SALE %(limited) V`|\l \f5Ivl>`~"9C V-'VU\l Vun `J UIIKJI n` "J A generous array. of the fair . sex ' of Bowmanville, bedecked the `plat- _' form in the Town Hall in the even- ; ing. `A large number of supporters V of the newly-vselected candidate were- present. _ Mr. A. E. `Clemens, pre- ; sident. of the Reform Association of 7 West- Durham, presided-, and among others `present were Hon. W. S,1 "Fielding, Minister of Finance, Wil- . liam Ross, M.P., Robert. Beith, the -newly-elected `candidate, and others. xv A34-.... II 13-44-L ......A 1! ... -Drsa Lani Int tuber federation. Did Net Vete -te . .-Keep Out Other Alietios- ; ' Scranton,-Pa., Dec. 11.-The ex-' clusion of Chinamen, Japanese and other- Asiatics from America, ticket scalping legislation, and advisability , of adopting a universal label a for. union-made goods, were the princi-` { pal questions that claimed attention of the delegates at yesterday's two, ' sessions of the_American Federation of Labor. . I A e e , I .0 11,- . .5 , fp.'m';V {(3 lie ' -Lad- ei; Hon. -Sydrgey` Fisher. 2 J V Agriculture, Quid theaion :_G.WJ.` --` ` ' U1 Uuuuuun cuuu . vanv v....._....__ I Australia meet and confer _i}i '- don next` J une upon trade and. matters. \ . % . ..: it .S.i..<">j. -__v0. .,n,.8:rio;:.'iA8r1.`___itura1- T8-ml` FxI?`ei`i;rnntel_ ;-.Unidn;`W.a.s. ain xadr i .f_dress _'.`IK-._,.`>gfA..=,j Rfuddick, _Depa.nt-f 3ment\`_ _; `of ..Ag:z_'iei17 tune, ` Ottawa, 3.01`. "heeded improvem nts` in` "dairy inter :1 ests. He held that Canadian cheesl `manu-facturers7ha.d'~ not shown im- provement in ~keepin`gj with the high sta.nda.rd which won them such a great reputation a_.t the Chicago. :World's Fair. The large increase in the number of smaller acto1'ies, im- sy` "boxes for shipping andtinferio! buildings and equipment were V to some extent responsible. Butter mak- `ing was showing` ,stend_v improve- ment, the makers evidently proting by the work of the dairy schools and instructions. Hon. Sydney Fisher and others took'part `in the discus- sion. . 5 The Liboralstltenonlnato Robert Reich, Ex-M.P.-Hon". "Mr. Fielding Present. Bowmanville. Ont., Dec. 11.-- Rob-I ert Beith, ex-M.P., was unanimously nominated here yesterday as the Liberal candidate for the riding oi West ' Durham, ,'i_n the approaching Dominion bye-election, made neces- sary 'by the voiding of`Mr. Thorn- ton s election. 3 Speeches were _made by the candidate and others. A .-p.--.......'.`.. -_...._--- -1: A`__ 1-- \lJ U459 \.a \J V pl lLICA\4A&V ovv uvosau I\aI-Ia u.-- . _ The vmeeting was-brought `to a close with cheers for the King and` the speakersii .' A - At the afternoon meeting a. reso- lution of condolence was passed with Hon. 1\[r.' in the sad death of his daughter. ` U1 .u_m_..vu1_e. A V 1 The resolutions advocating the ex-`. clusion of the Chinese were adopted by the convention with considerable hurra.h,butein the lnutter of excluding "natives of Japan and other Asiatic- lands a. snag was struck -and this part of the anti-Mongolian agitation I was killed, as far as the present con- ` vention is concerned. ` t snv IV A. \a&\4\l UU\o \alA4LI\4l.`AvIV\1, tings. IJ VOLVO Inl- After Mr. Beith and Mr. "Ross had spoken. the Finance Minister, I-Ion. W. S. Fielding, defended the course of the Government at` some length. FIVL- ._.-..4.-...... vwvnn In-...-.uonnInL `6. London, Dec. 1.1.