Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 7 Nov 1901, p. 1

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Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until F;-iday the 8th day of November 190: for the V 5PP1v of 100 cords ofgood bodv hardwqo_d.Q feet "long, maple and beach. Not` more than one thxrd of sand wo_od to be beech :' the balance to be maple `To be dehvered at ~ the County Building: in Bame uetlnter than the first dayof-March-zone. To` be,delive're_d and _ Pro erly Piled lav. euehgplaeee up may/befbqinted gut; ` ., M den will reeejvedgforvlete .61/_goj,eordggqd;: .28 h`=`nopd;.glootl~ moftoBonte`unA..;x_ 99l>I_cf;: \JUIll lllIIlUUUs From VW. Ault-. asking permission to trim shade trees on Peel and James streets at his residence at the corner of these streets. I-I_._ ll_`I'\_.._..I. ..-....._o...... .. -- `KEIIUUIIUU DU Iluv vvtuvn vs vuuwv uunwvvvm From John Mcbonagh, requesting a. re- mittance of $25, deposited for '9. two months pool room license which won not wanted. Ii`.-Am W A 7 Rnvn an fnllnwn 2.--An re. I IUUIII Iluvulv w_uIvu vvuu uvv can-uuvuo - From W. A. Boys as follows :--As re- quested by you. I have considered the two matters referred to me for an opinion. The questions submitted were: "1. Are the reso- lutions of the local Board of Health respect _ing the constructions of sewers on Welling- ton and High streets, in the form submitted to _0ouncil, suioient to warrant the latter in proceeding with work. In reply he _ stated the resolution re Wellington street sewer was suieient. The other was not. The second question was as to the necessi~ tv of submitting. a bv law authorizinc the raising of money, but Mr. Bojs said it was not necessary. hI;..-... `I .........l.. AI|I\A"\n Thorium: amt!-.h!\n Will uuu ucuuaanxy. _ From J oseph` Appelbe, Windsor, stating that he would accept $75 cash for two lots. 13..-... `l -I._ 'Dl.....I....~u nu.` (la:-snug l`.n`nn VA`, (clllo [IE woulu lM.'t.'upu qua uuuu uu owv nuns. From John Binqham and George Uolea, of faring to-pun oors in market aa_ mentioned In Market Committee report. below. f'l1l_- ..L-.... .........~.u-uinnl-Snnn unnun unfa-Ital` In UJITKUO lJUlll|.lIlIaUUU_ ICPUI. u 'lUIVWo The above communications were referred to their respective committees with the ex- ceptionof those from Messrs Ault. Bingham and Mcuonagh. ml... l"..........:n,ntnn Winnnnn rnnnrtn rpnnm. uuu U13 uuuugu The Committeegon Finance reported recom- mending the payment of accounts amount- ing to $1380 72' D nnrohr or COMMITTEE ON MARKET The report of the Market Committee `re- commended that the o'er of Messrs. Bing- ham and Goles to _rent the vacant stalls in the market and remove partitions between stalls on" each side of market and remove partitions between stalls and to put in new hardwood oors and paint inside of stalls tor $20 each; or to put in new hardwood oor and paint stalls at present occupied for $10 each-they to pay $120 a `year rent for each of the double stalls Iif offer is ac- cepted, said rent to_ start Jan. 1st. 1902 7- -A- man.-sad Lu AI.-1 vain ant` Tvrnr that cepteu, UIIIU l'Ul-I IIU_UIoUnl|a uau. LB`-0 Lvvu It was moved by Ald Vair and Tyrer that the above report; be adopted ll- TT_-:.. :.. .-...-.n,.no-inn 0-Im. nan!-inn nn:nfnr1 me IIDOVB repuru uu uuuyncu . Mr. Vair in supporting the motion pointed out that the repairs mentioned would im'- prove the looks of the market. It was only fair to Mr._. Bingham.` who had been paying rent for 40 years, that new oors should be put in At the present time they are below thelevel of the oors outside and they are worn out. It really amounted to no ex- pense to the town. The report was carried. THE ELECTRIC LIGHT AFFAIR The report of the Water au_d Light Co m- mittee stated that they had considered the `various applications for the position of manager of the electric light plant and whereas they found that good men demand salaries larger than the Committee felt dis posed to pay they recommended that the present Manager s services be retained at a salary of $60 per month and that Mr. F. Carpenter be paid $50 per month and Earl McLean.