Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 19 Dec 1901, p. 2

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MONEY T6 LOAN.` < AT,..Aovr-:a-use m... Makes and burns its own gas, -_-gives avsoft white light equal to that of 100 candles---- is restful to the eyes and splendid for reading or sew- ing`. Cheaper than oil and aseasy to run. Your money `come u to your expect- - ations. _ rite for free cata- T r logue to v ,'Au:n LIGHT 66.. Mom-n:AL. ' sou: Mucus In Cltbt. returned if -lamp does not` :. n._ P. v|%_v1|AN IIIANIIFACTURES: D. C. I Mukcmsou. mszcnnnannov. I I53 1 an , Barristers, gh Court of Justice, Notaries Public, umces over the Bank of 1`o_ronto, FOR INVESTMENT on good \ a freehold security at lowest rate of frinipalemoney required un:il end of . STRAIHY, Solicitor. Em, `7 ` PIIYSIUIANS. ' if the Americans will kindly devote A "themselves to closing their own pro- tr7seted'wsr in the Philippines and the Iettlement of the Southern rsoialism they will have plenty ofwork on their . -hands for humanity s sake. At any rate, the British Empire, England in- eluded, can take care of `itself and can do. as it has done in the past, as much as it is possible forosny nation to do, for L`. humane Civilization. The'Oosmopoli- ten and its supporters will get little thanks for its preposterous propositions end unaslled-for interference. a AIIER GAS LAW FOR THE HOME. A_ FINANCIAL. OFFICIAL. DENTAL. IESWICKE. ba_n-isters,- Donu- upreme Court 0; Judicature of Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. :-.... Tu- Block. Barrie. Eiomoeonabhisn. :56 Dunlop St. Residence and Office. 8-Iv D1095! 45-13 - rg.t > 'w. _.:?Jy c. .3 attenuom an vixla, o ' letters 0: mm; uucungaccounts, Barrie. ~ Monev to Loan. --Ross I 83 Block. Barrie, .A. E. H. Cknswxcxs. "We should have nothing else to do If we did, said he. We are very punotilious in these matters, however, e he continued. We follow the exam- ale of my altv, and send a representative, -who looks solemn and hands a- card to undsr-pardon me, funeral director, _ who. of course, leaves it with the family. In this way we help swell the crowd -hd maintain and increase our connec- tions; I had a treasure of a repre sentative until reoentlv. He. was of good address and extra nice in his ex- pressions of svmpathvrwithout being too ulusive. = Unhappily he forgot himself a `outta late occasion, imbibed too freely and _ = (ell againstthe casket. His career on- dsdright `there, and now-I make the || psn*'or woman, for sometimes I send-.a eiwsman,` whopattends report me-in j` jimmedilflv before going, and "him her sometimes -`in my ` l jniI`lage,s:bnt more frequently in aihaok.` ` `.app;i;eoiate` "liutl-").'ft'mm:|.`Q - , ` i 2' i?il'*5l!v;,i5'1iQ, iyv l obtaining pfobate ox strauon. ana General V Barrister, Attorney. I `nnunuancet. ' - etc. D3I'l'lt_GK, flbvvn -v, . Conveya.ucet,' etc. , over `bank 0: Com- ` A0-A8. . Bnoxovsxx. ` Q V ' c, bond`. Solicitor, ..-. Rn rein rr i_c'>v1I-.'IA>' xom mus 1:,-1-_-54 1` ` ,1id}agate'make 1 inch. 5;. g4_;ggf1-1i;':4'r ApvIm'r1sm_mN'rs. ` 1-,ii,7".;inaettion 10 cents per line, each sub , .'q'ue'nt7 insertion 5-cems per line. .~ sinnrnu ximices- 10 cents Der Hm: r.. e.,,. vv - ,. \-; - *3` r I?3A.Ee|.1_:`t_::I(;-_l0_cents per line for gm {hr j95; V_'i:`e;;:11;,s'fperAline for each subsequent A_ g5. _";he_Asaue matter. A11 ems `in_ of this cnamcter, charged as 5 ya nnnnvg Qicml and .Government advgmw "many;, above rates. -I , -.;c0m'uAc'1' ADVERTISING. . 