Iillitl I8 b8l'II`n We have a large amount of Private Funds to lend at 4} and 5 per cent. on the security of good fa`:-m Mortgages. McCARTHY. BUYS & MURCI-IL SON. Dunlo Street Barrie. . v llI.\a IU Au:n'|.mH1' co.. Manna. R S. BROAD, M. D. C. M., F.vT. M. C., L. C. O ot Toronto General hospital, with special attention to Diseases of Women, ano. `Nose and Throat Work, also tor some ume surgeon In charge of Emergencv Hospital. '1 orouto. office and night residence-- upstairs in McCarthy B.ock. 21 Dunlop St., Barrie, second door east of Dougall Bros. furniture warerooms-near Five Points. Phone 105. 29-ly T P. S., 0., late resident Physician and Surgeon. R. E. L. BRERETON. Dental Surgeon. Oic over I-la.mbly's hardware. Entrmce, Owen Street. Out of town 1st and 1rd Mondays or each month. 51-lv R. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. 8: S , Edin- burgh; M.F.P. 8; 5., Lilasgoxv, member of British Upthalmological Society. Specially.- lnseaues on` In e, Ear, Throat. and None. OFF ICE.---78 Dunlop Street, Sanders Block, Bar- rie. opposite Post Otiice and Railway Station. Phone 54. P. O. Box 96. 7-`ly W . [ Hours-u to x. -ens} R. J. F. Palling, Graduate of Trinity University ! Toronto, Fellow of Trinity Medical bollcge, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office and Residence, 18 Owen street. ' R. W. "A. ROSS, Physician, Surgeon, etc., L. I R.C.S. Edin,, L.R L..P., Londun. Otces and , mght resiuence-nruwn's Block, Dunlop street, ' Barrie; Telephone 77. I n..:|.` - EDITORIAL NQTES. Carnegie to Oollingweod! So our northern sister town is to `accept charity from the hands` of that Anti-Britiaher, the multi-millionaire. of the United 'Stetea, Andrew Carnegie. But-blee- ed are the humble. T.|.'KJ`L.ll.'1X -3 1361311, D ' Barristers, bolicitors in High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, uonveyancers. uices over the Bank of T oronto. , Ra rru-,_ UR. J. c. smrru, L.C-..P.S.,T om., um 01 Drs. 3 Harvie 8; Smith, Urillxa.) Omce anu residence -corner of Owen and Uolher streets, Barrie. .3.1y " I x . A. RADLNHURST, Barrister, Attorney. 1 . Solicitor in Chancery. Conveyancer, etc. Ottice--First door Owen street. over Bank or Egan- untario. Money to I A n 1I,,. `CCARTHY, BOYS 8: MURCHISQN, Barris- ters. SOHCIIUYS, Conveyancers. etc. Success- ors to Mcglarghy. Peplcr 6; McCarthy. r~~~ -L-. u|-..I.' |......n.. kn-not Rn:-rip, I to lVICL.43K'Fllyg I Upllib cl; Auuwun sun - Oice-M'cCan.hy Block, Loumop btreet, Barrie. J. A. McCAR'rHv, - `w. A. Bovs, 1 I ) {` M u u.-:r~x.n:nN_ UII1CB'- L'II'l U` merce. Barrie. , ROSS & BROKUVSKI. barr1ster_s, auucnwrav Notaries,_\.onveyanc=rs, etc. Omcgs Bank u` loronto Buildmg. Bame. Branch Ofhcc, Cold` water. Money to Luau. Damn"-.D Ross. LL.B. J. C. Bnoxovsxx. , The Sentinel-Review shouldbe pre- pared to name the proposed act which could have been used for the purpose of blaokmailing corporations. Its charge II abolutely false, and can only serve All a vain pretense that the weakling legislators, who have `been sacricing -rights for the benet of corporations, have been in reality protecting corpora- tionssgainst blackmail for thebenet of alderman. a 3 ENNOX, ARDAGH, cowm & BRuw':~._ 1 -Barnsters, bulicitors tor obtaining probate ot l ; mus. guardianship and administrauon. anu General` M 30|lCitOf8, Notaries. bonve, ancera, etc. 1 Haven :-us Lnusox, Ausx. COWAN,' ' 1 d. Hou-`oxn ARDAGH, G. L. I. bnowx, L.L.B [ .Oices: Hinds Blo.k, No. 6. Dunlap street. Bar- M ne. A - `I Iranch Oces-LeauOx & Ardagh. G_ra.venhursL ; ! Lennox,Ardagh, L;owanAa Brown, t;rcemoze and dz-IV W AULT- Barrister. Socimf. Proctor, Notary. I; 0 Conveyance:-, etc. Spccihl attention m ' ..'