---A telegram from Dublin to The Times `says that Wil- liam H. K. Redmond, M.I".,- speaking , at a Gorey," County Wexford, meet- ing ofthe United Irish League, said there never was _a time when there was a. better chance than at present to ;strike .a. blow for Ireland. Thanks `he to God they had lived to see` the day when John Bull-had been caught by the throat by the men in -South Africa, who sverei giving him the greatest whaling he ever got. Mr. ' Redmond said he` prayed that God`; might strengthen the Boers until they danced on John Bullfs chest. V un- 1 --u--v- ..-..-V Melbourne, Dec; 11.-'I`he Right . IIon. Barton, Prime Minister of Australial, has cabled Sir . Wilfrid Laurier. the Canadian Premier, ac-A` cepting the suggestion of the latter that represe11_tatives of the, Dominion or Canada. ,and the Commonwealth of - _`fz_neetv in Lon - `-'~ -1- --.-I -&Iunu IIIIII-III 0,1 -vv - Wiartoh, Ont. ,_ ` Dec. 11. ---In accord-` ance with an eement arrived at between aourisel for both parties, the North Bruce Dominion election pro-x test _wa.\ disr_niss.ed Nesterdcmy byh, Chan`c_ellor- gxzgyav 94:4 ':Judge. Mag- . "Manon: 5 :H3-l1id?Yif:- 5* I `.-"".5%'..i1.~`f1`.':V59`f"`.fi'* ~ Halifax, Dec. o11.--Word reached N ` Sydney last night; that the Norwe- `gian steaners Ella was` disabled o,` Scatterie Island. She 1091; her pro- peller on. Monday afternoon. Five men left the steamer to go ashore for assistance. There was a. tre- mendous sea running` and the '_ boa.t?_` filled and sank. Four of the occu-.; ___-__- ..I....n....-.A Englishman tu Bu Do|)ol'ted._ L Manila, Dec. 11.-The Supreme, Court met yesterday and dismissed; the writ of habcas corpus in the case of Patterson (the Englishmam} private secretary of Sixto Lopez)` -whose deportation is sought by the]: authorities here. as he refused to: take the oath of allegiance to the* United States when he landed "at! Manila. Justice Cooper dissented.` Patterson will be deported on ' the`; first steamer `bound for Hong Kong. UIIUU Llallkl DoI;JA\- .u.\. pants were drowned. WANT TO Icxcnuxin-onlnnslc. W. Ii. K. Rodmhndk Prayer. Guelph `D.f: every st2Lr1Vdpointi;;_t.:Vl1'ia}.`_,~ movable day in`o.: 1:o_%, Star Royal City - Th9"W9iio351i1i_ V I currence of - tho 13-rOViV11C_iai`l.v'-Ezit=;Stpqkj' Show, so far as exhibits.,:giiidj_\1tond+. ance are conce1`n,ed"r..h_94VA VD1'.o'v ed` an unqualied success,-1. j.Yeste1d. y --1,he- city was all .animation. .a.nd'=o'bx1s_t,lg,;. but no apprehension` Iis 5 feared a to` the ability of the gitizens .to. proV,ide~' ample accomodution fo1'.al1 who`.may, enter her gates. By re_a.son"of- theoj 1iberal- grants to the society b.,v_t.he '7 .19;-ovincial Government, the city of } Guelph and the .County_ `of Welling`- ;on,. supplemented by private` sub-A. scriptions, a ne building has been erected, commodious, well 'hoa-ted and well lighted. `As a clea,rcut,V wel1-dened evidence-of What Can- uda can produce in {the way 'of thoroughbred stock the provincial show is it success. - nn__u, :1, 9, , .lt1otrai1u km: Jldet Chadn. V-'vI"I1"Q( I`3VI`p0"i,QbO:_l|t f_,l I J1lon. V- : . _ . . _. .o -- ~A i\'or..oigun Steamer Stink. wn:s'r- autumn. -u--._.... Hallie!-ty In -`If-.' ' other v-_ nu, vu.yuuAI7u.' k ' I. _By' f advancing. the line of block- I- houses in the eastern part of the Transvaal Lord Kitchener is now I able, for the rst time, to carry out v ` systematic and continuous opera- ; -` tions in the vicinity of Ermelo, Be- 1 - -thel and Carolina. W i:|'.ajes.Wgel{f5._ Work. ..Lendon, Dec.` 1-1'.--Lpx"d Kitchener, {in a. despatch from7Pretorie., dated Monday, `Dec. 9, reports that the re-` sult-of the week s work is.3I Boers. killed, 17 wounded, 352 made pri-.1 soners, -35 surrenders and quantities ` of supplies captured. - 1 Du-` -4-I:.._..-:...... 41-, 1- II C I R - } .---'I.-'ho: cgjueo-trstzog __cupps`-.