--_. ,-Va-uwvnuunuu EUlVUIh -M'e_thoci-i:I ; Church congregation have r \ F put the water service intothe parsonage. ' i Mu W V D..__..I- ...I_ __ , I 0 . A -- mumm % numxf '1`,El!}'R.AILWAY bmnins div inn` ~ FUTURE orrsr. . ` 'a. J; ' Brown, of Cookstown. spent RV with Bar Isnlvnnlrn K`: n---3 '15-- Advau Cofreapnndenee. Fetgusonvale. Advance correspondence. :A goddlyf nvumbi-V boa:-dad. the train` here `last `Wednesday for the Induatrisl V amqnggt Vwhogn k were Mr. J no. A. J spin-i, dsieg -_ W. 0. .Henry, V; Re:v.. John Power an old Thornton boy,.ocon-pied`thc; Methodist pulpit one Sunday not {cog ago and` preached very` gacoepcably to 3 oongr`egation__ of old a V. < C u..'. 5`: `n n .- GIRLS DEPT. Misses No 1 Oil Peb, Button and Lace boots, toe cap, back strap heel or spring heel, heavy sole, warrant solid, special A . quality, sizes 11 to 2, pair. . . .81 25' Misses `i No. I quality. Box Calf Button Boots, toe cup, hack strap quarter foxed, slip sole, spring heel, regular value $1.75, sizes 11, to 2, pair special . . . . . . . . . . ...`...$l 45 0hild s `Fine one Peb, Lace Beet, toecap, hand made sizes 8 to [10, special.._. , _75c Mr; Hinds and children from iowa have been here renewing old friends for a few weeke and are gone on a similar _trip farther up the G.T.R. `Five of our young folks have gone tql Barrie to attend the Collegiate, viz. ; J es.land_ John Stewnetft, Jimmy Hindle, Tillie Books and Maude Fletcher. Gin-penter work is booming this dea- con, a mechanic canhardly be procured for love or money, especially the for- mer, so save a irenerable member of `that craft.-. A - ' ` ` Lfioe M. Thompson has returned to Toronto after holidaying for is month among old friends. ' Thornton. Advance Correspondence. ' Rev. Mr, Dreyor conducted service at Campbellford two Sundays ago. . Harvest is about over; and seeding `for another harvest is the order of, things. _7 :Meea'1-e. and Joe. Sproul have returned, from Mineeing where ahey "have been erecting 9. oommodioue grain ` house for T. W. ~Lennox_ Esq. . Mrs.'Osman,` of Toronto, psi; a. visit to friends and relatives here last week. Dr. T. J. Henfy, of Detroit, was inl the village for a couple of days last week. I [Are Fashionable - ' Parents cannot fail to be interested `in theemany Special Lines of School Shoes We have introduced this season. Every pair is made especially` for our trade, only the highest grade of leather is used, carefully selected and the very best of shoe muakingfinl every detail. We can give you shoes lower priced but not cheaper goods. _The best are the cheapest at all times. Here are the A details. ` Not invisible but nearly so., _ _ V They can be made up with either solid SA` lacuna-o4n`AA .3 sugar` The {with either solid (01 , old lled (warranted to years), or ni el trimmings. They are not expensive. ` We ad ust them s) that they are perfec y adapted to the features. LVIUIIIOD a-oolooconn Vealperlo. QQOSO.-no Spring............ Barle 0293.? , , , - - ~ A -- 9- "'-. !`. .'.:`=.'9.':BE"`- VVIIKI. wn1te........ -cooooouo--can What,red W... ooococoocoooogouu Wlhanhannnn vvnea.t,reu Wm... Wheat, gpose...................... Sm-incr _ . . . . . . . . . . . , , V H V }Ua.lB.......o-o ?Rye.. IPFQI _. 1431110.. - n o . o - o-no accent-uaoonoaooo Live Hogs, selections 110 to zoo; . ; . " " h8.Vyu-_......o Chickens perpair......`............ Geesepe'lbllllOOOOOCQIlI IICIIIC-CI. Tutkeymperlb-OIOIOIIIIIIIIOIIO.1OO Ducks, Cr 'l ..v..'.....`.......n... Butter, ol,per.lb............;.... Butter, Tub. perlb....`............. Lardperlb ..... .................... Eggsper doz...............-...... pol` -cacao noooonco 016.0 Applesperbarrel................... Potatoes.perba.g...... . . . . ........ Hay _crton. ...... ................ Woo.washedperlb................ Wool. unwashed. per Wood.nft..pe:-cord............... Wood.git"pet-cord................ Anthracnte coal, per ton......;....`. \.alI8Kln8pel'[D....... nucooooanoonoo_ Tallowperlb....................... HairperlbICCCIOUIIlIII_I.IC' Sheepskins.......... Lambskins...... .... Horse!-lides.. ..... ................ "V * PE591NG3HE?DEALER$ ` A vnvu nvq ulna { whiteonooooon-cooooolillillg whAat,rndw ` tease. Wu-an B 1 n`.'.'.C_. 7,,,, ----.wJ--u- IIIIIIIII R 6 c a - u u IO-'C.III.C.IlIVIl FlyOI.ll'......uu....'... exmuux. inniii{ Beef,i0requarters..'.. ...-..... ... . .. `Rnaf. lndnun rtnru, , COWHide8..`L............. lotion c Calfskinsper1b....... _ Tallow nnr Ih , . . . . . , . _ , , Rimless Glasses The Prices nunn 115 the and Toronto Markets Dmdnz the Week. ' -' u-age \I3FU,lIcW c-onancuouolooooo 000000 to BuckwmtIOlIlIIIIICCCCIC .'..I'l.. Pnnnn__--_..,,,, ` Fadrview. Advance Correspondence. Miss Ada Anderson spent psrtof last week with friends and relatives in Midland. V L EUREKA I-umss oiL gne ua1led'by an other. en ers hard lea er soft.) = Anon? A1117 nu-`pnared _ E,3`c'iL"11`13?e x`5.` Keeps out water. . . A heavy bodied oil. ARNEss 9` n9nn11nonI- 0-no-gonna Scientic OptIciah,`_ _ MluI.AFIEN'S DRUG STORE. ` BARBIE. `s's815'in all ocalitieo Some Reasons Why You Should lI;sist on Having I TI I I I U T 9 8 ln excellent preservative. \ ieduces cost of your harness. lever burns the leather; ital ?cienc is increased. ecures est service. gtitches kept from breaking.` " Toronto Farmers Markets. Toxonfo. Sam`. :0, -.l.:4._ ' A r - BAKRII alum nuxxrr. ltannfactund by M Imperial Oil Company. Irnfolil 47-.`no 4X.aoo 53%. Pin, , __ _.,,.... 75--~ -'v---u 15 /if ),. [9010 to 3 7 xqdt Frawley & Moore; .._,. 45 47 I III JJ 45 `)6 ~ ~` _ -VWiVl:It_),;_h1Is_,..rel:u1f`I1od from ' the `Wills F-letcherare off for a weeks out- -vvuwuun own nauvl V-_ Mr. and Mrs: Jan. A. Jnmieaon, Mr. i and Mrs. R. A. Thompson, Miss M. M. Torrance, Mr. A. W. Fletcher and ing at. thqbig show ; look out forthe I anarchists boys I ' ! Mr. James, Henry is building an up-to-date hog-pe_n ; and is `bound to make pork raising pay, Jim is a gradu- ate of -the O.A.C`. and an all round practical farmer. Mr. Sadlier a student of Wyclib and ` nowiu charge of a mission at Uhto" occupied -the pulpit of Mr. Dreyer s parish two weeks ago and although a ` very youthful hand,'made 0 very agree- ifuble. impression on` all who heard him. I . . ! F . - crown I-nu. ` I ' Advance Correspondence. ` V Miss Rosie Partridge spent last week in Tomato. V f ` ' i Mr. I%oot_he,wf2;.>m Barrie, conncted I the taiervxoe In the Methodist church` on : un , - ' u _M;., win and mu... Nellie Riaoh` some of their friends in Crown. ` ._-1. V .. u ` Pan-Americang H Mr. and Mrs. J. `Buchanan spent Sunday with Mr. Herrell, of Killyleegh. Dr. J. J. Wilson and Roy Hill, of Bradford, "spent Sunday in our village. Miss Olive Herrell, of Killyleugh, Ipent Saturday with M. McCullough. i * 'Mr.A1freci`OaldveDintnda putting up his barn this week. Re opened Wednesdw, 4th inst., under thcrefcient management of MISS WRIGHT and MISS MURPHY, already so favorablyvknow to the ladies of Barrie and vicinity- ' Have you use for-one more summer skirt? Equally servicable for fall winter-would you not like to secure one such as this, at one o` the Yes. Then now is your opportunity: T H ' Uur lot of Dress Skirts, made in the best upto date` style, plain and fancy materials, Blizck and colored-worth $2.50 to 353,00 all at one price..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . ..