Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 5 Sep 1901, p. 4

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Aylmar Double [minder Well Pump `of a` single case whre the `INFORMATION WANTED Stunloy Splllett, _ Naqtyr, V 34- Genergl Agent: Barrlfo Bargain KIII8 m&21%&)%&L@=.&c%&L%%%%9L%9x%&1% These ere facts which any customer of Irwin's will readily verify. NEW FALL `GO0DS--Is the text for the store talk this week. When you .~c `them you'll want to buy them. When you want to buy them we 11 11)uke.p1'ice.<-.1 nearly your_ own as it is possible to make them. If you don t find it so don't buy That s fair.-/* Alist of new importations: New Dress Goods, Cashmere Iloso, H111 Hose, Shoulder Shawls, Fascinatofs, Wraps, Rugs, Belts, Silks, Ribbons, [mccs Curtains, Linens. V L , V - other stores. A list of new Domestic Goods: New Corsets, Under.vear, Blouses, C1u.tI1.~', Tweeds,_l Flanhels, Blsnkets, Flannelettes, Wrapperettes, Wools, Cottons, Shirts. i_'l`wo|great Specials 41000 pairs ne boots and shoes for men, women, boys and glrl-'. ' xgbextraoidinary value. $3,000 worth new fall clothing. in black and tancv \\'0F-`W1 nd tweed suits, fall overcoats, pea jackets, etc. This is the cheapest clothing house in Canada. T . $1.50 ue ' Saxniihaviis 1'61-$1. 25 Black atent Leather Belts for 15c. V $1.50 `Black Peau d e-,Soie Silk for $1.10. `High class $8 Curtains fo: $2 25. ' 850 Table Linens for 28c. 33 doz, Table-Napkins for $1 80 doz The best 75c Corsets `in Canada for 50o.v ' . ,, 200 Grey Flannels for 15c, 28c Flannels for 20c. ` A The best :3 Blankets in town for :2 50. Special grade ure wool Kmtting Yarn for 40c. ' _1.0 to 7503 b oifinediuni and hi h grade Boots and Shoes of latest styles. _ or $1 to S5 of 9. saving .on- .Men e- an Boy s Suits and Overcoate of hght. medlum 1` heavv waivhfn- V81 per Annum in Advance. When lrwih s Store $1.50 Fan ` 0K.- Rlonb 'VV I110 311 WUUI IJIUSS CUTSUU 35 Z0`; 3: (1 High grade 58 Inch black and navy wo 8 .85 and $1.50. 35c English Cashmere Hose for 28c. Sample Shawls for $1. nl-nnf '.nn;Lnn A1.-(I `nu `K- rated and serge Dress Goods worth $2.50fo1' The Fall sale It now on aim vs. vs: qpu vi a. an-Hug uu JIIUII. H uuu DOYS 5111138 and T - heavy weights. Special low prices on black and Navy Worsted Suits. Wide all wool DreszsT Sgrges at 25c a. yd. tn-grin Inn}: "\`an`r ant` nawu nu-um is presented to Dumas-r IIVIPORTEZRS. ::||: @%a; `the public. |RW|N S .'No naw name will be added to the Subscription. Hit until the monev is paid. ` allllle This store sells only the Newest and Best; Goods. This store sells for cash. b V This store sells at discount from 10 to 30 per cent less `than -toWear garments has season a much larger t if you Want to buy a the wrong size-their sizes in stock. Alniost A Store that sells cheap but is not a cheap Store. IAMUEL WESLEY, PROPRIETOR A 8 Page 48 Column Newspaper. " II Publilhed from the Oice, :23 Dunlop Street Burtie. in the County of Simcoe, the `Pro- vince of Ontario, Canada. every Thursday Morning, by` Id N R d-M Nall Rnilwav ... .:.``::;::';::%:2`;3.,:r:::.:.;::.=.m...iv. ' AI\_!I_- A II -gL.._ L-au:|n hail" nvnnnf gnnlr -rue NORTHERN Aovnncz J. Frank Jackson, IUIII IIIII auu auvvn ....--.-.. ...-_----, "Dl.ilv. All other trains Daily except. Sunday. HAMILTULV '0. `om: 7 P-I1)- Dgsa pom: 8.. `um. GRAVENHURST 8: NORTH BAY. - `Ilsa `Om: . Vpomo 8.03 pan. Atlantic 8; Pacic Ex. . 1.26 pm. 9.09` North Bay Mixed. 7.31 mm. ' Gravonhurst mixed (south only) 9.31 COLLINGWOOD 85 MEAFORD. Mm. Mail: 5 pom: 5.00 pan. Ex ran. 5 7.55 3.111. PEN TANG. 11.15 mm. Accommodation. ' 5.32 p.m. 5.00 pm. Accommodation. 7.55 a.m. ALLANDALE & BARRIE SECTION. IIAEIIR Tn ALLANDALE. Iihinnuuu--.-_-.. r-_.