VUDII n of- nest ing -OF-._ Vendors : VIII nAiz'R1n. E mm MM % .G1uns, Ries, Ammunition, iLoades, Shells and Cartridges. ` % A J. R. HAM BLY Apple Pearers and Pickers, Cold Blast Lanterns. . R . HAIVIBLY lv~,I|l\,\IlLr urn!-I`. l\4t)!Jll tI4Ul'\lII WC ' This tm11pernLu1'e - is taken by mmlthnntl : be read, about one (ic,*gl'L*Q hi_::hor .by rectum. `! "H .-. .,. rI~L.-.... .. - -L - -- ~- HAS`; LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CONSISTIN G OF ...,,..... ..,, ...-y...... H _ : ..::n p. m.-'l`I1ere is` no change . this Im'_H'nh1g.',"S favorable bullc-' tin. I'ul.s'c 110,.temperuture 100, rcspirl-9:011 :28. `Ann A nu u... - .- Runlo. Sept. ` 1,1.V-`-The following huIl_~tin.s*were issued during the day yesterday: ` ` `J :1. m.~'I`he President's condition this morning is eminemly satisfac- tnry to his 1'>hy.=:iciuns.. If no com- plimtim1s.m'is<!:1, rapid convulcscence nmy he 0xp0(3t(:d. Pulse -104, tem- pm'ut1u'e 99.9.` respiration 26. |`ln'.. 4,..4.....-.,.4__..- _'_ ; ,1 -,, 1.-- - Of the - >'li:.;`litL\' House, Bualo, N.`- Y., Sept. 11,-Latelast night taere wets & siigilt scare at the Mllburn Ares}- dwgg, caused by the protractedvislt consulting. physicians, who re- linost two hours, and this 1l1t1tl1'(i it , . . by the 'a.n-nouncement W5 j11Cl'Uat:s'C(l in at _ .. . . . 0. mitilllght, that. a. Sllght lrrltatlon M the ,,,\vu-.rior wound discovered only ` last night had necessitated the open- ,-,1-; of it. few stitches of the_ wound . A; Q-A\ [,i'i:lil1C(i '1n`the builet_.1n_wh1ch all the doctors signed, this irritation WA,` ;~.ttrihuted to the fact that a_, `until ' fm_g'i'i`ici1t of the President s 'cm,1,1m(l been C'c1_I'l`iBd into the body mv this hullet, and although this `for- Lgn .\`lli,;.\'t,'.tllC0 was removed aslight (]i_'~t,1ll'bdIlCt3 developed which 'Itla.d8 m,c0S5;'11`_\' the opening of the wound. The doctors seek to allay all` appre- hL,n,i,,,, by the positive `statement unit this incident cannot give rise to .,,ttm complications. and their frank- H.-ss in giving the news to the pub- lic leaves no reason to question entire good fu1 th- A The further fact communicated in .the bulletin tliiit the President was well enou_t,rh. taking nourishment "in the moutli from a pure beef juice. was of course grzttifying, but to the laymen the more mention of a complication, ]mw(-voivsliglit it might be, I.a.turul- I\'KC.l`0:lLC alarm. It seems like_ a little cloud on the horizon, which mi}_{'ilL g'row and spread. But, the ,,,,,.t--o positive assurances were given out that the only.'_et fect might be` to delay the healing of the wound. l`hc irritation was not in am_\' -\\'tl_\' the result even or a. sugges- [ion of hlood poisoning, the physi- ciatns rluclttrcd over-their own signa- turn-S that it could not result in Ct)ll'1]Ii-iClI,i0llS. The opening of the wounrl was in no sense an opera-' tion. Several of the Stitches were simply `taken out, and after a. thor- oll_Q`h septic _wa-tshing of the iramed tiS.\ttC. the wound was again sewed up. No amesthetics were necessary. CtlllSi(it_'l`tliIi0 delay was caused` by the fact that 11, certain dressing de- Sil't.`(i by the surgeons was not in the house. and it was necessary to send into the city for it. The rst time tl~.e iiiessui1;,~'ci' returned` he did not have what was wanted and he had to take anothertrip. - ' l'ln'.