-(rho 1:`:- 'V iiltlgnoift` of "tic 1'|Toir ContIqgont- ` .' ` '8dnQ la`: tlie in Various Recruit- ili _Si:utlqn|+ A]iplicant_ iwho Wanted to. Make Phyhical Domoiutrntion. X T j ``..;..T..%.;... ....;..A was severely wounded. nnvo Mun vvUun\a \lL U410 Auwuutxuuu 1111!?- The Boers` are still in force in `the extreme `west. of Cape Colony. They are there commanded `by Maritz, who recently attacked Tontellboschkop . The Boers were driven off and Maritz The C'oncentrnt.ion Carnps. l ' } London. Dec. 11.-Lord Onslow, Se- ` cretary of "the War Oice, said last night that the` large concentration camps were being broken up into `smaller ones of from two thousand to three thousand persons each, and that if the Government found thingt did not go better [in the future it would not hesitate to turn to the ex- perience gained in India. in dealing with the plague. ' vqovs I4ILL\-I '~/(la-I Ullllaon Columns have captured the south- ` ern districts . of the Orange River Colony, and are -now operating` `northward of the Thabanchu line: ` fI1I-- 'l`I__,_ Thirty-one Mon Sworn In-soIno.Bocruit- `in: Incidents. j Toronto, Dec._ 11. -' The second day s [recruiting for thenew Cana- dian mounted corps was marked by as much, _or even more enthusiasm than on thesopening day. Those who were told.-on Monday to be on hand again yesterday morning were there bright and early, but most of` them found that this was only a polite way of refusing their applica- tion, as very few of_ these were call- ed yesterday. The total number, - of those sworn in so far is 31. of these 23 have seen active service in South _.A_fr.ica, . Yesterday's proceedings were mark-. ed by many incidents pathetic and "humorous. . I:Iappy Mcllroy, a. South African veteran, "Was sworn in on Monday, and yesterday, his wife of only two months, called on Col. Otter, and with tears. in her eyes asked him to reject her husband. As McI1ro_v' has been sworn in this will be a, difficult thing to do, and the Colon e1~ could not` give her any de- nite assurance. A()ne you-Ang follow, with no` previous military-experience, but who had a. .local.reputation . as a boxer, Was most. earnest in his desire to enlist, and on being told that his constitu- tion wouldvriot st-`ma the rigors of a. campaign in South Africa,~ he ex- clhaimedt with warmth that he would like to see the man in the building who could stand up infront of him for five minutes.` Although he stood meet 2 inches in height the Colonel I did` not deem it `advisable to pass} him. : n A u n an 'I`o-day will bc_the last; day for re- cruiting in Toronto, and 25 more men _ are need there is still. a chance for a few good, sound men. Col. Otter was assisted in.his Work yesterday by Capt. Shauley. Those already sworn in have been notied `to. hold-themse1'vcs in readiness V for departure- for Halifax to-'morrow3 night. .. . n. It . _ Montre-.1],V Dec. "11.---'1"hez thirty-ve 1 men in Montre-.1`l s quota to the third contingent were selected yesterday at the. drill {hall after a, -very -severe exmnination. Over one hundred pre- sented themselves before Col. T Boy for _enlistment, and the `Montreal boys selected are a tine looking _lot- `of so1diers. ' Yesterday ' representative stockmen 1 from _-all parts of the. province` were i . present. In"Sl1orth'orns, J.`-and R; 1 McQueen, E. Jeffs & Son, H: Smith, .