` Dated Nov. nth. x9ox. 66!`. Buck Horn Club. Midland. 6 men. 10` deer. Hesneler Hunt Club, 5 men, 3 bear. 3 deer. wolf.` V . . Porcupine Club, Barrie`, 7 men. 10 deer. Ox Bow-Creek Club, Barri_e, 3 men. 5 %%%`,VJ[*[EBa'!E5,E!`J%.% 4647-?- _.:._..-__._----...-_._.-__..._.. vv._J:.2_:?::*:;:.i$;.s:":::m2.*;:::.~d`'.:`f HOUSE FORSALEOR `RENT. n,!_|_ nnna QM-an! fnrrnm cuuvturmu CLOSED. ____:__ )R SALE OR TO RENT-x3 acres of land 1 mile from market; good soil, well watered: is I adapted for root crops. Apply to EDWARD `RNFZ. Owen street. 38-tf MONEY FOUND. % NOTE LOST. Lowest Prices. ...FOR... Depot H arbor, 5` men; 9 Paul`-ry Sond, 8 men, 8 THE INTERESTS OFT BARBIE. THE COUNTY OF SIMCOB A_ND THE , no deer, i?'. bohcntor, A 5.!" B_ARLRIE,A%CQ_UNTOF SIMC`OE,fQN'1`ARIO. NOVEMBER 21, 1901. OIICIIDIT 46-tf W HIS]. 38-tf I 7 . . - 7 FIRE AND POLICE COMMITTEE IN- VE8'1`IG-VA'1'E.D-NO "REPORT `YET. ` All the mem_bere_ of the"1`own Council were present at Mondav night : meeting. The expected report on_the investigation into the re engine accident was not forth- coming the evidence only being produced.` A tender was accepted for the removal of the stone _cr;usher. There was some die- cuseion onthe question of a. loan to the pro- posed clothing establishment. T ' 4- -1. - ____ -2 .... ...--a.:_... pvivun --vv---u-6 vw-----_-..._--_, The minute: of the -previous meeting `having been read and conrmed the follow_-- Jngecommunicationu were read : oomngumca-rrorzs. Mil McDo`uga.ll thanked the Council for. the free use the Ladies Atixilierv of Rail- road Treicmen had for the deuce in aid of the R. V. Hospital. ' A an I l_,_ . _._I...A.!_... -2 LI- LI- V I llrvti "_ C. Horaeeld asked for a reduction off his assessment of $100 on his lot on` High street... He was not aware of itainereaae from $200 | to $300 until he had received his tax bill. - qn _,-2I L- _I--- L- IIV VUVV unlvon wow u-- -'---. ! Fred Marr called the ciulii place `to 0 the creditof the Barrie Public School Board $1000 on or before the loot. dev of each month until balance of school levy for 1901-2. is paid.' :1 ._, An 'n-c..:_.. I1- ` .. .. ngunwn-nn3nn- II-up Enter am; ' QB `lIll\lo > The Sun Oil Rening Co.` in a communica- tion said than they had noted that only a `very email per centege of the town : con- tract for oils. They expected the Town to live up 10 the contract. ` V . V I`, 11 I'I1._2..|_; ......I.3...I-L warn!-nn II!U II? VI: Ulov vvnavn wuru - W. `G -Wright, machinist. Hamilton, wanted the Council to buy an apparatus for acattaring sand. " '7 ---4-A _.. '..II...n...'. T knun U\l3IlIntu Illa HI-noun J. Keenan wrote in follows":-Ii have `examined the fire engine with the foundry foreman and nd that the boilersheets do not appear to hsve suered much fromthe overheating, but as the rings around the re doors are broken through the rivet holes and have giventrouble for it long time. New rings should be put in. ~To do this it will be necessary to take the two shells of the fire box apart and if the inside shell has suffered` much from rust it may be necessary to put in ,a. new one. All the engine rods should be dressed in the lathe as they have suered from the action of the moist packing until it is impossible to keep tl1e.n packed ,l_-.I I ... I--- H... A` blag uuvuu an ow u-..r-__- --- Mrs. Ardagb aelceiiifor free nee of the ' Town Hall for a` conversazione on Dec. 10th in aid of Royal Victoria. Hospital 18 ALD JORY CHAIRMAN? The Committee on Finance reported re- commending the uaymeulr of accounts amounting to $1209 77- - -- -- ------:3 .;_;I OLA Mourns! Illllvuuasub uv .V--v-y . . The report was not signed and the Mayor asked`_Al_d. Jorv to'do so. The latter. how ever, did not think he had authority. and it was said then that the registration was not accepted yet. I-lis Worship asked him to sign report` asaoting chairman. This was agreed to by Aid. Jory with the understand ing that it would not be required of him again during this year. The report passed. The following report was also adopted : A II` , ,,L_ l'V-.......2--...-. mniunhfnl` i THE FIRE ENGINE MICIIJENT, I ll!` Ivuuvvsua I\Jr\lDV vv -. ..