~'ici-.u_I4'H . ulletins. V \ ie otlici-.11 bulieti-n issued just be-, oi`? Complications of an` Unoxpectd Nature Can Now Endangor PIEGSHGD3 V` McKinley : Life. Bum; Carried a rrngmbn of the . Pin!`-A N. coat a short. Distance Beneath skin-Iut No Complications can _. a_:.-__ Ij.._..-.._-_.l 4.1.; -xx- H10 ` 5|ight Irritation of the %'EI:_.Lt`.I'rlo"jr Wound Caused It" u-ise-Physiclans P!-ouonnoogi tug njg. anguished Patient Practically out { Danger and Recovering. ' ' test IIJJI ' nt Feol Easier HI 1 W05}!- our OF DANGER. `-3`~"~~"*~ Pittsburg, Sept. 11'.-President T. J. Shaffer, `and his advisers in the general oice of the Amalgamated A Association. held power by authority 1 from the general executive board of the organization to settle the steel. strike. Mr. Shar and; hi_s_ advisers apparently allowed eyesterday lapse atter the authority was rvested in them without closingfalny. settle- 4 5'4 . . `-,.b".':"'i .` `"5 `, v ` "."` I-"7': I DALI II IV vulw Hula V-.5-J: av;-V-r van voog ya `gu-u | _ `V`My experience with Emma. Gold- man taught methat she was only an ` great talker, but that she was never directly concerned in any assassina- tion plotsA."\ ' Jvql 5 (1.59 AJGAII-5 U059 LJ'Il[|aI vn;aa rrxpnggva "Personally I do not believe that Emma. Goldman is `in zmy way con- nected with the crime of Czolgosz. I think` he has mentioned her name to throw the authorities off the_ track. 1.Il' __,__ __!__--_ _._1J_I_ ".`..4_..- I`I_IJ The warrant of arret gives as her conspirators Abraham Isaaks, Mau- rice Isaaks, Clemence Pfeutzer, Hip- pilite Naval, I.lenr-y, Travaglio, Alf- red Schneider, Julia Mechanic, Ma- rie Isaa'k`s and Marcisa Isaaks, jr. All but Miss Goldman were arrested some days ago, The women were allowed to go," but the men were held -without bail, and are now in jail. It is the opinion of several lawyers that Miss Goldman cannot be ex- tradited for trial in New York unless she and Czolgosz are `charged with 1 an offence under the Federal statute`. l lc_x-Chief Hazenu Opinion. New York, Sept. 11-.-i-Service Chief William P. Hazen, in giving his opin- ion `of the nefarious plot which end- ed in an attempt-on the President's life, said: . ' an __._ ......- 2..-... .-.I....J. 1 1...-.. ' ._ The Woman : Auoclnlen. l l .1110, value "1 am sure from `what I know of % Anarchists that the plot to assass- inate President McKinley really ori- ginated in'Europe, but that all of the details were worked `out `here, the meeting `in Paterson of three- years ago being the starting point. IlY1..uu-uu..`II-- T `An n-`AG I-an`-Sacra Gland- u-guuv U-so :. A\a|J1\-|\4ll.I-I6 D116 -WEB lLs`ll\ULl. "I" do not. I never advocated vio- ; lance. I scarcely _ knew the man. I \ l was leaving for Rochestervia Bualo 5 when Czolgosz had a. few words with 1 me. He said he had heard me V lec- ture at. some memorial hall in Cleve- land last May and thatghe wanted to know me. He said he knew I was in Chicago and looked ,me up. I scarcely remember anything about him, save that his complexion was light." 0! Police `O'Neil, but. she disc1a.h'ned all knowledge of -Czolgosz and his crime, admitting` only that she met him-here July 12.. ` .\ovor advocated Violence. ` "Do you know tlmt your words are What Czolgosz claims `stirred him to shoot the President.? she was asked. 441'" -I.. ..-L 1' _.-_--_, -.1__,- A "She in charged With Cdnapirhcy to Anus ; ` ulnato Pruidoint McKinley. I % . 4 Chicago, Sept._ 11.