-- , IOI. TORONTO now .50 can Ex was 7.58 pan. In poms ail: IJII. $13 p.m. Muskoka Express 12.58 p.m. Muskoka. Express 1.38 p.m. Ia pan _*Atlantic 8: Pacic Ex. 8.03 pm. he evenmg Express leaves Toronto at 5.20 HAMILTON. AIIIJIKLVIJIIIJIB up aaanamnsaann w-w..-V-.. aAnnm to ALLANDAL3. 1.3: |..m., 7.56 a..m., 9.37 a.m.. 11.15 a.m.. 1.26 p.|n., 3.33 p.m., 5.27 p;m.. 8.00 13.111. ALLANDALE 'ro BARBIE. 1.50 a..m., u.xo a..m.. 11.35 a.m., 12.58 p.m., P-3`-1 5- PM 7-55 P-mu 9-09 P-m~ '1'ninIlc.ave Barrie :'or and arrive Illdlnnentloned places as follows : BARBIE RAILWAY GUIDE. men or PunInLI._ Tums or Susscnumou, E3\\\`u\\lil` ;` nxpreu maven HAMILTON .. 0--.. the Mr. Atkinson has been foremost among the commercial leaders of the town. Six years is not such a very long time, yet in that time Mr. Atkin- son has identied himself with the commercial interests of Barrie outside -his position of bank manager. He it `was who organized the Board of Trade, which, in its short existence, did good for Barrie. That the Board of Trade is not now what it might be and does `lift do for Barrie what` the .Boards'of same town do for theirs, is the fault of business men who are more obliged" to do work in its behalf thanMr. Atkin- son. ' Mr. Atkinson has worked dili- gently in this respect, and in various other ways for the commercial advance- ment of the town. --- -u-av -w This wee -zieinerk yesterday of a member of the regiment abovereferred to,` at the Exhibition grounds. He re- Aoelled the fact that the Oxford Ries had been omitted from theliat until the chief `whip at Woodstock kicked up e big row at Ottawa about it. 'l)-.:.I...--A.... 'U'.._.I......-... _`I.'_ __-._ II III vv uvv w~--- vwv uvwcv-v uvu , .. Bandmaster Henderson, who was standing by at the time, also voiced the bitter disappointment of the battalion. It had been, oiciallv stated that_ the regiments making the most favorable showing at the `June camp would be given the preference. During camp at Niagara it was common knowledge that Col. Otter had pronounced the 35th the best rural battallion on the grounds. It was also" pointed out that when Canada had need of the services of her_ militiamen in `"1885 the 35th,. in con- junction with the 12th, was the first rural corps given` a chance to go up to VI V Qvvuvu "If we_ bid 9. Jim Sutherland, chief Liberal whip at Barrie, the 35th Bat. talion would not have been overlooked" in the royal parade." rnL:_ ____ 1.1. . ........,,I_ _ __, 1 ,. We clip the following item from Saturday News which occupied apro- minent position in that paper. .It "is along the line of our editorial of a few weeks ago, when welaid the omission of the 35th Regiment from the royal review to lack of political pull. This is what the News says of our band and the review question :- u`l l.' _- I....J .. T1... G..LI_.'_l__. 1 _'l I ll n--our vv-Irv awvv -av-V.-wv vs: the Northwest and be scalpeii. The Orillis News Letter says that the gaze- boos who ere inviting people to meet our royal visitor might note this fact, which they probably never heard of before. .l`here is no good and suicient reason why the country corps which were m called out in 1885 to tokethe eld should be slighted when there is 9. tea-party on for which theresre 10,000 invitations ont. ` 0 $5.. I 'I'\ 0 3| 0 n C . V IUWUOVDIII V The 35th hand. Barrie, oiciated at the Industrial Exhibition yesterday to the pleasure and satisfaotionof the vis- itors and the management. In all they played twenty-ve selections`. notlthe least popular one having a vocal chorus, "We ll Never Haul the Old Flag Down, which was loudly applauded. The handeyeaterdayt consisted of twenty- seven pieces, the various musical parts being well supported. : , -_ V WHY OUR REGIME.NT IS nor G_'OING-_ "AN ARm9z_wmDnm'G. d ' The following wedding notice appear- ed in Tuesday : Mail :- A. . A_ :_L-.....A.:.... -_-_A. A.