-_- _e`_ The Board of Works Committee reported I that having had before them tenders for re ' moving the stone crusher from its present nosition to the market square, recommended -that the tender of A B. `Carley he accepted for the sum of $45, and that the crusher be `removed at once; also that the Clerk no- will not require the lot on which the crush- er was placed any longer. THAT FIRE ENGINE ACCIDENT. The -above communication from Keenan. is the most denite report of the "tire engine asir as yet. Ald Tyrerhad the evidence taken in the examination of Messrs. G. G. Smith. E. Williams, J. Keen- an and W. Johnston. from which. as we mentioned last week, very little denite in- formationoould be obtained The evidence was read _ Ald. McLean had hoped to hear some conclusions. A report was promised for next meeting. ' ' frns` otommo FACTORY LOAN. Some weeks ago the Council received. a request to grant a loan of $10,000, without tifv Mrs Geo. Fletcher that the corporation I ' interest. and some other things The fol-' lowing motion was carried after some discus- sion :-- '- -nu. . .e ' `I!,__--- l1-......2a. I ~ Vair-Tyrer--That the Finance Commit- ' tee do not recommend granting Gerofeky 81., Co.- the sum of money asked for. - But would recommend granting to any rm em- ploying fty work people with wages aggre- gating $300 per week the standing oer of tree light and water. and a loan of money at 4 per cent. per annum, and the amount of money they may exnend on real estate. buildings and machinery for a term not ex- ceeding ten years. c _ ..__-.__ _. nnnavnnvn ~';._-._.._-- ,, /In Barrie. on -`Wednesday. Nov. 13th`. nrfgrt :1 daughter to Mr. and Mrs. S. Penny. ` M[LLMAN-In Allandale. on` Fridav. Nov. 15th. mm, a daughter to. Mr. and Mrs. Wm..Millman. 1 W{,.;L?e?1"R`}2'3:n%`$2`T `.}$f""" '" ` :1, A !31:II'|I\ ""'*'rv - OTHER MOTIONS. The request of Mrs. Ardsgh was granted.- - `j McLean-Brennsn--Ths.t the F. L. Com- mittee be authorized to purchase wood of fered by Messrs. Moran 8t Parker at $2.80 per cord. delivered at works. as long as said wood proves satisfactory to the committee. -- A'L_.-_LA. 35':-IJnIs`lI `an nhnnnnl` 1 WUUU PIUVUU Ullulw uuuu vi uv V..- _- 1 ' Ald. Tyrer thought; ibwould be cheaper to buy coal. and the Mayor wanted to have the buying delayed until leighing. The um I tion weeuaseed, - T . ` ' - I - - .us :14 -__ '__,____;__; BIULI W53` uauuwu: i It was moved by Ald. McLean, seconded by Ald. Jory. that an agreement. be made `with the Bank of `Toronto for temporary loans and adveneee to meet: the coats of the Rose street sewer. - ` -I - ~ `I... I-.. .--..`A I508! IIol.'UII BDWUI o . The Mayor intimated that a by-law would \ be "presented to the people in reference to ` going back to the ward evetem. Ald. Mc- Lean, though-_a. petition` from the ratepayere woe necesear . The statqtetwee readto dia- } pel Ald Mo eau n doubts`, ' nu. , ti-___-:I _.I2-..n-.>.uI no. h nInnI{ l I 55 015$`: The ladies of the Guild oi Trinity Church.` managed a very successful social last Thurs day night. It - was held in the Sunday School and the entertainment V consisted chiey of a musical contest. Miss Plummet played a number of piano selections` the titles of which the audience lguessed. The contest was won by Master Gordon Wells. Miss to the appreciations ofthe audience , .W_ith Campbell and .Mt. Ralph Johnson also sang .;ths uni-tauoeiof the yoiunn men-of the church a ~le.n:toirim9I;19 . '4 9! itch? arms 194 refseshmsnts ,yvei"e serv-..ed a`ti._th_e.closje of the :Ne.ot17 .29,0.. .:!.i.|:IetI here `V p. ;;_`4 bing can, be seen me" on; 959:3. J SoantenTisu~r;tl're_d. deignnpof our engrav A.'..6.-n1.' = A,,"IF'_'f.RI'|.ll_" ~ . ` _ wel- lug VIII UH uuvuw 0| Ala mcueamr uuuuw, H The Council adjourned, at ten o'clock. A MUSIOAE VOONT}-:s'1`.' ..q_?f_,_,V , % `gonromz ..'fi1A:15m;' .lll:.J'.\u.va.aua.a cuNm'NeHAM--cuNNINGHAM-Ac Barrie. on mz. `&`:`,'?';;%.:.: B...'.. %f..z'u3.';.'..'. 3;: .'..?` s`%`;`uE`.: .; of lmsl to Miss Ray Cunningham. of the` Township of Essa. : -of Alma College, which is holding its annu- R`.e.v.'J..J. Redditt. way to be in St. Themes to-day; He is the representative of the To- 1 ronto Conference on the Board of Directors } Q` -n1:'AO:nn `II `TIIIIII \J\II sl meeting. Miss Edith Williamson sang The Hea- venly Pathway" and Miss Violet Storey "The Temple of Peace. at the Collier St. Methodist Church Sunday night. Both ao- loa were very much appreciated. - V 'The ecers of the St. Vincent de Paul` Society in whose behalf Rev, Father Sweeny lectured on Sunday evenina are Pres Mr. A, l Beardsley ; Se_c y . Mr P. Morrin; Treas., 1 Mr. P Kearns ; executive, Messrs. Jae Ma- ley, Wilfred Firth and P. Logue.. The col- lection Sunday evening amounted to $41.50; larger thanever before; it will be devoted to a. poor fund irrespective of religion. Be ye therefore merciful as your Father ' also is merciful Luke vi 36. This was the text Rev. Father Sweeny based -his sermon on at Musicals Vespers Sunday evening at St. Mary's Church. 