$30 per month. commencing 1st. Nov. 1901 ; the services of these men to be retained so long as they give satisfaction. - It was moved by Ald. McLean and Vair that this report be adopted. AIA Wain nu canon;-Inn AF tho mnkinn fnr D1160 lulu Maputo um nuuyvcu. Ald. Vair. as seconder of the motion for adoption of the report, explained that after receiving so many applications, so few of which asked under $75 per month. they had come to the conclusion that the Town's men were underpaid. Some of the juniors were working for less than $1 25 per day, which, he thought, should not be. ` The Mayor ad- ded that this matter had been carefully con- sidered in committee. and he thought it the present occupant would guarantee first class work, and considering his great knowledge of the plant, and that the year was nearly over, that the manager should remain As regards the salaries he pointed out that salaries had been considerably increased; but liberal as they were now he thought for real competent service, it was not wasting moneyto give their em loyees more. Ald Tyrer asked ~Ald. Mc ean what his son Earl did to which he replied that he did -night work. Ald. Tvrer thought there was too much dierence between $30 and $50, and that the young man's salary should be raised ten dollars as well as the others. The report was passed as presented. THE ACCIDENT T0 -THE FIREVENGINE. Ald. Powell asked what was the damage caused to the re engine onthe day of in- spection. _ Ald. Tyrer said that the engine had been sent through the foundry to.To- ronto and that until it had been taken to pieces they would not know the extent of the damage. As to the blame that was disg cussed. in Committee. Ald. Brennan there- , upon said that the public were anxious to know whose neglect it was Ald. Tyrer re-. lied that Chief Smith. had ,.said.that' the oiler was always, k_ept_f_ul1.of, water,` and that: it must have `leaked out. Something always seemed wlfon` with it._ He . thought probably there h been no water ._'in"the, tubes. " . ` mm .. 11-..-.. ~. 5.1.! l-`sin 'l".n'uuinI `thnizi l0UND-At Allandale a sum ofVmoney--owner can secure same from J. J. Thompson. sawmill, near Midhurst, by proving property and pavinffor this advertisement. A _ 45-47-p. in the tunes. The Mayor told the Council that Mr. Smith had said that the usual quantity of water had been put in the boiler three weeks previous. There was a water mark on the- gauge and Mr. Smith had glanced at it im- aginiugthat it was the correct mark and that water was, in the boiler. He (the Mayor) thought it; a most extraordinary matter andthat it should. behveatigated. `. 1.1 n1..--..v..-.IA-:I that {ha hinf " pynlnjn. matter all `HEW III uuuunu DU uuvvnungjuuvuq V Aldr-Tyre: added that the Chief explain-A ed'_t;nleu a person was very careful he wotildmieteke the mark on`. the gauge as the}-ael`wd.ter mark and that he had ad- mitted whey; if enyon` was `to blame he thouht..h_e'wu;. -` -' - ~ Ina 'nnnnI|nIi"I'.hlII\ `rum to address the. thought no was. . -Ald.: Brennan-than `rose to address the Council. As far asthe Chairman was con- cr1ied,'ih9 didn't know anything "about it; 1-[p,,.__uhonghtj_ the; Chairman . ._`_ would . `hue '1lopk;%no:}9pg. ic.; litre. Iandtrntoodj itxggzrd. FPP8 .?'_,! BL am: ' `y_ ` ` '3"-Tgbout?=`T-it. .- gown? Q Am. JURY nzsnsus. D. x IIUWII KUI UII-I VVUIIIUII II, we. don : know nothing. `In. TT..:.. 6`u1\I\1I`n` mall F9. 0011' I5 KIIOW IIOIIIIIIS. in their duties and hinted that someone might have maliciously taken the water out `Aid: Tyrer said Mr. Keenan `estimated the damage at $200. The Mayor suggested an order in Council .to investigate the matter and the following motion was passed :- 1).......ll 11-1` ...... 'I"|.gee fhn Wis-A Ant` Aid. Vair thought songeone had been lax 4 4 Illa UB8 I0ll0WIIl IIIUIIUII W05 yuan Powell-V-McLean--'.I.`hat the ire and Police Committee hold` an investigation as to the. cause of the , damage to the re en-, gine and to ascertain who, if anyone, is re- sponsible for the damage and report at the next meeting of this Council. THE` s'r_oNn~cnUsn11;. . There was considerable discussion over the removal of the stone-crusherthat lies at the ; present time unexposed in a eld o` the l Allandale Road. It terminated thus :- ' 'l\_.__lI D ____ -_ aI.-t tnnnaun `an nnlrn BENTRAI. Bus"i1i'Ess comma, TQRONTO. `_ T -...-._._ 2.. Inn... on down `for 013 woiinen by the public; `that _.- .I_..h. I...-._ _-n.I.3..n ' I Alllllllll noun. .l.C turuuunavu uuuu .- { Powell-Brennan--that tenders he asked i for the removal of the stone crusher to the market square. -Carried. Mom-1 `anotrr run sswnns There was some discussion on the ques- tion of sewers when the two motions fol- lowing were "made. both of which passed. The Mayor referred to Mr. Boys `communi- cation, and `said that when Mr Chipman was through they would he in a position to pass resolutions. The others feared delay, and pressed for a vote. As to an engineer in the second instance, the Mayor wished to \ he put on `record against Mr. Armstrong's ` superintendency Aid. Vair thought local men should he initiated in cases like thisof `easy work and Ald McLean again men- tioned the waterworks engineering. The i motions were :- n, ,, .n It -7 --.. LI....a. O-`IA hnnininnl motions were:- . : Powell---MeLean -- that the Municipal ' Council of Barrie; having heard the recom- mendation of the local Board of Health do hereby airm that it is desirable and neces- sary in the public interest to construct a sewer on Wellington St , from Marv street, eaettncunnect with the present sewer sy- stem "at the corner of Wellington and Bay- held streets for sanitary purposes as -a local improvement. _ McLean--Powell-that the Committee on W. W., E L and Sewers be authorized after plans levels and measurements have been made by Mr. Chipman to proceed` to build an 8-inch sewer on `Wellington street from Bayeld to Mary St . as recommended by the Board of Health and airmcd by motion of this Council, said work to be done under the superintendency of Wm. Armstrong. . ` Other motions passed were :- Vair-'I.`vrer--that permission be granted to Mr Wm. Ault to trim the trees around his property. M J ...... v.......n_+.r..+ ll rnhatn of ms be ms property. McLean-Powell-tbat 3 rcbabe of $15 be 1 granted to John McDonagh in connection with the pool license taken out by him iately from this corporation. - 1T..:.. M..T,.on_'l`|mr. the balance in Itely u'uui Hun uul. putauuu. I That the balance in ] wages due to Peter McIntosh be paid._"` It 1 was this account that led to Aid. Jory s re- ` signation. The account had been passedina V Council and when being paid the Finance Uhairman objected to Mr. McIntosh receiv- ing $1.50 per day and a cheque was issued by the Mayor for $1.. 25 per day. When Ald. Vair learned of it he said Aid. Jory had no right to object as he did. hence the resignation, about which there was no dis- cussion on Monday night. " , t`1_,__,-:I -.`l2_.-.._...l at In n,n`nnl1- NEW OFFICE IN BARRIE._ Mr. J. P. Secord, of Orillia has opened an oice in the Graver -block opposite the Bar- rie Hotel, Barrie, where he will be pleased to see any of his old friends, clients and others, residents _in, or visiting the County Town, and incidentally talk about-Real Estate ; Farm and other Loans ; Insurance ; Mining, etc., etc. Mr. Secord intends also opening another oice in Uollingwood as\ soon as asuitable office can be secured, his facilities for handling Real Estate. negotiat-' ing Loans, etc., and increasing his already large business will be greatly enhanced by his -circuit of oices. Mr. Secord has long been a a property owner in Barrie to some extent, and he takes great pride in the fact that dur- ing the twenty years he has been doing busi- ness in Orillia and the County of Simcoe,-'bis operations extending from Toronto to Win- nipesz and evento British Columbia, no man has ever returned and said-you have mis- led. unfairly treated, or overcharged! me. But twice during that time clients have after settling his bill presented him with a cow as an additional mark of their satisfaction with his methods and treatment--_but he desires us to say that while he is not looking for any cows in Barrie, he will be pleased to have a talk with any person desiring to negotiate Loans,_ Insurance, or the sale or purchase of Real Estate. He will continue his Orillia oice as usual. - ' g x FIRE INSPECTOR; ENGINE DAMAGED : Q Fire Inspector Howe arrived in town on Thursday and sought the Chairman of the Fire and Police Committee. An alarm of fire was rung in from Wellington Hotel. The Insnector,told the ADVANCE that he found things in very much the same condition as on his last visit but couldsay verv little in particular until the report was published by the Underwriters. The remen were not as quick. in getting out as was expected ` but this he learned was due-to the fact that a number of the regular members` of the bri- grade were away hunting. - It seems too, 1 that the team of horses waabeing used with the road scraper on some back street when the alarm was rung in. Mr.- Howe said that -Barrie s chief need now was an electric alarm `system. The water had leaked out of `the. boiler and when the re was made -the `boiler burst causing serious damage; In spite of the diioultiempresent that day the re- man made a creditable showing.-- | The late Mrs. Johnson, whose death we ;' announced last week as taking place last 1 Wednesday, Oct. 30th. 1901, was a native `of Leeds, Yorkshire, England. She came` u to America with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' ' Booth. in infancy, the family settling near Philadelphia. They later moved to Me~ dontewhere they livedyfor some years. Here she married Mr. Johnson in 1858. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson moved to Barrie, and in this town she had livedvfor 38 years. She had had considerably lengthy illness and at the time other _death.she was in her 64th _year. She is survived hyher husband and `twosons, `Warren and" William, all residents 1ot.Barrie. The_fu'neral`on Friday was well '__a'tte`n ded,_ they - pal}-hearers were Messrs; rohurchiill, Gris 'i'n,<.Stephens, Piince, Blnrdf, rtdgiul-t:.'*"; T O V v!:g;hns;>nx-w9s. 2; m{Ph9r . .. s an amaannre.-,s=;c:,emrensrk:e I PIIIIJ i 3775? * Coming l1S8lU[l on Luuuuvsy ulguu. The Councikadjourned at 10 o c1nck. THE. LATE MRS. JOHNSON ---' v--uuu - -.---- ' . `Mrs; Andrew Sisaons of Orillia, is the guest. of Mr. J. Siuonn. -- - -- 0 9,,-2_.._ L-.. Mrs. S. Blakely is. the guest of her brother in Ingeraoll. ' 1-. 1| . D 1\ (II I 94 __S_2LS_ __ -1. saw. --v--- guy- v Mre. (Dr.) C. Smith received on Mon~ day and Tuesday. _. l\. QIIP, 2.. AL- Mina Ballautyne of Buffalo, in visiting at her home here. Mrs. Sco-t`t.'o'f i -(;;';._h -ape. is visiting her `daughter, Mu. J. C. Smith. I _ n-_L - |l-.._..L- you--B-pvvu` ----- u w. --------- Mr" Jae. Wood-a. ofxthe Bank of roronto, London. is home for a short time, - -- sun 1-! ` 11_A__ `av-nova-Q cu g-wu---r -v.. - -_-_ Mr. and Mrs. Thou. Cavennmnnnt Shat.ur- day. and Sunday in Newton Robinson. --- my: _._ m_---J-_ %Bank; }* 0pen1 ~ House `awn . uIaa\- my-an-s--J -- ---.. --_ _---_ Mina Martha Lane returned oniiviliinesdav 1 from 3 visit to her sister, Mrs. Button, and + other friends in Toronto. - 5` . v-u-u --g --- --- ..-- -_.-- ,Mra. J. Grimes an'd sons, of Ontawai. left for their home on Saturday after a. [pleasant visit with friends in Barrie. AI 11- 17,, -_- -._j |_..:.1. -1. CA"--- `P-ir. Geo. M'c':I_:uzie_anV of Severn` Bridge, have just returned home after upend- ing their honeymoon with his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. M. Wooding, 3-, l\_-_I___2I1_ 1 Mr Hugh Dickinson left for Brockyille, where` the Bank of Toronto has prrmoted him. He will be missed by his many friends in town. who congratulate him on his well deserved promotion. Mr Dickin- son is succeeded by Mr. G. Trennaman, who comes from the Montreal branch. ' The Vety Rev. Dean Egan attended the `funeral on Tuesday at Lindsay of the late Rev. Mgr. Laurent. V. G. of the Peterboro n=AQl) Livia 8.55: Diocese. Rev. J. H. Tenev has accepted a eharge at Omemee. He will be miased by his par- ishoners as will be seen from our Oraigburab correspondence elsewhere in this issue. On Sunday Nov. 17th. the last Sunday in the old Presbyterian Church, Allaudale, the Sacremennwill be dispensed in the morning and there will be a special service in the evening. . . The following are the Salvation ' Armv notes for the week : -Adjutant Burrows has just returned from the Congress meetings which-were held in Toronto by Miss Booth, the Commissioner of the Canadian forces, and reports favorably of the same. Over 5000 people attended the Sunday night meeting in the Massey Hall, when Miss Booth addressed` the large assembly on I "Love's Sunset or Loved and Lost. Colonel Jacobs, in a special address, stated that the following advances had been made in Canada during the past year :- Souls professed con- version, l2667 : Soldiers enrolled. 2137 ; net increase, 1200 (including recruits) ; prisoners helped, 510; employment found tor same, 310; prisoners prayed, with in cells, 532; prisoners converted, 157.' The (litv makes a" grant of $300 to the Army to help carry on the work among the prisoners. Capt. Pall mghas been appointed to the command of Midland corps. She will be, assisted by Lieut. Porter, while Cant. Culbert and Lieut. Lamb take charge of Meaford Adjut. Bur- rows will conduct a special meeting in Stroud | every Monday night until further notice. List: I. Iv Editor ADVANCE, Barrie. 0:- _ `I ....... ......u nnnnln voL L. No. 45 V. Snwxu l`J0.l[aOl' ADVANCE, uluuc. I Sir :--I was very much mterested in your article of a week ago anent the Canadian Club and have hoped that some one with more leisure time than I would support your suggestion and try to give in a "local habita- tion and a name. t,.,I- , ..L2.. l..L .....n -..n- LI-".4 T nnn D1011 anu 11 name. I In delauln of this, let me say that I am ' heartily in accord with every movement which tends to bring` us closer together as Canadians, irrespective of party. creed or nationality. We do not know enough of our country, we do not believe in her sufficiently strongly. She needs all of her sons. T I-mun `noun a mamhnr nf the Canadian B'0Dgly. one uucua an un uux Dunc. I have beena member of the Canadian Club in Toronto for several years and most thoroughly enjoy the meetings. whenever I nd it possible to attend. I think theta. branch association of it couldbe made to live in Barrie, mighn be a. powerful factor in awakening and fostering the form of patrio- tism which, it seems to me, we too sadly need in Canada just now. A- u-.. Iirxtnltr ` nnnlrl (In "irlf. `iI .1"A hi 0880. In Uuuuuu Juan uuw. As you know, I could do but little, being almost constantly out` of town; mv help however would be limited only by my ability. T ..m vnzu-n ninnnrniv. [9th. y_ . . y j ful `throughout the play as daisies in .a hay l'99. This company appears at the Grand A company that will ll the Lyceum this week, played its openingperiormance to a. crowded house at that theatre last night.