--I_ ..l..--.I--..n. An interesting event. took place last evening at the Salvation Army Temple, Albert street, when Oaptain Fannie Bowers was united in marriage to Ad- jutant W. E. Burrows. _ The ceremony` was performed, in Army style, by Colonel. Jacobs, `the chief secretary. of A the Dominion forces, assisted by'Maior, Pickering, provincial oicer of the Gen- tral Ontario Province. The. platform was lled with ocers. .It was decor-_ ated, with ferns andethe Army colors. The Sta' Band delighted the crowd present with severaljelection ` 5* .ij 5!. 0701003 i*l! . V ATthew.'andltorium5=*IiIidit.*lbid The Municipal Union has been or- ganized through the efforts of the Mayor of Toronto. They have talked over matters and nd that through the negli-= gence of the Ontario Government they are forced to _unite_ for defence against the monied corporations. Those at the Conference had a` good time. Now `its up to them to do bueineee. ZIUZU V. Iloov vv u not Perhaps there never was a more popular man in this town whose resi- dence was of such short duration. The customers of the Bank of Toronto al- ways were sure of courteous and fair treatment, and the customers werenot only people of Barrie, but men from all around this part of the country knew- Mr. Atkinson. He was as popular among the farmers ` trading here as among the townsfolk. The departure of such a man is a loss to a town, but - we all congratulate him on his advance- ment, and hope he will prosper in the Town of Sarnia, which, by `the change, receives a valuable" addition to its citi- We made` an error in last week's issue. We said there was only , one telephone post with a prohibited`. sign on. `There are two or three. One of them, the one we referred to, still has the sign, which`, we are still of the opinion, the Council are afraid to order off. i i Oo_nuhdrnm-Doee the Council's heli- days and the first of this month or the first of J enuary next '1 V The Nevvs-Letter seys Oi-illia'i tax rate this year will probably be'27n1ills on the dollar. This will give them `a working revenue, but to clean every- thing o` the slate the rate should be 28% mills. . ` In conclusion, the Judge said that `where the dub? wad `oust .upon him of reviewing the assessment, of . a great" deal, it not all, of `the county--whic_h this proceeding amounted to--he expect- ed that the same information would be furnished to him, that assessors, when performing their ' duties,` were in pos session of-and this of course was what he understood counsel were doing their best to supply. - lookedto than} 0 a 1l'f"i`r1-f to hasten who); .m|IIC.".nNyhg`f long and expensive pt-eceeding,( andhe hoped that they would co-operate with him in bringing ubpntenoh a censnmina tion. ' EDITORLAL NOTES. Alliston a "tax rate is 25 mills, UDUVU Iuuuv .llIJ(lU\l\I V V vs] uvu V g Mr. B. B. Tesseman worked in some local hits in his monologue. which tickled the au- dience. If there were any jokes sprung that didn t catchit wasn't Tess fault. His act was funny but rened, and he scored quite 9. success, being called upon each time for an encore. 11,, 'l_,_-4|- `I ._-_-2,__ 3.. . 'I \~,_, ,0 I 1 1 1 `V5 ll VIIUUIVO Mr. Frank Irvine. ie a Barrie old bov, and he was loudly greeted on his appearance with the celebrated banjoist Gliona. Frank V handled the guitar to the delight of all. and in their enoores he gave songs to their own accompaniment. His voice was ne, and it must have been a pleasure to him to hear the applause from his friends of old. "Plan nrnhn-I-Jun unnr I-ha `national-`In A` IIIIU nylunuuu Llvul usu snluuun VI Ullln The orchestra, under the leadership of Mr. George Scott.