Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 12 Sep 1901, p. 4

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corn-:2: FIIERCHANTS, BARBIE. PLEASE REMEMBER that ours is the only store in Barrie that has a complete stock of the celebrated "Priestly Blacks which are the richest Black Dress Goods made. The prices are no higher than inferior makes, and in fact much lower this season than they have been. DRESS MAKING PARLORS--Are now open again` under thevskilful and satisfactory n1anagcn1cn:_ of Miss Lightfoot. N 0 higher recommendation of the efficiency of Miss Lightfoot and her staff need b given you than to state that the orders completed in this department have increased to almost double \vhat they were two years ago. ' V - '_ Barrie s Most` Popular Dry Goods Store. The Highest Qualities at the Lowest Pries. . We are-making a special display invthis department this week, and cordially invite you to come and inspect what we are showing beforethe rush of the Millinery Season is on whether you place an early order or not we promise you the most courteous treatment and our best attention. I5` `FOR CHEAP COAL GO TO a~1' 35 eta. 4-O cts. And 50 C15. TRY THEM. TEA .'No new name grill added to the Subscription Not until the money is mad. . ' Sllblcriberl now in arrears for three months and our will be charged $I. per annum SARJ EANT & SMITH, is not giving complete satis- faction. Pumps put in on 30 days trial to responsible parties. Our Spray Pumps do perfect work and a child V can operate it. For particu- lnn ndrlrnnn can Upcrulc 11 Ian address Aylmer Double I cylinder Well Pump of a single case when-e"the INFORMATION \A_IANTED Stanley Splllett, _ Nantyr, 134- General Agent. some Exclusive specials: m.~x 2.2m$$ /L%&x " r`..`{\ J M V - A ' nuuu wssu-:v', PROPRIETOR Ladies Jackets, biggest stock outside the cities and the lowest prices in Canad- - $3.75 Jackets in black, blue and brown for $2 50. - -_ $5.00 Jacketsm all colors and nicely made for $3.50. $7.50.Jackets, stylishl cut end nicely lined for $5.00 All lines of $10.00 J ets in all colors and cloths for $7.50. Weshow more Jackets than all the other stores combined. . V REDUCED PRICES on Fla.nn'el`s, Flanhelettes,. Cloths and Coating, Lace Cur` ` tains. Child's Jackets, Linens, Men's Underwear, Sox, Shirts and Neck 11es.- nd = ; `BOOTS & SHOES at wholesale prices and the cheapest Clothing for Men 3 `Boys-inCsn'uIa'." 7 A. . ` ' lJ\J\JL at `Boys in Canada. We are the cheapest house in Ontario for Hosiery of -all Stockings worth 15c for 10c pr.., 25c Stockings for 20c. \ English Cashmere Hose ribbed or plain, worth 350 for 250. All the best 50c En lish `Cashmere Hose for 40 and 42c. 50c Heavy Ribbed orsted Hose for 37c. . 75c Worsted Hose, the best goods made fof wear for 45c. We sell 25c Cashmere Gloves for 20c. ' We are bound to maintain our position as leaders in low prices for I`c1iab1t'1m'X'- chandise. We were never so well prepared to save money to every Cash Bu_wr. W. some things it may be 10 per cent. On many things it runs to :20 and 30 per M11. When you trade with us you take no chances. For cash we claim to be the gmt9.~:1 `value -givers in Barrie-or elsewhere. We Work on the barest nossible nmgiu of prots on every lucky purchase `with our patrons. We have the newest and ulcun}-~: stock in Barrie` We have no old fashioned goods to sell. 0 We guarantee cv.