4 The sermon was in be- half of the good work the St. Vincent de Paul Society is doing in giving assistance to . the poor, Father Sweeny s eloquence de~ lighted alarge congregation and the collec- tion in aid of charity was a large one The music rendered by the choir was excellent and each of the solos was well rendered. These were given by Misses Mary Graham, Ella Mahoney.` Mamie McDonald, Gertie Powell. Alice Logue and Clara Byrnes, and Mr. Frank Souls: and Mr. Ward. T VERCOAT I.OST_-Between name ana Incl !!- ton. on September 94th. I out was dark blue with velvet collar size 42. Law: it at THE AD- VAN~'E OFFICE. ' V _._.._ ANTED - Teache: wanted-`An experienced Tencller for S. S. No. 1;. Oro. Send teati- I monialq, if any. 2nd class cemcate r uh-ed.A up'to_ the.3oth Nov.` inst., to JOHN BERTR M. Dalstcm PD. 47' 47'! ._.._...._. . . , _ ._- Sundey next being the?-\1`;1v<!-a3; ii)ei*`ezreiAd- vent, there will be 5 special and appropriate service and sermon in the morning, for the last Sunday in the Christian year `I - .1... .........:..n or 1-.l`m rnnnmn-. (if the Team. IIIBII 3111"!!!) In Due uunuwuu yuan In the evening. at the request or the Tem- V `penance workers. there will be a special eel-~. men on Drink and -the ev_i|s thereof All who are interested in the work of Temper- ance Reform are cotdially invited to be pre- 33!! f-. 1.11 ` 3301'-. v . Z ` "Wine is a mocker, etrong drink is raging ; and whosoever in deceived thereby is not. i wise., THE NoT'rAwAeAGA JUDGMENT: The following is the complete judgment` handed out by Chancellor Boyd in reference to the application of the County of Simicoe 'to quash the appeal of the Pownship of Not- tawasaga. It will be seen from paragraph 4 that the Chancellor had even written an other iudgment. Argument is being given ` this week, and the County solicitors hope to successfully urge against the pertinence of Re Revell to the present statute. The judgment is :- .u A _I' ___,...___I __ LL- .._.........a-6 Aka} Olin i J`l"'6IIl\CII I? I i Bnth Counsel assumed on the argument that the ' rolls as equalized after Appeal to the Judge were `to i be used as th -. basis of apportionment and liability for County ratew for the same year, and in that con- necti vn Sec. 99 was referredto as showing that the County Clerk` was to certily the amount of the ap- portioned County rate to the clerks of each local municipality before the 15th August. Hence. it was l argued. the ne-essity of the Appeal was disposed of I within the Statutory limit, the `St of August. Sec` nn TH.'S position. taken by the applicant and not disputed bv the respondent, does not seem to be Well founded. The true view is pointed out and decided by Harrison. C.J , in Re Revell, 42 U.C.R. at p 3:5: While it is the duty of the Council of the current year to equalize theiassessment rolls of the current o 3793". it is equally their dutv. when apportioning a countv rate. to make the equalized and revied F0115 of the preceding year the basis of apportionment. In other words. while it is the duty of the county council . for the purpose of County rates. to equalize the rolls ' of the current year, that equalization is for use not in the current but in the next succeeding year. Hence the rolls of the year now under the consideration of the County Judge on the equali tion appeal are not, as and upon the result of the appeal. to be used for ' the present year. but are, as nallv equalized by; him, to be the basis of apportionment for the next year. In` -I 0 - .- ,,_. -e..__.2-.. `.1! 51.. an-nun-`ant ah I10 DI: Inc Dials UI `appul uuuuncuu. Iva ruov av..- J..." If. this is the correct situation, all the argument ab inco nvenienti urged bv the applicant disappears. and .t he better view, according to numerous authorities] _ have consulted, is in favor of the "directorv" con- struction of the Act. A On the for-ting on which this case was urged be- fore me I had written a. judgment taking the views that the direction was imperative and mandatory; but I withold it that the parties mav take account of this new` aspect of the application-which subsequently occurred to me. ' ---_A 1 _ .._3_-A. LL- gun:-O:-can-It-an n` i occurreu to me. If nothing is to be urged against the pertinence of Re Revell to the present statute. mv judgment will `be as indicated. dismissing the application without costs. I -- - 7. 9- _.--:_-.. .. .s.:. ....:..i 1 mil. ` costs. If further argument is desired on this point. 1 \ hear it the next day I take Chambers. r A Q~ W!