to lnlprlsuunlenu Luz um nu uavvva-sag-Ir 7 mu1_'_der. Zephirin Label had been condemned 1 to three years penal (servitude for` ,t,1_1et`1i`A._-ii:-'c>%;;1V his employ- ;=*s: J;9s<>Ph% 3? j scientic Optician. MncLAREN's DRUG STORE, Toronto Farmers Markets. , I TORONTO. DEC. 10, |9or._ * .-n ' Wyebrldge. A Advance Cortespondence. Gnu oiin' {For Lilo. NRAiRlE . mn`xs._ `Thursday, December 19th. any any -.--- -,`_ There in 4t`o*-be an ehtertuinment. in the Edgar 0ongreg`ationaL church, on` I!, ,____ J- 1 35 A J L V'1`h:'e almost:n:.1ai;ited;.1-esoprees` ` "of this, the biggnt store in Barri en . _ , , . . ~ ~ 7 tdcpntinueiuu-pplwyihg the 1 possible valnesin Men s and Boys , Wearables.- A,B an il`l11s'trat'ion'of`_`theseA all pbwerful resources, we would ask you to xp.tni_ue for your ,own~satisfa_ction a few of the p0so't'i ve b(M'g(u'ns sho`v_vti1`by`(uVs.'t hVis15veek. *-They have the. desired quality, `style, cut, finish, and weardbility, Description fails. to do them. full jusniue. 7 See them, and if` not, as stated, you will not be pressed to buy, Men s -Overcoats A-Kniauvmr \pvv- vv-_-_ A Men : Fine Winter` Overcoate. in colors ' black. biue-black, and Oxford gray Eng- lish Beaver Clothe, eleoantlv lined and V trimmed, Chesterfield style. with either ` box back or semi-close tting, work- manship. guaranteed A full range of prices, $5.00;V$6 50, $7.50, and $10 00 3 Men s Driving Coats Men s Suits A complete stock of all popular cloths. L A special line of travellers samples con- taining a good variety of cloths an_d sizes. The lotis put for sale at two price: $5.00 and $7 50. i 60 pairs of heavy, all wool Men"a Pants, well made. just the the thing for coming cold weather, extra value, $1.25. About 30 pairs of Men s Heavy Winter ` Pants, of the quality usually sold at $1.25, for $1 00. Boys . Suits and Overcoats DRESS GOODS, SILKS, MANTLE ` CLOTHS, CURTAINS, DRAPERS, CARPETS,` 4 L GLOVES, HOSIERY, CORSETS and SMALLWARES. This house gives more than ordinary attention to Boys Clothing. We are do- ing a line-now very much in demand at` a very low gure. It is a Boys Reefer .Coat, in sizes 22 to 28. double breasted, high_ color with tab, in frieze and beaver cloth, at $2. 75 Made of Fine Quality Frieze, lined with a. warm tweed lining. double breasted, high storm collar, slash side pockets. 52 to 54 inches long, all sizes, `35 to 46. at as-:nn 7-rwvv Better qualifies at $6 50 and $8.00. FR AWLEY 8: DBVLIN, To lmow what would be a sultable useful and acceptable Christmas gift for your `Fzlther, Brothel`, or somebody else s Brother? If so. read the following list. It may help you out of your dilemma. .1VI%lI"I'-I NckW0I'-'-Made in all {he leading Shapes, Knots, Bows, Derbies, Ascots ' . _ . . . - u.-a-,. D . _ . . ..,1 1 .......1......1,. ... .11 um 1..m4- nnlnvihrrc Pnr-99 `Men ! lmllmef -In English Squares, C1a1`edon." wad... J and shaved) and the- g . pv * 7 unit: u\`KT.-nu. {an u\]n::`n :34-v-1.naa ran!` HA1-cl Anl `.).Z\{"_, 501?. WOODMAN Menu; and Boy Men : and Boys l{nndkerchlel's-In Cambric, Linen, Silk and Excelda. .459 an --.