Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 7 Nov 1901, p. 8

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[ - -.:_%- ...:.?:.** 'A Unegualld by am other.` I n-.. M. 1.....=I1.s.. --.-mto \ u;a!,-Hmness oitl Une ualld a `other. Ren ers hard la `er soft.) Especially prepan:d.. eepq out water. V. .1 ` iannuvcu 4;!` %f.7v}bod` "i1`.'di1; IFIII I` 13% in excellent presei-vative. \ ~ educes cost of your harness) ever burns the leather; its A Ecienc is increased; ecures est service. . T ~ titches" kept imm breaking. H AR N ESS- A.` Awnn`1nI~ Curacao.- Scientific Optician, MaoI.AnI.-:N-s nau \ BARBIE. ` ' `;.,;.f.;'.:nu `**xsu.n`;,x;.n:*sa;:; ' . ` ,~`_ annnjoum . Tit s sold in all` ocalitieo wruuvw-u .1399: season cmnmenoed last Friday ands-number of local men are hot on t_ho_ _trai!;_ ' '1' Some Reasons Why You Should lhsiston Having Toronto Farmers Markets. "I`:at-In-n, Nam?" er K. ugx-,v-. ' `cutaway aunnu. Imperial on Colnynnvc mar Juurxpup. Toaom-o. Nov; 3 , 3901.` Q f);'A_ A 3' 6 7. ' ` K vvwwvi Uri -v vvwuc -- v -w---- Mrs. Arthur (3n,'o;k, spent Sunday with her father-in-law, Mr. Robert a5 16`only Men's Suits, mack of a good Apurewobl tweed, cutaway 3button coat, farmers mtin lining; well nish- _ed1tbroughout, regular price 85.00, for $3 95:. ' L A number of Men s Suits= in wool, tweeds, and} serges, dark and light - _ colors. solid"1''ngs, Italians l3i-ings, and all well` tailored and good` wear ing qualities, worth from` $6.00 to $8.00, nowonly $5.00. _ To make the Tot more interesaing we will offer a. number of regular $10.00 Suits at: $7.50 . . Mr. Robb. Redfefn is enlargsing his dwel- ling and making improvements generally. Money saved is money `made! There is no rem`-son why you Shula M save make a. little inemey here as otlxersuin. ' VHOYS3 AND YOUTHS? 2-and 3'~p~iece Suits, a very special lot, every aim, represented;}.w saving of from 25 per cent. to 35 per cent. gtlurztlltoad; `pricesrange-from $1.25 to $2.75. Men's and Boys" Fall and Winter Underwear, White and` Colored Shirts, and ' .Neckwear includes the and best 0` a.inab'e. All Deprartnents Now Cornplete Mr. Magitv and family have `moved to Brechin. All wish them auceess in `their; new home. V { some Exceptionally keen clothing ma: S have falkrn into the lmuls of our clothing bzuyers. Thege are beigg placed! in stock this week at prism which am certain satisfy`the mcy of tlyg closest bargaiuer These grodg, while hem. bargains in price, are lly up t6 our usual` standard uf e;'.sceHence in Qu.1.rrv, Wonnnzmsnzp,` AND Snm. Mr. Wm. Secor returned home last; week, l after aqabaence of-six years, looking halo and hearty. r. Brvon,`of Toronto, is out hilar- ing with Mr. Chute. Wattie. II..." l_L_ `D'.L:_--_ -.. ..(V..I|:__ VA immbar from here have joined` the hunting olabaud ioined aha chase for deer on the flats. . 1 Mr. 8n(ii77M`r8. Aiex Foster of California, spent. a. few days visiting her mother, Mrs. MqEvan and brother, Jas. Foster last we_ek. The Minna; M. D. and Jean Foster oil Toronto. are spending 3' short: vacation? with their-parents, Mr. and Mrs. James! Foster. . V ' _ 4 Mrs. A. Jr. Nesbit will continue on in the l old stand known as the Drug store. The ' `building inside in being neatly re-tted. ' -W9 winh him very succesi, FRAWLEY 86 DEVLIN; Mr. H. L. Tar Bush has opened out a general spore in` the old stand formerly own- ed bv A. _S_r.ewe.r t. This building has been thoroughly `and, neatly retted by, Mr. Tm` `Bush,-who a good `stock on. hand. We st_s`c_`m_a `in his new enterprise. Dr. West is still confined to the house. I We hope to see `him out amongst; us again. `Dr. E`. L. Nesbitt is carrying _ on his pracxl _tIo_e;.finAhis and yell acceptance). 