portant news by the J ibuti mail, `says a.` despatch from Marseilles to The Times, is the refusal of the Ne- gus Menelek to grant mining con- cessions. in the equatorial provinces to engineers of the Abyssinian Ex- ploration Company. F11]... 4.-nn.\..n ,.nn.~.vnr\nrl nnfcirln flan psua qupsuu \Jvuq-:u.u,y . The engineers encumped outside the Wa.1ls_0f Harar and telephoned their request. The Emperor replied that he' would not grant fresh mining con-p cessions till he knew the rst results of _the existing concessions. i run. x1'_._.-... .-...-.:4....J 4.1..-. 1-\v\tI`:r\t3nI` 4-n U1 _ U116 01113011115 vutsvuuwavuauu The Negus invited the engineers to visit Ethiopia. as ordinary travelers, but plainly said that he would have no gold concessions sold without his knowledge and consent. \J\lJ.\--I-Lauaauv 4 v by Venezuela. VIWLA r1n11ni`D1 ` Dy V Ullcauoaua. The General Hospital at_ Mattawa was burned 1`uesday'n1ornmg. - L--- un......1.... `-4. TlTnn|n1'r\n-+r\I'| nu Uu` cu _[_ uuq\AoJ L-lA\.l& :a-ya- I . Senator Wheeler `at Washington 0 Tuesday asked for another _Scl11e_v enquiry. _ . rm... Tvnnnvin] War n`fHma_ m~dp_rs' BI-lqulry. The Imperial War Oice orders from Canada 1,000 tons of our for- -use`in`South Afmca. _ ; .1 - _L -.... ...LA ..&8-.\...n1nrI `Dy..\g_` `UHU 111 LJUULLL Lxsscxvvo The doctors who attended V Preshi-`I dent McKinley in his last days look to_ Congress for remuneration. 'Il'- A 'Ivu-:1` 11., Ill. T .t'\I`l .Qf.1'n LU_\JU1.l5l.UDB tux J.cu.I.uuvAu.usvu. Mr. Alfred Back, Lord St1-.th- cona s secretary, died suddenly In; London, England, on Tuesday. 1' 2---; t`1....L..\.-.- AC f\l-4-nu!-In .I..lUuu.u11, .u4u5u.uu\., V _____,_,,__,_,. VLieut. Graham of Ottawa was married on Tuesday `to Miss Dow- ling. He leaves with the third con-` L:........u6- _;;ing'en't.-I ` `London, Dec. 18.---'1`h`e fall ofysnow ` in Scotland is heavier than at any time in fty years. Several game`- ' keepers and shepherds are missing-, and the destructinn of sheep in the ' snow drifts`, w~h_`ch range from ten to twenty feet `deep, is imprecerlent-I ' ed. The erqiiils are impassable. Parts of Engl`an" tu`e_'s`ueri1,1g al- ` most equally from_ t;h_e. heavy fan of ` sriotw-.` A train which "was snowed up -Ileialr I-Ia.rting`to`n on Thursday was ` released` only yesterday "morning. 9. ` ' . . : . ~ - . . - I V c--'_._. Rome, Dec. 18.---Signor Ferni, Socialist, furnished a. further diver- sion in the Chamber yesterday.` Be-VI` ing excluded from thefoor on ac-` count of his conduct `Monday, Fcrri} `watched the proceedings through a, glass door at the back of the Chem-. her. When the House refused to modify the president s order of 'cen-' sure and exclusion against Ferri, -, the`1a.ter smashed the glass and shouted epithets through the hole. This resulted in again breaking up` the itting amid. greater disorder. e MENELEK nmrusns coxcnssioss. Uohstantihopie, Dec. i8;+W. W`.. _Peek, treasurer of the Turkish mi_s- sion in Constantinople, awompanied` by M. Gurgiulo, `dmgoman . of the United States legatiou here, started. last night to meet the brigands who "hold. Miss Stone captive. In accord- ~~ --=u. :....+...m+i.nm v-nonived froxn "hold MISS atone Ca.puvc. u. ...,w.,, ance with instructions received from Washington, they will attempt to se-. cure the release of the prisoners in -exchange for theransom money now available. It is reported here that "Mme. Tsilka s baby is still alive and` well, . A ~ . 7 r- Columbia rejects the terms oeredi T7--- _-_ -1- Back in l1'el`:{nd. ' Queenstown, _Dcc. 18.---'.l`.he White Star liner, Oceanic, from New ,York, Dec. 11, having on board Messrs. Redmond, McI`Iug'-`h and O'Donnell, the Irishmembers of Ptu'1iament,,ar- rived here yestei'da.y` afternoon. .` A' delegation from the._IJ`nitedi Irish League went. out .`on the _ companies tender to meet Mr. Redmond and his ` compaxiions. . _ V i ' ` `Columbus. & Ohio; nee. FQII on Klilaw -. ......