---u--~--4 , - - Dr. Uluueh has disposed of his prac- tice to Dr. Laidlaw of Barrie, and in- tends taking a postgraduate course in ` New York previous to settling in same \ n-`An .I 'I`\l'1`I' Men : Shirt Jewallery- Men : Fancy LIJCIRU JULII UIIUIVC VI AXLIIQD \. the goods selected aside for you. Sleigh Bo||s, Robos, I-lorse Blankets. [Wafer-proofknooind I-Tlorse covers. .Skatos and Skits straps, Hockey Skg. ind Pucks,` ARE Yll PERPLEXEO vc%ovy; J chains`, -Lanterns and Leafher H LJNTETR BROS-, Make you} choice of Xmas Gifs early. V By making a small deposlit we will lav nnnn nu`nhfat` nu:r`n `rut `nun Our New Stores, Opposite G.T.R. Statiqn and Post Oice. i Robinson, of `Grassland, \called on friends here last week. MAIN STREET. BARRIE. LY BY H811` H0!0-In enzlless variety. `Tm: STORE FOR. SUITABLE AND Usmrvx. XMAS 'Gu'rs. oys9 Gloves and Gnuntlets-1n Kid, Swede, Mocha, Napa. Buck, - 7. . .\ . -" . .1 1 . 0 `Il__,9_ _...1 D/\C`fI . 9m`?e- _|!_li`l:u.|= Ill 2111 L115 .lU1U.ll.l5 IDIIEI-115$, 1\.uUhi3, IJUVVL`, gun unuu, ...n..v-., -Puffs, Paris` andTLombards in all the latest colorings. Prices 25c, 50c and 75c. V - ' ' :1ll nugusu squares, Ululjcuuu. \[l'4|.l'.~} .L auu. nuI1|n.u)' uuu .... New Ways" in plaids, stripes and oral designs, 25c. 50c. 75c. to $2.00. ~ I 51101 !-Cutf Links, Cuff Buttons, Stick Pins, Shirt Studs in all the latest V designs `We can `save you 30 per cent. "on Men's Shirt Jewellery. Get our prices. ' n-- """"'" "" """"""""' Lu xxxu, -uuuux, an-nu--u, .....r... .....y--, Real`Buck. We have the largest range of Menis and Boys Gloves ever shown in Barrie. Prices range from 50:: to $2.50. .Mise Maggie Toner spent a few days `with friends in Barrie last week. Mr. Joe Mitchell, who was` working in Hilledale, returned to his home here. (T Mr. George Snider ,returned from the Northwest last Monday and reports Prices 50 to $1.00. WAASTE._not youf time and strength with an old -wuworniout ax and saw, when you can pur- chase: good new one from a large assortment, j very little cash etvthe Popular Hardware We have a large stock of BARRIE. -- ' Youths sizes in same goods, sizes 29 go ` 34. for $3 50. Men : Underwear `VI ` Ladies Winter Coats l Millinery . A description of our always handsome g Millinery being out of` the question, we will merely suate our acknowledged sup- remacy in this department is fully maintained. Our large exclusive Mil- linery Rooms contain an elegant array from which to make your selection. In addition, our Miss Wright is a designer of styles and can suit you in a style all vour own. ` ' Dress Making Dept. An opportunity came our way to pm. chase !on of Men's Fancy Stripe All W601. `Shirts and Drawers at less thari regular price. We took the lot and are oering them 9.1: 50c per garment. See our extrauheuvy Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers, 81'. 00 per suit. F-i\?l'r.w George Harbor, of Cro8sla.ud,] oglled on friendahere recently. ' 220 Ladies Winter Coats, highest class tailoring, present sea.son s make and proper lengths. They come from our regular makers and are RIGHT. We are selling them at here cost. of material, the ne work of making thrown in. In other words, hnlt price. iv?