Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 3 Oct 1901, p. 7

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u-QC I_!y on 1011 `of -:- Divides +Adds Sunlight S0ap% Lever Brothers Limited, 'rAui(."" ' and Repairs, go to aco. l Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers. BEDSPRINGSWM` unmassas, PUMPS, W. H._Bj[NKER, All the best: quality and guaranteed. F-8-xv BARBIE. V BTRADI-`ORD Ts1'm:'r. Mnltiplies Maaafadsrerf by PROPBIETORS. Comfort in the `Work to Cleanliness in the Linen. ` . the Cares of Washing Thu ft-nun fhn YJ'n11nn_ ELIE Q1559 UL IV 68111115 D3 from the House- wi e s busy life. by ti; the Life of the articles washed. V by two the |Hours of `QMI? II] 5"`! I labour. :01 -1'-1 Has purchased the prcnusu occupied bv Chas. Mc- Guire, just out of the Victoria Hotel, and has oenod unbusineu in all kindnof Black: smithinx. oneahoein . etc. All work will be done promptly at the lowest um. V Remember the plant. Near Market Square. Vvrn. lV|cLa%rty,, Will pay for Will Form and postage to any part of Canada. Blank Will Forms can had at lmendvance Office .v.... .. Y_vvu An investment safe as government securitie: and much more profitable, realizing th_e investor an equiva- lent to 15 per cent. per annum. simple interest. For printed matter and further information call on .._- ---vu--uv csvunsutva THE |NIt:s'ron-Wm/not ptaco your $xoo.oo with the O. P. B. & L. Asa'n, and have it doubled in 12 years. beside receiving during the in- terval 67, per ann_um paid to you every six month? In other words, for your $:oo.oo you will receive an interest $66 and a lump sum of $200. making a. grand total of $266. uaams | L; NANT-Why pay rent, when, on such can month| payments, you gan becomc_' your own 1311 - lord ? nu have the choxce of repaym at a. monthly rate of $1.20, $1.50. or $1.90 for eac $1oo.oo bor- rowed. - 1 nuonu L or $100.00, I your monthlv pavments. %'InIn :Qncn--g--. Make Your Will. Special` :pm:zmes ojrered to Investors andBorr_owers. I ate at Z..- "THE PUBLlC-VVhy spend all gout ockoc money? 6oc. a month placed with the . P. and Loan Association will yield you in about 8 years A ' PRESENT of $100.00, or a. prot `of $4140 on: pavments; ~ ' 95 Dunlop-St., Ross` Block, Barrie. Evenings at residence, 67 Owen-St. , Building and Loan Association FLORIST AND SEEDSMAN, Telephone 15. :55 Dunlop-St.. Bartio ;;;a;;;'"'.."' "' ` '"" ' VEGETAB ES-Celery, Crisp and Tender; Lettuce. Cabbage, Parsnips, Beets. Carrots. etc. SEEel3c-Flower Seeds, Vegetable seeds, Plants and Bulbs. WM. TAYLOR CUT FLOWERS-Roscs. Carnations, Violets, etc, fresh every day, Bouquets-Button- hole, Hand or Corsage. Funeral Tokens in anv detiornn. Tana: Mamas Dssuoue copvmon-we &c. Anyone sending a sketch and desert tlon may 31 ascertain our opinion free w ether an ven on 1: probably atentable. Communica- tions etrlotly eonndent al. Handbook on Patents sent tree. Oldest xtaency for securing tents. Patents taken rou 1: Mann & 0. receive rpcctalnotico, without c arge. tnthe -4,AAAAm; "AAAAAJ4 AAA my-:'to"nr mo1 1tha. 81. 60 d byall newadealers. .F':3L::.!" M UIIICII II III. Ell IVIUIIUIIIU 1U|ll'LlBla '-I UIIIIDQ O9 ` . 011- Branch SEED STORE` .C...a.o" Ex; In'.'.m.a' ' ?2ei1}.' `rm 'i.ZEu~ nation of any scientific ournal. Terms, 83 Q `B-II : four months. byall nun an- ---.. . n-_-_ u__n. SEC.TREAS. BARRIE' LOCAL BOARD. 13-ti `:v TE NANT-.~Why rent, when, 4 nonthlv navmcnts. vnn ran In-onnus' Irnnn Am- I WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO, E. DONNELL, PTDDAG nnvmnvu--A--- _____ GO TO THE NEAVV Calla atfentioh to thq LATE or onto. --T-AND- , _".o1z';_ I. ful- be He wasn't in love -' when he enlist- ed, but he had "her picture and bill -mother's, and by a natural process or 1Dging for home he developed quite I e1'ee and yearning passion for T111104 A hundred times he began a letter 130 her, but he never had thenerve 1:0 end it. He cut her initials on 11988. fences and tent poles and wrote her `mime :1 dozen times on every 801119 01 D8-Der that he could nd. He sang it. Shelled it and whistled it till his soul was in it ne frenzy, and he knew by 1181111 the long speech of DFODOS that he meant to whisper into her little P1311` ear the rst time he could get her alone in the swing or on the `narrow ` 38t.of dad's spring wagon. p . 