Tourist Hotel *`Norto|k ; BAYSVILLE, MUSKOKA, `ONT. | V VBARHIE. T V VVV VVVVVVVH WELLING TO RENT, centrally situated. south west Corner of Mulcaster and McDonald Sta. House, 2 storev, 9 _rooms and halls, garden and lawn. Apply on the premises. . 45.-tf Boa.tin.1g. Canoeing. Speckled Trdut Fishing. e. Rates: $x.qo to $2 per day. - ax-tf _ ` F. G. _I-IOGAN. Proprietor. ` > ` Ix` Hobley 13_r3s., for vour benet, a.nd'our prot-. These ; . are the blends we are '-`struck on. ` 25 _:t_. A quarter of a centurv we have been blending COFFEE T/IERCHANTS, VBAI-15:5. The Reception Committee's arrange; ments were business-like and no time was needlessly wanted." The platform speaking was started in good time and J78! 0! such a nature that it pleased Everyone. wlu 5&5 . fat the Factory; nor? the Reta-ilcr, but what thchaveiointl to dffer. V T iv; ycaso Makers - The Slater Shoe '" i'1"5132st Retailer` in a City may be least --..._.-L-...L Experience , witheat reason is like a ship wit-h- _ out _`r1.tcIcIer-.-" A - ` ll .. II . M,,_. MILLINERY : This weather iscreating a great demand for- Fall Hats. It is veryaeasy for Ladies to buy here, as our. variety is the largest, our prices are right and our styles are perfect. Come and see. as 53:13. 4-0 cfs. And G18. TEA 'AB3'37{:c't"""' { 1; * to ' the Water, SARJ EANT & SMITH} TRY THEM. - The Decoration Committee, of Barrio citizens, deserve credit for` the excel- lenoe of the evergneen archesland other" decorations. Many Toronto people were heard to say that the costly Royal ' Arches would not have a much ner up poaranoe than Barrie e Old Boy arches, is not giving complete satis- faction . Pumps put in on 30 days trial to responsible parties. Our Spray Pumps do perfect work and a child can operate it. For particu- `hrs address Aylmer Double llylimler Wall Pump of a single case where the INFORMATION WANTED sulmfey spmen, ` Nantyr, Geneml Agent. ;@L% We must congratulate the Old Boys workers on the success of their under- taking. They did remarkably well con- sidering the short time since their organ- iution. `Soft nutty nished White.B1ankets at good W ' .$2. 75 Blankets for $2. 25. The best $3 g have the nicest blankets made than regular. `in Canada and our prices are lower by 20 1'01` Wm- elght with fancy bowlers. l3<'f~1`}l rade and extra large size for 8}? 50. F 1]?` l $3.50 grade will be sold this week only at $2 90. $4 00 Blankets for .>`-'3.25- uuuu umon Urey Mannels for l2c. Keglllar 1500 11:1 ~ - ; for 15c. Extra heavy, plain or twill in lioht or dark. for 0c. Extra ne Chamblay Flannels worth 30c for 25c. D jjjgg ;.._____ 54 inch heavy Frieze in Grey, Browi_I_ 01' BIN`? _ worth $125 a yard. Special line at A10. S*'0tt" Tweed Suitings, 58 inch. in all colors and patterns. $1 line out to 7 5c, ->1 `-35 .`-'W`` for $1 a vd. Black Silk and Wool Crepons. rich designs of raised silk t1g_;u1-es. lllglj class. goods, no two alike. Cut prices. $1 grade for 75c, $125 gradefo1' 90, b_1~ 40 quality for $1.25 Black and Colored all wool Homespun Cnevoits and Sergos ot new and fancy weaves. Shrunk goods fast colors. 'All the new 750 goods I01` 606 =1 .\"1- All wool Sergesm all colors, heavier and better th_an-regular 25c ; All stylisll luff materials of all kinds and everything In linings and trimmings are lxeaper ln`I`=` *5 .. 