- __, --King V1rvin_,' 6, l.borei'. at the Maringu-st-,wee1\ V ;Was1;o.vercam_ by strong FUrnRc9:- ,. I M ` tar Iumes` .39$erda.y. = J and, .8`a6._5 L-Ylfd .. , * 161.! 111>onva4 PIWV of hot *;`1I.Ital ?Dath'::. . V ' `E U "A . 3 ..to; atoms. Butlqr, PL., Dec. 18.-T'homas Ed- wards and Charles Parker vwerevkill- ed by an explosion of` uitro giycer-' inc, about ve miles north. of V here. yesterday- The boiler and engine house of- the nitro; ,glycev:ne=plant, the men and their horses were blown, M V Frozen at` : In-Ir `Posts. V Lisbon, Dec. v18..--`The cold weuthe `prevailing here is `quite unprecedent- ed. ` Two sentries have been. frozen to death. o The River. '1`agn is full of- The provinces o!~_. I _ortu~ . `gal .%ha.\{e: "been ~~rswept- py Q,` ;sno.w-A-I_ / ` storm, g ._ _ y. .l. _J.pQiI|uvav--w .. 1 1 " Messriir 7II5:mut- " ks; v_ `ulldma; TAPS FROM THE \VlRESg Shouiod Through 3 H610. Snow Heaviest in 50 Years. F61` on` Plato of Hot piety]; ' ~ux,_-..` 1.3 `_~ To )Ia.et- the Brixzmds. A `. '.Al\ > fIIi'.'A IIleID.DBl'S U1 1 cu llwusvun v,_ ..,. 3 yesterday A 1 the./United eut out.._on the_ and his` Blown to }uonis.. 6'3` ;,_ 11.5: ` --A"ci'9:sis /the Mlgntio. ` { A A 1__ ;~;_~ .;I`v6:uuo:i`u, '"l1_'n?a'npAt1n-tic-_` ~"_'1o_1'o.- j":-phj-:N'egotiaitIdnn in `P1-o5g:-cu Lott- n; to u_ SqI:t._'loI'::'unt. of `the `Monopoly `Cllilms-'61 `the T_C'abla, Cami!!! in _ Ndwfoundland. `A St... J ehn's, _1\I'd., Dee; e1:8...-- _ Mar--`:5 is highly pleased with `his success` "in tr`ans-Atlantic` ~wireless _t.e1egraphy,'sa.id last night that he expects to be able within 2;, year to send two dierent messages over the same apparatus simultaneously be- tween Cornwall and `St. John's. ` _1,_-__`I#A _I_.._. "=f:1iSsa377"'i1}1tiIZ3 {.;u`e`I2i3{'1oing this between English stations W100_ - miles `apart. . rnL- Ir- _-----.' I`l1_'..-`I ....... rn-1.......--.I... ......... ..,,... .... . The Marconi , _Wireless Telegraphy Company of London,` and the Anglo- Americau Cable Company; in T. Lon- don,` have opened` negotiations for the settlement of the difculty be- tweenthem, arising -from Mr. Mar-A coni s work here. In the meantime, as it is important that Ma1'coni s op-' erations be expedited, he will cease his experiments here and will leave next Sunday for Nova Seotia. where, in the event of the failure of the present - negotiations, he will select -another. site for a. wireless tele- graph station. -The` inventor s work in Nova. Scotia will ' occupy him about a week, when he will leave fortLo ndon. L V -_ Government Visits Marconi. Keeley Does Not Doubt. Ottawa, Dec. 18.--D. H. Keeley, head of the Government telegraph service, said yesterday that he did ~. not doubt the ultimate success of trans-Atlantic wireless transmission. To workthe Wireless installation be- tween Belle Isle` and the .mainland, _20 miles, an electric energy equal to ` one-quarter horse-power `is used. It ` has . been working since last `fall. V 1 Such things have been {accomplished i ' with the apparatus that it is hardly fair to doubt anything that is claim- . ed for it.` ` A ~ - -k,__,,, St. John's, Nd., Dec. '18.-- Mar- coni was visited`. officially at Signal Hill yesterday by Governor Boyle, Pre1nier -Bond and the Executive Council.` They were shpwn the wire- less apparatus, wh_ich was explained . to them. Noattempt was made to get signals from England, because of the hostility of the Anglo-American Cable Company. The Government ofcials, beforevisiting Marconi, had to consider the protest against their going made by the superintendent of the Anglo-American Cable Company, who ._claimed that the Government should not identify itself with either party. The oicizils decided that the scientic aspect of the Marconi plan warranted their recognizing I him.` ' v I-Zxecutivu A Toronto, Dec. e l.8.