3 ` So when Tom got back to Manila and 1 5981118? mails" he was Stirred by an unreasonable hope that there` would- `? at least one letter from 'riliie.. 1-19 `V118 disappointed.` but not disicearten-*9 ed. to nd nothing but three old` m1.,8'-='j Elves from his mother. in which there: `"18 not a word or his heart : d.911,E."f` and a volume of motherly advice 111393` " the care he should take of himself, thee.-A; "lines he should eat and `drinkk !?.r* v`mmaers he should`. `avoid and:.1 ; 1'i'9I`s he should.-say`. ,.iHer};` iltelt:f';19'";.'; i:f<`*s*P was run of the.5"',t1t1 1V1%-1311 Wl "Z31"? him" Cwlien jhe C 1 mmseu 8- 4:uAu LU 1.11116: thou.s_:md times that B 9 . ith the 'gir1,n and himself W 5 little belief that his realty wt lergglge mys. short of heroic. _11I1d am my she must terious tolepatlnc SYIDP3 y his `by this time be P1111113 away ml. return. [ Now the latter question was a sore one with Tom, because nobody wrote to him except his mother, andfher let- - `tors seldom 1`C':l(3l1e(l him during the nal months of his campaigning in the iutm'i0l'. He had quarreled with his brother so many times that "no love was lost between them, and his father didn't write for the good reason that he didn t know how. As for Tillie, the mung soldier had no reason to expect letters from her. When he [left home. she was only 16, and his ``affair with her was of the long distance, moo1C.ig, xneixtal sort peculiar to boys `and girls Just out of high school. If Tom had been perfectly fair in his introspection, ' he must have admitted that there was 5'0thi11g Very tangible in his hopes with Tegartl to Tillie. He told himself 8. lllnnu-nu.) 1.:--.__ "If you got such a good home and swell people, why don't some of `em write to you?_'sneered his tent mate one lll;,"]|t.` You can't be very's.trong with Tillie, or she'd write you at` least .on<.-eu)'0:1r. _ ` j _ ` \ He n.~.w(1 to swear roundly that he 1m~:111t to bike back .to Sugar Creek as .1':1s`t as ship and train could carry him, am]-l1o1)e by all-that was holy that once he was mustered out l1e d ue\'e1' sue a soldier again. `_ He got to be the.worst l;nocker in the com- pan_\'. and he wrote so many letters that his conn-z1dese began to ask hime \v11_\' he didu t write a few to himself. nlu _ . quitter about him he s inimmlnent dan- _.- . Vc __--.. -_.. ....v.,.. Wliena young S0ldie1"S mind begins to dwell on the pies that nlotller used to nmite, he cannot Ilourisli onsowi belly. But when he begins to decorate % his tent wall withqthe pliotographs of : Tillie and Sue and the folks he s fit? for nothing but furlouglis and sick! leave, and ifltliel-e s anything of the` ger of forgetting to answer roll call some (lurk evening when the music or the sen beyond the jungle lures him with f:l1S0_S0llgS of home. Tom heard the siren_voiee all right, butqhe didn't lurea little bit. His term of enlistment was zllmost at an end. and Elie satls-V` ed himself with blotting eacli dull day` off the calendar, writing doggerel verse 3 about Tillie and Inaking himself a nul_- 9 suiiee generally to his bunkie. ' . 'n Sixhmontlzs of soldie1'iuVZ'n the Phil- ' ippins had taken all the edge on? Tom Grmvder`s nlilitary order. In -a year the sight of a khaki uniform `hurt his eyes, and he beganfto realize that in all tl1e'wo1'ld novillage was so fair to look` upon as Sugar Creek. Ills., the home town where C1'owdor & Sons kept store and w11e1'e the event of each droning day was tmin'time.n When two years 1 had almost passed, he began to dream = of swin<,_:ing under the elms -in the ol(_l front y:u'd:1t home and wondered as he ; ibhlod at the everlasting 11n1'(1tz1ck11oVv ; . mgmy pitted <.-110.1-:'y pies he could eat at one sitting in the dining room at home. 1 ._-_,..__ .1/.I.5l2....!.... --_!