Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 15 Aug 1901, p. 2

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,_., ,.--_.__-_- ............,.. .. _ -............ V `IMO 5 and one cannot help rogrettin ` ftht {tin thought n_eoeIaory,to spend so '_ _'__a`|u_m upon thd ".PPOtIry oroo-A , " I halfof , it miIh*:,P.rh,IH halt go -to. help; omtho? ,, $h-`tigesmsnantt A-true.-s . - DENTAL. Homoeopanhisc. IUCK. 1 45-1) - ? V 43-IY l . :56 Dunlop St. 1 Residence and Qce. ` 8-lv '99 -:.vw.., _.... _ __ . A. E. H. Cksswicxn. _J. C. Bnoxovsxr. G. 1-1. Esrzy. M-tur51ye.d `not I :1 mn- "g!{3DGERS What sadder spectacle is_ there than that presented by what is called A consumptive family '2 Through child- hood and even youth, its members show the average and frequently more than the average amount of spirit, vitality and "keen interest in life; but when just on the borderland of manhood and womanhood, the powers of life begin to droop and the hues of life give place to hectic ag of the enemy. Before the very eyes of those to whom they are most dear, they fade away, while the word Consumption too often paraly- zes action and delivers them over to hopelessness." In the case of the rich, this sad spectacle is frequently post- poned, and even averted `by change of p scene and climate and sanatorium treat- ment. - But what about the poor whose condition is not more hopeless could they but [have alike privilege? "Per- haps no bitter tragedy is enacted under our eyes than that of men and women who feel that there are means of life for them that they may not commend `hope that is denied them, help that their straightened circumstances forbid "them to enjoy. 1-1) 35-iv notioo. P 3153.618 Attention- J.` V: L-1v-w|l*vIauuvu an - V . V . -- The only medicine in the world that will star I-leaves in` three days. But for a permanent gun 1` requires from one half to one bottle used accordmt; `,0 directions. $x.oo. Kidne and Acute Comlh P`"" 5" 5C. Dr. McGa.hey's ondition Powders destrO,\' wonnsnpuries the blood, utting horses, cattle 3? calves in condition; 25c. ake no other. _ S0 7]" G. Monkman. Barrie, and Cook & Co.. Urillna. 40'-.` _._ LII.` I` l\;I`4.-L` Street, Barrie. J. 0ULVERWEf1>;;Si Haurcutting and Shaving % . Parlor % OPPOSITE BARRIE HOTEL. BARBIE- . Ruora lnd Scissors ground and set on 811" nntlnn, Dent Standard Life. London Gum bu- tee and Accident Co... l rovin(-ml Building and Loan Assoihuou. etc. Youare awiarethat consumption V is: the direct cause of more deaths in Can- ada than all the "other `infectious, epi demic and pestilential diseases combin' ed. T This yougg nation of ours loses fully 8,000 of its people each year from this scourge. While no class of so- V ciety is 'exempt,it is especially a dis ease ofhthe poor. . Those who are its victims usually linger for some time, and many are compelledto toil on for a bare subsistence while slowly dying and spreading the disease amongst their `fellows. This 18 illustrated by the iol~ lowing case :v-'-`-A "mechanic in_ one of our large implement manufacturing establishments was discovered to have. tuberculosis about two years ago and has been slowly dying since. He worked in the factory in spite of the protests of his follows up to` the be- ginning of the hot. weather ; `now he is too weak to leave his home. He is able to get up in the morning, put on his clothes and lie down on the sofa. He has a wife and several small chil- `dren, who are living with him. `The family are in greatly reduced circum- stances, and subsist on the charity of their neighbors. It has been recently ascertained that his wife is also very badly diseased, and even the children show signs of infection. DB. MGGAHETS HEAVE CUHE Rnvnxsnnr `rm; Fouowmc I-`ma I.\'s'cRAxca COMPANIES: The Mercantile, now ailiated with The Lon- _don & Lancashire of England. Secur xty, $15,000,000. The Waterloo Mutual, of Waterloo, Om. Tothl assets, $334,083. The Economical _Mut1ial. of Berlin. 011:. Total assets. $303,078. Also Llovd's Plate Glass Insurance Com pany, of New York. Cash capital, 525:, vvv And tine Sun Loan and Savirggs Company of Ontario. Private funds to loan on first mortgages. counts collected, &c. nm..- Anna lI-n.lapg.