` 7 II 5 Under the able management of Mine Murphy. this department of our busi- ness has gained almost a provincial re- putation. Prompt attention given to all orders received. bownie, of Fl os Centre, visited Mrs. Thurlow lass week. _ Never before could we boast 6fl1`aving such big variety)` of warm comfortable foobvgear as now. Every pair made by. makers w1_1oe re puxtation for the Best Felt Goods has never been` in` doubt. The V `prices are` not any more than you pay for inferior qualitiesgv We cite you a. few items : F1 WY & MW Ladies Finest Felt Lace Boots, leather foxing, wide comfortable shape, sizes 4` to 6, Special . . .: . . . . . . . . . . .` . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 F? .Lsidies Finest English Felt Lace `Boots, ne Kid` foxed exible`- s'ewed.sole,very dressy style, sizes 3 to 4, Special.._. . ...' . . .. Ladies Felt House Slippers, best g1 ade, felt leather solid elastic, front sizes 4 to 8, Special..` . . . . . . . . . . . . ..~.,....,.... ":1`.3adies', German Felt Slippers, extra quality, Special. . .- . . . . `. .'. tI,Men?s Felt Boots, 2 buckle, `leather foxed, peg sole, sizes ? to 11,, .. i sold regularly at $1.75, Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A . . . . . . '_M_e_n s Felt Boots, 4 buckle 'Boots, ,leathrr; foxed, sinesl 11,1 _{ P, , Special. L . , .' . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . '. .. I=.l__L_I Fonnmn V ' _0ur Ifeputation for`sellivng only the bes. grade` of Iubiiers and `f-facAcepting the full responsibility for the wear is bripging more poople_ '_. h season. ` Here are a ew values; that ate deserving of atten V V 1i;[:3j"'%`fVE`inest Croquet Rublxers`, `a:ll.size'8{neat "shape, soldre- . ;`1.__1_ . -1. An- -_'_1 n:.- a......:..1` ` - . - . `' _ V. \R(l}u `.Ig,xdia" Finest Croquet Rubbers, all. size's, nea.b. shape, sold 113-` 'l_a.i,n Rubbers, Spring %H.eel,V-sill` si:es,`-, regul:`a'r lisagfice ~ `_ % A `A `Ina? R ' `;;7};`gg131arly, at 400 and 45c, Special .. . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . V. . . . . . . . 300 _c;"VSpeo1al.L.-, . . . . . A. .. . , . . . . . . . .>._ ._ . .. _.l. _. . . . . . , V 25"j\ pi-bb'gvfs, heavy _cpu:re. 7sol_e,'gizesf 10 to 13., re7g_u1arf-_L ` 6506 ; Q... having" been out in ome ve:fy severe yenther. ' L ? 7 Ahuie MLel'Inn yiaited Mr`. John _J`9huacon, of, the _Bu_slnm one day task`-walr. ' " T II\nI I 1 ;`A_.__ `Bruce Richardson, of Apto, spent` 3 few davs at the home of Mr. J. Richardson reqanmly. ' ` cs n . `TI " ia-nmi;a` 34:11 81:. Robert Nelson, of Stroud, spent 'l`ha`nEa"gi.ving at the home of Mr. J. Richardson. - - . Miss Miaviohardsvoh, of 'Wy-evale, who has been spending a few days with friendihbre has returned home. i Messrs. Will Eh-iok ind George Drysdale, of Flat; Centre. paid 3 ying * visit to friends here on Saturday. b V A sleigh load of mung peoplefrem Flos Centre drove no the home of Mr. John Richardson one evening `last week where an enjoyable time was spent. '_ Holly. - Advance Correspondence. Mrs. Sp1llvet,_of Barrie, . visited H. Biggar last week. L ' 1 'II':._...... `II Mr."H`f Louigheea and Misses M. Lougheed and J. Jpgo visited Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Young, of Grenfel, last week. ,\A__ Mia;i(`la-gi; aongan has ;-churned to her home in Beaten-after spending two, months with friends here. Much sympathy is felt for the friends of Miss Bertha Allen. who died so sud- denly of appendicitis at the Victoria Hospital", . Barrie. .ou_ Thursday last. The funeral took place from Mr. Lemuel Srigley s on Ssturdav afternoon 1., 1'1; 1\.