Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 14 Nov 1901, p. 4

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y `I I an R in E. . . 1' L '2 Rooms for in Ross Block. No. 97. Dunlop Street. Fire proof vault; lately occupied hv Dr. `Wells. Alsotwo rooms with vault. lately occu ied bv Hood. Jacks 8: Fraser. Barristers; imm ' te I possession. Apply to C. H. ROSS. . I Barrie. lanuarv x. 190:. . x-tf. i mw1a ooM Amt. . At the next meeting of the Steyner Council 1 by-lewv wijl be introduced requiringohiidrenvunder 14 years to be 03' the'eet1_-eetlet a certain ban: of OFFICESTO RENT OR T LEASE for vour benet, end our pfot. These ` are the blends we are struck on. _ TRY THEM. Hoble_y % B_r9_s., 25 ch. 35 etc. ` 40 ch. And 2 THE KING 8 BIRTHDAY It is not Hie Majeaty s fault, but the King has a birthday at a most in_ opportune time. Little celebration can be held at this time of the year and it happens that Thanksgiving Day is within a few weeks. What made the situation worse this year was that the day fell on Saturday and it was observed by some atorekeepera here on Monday and not by others while the banks and post oiee were closed on Saturday, causing contusion. _ ' A quarter of a centurvv we have been blending ' ' corn-:2 KM-:ncHAN1's, BARBIE. 3:. gm. um ` a fixed vaIue,tl:rough their price on the sole A3454` A good cause makes a strong arm." ThMakerknaw- % Th; -Slater Shoe TEA is not giving complete satis- faction. Pumps put in on 30 daystrial to responsible parties. Our Spray Pumps do perfect work and a child can operate it. For particu- larsaddress - Aylmerouble cylinder Wall Pump of a. single base where `the Canadian peoiale might bejuat as loyal without this` holiday. In Eng-I land itself tbe.24-th of May did not tiled to be observed as a holiday. Hav- ing holidays this time of the year whenit does so few people any good, and when patriotic celebrations cannot be con- voniently held, does not make us any better Britons.- ` ' mroaMA1'|oN WANTED Stanley Splllou, V Nantyr, 34-` General Agent. Prudent buyers who pay cash bring their Fall Clothing problems to us We are ready to solve anybody s Clothing Problem. We have the right kind of Clothing. The most stylish, correct, reliable" clothing money can buy. Our prices are a quarter and a third less than is regularly charged elsewhere. Recent business troubles of two large manufacturers, and large clearing lots tor cash in other quarters. olace us in a position to save from $1.00 to $5.00 on a suit of clothes and from $2 00 to 98.00 on High Made Overcoats. Calder s best $10 double breasted suits at $10 ; we sell for $7.50- English Ulav Worsted Suits in black or blue at $12 50 ; we sell for $10. 310 black navy Worsted Suits for $7.75. Good Tweed` Suits at $3, $4 and $5, worth $1.50 to $2 more. $ High Grade Semi Ready Suits, $10 grades $7.50, $12 grades $8 50, $15 grades 10. . OVERCOATS-$8 fall weight Fawn Venatian Overcoat for $5 00. Best $10 Whipcord Overcoats for $8.00. ' Young men's stylish grey Vienna Overcoats at $5 and $6 50. Men's Navy Beaver uver coats worth $6 for $3 90. The best $13 pure wool Beaver Uvercoats in blue and black for $10. Highgrade Semi-Ready Overcoats. $15.00 grade for $11, $18 grade for $13, $20 grade for $14. 0 . D-.. 'l ........a.. l:l ....a:_.. nI_..L:_._ nn_-n_:_____ an--_ n___ uL:,.___.1 n ..... .... V" 'i;:;:I;;;::t:.Huntina Clothing, Mackinawa, Mitts, Caps, Shirts and Drawers, Top Shirts, Sox, etc.,.at cutprices. Ladie s Jackets and Gapes % At Ono-Third on. :.C_hiltjren s _clothing_ at _(i(en1i|.yA%Bjeducet%IF Prices... J'.