-r_v1hm;_; as represented and your money back is proof of our sincerity. . Monster Frieze Double Fold and heavy, all dwool for shirts and Jackets in GIT." Black, and Tan at $1 25 yd. Our price 75 cents. Blackvlnglish Worsteds for Tailor made dresses 56 in. wxde. Pun-_wool and heavy weight at $2.00 yd. Our price 31 35,` 75c. Dress Serges for 500 M. All Wool Serges in all shades and colors, wide at 25c. _ New Covert and Venetian Suitmgs, New Vicunes, and Camels Hair utlvuts` at cute prices. You save from 10c to 50 per yd on most lines of New Dwss Goods. NewFall Goods The regular $3.00 Blankets we sell for $2. 25. Vervlarge size Blankets of ne quality worth $3. 75 for $3.00. $1.50 Blankets for $3.50 a. r. We show the largest stock in Barrie. Grey B1ankets#$l.-10 grade or $1.10, $2.00 grade for $1.60 pr. uvu cauu avug uccuc uuu. V` 75c _all wool Vests for 50c. Ladies V.ests_Heavy Fall Goods at 12:}, and 17c. 35c extra long eece and Vesta for 25c. URI! oi` Innnl `Tani-g. 6'..- RA- IIIII @@%qeag $1 per Ammm in Advwnceg AT MONEY SAVING * IIE?.VVI]Nl"$, alllll DIRECT IIVIPORTERS. S Fine Venetian Cloth, a perfect cloth for high classed tailored suits will not spot or shrink, in every new autumn shade, at . . . . . . . . . . . .81 90 English Mervielleux Silk in 15 dierentshadcs a highly satisfactory B1ou~'e Silk, at . . . . . . . 50, Black Silks in Taetta, Peau de Soie, Merviel- leux, Peau de cheue__ Habutai, a most com- plete assortment of prices including the cele- brated C. J. Bonnet Silks Manufactured in Lyons, France. Japan Taffetta. Silk in 40' different shades, with special nish for Blouses, guaranteed not to cut, 28 inch wide, at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50c, Every imaginable shade of Habutai Silk for fancy work, 21 inch wide. at. . . . . . . . `2.3c. Blankets, Cut Prices New Dress Goods Ladeies Jackets La`d'tes T Vests New Hosiery V '.l'IIvollorI Iluould secure a Rand-McNally Railway IIIIIII and Hand Book-issuod monthlv. .nI\_!I__ All ..I.__ 4...--- l\-:I-. ..-.-.._a. C.....l--. charges Moderate. A 12, 1:501; ----* THE NORTHERN Aovnucz In Publilhad from the Oice, :33 Dunlop Street Barrie, in the County of Simcoe, the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada. every Thursday Morning, by ' J. Frank Jackson, imro surmes IUZU nu: any-nu a-can... --- .----...-y 'Dailv. All bther Atraig: Daily except: Sunday. GKAVISNHUKST at nunun mu. 11.08 mm. Mail. 5.87 pan. 0.03 p.m. `Atlantic 8; Pacific Ex. 1.88 p.m. 0.00 North Bay Maxed. A 7.81 mm. Gnvouhunt mixed (uouth on! )9.31. COLLINGWOOD & MEA ORD. . I.Il|. - ll).- 0.00 pan. E: can. V 0 7.55 am. > ` PEN TANG. . 11.10 mm. Accommodation. 5.32 pan. 0.00 9.1:). Accommodation. ' 7.55 mm. ALLANDALIM; BARRIE SECTION. . A null: -I-n A1_f.AunAI`.R. lluunavunuu uy Alauosnsuna u_` BARBIE TO ALLANDALB. 7.3: l.m., 7.56 a..m., 9.37 a..m.. u.:5 .II.. 0.33 p.m., 5.27 p.m.. 8.oo p.m. ALLANDALE To BARRIB. Tidal lave Barrie for and naive` from the 4 donnontioned places as follows: _ Ion. TORONTO `mm - In - _. uunih n_'n_ nut. Col] Ihllln, ant] `J-uup \wvv In uu ALLANDALII TO BARRIB. 1.50 3.111., 11.10 n..m.. 11.25 1.111., 12.58 9.131., ' | up 50.. P_mo. Pcmup 9009 pm. W 19.31. W13: {I000 Icllls [.13 p.m. ' Muskoka. Express 18.58 13.11). ' Muskoka Express 1.38 pm. [$0 pan `Atlantic & Pacic Ex. 3.03 pan. he evening Express leaves Toronto at 5.20 . HAMILTON. 