heating of the .mp1: % new :93! . ` V MOTIONS. V Ald.` Vela` presented a. motion that the Electric Light Department should install. lights ln residences of Messrs. F. M. Smith, _G. Plaxton and Wallace, has after some die- ouuion withdrew it`. h` . u-r -__. -u-_.-n nu.;. nI-.-I. -.a..-Q.4.:-- Uullvll Witllulvw llu McLean--`Powell--That T Clerk advertise for tender: for wood for electric light depart- ment and waterworks, tenderrto epecifv kinds of `work and be` in by Jan. 6th 1902.. Carried. ' 1 . V V ' . _-;..a__ 1... in: ..m....... -...I 1r-:.. -_n-.1 ggtiou bv Ald. T'.l`jrer and `Visit calld for -tendons for woodfor re-hull. market and ".l`oivn Hall, some kind Aulau year, was also carried. . n_._ m_._-.. m|.-a. LL- nI_..n. .`-|. n- I VITTIUU o * vat:-%-'rTym-'rm the Clerk Ask Mr. Moranithe rentaltof hi: lot font piling wood on.--Carried. .. i , , . '- T,'-I.. `l- --- kn h-I`Q` On. ""\lCIl'I'IUua , Va.ir--MoLean--That a cheque be ioatied t.o.Roya.1 Victoria Hospital for $l000._pend- {g moneyf:-om debenturbi.-_-Oarod." - `ran nJw_ron s vannmaromr. Am. Pdwanl. man u_k`od tho. Msybr so `leave the chair, and d. Jory? huvingakon the Lvqoqnt seat, the former movgd < thus an honoutium 913100 he to the mayor, which -was iim-i_od_. ` 1-n_ctr;..'.|_x.. 1.1 u.-'..I. l.'.-m . `KL- 'l'V-.'...'.'.`ll `nun. WHICH WEI UBITIDH. w Hi: Wornhip in thanking the Council to- ferrodto the foot that he `had been jn the Counoilftwo years and had found the work arduous for the. m_emberuu well on for him- ielf. B04f0|'_` ho had taken` the Mayor's %ohg`l`r_Athe ,town?,h'_ud none ' into considerable ;-Qipondlturoa Bofclpoko of the work l d_on'~. -11%} It 9 odd that: 911%; hid-.11 given } . K ->:,!!?`1_!t,..`!$Y`~|" `#50 thfim'.`*!`* HAAAA4 the press. which was all undeserved and an called for. It wasthe duty of the press to fairly criticize. In many cases instead of bringing anything against them this ape: abused Itscontinnal carping wonldt`: ring no harm to them "as they were all `known , but.m_ ht do_the.town harm. -Hlsrrelations` wlthst e Council, had ;`a'lAw'a{s been cordial , be` hard: i1*fr%hnd efoubir gut .o,n-..,.II' '1'5-9.'.:V:y`'>1."iVl'3;~Yi~9'.'-#-..i!_Iv` hI.-.1_!.I`n.?- `V gjgjwonld ea'.v,e,ttjemir'yi. :` dar _ 25 _:t_. ._ &%&1% V Vi, Special Bhristmas Thisbig Store is full of Rich and Useful Christmas presents at low cost. For vyhatever you have to spend you will `get a better article here than elsewhere. Come to us and -We will aid you in a` wise selection and save you money. I Among hundreds of articles here are a few suggestions : HANG UP YOUR... 3;p5.`s'Dr.' L. M. _`8weetnom. of . Toronto. Bender: of this paper dill oemember an of Union Roi, of Penetung, be-T {.|_;':g`1oti_n the arnund of an operation Miohgelh` Hospital for the relief ."`gJqe;on9. Dr. Bweetnnm gave np ` performing this `dangerous doting thamotk he drew Fancy Handkerchiets at 3c, 5c. 10c up to $1.50 each. Fancy Ties at 10c, 20c, 25c, 50c. ` - V I No fancy prices are charged for Fancy Goods at the Cash Store. ` 25c Patent Leather` Belts for 15c and 20c. Av Wool Toques. Tame, Fascinators,Olouds, Scarfs, Shawls, `.\liIb-S`: Glovecand Hosiery ; allsuitable forpresents and all at cut prices. 300 English Samples at 33 discount. " `l4`...u... flV'..l..I- n......v.. m.._.n1-..|... *r:..