`r .J. [~\'ied' '& Sonsvand J. and W. B. ` \Vatts; in Herefords',V F. W. Stone, ; W. Hall, Samuel` Younk and J ames` Hall, and in Galloways, A, M_ and t,. R. Shaw, W. J. Reid, D_.'M.cRae,' are leading exhibitors. i In grade cat-V tle, J. L1oyd`.Jon'es, James Leask. `P E. Brien & Sons and John Dickinson make a creditable exhibit- ' ' `Prize sheen at the Show} In sheep the display is exceptional- 1y large `and meritorious, Cotswolds and Shropshires predominating. In" Cotswolds, Park _& Son and E. Brien` & Son and leading exhibitors; In Lincolns, J. '1`; Gibson and G.` Walker made the largest display. In Leicesters, J. M. Gardhouse,VJ. and .W. B. Watt, A. and W. Whitelaw, Orr" &' Lillico and H. Parks have some ne specimens. Shrops-hires are represented by J. Lloyd Jones, John Campbell, _R. Gibson and: W. VE. Wright. The exhibit of South- downs is especially" large, many of" them being winners at the Pan and Chicagoishows. v j i ` Swine mspiuy Credltablo. 4 V In hogs, it would be difficult to nd a more creditable display, and ya most commendable feature is the evi- dent determination to produce a class" of hugs that will meet with the greatest favor in the British markets, and for "which the leading pork packing companies of the pro-' Vince have_ denoted generous prizes. I 1;,g;ress' in I`oultr_v Iiaisiil, ' V The upper at of the society's- building is devoted exclusively to the ' exhibition of poultry.` and here may be seen probably the nest and most extensive display ever. gathered to-v .-gzether in this province. In 1 no branch, of agriculture or farm - life T has so much material progress been ; made within the past` few years as in this particular line. .1mproved facilities for transportation in cold storage, coupled with the dtissemin-- ation on this matter may be respon- sible for this altered condition. Lectures of Ho: Raising. The best. methods of fattening were well `illustrated yesterday in the sec- lion devoted to that purpose. Yes- tm-day morning at 8.30 F. W. _I-Iod- son of Ottawa gave an address on "Desirable and Undesirable Joints of Bacon Hogs, and was followed. by ..,l rof. G. E. Day,`Guelph, on how to 1-..; `I-uannrl navn ant] fend fnr \ i Vvhile Iii'u:er s Aiwny- Ottawa,` Dec. 11.--In a letter to a. gentleman in this city, Col. Steele 'suys: 0om Paul's quarters, hav- `ing been taken possession of by the 'mess of my division causes an unus- ual animosity on the part of the burghers of this town. They stare in `apparent blank amazement at our cheek. The house having be_en'he1d sacred up `to date causes this, I sup- poseqn . . l`|..`I QA.....1.. ........... H -`I"......... A... 4.4. p-..-.c 1 4 ` , Col. Steele goes on to say: Jones who was at private in -Stra.thcona s Horse, is now, a lieutenant` in the Scottish Horse. A He had a very hot ght on a. recent trip, in which four of his troops were wounded, one through the lungs. - -I-Ie and his men made a. very gallant ght, the last of it at -close quarters. All T our feilowsehere have done that sort of I thing; `they have a good name here. j . I`! GI-nn1A ml-n4-`nu I-tan` ` I bllllls, vasvg uuavv w av As|aLIJ\a uva 0 Col. Steele -states that Major Ogil- vie is `out with a portion pf B Di- Vision, South African Constabulary, co-operating with Kitchener s (col- ,umn. South A-mica. he says, is no place asi.ye_t-_foAr_civilia.'ns._ _ ' set luck to `Pro-Boer-.i j "Ottawa;--ne. 11.--_S4ir _Wi1frid-'Lau- ;riker'L y stexjda.y.;.1'eceivc;d a cable" fromL [Vsjgz1`v.7`tar,\(L; the` High ihsibigeri-,5: .3, :.Lsstagt;;1j(r`;`;`;_,-3 3 ` .f:fLq;g. Montreal`, Dec. V11.-,The pro-Boers received a bad setbaclylast night at the Letellier `Club, a leading Lib- eral organization. The meeting was called `to discuss a, motion censuring the G overnment . sending the` sevefal `contingent? to_- South `Africa. The. _mot.im1.',, was only_' supported` the; ?J~}QYe_!?;,8;(fldA seconder, about .2. idzni asleak `.