-an a Ha:-rlurnrn rnro, Ba ; counts collected. &c. _ 1 OO'1ce over Hcnderson,s Hardware Store. BMW 3 ntO Condensed advertisements on tirst page such as wants of all kinds, lost and found, prc.pmy for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc.. etc,, must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted-i1rat insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (ngmes, addresses and gures counted as words); but a. reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed four. PRAUVINCIAL suunma ANDW4 ASSOCIATION. Cuts {or advertisements must in every case be mounted on solid metal basen. ,SCROGG|E & SMITH, W111 UC Una: sou. Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advuertismg anything outside thcif own regular business. Should they do so transient rates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. if A The-following the_ietir 'meciionei in our edicoriei on this A pagegwhioh throws some liglit ociithe `subject of `the consumption. epidemic, and tells of the work of the National Sanitarium Association : . ` ` Editor of'1`nn Normans ADVANCE : "` ' ' L . 13' Preferred positions for local a:,1\--m,~,._ ments in the paper will br sold at an a1\-W`, of one-third on above rates, on no other count will special positions be given. Th}. rule will be strictly calmed out. CONTRACT CH ANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind 1' notice of -intention to change advertisernenzg must be handed into the oice not latcr than Saturday at 10 o clock, and the copy for such change must be `in THE ADVANCE oice not later than 12 o'clock noon `on Monday in am` week, otherwise the `advertiser s annonncexuen} may not be made public until the week fol. lowing. ' V I0 nlunnnnc nf Arivnrhnpnimirc allnu-5.3 H- IU Wills: A 12 changes of Adverlsenlelxts auo_wed per year. [It more are requned, composmou rates ` will be charged. Ariana-1-inn:-c. n-n nnf Ln nnnwod in um Hm - -*DVE3T1S1NG Rmrm 'r;;n4oy;xcn nus; . 6 #o_F;0I1K'fi.mH um.`. .'.'.`.,'.: ' ` `.F.9_lI.'l`Yco1>u:s. 4. .1 ..._L1 . . ?;;gg?gf";Nonfna~ {F 2% inches....;........ 5 inches,\% co1umn. .... no inches, % column. . . .. Innlanc u nnlurnn- - _ _ _ `For one month-the with 15 per cent. added. `Fur two munths- the with 10 percent. added. IIICIICS, 73 uununuu. I 20 inches, 1 column.. . xinch -r/ :.....I.-. . Luau. .-. insertic `I E John Rogerson, Fire and Life Assurance. . 0FFICE.-Next dozor to Bank of Toronto. ivnn R-...:- ll`: ram gsgvmnunsi n`HosPrr`ALL ' uvn-to 'nn-n 3ir11":1:n-1111124: 5.43`-' A- Numbe_r of inches space. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $5Looo,0>~`~ . For Broken-winded Horses. ll INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, ac. CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. SCROGGIE 6:. SMITH; Mongv T0-LOAN. HARRY MAI-`IR BARR] AUGUST `Ooh 7] Inser- tiorg. "; three month? three monthly me {Inger-, 0.....- WEd_itor--'.l.`han-we'd bone: puhiia it with din: han-n: rto. Owen I I-1) I 5 -lug, 5. 9:--. % . his it ,1 his the style 0` ` ,,,,'. ,,"fsl- :03`! hi! *lL }" '. .. , _ V , ` A I V 1:. ` A couple of hours `a day added to their time will with many men be-de- voted to pursuits producing continual aelf- improvement. Much can result` in a few years from a little done each day. . There in at least `opportunity for. the advantage of "positive; recreation, and the prot of a littlegardening . Where nearneee to: the is not all` impor- tant, the upanaion of a city may be toonaideirahle, and land` not `too valuable for a elittlegltc go with a workman : cot- ONE MEANS OF LABOR REFORM. If only manufacturers would look at the matter as an editorial writer in the Canadian Architect does, thousands of laboring men and women would be benelitted to a very great extent. To anyone watching the six o'clock rush out of a large city says the-said writer "the question must occur, is it neces sary for all these people to do their work in the same part of the city? Why should all these factory operatives live onthe out skirts of the city ; com- ing in every morning in haste, only to go out again in haste in the evening ; when their work could be done as well in the suburb where they live? Some factories are located on the railways on the `edge of the city and there seems no reason why there ' should not be a dis trict in each city (preferably eastward in this country, where the prevailing winds are