-7-swing an_cI probaung .wi ls,_ obtainigg Aeuers or administratnon and guardnanshnp, cul.ecuug accounts, .... nm.~... Rn-u mack. Barrie. Moncv to Loan. ; uv-lvxl I8 &&fII`o 5 and 5% per cent. on Mortgage. ' LOUNT & LOUNT Barristers, Barrie, 32tf. V Opposite R. R. Station` ` 2...... .-- .... __ . g. . ............_-_._,. . V ho ' "tor, .. Convoyancer. etc. Monev to Loan. at lowest ;.a':'.s. oaice-.mccar`:hy Block, uouth sine Dunlap nreet, Barne. 27-53 ` 1 QTRATHY -8! ESTENo ` R: Sarric. _ \- Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards, t nor pant. Vcl &lJ In 1-1. H. Srxxruv, `K.C. Illlinistrltlon On HUHTQIEHSHIP, UULCI-'Ilu5 cslovuuusu, 4 5. Offices. Ross block. Barne. ; 'j \ {USS BROKOVSKX, Barristers, Solicitorbv I\I..m.-:... . nnv:-.\.':lnC::I'S- etc. Oices 4 .6 Sentinel-Relview speaks on this question with the authority of Andrew Pattnllo, M..P.P.. and makes a charge which is incapab!e of proof. ' .______________.___.___.__________ EWSON 3; cmsswxcxez, bayristers, sand. b tors of the Supreme Court or Judicature of Ltario. Proctors, Notaries. Conveyancers, etc. mey loan. Oices--Ross Block. Barrie. K I I.` L! I`.. uauuvup-Irv) T. BANTING. Clerk County Ce. at th (`Jlllrf "nann- _?_:_. I'M. M. CAMPBELL. Barrister, Solicitor, \T........ nth Manon tn lnan. Uices--Ba.rric I I equal to: I00 candle lights and com- parable only to the light of noon day sun, yet soft and restful to sew or read by, _such is the light of the 135' T. ARN}-\.LL;1\rI.D.C.5/1,, oic in Bothwelfs Block. Alxandale`. ~ Un tne premises at night. 43-ly DR.,R. P. VIVIAN MONEY TO LOAN. / ...,_ _-._L A_ IIAWA ADVERTISE IN MONEY TO LQAN. WV- ' The Woodstock Sentinel Review `ac. cuses'7,'1`oronto of asking for legislation st the instance `of alderman who were promoting such legislewion with intent in blackmail corporations. - `1u..mm;EBE}` mcnnmnnon. MONEY TO LOAN. It makes and burns its own gas-is cheaper than oil and . as eafsy to ma.nage--though eighttimesasbright. Gives out verylittleheat. _ Our free cataloguegives full particu- lars. \Vrite for it. FOR INVESTMENT on good freehold secnxrifv at Immagt mm at AUER GAS LAMP D. C. Muacmson. P.IlYSl.lANb. FINANCIAL. OFFICIAL. or the legialntion which has been asked from ;the `Legislature of recent years on fee it is tolei-`obi; certain "thee some hehali of the city wee promoted by alderman who were more_ nnxioue to hold gnp the corporations, after the" iuhien in Montreal for instance, than to the people against their en- eroeohmente. - Woodstock Sentinel~ Review.` ' V --- n. can .3 ac` an 3 run DUUIETY UFBARRIE tion. in good Homes. a number nadian childran. have an!