--Capf.ain 001-] leran, chief of detectives, has sworn` out a warrant, charging Emma Gold- man with conspiracy to assassinate President McKinley. Miss Goldman, who was arrested yesterday, is being held at the Central -Police Station in this" city. ` - ' T ` `-__`_ r`_]J______p_ _-__,_,4, f, ., ,1 1- , A V- cash! 953101155 up 111 IJULI U1 K marked use of his muscles. 5 wwwwww -vy nu Luuscl llt3UUb`1I'y._ V 'Vice-President Roosevelt left the ci_ty'last night at 9.20 for. Oyster Bay, perfectly" condent that `the nahas returned to Cleveland. ` Moved Himself. ' i The .President s physicians have been impressed j with his remarkable `recuperative powers and the rapidity of his improvement. Monday "he took the precaution to ask if `he might be permitted to move, but yesterday he changed hisposition of his own voli- tion -"without diiculty. The President will recover. Senator Han-y `nurses naturally observed with` care `these evidences of growing strength and courage and were `ready to T see there was no unduevtax on t the President's - strength, or the 3 straining of the ` wound. These 1 slight movements from side to side \ a.re_ all that he has -attempted thus \ far, and-it is too early yet to think ` of his sitting up in` bed or any other 4 marlznd man` no Rh: ........mI.-- V A , ` :`s11k$,tb"` _._.fe`ver.y`_ 1560.0 ., *lockeq` and; `d01l.ble-loc `ed; but. the. danger `from \ "possible -_complico.t.ions is very remote._" ` ` '- ` An -.. --.A-__-, ,. .1 7 - - -an nooauv 171911 111.111 BU B118` days. The doctors {say that once en- cysted it can do no harm, ' Exodus of _ Friends. The Vice-President, "members of the Cabinet, Senator `Hanna. and `the oth- er distinguished friends of the Presi- dent, who have remained here to await the issue, accepted the verdict of the physicians yesterday as prac- tically conclusive, and there was an exodus of thpse who considered their presence no longer necessary. Vi0A-prncinnt T) ; ..... ".14. I..'L AI. - V`--1.5.['isvs:vE}'o1dman's manner was deant _as she was `led into the otce of Chief -yo. ._gq.qAVVF,e K A As-an evidence jot t_ e .supr`_`en'1eeIuith. e holds, Dr. Menurney` 4 after" 3 the morning consultation made a trip to F Niagara Falls and last` evening ` re- ` turned to New York . He could reach }.here again in 10 hours if the" unex- ipected should happen and there 1. shou_ld be a. change for the worse. The little piece of lead in the mus- ` cles of the back is giving the physi- cians no concern whatever-. Unless it should prove troublesome to the President later on, he probably will carry this grim souvenir of the .An- archist with him to the end of his dRVQ 'l`l1n r`nnO-Ann `n..-- J-I--A rug IMHA GOLD MAN ARRESTED. No, So;tlafnont_ of steel st:-lko.A LEON -CZOLGOSZ. Clveleind, 0., spt. '11.-'1`he xfst real day ; of the Grgnd Army En- campment ~ Opened. yesterday. with 'n~'1xzo.0oo vut.ors% in {the W- ,..s..-. -. -- VI 5|-DWI` VII ILL`) \ 7 `El Qlllq `IvlL\.IUI , He was found some hours after- by the wrecking gang. He was uncon- scious and terribly mangled. He was taken to Brantford Hospital, where he expired about o10oo`c1ock yester- day morning. What became of Con- ductor Harman. of the passenger train noeone knew. It is believed that the body of the unfortunate conduc- tor Willbe found beneath the car, __or his ashes may be with those - of the ` two passenger coaches: A that were burned. The track was cleared 11 t o'clock"yesterday z_norning.. but` the `bodyo! Harman` has not been found; -u-ua Almost immediately after the col- lision took place,.the steam` pipes burst and the tire box of the engine was shattered, scatteringburning coals over the wreck. In an instant the mass of battered wood and twist- rear 7 passenger coaches over which the `engine of the freight had been bounded, took re first, and the re ed iron was lost ineames. The two. ` was. fed by the four freight cars," which were `piled up by the force.