Miss Linamy ret;1rned to her h(oi(ne' in St. Louis` after spending the` summer here. _Mise MeKinnon, of Atherly, is spen- ding some time with her sister Mre._W. A. Parliment. Mia; Millie Hm is visiting he: {go- tiher, Mr. J amen Hart, Muakoka Fells. V Miss Mery Brooke returned home after visiting in Steyner for some time. Mrs. Watson, of Toronto; isspending some time with her daughter, Mrs J 01111. Ssndfarson. V Mister `Oscar Hart spent Sunday with his Grpnd-parents Mr. and Mrs. Thou. Hart. M is: Aii;; ;To?;;;;;-3;: 6 guest of Hawthorn Villa. ' -T A Mrs. S. Arthur, of Barrie, visited her` friends here last week. Dr. and Mrs. `Caldwell are vieitihg friends in Dalston this week. ' Miss Swan, of Durham county,` in visiting with Mrs. J. Wright and Mrs. [ Wm. Browp. ` Mr. Fred Fell` returned liome, after } visiting friends in Orillia and Rugby. `till! Mina Be.rtha Clarfki -returned home well planned` with her visit` at Vasey and Ebenezer recently. j A Nat invisible but nearly so. Th? can be made up with either solid n` and` CHAA Ia.-an-4:335`; I3 Itd The soil: gol , old lled (warranted to years), orni el trimmings. i They are not expensive. V 4 We ad 'ust themes) that they are perf y adapted to the features. Are Fashionable XVIUIEOII . . . o Veal per lb. D. H. MacLl_\_EN, -!___4;:g- vA__4u whitbooosocno - _Wheat,redw..... .... 1pl'lng.......... % i`{.'.`7? f T `T co`w Hides- l`a.I6'.|.... _. cOW'Hid8... Ittcutovooon I o c u on 0 0-coco IP00-IIIlIO'I-IO`! ' Tallow m-.r III . . . . . , 4 , V , V V II'O.-..IIIO'I-COD Tallow per1b......................; Horse Hairpcr lb......T............ Sheepskins.........._ pemrloooooooooooco I I I O O I lO{DIIUC.C ICC-COO! FALL BOOTS& SHOES .I4alnl.1............ pioooooocumuoooon rLive Hogs, selections x7otoaoo.... It "' lightO`fh%.Vyu-....... Chickens perpair.................. G perlbIIOCIl..OIICC'OCICQ'.. Turkeys,pebIUICIOOIDCC'IIOIOOIOO Ducks,r 'r..................... Butter, ol,petlb..............`... 12"-.. 'I"..I.. _.... 1|. IJIICKS, I" |'..u...............-a golf? lb. . ` Bllttf, Tub. pal lbno 00000 n no lb!OOOIICIIIOOOIOOOICCIOIII Eggsper doz....'.. ........ ...... Apples. pen-peck. .. .......... Plums per basket... Apples per barrel.... ....... Potatoes.perbag'..... Hav nar mn. . . _ . _ _ _ _ , , FDKSIOBS. mgggnoooortrrvuoutut 0--coco-ggggggnolounon WOO ,WashedpeI'lbn............-.' `& ::h..$;"p 1:%:3I`!i:::::::::::: Wood, .ttt.. percord........`....... Anthracite coal, per ton............ Rimless Glasses B00`, I|l|I.lKel`-8... . so 0 - 0-Iu-I':oo`'-C.o Beef; hi:qll8fI0l`8........ on'oo 6 nova`: Mutt0n.. oooooooauonwaooooounnvaqo T-"ml. _.--g--.-. cc. meant:ulooooogulullllcacun00000..` IOOOOIIIIIQIOOIQO oooul O0 BilckWh98t..'........-`nu. >OIOIOl .9 DAQ Q- |ifKu{-.-0" Bark?" / :5. 9`/' `K... -,`- PO8I0........... OIIIgQ.g.Q IOIOOIOQu onououoclooonooononnoao Rnr}ev____g_e_,,/, A . , , . ,. ,, - Scientific Optician,` Mncl.AREN'S onuc. stunt. BARBIE.` no P1-Ice`: Bu.nn' ` '_-1p" the ,Ba.n-1, e and` A '1'oz-onto Msrlieta Dunne the Weak. Next Sunday afternoon at 1.30 o'clock, S. S. will hold their Rally Ser- vioe and Mr. Booth, of Barrie, will occupy the pulpit in the evening. Toronto Farmers Markets. TORONTO. Sun. 24. I901. .Whifc........-nun.-....u s 60 tedwu... ooooonoocooon-..n ' M..- W ! Shantv Bav.` Advance Correspondence. cl 0 A pan. o 4m`mms . GINIIAL P&0DUC3o 4 6 go.... . 