` ---5--'- DENTAL. Homoeopammst. HI-i at at hour. LEGAL, Luuus, I 4s-ly- :56 Dunlop St. ` Residence and Oice. ` 8-lv 1 '63 -r-v--, -_._-_- A. E. H. Cuus\_mcx1. s. Morrrn: of Ootori; for. negleof. ` The '.l3oI-onto Telegram speaking `edi- ioriolly of the npologetic Liberal press, quota the Woodstock Sentinel-Review, and coll: in 3 campaign liar`: . G. H. Esrnn. : I cuucl x x-lv ,toloa.n ags: 1-ly 35-Iv Y 7 LOAN. l'lD'pf0' Pg-5"` Ptrtv ` hind; `id. ` Tum t0 log`, V 10;: tcgmnlit `bto go 9:1 cent. on ta . ` Pliny. A No connection pp 3' Personally or by V H % `REY MARI-`I BARRIE ntion- DR. MGGAHETS HEAVE CURE For Brokenwinded Horses. The only medicine in the world that will stop Heaves in three days. But for a. permanent c_ure I! requires from one half to one bottle used aCC0l dlng ` directions. $1.00. Kidney and Acute Cough Powd- ers 50c. Dr. McGahey.'s Condition Powders destro)' worms, puries the blood, putting horses. cattle anu calves in condition; 25c. Take no other. Sold bl. G. Monkman. Barrie, and Cook & Co.. Orillia. 404) _.., ~ mum. V L ' The formation ot the .n noioip`o|' Union is a `direct _ charge ogoinst the j iii5S{`{ J Halrcutting and Shaving Parlor OPPOSITE BARBIE HOTEL. BARBIE. Razors and Scissors ground and set on 8110" } notice. . Agent Standard Life. London Gum u- teo and Accident Co . Provincial Building and Loan Association. etc. OFFICE.-Next door :;a Bank of Toronto. Owen Street. Barrie. xx-1\' I vvv And tine Sun Loan and Savingscbmpany of Ontario. 3 Private funds to loinon rst morggages. Ac counts collected. &.c. 5*` . _ oOice over Hentlei-,on,s Hardware Store. Barns nt. REPRESENT `rm: FOLLOWING Fun: lxsL'm.~'cu ' Commxmsz The Mercantile, now affiliated wkh The Lon- don 82: Lancashire of England. Secur- ity. $x5.ooo,ooo. The Waterloo Mutual, of Waterloo. Ont. ' Tothl assets, $334.o83. The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. Ont. Total assets, $303,078. Also L1ovd's Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany, Of New York. Cash capital, $z5c, ` \JlT ; Ont. Condensed`advertisements on first1;a;';e such as wants of all kinds, lost and tonnd, Iirnperty; for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc.. etc,, must be Aaccumpanied with the cazzh, and will be inserted-11ret insertion 2 cents per word, ' each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but a. reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same nxatter exceed four. Cuts for advertisements must In every ; case be mounted on solid metal bases. PHOV|NB|Al.fBU|lD|NG AND man AS Sil]ClAT|U%N. SCROGGIE & SMITH, ..... LIV \......E,w. . Advertisers will not be allowed to use thgi; 'space fox"advert.isms: anything outside their own regulvc business, Should they do so transient rates will be cI1ax'ge for such ad. I vertisements. ' LUV! Lu `u l2.chauges of Advertlsements allows:-d I-pg}. year. It more are reqmred, cnm1.o.~ition rates will be char ged. A An.-4-n..m. rill `mo 1... ..li.m,..l tn ..,`. .1 I i g 3 Preferred positions for local a1\-emse 2 ments in the paper will be sold at an adv; : of one-third on above rates, on no other '1`-E count will special positions be giwm Til: rule will be strictly carried out. " CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bemjin mind that notice ot' intention to change advertisements must be handed into the oice not later than ' Satux day at 10 o clock, and the copy for such change must be in THE AnvA:s';r: office not . later than 12 o'clock noon on Mondav in any i week, otherwise the advertisufs :m:1ounr:L-nmm \ may not be made public until the Week f0}, ` lowing. ` I0 nknnnuc n5. .Sr1uor9'1unvnunr;- nH...... J xinch 2% inches........... 5 inches, 54 column.'