'gom;ra:`1;`udvee1-tisem_e11ts will be taken at the iolIowxng_rutes,_ whxch are drgtted on can `rect commercial pnucxples and ml! be strictly adhered to. There mil be only one price for ..`II.'- ' Eff '.rI-Im FUNERAL;-A'1"1`ENHDING DEPAR'l`~ MEN1: _` ' Another evidence of the veneer of AAmerioan life may be each from the foowipg statement of a New York business man when asked in Toronto why men in a large way of huaineei in New York rarely go to funerals :- llilich |_l/ 1-4L`. _ , _____ 2% mcnes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 inches, V4 co|umn.. .. .. no inches, 54 co1umu.... aoinches. 1 column.. .. . _._.....,_ :_.__ -.___. ,- `F011 one month--'the three monthly rat}, with 15 per cent. added. _ `For two mont.hs--the three monthly rm. [with 10 pgr cent. added. _-__:A...._.. I`-.. l,_,_A[ `J gnu .v r-- vv-~~~ . ; g'P1-efex_-red_` positions for local advertise. ments_ in the paper will be sold at an advance `of o`ne.*third on above_re.tes, on no other 3., gaunt will special p0lt_1OUS be gwen. This rule will be stricth Camed t~ ` ' 1 FXJNTRACT cnmcns. Advertisers will -please bear in mind that not1ce_of intention to change advertisements must be handed into the oice not later than Satufdavat 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change inust be in 'l`m:. ADVANCE oice not later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in any week, otherwise the advertise1_"s announcement may not be made public unul the week fol- lowing. H . - - 12 changes of AdveI_t1sements a1lo_wed pe: year. . It more are required, composition rates will _be charged. ' A .1.......s.'..m.. will nnt-. lm allnwpd To lise flu-=r W111 pt: Uualgcu. Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertismaz anything outside their own uegulmr business. Should they do so tranient}x:}tes will be charged for such ad. van-unanu was V1 - ...--. vertisements. wow-`-.__.___ Condensed advertisements on first page such as wants of all kinds", lost and found, property for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc., etc., must be accumpanied with the cash, and will be inserted--mat insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent. insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but 9. reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed four. Cuts for ad verllsements must in every case be mounted on uolid metal bases. Rxmnsznrr 1-Ha FOLLOWING Fma 1:-:..L'RANCE Conmmns: The Mercantile, now afliated with The Lon- don & Lancashire of England. Secur- ibcu C.-nun-s1\nn _ IS Lluuun9uALv vn .au.a..... _ - . . . _. } yuu ya $`5vv0- The Waterloo Mutual, of Waterloo, Ont. \ Tothl assets, $334,083. The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. Ont. Total assets. $303,078. Also Ll ovd s Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany,. of New York. Cash capital, $25:. .` . .. - 7'50 ; iarbitretion ,`expenee_e, $1,200 '3 wstar pow'er, `$13,000 tote], $23 950 is the expenditure to `date. ; Municipal ownership of public ut;ilitie,afia_ growing in favor, and the enterprise of Aimonte ih itihia regard is an index to the feeling gaining Vgrouiid ` throughout the pro-' v,ince._ A With `cheap power, such as Almonite hoe eeoured,"the opergtionof. the electric plant is on a fuworebie basis. --MVunicipal. World. ` > 5 At? won;;:.I"-l3;0Q9'. ?!