-i r---v --.r:-., ~ ` 47' w wo ROOMS WA_NTED in convenient part of the town; fnrnthvd or unfurnished, Apply BOX B ADVAXVCE OFFICE. A47-47-p ` THE FADETTES. This famous organization of ladies will aivean` entertainment in the Music Hall on Saturday night next when they will present an entirely different prograni to that given by t em last season in the Hospital course. Goo as they were last season, the improve- ment this vear is very marked. `and a more varied entertainment will be given; We an- ticipate a-good hou_s e5' and a delightful eve- ~u=nn an Pl|.':IIfI\n I'.- > IIIIJIVIIUU w I-VII`! uv--.- nin a entertainment. Vdudlbaunuvpv u-_.. .. ._, V, - Mr Angus Cameron was recently married in Toronto to Miss Trvphens Brown, ofTo ronto, formerly of Trinity, Newfoundland.- Tbe bride wore a handsome frock of brown and white, silk with agsrniture of cream guipure and lace. The ceremony was per- formed` by Rev. Mr. Hart, of Sn. Marv s church. The bride received many handsome gifts. IIIUIJIHQ IIlI_IfIr' _ o'clock. Wm. H `Ford, guctjoneer. . -1- is 1 _ `7 ` - 1 _I - -`-' mun ` Ga Ai1ct.ion- Sales . V Monday. Nov. 25, 1901--on Lot 2. Con. 3, F103; horses, cattle, ,sheep, pigs. imple- ments, turriipa; straw`-, etc bale at one I Ava`- ---_v_-_., , Wdneaav, Nov. 27, 1901. Lot 9. Con. 8, Vobpra`. ajoiniug Mineaing station ; horses. sheen, pigs", fowl, _implempnt_a, cook- ing utovol,~`e\f.cV .8310 lot". 1 o'clock. W.AJ. `Dobbins; proprie uor.* R. `Ford. sanction. . A`-` '-.--Don t fail K to"ai;tend[ the V fet ]1)4reu = qt--jg-to--Q-u:----2 ' 1 Gm! 8919;L`h~ .V-iv. Vtokm `%!d*."- ;1_"_ , \JVV % cue. CA MERON-BROWN AT. SPECIAL SERMONS IN CHRIST CHURCH. l'Lg'l'\ anus. vn .- T One hundred acres--About elglfty acres cleared : South hall of Lot 40. nrthwest curn`er Township of 0m, on the Pcnetang Road-wood buildings. lar e unchnrd and well watered V A uantity of fall plnug - kg done, in a good stateo cubivation. close to MRS- R. A. LITH- ahurch and school. Apply to an) \\7,mm.. D n _ Ont 47.491, cnuncn cum urulpa. straw, etc mm: In Uuv] `Horn.. pr-opriet.or._. R.- _A..!._ A.-an 27 , Lot '9. Con)` __ 1l:..`..'..:-nu ntntinn 2' orgcaxam` oun cnrrnnzon. .-'-i"ORONTO. ` ' Miss Fann_ie Freek_9ntarta.ined a few of her friends last Thursday evening in honor 3 lof her guest, Miss Storey. ` ,, ____ ._!-__I_ _2lI L- ` Mr. J. Keenan has been in Midhurat for the_ last week. v-vw-p, -now u - -_-....-.,v- Misses Mafv and `Annie Graham visited in Toronto last week. V V will-i:a' izvard, of Orilliu. is visiting Mrs. `S. G. Blow. . . . -_1\[Tr;.' ;1x_1;.' of Toronto; is viaitingher sister, Mrs. Willmqs. I`! I ,V ,!_!L_J nhurcnana scnuuu. I\ppI GOW, \Vcs*on P.C).. Ont. H-i`.[;.vja-;:'d--'LI;a'.' .`V;7.wl;l."V; -ismer left: on Sa. ' I turdav for Los Augelea. Cal. ' `Miss Pavne has been visiting her aunt, 1 Mrs. R. VV. O Brien, of Collingwood. {--VL`;;a-a"A"p;g.i-'a"G't:cx-avefieft town yesterday `for t her home in Owen Sound. ` Nb?!-is.a"E' ;l-lVi;;rz`s-tan`. }{:uiri11e, has been spending a week in town, the guest of Mrs E. King. ` Miss Irene Dy_mentv. isi1'nauy friends will be delighted toehear that she is on the way to recoverv and improving very favorably. I '\ I 1\ ,__.S, __ _L__!_... D;1'r"s..- (J;-;l'I -e.'.t-I:-l;e'1'-t-0:, `l;a(1';`iaV.Z [is adsying in town with her father, Col. Bruce, and AM:-a. Bruce, of Bleeker street. -'1`oronto | Globe. A most uniqueoccurrence during the past week was the celebration, in both cases at- tended hy the pastor of the Collier Street Methodist Church, of thesixtieth anniversary ,of the weddings of `Mr. and Mrs. John` [Laird and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Graver. . ,_ nu- 1-.u._:.1--- n. .....a yr... hlllfu IIIJU Ell`. uuu tutu. 1'J\lVVlllu I/nunvvs. Sixty years ago last: Friday Mr. and Mrs, John Laird were married in this very town and with the exception of , three years spent; in Mineeing, thev have lived all their life in Barrie. `Mr. Laird was 9. most succesaful contractor T and for many years was Chief Magistrate of the town. I1- LV..s....A..n cl... `loln of 'KrnunI-nknr MI` llI8[I'unUU Ul IIIIU LUVVLI. On Saturday the 16th of November Mr. and Mrs. Edward Graver were sixty years married. Mr Graver is a retired hardware merchant, his place of business having been 1 tvlreat of the present store occupied by Mr. illia. 