10 t0"30 per cent. than you generally nay. I].\'l"Es, J. C. I.E?.VVIN' 75c 7 5c. mm: Good Union Grey Flannels for 12:50. Regular `. .0c :u11n-l.~ for 15:2- F.xrtm_ hnmm n1on M. hum :.. 1;,.,.+ A!` .1m~L- ~52- `No new name will be added to the Subscription [t until the monev ie paid. Ilbleribere now in arrears for three uronthe and` everwlll be charged $I.qo per annum WUFDICII SE01 15 for 45. LADIES~]ACKETS-Biggest stock outside -the cities and lowest prices m Canada. Sample 00d: of latest Itvles no two ahke and P"'5 x.5o to $9 _below retail prices. _$3-75 jackets $1 v 5 00 Jacke_ta $3.5c. $7.50 Jackets $5. 5' J3 *3 '50. $15 Jackets sxo, $20 Jackets SU- HOSE--Weare without a doubt the cheaP5` house in the trade for Hosiery. Cashmere house at 18 a. air. 10 Cashmere hose 25c. 35c plam or rubbed English. hose. extra long at 28c. Tb` best we grades for 34.c. extra English hose In ' lain or nbbed. always sold at soc, we cut to 43- ovs' ironclade hose, extra strong. at 20: an. asce -Boys oc worsted stockings for 375$ Be worsted stoc 'ngs made. strongest hose for bOV5v are for ; cc. SAMPLE capns-Beauuhmy Braided and T Beaded and fur trimmed at 25 per cent. _discounts: .You throw monev away if you buy without see in: they Jackets and Caper Sam ljel at 30 per ceht. .counts. _ M555 ' derclotgninpdaox. shirts an. ties, ladnes shawl; handlnarchnefs, clouds. fascinators. 1109? V and pans}: 3n nil `rnnlnu IIKSIIIIKUIUIIIGES, UIOIHII. IBSCI and col-se_ts m all `makes. \ KID GIs.0VES--Pen-ins & _Iaunt's celebrated 8lV8- MW stvles and shades in warranted N .80d3~ $1 gloves often old at $1.25. Good 1 gloves at 59c, 60c and 75c worth 25 a pair more 25: Cashmerg gloves at me. >6 ' V 1 (I .y_..... T `inn: OLD Bos5 Eionsion. . Bertie did well in the way of wel- ooming the Old Boys and we are sure the excnreionists were weil satisfied" with the welcome they received. The `throngs of people who encircled the plntform at the Gore evidenced the interest in the occasion. pnuuu. wzsuzv. PROPRIETOR )1 per 25; .V4'avamce.% II Published from the Oicc, :23 Dunlop Street ` ' Barrio. in the County of Simcoe. the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada. every Thursday Morning, by ..m'"'.:'n:::s%i:r:::.:::;*JsE `"9 Iflgllu All _gl.... 4...... I\-2I.. _..--..; 6.--)--- THE NORTHERN AovA`N: J; Frank. Jackson, QEVUI , idd-'II.I the fair Alum sumles pnuuv -n-- ----- -uv- nun-vu -uvu-unv- 9DI.ilvg All other trains Daily except Sunday. lttlililiaalua-I up nononuoso-1 -rc-w-nwnvu V BARRIE T0 ALLANDALB. 1.3:'u.m., 7.56 a.m., 9.37 a..m.. Tn.x5'a..m., 1.26 .n., 3.13 p.m., 5.27 p.m.. 8.oo p.m. ALLANDALB 'ro. muuuz. 7.50 1.111., 11.10 a..m.. 11.35 a.m., 12.58 p.m., , p.m.. 5.32 39,111., 7.55 p.m.. 9.09 p.m. GKAVISNIIUKBI dz nunxn nan. . 3 88 mm. Mail. ` 5.87-p.m. .08 p.m. *Atlantic:& Pacic Ex. 1.26 pm. .09 North `Bay Mixed. 7.31 mm. Gravanhurst mixed (south onl )`9.31 " COLLINGWOOD EMEA ORD. T1 .15 Ian. Mail. - 5.32 pan. .00 pan. Ex teas. _ 7.55 mm. PEN TANG. IIJB I.'.In. Accommodatjon. 5.38 pm." I. pan. Accommodatson. 7.553.331. ALLANDALE & BARRIE SECTION. ELI! R [It `I'D ALLANDALB. `.07 mm. 801. $18 pan. Munkoka. Express 18.58 p,rn. A - Muskoka. Expqeu ` 1.88 p.n1.. 1.36 pm: `Atlantic 82 Pacific Ex. 8.03 pm. The evening Express leaves Toronto at 5.10 HAMILTON. `.31 `am! 3` P088. pm: .83 p.111. ail. 11.38 mm. .