3' 25' T Fairvlew. Advance Correspondence. Miss Winnie Hook spent ' last week lender the parental roof. T 1 Q-. vs! 45 47 l (I) 45 an ._ vv um nu ma xa.morn-n were were few- or fasted calves `there would be fewer pro- l."".."i".t"*.? i` 3m,` 3? Thirty days was also chosen in pre- ference to the payment of $1.00 and costs by Peter Du` at the same sitting ` of the Police Court. His arrest on Monday night caused a lively time. He . was toldto move on by P. C`. Penton, who saw him drunk at the corner of `Elizabeth and Toronto streets. -Du' refused and Mr. Penton put the `hand- cuffs on him, with one side fastened to his own wrist. ' Even then the prisoner I could not be taken to jail, but `endeavors ' ed to lead the constable` around. After ` sometime the constable called on a by ' stander to assist him. ,The latter ad- vised Dn` to go peaceably, which he did. jMr. Penton s- hat had fallen off on` Eliubeth street, and when he re `turned for it he found it out up by some lnilhhinwnnn: hr-Inn -_----can av. nil `IV JUI mischievous boys. It would have been better for John Balf if the had gone to jail last Satur- day instead of having 812.7 0- paid for his release. As it is he is now in jail for 30 days. On Monday he was found drunk and incapable, and was sentenc- ed on Tuesday to $1.00 and costs or the above mentioned alternative. This department has attained very high prestige under the management of Miss Murphy, whose `ability to turn out garments bearing the impress of high class workmanship, taste and fashion, is well known. Leave your order in good time. ` A `Alli departments of our large premises will be fully stocked durinrr this week _Men s.and Boy s Clothmg, 'Men s and Boy s Underwear, Carpets anc1DOil Cloths, Flanhels and Cotton Goods -white and Gre Blankets G10 1 ' . . ' H ` 5" \ Ladles Fall Coats and Sill: ,Wnini-.5: Qnnnr-ol'nyQ1r:v-I-a .....a TT.. ,1:(?.S:,nf1E)( Osm) A few words on Dress Goods. Our stock is now about complete. _T}1. materials are those which experience has taught us are best needed to tllere. quirements of Ladies of this vicinity. N 0 store in Canada can give better value forthe money. Our stock consists chiey of Scotch Tweeds, English r.`,.i"m Canadian Suitings, French Serges, Cashmeres, Covert Cloths, C ! . . V . . h`3V0it8. etc. All priced at quick selling gures. The onhiveraery serviceeof the Meth- odist Cburohewill be held on the 13th and 14th of October. . The Central -Simcoe Exhibition is bfaing held in Barrie on the same dates. as our Millinery Opening. Come and see both. We will be pleased to see you, FRAWLEY & DEVLIN, unsurpassed 'for style and artistic merit by any similiar display by the ,,[.m cities. We would impress on the minds of our friends the izI1pn1'tantbf'-r1c,t~'er connection with this Millmery opening that all Hats on view are desinml vs our own Milliner, Miss Wright, and executed in our own rooms by`dur ow`? sta`. All orders with which we may be favored will receive the-same care anill attention as is here in evidence. On this occasion, as on past ones, every effort; will` be made by ( artists to prepare for your pleasure and satisfaction, and criticislii "display of b ' and following days, to which we take pleasure in tendering to the T... Gentlemen of the County of Simcoe a hearty welcome. Tuesday, September 24th, Specialnnouncemil ......v...