2,1 2- :_ L2- oi )--.1 ......... ......I `ll- wuus. Mr. Laird is in his 83rd year and Mr. Graver in his 82nd year; both have always been highly-gspscted residents of Barrie and were always associated wfth the commercial progress of the town. For their time of life both couples are in good health we are glad to say. There were two very happy gather- ings that met to do honor to the respective occasions THE ADVANCE joins with the ir many. friends in congratulating Mr and Mrs. ` Graver and Mr. and Mrs. Laird and in wish- ing them many more vears of happiness to- gather. `The Brcebridge Hockey Club has organized." ? ' A - . up 1 li'I\lI.,r1- u-vvw-.__ the lnllmving articles belonging to the _estate of the late Fr.1nc..s Downev will be sold at PIIIIHB A IN!- llon at the residence of MR. JOHN MALEY. VCUNDLES TERRACE, BAYFIELD .STREE'l'. aAaR.IE.T . The rink was ooded on Mondaf night. Skaters anxiously await the "announcement of the opening. . - . 4 iv 1 . 1-1 I ,, '11I ,L I... ..:........:.....1 ` vu vs-up foray--...B. ;Ncwmarket Hockey Club has r<\:orga.nized, and will enter two teams In the O. H. A Dr. Chas Clark is secretary-treasurer. -a-u V----- `.... _ __ _--- -_,,, The Raggeci Seven are re organizing. A" `large and enthusiastic meeting was recently 1 "Never mind, success, girls ! held_ when the quorum, among other things, l talked of b plaving hockey this season. i - I S; .` vvn -...---, ....v...., `.1 ... Bv a typographical error last week it would appear Mr. Penstone was elected. manager. It is Mr. Fred Seelev who is the wide-awake manager of the Barrie Hockey Club. the club tha.t. s going to play the hockey of the north. !OPERA AND `DANCE ON THANKSGI- VING EVE. On the evening before Thanksgiving Day, that is, next Wednesday Nov. 27th, the lUpera House Management have arranged for both an opera and dance. to which all are invited. - T - The idea of -having an After Theatre Dance is a new one. The Town Hall has been secured for the dance and it will only take a few minutes to go from the Opera House to the"l`own Hall. The dance will begin within five or ten minutes after the drop of the curtain. Good music has been secured and .a good dance is promised. Those gentlemen who take reserved seats at 50 or 75 cents at the opera will receive cou- nons worth 25 cents each to them for dance tickets. What do you think of the idea? THE ROYAL TRAIN ON EXHIBITION. The Royal train which was built for the l use of the Duke ' and" Duchess of Cornwall and York when in Canada. will be exhibited hv the Railway Company in sever- al of the principal cities and towns in On- tario during the next two weeks, after which :4. ...:II In... 0-n`!nI\'fl\ mnnlnnd in!` their [IE6 Of ` ta-I10 tne next LVVU VVUUBU, GLLUL VVII|\.u l it will be takento England for their use of E Royalty there. It was not. as `first. contem-V i plated to bring it nenrerjhan Toronto. but -- -3`... :1! I-un3nn Innn tn |'I1l\M-`I it platen to bring ID ucun:i_unuu .1 Ulvuuu. u... an effort. is being made to have it. exhibited in Barrie before taking it. abroad, and its is hoped that the people of Barrie and the die- tricb will have an opportunity of examining thie train which is so elaburately gotten up. `._--. _,-, : We beg to inform our readers of an error which appeared in our local column last ) week to the effect that Mr. McDonald had l bought the Clarkson I-louse. Barrie. This was a mistake ; Mr James Goodwin is still the proprietor and possessor of thiepopular hotel and out.-of-town readers will therefore understand that they will find Mr. Goodwin manager as. usual. T \lF\I In-nu --.-....- Stmycd on to the premises of the undersigned, Lu u), Con. 2, Flow. about the end ofugust, two. Heifer Calves, one red and `one g'ev.- ab_uut SIX wonths old. Owner can have same by proving pro- pertv nv-d paving expenses. ALEX. A. Mc- DONALD, Vigo P.O.. Ont. . 4'IId.0'D Choncellnr Boyd "heard nal argument in the vdppllcation to quash the appeal. ' The County argued -that the clause Re Revell mentioned in the judgment was not pertin- ent. The Chancellor sustained the town- ship : contention and dismissed the applica- tion. A. H. Creswicke for County, | Hnnghton Lennox, .'1`ownsh'ip, T a Modame Livinaki, Scientic Pslmiat. is at ftlie Queeu a Hotel, Barrie. lot 9. short: time. uadame Livlnuki is considered good author- isyi on palmistrv.` . , Crowds consult herdaily. `_Do`1i"t. fcii to'vis iI': he,'r-4-your hand reveals Fooclcw, 25`qhd` 60c_. L V % V x V ~ 1420 7, o $1! Wikar Furniture from :;ow until Xmas. `Ina Barrie -Wicket-work Mfg. ; sucuu nun PERSONAL. TWO J UBILEE WEDDINGS. 3.. GOODWIN STILL PROPRIETOR. LOCAL NOTES ON HOCKEY. NOTTAWAAGA WINS. PALMISTRY. .;..-_~.