`.Iitii"-f`~ -whi 4 to 9`parete `she _~:.eleotrio;""',ol*ou tf `- oafnj_ly_ "p`nro'haa'e'i. j:El`eos`i-io pleat, $14, "A Scnoecu-:2 &SMrrH, VIII) And tine Sup Loan and savings Company _of Ontarlo. ' Private funds to loan on first mortgages. Ac counts collected. &c. . _ | (\D`:.... An... Linn.-lor_~nn c [Inn-rI\|.'nrn $10:-9, Bame collected. &c. ~ Oice over Henderson_s Hardware Store. Bame Ont. --_4_...- g 4-gnu:-u-nu Agent Siandnrd Life. London Gum u- tee and Accident Co... Provincial Building and Loan Association. eu-. PROVINCIAL BUILDING ANBTUER assuclmuu. V` 0FFICE.--Ncxt door to Bank of Toronto, Owen Street. Barrie. u-Iv nn. McGAHEY S E_A_V_IE CURE lior Broken-winded Horses. * The only medicine in the world that will stop ` Heavesin three days. But fora permanent cure It requires from one half to one bottle used according to directions. $1.00. Kidney and Acute Cough Powd~ er: 50c. Dr. McGahey's Condition Powders destro_\'~: wornfs, purifies the blood, putting horses, cattle an calves in condition; 25c. Take no other. Sold 0 G. Monkman. Barrie. and Cook 5: Co.. Urillia. 4o- WELL S`% T Hanrcutting and Shavlng i ` Parlor _......nupn- -u . C\'\'III I'I!\lI'\1l`I oPPosrr1'c,BAR'1in norm. BARBIE- Razors and Scissors ground and set on shot! n__otioo. 3 ' TEE Lani: MR.-aAaPn:R. ' The 0r.:awa' Citizen in its account of the recent lamentable drowning anci- dent, paid avlne tribute, to the late -`Mr. Harper." Ice obituary notice was as follows :-,- V 3 3`"R|E. ONTARIO. iouuouuooc ----- ;;'% ~;yIoN:v.To LOAN. ,:hii!dI'fto 15321 at war cent. ca farm |7."' ,to_ suit bortowe:-ha. No counctlg " compannn Apply persona? ' ' Attention. Numbgr of inhes Qflf. John Rog*erson, ' Fire and Life Assurance. *s ` 9000 - A EXCEI .-non EVER in its history has the EX- .'CELSIOR' BUSINESS COL- .LEGE had such an attendance. 0!` given so much satisfaction to its pa- tronsas during the present session. `Three times has it been necessary to extend its seating accommodation, and '8! fast; ts-thev can be got. ready, out pnpils go to situations. 7' AL_..o.nnh. FIPIIC `II VI! B I I K w u - v - -- .LA_dompl_ete equipment, a. thorouIlh- Iv uVp~to.-date establishment, in ever)` _ ljno"I;horbu'qh, practical. satisfactory. vs n n llnt It pays to attend the E. B. C II: Circular free for a post card. The ' late Mr.` A Harpor, _who was ' in his 29th. year, was the third son of the late Henry Harper, insurance agent, of Barrie, Ont. _He was` educated at the public school and collegiate` institute of. that town, and early gave evidence of the possession -of mcrerthan ordinary ability.` He wasa bright student, in- dustrious and enthusiastic and his a whole mind was. centred on scholastic work. His parents abrded him every opportunity to advance himself in his studies, `opportunities of which he took the fullest advantage.