-.nAI1u\1t1nncrl\ I. \'r\lI'l"l.l RAV "rninoleave Barrie tor sud Iftivt ndumontioned places as follows : -np\l\ t\\V0lIt'\ A 8 Page 48 columni Newspaper. ' IARRIE RMLWAY GUIDE. Mam or PIJBTRMTS. `runs or Sunscmpfxou. "13onRoN'ro UI\\JLV LU Ex ten -21 "tun, , 7.58 pan. 11983 `cmo IQ- It on In the evening at `theOpera House, which `yes cro`v@ed~ iith,0id *Bcyc,*and` citizens of `Barrie and vicinity, _' the Doctor made what he said was his third and positively last appearance that `day and here again he "made a -speech which pleased` everyone. IRON, ' nu _ .. V- -_.v ------ - vv-v-I -_I-II-IIII Uullllls llllll -in turn. The seats in the schools in those days were rough-hewn planks, supported by stakes driven into the logs around the wells of the building. De- `oeased was born in the city of Carl: on St. Patrick's Day, was christened Pet- riok, and left Ireland in the ship St. Patriok._ ' o a ` . . --Orllflo and Shayne: Fol":-`i are now over; -Alliltonh to-day and tomorrow sud. Elm- V_l-1_0'l__ItIl't l nox.I l:l(_unA_dsTy.j. . L , GUERNSEYS LEAD. The Guerneeys still maintain their lead in the Pan-American model dairy, and it is generally conceded that they will win the butter--fat test unless some accident befall them. For the week ending September 10th the standing of the .herds was as follows :- Guernseys . . . . . . . . . . .. .87 35 Jerseys... . . . . . 729 Holsteins . . . . . . 7 13 A Ay'rshires.......` . . . . .. 6 35 Red Polls.........-- ..... ..6l5 BrownSwiss..-........... 610 Shorthorn_s............. 5 80 . French Canadian. ._ . . . . . . 5 80 .Pol1ed Jerseys.. . . . . . . .. 5 38 vDutoh 403 ma. following is the standing for the weekending Sept. 17th : . u 7 Guernseys........j....... $7 80 Jerseys..... . ...-. . . . . 736 Holsteins..`...._-. 7 14 _ a o u o o o oeeosquo . 6 .?~&- Iv oesaaocouo '_ At the Orillia Fair on Tuesday, Prof. Mills, of Guelph Agricultural A College, gave a most practical address to the farmers. He strongly, urged them to substitute dairying and breeding of cattle in lieu of the continual cropping, of the soil. He also urged upon them the importance of attending the Model Farm for a period of two weeks, begin- ning Jan. 8, when classes will be form- ed under capable, instructors, for the judging of horses, cattle, sheep and swine. i T ' Patrick ,Ioseph,Downey one of the old pioneer school teachers of` that sec- tion of Ontario around Guelph, died at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. C. 0. Collins, in Renfrew, on Saturday, aged 81 years. "Mr. Downey began teaching in Adjela Township, Simcoe County, in'l842. He came to Era-p moss Township a few years later,` and afterwards to Guelph. WhenMr Dow- ney began teaching it was the custom for the teachers to board at the homes of the children, each family taking him do: Ian:-n Tho angina -3-. 