.. no inches, )6 column. zoinches, 1 column... with 15 per cent. added. *Fur two montl1s-the with 10 per cent. added. -..-_r\ ' `For one month-the I A `N A1) E VERTISIC'? b RATES` ' j;'DVERTI_SfI`I&G`R;1`:: sYNC A ovmmn nus .; en, 1 . A on mnuwrnnm nuunnnltno, Irowrr _copms_ `Nb \ > Ahnnxt if unf nI~n'h. .l....L\ ' Almost, if not_ quite. double that. } _ paper published in game. ".uJv1c1ms1s1:s suouu) xom mm P 13 lines solid agate make 1 incl? -`H TRANSIENT ADVERTISEM1-;\'-rs First iusertian 10 cents 1...; 1' ' "3 om,` T r - ""`.` .\`Il'lms " . . me ` quent msertlon 4 cents per line, ' each `"1582 Rnndina 'IlOlil'P.\' In ,r........ - , .. `I111 I700 V Legal,_ Official and Government ments W111 he charged an above ratesa ' , CONTRACT ADVEH l`lSI\`(` ' Conbraut advertisements will Vb; ` the iollowing rates, which are drmed rect coxnmercialprinciples and win 1) iilered to. There; W111 be only one E ' First lix 1e ' 4 each . . Re-.a`d1ng noun-e_s, 10 cents 1.91. line f mseruou ; 5 cents per line to. each Sub rat insertion of the same Inatter. All jtselent der 5,.1ines, of this chmactm-, lines. 1' ..--..1 f\ln..:-` .._..} 11 - ..---`.- ances have been received. Among V those invited are the members of the Dominion and Local Government, lead- ing merchants and manufacturesin To-A ronto, Hamilton and Montreal, the of- cials of the management of the G.T. R. and 0.P.R., the R. & O. eNagviga~ tion 00. and representatives of the press from various. parts of the Do- minion. V Arrangements have been" made by the company for a special train to con- vey their guests to and from Toronto, leaving at 10.20 a.m.,.King at ll a.m., N ewmarket at 1 11.17 a.m., 'Allan_da_le, 12 mg New Lowell; 12.20 p.m.. Stay- ner, 12.33, and arriving at Oollingwocd at 12.45 pm. ` Guests from Ba_rrie will be brought to Allandale at 11.50 to meet the special. T The launch" will take place -at one o_ clocl:. Immediately after the launch the heel` of itheilnt steel steamer for the Olergue Syndicate . on the west. side of thegjyard, `near "the" -Eurcntaric street clip, tr the conclusion ccrcmoijy : be men -we bee-ma /. John Rijgerson, Number of inches space. % 5-ly AUTHORIZED ECAPITAL. 55.oou.c.\0 Fire and` Life Issurance. INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, ac. CONDENSED ADVEP.TlsEME.\"l`.~'. scnoiglz .3. SMITH: j:_ "One L I met- non. : The llpooinl triin will leave on the Ihortly ght .ofo!l`o_ok "T .4 A` or ..,. three - 12, 1901; lncr- 1 9...- tions. . 3 mos. `E monthly r_at,o `ran: FIRST STEEL SHIP. .. Today is the day of the launching of the Huronic at Collinqwood. Laat week's Bulletin gave the programme of the arrangements. "This week ? _ it said the invitations to the launch of the Str. Hunonio, at the yards of the` Col- lingwood Shipbuilding 00,, have been issued and already a number of accept- ......... L.-- L--- _-_-2_ advrtiae. rm 5.00 p.m., 16:1; Oct.-Q-Leave sher. brooks; ` A 10.00 p.m.,l8th Oct.-{Leave St.i John, N. B. ' ` 10.00 mm, 19th Oot.-Arrive Hali- fax. 3.00 p.m., 16th occ;-Argive Sher- brooke. - A ` . , 7 __f-...v .--vv- ville 6.30 p.m., 15th Oct.-Leuve Brock- ville. Aston. 11.00 nah.` 15th Oct`.-.-Arrive Knig- 2.00 p.m., 15th Oct,-Leave King- ston by steamer for `Thousand Islands `(if ne). > Ann _.n.o'n ._ . - - 11.00 ::.m.,_ Mash Oot.