` When he gradu. ated from Toronto University with high honors after a successful course,a bril- I ` liant future was predicted `for him. j He entered journalistic work, rst on the London News and afterwards on the Toronto Mail and ' Empire. Mr. H: Harper's progress in the newspaper" world was rapid. He left the Mail and Empire to accept the position ofv0ttawa ' correspondent of the Mcntreal_Herald., In theppress gallery, he did clever work" that brought him into strong favor. During his university course, he made V` a special stady of political economy and kindred subjects, in which he gained high honors and carried off scholarships. He was offered the position of associate K editor of the Labor Gazette for which his special studies tted him admirably. He accepted it, severing his connection with the daily press. Mr. Harper was considered one ' of the best informed ' and most enthusiastic students of, politi- cal economy` in Canada. Only `last Monday evening he was elected presi- dent of the Ottawa Social Science club, ' an organization having on its lists some of the best thinkers of the Capital. Mr.,Harper was a frequent contributor to different periodicals on problems dealing with political` economy and kindred subjects. He `had a ready pen and appliedhis knowledge to present day conditions. ,When the reporton the sweating system in Toronto was prepared `he was entrusted with an important part in the mission. Several articles on other social conditions from his pen have been favorably commented upon and widely discussed. ` `AU-THORIZED CAPITAL. $5.oou,ooo, INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, &C. -CONDENSED ADVERTISF.ME:\"l`.`5. *5-ly scnocssle .3. SMITH. 19, 190 """" '- Get Mr. Harper s tragic death deprives Canada of one of her brightest and brainiest citizens, whose `regard for the- welfare of his fellowmen was his song stant regard and source of studv. Of- him a fellow-townsman said `last even- ing: "His death will'be received as a blow in. Barrie. `His successful oareer was a matter -of pride to the towns- people.. He was one o the oleverest of many clever students graduated; from the Collegiate Institute. Bert, "as he was alwaysoalled, was born a_nd"raised within a stone's throw of the beautiful ` for which the town is noted and he7was_at home on fire water at"*all. '.ssaaons._ ; Mr. Harper since ccmingwto Ottawa has taken an active interest in athle- tic `sports. He was a member of the fears that won the championship of the Ottawa __Rcivmg Club in the spring of 1900; . eHis close relatives vars - ` Dr. James .H'arper, of Oarbcndsle,' Penn., Will Harper, architect, New York, and Rovqitlhsnk 13 `Mr; raobntly, ordained Preshiteristrmihister and nofstudying. -ii! 301i!er*i;` -; '(1Y-) E-I 1- urf. .. ,-In-1- ` jgg$;Aga.:nx.,.n?n.m.&eu. of ` `...iI... .. {anus Illll... * `..n;a. ..c gs- Il$U3l-'81UHU.LV "'U \II'IIII.p UII IYTIUUYQ VIII] Ill %D9oa_uzibo1:, 100l{A3n9 Millet, rolht of the wie":aig11l__V _ 'byee Ei_e"jHo ;ni1`1iiiie7 Ara-gu in ma "'ed__irees te the Gran_l J-dry)` He pointed gut" in av clad: J_me`nn'er`/{he duties bf grand jui-ieaf `He referred to the `Hoe- pital eule of work, which he advised `them to.e\.tend. ` vV;F.ha G-fluid. u:-y ins` composed of the folloiving :`-"Joe. Nacl:leon,; Collinge wood; (fdreman) : J 011:: Ball, Penetang; Win. `Fisher, Midland; Alex. Gtoae. Innjal ; J. A. Jdmigson, -llntiislg R... Harvey, S. Urilliu ;-Henry Lypes, Floa; W. C. Mari-iaon,-:0o; A. , Rogers, '1`ossorontio'; Jae. Reid, N. Orillia; John Stewart, Nottawaaaga; David `Smith,_'_. Nottgwaaaga ; Wm. Vasey, Medonte. ' Their presentation was Amsde on Thursday as follows:- - " .G1uLND 'JURY s PRESENTATJON. To His Honor. J ndge Ardagh:-We