` The `play was That Dainty Widow and it_ is one of the best musical comedies ever seen in this city ; everything from cos- tumes to specialties are pleasing in the ex- treme. It is seldom that a company con- tains nothing but first class people, yet this can be said of all the members of That Dainty Widow, Miss Nellie Franklyn as the widow, Mr Neil Burton as Ebenezer Wifeaway, Mr; W. S. Hiatt as William Goldore, Miss Stantonne as Flora. Goldote, made hits from th`e"ver'y startanti ably sustained it to the Finaleof the last act. Laughs are as plenti- eld. There is not a dull scene` or a ileaden moment from the rising of the curtain until the nale by the entire company and if the theatre goers are looking for laughter they can have itlut. any pertormance of this bright comedy. -Buifalo; yN.Y., Courier; April 21st, Opera _B.0l186.'- Barrie, on Saturday, Nov. assembled at the Gresham House, Allsndale, on the evening of Thursday. Oct. 31st, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the mar riage of Mr. and Mrs. Jss. Graham. Only the relativessnd immediate. friends of the `estimable couple were present. and after an excellent _ repeat had been psrtaken of. and `s few socisl hours spent in music and songs, ',`t iie guests denerted wishing Mr. and Mrs. v_G,`rn.ha_;m' msnvumore` years of ` domestic felieitv, . in whiqh the ADVANCE most heartily 3` 1.13. 2. . It was a. happy and social gathering that` sncm AND PERSONAL; -rm paiggy Widow... "THAT, DAINTY wmow." CHURCH CHIMES. WinterIsn _ t Far Avyay A CANADIAN CLUB. SILVER WEDDING I am`, yours sincerely, J. C. MORGAN. Barrie, Nov. 2nd, 1901. `D. ....t.. Prices for grain on Saturday were still high, wheat sold for 63 to 650.. a bulbll. There was about 1700 bne. sold. 800 but. can were worth 35 to 37` Peas, of which more was 1000 hue , sold at 68 to 72. 900 . bul. barley brought 45 to 500. There was about 500 bus. each of we and buckwheat. the latter at 45 to 47. , the rye at 46 to 470. ,_, ___II -A at-vvv. uuu 1:: IV Lyv-' III`! -J- -_ -., -- The produce market was very. ;e'1'1 it- tended. Eggs sold asehigh as 200. in some . instances. the prevailing price was 180. Butter was easier at from 16 to 180., $130 supply being good. ' I A ,, __I_ -_._ .___- 4-ngnh `VI-""1 ""75 Fowl was plentiful, turkeys were worth 9 and 100. per pound, geese 50 to 750 each, ducks 66 to 75. per pair and chicken: 35 to 50. pair. I , .,,.I_ J __-...-L_I-`AA vvvo rowan: There was the minus] auppiy of vegetlblol in 5a. bunches. -I---n.:- THE HAPPEN}NGS OF A. WEEK IN ' TOWN AND VICINITY. --Lota of weather lately. ' -Thia is music week with the ADVANOI. `--School Board meets next: Mondnv night. 1 , , 1, , ,,,,24._ -._I__.. 'I'-.L .. L-..- --Hockey booming at last. Lab at hopo for 32 Fahrenheit. Naonal PeaHL com. AND WOOD Steel-Oven Ranges -TreinI from the north on Tuesday were covered with snow and icicles. V -The Trinity church Guild will hold I Musical Contest and Tea next week. oysters, Clscoeu. Handle and c.. con- stantly on hand at nornwnnvs. 1|..- -1 A`;- DIGIIIIJ Ull IIlIIl`I. Inn 3-`: -n.- w: -u.--- V- -Diphtheria is prevalent. One of tho forms in the West Ward school is closed on account of it. x 1-vvvucau V: -vc '- Remember That Dainty Widow tha.t'iI going to captivate you at: the Theatre Saturday night. ' 0| p.n u 9.,` __:n L. klsiuuu. us: 1 lnllnlva -A bazaar in aid of the hospital will be given about the 10th of December by tho Women's Auxiliarly. ? IN 1" , I'!__ IV VIII!-In U sgun.-nu-- -J . -The receipts at the Custom House. Bar- rie. in duties levied, amounted to $3382.81 for the three months ending Oct. 31st. ` IV. Us-v Ipslnvv --.v.....- ._.V_._.. - --It was Mr. Lon Tegar; ;vI;<;Zied the Hallowe en procession on last: Thuradav uightareport of which will be found on page .3. run... _n____.._- -`I...-.n In tniirn In `III. I""5 .'l`he cheapest ,place in town to buy hard and soft wood is A. W. Wilkin- ` son -. Delivered promptly in any nantuy to any part ol the town and llandale. Leave orders at mill oloe or phone. 