-.. T\_-_~-, m-_---x_ n....;.:..`. _-_.__...-- -....--.`r--nu my u_v3 Us Fancy Table Cove s,w"J"\e;(v3.loths, Linen Drape-z, Towels, Cm't:xi'1S, `Comforters, Quilts and Blankets all at 10 to 20 per cent. below regular. Ladies Jackets and Children s Coats. Hundreds of Coats, many of them_New York samples at one third off the cost. 3.3g- ~8;3.75fCoats<$2.50 ,- $5 Coats $3 50 ; $10 Coats $7 ; $15 Coats $10. 25% `off Berlinsample Capes. , . .Kid %}Ioves, S-ll: Parasols and Umbrellas; no nicer present for it ladY.: .:~Shirts, Ti 1:0: Fine Suits and Overcoats, Semi Ready, at 35 per cent. discount L es, 'G10ves,1Scarfs, Half Hose, Undrqlothing, Sweaters, Collars, rdiga.nsAand Caps. ' ~ '- 7-'I`."._,.~. I)....A... 'QL-}...` G1.._.__._ `I'\:_,___,`L _ -. '1 In 1 I Pfesenfs for Man. aL:hr|stmWas% Saio Is on at fhE:a;h store. ,V;'. ..:`v%v"_V`-V..T~._`h \.." ...vlnk. %to yoga I: I0 to 30 per cent. `Barrie. -L'a.dies Finns Shoes and Slippers, 25 a pairvsaved on those. Uorste at.25 apair saving. Hosiery at 5 to 15 a. pair off regular. '?V.'aV'I-vi cu ... -..l,,, . M`. ,. . * . . '- v . V993 Bt3r_ Sh."v Shppers, -Qvershoss and Rubbers at cut prices. ' i-'--?' ' ,, Tuyollon should sacuae-a Rand-McNaJly Railway huuo and Hand Boou-a.ma monthlv. ' AR-_QI-_ All _.I..... 4...}... .na"u nvnnnt Sundnv. V F-V . - 0ash/cmdone Price. i M 9?? H90 %PWM8- \"/CV-v5~`JV" \' '1I_:3`U"`tD" O\S' \7\'-'::\` '/\" `-_nQ~'/\- g_-, ' I5EE2.V%7E7IZN"--Kw `V. Prices T|-IE _NORT.H=RN Aovnuca isboi F `T: ::--V- an-so new `...... win he added to the Subscription lit until the monev in paid. A Illblctiberl now in arrears for three months and In! ylll be charged $1.50 per nnnum onuuzi. wasu-:`v, PROPRIETOR A 8 Page 48 boolu-mu Newspaper. TKO Pnbliuhed from the `-Oice, :33 Dunlop Street Berlin. in the County o( Simcoe. the Pro- . Vince of Ontario. Canada. every Thurodnv Morning, by {81 per in Advance. omen; history is being made today by the livueesof the sturdy egriculturiets " and indosvricus villagers as well as by the` people of our large cities. V The county correspondents of the newspapers of Canada. are alike the recorders as ' well as `melkers of history. To those who week after week favor us" irith their correspondence we especially ex- 5 tend the season's greetings and to all our readers and friends we wish .a ' -merry, merryj Xmas. 1.81 mm. . m'.i.;e-sot, 9.09 pan. .38 A ` `o`u|o VGRAVENHURST NORTH BAY: b `I1.88`a.m. _. ml. _ 530 pan. '1 p 15 . ` . - THE sm.soN's GREETINGS. Once more Christmas is wuh us and the goodwill "that. it. brings. To every `one we wish -the marries: Christmas and it is pleasing to know um Canad- ians in general were` never, prhapa, in ""'I'I' V """""I There is one thought that will come te us all this year and that is that it is the first '-Christmas in the twentieth oenturv. When we consider the pro- 3- more prosperous and Tprc'>z.nising- on; `dition and so Table to provide for o hgppy holiday- ' . _._- LL_.--LL`L`nnn` 1;" Anunn -u_w-.---_._ iTniI.n1euvo`BnrioL foruad arrive fmm Idonuontioned place: as fpllows : " -nu,` ` mnonro mom 3.34 _ _ `. Ifiuuvnnn 3"`. Vvn-u-- - green this country has made since` the rnt Uhmietmas in the last centurv. the Christmas, _of the -hardy pioneers to `whom be all honor, we can thankfully regard thecomforts of twentieth century `The medical .pEofe;aion in Ognada has , :lo|t' hue` 1731`) has won I reputation by plgfakill I character in the person of , _;_'_-_._ .E H! ____ L- _ w mntuwiunninowme. On another page will be found a re- finance to the feet that a. subscription -lilt has been opened for a monument to be erected in memolfy of the late Mr. H. A;.