westerly) in which facilities "provided by railway concessions would invite the establishment of factories, With the worst disposition of space, such an arrangement would be more convenient thanthe present manner of concentrating every kind of work in the city. If properly managed, there would be opportunity offered for the growth of little factory` settlements in which, after the manner of Messrs. Lever"B'ros. vil-' legs of Sunlight, the labourer would be near his toil and needwaste no time in going to and from it; It is not work that is the labonrer s curse, but want of leisure; and that heshould waste what little time he has, that he can call his own, in going to and from home in the crowded _street_. cars-a journey that will increase in distance continually- is an evil which is not hecessary ; -and to-take steps to get over "this state of ahirs is to do the best thing" that can he-done to ameliorate the labourer s lot. ' TheiN.st_ional Trust Company, Limit- ed, as Treasurer of The N stional Sani- tarium Association, will receive sub- scriptions for this work at its offices in Toronto, or contributions may be sent direct to the General Seceetsrv, Medi- cal` Building, Toronto. r _ WAL'rER JAMES Brown, ' ' General Secretary. .7 I: envy J:-v --v- - v--,vvv aunt u-nu wound that the Museum `project has been whiting. If it were not for that, one would think of the Manufacturer-e eo- tlon only to admire their wealth and `llhonlity. But the readiness with jwhioh the glory of _the.oity.piI forward- in I mutter of on two deye display, the diionlty experienced "in get- }?.::ing`,~InhIcriptione for u project to be eipcrgpermsnent advantage in, razmk-I Ann; -A-g:-L Lg`: ..4-`.n...LL_`_. lC_anada,'atVthis` time in its history, cannot afford to lose so many thousands of valuable lives. The question is one of national importance.` To check the spread ofthis disease is the highest expression of patriotism; to mitigate suffering is the greatest social problem at the lbeginning of this century ; to restore to industrial activity those re- moved through this cause will mean millions of dollars to our annual` in- come ; to save the lives of these thon- eands is the great work of the church 5 to heal their bodies is the Christian's most imperative mission. When we realize that these vlivescan he saved and these victims restored -to health and happiness, when we realize further than every home in Canada is affected, does it not behoove us as citizens, as patri- ots, as `Christians, to exercise our ut- most ingenuitv, to expend our last dol- lar, to use our greatest strength to save those suffering thousands and restore them` to their life s work as home and nation builders ! . ._ of consumptive? _gjen'tv. `y 11 wilting um nmlveinfggfn n.s11iiuff?.r 0,I!I_'Idu's present populet ioii"`shsll eiren "tus,lly die with consumption? While the` moans ot the thousands of su'erers are-thundering in `our ears, we appeal to the people of this Province to help us. We need $45,000 for the Graven- hurst Free Hospital for Conaumptiyes. You will,help "those-who most need help ; you wili assist in protecting your own life and than if your family. It will save the lives of those treated, will stay the spread of the disease and will bring joy and happiness to many homes. 0 ~4us-tsmertw `THE `NORTHE1{NwADVANhCEA. _ The dgbnte in continued for `moth- `er houi af$o:-"Mr. Ohs_mborlsin_ a speech` A ' s -and` the ainendi_n9nt'to iodu_oetl_19_ [of Oolvnifsl will ijed' by -- voeao15uo 70; a I: A Sir Edward `Grey, Liberal Imperia- list, - expressed bitter diaapointment at the tone of Mr. Chamberlain's speech, although he agreed with the general military policy of the government_ He said the Colonial Secretary had dealt carelessly with the subject of employing `native troops, and had not distinguished the atmnstlisned} between Africans and highly-trained In- dian troops. _ `Mr. John Redmond s:aidV`Mr. Oham. berlain's speech was `a candid, if some- what brutal, exposition of the govern- meat : policy} and he prayed to God that the resistance _ of the Boers. might `If things have changed froni bad to worse in Cape Colony, he continued, `it is heoanse the Cape rebels have found rebellion a cheap, interesting and even amusing performance. Then, there has been mistaken leniency; and