~. uuu vuuuuu uuuun,- wuuu uuu Urey DlaIlKe13S Ur1oves,an< iies Fall Coats and Silk Wgists, Separate Ski;-ts and Undenwear. V Mr. Wm. Bloxham spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. `S. Mason, Van Vlack. _ 0UR%PAI.L MILLINERY RECEPTION urleadership in Clothing TEIBTY DAYS EAE. FRONT STREET. BARRIE- ' Opposite G.T.R. `Station and Post Ofce. Coon Skin Coats are a specialty this year with us. Get our prices before bu 3/- - dug. We can save you money. Our stock of Winter Underwear is new complete. You can save 1 money by buying your supply at the Men s Store. Measure this store s success by the wonderful growth of itslclothingbusiness. By insisting on having the best styles and qualities, and enough I of ' them to` meet every possible demand, besides seeing to.it that every bit of T extravagance is taken out of our prices, we have gained a leadership that knows no close second. N 0 need to accept our statement for that fact. Look around and make your own comparisons. And remember buyers at this store may have money refunded if their purchase does not prove satisfactory. ` ' NEW FALL TRIMMED MILLINERY DRESS MAKING DEPARTMENT. Mr. R. Ferguson and family intend moving to Cartwright about lat Oct. loving purchased his fsther s farm. Mr. Ferguson has a very promising family, then of them have passed the entrance examination and one the P.S.leaving. We will miss them in our social circles; we will miss them as neighbors for he was ever ready at all hours to lend a helping hand` to any neighbor who called 1 upon him.` But we trust that our loss will `be a gain to the neighborhood where he intends to reside and we are sure he and hisfamily carry with them the best wishes of their neighbors in Innisl for their future. prosperity. THE DOUBLE STORES The clothlers, Barrie. DRESS GOODS. Will be held this season on R0, vm?Th0 edition in I are Canodi `*--do-._._____ 0'1"r on Fd:*.WA CITIZEN S SPECI `V 'SP- 90th. the Ottawa ho di N number in AL ` Citizen .-u.ulLVLl.Jl IEALIV, \I\l.l- sun: It was the original intention Of directors of the Elmvale Fair to exhlm `on Oct. 8, 9, 10. However. `"g to ' the Royal Reception in Toronto `hey have changed the date to Mondi uTnesdey and Wednesday. 00 7' 8 `nil. We. thank the directors for t;_r kind invitation to be present. _Th will -without doubt keep up "'9 3 ..-_. _- L r6;3i:cJci3B'SE rJ{n3e yr. On Saturday the arches were still under the charge of the carpenters and outsiders who do not read the AnvANE wondered if they were being built In honor of the Duke of York and C0111 well. Citizens who answered the q}16' tion replied according to their incl1ns- tion. Many told the whole truth but some told part of the truth and said 0119 ! DUKE or YORK comma HERE. Dnke was coming. ,And so he is. is expected to pass through here on Oct. 10th, and the town should 183" the arches standing until after that plate.` - ELMVALE FAIR,` 001%. 7th. 8th- 9` I Llm TMiss Annie Srigley is attending the Barrie_ Collegiate Institute. nniunin` 26 I our Millinery 1 if you will,a 6, 1961. Ladies and M:-.'snd Mrs. Cha. Dyer visited friends at Stroud last wekf L We are pleased` to know that our Ieacher Mr. R. Little has been re- engaged for next year. Mr.` Little has given good eetiefaotion during the six years he has been here and the trustees` have shown their appreciation of his services inengeging him for next year. -nu-`-5 an Mrs. Nook arid her 110;, of Colorado who are spending a few months with theirfriende inthis part'of the country -were visiting with her oouein`Mrs. R. J.'Hill, for a few days. Anniverenry. services will be held in Bethesda church on Sabbath 6th Oct. and n fowl en pper will be served on the foliowing Sunday evening. . in 4 pm- The faruiers in this neighborhood have nished their fall wheat seeding. Nearly all was sown between . the 8th and 13th inst. ' `The Misses Gardiner from Virginia were visiting at Mr. Wm. Sooc_Is's and Mr. G. Sharpe`: for the last few weeks. K111y1eagn.