--_3 1..,-_2____ 1 W01}. '13 `LUNG, MU I-`III LIIC DUlI Gees down shail soar or dumbly rest. [And she that Mushing bent above you cot goes meaming "dreams of love. . To cross =.two hands upon a breast. .,S. Kiscr in Chicago -Recgrd-`Herald And \\'e8KlJ lllla. unlu uunuugu cut; .1 Death paces slowly, loath -`to leave. While still the.nm's;e beside the 'cot` Bend! lower, lxstenmg -so whdt Exultant Adam told to aEve_ Dem, gwoped last u'ight'be hind that craeen . And smoothed a martyfs weary brow where "one with new hope looks between son pillows at her baby now, And over thcmavbeside the-door _ Lies one whom.pain shall reach no more. Whose work as -done, who ere the -sun N... fnwn shnil soar dumblv rent. .913 wddeu, bitter -`"5 P3 ` ' noanlni-at _ ~ my the ` N u" ` ' yd gs is in the air W `filxaadglv on" the wall 1; plain mind by the window,` Itooping dm\;rn.: nurse with atly locks and brown 1: in the g_\- of one'who lies _ , - r_ holds a willing at And` t:l0us|n`il:3me:nge1' lips to hear Ciftory that is age`: old. M Tm doctor gravely `shake! hi! heal And bends above an ashan tone; 5 widow, wailing for her dead. . 13 led half fainting {rpm the place, And over `there a jeweled hand 13 weakly raised `to give command And weakly falls. and through the halls n....m naces slowly. $0 leave. -"lo. Preset:-e Heat. : Meat of any kind may be preserve in a temperaturei of 80_to 100 degrees for a period of ten days -after it has been soaked in a solution of one pint or salt dissolved in tour gallons of cold water and one-halt gallon ot asoiutlon of bisulphate of calcium. By repeating this process the preservation may be extended by the addition or asoiuotion otxgelstln. or` other pwmto or ass en to The sense of smell. _ _ Experts in the manufacture of per`- -tumery say that the sense of smell .can ` be developed just as .acutely as the sense of sight, hearing. taste and touch. This would seem paradoxical, tor it is J a well known fact that after -smelling I dye or six dierent perfumes the uned- ucated `nose so loses its power that abil- ity to distinguish odors is entirely lost. This to a degree -is true of the educated nose. but its power lasts longer. An expert is able by putting a drop or two of perfume `on a bit or cotton to tell what itis and Just what extracts enter into its composition, ' I ` 7 an: D-vIOluI&\I.vvI-\u 1 ------v- ..`.`_.._- ---_ One of the lawyers, for a joke. start- ed a subscription paper, which was passed from one_ member or the bar to ` another as they_ sat by along table fronting the bench, to buy a pair of \ trousers for Lamon, he being," the; paper said, a poor but worthy young ` man. `Several put downtheir names with some ludicrous subscription, and nally the paper was laid by some one in front of Mr. Lincoln on a plea that he was engaged in writing at -the time. He quietly glanced over the paper and immediately took up his pen and `wrote after his name, I can contribute noth- .-ing to the end in view. urn--av`:-nu- win `.`.`----...a 7 One pleasant day in the fall Lamon was wrestling near the courthouse with some one who had challenged him ' to .a trial. and in the sc-uie made a ; large rent in the rear of his unmention- _ ables. Before he had time to make any '1` change hewas called into court to take i up a case. The evidence was nished, and Lamon got up to address the jury, I and, having on a somewhat short coat, his misfortune was rather apparent, , I-___.-_... 3A.. - .I-I_- _L-..L _ A Story of Lincoln. During Mr. rLincoln s practice of his profession of theluw, long before he was thought of for president. he was attending the circuit court, which met _ at Bloomington, Ills. ' The prosecuting attorney,_ a lawyer by the'nameoof Lamon, was a man of great physical strength, andftook particular pleasure in athletic sports. and was so fond of wrestling that his power and experi- ence rendered him a formidable and generally successful opponent. rm..- ...I--...-...'1. .3-.. .I.. L]... 1.11 'r.......... V.-v ---..