-oi, I the impact. 11 ...-l........_'1_ 1.1.- ._~--4|__--- ' V--V aonallllavv 0 Underneath the seething mass were the helpless forms of Engineer Denne Vand Conductor Harman. Fireman Rennie was also caught before he could get `clear of thewreck. - , He (jumped, butewast pinned down he- neath the shattered freight: cars, which came over the tender, ' U11 IIOnnn'p\InuuJ unsung- L-`--_ -lL_._' I.-- v..--v- unsav- Engineer Donne was evidently thrown out of the engine, or, pos- sibly, he had jumped, and was caught T in the mass of wreckage that was in- stantly piled up and began to burn. His engine was on one side of the track and his watch, uninjured,` was found on the other "side, together with what remained of his body. The engineer was burned beyond recogni- .tion.\A 't.l6(J.ol ll - ".531 Engineer Denne of the ` third train seemed not aware of the pas- senger train ahead of him. He came `on at full speed. The force of the col- lision was terrific. The engine of the freight completely ' telescopcd three _of the passenger coaches, dragging four "freight cars after it. The engine landed on the south side of the track and the tender Was thrown o on the other side. due. to the first freight train stop- ping to .x Va. hot box. Going down the grade the discovery was made that one of the boxes was turning, and the brakes were `applied. The trai was brought to a. standstill, .a.nd'%passenger train,- coming be- hind, as. signalled. The engineer brought his train to a standstill a. few yards away. from the caboose of the freight train. A In`-';nv\vn #4.`... ,, The ? . Sept 11 Buffalo. N` Y" d phys . eons 3' corps of omlnent Surg und` the W0. 4 d _ _ Ice Upon mmltte clans 1 5`.e"dm-esterday ` . to ed 135lct- hbut reserva/01 themselves w1t 0 . t `Wasv . . . nxir paw thc oplmon that t L t only the posd out of d'dJ1Eer un1Cilc22?ons threaflxze sibility collilzi not give 93:_"mei,. his life. CY ivcly 0 ' - _ of his recovcn r11lec:fcia1_. bulgtfggd Sigllttturcs In ahan could be tter, '1`h"-It `V35 m."e t`e men. no 'n.mi ht in reason-sc1er1_ oohvictiOn5_ `gaging how strgng tbs: expected ftoogiscially be, coul no . --t Q the grave '`P"S;E$i,tF ` "3 ,3 proclaiming the mg on .8. `tom, covcry of 3 jman -ty-hole in, ms to; pain with la bull t 3 1ongW5 tely, ach. But they and seP`.'i -M. ward it indi"1d 5; , of them W " during the day 8 _ ` Rixeya W the exccptlm` "1 Dr . . esidencep not leave th6,M i'ur:nr record. gsoif-'_ ed himself square Yends at the ,1 en- privately to 3 mthroush the agger dent, but publwly ' that the *1 cy. of the P""SS % P1139? ` that the point had passed W " `O33. . , ,anwmP%3`%"% dent would surV1"`<`h -- j -his j ` ` V life. /9.. ,. vanv sg.va5u.u 0111111. Anticipating some delay, Conduc-' tor Harman of the passenger train, knowing that he was being followed by the through freight, decided to back upand shgnul her. Coming over the top ofgthe grade he saw thejhead- light of the on-coming freight. Whe- ther he `failed to signal properly, or .whether he miscalculated the..:peed at which the freight was `coming, is not known; It would seem that he felt satised that the freight was about to slow up,_and `he sent his train ahead-again. _ . T1114 Ti`n..