__`. _ -__...AA-- . ..-..._... -..,,.-, _ .., ,, toss. ,Pau`t a cemetery. L vvulvn ....Ts1 25 1 50` 1 00- 40c 125 135 `V ;s ;= m .`P1edpg$"'{1'Q ,f18 'ra`a;1_:v`mveu'-_ ` 2 1`u'a s;~1ts;- am: its ` `:3.-head s1>eop1ar:wu;- En`61qe;sjettlement . ' -.--_4;L_ Weeklv Record of its Domes. f_ Min Charlton iiin with tbnilitgiaf. "1 ` Mrs. M. J; `Hamlin was in Torox; t6"ldst `: \ ` - . ~ I ` > run.-- _._- _- ..-:.... .. .... .. 1...-.. A..`..-..._ 8.... *.:,Ww`a` `_` ` > `V ~: When-are we. go * the sixth ward 2 `~ " The. B; of? L. F. -on Sunday atmernoon. , `Mrs. Arnold, of Ivy,_ Mr. andMra; R. Dorsey. to go: a. 6_I`v`r fog N6. _-warn? I aeajioh gpeut _Sundn y. w it.hL tr......-.. n:I..I...:..a;'L........+.."......I Ram. hm [i"'ii}'%`;"2SisJ1}a?'i.ZZ ;eeuma home for the winter from Depot`. Harbor. ' ' ~ Olll i,,IjI-, ,_!_,|,-lflII___.._ --w W` -- --v--- --r-- __.._r-- Pra.;;;' meetingwill be hgldt; night(TI`hura- _day) in the Bu_rt_on` Avnjiafmethopiiat `churgh. '-_-_.._ AL. _._._I..." -1 vjuury. ` Mr. ' J. ' Mocieary, ~ of Gravenhurit, spent Sundav with his Ion. Mr. J. W. McCl_eary, Iixth'wardL . :n__ `D 1: In...._ ......... .. ...I... :. cl-.4 i1'"rI'15Z;Jf: .';a2 11,2'v}.;;';};;':;;;.E;?;i _`Mr`. Alex. Wm to work in `spa Bmieusng , 1.~'erusonv`ale.Z Advance Lorreepondence. Mr. J amen Orr, of New Floa, called " here on Monday. -. Mr. Andrew Johnston, of Edenvale, V called here last week. _ Ii}? .77 N `am Illltll wnru. . Mr. R. M. Weuon. sang a_ solo in the Methodist Church onjsvnnday morning. It. ,wa.I well rendered.` II E. Martini.-bugge mufer. iias~been on thepick list during thapuu week." Hope noon no_aeo him on `duty again. ' % . ,9, ,u,,._,'u_ -rvv- -` -w- 7...... -.. _.-- The new Allendel; I;;ee_hy:terien' church has recently been preeeneedwiththe vocelion formerly need in I'._he.. Barrie Presbyterian church. A V * " ' nn__ --L-_u _:_n.1_-._ -1 .|.- u'...I.-.::.... Q..- UII |II'UIIo ' The eohoofl-ohildren of the Methodist Sun- dn'v' school are practicing for their annual entertainment, which tnkee place on the'20sh inetz. in Brannon : Hall.` 7 Court Allandele I. O.F. will hold their an- nual election of oicere on the evening of Thursday, December l9th_, when all mom bars are expected to be present. ; - 7 II I`! , I !lI `On Sunday evening Rev. J. W. `Churchill continued his sermon on the .life of J oeeph. "taking for his text the followinv words :- "From the dungeon to the throne. '\ I I., ,_,_.A_A_` During the`week 5 number of remen` have been trying an examination to pass for engineers. Meeere. Jae. Pirie. jr.. end Jno. Harrie were the successful candidates. "i&L'n 6i.}x3'e i.L.'.;ii' iiaii ';.}a an kinds of Food go to WIlk1nIon9e. All orders delivered promptly In any ILIIBIIIII . Pleue:leaye your orders at t e Rh! oilloe or `telephone No. 23. T h";;svs.I;'1;;'t;;;:'f":l%;>v;bh s 1>..m.'1s via ` -itingher sister Mrs. G'em`E G"di3"-` `.13 LL. D ..._:A "J|u|\ID.A1 in-v ov-.-.- via-r- way -_- -.