Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 12 Dec 1901, p. 6

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FOR sue. - BARRIB J 40-ly , % '-`run ADVANCE," `JV6i1E'wobD. Ir . -Chemists. B: LIV VV\,.l.UlJBg 4. ` 'Cl_1emxsta. Bamei. Barrie. In :)T`I.lf';iij:"i\_; nijnts. ` ` Dn. Tufr Baos.` Mnnn.:1NE Co. Gentlemen : I write this testimonial from 1!. sense of duty, having tested the womierfui effect ot your Asthmalene, for the cure of Asthma. My wife has been aticted with S1):l.\`u10dix' asthma for the past 12 years, Having exhausted my own skill as well as many others, 1 chanced to see your sign upon your windows on 130th street, New York. 1 at once obtained :1. bottle of Asthmaiene. My wife commenced taking it about the first of November. lvw: soon noticed a radical improvement. After using one bottle her asthma has disappeared and she is entirely free from all symptons. , I feel-that I can oonsistently recommend the medicine to all who are afflicted with this distressing disease. ' ' Yours respectfully, O. D. PHELPS, M D. Dn. T,u`_'r Mnnxcmn Co. Feb. .5, 1901 ' Gentlemen : I was troubled with Asthma for 22 years. I have tried numerous remvdin*.~`, but they have aliefailed. I ran across your advertisement and started with a trial bottle, I found relief at once. I have since urchaeed your full-size bottle, and I am ever grateful. 1 have family of four chlldren, and or six years was unable to work. 1 am now in the best of health and amtdoing business every day. This testimony you can make such use of as vou see t. . ` . Home address, 235 Rivington street. - S. RAPHAEL. ' A 07 East 12/9th st., New York City TRIAL BOTTEE SENT ABSOLEITELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF POSTAL. U JIUII \|\4Ill 13011? sn., N.\'. ity:' 45 |cHAm:n jug`:- Do not delay. V Write ht once, addressing DR. TAFT` BROS. MEDICINE 00., 79 FM I'm at NF V7` :~tr ASTHMALENE Barnes INSTANT RELIEF AND PERIMNENT % um IN ALL ems. ASTHMA". CURE FREE! Fac-Similie of Genuine. Is the v`v'a-t e1`ing_appa.ra.tus in work-: ing order so the cows.wun t have to go to the creek in -.1 cold storm`? T} in o n'nnrI Gin-n K1-n (Inn flan u-n1'll.vnn1 SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT OF P()S l.`AL. WRITE YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS PLAINLY. RELIEF? `SOL-D BY ALL I)IEi..UGG-ISTS- There is nothing like Asthmalcne. It brin__-.s instant relief. `even in the worst `cases, It cures when all else fails. The Rev.TC. 1;`-. WELLS, Vof Villa Ridge, 111 `O --___ , 3.17-.-- a._:..'l `L-.J.&I.. -1` A..LL......-.1n..... ..,.,..,:.....| .l..llC LUCY: VJ Jr. IIVJJIJJJLI, III I lllll All\1a\, nu.` says: "Your `trial bottle of Asthmalcne rcceimi V in good condition I cannot tell you how thunk- ful I feel for the good derived from it. I was u. slave, chained with putrid sorevthroat and Astlmu for ten years I despaired of ever being run-l. [ saw your advertisement for the cure of this dreadful and tormenting disease, Asthma, and thought yoll/had overspoken` yourselves. but Iv. solved to give it .1 trial. To mv `astoni. the trial acted like a charm. Send me a lllll-ml/.u bottle. - ' ' LV.|:4vv Anny DES T,u~"r BjlOS."MEDIClNE Cn., [1-_;.I......._ . 1'-.. A .-..L.~\..1nn.. Uh!` LA!` I I)JiUDo Jlllhllll/ILVIA \\'-, Gentlemen ': Your Asthmalene is an '-xm-ll.-m remedy for Asthma and Hay 13.