` cave several selections which were appreciated, and the entertain- ment, on the whole. more than satised the initial audience of the season 1901-2. Only a couple ot boxes wereoccupied, one of them Being occupied by the Toronto Canoe Club representatives. The body of the House was not nearly lled. but this was due to the absence trom town of a large number of people. * A Mr. Atkinson : successor, we believe will nd a good welcome from the citizens of this town. Mr. ` J no. R; Lllnbe is moved from Montreal to the management of the branch in Barrie. He we: present at the banquet to Mr. Atkinson the otherevening and mode in very good impression upon those pre- sent. We trust Mr. Lsmbe -will nd fnvor among the Bsnk s customers and jnlnong the citizens in general.` A uuoma. _ _ Advance Corresp,ondence.V ' . v, Miss Aggie Ttirley has gone to Toronik; to visit: her sister. -" Mr. and ` J. Bell left this week for the Pan-American. . From the time the curtain rises in the rataot, until the nal last act, there are just `150 moments; in that 150 momenta there are 300 laughe; See A Breezy 1.'ime. You will laugh. V I-IIUVI The program was -a la S/tea, that is on _cards. The artist who ainted them had on one Charlee Lyons. hose who expected fa Chinaman were mistaken, for a good black face comedian did a monologue turn with some good songs, wellsung, and` a step- dance that pleased everybodv. Man II D Tnnnnnnnn nrnnlrn :v| n........ 1...! Mr, J. Bell and iuis. Gordon. Elmvl. via-_ had at the farmer's parents for a few days.- iii; B311 grrived home Saturciaf after ependin three weeks with her aunt Mrs. W. `M. orrie, Swansea. ._._..- _'- -vn-vvn ` ye.::;;e;,,.i:.1..;;.a;i.;1;.;,'1;,; the way, is a. nephew of Major Smith of this town, was- in an element of Ireland. Every time he received a well-deserved encore for his sons and funnv sayings, not to mention his numerous make-ops. were exceedingly bu. morons, and besxdeee he had an, excellent voice. ' 1 (Y! A_ GOOD VAUDEVILLE BILL PRE- SENTED ON MONDAY NIGHT. Miss Marietta LaDell was rightfully placed as the head liner for last Monday night by the managers of the Barrie` Opera House. At the `close of each of her three appear- anges she was loudly applauded and kindly responded to the encores. Miss LaDell is undoubtedly as good an elocutionist as has ever beenheard in Barrie. and those who missed hearing her grand readings and im- personations may well have cause for regret. at. u--._-_-._ r1-__1 _L- I.-- .1 , . will RE-'(;I"E1; coi; '1`I.1esday,- et. 3rd. -4 -1 -"*3 "`* Ere resuming the taking of evidence the other day, J udge Ardcgh. alluded jothe oppcrent slowness of the pro- ceedings,` which he understood hed pro- cuteide comment, and he hoped hoth counsel would spore no` pain: the conclusion of the matter. ` 1q'u'f|fa_.vv'nre. he said, what _h delicate .h ~..'i1;i?:_!t you to: -intextfere _with the 5.! ~ 95535515 7110 (if ` THE: MISSES cl-u:s'rNuT Private and Kindergarten. School win RE-OPEN '1'uesda.y. September `rm.-a. .Miss Eie Chestnut will resume her Music Pupils in September. using the newest methods. 35-36. I lK= ri1v&ate% School Gmaugce of` i*Lo;$ 5[.u}}Q{on of . Music. Teacherof Pianoforte and Oggan. Residence (after Sept. 1) john Street, Bame. . 35- MISS CLARA H. STRONG |THE` nrsnms or THE GRAND.| can -7-ow .A weeks ago he :Miller who recently. purchased the grocery business of Mr. F. A. Miller was taken ill and could `not attend to business. `A brother Mr; Geo. S. Miller, a grace ry tr_a_v_e'ller_at Barrie` came on to take charge during his brother s,;il1ness. On Tuesday eveninghe was stricken with apoplexy and died "on Wednesday af- ternoon. His wife was telephoned but was alsovill and could not come, but a daughter came, arriving here a few hours before her father s death. De- ceased was a member of the Masonic fraternity, and the brethern of the order here took charge of the remains