Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 14 Nov 1901, p. 8

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Uraiirnurst. Advance Correspondence. Richa.rdaou~ returned from the North West last week. - - '1`-_ ". _'_.~`=i'-..A_F`E"`~ '1`he Rev. Mr. Good Eve, of H01`- ning a Mills conducted the service as St. J ohn a on Sunday. ` 'I'\ i it is announced 'that: the Rev. A. Brooks, of Severn Bridge, will conduct sheaervice at St. J ohn s next Sunday. ` _ The anhiveraary of the Gunpowder plot passed over for the first time for many years without being observed here; ` Mrs. Geo. McLean returned from Toronto on Saturday; her son Geo. B. has so far recovered from his long ill-' neaaj\th at' he will return to his home here shortly. VV t , V HOny.4 I ' Advance Correspondence. Mr. Wm. Miller visited in Toronto during thG hblidy.=. b. ' oi -Bkrrie, spent Sunday with friends here. I . ' -----`I `III-.. 1-....- l1.;........I....I`| -2 if Mrs.` H'ohsii1,+ bf V 71`o1j6nto,, was" the guess of Miss mph: srislev reaenuy. KJIIIJKQDJ vv nuns nu-ova-uu unu- Mr. and Mrs, is-I-1:65 Campbell, of Allondgle, {Ire 'yig;ci;x_:g friends herd. ' Scientific Optician, MacLAm:N-s onuc. STORE. RARRIE % 'Fl_OI.n;g ~anAd n ie_ GaL-mp: I Toronto Farmers Markets. Tononrro. Nov. ra, too. -' Q r mn'a %:owv3${:r.w ' Gold everfwhon In n1nn_n I dun- ma tymnm. on. Inn. I Soft 1 Harness Inna: poor Iooxmg nu- nen like now. Made of pure. heavy bodied on. el- nnclnllv nrenarod to with unk in hu- man ?l:a new M1510 of EUREKA You can make your hm ness is soft II in glove and as tough no cure ay- 031118 EUREKA or- noun ' Oil. You can lengthen Its lu'o-mAko is last twice as long II It ordlnu11._y would. HIDBS. ~ Q , `Q DA `Chain 3 62"} _ -a 40 47 ' 72 75 Macs:-s. W. J. Bishop and R Young, of Grenfel, conducted service in the Methodist church here last s sbbmh. V0ur R.C. friends havc put. a new galvanized root` on their church which adds much to its already hecutiful up-` penance. IN IT!` (`I If (`I .1 -3-} :9 Som eitceptionally keen clothing `sum 9, have fallen. into the hands of on, clothing btiyers. These are being placed in stock this week at prices which are certain to satisfy the fany of the closest. bargaineri Theae ' grads, while being'a` in price, are ly up to our usual` standard of exceltlence in Qmm-y Wonxmmsnlp, AND STYLE. save and make a; little rrj5<)ne&r here `as others do. A number of Men s Suits in wool, ` tweeds, and-0 serges, dark and light colors. solid tacings, Italian linings, _and all well tailored. and-' good~' wear_ . ing qualities, worth from $6.00 to 38:00, now only $5.00. To make the lot more interesting we- will o-`er a number of regular $10.00` _ Suits aw: $7 50. BOYS AND YOUTHS 2-and 3-piece Suits, a very `special lot, every size . represented, a saving of from 25 per cent. to- 35 per cent. guaranteed. 1 % prices range from. $1.25 to $2.75. Men s `and Boye Fall and Winter Underwear, White and'Co]01'ed Shirts, and N eekwear includes the very newest and best obtainable. :16 only Men s Suits, madeixof` a good= pureuwool tweed, cutaway 3*-button coat, farmers" satin Pinirng, well nish"- ed throughout, regufar price $5.00; for $3 95. All E)-epartrnents Now Corhplete FRAWLEY & DEVLIN5 ben and Miss Mabel Dyer spent .. rewi days last week with Mrs. Geo. Young, i _G`renfel. ~ ` `i Mina Maggie Wilson, of Sfroud,` spent Sunday with Mrs. Geo. Brown. ` ' Messrs, slm. and wmne Malay, eel Bu-tie, visited friends here on Sunday. I Mis. F.` Goodohild, of_ Toronto, :1 I t.nrne d to Strand last week after 31 plaaaaxit visit with Mrs. A. Dyer. __._...._ _ v . . _ _ _ _ ( _~..-V_-, . Geo. Motiey, of Lindsay, spent Sun- day at home. ` ` I\-_:-I 1'\-_-._1___a._.. LL`- _--___j L- .Miss Nellie Hdckridg, of Allandale iapentf-Sunday with hacvpizrenta. Johnson left. last week for` Algoma. n-- 'u*-_'___ -21-:._v_1..-_ ....__L m.__ BPODVWOOQ. Advance Correspondence. Mrs. C. Warner, who _haa beenon an extended visit with friendain Wind-` Iqr, has returned home. ' T 1.`: Q-V-n-vu I Daniel Doughertv his moved to} Penerborough. ; _ i I`! 