-Leave Niaga- ra, visilzingtowns in Western. Ontario, and leave {gr Kingston. _ There is a widespread feeling in New South Wales towards adopting a decimal -- Iystem of coinage. One proposal is to take the? farthing for the unit and to make the sovereign worth a thousand farthings. ' Why not adopt the Cana- "dial: system? Some day England will come to it. .9.a.m., I 12th V O`ot.--A-Eve Toronto, visiting towns in`Weate1=n Ontario, and arriving at Niagara. ` - 1.1.45 n.m., 30th S'ept.-Arrive Van- couver. ' " ` -11:30 u.m`., 7h Sept.-Arrive Re- gina. - " ` I M: ' 4.15 p.up., 28th sepe.;.Le.ve 0.31. _"f' . % % % 5.00 a.m,,` la1:`Oct.-IA;eave Vanou- ver. ` `AAA _ - . - -- W-1.0.00 a.m., lst__Oct.-Arrive Vic- tqria. ' V 9:00 a.m., 3rd Oct.-Arrive vancou ver. - ' ' 410.00 a.m., 3rd Oct.-Lave Vancou- . V61`. W-.f'.`l'l_IO next day very pretty wedding at the home of'Mr. Themes ` _j Brampton, when ,-In, Blake : "H30 a'.m., 26:1; Sept.-Arrive_Win. nipeg. - .- Ana; `A - .. _ ___, -5.30 p.m., V 26th Sept.-Leave Win-_ nigzeg. _ ` `AA 4-u-n Ann 11.45 a....;, 20:1; spps.-A;;ive On- tawa. V ' - 9.30 a.m., 166}: September-Argye. Quebec. V ,, . 9.4-5 a.m., 18th Sept-Leave Quebec. 3.00 p.m.,' 18th Sept.-b-Aj_'.\re Mont- B__l`noe,:.'.`~, The cefemony be- Rev. Wylie C. Clerk, -B'.eD., in the pre some of a large number of guests. ormomn TEXT or ran: DA-ms or RoYA_L_ PROGRESS. ` The following in itinerary of their Royal Highneeaes in` Canada, as oiciel- ly announced by Major Maude last week :- ~ A 5.00 a.m., 213$ Oot.-Leave Halifax Noon, 17th Oqt.-Arrive Sc.nJohn. 6.00,p.th.-, 15th 0ct,--AVrrive Brock- '1o.3o p.m. '2nd Oct.-Leave Vic- _`,_ ._v -uvvn-oIvlw.il IVI UIIU lm` 3;:-m "or good teuonm}. and won _ whhal to his bride, but he slid that L the Msyor he was dad he -waited ugth longer, `ton-,he-had at last "found choice. T 2.00 [.m., 10th Oct .---`A rr,ive Toron- 3.00 pIn., 27th-Sept,-Leave Regina. 8.30 a'.m., 28th Sept.-V-A1-rive%Cal'. 12.30 p.m.5 24th Sept.-'-Leave 00. T 9.00 3.111., 20:11 sepe.- -Rm Mont- MAJIJII MAUDE-MMMGEB. Lillian the oloveo vent old aooihter ; of Mr. and`Mra. Chas. Jolsop, of St. Joaoph,- Mo.,--died -while on . vioit to her grandparent; at the home of Mr. Chris Moot-0.. Orillih.` ` V . I4nhtn*Lodid_ can-tder-He a.m. in `ot_lIoi',:d_Iy,.1`hoit:orI fli:.3ont, Two old Orillie boys, Messrs. Dun- can and J amen McKinley returned from California the ocherv day, one after an nbeenoe of 20 yearn,` tlie other nine. ' ` Mrs. Geo. T. Tipping met ivith a bicycle accident one day lest week, frsctnringer left wrist. ' acting _ ._ The new steel steamer built at Don dee for the Playfair C9,, and named the Midland Queen, arrived in this port on Wednesday evening at 5.30 o clocl:.' It was royallywelcomed by a prolonged chorus of whistles from the other vessels in the harbor, and the various mills. The Midland Queen sailed majestically up the _harbor under an arch of ags wavinz from how to stern. As soon as the whistles announced her arrival hundreds of people hurried to the dock to see her. She tied up at No. 2 eleva- tor, and was at once boarded, inspected and admired," i V Her rst cargo was 93,100 bushels of wheat and corn from Chicago, V ' _ - Mayor Silver occupied the chair, and discharged his duties to the best pos- sible advantage. In the presentation to Mr. Bruce he said. Although he- lng a lawyer and a soldier are not the most pleasant positions `imaginable, I