which were embalmed and taken to Barrie for interment accompanied by the bereaved daughter. Mr. S. L. McKay, Worship- ful Master of St. George's Lodge, A. F. & A." M. went with the remains as far as Toronto. . This is one of the saddest cases of bereavement which has occurred here for many a day. T1` T `If-II 1 ----w -`- --wv-' Mr. H. J. Miller who was taken ill first is still in eprecarioue condition. He has every care that can be bestowed upon him, ` but the medical men` are doubtful of his recovery. THE LATE Mn MILLER; We have beenhanded a copy of the Kingeville Reporter, which gives an account of the death of our late, esteem- edvtownamen, Mr . G. S. Miller, It is as follow :,- ' ' V .t` '7 =31. .oity.f. The bride has engaged in -Army work in diferent part`: of `Ontario, and has lledlaeveral important commands on_ the'Pacio' coast. _The groom has been an officer for twelve years, lling various positions in` dibrent parts of Canada during that time. He is at nresenu in charge of the Army's work in Barrie, where they will return after a short honeymoon. ' `ibl-"CI p'taip',e Mari.-in,"-*. -`both of the] M TEE ASSESSMENT EQUALMATION. Thin mutter still drags along is weary A 1.a_eh. > ~ . .I A `,2 __ _ ___Q_|__7 __ 'THE ADVANCE-"J Muss JESSIE--ROSS, rrs UP TO YOU TO LAUGH. ADVEhflSE In 47 Collier Strut. Ba;-rie. Order now and get the best Anthricite Coals. Stove. Tl Egg and Nut, at summer prices ($6.50. cash) and have it delivered at any time it suits vou, now, or in the winter. Qices at A. Mo:-ren's.` V.S., 62 Collie gtreet. Barrie. and B. Parke:-'3 Livery. Aliandale. 32 PARKER a. Monnsnrsf AAAAAAAAAAA 1` + 1! WELLING TO RENT, centrally situated, south west corner of Mulcaster and McDonald Sts. House, 2 storev, 9 rooms and halls, garden and lawn. Applynn the premises. L - 45-tf Frawley 86 Hours. 8o1h%Luqal,Azont.1| A Loris TU BARBIE. _ To the many expressions of regret made at the complimentary banquet to Mr. Atkinson on Friday night, we Vw-ould like to add our appreciation of the services to Barrie of the genial manager of the Bank of Toronto. ' 0 , , -.,L Hobley IB_r9_s., for vour benet, and our prot. These` are the blends we are "struck on. 25 :15. T 35 :13. 40 ch. And Cheap Goal. A quarter of a. centnrv We have T been blending COFFEE Kn:-:I=tcHANTs,A ennaug BARBIE. / 7 'V'VVVV`VVVVV Brie}. ' oh the sold cvaf-5 . Praise 3`. fair day at night." '1 a :- Subscriber: now in arrears for three months and Ir will be charged $1.40 per annum" . jprow 3; brand of shoesaftcr you hacworn out your second pair. V I `T'1;; g`>;,;;i.` as the and tlie first `pairasgoodascanbc .4 u'"':"".""2 II35`IJU$$CfnlI_ godacd for thc hf? The Slater Shoe- T130 Shades Of arments are thoroughly ; ' I up-to-date---and we} would emphasize particularly` that OUR PRICES ARE _i `RIGHT. a Every garment comes straight from the -manufacturers to our . department on the 2nd oor. no'middleman s prot so you can- ` i not help being delighted with our values. _ MANTLES are coming to hand. Styles are altogether new and interesting. A 0 Call and inspect them. a SKIRTS Arethe fast sellers just now. We have Plain and Brocaded Lustre Skirts at $2 00, $2.50 to $3.00. 4 Steel Grey and Black Cheviot Skirts with silk strapping, a Wonderful bargain at $3 25. Black and Navy coating Serge Skirts in all lengths at $4.00. - Black and navy Rainy Daypskirts made of pure wool Frize, unlined and guaranteed satisfactory at $5.00. . _ 0 We invite you to visit this Department; it is acknowledged as headquarters for Rea dy-to-Wear Garments, FOR CHEAP COAL _GO "TO 7 TEA SARJEANT &. SMITH, TRY frnm M`. is not giving complete satis- faction. Pumps put in on 30 days trial to responsible parties. For particulars address Tilm sumles

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