1- ' "1`he.Pre shyI.e`rian. Anhivemry on Snday gag :|ggIyf' antgndyd .a!_: both ..uu ~1thing Bargains "`ia"rf'".JS'n.' i<'$"rIi'..a}'.S"F.', of Calling- wood, spent Sunday at home. ' `ll ..- A._;.l.--.. l'\L....--L ....-._A. G.-...I...... You should never leave your Tailor VT `V monev back of course if you are not pleaswrl J ust to hand, 9: large shipment of _ 1SALEM Brand colored Shirts Rsnnvgvg-wean CLOTHING HUN` FRONT STREET. BARRIE. BARBIE. Advance -_Correspon|dencc. SEASONABLE M:N's~suI1!s EXBEPT FOR HUNTERS They are fit to wear the moment you iieed them. 'J`lw_v are fashionable` They are serviceable, and arenot costly. Bess than half tailor s price, and no more than is asked for ordinary Ready-M ade. A Huntes Clothes are wholesale tai-1ored--same, way retail` `tailor makes your suit or overcoat, oniy he makes one at a time, where ours are made by the thousands, s-.u'ix1_<.: in cost of production as well as cost of materials rn..- ..._- -L,1ff.---_....).. 'n-__1,- L, , n . ' n,,_,,_._.,. vvvv v- r-vv---vv-v-A vi-1 -- vnn -av vvvv vs I-AJLI`-I\Jl.AUlL7 V Try one of HUN'I`ER s Ready to wear Suits or Overcoats this season. Suits $5 to $17 Overcozttss. $ 5 to &-IE Opposite G.T;R. Station gmd Post; Office. in the very latest-colorings (Ox Blood `amt ,B|:x-(`k Stripes). The natuiest Shirts ever brought mto lmrrn-. Special value $1.00. (}u-aranteed I10]-|111U1(`l}t colors. JTER BROS; The. Up to date Ready to wear Clothim-s. i FY1088. morning-and evening. Rev. H D: hcfron. 0f'Bnrrie, gave eloquent discourses which delighted: the gatherings. On Mon- d9y "iil 3-NW1 Sllbper of a unique WP8 W_&8 provided by the ladies of the congrega . mm Id SW70 ample satisfaction to all those who partook othe some. Without doubt this was one of the best repasts provided by the ladies. of this congregation for some V time The concert which was carried out. consisted of solos. reading and dialogues and addresses by the following persons 2-- Mr. Frank Soules; of Barrie, whose excel- . 1 bltitone voice was heard to r. great gdvsntsge. MI`. Geo. Clark gave two read- `8 350% Proved himself able at this am kind was loudly applauded The dialogue by Miss M. 'Wslkinsha,w, Miss Ads Bush E [ and Miss Violet Neil . was well rendered and . h'13d V inst suited to the character. T?` * 'P9tjiV6ly taken by them, much merri- " m_b0i.lI created by this piece Mr. C- Clark` was on the program twice and mid :g;.` ,1'!'D0nd to encores of each n'nmb_" .~@M*"M=`~ry Foster sang the -`wild Irish `I9 1399 "*V9l`Y'acceptably. this not being he "t~&peMsnce here she is alwavs W9 *3 " ]r3i|'t6d. Rev. H. D.- Cameron and MI`- Reeve gave ` good instructive Dd` nd "doubtless to say were well I9` - The `choir: and chorus by W . .. ,r'e"s lendidl iven to e st 9...,:. em. as 53: `HE: A "ere Here tian offering in Ir{ighGrade Boots suitedfor fall wear that should command the attention of the most: careful dressers; For exce}.lenc%e of material, workmam i- All grades of Ulsters and Pea jackets `in stock. { }M'u S-~ `Youths Ofvercoats made from fine imported black beaver cloths and gray cheviots, all the lead. ing styls of box back and Cheacer. elds, good tweed or Italian linings, a.]1Csizes fi'om 34 to 44, prices ranao at $55.00; $625, $7.50. an 9310.0... % Those who-wish to dzess in good fashion- should see our new style of Rag; lanette Over coats at $9 00," $10.50,, or $12.50. OVERCOAT SPECIAL3 7, 196,1.` we'knoW of none better atftheirv regular pfices. T.-be saving of a dollar and better on every pair might to be interesting envough t01hV9 Y0 P!