the Grand Jurors of the Sessions of the Peace for the County of Simone having" oompleted our labors beg to present as follows , ` yWith.yourself, we are pleased at the small .,criminal `calendar presented to 08:. there ' having` `been only two cases brought before us for consideration ;. one for assault and the other a charge of stealing and defacing marks onvsaw- `logs, both of which cases we have re- turned true bills. While this does not represent fully the crime of the county,` as many cases are disposed ct by your Honor-at the Interim. Courts .as well as by the several Police Magistrates, vet when we take it all in the aggregate we feel that it shows an improvement in - the moral states of the County, -We have as directed visited the jail and carefully inspected the same, and nd the part occupied - by the male prisoners most complete, being heated with hot water and well ventilated and lighted. In the female ward and cen.tre ot the building we nd the system of heating very unsatisfactory, there being onlystoves in use which we think ex- tremely dangerous, owing to the num- ber of unfortunate. lunatics which are incarcerated. there from time to time. We found two of the female inmates ill from the effects of colds contracted in the building. We beg to call,your at- tention to the wooden stairway leading up to the jailor a apartments from the front entrance which we regard as a veritable re. trap, as in the event of a re below,_ the _jailo.r a family would have their only means of escape cut off, as the windows of their apartments all being strongly barred, shut off any es- cape from that quarter. _We would strongly recommend that a suitable re- sidence - be provided for the jailcr s family, as the present apartments owing to their close proximity to. the pris- oners quarters as well as their con- dition generally render them totally inadequate as a comfortable residence, V -and areinota credit to the County. We also visited the Royal Victoria Hospital and were very kindly received by the matron, Miss McLennan who conducted us through the building, We were Very much pleased to find that notwithstanding the disadvantage under which the nurses and rnatron labor owing to their small quarters and the number of patients. such a complete and satisfactory system of caring for the aiicted is carried out and we think that the County grant to this institu tron is. well deserved. '.l.`he] new build- ing in course of erection, which we also visited will givevthe faculty room to care `comfortable for a- much larger number of, patients, and-we think too a that better resultscan be obtained than ~ eatjthe. present; buildin'gs;. .nu, ,i',`,aui I _' We beg to gratefully acknowledge cm: appreciation of the oonrteoul: and plain manner in which the Oounty Crown Attorney explciued the legal questions lpertuining to _'tl|e' cneee cubmitted to: our congndeintiopu ` ` l ' WWao.aunot cioae without reuordiug` our "uppreuiution of _ the able and in- structive address. doliyepod t9` am the opening 01 the Court by. Your Honor, which very `inuteriulnly _ua_uited In: in our ice-my 5.`. mg,ifia.;;.a.a1,`.no. in inverse Vp roporrionjthir ignorsfn`ce of V Osnsdisn gqoestions. The above men- ` tinned .A Cosmopolitan; fhowever. Rubs ` another step and in Deceniber issue in publishes two pages oflesded nerve. For audacious interference it.