=-: 1`hc "Dominion Alliance for the total suppression of the (liquor ' traic held. an executive meeting at the Confederation Life Building yesterday afternoon. J. J. Maclaren, K.C.', presided. The ques-. .tion consideredwas the policy to be `adopted regarding federal legislation, in View of the Manitoba act judg-. ment. v It was decided to defer call- ing the meeting of the Legislation Cominittee, which usually meets . at (lttawa, early in the session'..'- pendr-` ing developments in connection with the movement for provincial prohib- ition in `Ontario. ` _--_-!4:_,' A..,,,_.':>...`LL..n -2 1` ; Winnipeg, Dec.'.18.--General Mana- ger Thompson of the`0gilvie Milling Company, 7 in reply to yesterda,y s enquiries," said that he` estimated that about 60 per cent. of this year's crop, equa.l_ to 35 millionbush-P mls, had already been marketed. This included the` whole 01 the de- liveries in ;.Manit.oba and the North- west Territories. V -.~..---..-..n:-..~ `...a- -u..'..:4-.4... IDIUII ll` \.llllluvl>C\" A sub-committee-, con-si's'ti_hg of J. J. Macluren, Emerson Coatsworth, jr., and F. S. Spence, was appointed to draft amendments. to the-. Scott Act, .to extend its operations T to `more than _one_,city or county, mak- ing it applicable to groups or coun- ties. Thiis .is apolicy, which it is claimed, Sir Wilfrid Laurier and a. mz_ijori`by of his Cabinet. are commit- ted to. ` ' :-.q\ 13 __..;3___ -3 LI... WIT`.-.0 `Tami: l-CU (Us The Executive of the West York Prohibition Electoral Association has. interviewed Messrs, Wallace and Campbell, and a.nno1mc cs*t.ha.t they will have a. very interesting report vcntion at Toronto Junction on Fri-. to present to the prohibition con- day afternoon`. r--- L} 4.` next year's seed_r'equir`ements, say 3 WC?!) b 1. U1 1]. uursca-. The consumption 70! Manitoba wheat-in the whole of` Canada, will be -_from about 15 millionbto-t 17 million bushels, and, allowing for million bushe1s,. this should leave 40 million bushels of the 1901 crop for ex1mrt,.. Of this quantity about half has Valregdy been disposed of. many Millions Lost. . ..London,'Dec. 18-;-During a. meeting` of the creditors of the London and Globe ` Finance Corporations yester- -day the oicial receiver, fMr. Barnes, announced that ' th unsecured na- bilitiesn of . the concern e,gg1fegated_ ~s1;14_2,00o n_($'5',710_.0O0). with 9.13% w .~ patently ~-overvalued _a`ssets a.mo,unb- ;...~. 4.... T;-Aanennn ('2.120.000). ' `At patently OVBF V I1 ucu _ anus mg to 424,009 (s2,12o,o3$:`f`.Ei a. subsuaueht .mecti1,ur, of the share-' holders, B a.rnes `there would fbg nothing left. f`or_ them. . London, ., Lolfd 1 .` V. V .1`: 11?%!5s. (about 1.11f,`?~_`.?t.W,- Pt%%bt.i>: ` and the fro_nier A-of 1 _()"tqV_g1;ese;f_~-1313.3?! V- Africa) received` 4`hei"e L-yest:c'rla.y;` :a,n'.;, nounces that. Connmepndant Kritzingeri (the famous Boer com`111a.1_1da.nt`. who has gured so P1`0minentlY in .con- nec.tion`with the invasion of , Cape Colony), has been captured-, t~a.dly wounded, by Gen. French. Kgitzingr was trying to break the blockl1ouse~ cordon at Hanovigr Road. ` ` : My -ti am, i-pee; v1.8.--The c. `P. R. 't,.a _g?,rcl 331:` jehe 'w_ep`k eding Dep. 14. Iw.fas Z 37895900: `Same. W 1a8#`' I 34... . 4. .nt.\" rnon131r1oN.uA'rrmns. .Slxty Per Cent. Dispoio-d (Of; 0 u! the Dominion Alliance Dosh with Many Questions. T UP. 8.` lfiarnmgs. . Wellington, N.Z., Dec. 18.---'1'`he ` Premier, Mr." R. Seddon, address-"\ ing yesterday the New e _Zealind' troops which have just returned from. South _* Africa, `referred in severe.` terms to. the British War-Oice and its attempts to snub the colonies.. He considered that if the colonials had been given a. freer hand and had been less bound by red tape, the re- sults would have been better. Should . the British army be required else- where, the Premier added, Canada. and the other colonies could now easilv nish the war.-