-xjer, and its com pos1tion'=alleviates all troubles which uomhim . with Asthma. It success is astonishing and Won derful. `I ' ,, 5; _,_,.(_,lI,_ ,_._1_-..___1 ...- -_.__ ._4,__. ucuuh Aftellmving it carefullv analyzud, we can st:m that Ashmalene contains no opium, m01'phim~. er.1orofo1'm or ether. Very truly \'0l11'8, V T DR`? `l\D \/YIXIJDIQ TU1`I"H'QT I-'I.` REV. DR. MORRIS, VVECHSLER, iv. v vvngu Cows that `are regularly brus'>hedV T and cleand will __\'ield more milk in -proportion to feed; .i.e., there {is grain in the currycomb. T: ..,`.. 1-..-.- 4...-..1..1.. :._ '..'.,.a.L:--... -11 \ i fact that a few , '6"vthe_ barrel was fun 0; cider. you can't by faddi!rg~`a,1itt1e soda now since it has ':bec`ome>vine'gar, transform it back to ` "cider. ..Ne1ther can you cure dyspepsia by a littlepepsin, or baking `soda, or a few. doses of Cathai-tic medicine. You must take Merri11 3. . System:Tb'onie for the whole system has undergone a change from the effects of undigestedi and unfermented food. The condition of the blood and of the digestive ferments, and the action of the bowels and kidneys are as unlike what they should be, as- vinegar is unke cider. Merri11 3. System Tonic strengthens the stom- ach and nerves, puries the blood, restores healthy kidney action and `-cures constipation. This is just what you=want. No other remedy known does it so quickly or so`we11 or makes such a'-permanent cure. If you have dyspepsia. liver trouble, or headache give Merri11 s System Tonic a chance _ to cure you. ._`_1. en- L-A.A.1.. -....4....'.... tn .1. , gisnt ;ix box tles-, flor $2.50. prepaid. to any Address. t e V - MERRILL` MEDICAL COMPANY. DRL'GG}.\'I s III Ipuonvr I-2a`ch`."'>5c."t>'ott1e'contains 50 pleas. ant-to-take doses, and is `sold ' 0-1: 'B;;:1i Isrgaei. ? NEW YORK, J.~n .--.-. n--._.. v It ....... -... n. Avo SPRINGS, Y Y., Feb '1, 1901. `AT ALL DRUG~' STORES. l CLIICI. IUIJ IoI.uI_y yuuna, REV. _DR. MORRIS \v1~;c11s1.1-19.. Brantford} *5".- ':eenuto%tytc$sl *`_ 41: ~*imi:e din fB37:1iiiI19lY&:Eo.Se` a:Wli_if~ .>* deermaina w.:hi.t':.e,`,c. jws ~.~~a5:re .occasiof9ei1~';o ., ly heard of. t`-'f11heseje_rodditiesare -. ale` mno's,;_ `and gthe '- dictionary - denition: of albino is A `pe_rso'n; `or:-,..Aanin:1al with preternatiiraljly p'ale_;_skln g.an_d; riair hair, also",Wi,th_ pupils `With "iii-_P0' ,..culiar red orf pink color, and too` weak to bear tull daylight." Evl-j dently cases of albinoism occur . in . the deer and" crow i'amilies,V`and~oth- . er families, too. Many; have doubt-4 lesstseen human albinos, people with -white hair and pink_'eyesg` One fall " `a. good manyiyeurs ago I noticed a beautiful white bird `consorting with a ock of robins. 1 was of an inves- tigating. if `somewhat destructive, ` turn? of mind even then, and chased` that white bird until I got it. ` It had black wings, head and tail, but was pure white on the belly . and breast, save that half a dozen red feathers were scattered over: - the breast. looking` like spots of blood. That was an albino robin, though I didn t`know it then. Dwellers in To- ronto may often notice English spar- rows witha good manypwhite feath- ers. I suppose they are partial al- binos. Cases of melanism, that is, ' of a. supercially black coloring mat- ter, occu'r'in the animal kingdom probably as often as cases of albino- ism, but melanism would pass unno- ticed, while albinoism would be read- ily detected.