- ncovvoasa v `.v wuss: Tom re-enlistgd last weekvin spite of the combined objections of Jim. Tillie andthe old folks. A No use kichln about it, dad, he `said. ,I got the fever, and I'can t shake it. You don't need me in the store, an I guess they ain't more than enough tosplit `tween two families. l. ll get along all right: but honest, dad, I just couldn't live here in Sugar Creek another Week. - Tell Tillie to write to me about the kid.-Chicago Record- Herald. muons 7 c.` 588888 i when Win !IVuff! =31!,%ihe. At1`aiiir;stfeps [atj "`SiI'8'Ir: sum;-g `qoritetibiend. with oldiA'Bill-Tornlinfson. shako and all; y atits had, :`wa-`f_st'andi'p`g *on=5the- plat- * torm playing `-`See. the Conquering ? Hero Comes. Great ags"-waved above ].the gdepot.-1 and yard: or bunting stretch- ? ed clear across the street from Crow- der"s grocery store to the town hall, % Tom almost fell into the arms of his 7 mother. ` Even his brother Jim seemed` to have` forgotten all-.ditter.ences and hugged him. But, best or all, there 1 was Tillie, quite a woman now. pret- tier than ever, blushing furiously and holding his hand as she had never held. it before and holding up her radiant trace to be kissed as often as he liked. The small boys yelled` Hooray for Tom Crowder! old -man Crowder shed tears sf joy," prominent citizens - wearing `badges marked "Recoption ushered the hero into a carriage, and as Tom was whiskedaway to the m'a`yor s resi- dence tor a brief carnival of speech- making and handshaking the band played There ll Be a Hot Time In the V Old Town Tonight. Duo 44. ..n ...--..--a A -..-- .--~ uurvoovuvn-`no. gvun u-ssavv Tom held his little namesake for awhile, but he didn't seem to know just what` to say. They laughed at him, teased him and praised him ti1l`his mother suggested that he looked worn out and should go to bed. rn._._ _. ___v1_,;_.1 n,,, '- --.. -v vvu-5 Lvulauth But it all seemed too long to the re.- turned hero. He felt very proud and- `happy of course. He bowed to` the judge andshook hands `With everybody andtried to make a speech,_ but all the time his eyes were seeking Tillie,` and his heart was aching for another chance to greet her. At last the guests withdrew, and Tom and Jim and Mr. and Mrs. Crowder and--wondrous luck `--Tillie all piled into the big carriage and were driven up to the Crowdez home. c ` c the army toe. in proportion. Q AI-no-on ----- - - ` _.v._..- -..-u U` wnnauaa lI\JI|J|-Ll! Allow me, Tom, to introduce you to your nephew. Tom Crowder. the sec- ond. - m*l:1'1en they all laughed and cllipped their hands, Aexcept poor Tpm and the baby. ` - ((I"I`YI_____ I,.I.'I 1,. :4 no: u q -- - . .- VVhose ma is it? askd Tom faintly as his white face turned from the child's to Tillie s. Why, it's VTillie s,T laughed` the mother, '1`illle s and Jim's. They were married a year `ago,'but`we thought We d keep the secret awhile. I(1'TY- LI- ___ -_|_ A 1;! ,1 _ T "`V <.e"E1:o;1g"Jh.tMi;: viu "II'1'a`E;yOl1 -home sick, mebbe, said Jim. l('I'\ _ __ C C II n A gun a... Iv!-Q-so u 4... "`-`Bo_.5'v<'J'1T'vvant to _h;)ld_ him, Tom?" whispered Tillie, holding out the baby. You're his godfather, you know. VIVA. LAIA Ll- Iu..LI- .._...-.._I`__ 1!-.. ....v V. v... .-nn\., unsug ulul Vubo Tillie, ell blushes; ran into the bedroom only to reappear in a moment with a bundle of muslin and lace that looked like a small bolster. `l`A II-#_._ 4., - . And now, my son. saidthe proud old father,` now comes the greatest [surprise of all. Tillie, bring him out. Ana VFIIH.-. -11 1.1-.--1--- Qatarina had been six months in the profession. By dint of what exer- tions, of what energy. resolution. had s1_fi e carried her point! Itewas heroic, hilt of that kind of heroism which is utterly unconscious. to the deer. Cata- _ t,-inn knew a world or things, and she had_ nerves of steel. She had succeed- ` ed. And then her chance came. Al- most as one tosses. a ball of worsted to a kitten they had given Catarina an t - interpolated. son.\`and dance." . She cot`1ld noi_: sinfg_a_ little bit, tor.v *5..3h'.'h" '79: "A .