---v--v --V- ---- Haroldiliailey, son 8: Mr. J. R. Bailey, had one of his legs broken on Saturday [afternoon while sleigh riding down Burton : hill. He was taken to the Royal Victoria Hospital. V ' Thu annual nlnnth-nu nf nmnnrn nf I. (ll. The annual election of oioere of L.O. L. No; 432 will be held on Thursday night. December 19th. All members are particu- larly requested to be present. The annual oyster supper will be partaken of at the close of the election of oiccrs. ' ' v '-'-1 I -' Report of the Allandale Public School for November ,:-Fourth Class, Sr.-C. Mar- shall, A. Gilchrist, H. Anderson, J. `Wilk- inson, L.-Hamlin. Fourth Class, Jr.--W. Dunnett, A. Paton, A. Haines, H. Scott.-G. Heels. Third Class, Sr.-E. Moore. E. Mc-_ Donald, E. Srigley, S. Meeking,eJ. Goring. Third Class. Jr.-1). Moore, J. Ambrose, R. Paton, M. Clark, E. McFadden. Second Class, Sr.-`-`M. Watt, V. Heels, A. Murray, E. Hardy, B. Brunton. Second Clgss, Jr.- E. Johnson. H. Anderson, G. Renfrey, R. Wilmott, P. McDonald. Part Second Class, Sr.--A. Shultz, I. McFadden, H. Gartner. A. Brunmn. L. Hooper. : Collingwood Hockey Club has re-organiz- ed with the following officers :-Patrona. Mayor Silver, J. _B1rnie, A. B. Pratt, W. T. Toner .0 Honorary President Dr. 0. Irwin; Hon. Vice-President, P. Paton ; Preaiden t, D. L. Darroch; First Vice-President, San- ford H. Lindsay; Second Vice-President, H. Calderwood; Third Vice-President, H. D. Arnald; Manager, "Norman A. Rule; Captain, 1). Andrews; Secretary-Treasurer, George Inoe. ' J-x-`* `Some men die ieable creature took out two largepanee 0 glass from Mr. William McLaughlin : vacant house on the corner of Bradford, and Reid streets on Tuesday and Wednesday nights of last week. It is hoped the guilty party will be found out and pun- iehe .- . At a. meeting of the W.C.'1`.U. held on Tuesday afternoon, the following opcers were elected for the current term :-Presi- dent, Mrs. Glassford; Vice President, Mrs. Cameron; Secretary, M138 M. Brunton ; Treasurer, Mrs. Metoalfe ; Recording Secre- ' tsry, Mrs. McPherson. ' ` ` . _ An, _:'_1- *n._|_I:-n_L__I 2-.. LOCAL HOCKEY NOTES. V The Toronto Telegram says Barrie` has the worst-lighted rink In the Province for play- ing hockey.| `I * _* Barrie hockey enthusiasm had special reason to be interested in this year's annual meeting of the 0.H. A. for it was the desire of all that Manager Seelev, should be elected to a place on the Executive. That he was not the Barrie club regret, but -it was a mis- take on the part of the Hockey Association. The annual meeting was decidedly successful; everything was carried out in a business-like manner, under the Presidency of Mr. John Ross Robertson. Amon the delegates in attendance were J. C. _eeley,. Barrie; D. L.` Darroch. Collingwood ; G. E. Wright, Penetang; J. `J. Cayley, Orilliaz T. H Lennox, representing Alliston; `A. W. Bell: 1 Midland. NIL- _.'--.2."._ ...-.. ....II.uI Uniuuiilnn inonvndnn _ distances up to 50 miles, and 10 cents a mile ` names of the plaverson the competing teams game and.defaul_ting to the club who played ~ ..n..'.