7. `Jun EX T583: 93 Folli- 88 pan. ail. 11.38 um. I. V 'GRAVENHURST & NORTH BAY. II IQ n on Man. n,m_ A 8 Page 48 Column Newspaper. _________* CARRIE RAILWAY GUIDE. MAKER OF PUHTRMTS. Tim on SUBSCRIPTION. i"o`?h\R\'\\u - I \` there is no law against farmers lowing cows within a regoonnble dia- ui1road_proporty there ought ` ono there it one, it \`Il\U L I'D`! ml. ALI: u.:5 a.m.. 1.26 III. FKUK 7.58 pan. 11.38 a..m. IQ-KR an an, The Council met Sept. `lath by order of the Reeve. All the members pre- sent. The minutes of the last meeting were read and conrmed. Documents presented and read: Report M. Gavil- - ler, Esq., township engineer re drainage of Swaley creek outlet and assessments for by-law and plan ofsame on motion i I I 1 I 1 of Finlay and Ooutts the Clerk was ' i ordered to le the same.` Mr. A. B. ' Culloden in com munication to the Coun- cil requested that he be appointed path- master on roads to his lands in Vespra, application ` granted. Several accounts were laid before the Council. By-laws were passed for ; Imposing a percentage onlate paid ; For the `appoint-V ment of W. "J. White collector of rates ; For levying and collecting township, school. and county "rates. A by .-lagw amending by-law"_39.4 three,tin)ss r 4 s 1: I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 ii .1] I ``wu "introduced. to impme V: .oinlgt syuoy _-Crock . d_u`ln'o`9".`_ :9-J We Inlays visited the hospital and were kindly received by ' the superin- tendent and shown over the building as far as was convenient without interfer- ing with the patients under treatment. Everything was beautifully kept, clean and in. order, and reects great -credit on the staff, consideringthe building -at their disposal for hospital purposes. We congratulate the town as well as the county on the very wise steps taken by the Hospital Board in . securing a modern and well equipped hospital, for which purpose we, understand the ground is already broken for the erec- tion of such a building._ ' ' All of which is respectfully submitted. ...,-_..._.,. .. _..----. V. V . That in the opinion of your Grand Jury there should certainly be better accommodation provided for the jailer, who at present occupies the centre of the older portion of the jail, and which is totally unt for residential purposes. We also think that better accommoda- tion should be -afforded to the insane female inmates. who have to be detained until there is `room for their admit- tance into theasylums. We alsoare of a strong opinion that the same sys- tem of heating should be adopted in the women's department as is already in the men s, and this alteration should be attended to at once as the means of heating now employed by stoves is not only dangerous but does not, give sui- cient heat, and the inmates really suffer from the cold. We also nd the oor of the men s dining and day room in need of repair "through dampness caus- ing an upheaval of the oor. _ TI`). 1...... _:..h....l LL- L-....:a...I -_.I' VIII: IJU VI. l|l.l_ll.n$IlJo We received at the hands of Govern- nor Siasone every opportunity to thor- oughly examine the -premises. which we found thoroughly clean and orderly. From our inspection we would like to lay the following facts before your Lordahip e notice. ` ' mL_L '2- LL- -_:_:__ -1.-'._..-__ri1_-...1 II` `I V VI 7 IIVXIIIIUOS UIVv\'Zwu"-: , . We have visited the jail and found only seven inmates, two of which are lunatios and two vagrants, leaving only three criminals. ' " ` I R!