% C)`. I.E?.VVI]N' CW9 new name be added to the Subsaipon Hit until tho money is paid. 4 W Ilxrs, Imam.-i;__v-'= aming Our Way for Men s Ladiesim 01 our IIICKY purcnaae. All styles, all colors and all materials from $3 75 to $25 00 cut to these two prices. $3 75 Jackets `$2.50, 85 Jackets $3.50. 510 Jackets $7.50, $12 Jackets $350 $20 Jackets $12. a-..._I._~ !)._l:.. .......l.. (`arms at We bought one entire manufac- turers stock at a great reduction. and as usual give you the benefit of our luckv purchase. ' AI` nrnlnn all nn`nI-n and 8 '5 UIUKUII 011. Sample Berlin made Capes at 25 per cent. 03 cost prices. Th3 are new Iwliah winter Capes. 111. |.___ .u_- 1_:.......... ..nmIz of 870 HOW IUVIIBIII. WIIIDUF U595- We have the biggest stock of Jacket: outside the` cities, and our prices cannot be equalled MY` wllere T 1 I ? I , ,,,.-_ 'IInn;nI'V- mixciies Underwear, H Gldyea, Cloths for Skirts, etc, as out prices. D;n..'-nlu.-. plug him gala O Iublcriberu now in arrears for three mnthu and any will becharzed Sl.:o per annum vu. ; smut of the list. etc, prices. b R.-Omember the big sale of R ' born and Boots and Shoes 18 110" on. Price: run 25 to 40 P" "' -& LI. - Il_A. :10. Y 'r #15 grades. I , C-`. e V (E3: ' ,6 | | 6 Id Ra d-M xiii T Z ..'.:.".':`:'..:.'?3';;..'::m:... V "* nn.u_ All .4... a...:... nqu nun-Ant Sunnis. (1 per Annum in gidjvla/nae. IAMUIL -WESLEY. -PROPRIETOR TI-ITI: N031 ;-IERN Anvnuca nuu: ;omJu;u\nnALu.. '03` I-U-, IJIL, 8.01.. `X3!-5 `emu. ":55 3., 5.17 19.31.. 8.00 p.m. H - ALLANDALB `to BARRIB. ,"u`O`omo. !Io!5 1.131.. 11:35 8.31., 5| Damn. ll LE I.l mm. Kltlavnnaa O 3.`! 7.31 mm. 9.09 pan. I38 pan. 11.88 mm.` GRAVENHURST 8: NORTH BAY, 11.88 can. Mail ' 5 50 pan. :09 p... uinnuac & plume Ex..11'.85 pm. .15 " North Bay Mixed. 7.81 mm. Gravonlmnt mixed (south only) 9.8? " COLLINGWOOD 8 MEAFORD. `C `K - nu ' I 2 5 Donn lllu uni nun: uuu-.--......... .............. `Dlilva odner trains Daily except Sunday. "rnaauum Bun-is for and mm: : Illnnoationed places as follows: TORONTO `.- -- Puuuunq ' q_ may tell ata1e 6_K. army in iight. , inn and posing, of can inretouching. 9f exoellenoe in nishing-First class A 8 Page 48 Column Newspaper. Published from the Oiep, :33 Dunlop Street Blrlin. in the Countv of Simcoe. the Pro- Vince of Ontario. Ctuada. every Thursday Morning, by ______-. IARRIE RAILWAY GUIDE. '.yv .7: Ian any v----v-------- VALLANDALI; & BARRIE snixb. _.__-_ _- ADD A`!I\AI- {I1 every respeqt. A mi :-':*.~: _ TUKUNIU runn- o.n 8:: ton . 7.58 pan. pan. ad. 11.88 min. pan _*Atlantic & Pacic 8:. 4.00 pan. ovomag Bxpteu loaves Toronto at no 1 IIII II|t\l! nut %.Ph%otos Speak for us; ` 9' '5 D-m. `ruins oi Suascnn-non. $`.%m\\~\u_u - Ullllo . I Express. . PENETANG. Accommodation. Accommodation. I -"r"-' --~ - HAMILTON U! 5 38 pan. 7.55 8.111.` 5.32 p;:n. 7.55 a_.m. \' " T . j .35! -yet be found-in-tlie buds *oh1- dun wh o-bani!" to btiyjhe `nevi b`o ok; A ' . Andthin in the ,2"1_`a_i_vu`:iaomme_tai:_oII th_|boie;- ' ~ * The `iv `Heels only with thegpnhlic` school `geography, to which `The News nisde no tolerance. whstever. In poi-enicgtour enquiries we discovered that s new book hsd been iuned.