$1 _90 Women s dress skirts worth $3.25 to $4.00, for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2,50 and Dress Slzirts worth $6.00 for.. . . . . . . ; . . . . .V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$4,()(} price. FRAWLEY & DEVLIN, l Boy s 2 piece suits, single breasted, wel`-I nished gray cloth, for boys 6 to 12' years, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 _25 the Suit Boy s 2 piece_ suits in variety of cloths, tweeds, serges and worsted, . single breasted, boys 7 to 12 years, prices from $1.75 to. . . . . . 50 Boy s 3 piece'Brownie suits, different materials and patterns from $2 and upwards; t Youth s suits, single breasted, several styles, patterns and cloths at very attractive prices for boys 12 to 17 years, from $2.00 to. . . . . 50 Youth s suits, double breasted, in leading styles, very pleasing eflocts I 12 to 17 years, from.$3.00 to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4 50 Boy s odd pants at special prices during this week and next 25c, 50c, _ 7 5c, and $1200, odd lots of our regular stock is included in this A list, priced to sell `quickly. Special lines also shown in Boy s shirts, collars, ties, caps and etc. bring your- bovs right along and have them tted, examine the St\'l'e`qfu0L:`w . s r clothing, criticize the quality, bring them home and ex amine them more c1m_1_ and it not satised` return them at-once and exchange or get your monev 1`t*f`l1L } ed, Is not that a. fair o_`er'I ` ' ' Dd` tables at price laced 0" our ., 891; M6 I` d and thww . Sept. 31' 7 _on'T5d9'y" ; e from the best (tflr aC(111`r1iUtance styles "`PiZZ3 We Want\t1oAN of to '"'` The . ran ` - the 1 % rents` nslnp 8" day ``g -I50 Pleaselzaand workm9 B0YS Of #0 makers; be 9. THE with the 7 w.` Now mine stvle`0f . d ex j ` hem tte . d . ht. 3 * bovs 1'13 7 J- 0111' . ;.I.>" 1 ,1 av "`` _ rl 1.nn~ . +1-o""` 0 `\"`.`1` .-I-"" 0 1- `L0 I`. ...'5-'`` .I`- `" and quality V Sevral `small 10155 of Boy s clothing fell into the hands of our 1 recently. Tngy have been held for_ 9. special occasion, namely, NewsforourFriends,theBu\ys F|MW_LE.!.&_0EVUN Muss Maggie Robinson, of Allsndsls, spent a week with tbs Misses Mo- Cullough s. ' ' We extend to one and all a hearty invitation to come and exmninc the Iatock whether you buy or not; Remember strictly eash. at cash prices. One 1_n'ic-3/t0 all. vnui-n rrlnvunuo Inna`- :1` .._._ ___-_1_ EL Your mo;1ey bgk if you want it. Our stock of Fall Clothing has arrived 'anclwhat an insovation to anything that has ever been shown. in Barrie. In selecting the stock we have spaml no pains or moneyin the selection of the most desirable clothing that could be found in the markets. That our stock contains just what the people want is evidenced by the mun_ ber of pleased customers that have alreadv left our store. The Stonk c0n1pi'isz~.~; e`.-<-ry- thing in - L .Men s Suits. Young Men s Regent and Barpaton Suits, ` Youth s Suits, Boys s Suits,Men scShnrt Box Uvercoats, child's Ktia and Brownian Suits, Men sRa.g1a,n l (lvarcoats, Man's Grosvannr varcnats. Importation cit` FALL GOODS daily arriving. H U NTER BF?O8., THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE OUTFITTERS, BARRIE: - - o NcF>ta New A Store % Clothing LJ6 Full of ' Store j T New Clothing FRONT` STREET, BARRIE. HERE ARE some or THE PRICES: MILLINERY AND DRESS-MAKING DEPARTMENTS The"campers are going_back to the city. No wonder our laddiea look and and down-hearted. - THE DOUBLE STORES WOMEWS DRESS SKIRTS. SCHOOL RE-OPENING also doing the , sows CLOTHING. -- uvuvl-I ,C1_'own. `Barriie Hospital; sorry totlearn that sh: `has not improved as much as we W001 [like to have qeen her. __:_m V Some of the Oro Station p taken-in the Pan-American and `they any it is better expected. expected. A quiet wedding took P - vicinity lest week. the P M", of phrtiea 'being , Mr. Bel} 36:1 of chi! Vespm 3?