2- ,,I_ .1` `T1 II,_ .,,, _ A 01 I Iivcavv;-t&;<;emis beingvbuil around` the Methodigt Church. , 4 Miss Liam: Auxford, at Eagar, is the . 8:._8.3%_; Of.- ,Ml_`8. this week. vv- V---n-`uu - A.` i ringle, of Huy, spent `Sunday wit_h Weas_Soott._ _ _ _ . ` . The brickiavers are..t..c-1 build the brick 1 V we`:-l`:_ of-Qne new school `ship week. 1 ulething Show, of Toronto, ! Money saved: is money made. . ; There is no reason why you should nut . andapresumably it is Worth as much to you as to the next man. Why not save a few dollars then by "getting your clothes Where you are sure of getting them just as you want them? " The strongest argument in favor of our Ready-to- wear clothes is our READY-FIT. You expect your tailor to t you. Your expectations are realized at our store `at ONE THIRD THE PRICE. . l Our label on a garment is a guarantee or Messrs. J no. Drenuen and D. E. F. Gaulev, of Nioolaton, made a business trip through this vicinity last week -and called on the latter s parents here. ` meanness. It takes Quality to carry the Hunter ...1a.be1... H U NTEF? BRO$., sE:AsoNABI_E `F`RONT STREET, BARRIE. Mr-zws surrs Advnce `Conesponcience. Bargains Grentel. Opposit G.T'. R. Station and Post Ofce. `Mr. J no. Degj-ardine in taking down his old burn. He intends to build a new and largnr one in the spring. A ol|ar s BARRIE. -Me!; & and (Youths! Overcoats uladv from ne imported black bmwer clotbs and gray cheviots-, all the lead- ing styles of box back and Chester- elds, good tweed or Italian linings, all sizes from 34 to 44, prices range `at $500`, $6 25, $7.50, and $10.00. ? Those who wish to dfess in good fashion * A should` see our new style of Rag- lanette-Over coats at $9 00, $10.50, or $1250. All grades of Ulste.~s and Pea-jackets in stock. I"` A number from here attended the -LO.L. concert in Angus on the 5th. %are the gtjeats of Mr. and Mrs. 1 coy. The Grenfel Boys are having a squir- rel hunt and a party on '1`huraday the _ limb. XJIIIII \I.LV -LA.Aa.a ....-------r i Gravenhnrat, Ont, Nov. 8.---AD 0_1d [lady who was travelling to "Victory, B.C., from Toronto in comprlll) ""11 her daughter and aouinlaw, died on . the 5.30 train between Barrie and UN!` Ilia. ` Notuntil the train arrived at 0.113 station here and Dr. Grant had examin- ed,.the body was it discovered that she was dead. The lady, who W85 P'_bbly 7..0~Y8'ara of age.` got on the mun 83 1 T030399 9PPk\I'entl_v in the beat of health- The train pulled out with the corps itting wl_1ere`ehe died. The Town Treasurer of CC 13 inviting tenders for the p the following debentures, $1 nQ1'eQtrioligh'c,V $5,000 for W {under the oonaolidam V ;ggn;,n4n;4 600 local imp ' Dr. Hunt is building anew stable on the farm odjnining our` bung which he purchased atew years ago. Ibid rumored the Dr. may build a. dwellmg house on this farm and move down here irom New Luwell. IOVERCOAT SPECIALS A llolar DIED on THE Taaxm. lfovnunn 14, 4, %1'96l. Mr. C. McCarthy grew. on his one hundred acra farm about eighty-ve tons bf hay beside other crop which ho pressed some time ago and has now sold it for $8.00 or run He is-at. present drawing it to New Lowell and shipping it away. T \ . 5 The fazme2s'of.t.his vicinity have been ahrhwd enough to take advantage of the ~lneb two weeks of fine weabhnr in attending to their mot crop, which they have now safely housed for the rvigr. 0. Warner, C. McCarthy, Jan. Davidson and others have lqstely been improving their homes. In fact "progress is` our motto. `I 1\ 11\ 1'.` "H 3% 35 Pairs Men's Lace Boots, toe cap, Goodyear % welted soles, medium and heavy, popular * pshapes, in genuine Calfskin, Tan and Black, 7 sizes` 5; to 10, regular price 83 50 and $4, V spew` ~ es? ;j,jSeee display in windowethis Week, ;_Wehetherfyou we _ ipvite % you to)` `see; these shoeeg %i ` fee; Q j. Here is an oering in I-*Iighf~Grade' Boots suited for fall wear that should command the attention of the most careful dresser. For excellence `of material,` Workman. ship and style we know of none better at their regular prices. a `The saving of a dollar and better on every pair ought to be interesting enough to have you purchase your wants this week; a Men s $3.50 and $4.00 Frawley & Moore `. LEY &;lV1 00313. V HERE ARE THE DETAILS. $2. 