__ ,,, Herr Piano. Domestic Sewing Machine; a quantity of hoinsulmld furniture and effects. . Inspection permitted on Friday afternoon. `Terms nndx, Oats is the interesting market articlest the present. The big shortage in that gralll has resulted in the highest prices in vearl. 0'erings.~are verv light, farmers apparently being anxious to hold for a still higher level. The war in South Africa aggravates the situation. huge quantities having been ship- ped there, and more are still wanted. The crop this year. both in the. United States and~Canada, is a short one, and unequal to requirements. There has been a lot of speonlationgoiny on and one Ontario dealer is said to be short 50,000,000, which he is unable to deliver. Oats sold on St. Liv- `rence market as high as 5l~ cents this week, the highest gure in veers. mm. a nn:nn canal):-`Ann: f\II no Illtdn Inns-Ital`. C IIUU IIIEHUHII uguru In years. The price yeeterdav on Barrie market wuvz 40 to 43 cents. ` On `Saturday only 750 bushels were bought here. There were 1200 bushels wheat. 600 peas. 600 barley, 595 buckwheat and 300 rye bought on Saturday. Que buyer bought the most. of the gut week : grain, however, on Monday, t ere V being good offerings of wheat, oats, pea and barley. A nnn-`A l\` l.....Au.u1 `ili lg` Ylnfllfl H IIDI LU . A couple of hundred bags of potatoes on Saturday s market brought 40 cents a bag. V Hay sold at $8 50 to $9. T . The value of the additional space in the market was felt, the cold weather making those usually outside .vnd shelter. Fowl "was very plentiful. and the demand was fair. Uhickens brought 35 to 45 cents per pair, geese according to size 55 to 70 cents each, and turkevs 9 and 10 cents per pound. n..a...... ....... 1-7 .....a IQ ......o. nnlll l-mind CIULI, IIHU IIUTISCVB U llllll LU ucuuu PCS rvjauuu Butter was 17 and 18 cents, some bola: sold to`buyers at 16 cents per pound. Eng! were very scarce, 20 cents was asked, and the price will likely exceed this next Satur- day. THE HAPPENINGS `OF A WEEK IN TOWN AND VICIN ITY. -First day of meat Dress Goods Sale `at Vair, Vickers & Co. Pat-ticu1a.rs on page 5. oystermfincoes, Iladdla and (3.. con- stantly on hand at B0'IIl\I'El.I. S. _L --l___ ..__.g_|. -IIIIII-I, I'll llllllil III H.D\I U -.5 vi -.a--- V: -The Markha.m-Harr`1e checker match will be played next Thursday at Barrie. -Richilieu and lngnmar are among the 'bookings at the Opera House next month. .._ f\ not `I rrvo I `I`.I S; ,,,_l.___4__._ -vvvu.-. `C ..._ --- E26 o`a.i1'V;iker Furniture from now until Xmas. The Barrie Wickerwork Mfg. Co. (Limited). * @`Mr. H. G. Robertson, the druggist, in `going to have a special` display window next Saturday. See it. _,, _.__L - _a._7 .. ,1 ....-s-- IuI~-u.--;-J- -v-- _-. -Do you read our merchants advertise- ments? It will pay vou to read Vair, Vick- ers & Co. s if no other. --Newmarkeb Hockey Club has re-org nized; a junior and an intermediate team will he entered in the O H.A. --------u- on SATURDAY, No`vt-:MBEn 23, '- 1901. AT 1.30 O CLOC . V- AL- Al.` A'~)< II III -rv \4|.lI1\ln\a-- -._ - -v - -7 , -The V"oman s Auxiliafyhof the Hospital Board will meet next Tuesday at 4 o clook, when a large attendance is requested." I! u-`... - -P. C. w'i1;$}.*or Alliston, brought a man named Mcrae to the gaol on Monday night. He has beencommitted for trial for theft. E'Meaford Webb is now sole proprietor` of the undertaking and embalmimz business formerly carried on bv Webb & Leighton. Give him a. call. ' \Jl|V\l u... - .....-. --Vair & Sanagan have had many enquir- ies whether The Red Widow Brown would be coming here. They state it will be here in a few mqnths. Q-`I n1\n._ IIGIV III in Jun -..v...-.--. -The young man named Roi, of Baxter ?Townahip. who accidentlv shot himself in ' the arm while hunting died in Torouto.Gen- era] Hospital. He was buried at Penetanr The cheapest place in town to buy band and non wood is -A. W. Wilkin- son -. "Delivered promptly tn an quantity to any pan ol the town nu Allandnle. Leave orders at mill olce or phone. 23. I 1 L- .__J._ LL; ...:.._:-an A: 01' Dllolleo `so. > -We are pleased to note the winning of the Edward Wilson Go!d Medal at Victoria University bv our young townsman Mr C. B. Siasona, who had the honor_ to stand fine in classics. -III a o.__ p__ Ill vlnnunvug -We regret that it will be impossible for us to publish this week the copy of ahead- dress presented to Rev W. G. G Dryer. `Ivy. and his reply. which a correspondent has `kimilv favored us with, `out will be plea- aed to publish it next week. - A 7--- - -\.