-'%h35[% your wants this week.` - H ' T ...----n` -its IFl.ll_" RETIII Men s $3.50 and $4.00 . Mldhurat. T Advance Cormfpondeuce. `Tu:-nip picking in the order of the 35 Pairs Men% s Lac Boots, toe cap, Goodyear weltedvsoles, medium and heavy, popular shapes, in genuine Calfskin, Tan ahd Blac kg, ' gizes .51! -t6 10, regular p.{_':l,C;8 *~$3.5U and $4, L i%SpVecia1 -1 - ~ ~ $250 i~;A%Sef.disIayWin` wind}ow %thiS%WeekT. Whether?yo11[ invite youtoseeetheseshoes. } L ~ i A 3.;Dun1,P Feet. Barrie..: HERE` ARE 11m-:m~:'rAILs. Kllf, of T McMaster Hall, To- ronto, occupied the pulpit here last "Sunday. ' V . v ..__ 1---- --. Iv v Muuu-3. Wm. TriBbIe.,.Ed. Gme, John Soules and Thou. Soules have!` {gone on is shooting trip to Muskoka. , V I T Miss Lena, 'Hc.)o;-i; a few.` days at home `during her holidays. ` Tho-e who attended. the huakxngJooe at Mr; Wm. Vintn, Le '1'uive a Qbrnera, .on '1`hm'8d_ay evening report; having an extra good time. Big Bay Pains} Advance Correspondence. M r. Wm. Tribble intends Vmoving`to~ Midland soon. . ' -`r; P. H.'Jor_v_; of Barriefapent have -week visiting friend and xel_at.ivea- "here. - v Mr. Andrew Duzlop, of t_ho Han-bot, visited Mr. E. Anderson on Sunday last, ` One of our Dalston boy: weht down no the Innial ploughing atchand suc ceeded in carrying off we rat. prizes. % Congratulations Earl. ' " Miss Pearl Marshall is visiting rela.~ Lives in Penetfmng this week. ` ` Save;-al of our sport: are in the bush this week hunting. Among the number are. Earl Harte, Roy Watson and John Key. 7 V Miss Etta Jennings in home from Toronto for a month and is now renew- ing acquaintances. 1181813011- Advanoe Correspondence. `Mrs. Bradley, of Creetnore, in visit- ing her mother, Mrs. Charles Hurt. Boots for 1~`a1rv1ew. Advance Correspondence. Sacurdev nigh: win be as guests` A}- landgsle night at Barrie theatre. They have a catchy musical comedy entitled; That. Dainty Widow, .'and It iesaiu 00 be a winner. e I V ' Mr. George Poacher succeeded: in- gomng 3 mugn-i:oant.ow~ ofv waoex! on Saturday afternoon, going to the-depth! of 251' feet. . The brat two deenhat passadmhrough here came down from Puecang on Saturday even'n_wg. They-were-sent. on so Hamiitou; ' ` Mr.-Geo. Ashenhurst who no Inve- seriously disappeared from- Ma. S. J. Stephens . ` wood-farm while in his em- ploy, about a year and a half ago has turned up. O.K. Hie many friends were pleased `to see him looking so well. On Wednesday` evening of last week I `the annual fowl supper in connection with St. George's church _' was heldz in Brunton s Hall, andwasagreat sue- oess. After the supper` an excellent program was provided "V for the hrge audience. The program alone was worth the price of admission. All seemed to be well pleased with the whole a`air. ' 4 V The Ladies Aid Society of the Bar ton Avenue Methodist Ghurcb, met yesterday (Wednesday) hfoernoon at the parsonage. ' V V ` ---u saunas. novvy-v -v-nu 41.5.0 `Ir'\lII I W11` ford have returned from Minsr s~Bay.,. Moon River, where they hwe'~`beeu working n` the past. month.` adieu Maud ezard `Eben street, en- tertained 3 number of her young friends to Is ta'y pull Hallowe u. For Choice l0aIn1l'r war and at kinda of Feed go to Inna-9h. All orders delivered promptly In ans: unnut . Please leave yeliroulaen at t e nu Oee or Ieleuhone No-23`. ' The quarterly" meeting services in the Burton Avenue Methodist Church were well attended on -Sunday. At the" love feast in the morning there- was a good" turnout of members andi ad-_ hemnts.-_ In the evening the sacre- men: of the Lord's- Supper was ad- ministered` to a large number. The pastor Rev. J. W.