- , ` Advance Correspondence." _ V Wm. Fester and family have moved` to Barrie where he has to undergo an operation in the hospital. F'ra \N|ey 8: Moore LAI':|Es'% DEPT. { Holly. Advance Correspondence. air worth $2. 75-M en's nw (Wall 't)..I.;..u._..`I .......l.. FOR MEN, WOMEN TAN'D`C|-IAILDREN W3-"I-*0 Sim: '--r-- for selected stock, warranted all solid leather soles, insoles, made with heavy and medium sole extension, very ' dressy style, `strictly up-to-date, sizes 6 to 11 e _ Men's Strong Lace Boots, bellows tongue, N o. 1 cow hide, stock warranted, solid and waterproof extra wide soles, sizes a 6 to 11. special value . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I Men s Strong Lace Boot, bellows tongue, ` solid soles, good plow boot, ` sizes 6 to ' -11, special....`.. 1 Men's Long Boots, square to , warranted solid counters and sales. 0. 1 lzrade of stock, sizes 6 to 11, special price; . . I We are showin a com lete variety of Boys, and Gir s, suite for everyday ' wear that discounts any value you "have 4 ever seen even here. Come _ands_eefo_r 'y`_ourse1_f-you lI be just as welcoxnelas V though you are buying.-l _ ` ` 4 ` Mr. and Mrs. Reid,'Mile;ono,`8p,ent `Tuesday at A. Johnstonej. Miss'Eie and Mustetf ice McCann,' spent. Saturday at Silverdale. ' -7 U Mr. and Mrs. Geo. "Young roturned from their honeymoon `to the Pan- American, on fhuraday last. ' Mrs. J. Johnston returned to her home in Ontario, on Tuesday ; she is greatly pleased `with this part of country. ~ ' Mrs; J'as. Marlin, of T6r6WI;1:O, is the guest of her sister Mrs. J. MoDermott. - I-Iain`. `Orr rgnd W. A. Hookridgh spent Sunday in Allandale. . Ha:-t.forvd gnd Miss` Lennoi, of Barrio, spent Sunday at home. L J .'-Hinds, of Golwell, visited Jno.3 Bishop lags week. Ilenb: n Johnson spent. Sunday in Churchill, - - ` Geo`. arid Miss Nellie Hart avpenti Sunday in Angus. " `Mrs. W. Gill returned to Toronto on % Saturday. T ' Mr. T. Kl,do, of Ba.rrio,. who is 'ueaoh- ing here, intends leaving `in order to [attend -the school of Pedagogy at Hamilton`. T ' tax`:- The wind `v=oAf`last_week did consider- able damage so fences and fruit trees around the Point. Mrs. I-Ienrv Mayor who has Been` visiting her sister Mrs. Cotter, Roches car has returned home. . \ , ow- -u--up -vvunu-lv\a IJ\lll-lUo- 1 Mr. Elgin Vernon, of Toronto, Ema n returned home after spending a month with friends here and at-Shroud. ladies Choice Dongola Kid Button - and LaceBoots, kid. tip, heavy exten- sion sole, natty shape, sizes 2} to 7, good value at $1.75, special . . . . . . . ...$1 35 i llmlies . Choice Box Calf Bulmoral toe . , cap. extra -heavy sole, warranted solid, ` ' > suitable Walking style, serviceable, very stylish, sizes 2; to 7, special value" 1 65 . Indies Vici "Kid Lace Boot. toe cap, ' ". j extra heavy extension sole, with all - _ the style ot a $4 shoe, dressy street 'A gvelking boot, special.` . . . . . . . . . . . .2 50 Kid Slippers, hand turned sole, . ' _y_e;v'comtortable dressy -_sty_le, sizes 2; `~ .7, worthV.;8l.25, special.`. .. . .` ,.. 