thinh Mr. Bruce can well lay down arms {or one evening and become one of the boys. Mr. Bruce was taking ti step in the right direction, and, to` help the matter .along, wished to present the Vehairs. either one of which were big ' big enough for two. The matter of. getting marriedwas an important point in a man's career, and wished that he (the speaker) had married years before he had. . His worship then dwelt upon Mr. Bruce's popularity, and said that "these tokens oi regard not only repre- sented the good will of those present the good will of those who contributed. but that of the residents of [the town in general. . Last week Mr. Will Laidlaw sustain- ed the fracture of his left arm in a very simplewav. Hewas` crossing the rail- way tracks here when a shunting en- gine suddenly shunted a, car in his direction. `The young man put up his arm to save himself from the approach- ing car, but the iriolenoe of the blow he received on the arm , broke that limb. . Mr;'Robt. `lerkfa young men work- ing in town, was wrestling with another young men last week when he threw his opponent, T but in the fall Clerk : right arm waadialocated at the elbow. MIDLAND. Mr. Ron. White, who has been en- gaged in the G.T.R. employ here, has been sent to Meaford, where he is tem- porarily acting 9,9 agent. ' ll ~15 H. An In the rush to get the Huronic ready for launching on the 12th inst., a gang _at the shipyard was worked half a day on Sunday last. This action brought forth some hot shot from the popular pastor of the Maple Street Methodist church, who, unrescrvedly, condemned the action of the Company, and demand- ed that prompt action be taken by muuicipalauthorities to put a stop to Sunday work. We understand that the work was necessitated owing to the fact that invitations have been issued for the launch, and two gang of rivet-- ters left last week. It undoubtedly gave Manager Calderwood s Scotch con` science a severe wrench, but in any event Sunday work will not be tolerat- edin Colliugwood, and the present in tance is looked upon by many as the introduction of the thin edge of the wedge.-V-Enterprise. . The impromptu dance `held. in the -Temple on Monday `evening last, Sept. 2', by the Young Bachelors, was a decid- success. The fair young belles were attired in the most suitable costumes, and as usual the young men were in good attendance. After a very` enjoy- able evening, the party broke up at a seasonable hour. The following from a. distance were among those present :-_- Miss O Brien, New York; Miss Beck- steud, Sa.`Thomas 3 Miss Brown, Port Arthur; Miss Macdouell, Toronto; Miss Bingham, Ayl-met; Miss.Smith, Philadelphia; Miss Tom, Toronto; Miss LeRoy, Barrie. The dredge Kingeford, working at Collin e Inlet, gotten re-onl~Thureday last, but sustainedlittle damage. The blaze was caused by` a spark blowing into one of the men's berths and ignit.` ing the bed clothes. ` Some of .the men had their clothing destroyed before the re waeextinguished. connmmivoong ` -'_The' sympathy of a host of friends goes out to-Dr. and Mre. Arthur, in the loan of their infant vdaughtet-. Y The baby died aomeyha suddenly on Thurs- day morning, and ithe -funeral, which was privete, teak plhce on Friday morn- ing. ` waafx-`s `qomegon m ?r1in"1-ovvvns ` or THIS COUNTY. ' `_~'The Rein J.