6|... _-L_`-I.. :.._ There, seems to be general dissatisfac- tion at the sehting"ol N ov. 28th as Thanksgiving Day. In thelirst place it comes too close to and then it is at a time of `year it is impos- sible to enjoy one s self out-of-doors. It would have been far better to have had Thanksgiving Day in October, when people could have enjoyed a good holiday. ' Mr. Herhert 'VI..ienn`ox s speech on _Thursday_ was one of `those gems of brevity that take With auvsudience, especially in `standing one. V It was short and bright and `showed not only appreciation of Ban-ie s welcome but the spirit of the days--looking for a good time. . V " i i EDITORIAL NOTES. ` , Remember Rosa is again the ory. As if Mr. Joseph Ohemberlain, Lord Salisbury and others with {whom the Hon. G. left his card could ever forget such an Imperial wonder.4--To- ronto Telegram. V A campaign would not be ooniplete. without him'and in the ooming elelotion contest he will he heard from `in the Conservative interesta. We hope that Barrie people will have an opportunity of hearing Dr. Neabitt in the Centre Simooe campaign. They were pleased with his non-political addressee andwe are -condent that they would bejuat an pleased with his apeeohee on the great issues of the day. l As we said before it is a task for a political speaker ` to ma-kelthree non-. political speeches in one day such as Dr. Neshittv made; And'Dr. Nesbttt is one of the leading public men- of To ronto. His position as Vice-President of the Ontario Liberal Conservative Association shows how valued he is._ vvvu nnvnl IOIIOIOIQII ~ Shorthornu . . . . . . . . . .' . Brown Swiss. . . 5. . . . .. French Oangdisna .- . ._ . ; . 0 o 0 0 0 u 9.0- Dutsl: B"el~t;lu._: . . . OLD ABJALA TE Acame DEAD. cool-qooooooo no ooioouoooo 010:: orooooou o-ooooooguo O~'OII OIQIOOIO Ldivlilll.-.._....o.~ Y. 01 i c.u.o ._o . > ' N I_I\Q.OIlOOIOO. 713 635 615 680 -onA 7ITICT IT Tlti CI II uuu 'r"u1r: . w u ~ 233. ! :`a .!'...'t;....'.. ...'...`~`...'."`'., `Z';...'3"..`." Z..;"}.~.. On Mondav Mr. Arthur Bowen, formerly of this town, did at Fernie, B. 0. He was about 45 years of a e and camehere a num ber of years ago. e was a member. of the L0. F. He left. Barrie about a year and a half ago. V He leaves a widow and two. child- ren in-Barrie. We are glad to say, however, that the Doctor proved himself ospsble oi the task and every address was re- ;..oolved~with general sstifaotion. `In the gbmorning his Old Bovs e address was as oppy one combining pleasant reminis- proise, good fellowship and hope- : . 7 Dr. Nesbitt hssnn nttrsotive f V A and .5 magnetic volos while I 1 iieljllilevsndienoe inV"th'e. .. p._..%,_ x_' . Order new and get the beat Anthricite Coda. Stove Egg T and Nut; gnd have it delivered at any time it suits vou. now.` or in the "winter. [Offices at A. Mor- ren'e. V.S.. 62` Collier street. Barrie. and B. Parker's Livery. Allandale. . V A 32- UTIUIDD I`l'II\|Vl I'0l' Idlo UEIIIU OI CUB IIUITII IIEIK of lot :4. con. 4.'Inmel containing zoo acres m_oro or less. aicree clog and under cultivatson. Good ' dingo and-well watered. or-further par- ticulare up ly to MISS M. B.AJOI-INSTON. 3-1` the ; _ I ; PA` on Illllfy `or m lntallmut UIKII. or WOUIIH I fell `town. Permanent .'i.II- 1 000% W90! for spare time. Mann tutor. Box 78, Ph phh. - "u`>'Z"3T.'nE:YIu".T2C5jo.I..`'3 53%}? the` mm of October. ' T VVIJV IIIIU IVIII UIIW \JUUIIIiy- On motion of Mr. Quinlan. seconded; by Mr. Ra.ikes--'I`he two grants of $50 each, mode to improve given road across the sixth concession of Veapra, known as Elizabeth street. west, were renewed. n.. .......o:.... ..c M- n`....-- V-..;_-...:-.1 I.