1 _00_ ; M+:N-s:D:P'r. T Mr. George. Fletcher. itiatiliilliicino, and Mrs. Samuel Solomon, of Sbelburne, visited their aunt Mrs. Geo. Reid last week. Mrs. Whittaker ond daughter, Chris sie, of Toronto, are visitors at Mr. H. B. _ Arman-ong s._ " ` Miss. Jenn'i'e Billie; has returned home from Toronto, `-where she was `visiting a_ few weeks. V Most of 'the farmers around here have nished seeding and are preparing for 1 the Bar1fie'Fair. ` Mien . Myrtle Guest, af Barrie, was i visiting at her aunt's, Mrs. J. Soules, * last Sunday. Mrs. Kemp, of su-and, is the guest `of Mr. Geo. Reid. . Mr. Fehnell s new bri<`:k house is pro- ceeding-along rapidly`. ` Miss Annie Cook is visiting Mrs. John Soulea. _ mg Bay -Point. _ Advance Canapondqncg. Miss Ida Cook is viaitihg friends at ` Midland. . ' Grentel. __ Advance M Correspondence. Harl Marshall spent Sunday in Bax- Yellow Grass." Assa. Advance Correspondence. 110 VEALL mms IN smoom. , i Orillia. ...` .... . . . . . . . . . . .Sept 30-Oct. 2 StaynerV.................; .... ....Oob. 1-2 A.lliu_ton.' .... ..... ...'...A.. 3.4 Gp1dwa_t`qr..L.%.._,...;,V.;,...'.;.,.v. "[3-4` :3; AV 5 V.;.-`._.:s'.3A._.Au.-.; . uj. 8-49 %?;?,g4V;;*e+1Qj _.- _.'.---v-_ -J van`... o-gun. `After visiting the .Pan-Xlrlerioaln at Buhlo andlfriends in'.|.`oronto Mr. and` Mrs. Allan will make` their home in 1 Churchill where Mr. Allan has buainea ` Aint._erests.. ~ [ . .-ur wu -,v can The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Campbell, Court street, Port Arthur, was the scene of a very pretty wedding this morning when. their second daugh- ter Mies Florence, and Mr. GarvinO. Allan, son of Mr. John Allan, of Churchill, Ont., were married by Rev. 8. 0. Murray in St. Paul's Church, in. the presence of a few immediate_ friends. The bride was assisted by her sister Edyth and the bride groom by his brother Dr. F. Barclay Allan, .B.A., of Toronto University, Toronto. After congratulations and a dejeuner Mr. and Mrs- Allan drove to; the Manitoba, accompaniedby their friends.` - " A IA-.. _!_L2_.._ LL. `'1, ,- A _ L The following is taken from the Fort William Daily Times-Journal, of Sept.- 18:11 :- ` FIVL- ._-_S.l-_-_ _a- It I If `I'I'I On Sunday last anniversary and har- vest thanksgiving services were held in, St. George s church. Rev. Rural Dean Teney, of Craighurst, preaching both morning and evening. In the morning there, was a very good congregation present, who listened to a very able discourse by the rev. gentleman. Dur- ing the taking up of the offertory Miss Westney and Miss Little sang in ex- cellent style. In the eveningRev. Mr. Teney preached from the following words :--While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night `shall not cease."--"Genesis, 8th chap. and 22nd verse. It was an interesting and instructive-_ sermon. The church was appropriately decorated for the occasion-_-small sheaves of cats were tied at the ends of each pew and owers, plants, apples, bouquets, etc., were distributed around the church, which made the church look very nice. H. B. Hardy, who has beeiivisiting `with his brother-in-law, .A. J. Baird, leaves to-marrow for his home in Port Arthur. He will beacoompanied home by his sister, Miss Mabel Hardy, who has been visiting her sister Mrs. Jas. "McMillan. of the Canadian Soo, several weeks. ` . ` \ H An unexpected death occurred in our midst on Tuesday forenoon, when Mrs. O. Walton, who had been ill with typhoid fever, departed this life. Up tothe very morning.ot her death hopes were entertained of her recovery, as ! she was improving very nicely. I` 'I\ l"I' Mr. Wm. Armstrong and Mr. Geo. Urry have been repairing" the defective water mains; aix_ in number, in the 6th ward. Billy says-they have made a `rat,-class job of it. A K V Next Sunday will