-inn.`-- `l\-----A -' -.-v-vu u. ucuU-u1abl.I.lLI.iU- Following the passenger train, and anticipated by the dgnger signal on the rear car, came a through freight from Chicago, drawn by engine No. 782. The train was in charge of Conductor Low,` and in the engine were Fred Denne of Little York and Fireman Rennie" of Sarnia. Opera.- tor Robertson, at the Princeton Sta- tion, ticked o that the trains had safely passed the station, and the semaphores were dropped after them. An n n n u A n n A "TA 1.. ..,Ll-..-r- uvann-utralutun IVUIU LIL UPPUU lLlLUI'rlJ1C1l. As near as could be g':Lth21'e_(l from the railway men, the accident was -.-.... ...u-. uauuu-5n 1uuu.1u.5 uI.`u_t:l.`:I. A few moments later a. train of empty passenger -coaches, in charge of Con- ductor .Ha.rman of Toronto, drawn by engine No. 734, came in, and Night .Opera.tor Robertson sent it after the freight,- at what was con- sidered a. safe distance. 12'1..I1-._.'.... 4.1,, , nun oaasuv - h'_'Freight tmin'No. 319,` in charge of Conductor Rich,` passed Princeton Station at 12.29 a.. m. yesterday. She had through running orders. A law vnnvvunn-is Inonu .. 4.---.. -1: -.`___A__ Woodstock, Sept._.1A1.--The wreck which occurred on the main line of the G. T.fB. about 1 a. m. yester- day,was attended by three` fatalities and the loss ofvthousands of dollars worth of property, The accident took place about `a. mile and a. half east of -Princeton Station. There were three trains in the wreck, and the dead are: Conductor Harman of Toronto, Engineer Fred Denne of `Little York, and Fireman Rennie of Sarnia. ` llglnoor Dohnb -and conductor Hafmnn Literally Rented to `D0381!-'l'il'eqI8[I Bonnie Pinned Down by the can-_s- Thunghvlrolght on the G.'1`.R. C:-`ulna Into 3 Passenger Train With Awful Boiultu, Sad` Tdl of 5 Railway A_ccideht' V Near Princeton, Ont. CONDUCTOR -JAMES HARMAN, when .|I' ` `av; '11 Vie!` feel '5 ill it Of course "3 W ,.':. -"" :" V a, W9e.k has , ' ` 290. 000 Cu mp Followers. -.-- V- '.-rr-- uv-. -IvIIuC~I_ PARCEL 9'.- Part of the Easterly half of Lot 1 I, North Mark Street, being the Westerlv half of t e property knownas "The McCarthy Block." being -the shop at present occupied by Mr. Garrett, and the oices over same, vielding the annual rental of about SA :n.nn. ["1-H1-: ADvANcE.rl `Private funds to loan at 5 per cent; on farm pro- pertv. Terms to suit borrowers. No connection with any loan company. Apply personally or by letter to . HARRY MARR` .. I_- IIAIICICK 1 ne several mm and parcels Wm Dc onerea Subject to a Reserved Bid, Any of the properties not sold at the sale can be purchased by private sale. on 31)- lication to the General Trusts Co ration. Toronto, ixecuton of the late D'Alton M rthv. or on ap- phcatign to_ the undersigned. Further terms and conditions ml! be made known` at the time of sale, or. in the meantime. on applicaiont to theundersixned. MCCARTHY. BOYS & MURCHISON. --_ Ian. Warmers .A.1:tenticn.% _ V... -.