*sjHerper.' {It wee only a few days be-_ -fore_ `over a ` thousand dollars wad unb- jeribed. `It is hoped between $4000, ;-|nd:;I5000 will be obtained by the com- .gInmee_ of Ottawe4citizensi. No doubt life. she dsoessed _s many ah-iends inABsrrio glad to knowvhhst they are in`- vvitd to assist in raising a monument to ")0 worthy and gallant a son of Osnsds. WIIVQIIIIBIII minus `nu-nu `nu, , -.- - COLLINGWOOD GI MEa\FO-RD Mwi I.l..15 o. .m. 5332 4| 'I.00 `pan. - Express. . "L55 I nu-`xnrr AMI: 11.18 mm. 582 pm I. pan. . Accommodation. 7.55 mm ' ALLANDALE &_ BARRIE SECTION. _ ...___ _A `Q-qgltsaalli llracm--xv a----.- .. - aunt: in 4_\;i;mmz.3. 1.3: a..tn_., 1.56 a.m.. 9.37a.!n.._'n.x5 'a.m.. u.55 .I., 5.27p.m,. 8.oo p.m. . V ALLANDAL8 no amuun. v.5oa..m., n.x5 a..m.. .1-has a.m., 5.13 p.m., .55 905* 945 I -`' ~ . ,1. IIBIIII DUuu-:usuuu Ialv-wuovv `Dlilv. All other trains -Daily except Sunday. `FOR, 1 uusvu I u 1;, mm Ex rgu {IO pm). ad. H1255` pan _*_Atlantic&.Pu The evenult-Express Ian -9`; anti 0|-A1 Dl LRAILWJAY GUIDE. V' H K B`y -iie 11:33 I Gravpnhunt nuxod (loath 0015') 9'37 lIA\I I l\Yf1llY!\t\I\ Jr. HEAMRD. '93 TQRUN TU rltvu H, was `(.58 pm. F`.II 11.38 am. E255` *_Atlantic 8: .Puic Ex. 6. pm`!- rl... avenint-E-Xnrcll leaves Toronto at 3.40 % 3 ` iCdip1Iy`_6l i'tto'ih`~thut: oxcellu` "any !xe'_t`etofi`o' eigsaibited. We sell "pic- `WIPE frtmo.- . ' % I ` `jo_.ve_ltlsA for fbhu bolt-1;: iy..uv.i_m".lo complete. - . Gall uidgniooi Po n`raits.V "AllI.lIIlc It .r.cInU I38: `IaVU `nun IQ `A III!` ll|(\\! >*3I.\\'*\lI H runs on SUBSCRIPTION. u--I-u `-- PENETAIVVIG. Accommodation. p.m. mm. , _. -_._--n .ANIt'IlI|II\" . ---.r__.._ 7-" H AmL'roi~z. Qt!!!- \"l\lJ. `pan. `Mme e% annual (_lin';Ior' no A zb -T59`1ir.7r:"':rireilu, or I . :;A`;6Ii11n9` . W- }`of `the "lite" H. 2 `AL. En}-per. " `iroijxed in . the. Ottawa ._ Rivo"r,4`1Iiid%-the} Ifum.ot A810: was a'lao_,oo_nuribt(1t`ed. to` - words the (Erection of a. suitably tablet ah` Cookwowu in memory of the de- ` Comfertdble tdlddrheielievded been it-" ranged to: in the".l'emple' Building, and the Ageocietion wi_ll,hold "regular month; li eetinge, the 19!. Friday, to which all residents and ex residents ere cor- dieiiy invited. an..- -n:_-.... 2.... 1on0 ..m ha ..1...m.a tlllluy lnvwcu. . . " The ocera for 1902 will be? elected it the nexcmeeting. Ell, _ Q _ _ _ _ L A __ _`|___:__ IV |0_l-ID IIULU IIIUVUIII o '1`-he Secretary (hiring the week has been notiedof two more old Barrie boy: who here come to town, D. B. Spry has moved from Ohathem to Toronto, and is connected with the `Globe advertising department ; also W. 7 Loan, formerly with Mr. Bothwell here, who has taken 9. position with the H. 'P..Eckhardt 00., wholeuale grooeru. 34.. `Fillinghotn is visiting Ms-. Jon. Fillingham, of Battle Creek, Michi-' ' Shanty Bav. Advance Correspondence. - Mr. ABen Brooks has returned -to ` Shanty Bay. I 1 .1, ,,'_I,,_.n2,- V` %L"ft:.'.(;rc'fcon occupied the pulpttu the Methodist Church last Sunday. 