` in a. re- insrksble -literary effort. 1 L`__ __-_:.... 1 3 vrnrbitrstion ;`e_xp`en"se_s_, 5 $_1.,200'3 `wst_er`power, `$13,009 tote}, expenditure" `date; ucilitiesfis; growing favor, and the in index gsining pro- With `cheap AI__-..'n- Lao: nusgn-use` hnfi hf 12~M91- . H{p`nor,L ,.hnring thq or, which is respectfully" submitt- J. %H.`Nmmox, _ 7. L ' 393"`?- p;n1>..;a., Pbmberton; ` The Helmet. of.'.}Iaverro,5Berths Bunkle. Pestofale of M, E. Francis. . Miatreae Nell{Geo. 0. Hazelton. '~ -4,- The Obaervationeof Henry, Jerome. _ hen a Witch is Yoi1n"g,`4-19 69. Catherine of Calais, Mrs. Henry De La hWidow. Mrs;~Francis Bundell. `M The Early `Stars, Albert Kinro_s's. ; "A.-`Crafty Foe, Home Nesbet. . `A Vanished Rival, J. Bionndell-Burton. The Abandoned Farmer,` S. H. Preston- The Lone Star Rush, Edrnnnd Mitchell. Under the Redwoods, Bret Harte. '. F Doorn Castle, {Neil ':-Munro. .. . `F " ' The Career of a Beauty, J. S. Winter. His Last Plunge, Nat Gould. A `V Sister Teresa, George Moore. Ever Mohum, Fred. T.` Jane. Cardigan. ` C, F I - The Gold That Perisheth, David Lyall. The Golden` Tooth,J; MacLaren Cobban. " M y Lady of Orange, H. C. Bailey. Her Sailor. M arshall_Saunders. The Midnight Passenger,-R. H. `Savage. Denver : Double,.Geurge Griith. _ Cinders. Helen Mathers. `. _ . Tne Jess ; A Reversion, Rich. Marsh. The R_ight ot Way, Gilbert Parker. Our Friend the Charlatan, Geo.Gissing. Cinderella, S. R. Crockett. ' The Cavilier, Geo. W. Cable. D The Road to Fron ten'ac,lSam l Merwin. Captain Ravinshaw, R.` N. Stephens. Forest Folk, James Prior. . The Traitor s Way, 8. Levett-Yeats. The Court of. Honor, Wm. Le Quex. . Circumstance, S. Weir Mitchell. My Strangest Case, Guy Boothby. A Forbidden Name, Fred. Whishaw. Penelope s Experiences in Ireland, N. D. Wiggin. Bird .N eighbors, Nellie Blanchan. Successful Training, Wm. Rennie. Economic Crisis, Edward D. Jones. Apes and Monkeys, R. L. Garner. The Anatomy of Misery, J. 0. Hen- worthy. 7 Home Nursing, Eveleen Harrison. Natures Miracles, Elisha Gray- `Natures Miracles, Elisha Gray. N aonres Miraolss,_ Elisha Gray. Snakeapeareh (England, Wm. Winter. N eh Canterbury Tales, Maurice ew? I Dgminion, The Story Of, J. C. Hppkiua_ I Britain's Title in South Africa, James- Oappon. L lent. ` Farm Rhymep, J. W. Riley. A_ralxa ; The Cradle of Islam, Rev. S. I M. Z evemer. Wigwam Stories, Mary` C. Judd. V In Budompany, Rolf Bolderwood. WIl'5_uu|u uwuuu, yep...-. _ _ V _ The title of ' this Jdrticle, the opening one of the number, is Peaceon ,Eer'th.A It "speaks. of 1 Christrnas Day and American `congregations. V It speaks of the horrors of the South African War `Indeeys on one side is England, with whom we are united by_ blood and commerce and customs; on the other, 3 breve Republic enduring uninching-_ The Cruise` of the `Mary, Rose, W. H. G. Kingston. ` V `Moody Dwight. L., Life of,` W. R. Moody. . ` ` $oldie:-ing in Canada, Co}. Denisun. THE COMMANDING OFFICER OF THE CANADIAN YEOMANRY. Col. Evans, who will take command of the new Canadian South African Con- tingent, is in his 42nd year, and early in his life displayed a liking for an ac- tive military lite.