` Churchill, preached appropriate sermons for the occasion. In -the morning he took his text. from Romans, viii ; 16. In the evening his subject was Making of V Oh-rist_ian_ Character. _- The Quarterly Board met on Tuesday evening to transact busi- ness. e 4 - Mr. 15'; Yimng is,.we' are glad to no- tice, able to be about again after` miez ing from 3 low fever. Report of the Sixth Ward School for October 1901 :-Fou1-ch Class Sr.-4-O. Moore, H. Anderson, J. Brunton, A. Gilchrist, R. Mo_Millin; Fourth Class Jr.--G. Heels, E. Collins, E. Scott, A. Haines, J. Gibson ; Thirgl Glass Sr.-- E. Moore, E. Srigley, E: McDonald, 1.. Johnson, 8. Masking; Third Class Jr.-.-. D. Moore, M. Olark, J`..Ambrose, E. McFadden", E. AM_cFsdden ; Second Olass'Sr.--`M. Watt, B. Brnnbon, E. Shsphard, M. Ambrose, V . Heals; Second Class Jr. - R. Willmot, E. Johnson, J. Gates, 0..Storey, A. Mc-, Donald ; I Part. Second Glass Sr.-A." Brunton, E. Anderson. 3. Johnson, L. Hooper,-gA_,. shuuz. ' o : S n Mr.` Jba. Brm_1au', of Duluth; Mion., % iajviaming his: parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jamga Bifennum. ' Mrs. Murray, of Linhay, widow of reman Fted*Mumiay,. `in visiting Mn. Heels, Esau an-ees.. :-- conic. can JIVIII-li I11 lll\IVU\l IIIVII, the hjgmae label; occupied-` by Mr. James Mccabe, ooynline. T M-r. J1-inept! Snddv has returned to the sixth ward, and will remain here `for `aome time. I correspondent io pleased to see gthatv Mr. John cm]: is able to be out Eagnin. ' _ ` `Mrs; Du-noon: returned home Friday dyer a two weeks visit with friends in Pbnetang. 4 A. -_ T Mi:{iir."o:L'iJ;:lc:n;":";ey in Churchill on Wednesday evening Inst. _ ` * _A number of friends and relatives gathered together at the home of Mr. tnd Mrs. Robt. McGowa.neon Monday, to bid farewell to Mrs. M. McGowan who leaves for Rathwell. Mnu., on Wednesday to join her family who is out there. A mosr. enjoyable evening was spent by those present whn al- though regretting the departure of Mrs ; McGowan from their midst wished her 9. bright and happy future in` her now home. ` Il'l.'llI'S 5 Division; with 1 its irioudnt an-cote . its new man- A ' 1ns. 1ts`P.rotty Lolmruheo, sno. its Go- :-head People` wan Entaoe settlement f -,A Weeklv Record at its Doings. _ mes. Shedy iaonshe pick lint. % Miss Sarah Sueelebiagviaiting friends in Toronto. . Th furnace ilbeing p.heed_ in. fine new_ Prpabvterian ohurch.~ ` Mr. loon,`of Toroeeo, Aiazepending a few weekeunder the parental. roof. `I? .______,_._. ---_ Your correspondent regret: to report that Miss Moy'1`yndall is indiapooodp 11%,- 1'! `r on Sunday evening n memorial ser- vice -was` held in.Ss. George's church on a the "late E. S. Meeking.` The church ` iwaa nicely lled Rev. Mr. Wesbney preached an impressive sermon from` John iv: 25_, 28 and 29. He urged iuponhie congregation the great neoco- city of being`! prepared for death, and .>ap .ql_:ei throughout his discourse-~ in a touching manner. " A _fser1hiefaermon he-referred"to.che deceased as an excel- .:lentj church" worker, vaudjthathic _ name A.- placed `in. ,the cornerjgtsone of .. the 0.h9h`iiV-'I`.m9|l1bu`9`." oi f;th9j r~bni1di.8 of ho a V the; hi` in -ran RAILWAY ommfhn? . Ema as mmnn * Mr.-Jobn'Steelvt_9 .54 M5 Jo_e-1:911- Mr; Phil. MbDbnolfl n_n_)va_l into. uvvvvv- 1. -.- -.,-.. _ _.,,A,-_, A ploughing bee wssiheld at Belmont Park, the residence of Mrs. Bromhead Russell on Friday the 1 lab inst-. which was well attended. In the evening Mia. Russell ably sustained her splendid reputation. as hostess by entertaining the young people with s dance, which was hesrtly enj-aved by all present. 