` Mm A: :1: wilel {eai f ` """' f3' ' afprovvm e Mr. Will Buchanan and'Miss M. hand J. McCullough were the guests of Miss Maud Buchanan on`Sunday. Oro Shanon. Advance Cctresoondeuce. ! Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Bell visited l friends at Rugby on Sunday 1681? Mr. F. A. Ell purchased a horse ;from Mr. Richard Roe last week. Tr , .. _t v. I -__.v vw .--vv uvvn. Annlnu E Several of our young men visited: \ 9 exhibition and also the Pan Am" [men last week and among them W9? i Mr. Ernest Drury, Arthur Wilson 8115 E Fred Partridge. I Mr. and M112. W. J. bridge, visited friends last week. M Mr.` Gee. Crawforc_l I jwith a number of 1_H9 ` hibxcion after winnmg prizes. 4 8`n:p'1"mnnn /12, ` Station people - 1.1 ONT. lu5L W Uv-u Croxall, of U!!- in Oro Station Mr. and Mrs. J. W. 'Beu`\:.tyV have taken an extended trip-to Dundalk. - clothing buyer men visiteci ` -nu. 2, 0 'l "`" `"`'`"`""'u' """ """ ""T"Bf Mr, "J60. Reid attended the Pan American in company with Detective Greer. vv uvoo uua-an u-uvvnlducijwu- `co \Iau-u II-cull Don't forget the last moonaiight from Belle Ewart on Wednesday night. Miss Mav._ Wallace _ spent Sundy` with Miss Vera; Grose. - Mr. F. and S. Beatty attended the Toronto exhibition last week. ' .Mias McCullough spent last week with Miss Robinson, of Craigvale. `n....u 4'...'....... 5|... 1..-; .........|:..L. ........ Letroy. . T Advance Coneapondencg. Miss Aggie Gross spent Saturday at Barrie. - ` Miss Maggie Engliah, of Midland. . , . ' , ' .. . 4' ' _ . w.1.~u\"l~"\&'v~`J'\.\r\.-J\n.: Mr. Walter Watkins has rented Mr; J. L. Fix-th s term,rMedonte and -hes" com menced fall ploughing on it._ A Maseru. A. and "M. ;Kiel returned hpme on Saturday after vieitingtfriendel in Addivngton and Frontenac Oonntiee and Weston. V ` * A ` ' .M.L3n: W110 .;,,;.'-:" AT;;4gaVIn "`aI 1`;`I v *lvi!i;Vt__;;" Mrs. Geo. Molnanvwaa called to To on` Friday to attend on her son, `B. 23 We Mr. Wm. Hodeop_vioied.hio daugh- tern Mrs. Perkinaonil'.o'Warafold, -at. Toronto last week. . V ' T T - Mrs.` 'D. Hsrt. and child,` of Toronto Junction,-is` the guest of her sister Mrs; `GL0. Gaston. ' TheV Rev. Mr. Sangfelt of Uhthoif conducted the service in St. John a Church on Sunday, T ' ` ' gunman. Mrs. G. 0. Casl|:_(Vin_`ret1iroed'hou1oon Friday after_ "visiting" ob Toronto Juno - tlon and Harrow. ' T - = "A V V Ma.a:'er Roy `Banker; is euiferina from a` broken `arm the result of 9 fall at school. ` ' Mr. ti. Jupp, County Oommisaioer, of .0rillia;pa.id this place 3 visit. on Monday. ` T On F:-ida`; :nd SZ;t1`1;i-la;'_tsvhA_aI;t1'1per-T ature reached 95 and. 100 deg. in the sun. , ' V Miss Mary Kiel has returnod to To- ronto Junction where ahe will "for some I116. . , ' V Mrs. R, Minty and Mr. D. R. Minti` ivisited Mr. and Mrs. James Maser on Monday. L It is said that theraighurat Band has been engaged for the Oro` Fair. The Rev. J. H. Ten-my is spending a few days in Omemel. ` . V Mr."Wm. Mollvride is spending a \ week or two in Muskoka.` I The "many friends of: Ealclie Fralick will be pleased to hear that she is rapidly recojering. ' V are - - - Rev. D. 0. Macintosh has commenc- ed ps series of special meetings in Phelp- acon. Rv. Mr. Harknesa, of Barrie, will assist. V V Miss odge, ofaBrantford, isj the guest of her cousin, Miss Agnes Reid, Temperancev House. - Tbe Methodists are making great preparations for their Harvest services and fowl supper on the 15th and 16th. 1` A. -- '. Mrs. Jyai. Fletcher aixenti a fctaivdys at the Iqduatrial Exhibition, Toronto. Mr. Fred. `Morley, Ohathame, visited friends here last week. " M188 Lucas, of N Eowell, visited Miss Maggie McKinney last week. I H Mnr. and Mrs. D. _I5-u;x"e;l;;; called o'n friends here Saturday and Sunday. ` , __-_._.,-.,- Mr. A. Edgar, ojfjfiigberls, was the guest of Mrs.