`l.Y; " 2 9!: hush. J Catarina, would weill out a pound of potatoes with East Lynne in her V hand. She would haggle over an odd haltpenny with the asparagus man, dreaming-for she was always dream- ing-ot the most brilliant conquests, the most illustrious situations of the _boards.'f " . `lvvipccunu not-o-uonv u_vv vvrl Catarina had resolved even to be an actress. By a sort of instinct she per- ceived that that was the only avenue by which _she could escape from ' the suiroundings of Princes road, which at the same` time she loathedand ac- quiesced in with in natural and even aectionate familiarity. t`I_.A.__..I.__ ___-_IJ '_...l...I_ ___A. A _.__-.._1 -3 She was delightfully shy, though con- dent: timid, though. ery; rapid, though tender. When she dropped her eyes, there was a fascination that de- - wpended on. no mere demureness. that must indeed have `been something un- conscious. tor it seemed really to be due to the lashes. with their long and peculiar tanlike s_weep.- - I\_.l.--_l..- L-) _.-.._I_- L- ___` tin-\..-\.I\aIJ|ullJV\.D Ip\I lb \pIOL\o\JIvt Catarina was often to be found in the shop about that time or in the little parlour that" served for everything at` the back. She was generally to be found there, in fact, for, though she avoided school and was not .a particu- larly shining light in the pathsof learn- ing, the girl was devoured with a rage for reading. There she was to_ be found as oftenas notwith a smudge upon her short nose from having han- dled dusty potatoes, perched up or crouched down with a novelette, ar story book, a book of travel, of ad-- venture. She was extraordinarily pre- cocious `in her understanding of the world, just as much as she was back- ward in -physical development, for she was small for her age. Even then she was ambitious-she was more than am- bitious; she was ery and resolute. One saw it in the ash of the wonder- ml eyes asshe glanced up quickly from. her book, seeming: In one earnest" g dart to look through your own eyes in- 2 to something, possibly the soul. be- 3 hind! ` :v--5 --. -_-v-. `avvravu No; -there was another testimony to her former beauty-Catarina! She was `about 13 when I saw her rst. and most childrenare pretty at that age, but no one with the eye of an artist `or with insight into character could once gaze upon Catarina s Acountenance without inwardly resolving that that strange, foreign looking creature was predestined to 9. career. f\_L_-_l___ ___ -1. _ -, n - 5- The older inhabitants of Princes road still remember her as a buxom and high spirited young woman, speaking English very badly, but shrewd enough withal. But the years had gradually robbed her of every trace` of her for- mer beauty. and from-the rst day I knew her `she was a prematurely old, quiet, careworn dame, her face sallow and withered, her cheeks drawn and" sunken, her hair dry and dusty, and it any hint remained to give assurance to the` memory of her charms it was in her Italian eye, sad, but deep, lustrous, blazingpup at times with some inward, re or occasionally revealing the strange, yearning, ' hunted look of a poorchild of the sunny south wearing out her `life in a somber clime and among an alien people. `Y... .LI..-..- 1.. _.._LI._._ A_,,1 't:'ouv mph ~ The oonicioua water nestled deep anon ; Bu nililky |'ondo1aa\that; bow-on MW. Freizhted wmungaows at the 111010 Boon palace and canal paled into aight. Painting a watchers whoae long vigil wanea '1`ill'da_wn a approach across the waves of night Fluahed the scan blood in aleeping Venice ! vnlnn ouuf up BIIU VIZIIIIS llvjli -OHIO ill w U00 One raditnt iunheem and a lone white dove ,Sente Merit : holy threshold trod- A- shrine 0! morning lit by light. and love! Loud warned the chime `to mass o'er quay and home - ` Calling soft ock; of doves to meet the day Mid sculptured saints and angels round the dome, While market women followed in to pray. -Marthn Gilbert Dickinson in Scribner : Maga- a noun Herimother was an Italian, her fa- ther had died while she was still a. child, and from that day Catarina was marked by fate. The mother had bought a greengrocer s shop in that = very unlovely Princes road I have re- ferred to, and there, ensconced in that little tortress-it might be truly