9 2 nmaIlOOOlllO`U'lOOCI cacao} . bow. ,. Caifsima per lb. ...... ............... Tallowjurlb..........,.....-....... Home airperlb llambakiuevand pelts.............;. utseideo ....... I W(;;aae and turkeys s.neTvery plentitub. ' I around here. ` ' Il :__ 'II__.2- G..___.. 2- ...z_:Ll._.. :_ 'T"1&s". "'Keie- Siason-a is- visiting in Weyburn this week, . I _, , , L,_-_, . give nuxa, selection: 17:: I0 sou. . . . n .n 'lightorhe8 vy........`.. pm.rIIICUCOOIIIO....l0 l-batons -ouoflouqo--crane ur yhwr nooncnoucudviionnoooo -'l'..a,.......'..o`-con... .peI'1H...'..o.,..u-_..... Tub.PcrIboonn;'QoooooIIac Lardperlb....................;.... do`---coon-u-nu .-u cacao: Apples. per pack. .......-..... Applesperbarrel................... Potatoes. pen-hag..........-.~...-.... Pefton. o u u . - ouoonuns-antenna .w,)VwashedpcrlboIuuoonnaoofrrvv fwool.unwashed.perlb:............ :Wocd,aft..percord............... 4!t.. percord............... `ntradtacnnl. not Inn___.__.__,._ uu-Ivan nvvol Mian Jean iemrned home` after spending the ahmmgr here. Yeliow Grass. Assa. Advancacornesnoodence. Mr._Colin Kerr lost a nehorae wuss week. wanna. -n---a -v vv- ? "'i`,he farmers in tfbianplace are busy. with their fall: plowing. A ~ 1r.___ 1... .;_..__.____1 1.-.... \ "i&rt"3;;; .9... ghreahing outeh and hasuarted thresh- -|r:__ `mm- 11.11.--- L..- ....a........L.I ox wvuv vs: vs -.a\l ovvv\.I-Ana cw-wan hr. ifohn Robinson is aerioual'y ill with inammation of the luugmbutunder. the skilled attendance _of Dr; Palliug we look; speedy recovery. ' ' A ._1---..L2.... L_- __..-_.L-I.I -1. 'I)..I....__.L Arei Fashionable % Not invisible but nearly so. ' The can be madcap with eithersolid . go! 3 gold lled (warrantcd to years), -' QC mun pg` `Q:-g.-ngnnntovu , .`"": "' 1"": ' or mciel tnmmmgs. Iv Uunuuu-uv-vuu at I j They are not expensive. V ' We adjust them s) that they are g perfectly adapted to the features. alias Eiae McCann has returnd. home after spending a few days. in Weyzbumn. L _. * PW -I l1g 4X`ug pcl'c0lu...o....--..o `A'nlimcitecoa.l.oer _ ---v-v -'. - Whi`B ....c.;. ~oovorcoououooo< wlfIU}l`8d'W..... aooooooocononoouo `Inn-at an-vain ,' , Mr. Webster, of. Wide Awdke, spent ogfew days with his daughter, Mrs. G. ' Mobougall. A b . . A1` I tun Fcw`.B.dnaooouoIo'U`IIooou ago mas u.Jon;s, of Broken % Shell. is spending _a few days wiuhher sister, Min`: 0. Jones, of this place. ---4-. . `. | ."::.:... n ` `l\...-- . --y -u--- ---v-- The Rev. Irwin; is conducting services at. the Presbyterian church in thefbsehce ofhe _Rev..Mr. Paton. opnitaooroon out 7 Bf|hind IlIIo0noooooJloco.- `3_`llCt`(`)lI.. coco -u'o,"~\ol`tvouuo0000-0900-' LallIb......'.-...:\.... n q u o o .......-3 . co-no olfinooooaoooono Live Hogs, selection: oto zoo. . n n nf hj . _ _ _ _ _ , J, _ Rimless Glasses Miss Pearl Maegan 1; giving a ta'y pull to a few of her friendaon -Mohday ` eve inhonozj o_her birthday. ~ - J Mr. - Hurry` `Hart, of Edgar, Ont., spent Sunday with Mr, Moll McOann. Mr. Hart is greatly taken up with this country and he intends taking up land. 9- ':'A-.;aEL.;`!!*%E"- on friandp"here_ lgavt week. ` , [V s utopua... Adganee Qonnupondnnee; . Mr. and Mrs.` Moblgnll, of l'vy,Vca.llbd 7 Mr; E. Smith held.his hop and foVwlT supper lane Hanqwe?en up Mr. Gibbin a; I`... TIT `\.._...-Lyn. unnnnnn suing-`ban "171'. 3'25: XThp3Ie?,' $21; 'g'1Zfs? rVep'o:-0:, in recovering from up httack of ~-- `I. g... ` Ann on -i\. ""EI{"1v`Sif$I:a Mias.Abiggi1 Dempater ppent Sunday with and Mn- Thus . % ' Mr. Bhas. Wattie and party were fortunate tnv shooting four deer last Fri day and Saturday. `I

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