` - - l ootmr JUSTICE , n V J msevsou. _' There -were only three cases at the Full Assines yet in none ofrthose conld the jury agree. _ The first was Rex in Walter Simmons and Ed. Simmons for alleged opening a boom and letting logs out and stealing someohsins from Cane & Sons, Honey Harbor. The jury were out four or -ve hours and as they could not reach a decision the iudge discharged them. The case was trs. versed to the December sessions. W; H. Bennett acted for the defendants. S. F. Washington, Hamilton, acted for the Crown in each instance. T I VIA UV vv 1 -- cu-vu- u----cv-twcv The second case was Rex v. John Gray. Indicted for stealing 4-O logs from Cane '8; Sons. In this the jury were out fully nine hours and then dis- agreed. `W. H. Bennett defended. ` "I'\l__ AL2._.`I ___.. ._ ....__ --.._ `D-_ _ III`uvv$u II n --w jv--ww- vuvuviwuvvuu The-third was an arson case. Rex v. Angus Black, (Dnntroom) _The prison- er was charged with burning a barn and stable, belonging to John Hender- son. The jury failing to agree in four hours` were discharged. - A. J. F. Sulli- van was the. defendant's counsel. angun wms mmsnnmnrr. To His Lordahip Juatiqe Ferguson : We, the Grand Jurors of the County of Simooe at the present Court of Assize, beg leave tovoongretulste your Lordship on the absence of serious crime in the` County. .______-_ -1 ____. J__L__ _. I.-_- YUX UYX VI During the present year there have been 116` commitments, 15 deaths. At present there are 77 inmates composed of 14 females and 58 males. We would compliment the House Committee on taking hold of the heating question which up to the `present has not only proved_ inadequate, but unsatisfactory. The Comutitteehave` a contract let for the betterment of this and no doubt when completed will prove very satis- factory. .We are indebted to Governor Ross for his kindness in showing us through the House and also to Sheri` Drury who accompanied us and showed us every possible attention. ` 117. I.___. ..:..:A....I 'al... :..:I .._.1 1.`.-......J VVIIIJU I In pursuance of our duty we have visited the House of Iudurtry st Beeton and made an inspection thereof as for as the limited time at our disposal per- mitted. We hsve much pleasure in testifying to the thorough cleanliness, system and order throughout the House. We conversed with the inmates who appear on the whole to be satised end content. Vmme ansamm W vmspm OOUN 0.11.. 1 cows THAT CROSS TRACKS. `The accident on Saturday near Pens- hng emphasises the _ fact that it is dangerous for cows to be allowed near a railroad. It was a miraculous escape for the trains crew and passengers on atcrday andthey may well be thank- ful for coming out so well. Neverthe-_ less when we ' consider the lives that .~_`w_sre endangered we may well stop and shing what a menace the cow is when {on a railroad track. 4 V Fn.E:15._LMAI;n, foreman. '0' ` on thifdpiiyit the reuoiiable prioei 3f M i n P 75a. in 31.00. with man mum 3.11, .4; 250. `See yttyoptiunpant regarding pl . ` -. UIIIU llutlltiy Uuw uvuucn null ILIUIUUIIW DUI omilier to the readers of the famous Sien- ; 7 kiewicz novel. This is the production. that ; the thestrogoers of this community will be :`given an opportunity ot witnessing on [Monday night, `sud despite the heavy ox- | V pense necessary for taking each an sg 9.