-. He connected him- self, when in his teens, with the volun teerdmilitia, advancing slowly but sure-' ly, andqnalifying for each promotion in the military schools. The rebellion of 1885 abrded him the first opportunity `of seeing activeiservioe; Inthis rebel- lion he was" attached to the Midland Battalion iinder Colonel Williams. At 9 the termination of trouble, the was appointed. to the permanent force of Ca-l ...a. ahdivsent, to. Landon; F aim being.` tl_i`e.:'-e_ for soli:9_'tint.I6` iheiyas `transferred to * ilnnipdx !nsi~i>l~oed.3fn:Joomi::tni.9 565 nmiivfsddxs A?"1:i:A mama Y. ' "_/, o aliilwickei AFIirnitur`-om noiv mu xmu. . 'J)haLB'9rrl'o.VVT_okLo1wcfx-1:; mg, V ` fj `if.-.-1>L;AxTo1;.3nisc, -som;m,:._Nocmy , `Lon ` axrlowst OCarthy Block, uquth nude `Dunlap 31-33- > g-mug `...%.\.,.._ _ adminutrnuonud etc. Offices. Ron'- 7 ~& . ~B\ROI_{0V-SKI-.~_ ~ >: Sol `L NQ8tiI.'\;cnVcynncers,'cQc. uiu-._s`:B `goronto Building. Branch Ulcc, water. Money tu Luau,` ; \ 5 "wuls._g'uardianspip an bohcxtors. Notaries, bonvegancera, etc. Hauclrrou Lnnxox, Anzac. Comm, .6. Houroxn ARDAGH, u.,r.. LBROWN. .. Ll:..;ln' I-llnrlz. No. 6. Dunlap strec ` Notltle, \IU|lVB uuc---_, __V- 7HAucm-on Lumeox, Anqc. Cowax, A 15. HOLFORD'ARDAGH, Lbxows-, L.L.B Hinds` Block. No. 6. Dunlap street, Bar- ` tie.` _ . Branch 0ices-Leunox & A_rdagh. Gravenhursn; Lenuax.A_x-dagn, boyvan &`Brown, Ureemqre and Allistoh. - ' 35-ly ` ` un1\It_V To LOAN`; ` v 1-g~,`&a*.h' a;nd Th'ar_dship.\;'or the nude principles which were at stake in our own War of Independence." `CCARTHY, BOYS 8; MURCHISON. Barris- _ters{ solicitors, Llonveyancers, etc. Success- ors to Mcuarthy, Pepler an McCarthy. ` 0vice_-'-_McL`.a.nhy Block, Uumop t_reet, Barrie. J. A. MCCARTHY, W. A.,Bovs, 1` 1` Mnnclnso. meme, 1 I5 I31 slaw Ontario. Proctors. Money to loan. C. E. Huwson. tu D ..-.........- _, bolicitots in High Public, Convpyancers. Bank of '1` qronto, Barrie. ` Money in sums ot $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 per cent. Ho. Ho K-C. ' G: Ha W "Notary, etc. Mon and Stayner. A Barne Building, Owen street, . ._ W R. J. C. SMITH L.C-.P.S., 0nt., (late ofTDrs. harvje & Snmh., Urillia.) Omce and residence -corner ot Owen and Comer streets; Barrie. 23-ly ._ 7---" V - R. W. A. ROSS, Physician, Surgeon,.etc., L. R._C.S. Edin" L.R U.P., Londun. Uthces and mght rcsiuence-oruwn's Block, Dunlop sttect, Barrie. Telephone 77. ` R. J.~F. Palling, Graduate of Trinity Umversity 7 Toronto, Fellow of Trinity Medical College, member or the Cozlegc of Physicxans and Surgeons of Ontario. Oice and Residence, 18 Owen street. J1l\L Law I` --V--v Dn.b31i`gh; M.F.P. 8: 5.: aligow, member of -British Upthalmological -Society- 'S|leclultV .- Duoasen or my e, Ear, Tnroal. and Nope. '0FFlCE{-78 Dunlap Street, Sanders Block, Bar- rie. opposite Post Otnce and Railway btation. Phone 54. P. O. Box q6. , 7-ly N otioe i'n_ the last clause the ignorant ` oompsrison, notice also the endeavor to` raise Boer sympathy whieh it attempts to oover in the rst clause by that veneer 'of,hypoorisy the: is so oha.rsctristic.of United States journalism. I S. BROAD. M.U. L). M., I`. 1. Au. v., u. u. EL P. 5., 0., late resxdent Physician and Surgeon To ` oronto General hospital, with special attention to Dxseaseu of Women, ano. Nose and Throat: Work, also tor some time surgeon In charge of Emergencv hospital, Toronto. Utce and night residence-upstairs in McCan.hv B.ock, ax nunnlnn Sn. Barnc. second door eas_t__of l)_ougall rue. OPPOSILC IUBL \l nigh? residence- upstairs m Mcuarznv paucn. an Dunlop Sn, Barne, est_ot Dougnll Bros. furmtun: warerooms--near Ewe Points. Phone xo5. . ` zq-ly _`_____..