$.l'h i-[that it; was; t.y;Qto~~:isist.`_` Lgt_he_i Emp-,:n.. nn Incident: of the Recruiting. :.*.fru\Vth`(`so1I`:1 fx_m_n'mg-my; Better. . Montnv-cal : Quota Com pldte. A 1` TORONTO. ,!rl'l`OI| U. I11. JJau.Y,`\J'|-IULI-Ill, \I|.1 I-III vv `select, breed, care and feed for production of such animals. Both lm-.t.ures were attended by fair-sized audiences. A ' _ . _ ' Experiments .With Small` Fruits, In the City Hall yesterday after- noon, under" the auspi,c e_s -of -the On-` mrio Agricultural and Experimental Union, Prof. H. L. Hatt; O.A.C.,` gave an interesting ' report on co-, operative experiments` with small fruits, and contended that the `sys-_-' lem of distributing small fruits from the O.A.C. to fa.rn1ot.s through- out the country was attended with g.'_`z1l,ifying' success." - T _ V ` - ()u`t.ur9 nf sugar-Beats. j _ Dr. W. H. Wiley, chief chemist, Un-y itetl States Department of Agricul- `tum, Washington, gave a -somewhat lcnglliy address on the culture of $&Lr beets and the manufacture . of- heet. sugar. -The doctor is a. rmf-bee-' Ii`-`r\l")47~ in the sugar beet as a mort- L 1tL:`r4i'a.liser, and succeeded: in inV.eSTr' ing it smnewhnta dry and tochnicz_i._l' *"h.iv-.r.:l, with. 4 grea,t"deal o`f_-interest.-`f; - ..---u_ I Well, we buy in large quantities. Of course it cost us money but we are having subscribers pay up better and are inqreasing our circulation; |_ 1_`_VZ9_ ITHIS Last week you got and Xmas week`, NI-ON 1`I+I This music is on the best glazed paper. Subscribe to I Arrival of Lord Mintoy ' Cunsiderable `doubt ' arid uince ' _ty (existed in the minds`o1' Om `(US of thevsociety[-pzndgcity; the date of tho`. ,at'riV` J.-Ii*s ` '"<`.V the Governoi Ge ra` p"0Vi1.iled that h V '7`3I|e(tia] cur. ; *`F"` Waitirmtat take *9 ` ;1.In}Q, a Sta` '(}_.']_`_];;_, =: Sweetheans Long Ago TIRE A DVANCE I (Concluded frcitti page 1.) beforetaken up, and all such work shall be done under the supervision of the town authorities, _u'-.1 under stich rules as the town may fr ... time to time lay downand the said mu: 'c'pality hereby consents that the said coup:-.:uy`ma.y exercise within its limits the par era conferred on the said C'om~ pa.ny_ by R.S.() 1897, Chapter 199. and any acts relating th'ereto, as hereinafter ex- pressly excepted. . - l0\ `is C-|.:n kw` `Arm nL..`l `an A... `ll. VSTJIJ \Jl\\l%DJ`UV\I| (2)_Nothing in this by law shall be coll- strued to give the said or any company,`the right. to manufacture or supply electric gal . vanic or any hrticia llizht other than gas. -IR) Thu. cairl nnrnnniun skull Luna ohnnn \ vuunv vs IIIJJ uu vluvlu Illuu vuuul. uuau 603 -(3) That said company shall have above rights tor 26 years, and no further, but. it is not. intended that the said privileges hereby granted are to be consideredexclusive rights and privileges. I/l\ A-any rsnnnnn Inn O\nunn1\sun :-scum:-um--slag run. run v unvawnu / (4) Any person or persons injuring the works, apparatus, mains, pipes or other ap- purtenances-of the said works used for light- ingthe said town with gas, whether during construction of said works or thereafter shall be subject to a fine not exceeding $20. lK\ 'l`kuo- en noun!