~ lnluiuuu. v The meeting was called Saturday morning in the Temple Building, Toronto. Afterthe President's instructive address dealing with the progress of the association and their successful e'orts to keep the game clean the meeting adjourned for a sumptuous luncheon. about 50 members of the O.H.A., being present. In the afternoon exhaustive re- ports were taken up. It was decided to apply for membership in the C.A.A'U. on certain conditions. `About half the;amend- ments made were lost. Those that carried were briey, as follows :--Authority was given to referees to rule o` playersofor using nrofanelangua e ordisputing their decisions. Referees will allowed 35 `expenses for all for distances over 56 miles. T The referee in ' every match shall be given ajlist-of the. and they shall answer to him" as he calls out their names. zcluhs once having, a homs~ them_.~._\7uenrateg that club -(for. an ; expenses incurr dp, ,~bein;'&.dded: tohe, Wat? itllwdssfet .'y3;e?!!9. `r. iilgll Vmdlaaig; lot ch} `B. 0. 1. iahome ill with diphtheria, but we are ' pleased to learn that he ieprogreaemg ftvorably under the skillful treatment ofeur new physician. _ U011. Mr. ASeele1 e defeat was due to several members in the North being in the held. Mr. Derroch withdrew in his` favor, but Midland`an`d Newmqrket had each e"ea_ndi- date =2The 1atuer.,made abis canvass humid uotumcceacl tn. Mating` there.` The election `;tsqlMtec1A /gg ;"o `lows : ' l,{r_eddent,1_j' J.` ; Rog: A gsbgrsion, .'1oi;6nt.>`f:'? Fit8t'h;rYi6-;13I`eIiden|7ih 1 :M3.DaiIiild' U..;G;;G.: ~e.'Tovohth::.1;Se`aond. " S337; : "oi 1 ..\-!_I-uwn . xvunwuvp 1;"! v v . V `J (W961- CowHide l0O.C.l.OIClOIOO I I I I It I Calfskiusperlb. Def) Horse Hair per lb..T.... ...... ...... Lambskins and pelts. H0f3eHid% . u o u o o o nuOI'OOCOOIIIvvuII Not invisible but nearly so. 1 The can be made up with either solid 1 goi , old lled (warranted 10 years), or iii el trimmings. .q`I.--- 4-` guns` Anoannnehl I IIIUQVI Illlllllllllbuu ";`hey are not expensive. We gust them s) that they are | per_f y adapted to the features; Rimless Glasses Are Fashionable -Mumpsare prevalent around here. - Mr. _S. Casaelman is convalescent uczainl Miss Casselman is visiting in Elm- vsle this week. T _ Master Tue Williams has returned from Kilbride. ' i ' 15"--5.---L----- -- ~ .. _ Miss Mort-ia,of the Barrie _I-Ioapwol it nursing. Mr. Boauey"u daughz'er'wbo is ill -with typhoid fever, - ~A,.._.._; ._ D. |\_I_l_ac:|.`_l-\_REN, |l\Jl-I-I IL||va.nvIv Mr Mitohll, teaohr, 'wiaite6_ over I Sunday in Midland. nl:___ 1'-__:- 'IT......-.l..- :4. ..:..:a.:..... -351. IJIIIIIJBJ III 53.: nunuuu Miss Jessie Keniiedv is visiting with her sistgr, Mrai A. Moses, Midland. . ' n 1-L. Teo. Mcwtera,' oi Munana, visited with her pdrents here last week. `Mrs . "M. A. G;:diner.pIid 3 visit to her sister, Mrs. Dunlap, in Fairviow, recently. ` V -. `. non:-` ` W Meme spent a week in Graven- hm-st recently, the guest of Miss A. Anderson. ` - and MrI.jLummis have .1-elturned homefrom Kilbride after spending some time there' - ' "AwLiiasZMmie English dud Miss Gilroy, of Midhnd," called on friends in the vilo -1 lagejasp week.- . f " ` , ! Montrea.l.= D00-. 11- "` Yesterday morning's T session of the Court of King's Bench was` not a _ 1698*-by `om , -but 11; wag _orie fraught with`ter- |.r1b1 g \ im_'pqr_t, a.xi`oe- to those conoerned._ -A ...:_..... Ian...-."..-. 4-` minnnfnn L_l'lDlB7`l11l},!U1`bu.uuc DU lauvnv nun`.-......... 3 . In 1, less ;;than twenty-ve minutes ` Amabi1eBa.r_i1e had been sentenced td;=imprisonment' for] life, for `attempt an-{aw-u Acvanoe Cofmngndcn. 4 Mr. Russell of 'Vua0y, wna visiting ltiguda in this vicinity on Sunday.