'V1"he4Sona gt Temperance are holding interesting meanings. every Monday evening. - V ' ._-1-`CHI $1.`, I\`II\9 I I V` ' L:ei.ut) Brien anti Mrs.` O Brien have returned from A Scotland, `looking the better for their visit. ` ` iTlTxe Metljodlt people are takiriz ` measures to re-light their church with 4 more Alhnodet-`n.and improved lamps.` ' " in-u IIJUIV IIIVUUIII-Gnu II:IllIU\lV\I\ awn-Arno Charles Arthur has gone to Mid land to reside and Mr. Ed. Arthur is "carrying on the bueineaslin Shanty Buy, `an .1 Q-.tNI Xmas. Day. Tim :_ervice in the Mehodise bhurc will be of .OhriabInus chsrncter. `The English church will hold service on ru The Methodist `Sunday school are practising for their-_ Christmas _entae_rtain- menu to be held next; Monday evening, Dec. 2326. It promises to be the best __AI. N. Advance Covrespondence. J no. Sheard is -on the sick list. J no. Copeland, am, is seriously ill. , . Wellington Hodgins is working in Allinton. T V Mina Nellie Hookridge, of Allnndal, spent Sunday at home. n..'u........:.... In... -17.1. .. .1...-..I..-.. .;- - -V-----J -- ..,-.. V ..-_.... . On Saturday, Dec. 77th, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. J no. Muir.- ' Remember the `Christmas -tree and entertainment on the 24:11. _ . Rev. G. Scott, of Angus,"oocupied the pulpit on Sunday afternoon. 7I'1L_...' 'l'l....._..ll_. .131 ... L . . _ . ._-_`I -- L.O.l.a. No. .16, held` their annual. meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 11th, when the following oidere were in- stalled :--Archie Kirk, W.M.; John West, D.M.,' John Corbett, Uhep..; Joe. A. Jemieeon, R.,S.; Allan Thompson, F.S.; Fred Sieaone, Lecturer ; A. W.. Fletcher, Georze Adams, Joe. A. Stewart, Arthur, Greene, Joe. A. Jamieeon. Com. ' ' v- - -w--wv--vl ---vwouuv-aur- '.l`E;)':-1;`,-I'3<:x-1nelly,of Ivy, has moved on the farm latelv [vacated by. W. Hinds. II ..- T..- IA-D.L-__-_ -1.` AII__.I-I_ ` H. Lougheed and Misea M.- Lougheed and J. J ago. of Holly, visited Mr. and Mrs. GeorgTYoun`g last week. Jllu "VVIIITI 3 FIJI`? V9-I WIl\I HIIIIIIIICI E IIIFIIJC hast. The carrier boy msv -be seen on his best. When owers of spring their fair petals do shin-nu --1 uvuvvu v V V unsu-sq. "Evils. Jae. n&o1~E;aS3,"'2.r'Ai1ana.1e, % was the guess of Mrs. -J no. Muir last :W9!*- Mid winter : sharp cold, and summer's erce lungs . VV OKVII KIIVVUIC VI Ugllillg Ilulllll `|-l| tvvlvi-Iii luv . show, V V - When-the dream hollow winds of and autumn Ado `blow. ' Hi: ichoolmaten, his playmates. in auuftner W35 R0: Awaz'to the green-wood wl`_.ete,wild owers 53" , UV UQU `IVUIl'VV\FW\I VVIIVlU,"II\I I-IIIVVUIB blow. . In winter may glide o'er the ice covered lake, But hebto in patron: the "A-DVA-N(}E" doth In A ` V IJIIU II? UV IX UCUIVIIU WIIV `I`JlV.ll&V\[lD \.I\-`VII take. A _ _ _ The labouring man wihenfhin day : "work to Anna And tradesmen at night when the lamp: are slight. t Taken up the ADVANOE" with emilee of delight. , 4 A Their wivee and their children they. gather around. ' V And read where the cheapest and beet anode ereitound, `Where clothe: for the',eh|ldren,'- pad may thing: more, Such are coal oil nndnveoep end breonze for the` A oor. uI-IUU III1IQ "'V." `CUFF U VVIIDX With pipe in big mouth o e1-its column: do_th' Oh. the Cm-iar Bioyytho Ont-rier_ Boy, .g , _ WW1 hlnvpapor dispenses full mqnyka joy " L 1!