` M. MoMaster on Sunday. ` ll` I Mr. and Mrs. Chester and metlzer, of Screetsville, have returned `homeafter visiting their niece, Mrs. M. M. Bell. Mr. Murphy conciucted service in S . Ge'orga s church Sunday night. `| __ __ ,- ,I If Mr. a;;1d Mrs. John lelir_e`urne_d from che Pan-American Monday. ` `I .. -- . Mr.` C. K. Clark. of-' Angus, called on friends here on Sunday._ ` - `I If Miss Verna Morrisfend Miss Gertie McFarlane were the guests of the Misses __A_nnie and Essie Bell over Sunday. i ll 1 -. nu` - ' - Mr. Wm. Neweu and Mr. R. Shirk returned home after spending some time on the Manitoulin. Mrs. Wm. Mc'_1`uviah, of Elmvale, re- turned home last Sunday afcer a two weeks visit with her sister's Mrs. _Wm. Marshall of this place and Mrs. George Smith, Midland. i ' Thoae who took in tho` excursion to Ohr-issian Island on-Thursday, reporn -having an extra good time. `IN 1\ gr - A -- Re; Dr. *I\Io_vv:ntt aatgaged Rev. M1-.4 Cooking on Friday evening by preaoh- V ing a very interesting sermon. ' It 11'? q- .'-u . . -.__ Messrs. J as. Toolo and Wm. Wagner reurned after spending a few days in Toronto. ' spent; few days with her friend Mina Carrie Clark. ' - Advance Correspondence. utopia. Advance Correspondence. T Minesmg. Advance Cori`oaoondence._ -vai1I;.;af ;:g...A'w::;;:';;a*'3;aa. Flora `Money! spent Sunday, in Mine- aing. .' V 1 ` . L oy and Ete Ken-foot, of Mineoing, $0 the guests of che'irVag1nt,'VMta.`J. %cDerm9t." _ _ . _ _. . : Arthnir Joh;i!!.i:'.9.19t0in&d_~.8.1103!!! harbfgyung. mendson ma-y e'ni2:g- *`2&-Zpledhuiinteniug wunpe fb` `oil A visit to the Store will make you lijjecqtiaintedi with `the biggest `ivariety the_ very best values ever shown`-in Sgnpen -Snons in gamie. V M;'. A'lbe_r iahop Vshd his mother spest Sundayvinlglollv. - . ` `Miss Eva` Mason was the guest of "Miss Emma Parr last week. Mrs. W. M. GI-ill, of Tm-"outo,`is the guest or her Ihiethexf, hMzj.s.e eejlgrifdge. 7 Mr. Joe. Mitchell has returned (:05 Toronto after visiting friends in this 3 village. ` \ u `Geo. Yqung speht Sunddy in Holly.` Mr. and Mrs. J ahnaon spent Sunday in_-Ivy. 7 . -- . | and Mrs; 1`hos. Bishop spent %Sunday`i_nVH__olly. ' ` ' T Mr: Chas. MoGinnis has returned after` visiting friends in Toronto. _ I Miss Annuie Richardson has gone `to 1 Barrie to amend the model school. I Mr. John Houdan, of Envale, apnt ` Sunday with friends hgre. - Miss M. White and Mr. Charles White, of Barrie, spent Sunday visit- ing relatives here. Mr. Themes Weerinz vis- iting friends. around here during the past week. ` - 1 I bu Friday of last week a son and heir to. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams. Congratulations, Hqrrv. It is reported that a "number of pupils at- tending the sixth ward `school have not been vaccinated, which is contrary to the rule. Your correspondent made enquiry about the matter, and found that such was not the case. When school re-opened those who i were not vaccinated and those who lived in houses where whooping cough ex- isted, were sent home. The principal is leepinga sharp look out for cases of this in . ` jualason _ Advance Correspondence. Part. of this corroapondenoe has been transferred to our sporting column. `I lilo`. cut On Wednesday evening of last week Mr. ( E. Merry and Miss M. E. Spearin, youngest daughter of Mr` Luke Speariu, sr., were joined together