--I{avenspur, in Toronto Star. ` be Done Ontario. .3, lA9U`1_ '.:lt `Don't leave the herd but in a. cold! _wind. ` b v % ?"_A_'ny old thing will_not do in tthesef days -'-- the package fnust,bo _;nea.t, clear; and attractive. rm-.'. ._..'--_v....'.... ..-n :._.-:4. ..,......4. ...`.4. :1. .I.. ` .`rgspotigd-i;i-;.?ii`, ,, . V __ " `to no V1mown .s?pec'ies. - ;W}hereup11v.tlt1o" markiiags 4t`-I" >..% 5[I'.": discoverer of this fur'rd~ or ., feu`teEd - freak Tthinks he has discovered agnew` spcgics that Jms-escaped the Lnotico of earlier` investigator-s,.`Oddities in animal nature are probably not as. ..:lA+.'nn n Iunvnnn nnfiirn .Q|I:o\ov, 'ul\JlIrIb uugnu sxuunssvuavvu . .The grower, of fruit. `must put. it huch packages as his customers r like; it he, expects to make fruit growing ` ya 5x1ahc_ ial 7Succ`ess; N A ._-A. _ __`_ _ __a".1 '... , _I__ _... - iiui, _" `.v1,`n-: ..1_4_' ' - "1`hef1`e-ight, c-.u'tage a_n`d~ - p__c_Lc,kage`. on poprlyh packed . fruit, , _o'r-'. whibh is1%9.f; poor . quality. cost, =`%s.;i iii.1`1.cfh;:,i.;ay$';- _ ,-`t_h e case of well pt1cl&_g`;1._1`f_i-}ii`1;.'_a,1j;`_('1;; l;_}:'m`.,.~ot...`g0od guality. ' 'lr`]3_i1')I`._<',)"t4" ,ex:l_Agi.;.:N I:I_4lDI_`.8 _pn~Lhe. ;lutt.e1', kxenogv L t`.$7=S1feat:er+%e *4 % =*. .3'f{x`: vix. `.4 ilk 'L" "fanning Wool Sheepskins. Aids tu'Good Delivery. ` 'l`lvx.VV:{`InTtqL1Vigpe_xMnaap_le `innn. '_ Txnneiy Dairy Notes. An Odd Pigpen. Packing Fruit. V '1Af'5'~i:ndtspenSdble xa11 is a .n1 yth. navel was such ;-a. tl1ing'*- and T }1e't_*r44;e9vi`l1, in;co'1'n gs. seam. The ge1yi~i:6iuh_iuf e on ;sid'fe,-o0vs.r',_t;he work of J D. V Kelly, . `is ;s_ happy conoeic. in" colors, fhefoe of a fair slyouliwg child being contrasted pp-N ;'n`opti'etely with the I_nssk of old Father ' I'lme,.suggssmin. the dying _ye'or, ivith -lswning of the one to come.` The sup-, plimentary plates have heel: selected with rare'judgrqen'__t from the worksof such artists as Paul Wiokeon, James Arthurs, Guerin and others whose names are (1 guiufomtee -of the highest standard- Titles of the colored plates are, Coasting," The B_`ugler,v Char lasers, "G xlf, The First Ride. L , BY-STANDER ON IMMIGRATION; .0f the strengely motley population which `is being formed in the North West, it seemsrthat the Galiciaus, Ice lenders, and `Mennonites are in the main doing well as farmers, though their value as citizens cannot be great,-and such of them as have the franchise are said not to use it well. 1`he young E-aglishrnen/as mighthave been expect- ed, are generally unsuccessful, though they do better on the ranch than on the farm.\ Not a` few iofthem have gone OH` to the war. Butit `appears to be admitted that the beat of the foreign `settlers are those who come from the other side of the line and are thorough- lymuccustoined to the kind of farming. It would be a good thing, if it were feasubie, to-`open the door wider to these people by allowing them tona- turalize at once on certicate instead of requiring them to wait two years for naturalization. Their political training ideas, and habits are essentially the suns as those of our people. But there would be diiculty, no doubt, in con- ning theprivileze to the case of im- | migrants into the N orth-West. I I A As in previous fears the edition _will be limited,` and nude!