__,_______.____. '\1TRA'1`l-IY & ESTEN ` ` Ba l 7 ; Hours-u to x. 7 to 8. R. E. "L. BRERETON, Dental Surgeon. Oice over Ha,n1b|y's hardware. ` Entrance, Uwen Street. Out ot town 1st and 1rd Mondays ot each month. 5:-Iv _ ~ `H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Disaounted. Collections made in any part of the County. Real estate bought and sold. Convey- ancing in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued.` 0'u:c-Ross_ Block, Dunlop street Barrie. 4:-Iv. I .w,(>00 :':E.'2-.. .r' lulu theUI .l\'lUI1I: I I \J Luau. We have a. large amount of Private F uuds to lend at 4 and .5 per cent. on the security of good farm Mnnaages. McCARTHY. BOYS 8; MURCHL .Its climsx of impertnnence is vresched `when it announces :- THE OOSM_OPOLITAN "therefore ssks tahe people of the United States ` that -they give their Christmas Day a tone"of scttve Chrrsbisnityg that the men and women of each congregation after Christmas services meet and sign the following :- A T`. BANTIN_G-,~ Clerk County 01 Simcoe. will ' be at his oice. at the Court House. Barrie. everv Saturdav. Residence and P.O. Cookstown. JAS EDVVARDSI % oNvavAcEn. ` I the secunty or goon Iann j Mortgages. I SON. Dunlo Street Barrie . At his oioe uuitil 5 p.mQ; at his privatg residence, 68 Marvstreet, after that hour. u_-Iv T E BALL PLANIQIG MILL COMPANY-- Carpentering, Buildmg a_nd manufacturing of Doors. Sash. Blinds. Mouldmgs, etc. Planin of all kinds done_ promptly_ and satisfactorily. ilot Blast Drying Knln. Dnstncgagency for rained lum~ be: Factory-Bayeld Street. Barrie. {ODGERS '& GALLIE successors to Geo. Ball. HE-CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OF BARRIE have for ad tion. in good Homes. a number at I-wiaho unnnnr .anndan children. bovs and zirls 1l'llS'Ul`ll7LUl(n-Di 3 11111 auuua J. 1. ur Dnnnnu adostion. of bright young anadian children. boys girls Parties desmng them are asked to communicate with the Secretary. QREV. D. B. HARKNESS. Barrio ~,-1y 'Aa`L'l`-- Barriwar, Solicitor 'L_.onvcya.ncer, esc. Spa wing and, batmg wixla, ob ` **--'-'--`--d vunrdianshipgc [EWSON_ & CRESWICKE. ban-isters,- : tors of the Supreme of Judicatu _-_-- um.-mu-a- Notaries. Convcygncqrs `fc E-"I A V We, otthe city of ' ,aeeem bled -_'on Christmas Day, in sympathy with the suerings being endured in the South African war, hereby petition our English brothers to join with us in as- ` king the appointment of the President of the United States. and the Queen of Hoiland asarbitrators to whose j udgment I lhall be committed the settlement of all questions aboted by the South Afri-V `can dispute 5 and that meanwhile hoe- tilities shall cease. MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUER. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.F hlfhvht M.}..P. 5.. Ulasgov _, '1`. AHRNALL; M.D.C.M,, otce TS Bothwelfs Block. Allandale. On the premises at night. T` +3"! BROAD. M.D. c.M..i D e n Inn-re.-:1dent.l`. h\:'E UWANTA 135' .RTHUR L.R.C.P. & 5.. Edin- |; 5., Glasgow, member ...._._...u.....:..,| sm-;.=.m.. -snec1u|w.- . .. , 4 . r 'Bn"' - ._ _ n-- all`. NIONEY TO LOAN. - -----A---- AA` I3..Zu-.0- Fuunc

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