in the holy bonds of matri- mony. Miss Georgie Campbell performed the duties of bridesmaid, while Mr. Wm. Campbelloiciated for the groom. Rev. Mr. Westney was the oiciating clergyman. The newly married couple will reside on Elizabeth street, Barrie, near Vairville. Last week Mr. Arthur Overs was operat- ed upon at the Royal Victoria Hospital for a case b of a pendicitis. Mr. Overs many friends are a ad to learn that he is progress- ing favorably, and he expects to be soon at his place of b_nsiness-the tonsorial shop- of the north. _ s ` MissiI()Vaisy McLellan, of the Protestant ` Episcopal Hospital, Philadelphia, is at her home in the sixth ward for a few weeks. Her many friends here will be glad to learn that she passed with high honors in the above institution. - Anthe Epworth Lenguexneeting on Mon? day evening Heavenly Helpers was the subject. Mrs. Crawford led the meeting, after which the regular business meeting was held. V ` Mr. S. LE_t~5ie;'X11'L Dairy Farm, lost a valuable Durham heifer last week. Inammation was the cause of death. For Choice Family Flour and all kinds of Feedgo to Wllklnsonls. All orders delivered promptly In any nantll . Please leave your orders at t e Ml! .0lce or Telephone No. 23. The Rev. Mr. Churchill preached an ex- cellent sermon on Personality on Sunday _morninp;. In the evening his subject was The Moulding or Maringof Human Life.V -_-_-._ -- av:-q-a rvvrnvl . the urevalenoe of` whooping cough a. large number of children are detain- ed from attending our public school. I]. L` I\_,_-, _ . ,, _ ...;...v -. uuvvu your ME; Eennie Rose and" Miss M. Clark go to Midland next week to attend the Presby- terial Convention of young people. 'nL-.......L' AL- ..._---- Therafare aizaout fteen pereonepfrom the sixth ward attending the Barrie Collegiate Institute at present. . Youtlh TL$c;a" 1$o$t;, A , sole, stout, `serviceable style, . . sizes 10 to. 13, special pair..... = 750 Mr.[ Abbeville. South Car- olina.,Aia renewing old acquaintances in_ the sixth ward this week. ` ivihomssv Gavena, Bradford street, has the thanks ot your correspondent for a beautiful bouquet of owers. Il!_, 1' I q---- -_ -..- , Allilsle tennis club defeated `the Barrie club on Thursday` of lapt week. '9 I `ll - 12..-! I`! Th brick work on ;'.he nevr Presbyterian 1 church is progressing very favorably no prob ` ens. V . V . nd Mrs. VValtr Berry and children `leave ,on`Saturdav for Muskoka on 9. two weeks visit. A V v are. u. A. brown, or uooxstown. spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tickel. The W. C.'1`.U. held their regular monthly meeting in the Presbyterian Church on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. James Telfer. of Kenosha, Wisconsin, is the guest of his cousin, Miss M. Scott, Cumberland street. eon-16?: V south-weterne Division. irith its Pleasant Street`/a. its Testy Dwell- ings, its Pretty churches. and its Go- a.-head People wul Entice Settlement -A Weeklv Record of its Doinzs. Miss Mary Culrou hos` `returned from Brandon. - ._-.-v--' V- ow-nu uvvuo T Mr. J_amee Graham had the water sei- vice put into his hotel last week. i Mi; '1:'.`_i.1l_i;:':r' -l;;;d;:;<.i., :is viaioinz Miss P. Meeking,Cnmberla.nd street. nu.- 1t--L . 1- . .-..--_ -v- ---v an-vv vuw IlulDVllDKUo ` Be:-ry s father and sister. of Beau- `mariu, spent a few days withhim last week. aovs' on-:P'r; Boys Fine Boston Calf Lace Boots, toe cap, heavy sole, ex- cellent wearer, sizes 1 to 6, special . , . . . . .' . . . . . ...... ...$l 10 Boy's Genuine Waterproof Grain Lace Boots, peg sole, hand made, best wearing boot made, ; very tidy looking, sizes 10 to 2* `I'D ` 13, $1.10 ; sizes 1 to 5, special 25