50. winter, and which had turned gut tobe. at; average crop. - - V `r Sorry to report Mr.7 Jolin Robinatgn not any better j 'Mio Knapp, of Mtneaing spent Sunday with Miss Snell: Counts, A Messrs. H. Black. Donald and Dun- can Count; and Walter _ Armstrong are all back from the West. They are all well pleased with the country and in- seud_goi'ng back next year. T 7'1`he'Rev. Mr. Paton i_a\.baok dgain in his old plavce arm a short visit away. 'V Miss S.-msh` -McGowan retdun-ned from an extended visit to Oookatown on Saturday. I Mr. nnd'Miss S. Orrock spent _Sun- 7 day in Essa with their son and brother, 1 Mr; Arthur Orrock. ' T Mrs. W. McGowan and family left last. Wadnr-sduy for Rashyvell, Mam, to ioin hezf aonitherm . ' Mr. and Mrs. A, Morris of Toronto. i paid 3 visit on Sunday to Mrs. Morris` 1 father, Mr. Jno. Robinson who is set- I iously ill. ' ~ What came near` being a. serious` ac- cident to Mr: Lot `Munroe occurred one day last. week. While '_d-vying some powder near a move it ' suddenlv became ignited and ashing up into Mr. Munro:a"s face pearly blinded him but we are pleased to new under proper Ireammeno the voung man -will come through safe ahd sound. Rowdyism is rampant in Allistou. Boots for `+17%; Brri-% Midhnrat. Kdvance Carrespondoigce. BIITIQ '5 `A . V mv11on.~ iivith ~ its-Plohbsnt an-eeta..1ta Tasty Dwell- Enos. 198 0hI.n'0h.! .934` 1381,00- , Q-head` People wnl Enuoe .8ettl,e.ment 7 -A Wqaklv Beoord_ pitta . Mrs.` Pulforduof Pulp-ave, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robs. Pulford.'Sr. ~ aix'eB"w.?Ii'En}3 7eeE'J'6&in;af' f. Ne;e. uialy 'i1i`b{IQ.{.E'uuaoq' Sunday in t-he.Preabyterian~ church. _ V The-new P'teebyt.ez;ien`ohi1rch will opened on Sunday, November 24ih.' I Mr. G. D. Pattre'rson Ind visiting old friendain Newmarket and Aurora last. week Miss Sadie Pulford, of Buffalo, ilon as two weekh ~ visit. with her parents here. ' _- _ M.....l mi lA'1t`.wA Y :fc'5`1i"+ ' -roman on-sr.- ~ V ".Il"%`c-s'v. J. W" Churchill will `prenoh a aeunon 00- young men next Sunday evening. ' A-Elias Mary Storey spent the King*a| Birthday the guess of friends in Calling- wuod. ' V Mrs`: John Pirie, of Tomito Junction, isviicing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Sceele. The proceeds in connection with St. George's church fowl supper amounted to about $54. . " _ I Miss `Annie Ola!`-k. of F109, is the gueaz of the Misses Lofcua, Bradford -meet, the past week. . ` `Miss Bessie Young, of Bradtord. is ts delegate to the Epworth League con- vention, and is renewing old acquaint- ances in the sixth ward `for a few days. A baptismal aervicewaa held in the Burton Avenue Methodist Church on Sundu_y morning, when the infant son of Mnaud `Mrs. _Lougheed was baptie hed. .. ---qua. go. no: va cu-vv vv `awn. spejaial meeting of `hours Allandale. No. 727,. I.O.F., was held, % the occasion. A visxt of che -General Deputy of the Hub Chief Ranger. ` q -` up -y Miae C-lam Rutherford, of sumo, is renewing old acquainunces in the sixth word this week. . Miss Graham, of Kincardine, is the guest; of Rev. Mr. and Mrs, Ohurohxll at. the parsonage. ` The .wkIyH.prayer meeting, of the Menhoaiso church will be held to-night. ('l`huraday)_a.u 7 30 ' ` Mrs. F:"l3arker and son returned on Saturday after spending a month with triends in Kingston, - '.I'.`ht; Miss-as Orr, of G6llingwood, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs- A Phillips during` the past. week. Artesian wells X seem to be all Lh go around here. Mr. R. Shultz, Esau _-stream, has started to sink one on his premises. - -_ -.9 us: n ; cg... - Mrs. N. Bubcock and chiidren and Mrs. F. Penny and children spenta "few days in Oollmgwood during the `past week. - ' Q. 1: - it u a II`\ Mios Maode Boone, who has been -on aoexxended visit. to friends in Orillia, returned home on Fndav. A At the Epworth League meeting on Monday nights Miss L. Wice was leader and Mrs. Huuc to-k the topic; For Choice Family Flour and all kinds of Fm-d go to Wllklneon n. All orders dellvered promptly In any uantll . Please leave your orders at I. e Mu volllce or Telephone No. 23. V-1\ius-'Aggitv3 Murzicy, ;v-E1u i1uVB:i;)VHeu on unexnended? wait to her sweet, Mre.