said hardly ever quitting guard-sl_1e had ` begun and carried on through long years one of those terrible, grim, silent 3 struggles .with poverty, disaster and death with which "London . is replete. She had survived, she had been always able just to keep her head. above wa- ter, but heaven only knows_ at the cost of what heroism, of what intelligence and of what privations in that little sea of troubles in which her lot was cast! J unu Uutarma. KIIGW It. Princes road. . v ` Tell him to stop! Catarina cried 5 suddenly. Then with the condence E of old acquaintance: - f I can't bear to tell `any one my ad- 9-dress is in- Princes road. I abhor it. . But the mater is positively loath `to leave it." i 5 Catarina, I said, no one, I hope, 4-judges you by-'- . She started up as if she had been struck by a whip, her eyes in the moon- light glaring` like those of a tiger, throwing a luster upon the pallid, beau- tiful countenance. _ ' The sudden glance recalled to my mindthepicture of the mater maim- ed and bruised from the terrible battle of life, with her broken` English, gar- --'!..`I....J' :lLL LL- I.2.`l._--_.'. we came near Then up the can... step: that lead to God nil: I-ornnf innlsnnn nn a lawn. 11.8`. An... From such surroundings? Ies, per- - haps because. oi.'_ such -surroundings. Genius . will ourish anywhere", and _genius has the happy faculty of bend- mg every dilcultyjto its own advan- tage. At any rate. though genius, it? Belt is apt to be very dubious respect- ing this comforting doctrine, I cannot ' but think that Princes road made Cata- rina. Yet, truly, what a setting for such a pearl! ' "noun tau j zine. .'owN' A'Vf"V"E'N`I(`:E} `r-- `.------w u.n.n\a anon `an up-u Iv` - I '-Yes." ans;-v'ered `Mr. Dusty, If a boy - is dlmdent they shy he is naturally re- . ned. End If he is boisterous they say he is lixre to make hIs`w1y_in the t. world.`"_-Washington Star. _ Good Children. T - People are always content `with their children, said Mr. Crusty; III}... I! -_____.__.j 19.. 1-s....A_ nil - I.-.. <-3:711:-o_1-I-eat->;.1`:H.ra'1'l.`1: The Kings of Denmark. ; The dust of the Danish kings is kept \ in a great cathedral at Roskilde, an old ' town 20 miles from Copenhagen. Ev- ery year the entire royal family always pays a visitto Roskllde in obedience to an ancient custom. On one of the pil- lars arevmarks showing the height of Peter the Great, Nicholas, the Iron Czar; Alexander III of ` Russia; the y king of England, and main other kings. The. cathedral was built in the el_ev_- enth century. It` has two mighty tow- ers. which" canbe seen at a long dis- 'tance._ "The oldest grave is that or, K_ing Hamid I. who died in 987.--Chi- -_..- I"n--_..3 f'r-._-|_c _ v--,_ -' -,u Webster gives it as ' colloquial? and says the meaning is to be in a. favored `position; to be associated with others in active ai1'airs. The Imperial Dic- tionary also classes the phrase in the same way and describes the swim as the current of social or business events; the tide of amairs; the circle or those .who know what is going on. . The Dictionary or Phrase and Fable gives the origin as from an angler s. phrase and says. A lot of fish gathered together is called a swim, and when an angler can pitch his hook in such a` place he is said to be `in a good swim. -Notes and Queries. ' Iii the Swim. This phrase is, one fears, bad English in so far as it has acquired a soupcon oi! vulgarity which, in the rst place, perhaps,-it did not possess, since it is thought to have originated from an-T glers being in luck when they nd a swim .or choo1 of fish. Thus it has come to mean being in_ the popular_cur- rent either in opinion, speculation or fashion-dans le mouvement, in, the vogue with others. _ It is possible that the phrase was-suggested to anglers by the eastern metaphor To `swim in golden lard, meaning to be prosperous, And, gentle sir, when you do come to swim in golden lard" (B. Jonson, The Fox,'f I, i). . `Y7 AI- 4, .._-v ..-.-..