`-~%iW=='-` '1! h9vA!v*" W W And sugar and lurch and the ohoiou of tea. -Young hynou. gunpowder. Japun and Babes, `And bacon, and cabbage. and butter. and ..:g.`.T.'.""} . Audturkeyu IlId:OOl0 that no hung bvvtho `Ill\Ih.VRgI.'IUUUVUVIJ_ wuuyvl 'V".": I .And- suulmall drop of physio .a_nd pluboysnd. ..Fl'Ol:_th; 'AnvA1w4n`, they ivh: 751.1 And `and. potatoes, anldiinnhton. and m 9 ' -. % . And well Ieu6hod_ sumac n.ng1Iugjar-c}:1r:q_d" hndvl ' ' THE CARRIER BOY." AL. 0. L. THORNTON. .- Algclturkl fetg. . . . \ ' Accounts QWiI1. ; z". 1 . . .` ; `i`&\- _"'.V : . . P&l'kl.L. . . . ., . . . . . . . . $356.` D0 U0l.|lDl'L|U|a uuuuu Buvvuau uy urn auuvs. Ald. McLean. who moved the adoption of this report, seconded by Ald. Powell. ex- plained that this was the rst time since the corporation took over the plant that the current receipts exceeded the current ex- penditures. He didn t want to take all the credit to himself ; it was due a good deal to Messrs. Johnston and Duff. The corpora"- tion had needed time to get -the department into working order. The debentures of $35.- 000 had not been sufficient to pay the com- pany and" put in the required machinery. They had instituted 300 or 400 lamps from which the first revenue had not been re- ceived. The increase in expenditure for fuel was due to the increase in wood and the extra power used. The Waterworks earnings were practically the same. There was a decit of $500. and it was for the Council to providehow to meet the interest on the debenture. Permanent work had been done-on thepumps. Referring to the sewers he `thought all corporation work . should be done by dav labor. In reference to overdraft of about $4000, he said the pro- per way todo was to issue a by-law and pay off. As to the electric light department he prophesied $1000 surplus next year. "mLn.nw!nn nuuln n rnfnnnnnn in `nu! unnr : IQIDBU uunu Ill. UDII Uuv vs vuv cunu av vs In I Aid. Vair was of the opinion thtat stock should be taken by the auditors. He be- lieved the Waterworks was well looked after. As to the electric light, he was a member of the committee but the Chairman had not asked his advice with the exception of one time in reference to a few cords of wood. 1t was the dutv of the Chairman to ask those associated with him on the. committee to go down to the Works and advise. In his com- mittee he had asked. Perhaps. he said, he "had -done so too much as his worlghad been interiered with. It was rather strange to be on the Electric Light Committee and know nothing of the active running of the plant - fV|..3-unnn Infnnn I-nnlin than Aunrnthhun urupuualuu QILVUU u: luuc utuu. Jesus a The`Mayor made a. reference to last year's Auditors Be on to which Ald. McLean re- marked that e didn't see how anyone could make head or tail out of the said report. AI) `7n=- guns A` Glut. nu-|=n:nn knt-. .l\'? lllljio IUVI C IIEUI I report. wag adopted`. uuuuug UI. VIII! nvusvv suuusus us. use puuuu Chairman McLean replied that everything which needed discussion was discussed in Council. Was the Chairman to call the Com- mittee together to buy 50 cents worth of necessaries ? When the plantsare paid for, you'll` see the benet of municipal owner ship." After a. `little further discussion `the -3.-snub Inna A