` Kiernan, the popnlnr` priest of Sn. Mnry s church, sails from Liverpool to day, and is expected to reach home by the 18th instant. ,In the meantime his congregation `axe arranging togive him a royal `welcome which will also include a presentation. wsrasmcos& cnum ' of good-fellowship. Mayor Silver and Mr. G. E. McLean had charge of the arrangements. and it is needless to say everything was done by these gentlemen to promote a feeling .'.l`he"Lsdiea Aid of the Methodist church held 3 garden party. on the [spacious grounds of Mr. . W." Preston ! on Tuesday lags avndjll who atuendod thorgughlyg enjoyed themlolvgn. . M rs. F. Golding ` and family, of Whitby, are visiting at The Locnatl." Mr. W. H. Swan returned to Toron- to nf_t_or nponding a few days under the parental roof. ,. Mrs-. W. Richardson rr;, oolebrnted her 80th birthday lull: week. We will: Mrs. Richardson every ploanre in the` evening of, her life, ' CARNEGIE TO COLLINGWOOD. About a year ago Mr. Andrew Car- negie commenced making his liberal donations to different educational in- stitutions in the United States and Can- ada. At that time the trustees of the Free Library Board thought it wise to draw the attention of the multi-million- aire to the necessity of a suitable build- ing in Collingwood. Through the kind- ness of CoL Small, U. S. Consul here, they did so. N 0 reply was received to the letter until a few weeks ago, when Mr. Carnegie wrote stating that he` was prepared to assist the Board on certain conditions being complied with. Mr- Carnegie also enquired regarding the grants made by the town for mainten- ance. The necessary information was quickly prepared and forwarded to Scotland, where Mr. Carnegie is sum ' mering, and this week His Worship: Mayor Silver, received" word that Mr, Carnegie ' was prepared to give. the `town twelve thousand five hundred dollars, on condition that a site be fur. nished and the town agrees to maintain the institution. The offer will be ac. cepted and Mr. Carnegie notied to that effect at -once. Although the Board only recently purchased the pro- perty at the corner of Ontario and Ste. Marie streets `it is not likely they will move into it, but in all probability dis- pose of it.-V-Bulletin. ' I ' Craig, of Goldwater, in visi I ing her uncle Mr. J. Snider. V T Mr. F. J. MoClung`ia attending the Toronto exhibition. , V Mr. R. _Jc.mieaon in spending a- few dnya atthe Industrial Fair._ - Dr. -McCullough, assisted by Dr. Dunn, of Baotou, performed a aucceas ful operation for appendicitis on` Mr. N. W. Hannah, of Toaaorontio, last week. 1 V Joseph Lynch, son of Mr. Mortimer Lynch, of Adjala, died at his father s home in Adjala on Saturday afternoon. Deceased had resided in Chicago for some years and returned `home about two months ago in a feeble state of I health. He was 32 years of age. ALL1s{1*o1~i. Mr. Robb Chappell was married I0 Miss'Br`idget Hayden on Monday of last week. ` T - Messrs. George Fletcher and J amen Aitken had a. runaway accident` last week, :in which the former got severely bruised, T 11:. Bruce and. in reply, am he could only then]: the triends assembled (or their kindness, end he was proud at his `fellow citizens should display `such 1 warm feeling towsrd him. . He Ohluked the assemblage {cf the kind The Lsnce says that crops in the township of Flos have been severely in- jured-`by the reins. A