` no considxsration w.llu second edician be prip$ed.- Or. .d -ra therefore should be sent at once to his c.i.:e. or pla~:ed with Globe agents THORNTON ORANGIBMEN. . Thornton L.O.L. No`. 16- had nape oisl meeting on Friday November, 29th, to confer the Royal Arch Degree on six brethren. It was a very pleasant even ing. There were several visiting bre turen from the neighboring lodges, in- cluding. the W,M. s of L.0.L. No; 73`-, Angus, and of 'L.O.L. No. .4,50-,_Ivy- After the degree had been conferred the lodge was closed and a pleasant time was spent sts lunch provided tor the occasion.- V - | In '`x's' to -these colored illuathv -trationa, several full page masterpieces of photography are given I- Among the cnntributore are Jean` Blewett, 0. G. D. Roberts, W. Wilfred Campbell, D. Campbell Scott, Tulbyn Marquette, M. Maomurchy. H. Isabel ; Graham, Theodore Roberts, W. R. A} Woods, AH. Percy Blencherd, -John-3 Cheitns, John Lewis, R. H. Cuates, W. Banks and others, ' One ot the oldest. residents of Tecum-L -teeth departed this life. on Monday of law. week in the peraou of Mr.`William l'rLammell,_at. the age of 91 years. De-` (amused was 9. most. estimable man, a umepewus farmer and}: worthy mem- her of the Church of -England. His re`- mains were inserted in Beeton on Wed- uuednv, the fuuerisl .being,very largely attended. v V `BOILR FOUNDRY AT COLLINGWOOD : John Biruie, K.O., atuteaithut the Collingwood Ship Building Company` have just. acquired a largo block of pmpe:-ty in that town for` the purpose 4 establishing _ a large plant 101- the -u unufacture ofboilers for sliips.` The rnpertv` includes all. that . facing on Huron gtreet, tukiug in the site of the` old post oicog _Work;on the construc- tion of the ncw industry ;willbe_com ` ..ha'mnced imme'diately.TT V ` V - ! . -r-row: `.L_. -1;-`n~_ -._._v n.;.-;I (1-... -1 `Chemo. Steel Cam I 4-ynetruotion of theivr' new establish-L fmm. When completed there will pmyf are mak_ing_ g9o`d' progress in the `have been 400 oer. loedej_ of machinery]; `1: net_lled5 in Jihiei nev ipdua t2jy.~.. _ ;Nrvember report for S. S. No. 17, Innis-I l.; Fifth clan, Ernest_.Carr. Fqurhh olau, jerbert New, Ira, Wise. Senior Third ;cla_ap ,,Ma' ' Montombry, Wilmott \Qu&'ntz,. `G?*i6+`:Mi ir.`.`1W 9.f*.1 LW...`.-"-` Junir ~'-Vhird iiItIie`*?Mo#*s!n#tv. wn;.1%QnsnW% |- U-DIMWU ll-CHI: VI I 0!?rF M&53- ,,`. THE LATE MR. HAMMELL. 3. N55: 1`7.- ;I1~INIsn'1 L.A - v .?`."..'IafQ_L`Iov' , y ":i- " ' .~.~ wa*%a?u ; . 1`~fo\Vr. 0 ' I` . 29:6; I901, ~tI_'ze wife` _ in n 1a'v_inc',of_s_ - , .. ...-76.1`iY!i]" .-.; , `theTjreoto;v'., ` B09-1 =-iR`v.-a Adi. VV7Itt.`vMb6i'-t,JoIp|Ii . J Walk. {.156 "',J dipbiiie . 1 Lindsay.` " both ; of I.a1Y d.1own`.o?.. - <, . V o - v FEBBI E8-b-MILLER --'AA,t_ Nioolaton, on Nov. 28:11,, 1901. by Rev. 0. S. EIW. D. D., of ` Alliaton, J. A. Ferriei,` of Toronto. to Jeanie Miller, of Nicoleron. -_ - Gnangmg-'-BaA'rrY--On. N ov. 27th, by Rev. A. 0, Watt. of Bond ' Head, Herbert Graham, of Clover Hill. to Lilly. youn eat daughter of the late James Beatty, of ye- - ` oumseth. ' ` T HANNAH-_MILL8AP--At Barrie. on Wednes- day . the 4th of Deoember,"l70l, by Rev. J. J. Coobrane. M,A. , Thomas (1. Hannah, of Copper Oli, Algoma, to Mrs. Mary Ann Millsap, of Ureemore. ` lump. HAMMELI.