-.._-_.:| .a_--_...: " l`he Thankswiving Supper and Concert of Collier Street Methodist Church. promises to surpass all previous efforts. Soloists Mina Mazel Bingham and Mr Arthur Blight. of gfronto Reciter. Tom Carter. the York- fshire wonder. Supper from 6 p m.- Con- cern as 8 p ,m. ` -V 7 .-_.__-J TT_I12-L ml--.` ECU I.U pu I I u u u I : u u u u . . v - . - . _. --Rrown & Co. can use a thousand dressed hogs. for packing purposes. during the rent ` of this month and during December They `want them brought in soon, and will pay best prices for the 1000 of them. The hogs i must be between 100 and 200 lbs. `IN , _A VCIU 3|! H P IIIO -Two'brothers named Vollick plead- ed guilty at Midland to stealing a heifer on Tuesday evening of last week from James Johnson on the 2nd Con.` Floa. They were sent up for trial by Magistrates Ruby and Milligan in the absence of P. )1. Storey... Chief Hnllnrau brought them here 'to3"the' Castle on Saturdev. ..,. ._... _ ._ ..._._......_._.___._._.....__....:_..__.._..-_..__._~ , Music HALL } snwnmv; NOV. - 23rd. IIIU LVIIII Irllluv vs a-so-u .-...v..`. ---- -_- -We regren to hear of the death in South Africa of Mr. Arthur C. Barraud, formerly of this town and brother of Mr. A. T. Bar- rand. of Brookline. Mass.. formerly photo- grapher in this town. I`he deceased had many friends here who will be sorry to hear of his death He had been ill for some time and six months ago it was thought there was a hope for his recovery I.U` uu: uuuuuu V" v.......`...,. l For Choice Family Flour and all ; Ivndn ot Feed 20 to WI|klnnoII n. All order-I delivered promutlv In any quantity. Plea-e leave your orders at the Mill (Miles or Telephone No. 23. _1...|_ :_ u__..|_ Said Pasha has long been a popular opera; But its comedy has been improved and new songs introduced so that it will be still more popular. The company that no to ~ present it at. the Opera House next Wednes- day night is a first-claee one. The prime clonna Miss Florence Glover was previous to this engagement -a member of the famoul Castle Square Opera Co. with which ehe wal a"big` hiuand distinctive favorite. The eup- ,.porrt;,ie an able one and ghe company. intend "to give `cause fora` return,-datewanted. Monsoon Team and `Chase and san- ; born : colleen. . Two leaders at I301`!!- [o wnum . o . 9.... PER ANNUM IN; Abvaucl cnnnmz nnvnua wmrn mun-3 SAID PASHA" MODERNIZED. BARBIE MARKET. V YER IILVLVUIVI IAV X Cay V SINGLE COPIES FIVI CENTS AROUND BARBIE. Fadettes Woman s Orchestra The 'Wmnan's Orchestfa. for excellence.--IV. Y. Sn. Plan at A. F. Bass`. Jewelry Store. " .._4____ ..L-.._... Prices 25. 35, 50, 75cts. .._._...-_.. .---.... . VOL lav--.--..- ,' V 1: NOV. 16;)`. `Q0! - 8A|[|PA8HA .__ 7 _. WedVh?sday;_Nov. 27th The Opera House Management have arranged for . an AF'l`E u-THE \'l`RE DANCE -IN THE - Vhnnwxv .- . - _ ......._---no-an-\A (1 '|Tl'\YY OH` uwuu -_ _V ....PRES_ENTED BY.-... The lyceum Opera Bo. Er`\\'I'I`H MISS `FLORENCE AGLOVEREI "C'i-~25. 3550 and 75 ' T ' Plan at Robertson's on Saturday. %-<....._._ --m win _ TOWN HALL, wmonmsou. NOV. ' _ .._ l.-.A. no-u-an `wit 0.` |..l.LlJ.lJ.l, VVJHIJLVC-llslcro-_-1 -`V f- -" n n p.m. to 2 a.m. best mllllc TICKET. - ` : L d` '? .=`en'-- .`.'...'.`}_ _"`.'i"."..f.?.".' .=,.:..L;..,'--sun wuuu cu---. .--?- I-"st from East Lot 2!, Con. 10, E088 05 '3." about the 17111 of Ocuober,-Bcattle 8|. f"W5i=_'f4_.` "`",` coming 1 years ( red. I speckled): 3 Q9799 Coming`-,_' 2 years (1 red angwhite 1 spotted)? 1 hffo d- hnrn nine 5 has (In tho I-mifer and on ne>I`eCfo ] DUIIUILU `Dated 18th November. 1901. en Barrie and Thai-n-' oat 39.71.` `3`.*1 ' I 9 nUKETS-Gentlemen so cents 'La.dIcsfOr"5.7{'"a) Gc"tir1ncn buying` 50 or 75 cent tickets th as can PASHA" will receive _fr_ee coUP' ' A 4,, on l`ancc Tickets. -_....___4,, ' ` \ 3 ~ 3% 3, y L mmng (1 red and wmte spuuculi I -we--o ` '04- There was a hell on the heifer and on one neat. *4 Liberal reward,or return of above to the owncfv ' ` J .z n w. an I n.\'l"I'. W km and 1902. ,,ks',l').3 Clam profesafiouali teacher `f0:l'..1h. Phihi-iv ' U he "-Vhoolfor the yea:-'x9oa. Application! Mewed up till Nov. 30th. 190:. Dutiesto commence ' .`z~ 3.. 3 45-48. ' LN _ W A b `Pain-Wick.P.O;,Q9ILv .`. H.- z.~.gt!A1,'I`.z.;secbv.. ; EAP `-AN Diif%WDZ ooah, Store, 8 ::,N"" at Well `Qcu. awith .diicou6'_vt fqr.'cg`gg`k-I ` ' a'``' `````F *9 <'! _'_vfimeim W99? A," ' '-x I V. J 'x_. I -.... ... _.,_. ...-..-..._.._...._ AucT|op_ SALE. ...? #,._....;`_' --- . _.... `F NTED at V once 006 { Awagu-s`paid. A.PP`Y Rs' ' _.L n} run}. 46~48-p- Vlunxnv5&,1aR3:% Dill .-"rent From Anything Yet BARRIEv(W)F3t;:`iA HOUSE. Teacher Wanted. -,._ 4. .._.._._.....