large quantity of grain is not yet harvestedysnd nears ly all grain now _ in the elds has sprouted. Owing to the catchy weather the tarmer took every opportunity of hsulingiin, and a large portion of` the later crops are put into the barn in such condition that more-damage will result than had they been left standing in the eld. .l`here are thousands of bushels of sprouted grain in the town ship of Flos this year. add a .fiip;iixbi- ` of pdeld Vd , as great maliy telephones wete blirned nut, and the ogrvice `generally incerferxed wick. Katie, the younkeic a_n'd eunuch he loved deoghter of Mr . and Mrs. Jere- miah Lynee,' died _at.[the family reei deuce, Uhtho, on Sendai, after en ill ness ofonly thirty hours. Death was caused by Aappeodicioie. Miss Ly.aee wee of a very lovable dieposition which won her a hoen of friends, who deeply mouth her loss.` The death eccm-ted on Wecineaday of last weekeof Mr. 'Ja.mes Dryadale, Elmyaie. He was 70 years of age, havingbeen born in 1831 at Perth, Ono. T He had been a. resident of Sim- coe County. since 1842. . ELMVALE, - . _ The sudden death is chronicled of Mrs. Robert Plant, of Medoirte Tp;, at the age of 68 years; (Too up me last wow-~am':e.) 2nd Line Lurks. Advance Correspondence. I; THE ADVANCE. -I JAS. EDVVARD S CONVEYANCER- ' AN ANTE-NUPTIAL SEND-OFF TO MAJOR BRUCE. On Friday evening August 30, the friends of Major` George . W._ Bruce as- Iembled at the Globe Hotel Coiling-` wood to tender him their regards upon the occasion of his approaching marriage, and there with present him with two veryehandsoma chairs`, as a token of the high esteem in which the citizens of Oollingwood hold Mr. Bruce. ITHE BALL PLANING MILL` COMPANY nterin . Building and manufacturing of Doors," h, B `ads, Mouldings, etc. Planin of all kinds done promptly and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. District agency for rained lum- ber Factory--Bayeld Street, Barrie. ODGERS & GALLIE successors to Geo. Ball. R-. of Simcoe, {viu be`a.t.his oce. at the Court House, Barrie, everv Saturdav. Residence and P.0. Cookatown. At his office unt Mac-up 2634-5 -1`. [.l|n.l_: unxuunnxva Au) SOCIETY OF BARRIE have for ado of bright` young Eanadian children, boys and girls Parties desiring them are asked to communicate with the Secretary. IREV. D-, R. I-IAl:M(1ul:*se [At hisoice uu ' 51).: j Mary street,afte that __.________________________._______ HE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OF adoEi931.,_in Honges. number A` l-..:...ks- u...._ -- rarucs uesnnng t.heSecre Barrie.` _ ,,,,,,,,T,,7 ___._. 7j__j---------- H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN a on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Discounted. Collections made in any of the County. Real estate bought and sold. nvey- ancing in all its branches. VMa1-riage Licenses issued. 0fce-Ross Block, Dunlop street Barrie. .4 :-Iv. l :Z.S!e.9}!,. -. run An V.l.`4Gl.1Vll'.`4LV.l. on gooa 3 freehold security at lowest rate of interest. Nov rincipal money required until end of the term. . H. STRAIHY. Solicitor, Eta, Barrie. an Barrie-made a mistake io not sending the wish of the town that Their Royal Highnesses visip here to the right person, V The right person is one Major Maude in Ottawa, who is director of the royal tour. Barrie is left out of the official _p;-ovgrsm." `T