23. - 1:1 I I S,,_ TIN-.. \ ALA i III |'II\lllI7O GIJI - ET. W. Carter. (Yorkshire Tom.) the famous reciter, hns been engaged for the Thanksgiving Concert, Nov. 28th at C0]- lier bt., Methodist Church. LI - A..;.....6........n Inn.-1 naval. rnnn uanrhilld uer DD, Mecnouxsu Uuuwu. -Mr Armstrong had seven men working on the Ross street sewer on Mondav. having been told the week before that more men thanlle had were necessary, ' --- -Ant:-.nn A` OLA mt - , . Brick linings for Happy Thought Ranges. all sizes in stock; also all sizes Hilloorn __Wood Furnace G rates. All L2. A. ..I ..~.,.,\....! kn.-.3 minus: C.-w nah: F:-nn-1 Ra tn ` man ne uau were new-.uuu1`y.V 1 -One of the interesting meetings of the week is to take place to night at the Barrie Hotel The Hockey club is to be re-organi-, zed and 9. large attendance is requested. Ara-'I"I... I...J:.... ..c (`..lI:... an-ant, nhnrnh aim i zed and large 8.tcen(1u.ucc is rcquuawu. @'"|`he ladies of Collier street church aim at making their brat Thanksgiving Suoper and Concert of the century the best in their. history --Keep the date, Nov. 28th. ---The first news from the hunting camps is that Mr, Wesley got the first deer and Mr. Todd the second. Mr. J9 G-`SOON 11%! lost his hound. ' t?Mr. Arthur Blight and Miss Mazel `Bingham, of Toronto. will sing at the con- cern Thanksgiving night.--Collier street Methodist church.--Don !: fail to hear them. Some six or seven years ago several Un- tario towns had a resident _ entitled Jack the Hugger. In many places this unknown _created muchystir and excitement by speak- ing to ladies who happened to be walking on the street at night. He had the habit of frightening women by putting his arm around ' them, and at last he became such a nuisance that special police protection was necessary. Nothing has been heard of him lately, his post oice address not being known. Has he turned up in Barrie? It happened that on Saturday night of last week two ladies were accosted by a man who followed them along one of the side streets. He at "last stepped between them and they hasten- ed awavirom him and opened the door of an acquaintance, whither the man followed them. On the appearance of a man in the house, the individual. whose description is known, `made his escape without saying any- thing. Whether the man was intoxicated or `one of that J aok-the Hugger `type the ladies were too frightened to assert. . -- -At the dog show which is to take place mt Hamilton under the Canadian Kennel i _Ulub rules on Nov. 8 and 9, Messrs. H. Dy- menu and H. G. Robertson have some cockpr spaniel entries. -- _-. ,_-..._ '21.... _._.1 _rl UPQI-IIWI \Il-llcl Avil- For Choice Family Flour and all kind: or Feed go to WlIklnnon9s. All orders delivered promptly In any quantity. Plea-e leave your orders at the Mill Olce or Telephone No. 23. IIIO Lvglll `In-nvv vn v-vr._--..v _- - .. -At a. meeting of the Fire Brigade on Tueedav nightra. resolution of condolence ` was passed tor Mr. Thos. Johnson, Warren Jand William out of respect for their late E bereavement. ' r uvn van V...-u- vi H'At. Jae. Vair s-Fine one pound boxes of new gs 10c-. Choice tape of gs at 5c. lb Extrane new Halloween dates. New Valencia raisins. A car of Sonora oranges ordered direct: from Mexico for Xmas. trade. --A A .... nasal-do 0l'(l8l'U(.l UIFUUD UCUIII ULUAIUU IUL 4xuuzua. In uuvu -Seven young men, sons of respectable farmers were implicated in an art-on case at Edgar which was tried_ on Monday. De- tective Beardsley traced up the offenders who set re to a stack of hay near the church of Rev. Mr. `Isabel last. July. The ring- leader pleaded guilty but as a number of people swore that; there was but a small amount: of hay, the Magistrate dismissed them with a reprimand. . 4i____ __.I n._.. vuvuu vv nun. vv nu.--.--.-_._ Monsoon Tenn ano Chase and San- bormn Colleen. Two leaders at B01`!!- WELIJS. l HAVE WE A JACK TEE HUGGER?" Fall Term uL\lIJ.I-an-Q-IIA -Jane wv -'-_-- -w Arrangements are now being made for holding the annual Winter Dressed Poultry and Meat Show, on Dee. 18th. Mr. J. H. `Bennett has consented to act as Secretary again and subscriptions may be sent to him- One of the features of the show will be practical. expert demonstration of poultry dressing and packing. The Committee in charge of the aairs -are.,Messrs..J<. H. Bennett, J. `C. Irwin, Jan. Vair. J. J. Brown. H. H. Otton, Geo. Canton, (Craig- hm-st,) J. A. MaIas_tu..'A. `P, .Wilku, Ghu;`,Hunce;:,_-1;. _J- E`... Willis. =J;. R. I _;.'.Pt: . r ' L . . {$1.00 PER ANNUM IN Al5VANC' ' mean corms nvn can-rs _ BARBIE MIBKET. POULTRY SHOW DEC. 18 AHO|JN_lJ_AR|E. 6 They are not an experiment. and they're not too` cheap to be good. "`}1'ev will lasta. lifetime. Cannot be equalled in value, too, at the price we sell them_ for D_.'