-_... .. .vv There the mater sat in the old arm- chair. Infront of her on the table was a little painting: representing herself as :1 young girl of about Catarina s age. Beside the painting was Catarina s lat- est photograph. Anewspaper was still in her hand. Her face was smoothed of wrinkles in its last repose. In the pale light of the lamp it had an ex- pression almost of joy.-Black and White. ' --a -` -- -......-.\..-....- v---w~- We entered through the darkness of the shop. A pale light shone, however, through the crack in the parlor door. Catarina, a little surprised that the mater had not opened to greet her, called out, Mater, mater, mater! as she entered the room. - We walked on in silence till we came to the little greengrocer s shop. I was about. to bid Catarina good night, but she said: Come in for a minute and talk to the mater. She sits up waiting for me always. And if you -tell her I danced well she could listen to you tell- lug it a hundred times. . _ L _ _.-.1 ;_v__'_--_..1_ 1.1-- J___I_._-.__.. -1 -V-nu She seized my hand. The tears gush- ed. to her eyes. I thought you were going to say something `else. Ifeyou had, by Jove, _I?d `a gone for you! `T7- j_I1_-S _._ 2- ._!I-..-._ L21` _._ -__._- -------- vs. ugtalrosuuuwn I met her goinghome one night short- ly afterward. She had slipped away and was actually trudging or, rather, stepping it, like a fairy on foot. Per- haps she liked the walk; perhaps it was i the habit of the old days when a half- .` penny loomed vast as a sovereign. "She was beautifully dressed, though outwardly enveloped in a coarse cloak. l TA. ...._.- _.. 1.- ___2_. __3 wr , .`n&1`.n! aglme me an massage rrhe?di:d1dnse:1augieu;.2i&i:hd ; even at the benutitul Italian eyes, sim- ._ ply they were new-until` Catarina `began to dance; "They u had taughther steps for a fortnight, but_ in _' her excitement she had forgotten them. ' She fell back upon the steps her mother had taught. her and upon her genius. I "Her dancing spoke, it sang, it laughed. . it teased"--yes, like the very kitten with ,- the worsted-it fascinated, it struck reworks, it brought down the house i ! in a thunderclap of sudden, impetuous, : i astonished applause. j 7......` I..._ .__.Q_..u_,--_, ,_- _-.J.- -I [;.';;;; countenance. as been her light` of; tiger, beau- to mindthe. picture of nished" with the hideous slang of Princes road, which she had piously accepted as the English vernacular. I'1-L-._!__ 9, T ..-_._____J Q_-_4I_. ll..- broad. --vwyta-.u..\. um... U-n\4 _....5-r-... on `~- Catarina," I pursued'YEir`z:l`;, ;`no one, I` hope, judges you by Princes .-_--., u--7 v-vtrvsa can In uvlntnv pnuun came on to rain, and I suggestecl we should take a hansom. She con-; asented with the air-in her it was no i afIectation-ot a princess, giving me` her dainty little hand. '_On the way` down Bayswater road she alternately 4 laughed and cried for joy, and her, whole pleasure was that she would be I able to make the mater a countess. 1 v-J u-v-.-u '"13_'oo} mater! Intimought of that long campaign of suffering, of privation, ` even doubtless at times of starvation, ; and Catarina knew it. We came near % In VII \ll-I EDGE: -:`71`1;;1ater, you know,-" suffers, al- though she never complains. She has indigestion. 15-".-. , A __,I 1- AI, ,,_ 1,. Al Al . u |mvenise{ in "Int; unmet"! msw meruone T 1 , IIIIIEGTDBY. Make no mistake! This is the GREAT Scott; in the|above lines. 0ffice-97 Dunlap Street, Barrie cement, culvert Pipe, Field Tile, BARRIE snanm LAUNDRY. The Bell Telephone_ company `l'\`lI IVA`1 Af\ W" 7 R1. D3Eaus; L} iIi.{.;:.-. I I or O'ANADA. ` will issue a. new subscribers diractorylor the District of Eastern Ontario. in- cluding the. Town of BABRIE within a few da.ya._ nnnu` `nu ncn nan-u-.Qt8..... AI... __-.. `Y V7 III, CO ORDERS {or new conneotionu, changes of rm nsmee, &c., should be placed at once to insure appearance in this book. 'I\' I f\,__...-___`I,,IIl Hughes Bros... In the domestic art of Laundering, once well done is twice done. Be- cause we give our work extra care, it lasts twice as long before need- ing to be laundred again. L- Deducts

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