-- It- uvnvvu vvvuv, WGLU avuuvvcu. On motion of Mr. Bi'uce,"seconded by Mr. ,Bell-The account of the Victoria Indus- trial School for maintenance of boys com- mitled from the County of Simcoe for the quarter ending June 30th, .1901, amounting to $263.14, was ordered to be paid. - Thu I `.nnnnH fllnn nn:nrII\nAt` no-n=` O-`\ 1:` `ALL u_igheu_ cub price id for Endowment; Insurance Pohcnee, an reliable ompnniee or money loaned 'I|nrAnn. Annlv ' [THE "ADvANcr-:." `PARKER ax Monnsws A * ENDQWMENT INSURANCE POICIES. We are sure next year the Old Boys excursion will be even greater in. success. Their organization should be so much better by that time that a. larger num- ber of people would undoubtedly attend - the reunion, which has been arranged to be held at Orillis, which place we are sure will extend them just us hearty- ; welcome as Barrie gave them.- o uuuu uuvu 12;-uuvv uu tunu u ulilb IIIUIU. The By-Law was put through its three readmga.` nit 'i|l\`:AIn _` n T.._.- ..-..-...J-.1 L_ I`. I ulna. .1 On motion of Mr. J upp. seconded by Mr. Harvie-~ George A. Cole, of Orillia, we: ap- pointed on the Board of Examiners for the County of Simcoe in place of W. J. Sparks, who has left the County. ' . . n... .......s:..... ..c mt- n..:..1.._ ----_T.1-.1Vn__- nlwu. I On motion of Mr. Jupp,` seconded Mr. Hammell-Ordered, that in case the Muni- cipal Council of the Township of Nottawa- saga should refuse to meet this Council to confer respecting the Equalization of Assess- ment of Nottawasaga on or.before the 14th day of October, that the =Countv Solicitors be and are hereby instructed to take the necessary steps to prohibit the County Judge from proceeding with the hearin of the ap- peal of the said Township of_ ottawasaga against such Equalization, and that leave be granted to introduce By-Law herewith, and that such By-Law be read a first time. i Thn nII-'.nID Inna -ulnh O-Luann;-L :4... ;L.._- XVIII-lU'O Moved by Mr. Fraser seconded by Mr. Graham. in amendpment-That` the Council of _t-he Township of Nottawasaga be invited to meet this Council to confer at its next regular meeting concerning the Equalization of the Assessment of the said Township with a view to the termination of the present ex- pensive legal proceedingsand the amicable adjustment of the differences between the Township and County and meet the, Council instruct its solicitors to consent tonall pro- ceedings in Who appeal of Nottawasaga _ againstits e ualization to stand, should the Council of ottawasaga express themselves as desirous of meeting this Council for above purposes. Lost." T v ` Yeas-Messrs. Fraser and Graham-2. Nays--Messrs. Bruce, Bell. Brackenridee, Campbell, Harvey, Hammell. J upp, Mur- phy,Quinlan_, Raikes, Ruby, Thorpe, White- sides-l3. fDL_ -__._2._-1 _-__.,-, .I - I . ']`3l,x:;:i.gina1 motion was then put and car- ried. T V unvvllv Jill: .ll.I|rIU'e It was moved by Mr. Bruce, seconded by Mr. Murphy, that the Reeve and Municipal Council of. the Township of Nottawasaga be invited to meet this council to confer con- cerning the equalization of the assessment of the said township with a view to the termi- nation of the present expensive legal pro- ceedings and the amicable adjustment of the dierences between the Township and the County. M.......! I... M- 1:1 _ . _ . _ _ . . -_:-s L It naval MIIVWDIVU IVII ` ' One of theooinmunioations received was from Goaler Stssons saying that the roof of {the goal was bad ; that the wall in the wo- man's yard was giving way ; that a hot wa- ter attachment was needed for the bath-room ._and_ also a better and safer system` of heating the centre of the goal and woman's depart- ment. ` ' - V. The meeting of tide Council was concluded on Friday, when all members were present except Mr. Kitley. Ir nynn Inni-mural` Liv - 1 ----- --A`-"-- `*-` .