-:vun Qlmn 9:4-1319-n nu-A v\u9=|1: u |I\'J\o\lV uv us uuu uvu unvvyulu wave (5) That in granting the right : and privi- leges hereby conferred on said company, the Council does so on the distinct understanding that if the Council should at any time during the continuance of this by-law. or any renew- al thereof, see fit to acquire the plant of said company, that no value whatever is to be be placed on the franchise hereby granted, and `on the farther understanding that notwith- standing the incorporation of said company prior to the 10th day of March 1882, the said company. is to be amenable to the pro- visions of R.S.O 1897, Uhapter 199, Sec- tions 59 to 64 inclusive, provided that un- less the said company within one month from the passing hereof, passes a by-law consenting to the extension of said franchise on the above terms and conditions,.and tiles a certied copy thereof with the town clerk, then this bylaw shall be null and void and of none effect. v The Times says -.-- Now that a third opportunity to see set`.- vige in Africa has presented itself. several of our soldier enthusiasts are bent on en- listing, and will make personal application at the recruiting station in Toronto next week. Among those who thus expressed themselves are: Pte. Billv Reid, Jim Mill- ard, Fred`Andx-ews, Wm. Reeves, Geo. Mo- Intyre, P. -Mebfosh and S. A. Gearch. The latter will make application to enlist in the capacity of a blacksmith. , Mn `R `I Mlllnn nillin Hun Hanan nnln. ` withontanv ~ trouble. VWQVIUJ `ll 1 IIICUEUIIIIEIL Mr. B. H. Millard, Orillia. has been com- missioned to purchase 100`horses for the use of. the-new Canadian contingent now orga- nizing .for South Africa. Mr. Millard took a car load of horses to Toronto on Monday, which he sold to the government buver, who wasso pleased with them that he asked for another 4100. Farmers having good sound serviceable horses can dispose. of them now Mien Emily Dodds, A second daughter of Joseph and Margaret Dodde, died an Cleve- land, Ohio. on Monday, December 2nd. The deeealed young lady lived [in Barrie a num- ber of years ago with her parents. A veer ago the Misses Doddu were visiting friends in town for 3 oonpleof months,-and by 'thei r 1a.miehIe.;menner made mam! -friend; here _` .*De_eea.eed we; _anvan1atenr.pho,togreIj)her; end ueitamowqi cools 1-4: number; o:.viwq:A-at Jud;:in".: the battle. . 7 (mo of the most interesting an Protable .- lessons of the [day was that. .k"iVc11 during the judging of ca .t'- W .\ ust.crday afternoon. In a build-' `fig well adapted "for the purpose", hunkcd on both sides with *I`_QW8,..V_ ,ot_ seats, before a deeply-interestgedf 1` L$_1V1,heri11g, Robert Miller of Stou-V-~! yxllc '.1ndv'[`homas C.r.a.`wford, M`:P';P.,f3 l`0ronto, proceeded "to,-'jud ge the cab-3 U0, awarding the prizes, .,_>a.n_d `iniev-,- (try inStanCG' giving :'f`n.S()x1s for the a,wa.rding'IF~.7`,"tha?~- `ame. . .. 7 - , Ilvwi Ivuu viva--- now and get at least 12` Sheets of music free during-tihg year. - ORILLIANS FOR SOUTH AFRICA. as cars rniNcH%nEF;`" How can -we give away a sheet of music free every month to every paid up,__.Sub- scriber 1 - ' Two MarioneIles| We have already given away six songs, and we are going to continue it every month in future. ` ominmng. oRAN5 g XMAS ` . Mother,`Sis:er: Brother, Sweethearf or Friend. 0 %1HfBnnns[ WIGKERWURK mm. :0. 4 y I .% u A ELIZ.ABETH STREET. BARBIE. Pu . ..; V."- '. 2 `. _L . _ ` ~ . . I ~.-.,-.'~ -z. ., ' . . _ ' H e ' `Which we offer until Xmas. at a discount of 20 per cent. .less than regular prices. ' _ I -_ , A `Nothing better or more acceptable as Xmas. presents for Father, jMohher; Sister,' Brothe-r,~,Sweethegrt _` ` ., WICKERWORK. ~ CHAIRS TABLES . SOFAS LOUNGES OTTOMANS CURATES MUSIC AND MAGAZINE STANDS, % 1-:'rc~., ETC., ETC., . the p.ri*c-e of Wicker Furniture of every description until] Xmas. We have 9. splendid stock of new Wickerwork cens sting of 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT OFF Le-.m:}. Exhibitors.