-|- I:..2.. .. K`..- l.l .._..u 'Tl...unlut panane all ::7nu I \lI'IUlI I \Io - d W m'n in ironiall 3;u<:`fgth:3`o:1';nion gomgtegtg oct?r*cgool, because Em nd with us very superior advantages. our Catalogue explains them. A Writefor it. V _--..._-. A g-no rnvnnnhng L-rates. . T . All kinds of second-hand stoves for sale from $2 to $15. New exchanged forold. P.. J . MOORE, The rough, raw kind is annoying if you ad- umire a. clear healthv complexion. -NaturaHv is made so by. exposure to weather and winds ; can _be made smooth. NOTICE is -hereby given that my wise having left my bed and board wnthout any reasonable cause I will no longer be responsible for any debts that she may incur. rubs. `A. WILLOUGHBY. - 43-45-I _A"8uI.` P0- - V The greasy sort that gives the` complexion that unclean appearance Needs 3 creating Sootlxing lotion to make it healthy and ggxxooth. ` A ` -__._-.__-._ DWELLlN\} TO RENT, centrally situated, south west Corner of Mulcaster and McDonald Sts_. House, a storev, 9 _rooms and halls, garden and lawn. l Annlu nn G119 nra-manna. ' AK-tf rwuse, a storev, 9 room Apply on the premises. VWITGH HAZEL CREAM o-3'! Robertson's Drug Store, 4943 Opposite American Hotel. VBa.rr,ie. <.. ....___. ....,-___.......,,_.....__ Opp. Post Office. Barrie. Ont. la 9.. healfiug cream an`d'is`whatz you need. 43.15-p. Tenders for Wood.% EW Anvnnwlsnmns. --- WW. H. SHAW Pkxxclru. _ Yonge and Gerrard 'sts.. Toronto. Nov. 9 m-ENTER ANY 'l_`IME`B 0V` !fRS-In Allandale. on Saturgiav. November and. 1901. a son to Mr. and Mrs. A. Overs, 7 JUDSON--At Barrie, on Sunday. Oct. a8th.h19on the wife of D. W. Judson. of a.-daughter. STFVENS-In Allandaie. on Wednesday. October 30th. xgol. a son to Mr." and Mrs. Ed. Stevens. "IO!-lNS l`.0N -At Minesing. on Monday. Oct. ath. 190:, the wi Mr. E. H. Johnston. of a daugh- ter. - . and perhaps you need"a new stove. If you want (omfort with a. good re vou should call and see our ___.__.____..__.__..__.__._.:_... FOR SALE OR RENT. now open in all dephnthcnti of the No. 45. wad:-.3 N57. _~,4qs*;" 9 Szmuul. Wxsun Proptietoy. vELLow*sKIN Prices 10c. and 25 cents.v ' ONLY AT V MONEY FOUND. "" PIMPLY SKIN ya... MARRIED FRRVNI.E--FREEMAN--On Saturdave `Oct. nqth gqor. at.St John's rectory. Yorktou. Assn... by the Rev. Wm. Grove:-._ David Fernie. of Beaver- dale, to Grace'Olive. ,daughter of W. H. Free- man. Toronto. _ NOTICE. i -30351. DIED. `. and. ant` MP1. A. Overs. That Dainty Widow That Dainty Widow That Dainty Widow D That Dainty Widow That Dainty Widow That Dainty Widow i That Dainty Widow I That Dainty Widow Ell am: 14' 45-tf .40-ly. ANOTHER snvmnm Empunsn TO 3315 men ARMS IN sotrra AFRICA It is with regret that it it neoeiuery for the press to record egain a disaster to the British, and one in which death came to Ii. gallant Conadion. The following in the text of a. deapatoh from Lord ,Kitohener dated at Pretoria, Nov. let -.-`-_ ` _- __-..- - u...'.|. _IOHNS'l`ON-In Barrie. on Tuesday. Nov. 5th.: >u)ox, Mr. Thomas Johnston, aged 78 xears. Cu C`!-I Benson 1 son's column rrlaay, uuoppuauu. _ l . He reports that Colonel. Benson died of his wounds. ` V t ` The casualties are as follows : " Killed.-001. E. Guinness. - Mayor F. D. Murray. _ - V ` lg Captains M. W. Linsev and "F. T.Tho_r- o . . "Lieuts , E. V. I. Brooke and R. E. Sheppard. M - ~ Second Lieut ,' A. J i Corlstt. - Died of - his wounds, Captain Eyre Lloyd. 1 ._'.a 1z:;..t........- .1... aivas the names of t [non commissioned omcers auu usvu vvwau killed and 160 wounded, addxra that four of the latter have since died of their wounds` The despatch then says : V < `f I assume that the twogauns have been recovered and the enemy has withdrawn, but I have no further details. V `- T -'----|-- -an-int ska Inmfnf nlnnnl Ben. I Lloyd," T Lord Kitchener then gives the `names 13 other ocers who were wounded,'most ` of them severely, and. announces that 54. * non commissioned oicers and men were" J `nan ...-.....