` _Oxmb_v, returned to her home in Bram- furd. ' V Mr. and Mrs. A. Mainprize, of Depot. THurbor,have resumed cobhe sixth ward, Mr. Mainptize having accepted a situa- tion as brakelnsu here. i Miss Meggiaon mid Mini E.- MoMil V In spent the holidays at the farmer's ! home in Beeton. ' The regular mentbly meeting of the {.W.'C.'1`.U. was held on Tuesday afcer- inoen at. the Methodist: church. During the past week Mr. L. Bren- `nan has been making some improve.- ments in his butcher shop. He has moved his ole:-k s ofoe to more com- fortable quarters, which will be much appreciated by his book keeper, Miss G. `Little. Mr. N. Bcbcock did the work. The following oicers of [the Wornen u Missionary Society of the Burton Ave~ nue 'Menhodi'at-. church were elected at their meetinglaatj. week for the current term :--President`, Mrs. (Rev.) J. W. Churchill ; Vice President, Mrs. Trick- er; Recording Secretary, (Mrs. Met- eoolf; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. (Dr.) Taylor ;- Treasurer,` Mrs. Arnold. TA Hallowe en story_ is out." Four young ladies of Allandale, it seems, were anxious for a prank that night and there is nothing like being disguis- ed as a man for a larlt. Two dressed as soldiers and two as civilians and the four emerged into the darkness. An` Allandale man was waylaid and held up. A silver spoon served to frighten him but as usually happens in such oases a female voioe gave things away. The roan", however, was still. pale when he went into the house-_with'his four _highwsy'women, one of whom provedto be avery 7ne ar`relati_v.e, Ag ' L ` : A service of song was held at the Burton Avenue Methodist church on Sundey evening. The selections by the choir nude the pesto:- e addreeeeuwere on me subject of -'.I.`he . Prodigal Son. The paetoy: gnade fe_htorte_'oomme:n_t_a under ' _Mr. Elliott," at 13na:o.~a',%aa in the "LL -.....I L]... ._--L -.. K..-:..-__ _0u Friday gnnightn of last week "a ._.__.-_.-_ _-l.` l`|-__..L A I1__.I-I- "KT- v'1'h hwnrm` Bu"-ad n!!- ~'1'orou_t9 Markotsnurlncthe ' UItI,..g- 'ri'o0OnIu'Ill"`" 'U```' `' Bllckwhh....a.u.`;n... unouoo no 180 q - o Q u o n - nuqoqoogogggoounooqocu IO>O0OIIIIlIIIIIOlIIOID 0 `.9191: -` _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . P8880. WM lint-le'y.`...... Run . _ _ . _ _ _ , , Dll'Iy...........o.u-.......-ou--. Ryuouuooho ocoulvfltltil ooooo-.3: F 0lI f--..u...o... .........'.... coo`- IIPPICS FEW U3I'I'U| oougoon-nnunocoouo Po'ta.toes.perbag..;..............;_ Afdhuunau-tnn_ ,, ._-______- _r0tI.(0ca.pervag..... o - u o oovauocno` Hay erton. ._. .......... Woo.washedpcrlb..... Wool. unwashed. per 1b.. . . Wood. aft. pet-cord. .............. Wood, pefC0rd....u...,....o lAnthracitecoa.l.nar ton............ WHEQICICCIIDICCOIOIC I I I I ll anoooo uouccoianco` Tallow per1b..............T`...... Horse Hairpu-|b............A...` Lambskins and pelts. ......_...... Horse!-lides . . . . . . . . .. `_The Resolve, `The Fut.her e Wel- cme. Tue Elder B,ror.ber a Com- plaint. The ohnir Bang apprnpriate aelectidna. each as `Welcoma, Wander- er, Welcome. I will,Arie_e, "Ninety and Nine, "Rejoice, Rejoice, -the Losz is Found? ` Are Fashionable Not invisible but nearly so. _ T . either solid The can be made up with Id lled (warranted 10 years), ' gol e or iii el trimmings. 1 They are not expensive. 'We adjust them s: that theyue perfectly adapted to the features. Rimless Glasses Mr. Olav ton, of Ivy, has rente Mr... J. Casev s`farm and moved on it last week. . '* ` ' Mr. James Hewitt has been one of. the deer hunters here. He killed 3 ne deer last, week. '

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