- We elso -nscertsined that se venty-ve per cent, of the scholars in the public schools are still using inac- cnrste geographies, which are `worse than the high school book from which we quoted. ' ' - I v.. psi ru- folldwing sdmithnoo of Mr. Egr- oourt speaks for itself :- ' ' The "high. sohool lgeogrsbhy is ad- mittedlyfsulty in some respects, owing- to thefsot` thst history is being mode very rapidly of late. Owing to the new discoveries. new settlemeots in newer portions of this or that oonntry, a re- vision would even now be `timely. - A revised edition will, it is `hoped, are long be placed in the "hands of the soholsrs. ` - V ' V MAKE ENTRIESEARLY Entries for the Dressed Poultry Show will bereceived up till 10 o'clock of the day of the_ show, Dec. 18, but persons who have entries to `make are requested to make them `as soon as possible. The prize "lists will be issued` about the 23rd inst. and entries for all classes mentioned thereon will be free. Send in your entries early as it will. facilitate the work of the Secretary. meted from the School Board to `the Mayo:-alty because he's "an all-round handy man--can talk on any matter municipal or otherwise. 5-. up -3 an That Mr. Leighton McCarthy ohonldbe asked to drop out of Parlia- ment and be` Mayor of `Barrio. He oonld than tolll his aim in life ; he oouldget the Council to use that $3000 appropriatioh for a wharf. _ III a 5 - _ mD1?roa1A_L :No'rms. ~ T Have you thought about your candi- dates for Mayor and Council, and Water `and Light Commission 2 Elsewhere we mention the names of those who have been oomtnleeioned to Woolleos each "subscriptions for he.poI;ltry' ehow. ' The object in one which it would pay the townepeople `to Inpport. end. it would be well for the people tolend in enbeox-iptionce before they be called upon.-' It would show that much more. eymputhy Awithv Aebeeprojecs; We_[h_op_e,` #9 ` That Ald. Jory would make a Mayor with some backbone--he would reaign every time they didn t do what he wanted. ThataMr. E. B. Reid should be pro- It is a_ wise thing to weigh matters carefully as far ahead of the elections aa this but it is ' an unwiae thing to pledges vote. 7 m'1`hstT Mr.T Rsdsnhurse should siii there sgsin--just :6 round off this year's business. . ' The Rev. D.D. McLeod would be .11 right for various reaaonl. ` .;.|.`ht;t Ald.Tyrer should. be Maydr because hejwants $3000 for a re `hall. ' `There : one advantage in having a hit two sizes two sizes two small for your head ntthis season-it tells you which way the windia blowing. I At the School Board on Monday night there was a considerable amount of discussion over the raising of teach- er's salaries. Fair wagon and teachers" is a good principle hnt why were the proposed raiaeeh not brought forward when the estimator were `pre- pared instead of _at one of the la: meeting: of the ve'arl / ; That Ald. McLean should be Mayor because Wm. Armstrong, Esq., of Allondola, supports him` ond-beoane he wants to be Mayor. . yen. Short} suggestions will be thank- fully received. ` We have heard some guy that :- ' Mr. W. A. Boys ahould run again; Mayor Radenhnrat got. his Second Term, and sympathy will not gure this time but oommonaenae. II 1.`? I III V`. MAYORALTY eaonummxms Guessing has already begun Van to` who will befMayot of Barrie `for next THE NOTTAWASAGA JUDGMENT. Elsewhere in this issue will be found the judgment given out at Osgoode Hall by Chancellor Boyd in connection iith the assessment appeal case of Not- jawasaga. The township claims avio- tory up to the present as they say they can prove their case and the one cited by "the Chancellor are parallel. The prob-_ ability, however, is that the county have5'the best of the judgment, as it seems that the Chancellor has been pre- lulnlng that tbeiequalization has been made from this year's rqlls for net; year : taxes, whereas the equslisavion appealed against has been for this year from last year s assessment rolls. Further argument is to be heard by Chancellor `Boyd. '. A show, _W`o`dngodcy"Doo`. I8 :`not.Vi_nT s'dry u""dco" on-_ ', many qnming and` .oompl_"ied i arrangements. _'.l`hr'o'a Leah-' oomunima W_9l.'43_ uppoincod to take charts of qubactiptionn and 3 special. oommiueawo visit on the railway gllld h `I . . \ ..l.