- cw, -.u -u- an uriv no vs nauuunvo The Lots comprised in Parcels No. rto 0. both in- clusive. will be sold either separate] ' or in blocks, to suit the purchaser. Parcels 9 an no will be sold se rately. mmednate rossession of Lots comprised in Par- cels 1 to 9 inc usiv_e canhe given, but Parcels 9 and to will be sold subject to existing Leases. u--a--n-any `I. GICICJIII Ten er cent. at date of sale and balance in 30' e days. he other terms and conditions will be ma` killll t th tif nf 2`A nr, `II Oh; . IIIQQIIQLIIQ An aayu. Lne otncr terms and conditions will be made known at the time of sale, or, in the meantime, on annlimtinn to the undanharnm-I. Buffalo , ' ominc in ,z1f_.ten 1 _r_esi(lnt 0111915! $450-< 77--vy- PARCEL no. --The property known as Oakley ,Park Farm," and contaimng by admeasurement :30 acres. more or les-. and _bemg composed of all that gareel or tract of land whxch is bounded on the South v Centre Street, on the East by Concession Road. on the North by Rose Street and on the West by Peel Street, in the Town of Barrie. ` I`l`.,, I` _._ __ , I, ,1! 'l\ I so .. n u I xnovyn Q: Int: time or sale, or, an we meannme, ap hcatuon to the undersigned. ! be several lots and parcels will be offered subject to 2. Reserved Anv nf Hun nu-tuna:-an nnf nnlrl v .- v-----, -- -.-.u_ `(on .. ._- gvy. an! H\RcEL 4.-Lots x. 2, 3 and 4 on the East side of Charles Street. as shewn on Plan No. n4. `D.-.-.... _ 'I`_.._ , , , -_.IvIr, . I qr :- 7-.."--- ----v- .... .u-- u.` `an: - non guy: out ! PARCEL 5_.-'Lots x. 2. 3. 4 and West half of 5 on the South s1d_e of East Street, as shewn on Plan 1 :4. PARCEL 6.-Lots 1 and 2 on the South side of John Street, North. as shewn on Plan 1 :4. ' 13-..--- _ "BL- \Y_,.4L_,,I,, A__, I 1'! . _---_`, _.-- ---, _.. ...--v-- V- - -.-n on`,- PARCEL 7.--The Northerly two-thirds of Lot 15 on the East side of John Street, as shewn on Plan xax. PARCIL 8.-Lots 2 to 1 2, both inclusive, on the West side of Clapperton Street. ' e I'\.____ ' I'\,,. , 1.! . 0 1 11- av . , That the tendency to amalgamation now- a-days has been extended to journalistic cir- cles as well as commercial, is shown by the recent purchase of The Canadian Home Journal by Mr. Hugh 0. MacLean, publish- er of The Ladies Magazine, Toronto.` The Journal, which was established many years ago, will bediscontinued as a distinct pub- .lication, and will be merged into The Ladies Magazine, which has already won .a place for itself as the popular home paper for Can- adian women. '8-e.turday, the 14thday of September 1901, at 12 o'clock. noon, the following lands and premises: 13..-..-an T -4... -4 L_ _z L-LL 3- -I,,_9,,_ , , .a 5., .g- -Puzcm. 3.-Lots 6, :7. :8, :9, 25 (excepting the Southerly 10 ft. thereof) and 26 on the West sxde of Owen Street, as shewn on` Plan No. 3r_. I).-.-n. . l'_4- _ A _ -.._I , L. .I,- I3__. ,-1, :- - - - - - - - n n |\(|,l/Lll LXI D11`; |~'llLlll\J 'cl_D `-Il`U s1n'gL-nns in z1lttcn(lu.nce wish to make their -lml1r-tins entirely frank. ~ In (`n11. this separi1tio1i"of the M1303 of the surface wound healing of the smno will be somewhat delay- .6d. The I`resi(lcnt. is now Well en- Ouh to hri;:in to take nourishment by 1,120 m_ou1.l1 in the form of pure `becf `i[li((.lr V < '(SiL:`Il<' P. M. Rixey, D.: lllanm. Roswell Park, I-Icrman: M.\'nlm'. Eugene Wasdin, Charles l\lt:Imrnc_V. ' - (Counter signed) (}c<>r;:c B. Cortclyou,. Secretary to the President. T There will be oereczl f:er:;1Ie by PUBLIC AUG TION by G. R. Bord, Esquire, Auctioneer. at the Duncan 1 Ilnlnl. IlI'lhA 'I`nIlrn nf Ila:-via- -. ._ . _...