-In` Tecumaetb, on Dec: 2nd, Wm. Hammell. father of Robt. Hammell, of Beeton. in his 92nd year. MCGAw-At hie latereaidenca, 54` Cameron ' street, Toronto, on Tueaday, Dec; 3rd, 1001, Robert. MoGaw. in his 7'-5vear. McCULLo.UGH--In Barrie, on November 29`, Harward McCullough, only son of W. C. W McCullough, ot Nannyr, in h is.29t:h year. . V ' t_l1`o""AwiAfeV'6f ~'.|.`.%1A .V 0. Banting; jewoler, of .c" dn.ughte r._ .2 ~ `" ' . E20 % 08 till, Wicker Furniture from now `until Xmas. Tue Barrie Wickerwork Mfg. Co. (Limited) ` ' A Geotogleal Fallacy. Probably the most wild and unjust!- able otal-1 the crude beliefs respect- Ing geological resources is that which holds to the conviction that by going deep enough the -drill is sure to nd Icmethlng of value, no matter at what V point the work of boring is commenced. l'l`I___- g..- -.-_......--_.. _.I-. .;.-_A-._ I- A Canadiam farmer had on his land a. very deep hole twelve inches wide, `resulting from an unsuccessful at- tempt. tovform an oil. Well. Four lit?- tle pigs belonging to the farmer tumbled into this hole, probably in Search of food, and fell forty-ve feet to the bottom, where a-little cave had: been formed by the caving in of some sand from the sides, - The 1 farmer dropped corn into the hole` every day for a month. He knew the pigs were aiive from hearing content- ed grunts ascending from below ground. {At last he had the hole" widened, and, descending by the aid of a. strong rope, he rescued two pig- gies from their strange prison. The ~_ other two were dead- ` !VVa begto ca your gttenhon to a. new and indispen-- snble article in There are numerous wise persons in every community, estimable, inuen- tial and in the highest degree public spirited who are convinced` that the question, for example, of nding coal intheir special locality is simply a `matter of the dept_h to which the ex- plorations are carried. Rock oil and naturalgas are recognized as desirable products in every -progressive commu- nity, and every such community con- ,tains persons in other respects intelli- gent who are ready to stake their own fortune . and that of their -nearest .friends. on the belief that oil and gas are everywhere underneath the surface and that their sources can be tapped with the drill provided only there is suicient capital to keep up the proces of drilling long enough.- . . tms arncne Is is access Inca} point or addtess Professional shoppers. , `Professional shoppers are employed by a certain ' large _firm of London drapers to test the abilities of shop as- sistants.` This firm owns over thirty { large shops and employs nearly 1,000 assistants. To nd out whether every customer is politely served a number of lady customers. are employed to call at the various shops. They give as much trouble as possible and sometimes to leave without making a `purchase after looking at nearly every- `thing in the `shop. Should the 'unt ortu- nate assistant's temper not be equal 0 to. the strain, or should a single word be said that might offend, a report..will , inrallibly reach headquarters and lead to the dismissal of the sorely tried 3 handler of silks and ribbons. _ l'l LIL It an manna`. `anon-`rd uuv ---vuuvv "f'1`haut."s` right. Why. they say a hon- t.-9t`s sung Is only, one-thirty_-second ot' an inch long."