-Lu! nl`l`II'!l! that four but 1 have no runner uuuuu. " I deeply regret theloeeof Colonel Ben- son and the ofcera and men who fell with him. In Benson. the service loses a gallant and most: capable oicer. who invariably led his cqlumn with marked 'aucceee_ and IVII |I|n \4\`II\I judgment. ` UTHA Gill BBC. ' V "The ghting was at very close quarters, and maintained with great determination by both sides. The enemy suered heavily, ; but I have not yet received a reliable esti- E mate. _. nu . n,___ ._;;.:.....l ......o H mane. V _ j" The Boers retired east. COL. BENVCSON A CANADIAN Colonel Frederick William Benson was a Canadian having been born in St. Cathar- ines.' Aug. 2, 1849. He was 9. son of the late Hon. J. B. Benson, of St. Cathsrines. a. member of V the Dominion Senate, and a brother of James Benson. now a prominent barrister of theAGarden City. His -mother ` was a. daughter of the late James Ingersoll, of Ingersoll. He married Caroline, eldest daughter of Sir George E. Cooper. Bart mu u......... man Arhinafed at the old aaugnter or our ueurge n. uuupu. w... . Col. Benson was educated at the old Grantham Academy, St. Catharines, ' and Upper Canada College, Toronto, and re-. ceived his military training at the Royal Military College at Sandhurst, England. He served as a. volunteer during the Fenian` - Raid in 1866, and joined the 21st Huseara Imperial Regiment in 1869. In 1876 he was transferred to the 12th Roval Lancers. He" passed the Sta',(`-ollege in 1880 and be- came captain of the 5th Dragoon Guards the same year, being transferred to the 17th 1 Royal Lancers in` 1881 caunnum c0l0NEl mltn _..___.__._.__.... WANTED TO RENT--Small House or Suite of rooms for family of ' two. N. E.` HINCH, Ab-mph-an Hotel. - 45- V Col. Benson saw a great deal of service in India and Egypt and distinguished himself in the service of the Empire. `In 1887 he [became an A. D; C. to the Lieub. -Governor of the Northwest Provinces of India and was brigade-major at Poona from 1882 to 1884, when he was transferred to Bengal as garrison instructor, Vwhich post he lled until the year `I890. In 1892 94 be com- manded a brigade of Egyptain cavalry. In 1895 he went; to Dublin, Ireland, as in- 1 structor of the garrison. * \A'II...\.. cl. Iuvnil In-nlrn nub `II Uni. 5EI',l1Cl0l' OI DUB RBITIBUII. When the war broke out in 1899 Col. Benson was ordered to South Africa, where he had since lled important poets and `had been many times in the thick of the ghting. _ The school colors are `Black, Cerise and Ivory and the pupils are getting school pins made by Mr. Bass. -1, I ,,-_ :_':__.1 4.1. - IIIKOV-I`! ll Al Ilvu A number of old" pupils have joined the school during the last week and the number of forms haebeen increased. The Rugbv (-31;-I'v}1'1"iL all prohiability accept a. challenge to play the Lornes of To- ronto on Thanksgiving Day. ' ~.- ,,__ #_,_.|_ Lil """" "-9 I--------5-'--n ----.y- _ . Hockey is beginning to occupy much '0 corridor conversation and even the girls are nearly ready for reorganization. {Johnston & Sarieant| STRAY-Strayed onto the premises of the undcf.-V. signed on or about the tat of September: 8 1'95 `steer, abouts vearsold. The owner can hhvfe` 113? same on pavm expenses. othetwise the swim T W111 be sold. JOH DOBSON. Lot. :3. Can. 6. 835,. U tgpig. _ 424369 GUM. and W000 ;Best Quality OOK-KEE PER VVANT ED--Young man with ood education. A pply by letter with references is NEEL AN DS 8; LING. Barrie. 45-45 rt-Irllvl VIII!` I Ell- xoo Acres, clay loam. well improved W8|'d3 convenient to market. Apply Box 57, Barrie. 44`4$P . . vou cari get the best Antliracgt: c;alra_,v And Nut. ag loW_est`lgrices. with :diso9unt.Jfr5._ ardejfs and have It dc avered any time _A_ic'eo,a.t A; Morton's. VV2 ._- '6: ` " 3. >!5grhqr'sr,;BiYBfV` ` . ', :(",-; `."". .`I: |CHEAP COAL BY RNE. Owen street. Fox SALE on. T0 RENT--:3 acres of land_ .' mile frm market; good soil, well. watered g tf . well adapted for root crops`. Apolyto 3010: Utopia. --Da.intv Widow Saturdav night.~ PARK3"i-& Coal is going, but by oraergpg fr_in. FARM WANTl`).i B.C.I. NOTES. AN1nu LU nun : family terican Hotel. Lowest `Prices. ...F0R...A THE IN'l'_ERBS_'rS o1r',nA1u'tm. `ran coumv. or snftcon Am) rnn`nourx1ou or camp; out "CRITERION. BARBIE, <;oUN'rY or SIMCOE, ONTARIO, NO VEMBER 7, 1901. V -nun-u-, 42-4:-Ap' Frown .ooUmoin fniaamrs ~: 'nmsiGNA- mom or rm mom cmmume A ` ACCIDENT mvmswrugnou. `The Town Council held" its regular meet- ing` on Mondoynnight, the Mayor calling order at 8.15 o'clock. Ald. Jory was the only absentee. V . VI1I.- A` -on- :on-un-0-nunng Inn`:-nun kn Inn y uuuuuuuu. ` The matter of most importance before the Council was the accident to the re engine. An investigation was ordered. The resigns- tion of Aid Jory as Chairman of the Com- mittee on_;Finsnce.was not considered then. The sewer question came up once more. Otherwise thesession` was unimportant.` OOMMUNICATIONS. - -The following communications more read by the Clerk :-` Wnnm `lilmmnnm Ii! Jon-1:, 1-arninntino tn ha` Uy IIIIIU UIUKB 3`- From Hampton E Jory, requesting to be relieved of duties as Chairman of the Finance Committee. n___ 1!? A .-n. -'.I.:..... .....-.......-:.... on a...S.... I `III its--v-- --- _-1., House with modern conveniences. stable and }` acre ground. `Apply to DR. MCCARTHY. 45-48.

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