__ nw Anvuurnsnmnnws. n` '1 lm- ' - - - ........... ,_ W. H. SHAW Pmucmm. ` Yonge and Gerrard Sta. Toronto. _ ._._._....__ __- -.__.. _ , Time. 'l'n1; Fmsw OPERA our `THE SEASON New lygarturo Coal is seine. `hint by vierinz %ir)o-vi CATTLE ESTRAY. N . .V7waoLn No.. '3`: Stimtznz. Wusnln Ptoprieoor. . -F6%\6'ui+b. '6AT'rL: LOST.- DONALD ROSS. A ' Solicitor tor Administrator. u -..-__I_ . _ . . .. ,.,_`,., I U I_'I \ll` I V o . - repnrc young", people for the bani- y our complete courses in lnl R` MARRIED ..-..vn1r\vr\Il. THEWYFAMOUS Pretty Music` Pretty choruses Good Comedy . swell Costumes )0 voou. ru uclu 3. .DvMnN"1.;o 47-4-: U Ipluv vvv ---an P. ELLIOT ..J _----. Curtain at q p.m- 47-49-9 in Inn-u . 47-47' mpwomrn LEAGUERB 341: A amp?- ~ FU_L com!-mamucm. The Sixth Convention of the Toronto Con-H ferenue Epworth League` opened at. Barrie. as we mentioned last week, on Tuesday Nov. 12th, on the evening of that dav Mayo!` Racleuhuret gave phe delegates an oioiel welcome and a. large audience listened to an excellent lecture by Rev. 8. Cleaver, D D L- vow-v-wt-- ---w-v-v -' ..-_.. ..,_ _, 7 ` The work of the conference on the following morning. `A business committee was elected and the President. Mr. G. H. Wood read his address. ' A pa er was read . by Mr. O. W. Bisho on "B ble Study," which was followed, yadiscussion. `Aid . - J. R. L. Starr, of Toronto, was expected to have been present to address the League on Home and League Reading but he was unavoidably absent, Rev. A. C. Crews, `taking his place.` Mr Crews, who is General Epworth League Secretary, opened ~ a 1;verv valuable and hopeful discussion 0 the general League Outlook. . The, afternoon session on Wednesday was devoted to Junior Work and Social Depart- ment" Uonferences. In the evening amost interesting addressgwas made by Rev." L. .Massicotte, Montreal, on French Missions He started his needs of money for a Bible woman and pamphlets for-,Frenoh-Canadian work and was successful in collecting $60. Rev. J. C. Spear tool: the place of Rev. Wm. Sparling, sketching history oi?China, and describing the Chinatown in British Colum- bia. Christian Endeavor and ~Missionarv Work was discussed on Thursday and in the afternoon the Convention closed with a vote of thanks to Epworth Lea-rues of the town and to` the town itself, with which the delegates to the number of 130 werewell impressed The Conference was `considered more helpful than the last one, held in To- ronto two years ago. MOON RIVER _EUN'J.` CLUBS RETURN`_ Deputy Warden J.'Hi:,u-s has prepared his report on the dierent. hunt clubs on Moon River and Crane Lake. The results were as follows :- 4 - . On: I _ gn ____ 6` WTIU an Ivuivvvu - ; ' Vanconnetts Club Blacktone, 16 men, 24? deer ' |n-r\__-I.I)- l'1l..l-. nnnnlv I -I'n-I-uni! Klmnn` UUUIV McDonald a Club, 8 deal` ` _ `I _|_- I\I..L "6 l;;8f!'Ie Lake Club. Sound, .' deck`. I hear. . ~ . Collingwood Club, 16 men. 20 deer. Campbell's Club. Midland. 4 men, no deal lduck. . ' Moore s Club. Uxbridge, 7 men, 9 deer. ` Elbow Laue Club. Gravenhurat, 7 men. 1 I-.'Jl|. deer. \l65 deer I17. "CUT - Wah Sonue Club. Hamilton, 7 men, deer. ` ' : u-n,,,j nu._|_ xr- '0 z ........ 1 Ann; U66!`- .Midland Club No. 3. 5 men. 1 deer. Deer and duck were verv much scarfcer than last veer and psmsridge were much more plentiful '|`he came laws were much" abused by parties hunting with settlers per- mirs who belonged to_towns and villagesand shou`l therefnre have had licenses. }JohnsIon & Sarieant| Best Quality ieeu To Know .-4 Practical Educatioit in th name 0&1` FOUND-At Allandale a sum of money-owner can secure aamg from J. J. Thompson. sawmill, near Midhurst, by proving `property and paving for this mlmu-samant- . 45.47-p. Iiit 1::-u ' LOST-0n Nov 9.--`Notc for 5:00. WTiIl nder 1 t t . [I 83.83 re urn 0 payeg V ROBT. FAGAN' f 46.47-pf ` Elliott's Corners. WANTED TO RENT--Small Hound or Suite or rooms for family of two. N. E. HINCH, American Hotel. - 45'- Ts 1 OR ` marl urn nr`nnI'nA `(IF I-4 M lunurut, uy [II advertisement. 00M and W000 ` .l. mu: ll'Ulll -naunus, I weil c BYRN E. Owen street. HUU= l'\l|'\ lII-En.\II'1 I1!-Iv I u Modern Brick Hnuse on Louisa Street. formerly occupied by R. 1. Fraser. Apply to DONALD R0559 ` _\`n|infnr, B.ob%artson s Uompound Syrup of White Pine, a, certain cure for coughs. Price25c. Bromide of Quinina Laxatif Tablats gig coughs and colds, etc. Prical . g_ , ' _ . `Witch Hazel cream for oha. edhands , and face. Prices 100 and 250. I `Emulsion of 0o(1_Livar. Oil for jzhapj` : mm vault