- Will control_an3f vice known to-a. Horse. Invalu- able forvbrealnng m_colls. Can be adjusted-in, two minutes. and used wnth any harness. vehicle or im- `pleinem. To the progressive farmer and horseman this article is 3 necessxty. Apply` fcr same at your `In.-at -saint nr address -`..- ---_ V`--- V- EBALKING AND KICKING HORSES" An Example. After all, It Isn't` thehlg troubles. that bother a fellow so much; it : tho- llttle things that annoy us most." ..s_ 4.1.. `I111... 4.|.-_ ..-_ - I.-- "`-`""" , . G. 1'. Fisuax. V - - ` . . I Nwtown Robinson.` I am alo agent for the Celebrated Oshawa Clover mu. _ - V -; ' 12-lv. T The current number of The Cane.- dian Teacher contains an address de- livered by Mr. S. '1`, Church for the Wyclitie College Alumni Association on ,``Aids to a, Good Delivery. Mr.. Church, who is an authority on these matters, gives directions which, it followed, would greatly improve the facility and power of expressing one'aV thoughts. , Om of ' the ' most requisite e injunctions is that constant watchfulness should be e maintained over our spoken words. There is no faculty that re- Iponds .more surely to cultivation "than the faculty of speaking, and if `anyone followed Mr. Church's direc- 7t'.ion_ fuithfully,. improvement would undoumeclly follow. 'Yqu. FAITH :::*.:..`;::. out-st. - ry. T T V V 1"`: an-I I vuna ll-` JVIA t| - Shiloh s Consumption ` ` and `ours, in so strong we ' e `guarantee a cure or refund . V ' M mone ., and we send. you free trial bottle i uyon write for it. sHI1.0H'S.costs 25 cents and will cure Conw- sumption. "Pneumonia, Bronchitis and all . Lmfng Troubles. Will cure It cough or cold (in a.__d-ay.v and tu_u s prevent so pus results; * `It hnsbeen doing thes`e-t_hing'ae or 59 yearn. 1 s C. wnx.1,s 4&..c.o.,-;'rorojnt`o, cans. . n ......o_ I W. . . -_.. - n Liar A Stomach A.A D.V,ER:Tl`S:E IN _ FOR -nu: cum: or -"Bartlet if on_ a ue: slope. 'ove'rlo:iking ` Kempenfeldt Bay, an arm of Simeoe, nine miles long and from one to miles broad.Vand onelof the prettiest bays in Canada. In summer boatsl ply daily to and from-neighboring A summer resorts and parks- The population of Bar` rie is Streets and sidewalks are first class and handsome residences are numerous. Streets, public buildings and dwellings are lighted with gaslor elec tricitv. The waterworks and sewerage systems are very eicientand provide spring water. good drain age and` reliable re protection in every part of the town. . Barrie is a railway centre -for Central and Northern Ontario. Thirteen passenger trains arrive and depart daily. The postal service is all that can be desired: thirteen mails arrive daily; there is prompt postal collection and delivery throughout the town. ' There are eight schools (one Separate); em ploying thirty-one teachers; twelve churches, three weekly newspapers, one commercial college, every day is market _day. machine shops. planing mills,- grist mills, saw mills. marble cutters. bicycle works. boat builders. tannery, breweries. ten butcher shops, sever- al first-class hotels with reasonable rates, threeliveries, three laundries. one creamery and all other modern conveniences. Stores are numerous and carry ful lines of all kinds of iirst-class goods. competition s keen and prices are as low as in a city. _Telegraph and day and night telephone systems connect the town with all places near and distant. Barrie is fast becoming a favorite resort with summer tourists. Ioi: wan. rne@xmafoiLm_m7 2 uhoulilera and." 7 tiles pf Dr. Ha.l} s' Rheumatic Cum jndcleanawmdn of him. great "blond `])7H'_i01' is . put up in bpttles containing ten iia.ys- treatment, 50 cents, at druggists or The Dr. Hall u-~.::..:.... (1.. v:..