__r____._~ .. -.-cu uvaaao This report dealt with a communication from Dr. Chamberlain, Provincial Inspector of `Prisons. in reference to the accomodation . aorded by Barrie goal. The committee had looked thoroughly into the matter and had found that there was plenty of accomo- dation- J.`be residential part had been tted up to the satisfaction of the goaler. The prisoners cells were suioiently accomodating for a number of years to -come. Before the present holder of the position of goaler had taken charge, there was no objection raised and his predecessor- s books showed that as many aee50 to. 60 inmates had been in there at one time. At the present time. there are only 11 inmates, male and female and there was accomodaticn for. at least 24 without interfering with the residential portion. The report said that it plainly pointed out that there waesome meddling influence from outside and that the improvements were wholly uncalled for. ' `Inn A` 51.4 4--d......-..!-_.'! , I 0 _|_ Frawloy 1% Moore, Sale Local Agent. ' When thev left the Opera House" at night and went to the station they must have felt that they had thoroughly enjoyed themselves. ' psun-us FARM FOR SALE. L CHOICE FARM for sale. being of the north half :5 Inf nu, non. Aflnninl, aantninhso Inn nets: Inn:-A EIWCII Wright in the chair and all members present except Messrs Quinlan and Kitley. The minutes of the last day of the J une session were read and conrmed and several com- The session was held at night, Warden municatione referred _to their respective Committees}; The Committee on County Property made a lengthy report which was edopted. s . l'II\\'I'\'l lIII(s\? Au. 1-... .44 ._ -spnomn .u1n1'i1~IG or il'HE The Couatv it anxious that as little more mon_ey"be waited over the Nottavalaga Aa- eeeement appeal as possible. With a view to an early settlement a special meeting of the Countvi Council was called for lent Thursdays. when it was `decided to ask for a contelfeuce of the two parties to the euit and in one of refusal that the County eolicitore be ilnetructed to take steps to quash the ap- nea . 923; j DEATH OF MR. ARTHUR BOWEN. Cheap Coal. men CIIII price :3, in II. Apply x 1-Iv DR. BEATTIE Nsisamr. . For a political speaker to speak on. three occasions on the same day to such large crowdsas were in Barrie last Thursday and not once make a` reference of political signicance is a harder matter than some people imagine. It was no easy task for Dr. Nesbict make speeches such as he was called . upon to make without} some political reference. - ~ V A , FOR CHEAP COAL GO `TO mm NOTTAWASAGA APPEAL Aovl-:n1'Is IN CONDITION or ran GOAL. Kalil Jul Aauuuwulullll. nuuunuwu yompnnies o`. H. Lxgu . Box 103 Bgrrio '! Advenisa in mi Anvnuctm The Old Boys were satised that the Fair showed great iinprovexnent and Viwsre pleaaedto see the work begun on the half-mile track. which promises to make the grounds as good as any Agri- onltursl Society s, while the prospects are good for a racing meet.