- ttion on tour,L.the Amenogementoreo put :3 "' this lsy at the reasonable. prices of '18.. ah `I ll` $301: sonnls QAAA":n'nnIIA-in A Those who have seen the original drama- tization of `fQuo Vadie, by Stanislaus Strange, lay it would be ueeleaa for any -or- dinary. company to attempt to play it. There are thirty-two apeaking parts. each requiring a performer of aoeoial qualica- tions to Eroperiy portray` his or her role. Beaidea t ere are acenee which require a small army of aupernumerariea toproperlv protray, ee ially- the one showing the burnin "of me, when theaoldiery of Nero drive, utcher and crush the Christiane. In addition to the people required there in a wealth otthe moat gar eoua eeenery to lend realism `to the magni cent stave icturea that portray the mace and inci enta no '1lnIIIAlI On 1-Jan IIDIIIAFI ll. hin `QIIIIIIIQ .3An_ A quiet wedding took" place on Wednesday, August 28th, at noon at St. James Uhuroh, Crown Hill, when Miss Frances D, Drury, eldest daughter of the late John Drnry, was married to to Dr. '1`. VJ. Caldwell. The brides- maid was ' the bride's - sister, Miss M. 0. Drury, and the. best man, Dr. `J. M. Caldwell, brother of the groom. The bride was given away by. her brother, Dr. J. E, Drury. .l`he ceremony was performed by Rev. J. H. Teney. Mr.~Thompson, principal of the pub- lic school has accepted a posinion on the public school.sta', Allistun, with an in crease in salary. Mr. Clark, of Thorn- bnry, has succeeded Mr. Thompson as `principal of this schools Miss Ada Walliivngliciwjriiiciisind, is visiting with her cousins, Miss Mildred Walkinahaw and M188 Violet Neff. . _ - . Mrs. Roderick. Goilan and "family have gone to Noothpors, Wssh., to join- her husband "there, where they purpose `making their home. Mia. N esbitt. and `Miss .Mossie re- ` turned home last week after an exten- sive visit in Toronto and lngersoll. 11:-.. A .1- rrr n - - The Land of the Free has become a place where ignorant ri` mi!` of con- tinental countries have become free to talk treason, and disseminate the seeds of conspiracy and murder topsuoh an. extent that the democracy has been threatened by a secret power. It isa power. The foreigners who oonprise the Anarohioal organizations in the United States are powerful. The at? tempt on the President's life will, it is . hoped. he the cause {or the enactment of Better laws and the ferreting out of those devils as if they were a lot of vermin. I The 'ni1mber ovfcld buildings, taken down recently will certainly add to the appearance of our village. '|",_ CHI` II >"N[reT. Shields ancimidvias Ruby and Dell Shields report a pleasant time in the Queen Cxty last week. . Mra:'Hinda an}! dau gh\te1-, of `Illinoa, is the quest of her sisters, Mrs. Perry ` and Mrs. MoAteers Mrs. Henson has gone to Wales, Ont., where she will spend a few weeks visiting her folks. _ Angus. Advance Correspondence. _ Miss Cassy Net!` is visiting relatives Mra. Jathcos and Miss Mary [Foster o visited "relatives in Toronto during the exhibition. L M The following are the names of some of those who visited the Toronto Ex-_ hibitionl last week ;--Mr. and Mrs. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. J. Packard, Miss J essie`Goode, Mrs. Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Campbell, Miss Clara Campbell. Q On. gn otio'n_ `of . Coats`: and` 'FioIay, ordered that 1 Court of Revision `on said by-luv be held on the 4th Oct. 1901 at Town `Hall, M.idhurst,. at the hour of 10 o olook a. m.T The following encounter were and ordered to be paid :-,-Robb. Carson, $11.50; J. E. 'MoLenn, $55; ,_Al'ex. Johnston, $5.75 ; John Robinson, $2 ; J. A. MecLaren,' on acct. printing, $30; J. Greivee $4 ; W. H. Partridge. $4.80 ; H. White,` 83.48. ' A A ,. - l\_ .._-.