`....4.... (1.4; LEW CI .H:51?<;i1;:(`3lo?l?iUx:g:on, 0n.' `First scrape off the fat. Take equal parts `of alum and salt, add water and cook to a paste, says Orange J _udd. _I.-`a.r1_ner. Spread the skin out scarefully to keep the ` wool clean and rublthe paste thickly over -the esh `side, ,' `4 Fold together, roll up for 3 day -and next day rub over it more` ` ., ofvthe paste. Repeat this a. third 1 V ti_1ne._ After it dries out scrape o` lithe `salt and alum and rub it soft." ;. Use 119 oil on the skin. ` It may then" `-qbe c,o'1ored any shade" desired ;and make pretty mats for the floor, "=;ca_.1-rliaztge or baby's gocart. Musical ` ufd leg;-.V Drive _ ou_'t" thir__rhen- hat `life is worth" liviz W1 n .L'ee, gutd'enei:, ~ No. 793 .~,-_,-."17_o_~__1-_ 11.1 ...n .%NOBTHEHN Annvnnca "| ITOWN Lows! LJANUARY zna. ""1u'."""' ' . Perhaps the only ointment inwthe gvdrld that has pasted through an Oxyiezing Erocess in order to fur- njsh it with a pro erty altoget buyers growth o old sores. ulcers. cancerous -tumors er antagonistic to the used with success on scalds, burns, cuts. itch (of any M kind) exzema. 35%: per box. I Sold bv` , ;, wnuxr urnha \ ONE PIECE OF SHEET MUSIC -'et Circular. y.-7- a.Ro`oms`for o'1ceVt.a..iu Ros; mock, AN6. 97. Dunlb (Street. Fire proof vault; lately occupied in Dr.` `pogeasion; VAppl t9C.LH. ROSS. _ " V v**!-1m;="*- -m-T % v Wells. Alsptwp-rooms with vault ,`-lately odcu fed Hooch. I831`! FY1801`. Barristers; imn3 `to lsuuseribetnr%,"IHr mwfi-" \' vv vnnv `us vuas Ill Lb \.t\lI\.a| |3\I\.Il.LLl3 It is a- good Sign to see. the milker have a thirst for milk. It is a cer- ticaite of -c1eanliness.--Farm Jour- nal. ~ , 1 u 1 I . EVERY` MONTH TO SUBSURIBERS OF PHE ~ VANILLA, for ice cream. for instance; BAKING Pownnn. for cakes. One is a dung. of coma: ; the other a I-.hemical"; and {hints APE`. still nthers--SPICES of 11-! EEK! men: are sun Dlncru-or Ileana In In lands, cream of tartar, etc. The best. lace to ct drugs is at a DRUG STOR . The ruggist knows more about AL-an-u.I-Isa: nth-n nnnnln J.Ul\D. 1nc UI'|lK`ll uuuws nlwnc auuus thorn!-ham othe: people. . W keep a good drug store Come-and ask us eabout Kitchen Drugs. ` ' Drugs and chemtcals In the Kithen. MUNKMAWS DRUG STORE "oz DUANLOP-ST. BARRIE. ALLAN DALE. Lots 2, 3 and 4, West Baldwin Street. North Cumerhnd Street. Loto n7 and :8. Jacblfs Terrace. Lots 1. 3, 3, 4,5 and 7. Et Mary Street. `Lot 54. ofgrlcasf ,1__'o_ at-:Njr on LEASE ' Fix a`. high mark for your cows ! this Winter. If they do not reach; !V....... 4.1-_4. ___- -.....--1__.1-_ |_-.__._1_-.i WILL BE THE 2~'Iv:x'r xssmz or om: e is mug. or coutse ; lne otncr a. ' cnenucal ' and there are". still others-S?ICES of 3.1-` I I.:..J- 4-_-`-- A` `!|n` A61- "Oxygenatur Ointment" I._L... LI... Ami`: nhnlvuuunn =n.,.lhn II1(;It`I fh: wan: TOWN or BARBIE. Supplement] APP`? . at ARE NEEDED EVERY DAY ` oovvnon u;s vo-v \I\-Ian`, \tIJbLl.|Jc 4 If you have trouble in[g"etting* Iallv the cream from the milk of cows that are nearing the" end of the milk- ing period. dilute with Wnrxn Water before straining. T

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