`he Oomqii`&tee~irhe'heve (he. Chime` diam-iet between .011 h and Beyeld .me., are Meeere. Itwi , Ellie, Jackeon and Wilkes. Those who have vase of Bay eld 8:. are Messrs. Jory-, Hunter. Surjeent and Hemblv and Messrs. Vuir,, Willie-= and Brave have out of Owen street. -The special hoc'el-73;?!" nanny com I mime consists of Messrs. Jory, .Elhs, Irwin, Vylllia and Vair.` ` * '.| _- Kzoeimlttee to look 'efte_f 4 the prize- list and advertising is Messrs. Wakes, Meebaren and Snnegan. ` I`- I`|.-..... _ l"I_,_:_L...._L L-.. _.. -_..,..... .Mr. Canton of Graighuret, has ar- ranged for an expert poultry dresser to- give a. demouacruticn. The demon- esrster will come at the expense of the Farmers`-Institute and it is ex- pected will do much good in educating those who are ,not. export poultry dresaera. ' ' ,7 o our 1 ., n _n an --- w-- - Mr. J. H. Bennett is the Secrets:-'yV and entries should be sddressed to him as soon as possible. The prize last will be ready Sslmrdsy, Nov. 23`:-d. Five one hundred dollar bills and a cheque for $2-,.whioh disappeared in 1899 from N orshern N evigetion Oo e. oioe have been recovered. . Mr. W. 1. Edgar, will carry on the busi- ness in his shop. the place recently vacated by Mr. McGintv. Mr. Edger is prepared to do all kinds of general blacksmithing. Success Will is ' - We are pleased to notice that amongst the rize winners at the Pan American was Mr. . J. Bell, Angus, breederof fancy poultry and Broden turkeys who won eight prizes, 1, 2, 3 and 4. It must must be remembered thatthe poultry exhibit at the Pan was the largest ever given in America and to be awardedany of the forgoing prizes among thousands ot exhibitors, is worthy special nun-Ir. This Imnnnnnlrn "fan Mr Hall plug vuvuuuuuu vs VAIIIUIUULU, In ""3 lull] DPUUIDI merit. This bespesks "for Mr. Bell, the highest commendation and which should put hi\m in the front ranks in his profession as a. poultry breeder. ` V 1- l\ 1- (1 . _u ..... V ou'rA31o'e ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. V ,The-text book on geography that is V Qt present used in the High Schools is one of the most ridiculous matters in the Education Department, The To- ronto. News has been showing how` ancient the text book is, giving inetenoe sitar instance of errors. ' The L. 0. L. Concert on the 5th was a decided success in every sense. A? number from Barrie, Lisle, New `Lowell and other towns, together with those from the yillage and immediate vicinity brought together a large crowd. The usual fowl supper given on this day here was dispensed with and .no doubt was a disappointment to a good many from a distance who came expecting a good feed. At 8 o'clock the hall was fairly well lled. with a good appreciative audience ; on account of some of the talent not arriving until the late train, the concert did not start until 9 o ::look. At this . hour Mr. Charles Palling of Allandale, in `his usual witty style and genial manner, stepped to the platform with a good programme and introduced the different artists who had been engaged to entertain the large gather- ing. At this time the audience were -ripe to receive something in return for the.price paid for admission to the hall. Their ex pectations were fully realized as each artist gave his or her number ; encores were numerous. The contributors `to-the pro- ram were Miss McQuary and brother, Mr. itohiei and -sister, violinists, and Miss Read, pianist, in company, fairly ca tivated the house with their sweet strains o music. both -classical and light, Special mention is made of Miss McQuay and Mr. Ritchie of Stayner foritheir clever performance on the violin. Mr.. Mulholland. ' elooutionist and 11.". 