be Children's Day at the Presbyterian church. A service of a special nature will be- held at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. ` Allandale may be counted` on to con- \ tribute to the bumper houses that Rice and Harvey will likely draw the rest of- this week at the Grand. They are first-class. A` The brickwork of th_e new Presby- terian church was completed last week, and the carpenters [are busy pushing the woodwork along/. V `V `n -- - - _ xrruuru Iuauvureu prunlplly III II qlantlt . gleam-leave your. orders I Q 0 co or Telephone No. 23. Rev. 3. W. Churchill 3:111 cenduct service at the 0:0 Station Methodist e0hutch_ next Sunday evening. V` `I .F\ Mr. `George oamfabeln; wk; has been working on the upper lakes during the summer, has returned to his home here. For Choice Family Flour and all kinds of Feed [to to Wllklnuonh. All orders delivered promptly In any - I . ."':'`}.'Yn$'.'..2.?3 19.3Z1 ;.. ...!E. -. .! _"o`_ g'f' ` ` Mi`. Fred. Adavme has recovered from his recenc i1lneae,'and returned to duty `at the gates on Monday. "I `I TI? 1 Mrs: Geo; Poacher left _on I visit no friends _in NewYork and New Jeraey. ` V better variety of up-to-date styles to choose from, The reputation our shoe stock has established for selling only the better grade of shoes, with is well known to every store purchaser. Our long experience, our thorough knowledge of the shoe business gives to us every advantage opos- aible. We know who are the shoddy boot makers, which is equally as important as the reliable makers, and for this reason you nd, andvhave always found, a bug scarcity of the shoddy low "priced boots and shoes here Only the better qualities are here -tor you and no extravagance gevails in our prices. That is why we can can solicit your patronageand you can afford to y your tootwear here. Here are a few examples of -values. - Vt Rev.Mr. Crow, of Thornton, occu- pied th pulpit of the Presbyterian church on Sunday. mm.` A. MoNabb is visiting mu. lger aiator, Mrs. W. Hunt. . Miss Hamilton, of Rvenshoe, L is visiting with Mr. and. Mrs. A. Riddell. mu: mm` mm 311:. Mr. Simon Gibson: 5.: moved to the Gibson homestead, Holly. Miss E." Rob:na'on. vstrohd, is the gueat of Miss Maggie Scott. U Mrs. Wm. Ar:;:tmn` recovering from an attack of low fever. P Mr. _Joh;: Walker has gone to To- roeto to reside. Mrs. A. Young and two ohildrenare about convalescent. ` V ,Mr.`end Mrs. Goocifellow, bf Barrie`; _ Mr. Jae; Little, Van Vleck ; Mr. Ed- ding and' M-iea Anelev, spent a few days at "Mulberry Place" during the con- ventioneof the Epworth League,` Mid lend, last week. q . T Mrs. L. Webb.-'wo.a viewing friends in Stroud last week. Mil. James Pirie, ar., and family have returned from Chicago; 7 `H (N Ben-le's south-Western Division. with f its Pleasant Streets. its Tastv Dwell- ings. its Pretty Churches.` and its Go- a.-heed People wzll Entioe Settlement -A Weeklv `Record of its Dolnca. ` Mr. Alexander Pirie is on the sick `:4 `wan: RAILWAY amiss or ran . A FUTURE 0I'1_`Y. L ' HYMENEAL. --A. D. Simon : Kalle won second in too 1-mile race at. 't,ho:o$ning of the Toronto oHnnl=01nb - fill me 89" Smrdve o Mr. anti Mrs-. J. Simpson entertained 3 number of friends at a small party. They all had a most enjoyable time. Mr. John Payne and virife are spend- ing a short time at their summer resi- dence The Grange. Mrs. Chas. Philips lei: for her home in Toronto after spending the summer at Sconey Ioyed.~ 3,2 60 r 'ir $2.75-Men's Vigi,Ki_ or 0; Calf Balmorq1, madg