-.., ..vv.., ...v nvuv vv n-.5 nun-no nun rliolllldl-il o PARCEL 1.-Lots 16 to 26. both inclusive, on the East side of Clapperton Street, as shewn on Plans Nos. 3: and :48. ` 3,7,7 , -. -9.: n ' _ BELONGNG TO THE Estate of the late D Altun'MoGarthy, V SlTUA'l`b.D [N THE xxun u u. .1\. rora, nsquire, Aucuoneer. the Queen p Hotel. lngthe Town of Barrie, on _.v-. 0. --.. -7. PARCEL 2-Lots 16 to 2:, bbth inclusnve, on the West side of Clapperton Street, as shewn on Plan 1:. Miss Agnes Tbayer. of Toronto, has been visiting two weeks with Miss Alice Wood~ ing. Before her return to Toronto she will spend a._ few days with her parents and friends at J a.ckson s Point. Monday. Sept. 16th, l90l.--.On Lot 29, Con 3, Veepra. _: horses, cattle, implements, pigs, hay, etc. Sale at one o'clock, sharp. George Atkinson, proprietor. G. R. Ford. auctioneer. . Under instructions from the Toronto General ` T Trusts Corporations. Later, Mr. and Mrs. David Henman lets for Penetang. Sans Souci and `Other summer resorts, where they will spend some pime cruising among the pictures que islands of the Georgian Bay. They left. amidst shower`e of rice and the best {wishes of all. ' .0315 _ Mr. ]v5'r;a-If: J ackon took hotographs of the party and also of the breakfast table.'- '_ ' ` ' Reformed . i whe"_n`David Henmsn `end Lo uieifWebb; werennited infthee holy bonds -of met- rimony by Rev. W, Witten. The bride was richly `attired in embroidered liberty silk, with the ususl veil ind orange blossoms; she csrrieda lovely bouquet of white roses, and her ornaments were a collerette, of pearls and a. massive gold chain and locket, the latter being studed with pesrlaand e m'sgnicentdiamond, gift of the bride's father, Her mand was Miss Eve Henman prettily dressed in blue and white muslin, her bouquet was pink. roses and ferns. Capt. Frank Henmsn,-of Thornbury, was best man, Mr. Fred Brooks, of Barrie gave away the bride. The organist and choir,of the church performed a very efficient musical service. The wedding party drove back to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks where a sumptuous wedding feast was prepared, the table looked lovely with flowers, smilsx and ferns, and the magnicent cake from Huntley. & Palmers. London, Eng, which had suffered nothing in its tran- sit from the .mother country to the brightest jewel in -the crown of the British Empire. CANADIAN HOME JOURNAL BOUGHT ` BY MR. HUGH. MACLEAN. xeu1q_ns' SALE ENMAN, `A . SWJ V :3 irn}nD.11~id.L TOWN OF BARBIE. Monav 1'o`I:oAN. - Aoveirrrlsz m TERMS OF SALE. Auction Sales .\.--yup v-uu -L:- 10.80 p, m.-'l`hc condition of the Pi-i.-sidont "is unclmngedv in a.1]A im- portzini, rr:iI'tic11la11's. His te111pera- turc is i(\('i.($, pulse 114, rcspiratiol 28. when the opera-tion was done on-I"i'i(lu._v lust it was noted that the buiIM had carried with it a _Sh0I`t diS`IZtli('L`, hvnoaith the skin ,a fragment `of the 1 r<-siricnt's coat. This for- (lifll lll11I,(`l'iillv was of course remov- ed. hut, &L _SH{.;'ht irritation of` the tissue was produced, the evidence of which has uppemed only-last night. It. has hm-n m.-ccssury on account of` this sligjlit dist,urbanceAto remove a. few stitciws and partially open-the_ skin wound. ` This incident` cannot give rise 1,0 other complications, but i is c`oiiiiiiuiii(`uLL-(1 to the public as the S]H'(n-nncv 3.. .-o4,..--l._._..- ._:,,1_ A , ,,,_I_-