13' `II 111.... ..-...s_ .;---u-. ..s' m-_..-_.- Practical jokers setre to a straw stack belonging to.Mr. P. J. Lynch. 0! Adjela, on He|lowe'en and $100 worth of wood besides some implements were destroyed.` . '_iI'{i1_:;; Val3E_rli(V1a`y-was not` observed here, not even by the working class. . II` II ,.I (`I . TI v 34%.; m;.a;.`s.;;.;;;.:. ;;1'Vne' to Bruce- bridge to visit her brother, Geo. Scott. ' III I M2. and Mrs. J. M. S;nith of Tcgronm, were in the village last week. Mrs. Smic called on a number 0! old triends. ' Mine Annie Scott, who has been visiting with relatives at Dundalk for some few weeks returned home last Friday, II I`? 7 `RI Vllllllls U1 '9 III-IIIIIUIIDIIIIQ UIUUIIIIIUIIIUII DI-I\l .Mr. F; H. `Wrsy, comic vocalist 01- Toronto, made their first how to an Angus shdience and needless to. say were -A well received. Should they return, 3 -hearty welcome awaits them. Mr. Wm. Muiliollund hes a. (nod voice, his ennnoistions are distinct and clear and selections good. Mr. Wrsy gives his selections with spirit and witicism. It. was jnst`l0.80rp. tn. when` Mr. Pulling sn- nounced the? last number on the list, singing of God Saws the King brought` the concert tors close. - - W'1`ho!ow1mp`1.>er at the Queens was wail patronized and fnllyumiued ,'th_o good tuwof all who pprhook of the IIIIIO. A _A The beat of onion prevailed" throughout}. _~t__h:i`r`-oxodlont ooodoot. ; _ V The vounginon *ihowod~ ood .u'u_to`- by \ "j.' "I;;.77..`,'1(1%.m..n `cu. boa) Q {:1 Imilu M 1 ; A couple of aearohlighte are being. hplaoed upon the hull at the head of the boy tor the guidance of veeeelmen enter- ing the harbor st, Midland. V L The Globe admits um um book in may years behind the times, and any the Minister of Eduoetion npolo.- glul `for it, introducing` n `quibble. inferring to the Public School Geogra- `phy. This is that the Minister enliven-7 - The death oooured on Friday Nov. let of Mr. Wm. Bowlea, of Bradford. He had been a resident of West Gm]!- imbnrg for 30 years, and retired to` Bradford about three years ago. - Mr. Elias Leonard, of Oreemore, was ned $40, and coats for selling liquor in prohibited hours. He put up a stiff tight. The informant sand he was paid by inspectors of license dmricte. alum II M;.'H1oa. Dob: ` o The Public School Tamra ofCulling- 3 wood have taken away the Superin- tendency from Mr. Moulcon and pro % _..-L-.I II-.-) If ____ 4.. `IT._.I ' I3E7Jiie&'.2;} vTrTzE`." `M11. C. 'K. Glut` ;;I` the, accompanist. The proceed: 856. i *> . .. . / Tho hop ontotnlnod 3 good numbelundl th:_Im'_ullour'I. - `_ % A 9 . :-:3 unar- , _ Advance Correspondence. V V Miss Turban has sold her house and lot to I_ fI1I__._ l\_l.'--.. JUST SIMOOB COUNTY The writer, had he enquired, would _h|ve learned that the geography from ewhioh he wok hie extracts had been by a new up-so-date geogra- ' ` by. which, so far as in known, in free ` r all` finaoouraoiee. The new book the `handaof the aoholare ~ iqjhoole `lot nearly a` year,` ' jg a:r_egn'l_ation hthe v

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