|.2-_ -1 I`! U Q ` `V 5. vv IIIIIJ QIJUTUI On motion of Cameron gnd Coutt the clerk was requested ,to notify E. l`rovis to move his "fence oaidelino: _ FIIL- t .. While the sympathy oi` this country es. wellss of European nations is sin- cerely expressed for the President and his family, still there can be little sym- pithy for the United States as e. mi- tion. It is their own fault to a certain extent. Instead of sweeping the An- Irchists from the ccuntry, they foster the principles of revolution and mur- der. Paterson, New Jersey, has peen I real hot bed of Ansrchism, where the plot to kill King Humbert, of Italy, was hatched, and where attempted ss- I???-ll.I|BlOl`l of monsrchical rulers have found a welcome. ' 7&1}? 603335 ";35'&'e`& ?3'c3L'23im' 4th I ` IV PC Shnntv Bev. Advance Correspondence. Mr. and Mr. Chas. Pall: spent Sun- day at Mrs. Palk s. Mr. Htrrty Pall: `;n_d Mr. Robert Muir visited the Pan-American last week. ; 7 - ` ' .Rev: Mr. Fralick, of` Minesing, will conduct the service in the Methodist ohureh next Sunday afternoon, Rev. Mt`. Paul invthe evening. The Guthrie i c1./17 choir have charge of the musical part of the pro- gramme in connection with the Metho- dist Harvest Home Entertainment next Monday. Miss Lizzie and Miss Minnie `Mc-A Ateer havogone to Toronto. ' _.Mr."Jame`a Grham, of Manitoulin Island,` spent Sunday. with his father, Mr. J 00. Graham. `Mr. Peter Ceineron, who has been visiting his br other for some time, left "for home on Monday. I\ n I-`D Prof. Hume anti family left last Thursday for Toronto, after spending _their vacation in our village. `Id , 1 it (we be c` Mr. and Mrs. Wm. V. Brown are spending their vacation visiting the Pan-American, Thousand Isles and ether places. . President McKinley was not a man deserving of death, and it was no per- sonal enmity that the would-be assassin V bore to McKinley that was the-cause of the dastardly act. Leon Czolgosz, a Russian-Pole, was a member of the `Society of Reds, an Anarohical organ- ization. He oonfessed he premeditated the deed; that he did it believing he would benet mankind. Miss, Mary Malcohhr left here for Erie, U.S.A., on Monday, where she intends to spend the winter with her unole, the Rev. Sg, Arthur. V` `Mr. and Mia. A.z:biiur, of Waverley, are visiting Mr. Wright. THE '_`d,UO VADIS won.-rn smmnu. UAL`DWELL-D1-IURY. Gmo. SNEATH, Clerk. lmwlay 85 lIooro.8o1a Local Mont. A vv nuulnu 1 u man 1, centrauy utuawa. scum westcorner of Mulcaater and McDonald Sts. House, 2 atorev, 9 rooms and hall, garden and lawn. Apply on the premises. - ` 45-tf T Order now and get the best Anthricite Coals. Stove. Egg and Nut. at summer prices ($6.50 cash) and have it delivered at any time it suits vou, now, or in the winter. Offices at A. Morren's. V.S., 6a Collie street. Barrie. and B. Parker's Li\'rerv.AAlla.nda1e. 32 ;| , nan-:. v vvvvvvvvvvvv PARKER 3. Monnaws THE PAN-AMERICAN TRAGEDY. On Friday of last week the `people of Barrie inoredulously heard the re. port that President McKinley had been Ihot, but on Saturday the rumor was veried, and sympathetic interest was shown by the numerous people who lnxiously awaited the coming of the morning papers._ The Americans in town `were especially. anxious, and the newsthat he would likely 'reoover_re- lieved them very much. I ' . L A. .. . )WELLlNG TO RENT, centrally situated. south wmtcorner nf Mlllcnnter and Mcnnnald Sta, for vour benefit, and our prot-. These ; are the blends we are struck on. `I Cheap Coal. A quarter of 9. centurv we have - been blending ~ The Slater Shoe pledgi? 52{1{{' 513" to t t price in- r ----- t1.;4::'a::"'? '" Shoe soIe_robbery prevails-__5ecaus it can't be discovered till *h:he*_= Worn sm- llilll

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