this was the policy of the past. - l Regarding the anounccement by Lord Kitchener that Commandant Kritziu ger had declared his intention to shoot all natives_in British employ, whether arm- ed or unarm_ed, Mr. Chamberlain said the government "had telegraphed Lord Kitchener, to inform the Boer leaders that such acts were contrary to civilized usage, and that all guilty persons of this class, if captured, would be court-mar tialed and executed. Mr. Chamberlain a declaration was received with loud cheer` mg. `Bethe, De Wett and. Sohelkbnrger do not any that the war was oauaed by the raid. They any they are `fighting for their independence. It is nonsense to epeak of oering terms to men who an it must be a ght toe finish. This in new the policy of the government. `There seems to be an impression that we have come to some sort of an agree- ment with the Boers,` said Mr. Cha\}n- berlain, in another portion of his speech: that natives are not to be employed in this war; but there is no such agree- ment. ` THAT $10,000 ARCH. The Canadian tour of the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and `York will be I great `occasion, and it is suitable that we should acclaim it with a lavish dis- play of street decoration 5 but we can- not help feeling that there is a touch of extravagance about the $10,000 arch which the Manufacturers Association of Toronto propose to erect as a tem- porary decoration. It is proposed to e'er three prizes, handsome prizes too, for suitable designs for the purpose. _'.l.'he test of excellence in this case is certainly the greatest display for the least money ; and it would be a good way of going about the matter, not to invite the outlay of this or any denite sum 8 but, having secured the location, to o'er the prizes for its suitable lie- coration. There is a limit to reason- ableness in temporary decoration, and good taste is within this limit, so that the designer who hits c` the pleasing thing will very likely not be the most lavish. In other words, it ought to be understood that though the Manufac- turers have voted enough money to cover all needs, the competition is not (or the purpose of showing how to ` spend it all, but in order to establish lnciency, an elegant Asuiciency." In order to encourage designers to incur the risk of _ self-restraint (which is; no- toriously. bad policy in a competition) ` there ahouldbe an additional prize of-_ {cred to the winner, in the form. of a, honor, a percentage on the amount saved, given by the Museum Commit tee, who would of course get the balance. Itia for just such a $10,000 gift asthia Inscursions into protected districts must be more severly _dealt with. if there, is to be `sniping ot soldiers fron behind hedges, and even of women. `Rnbbish, oried an Irish member. Mr. Chamberlain retorted` that he had met some ladies who, had been assaulted inthis way. - ii V The government hasthe best reasons to believe, continued the Colonial Secre- tary , that a vast majorityof the Boers acknowledge themselves beaten and would gladly surrender and resume peaceful pursuits, but for the compare tive handful of irreconcilables, who are carryingeon a guerilla war, that is rap- idly degenerating into brigandage and absolute murder. Lord Kitchener is adequately dealing with the problem by establishing blookhouse oordons, within which the peacefully inclined_can safely settle and. be protected. - Mr. Chamberlain replied that farm burning had been entirely abandoned and replaced by the policy of concentra- tion camps. He contended that these were humane and satisfactory institu- tions,_` as had been shown by the fact that thousands of Boers came into them voluntarily. ` THE AA3DES4CgRI_lW3BD.. .32 frag: SEORE 1"A13.Y.; The foowiug is a deupatch from Lon. don which is causing considerable oom- ment :'-- A discussion in the House of Com. mons overthe Colonial Oice appropri _ ation, and it gavethe opponents of the governmeutamplej opportunity to bait Mr. Cha'mb erlain, while makuingv a mo- tion pro forms to reduce `by 200 the .vot- out of which the Colonial Secret ary s salary will be paid. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, the Liberal lead er, said that in view of the patience witnwhich the nation had for twenty- one months endured. Mr. Chamberlain s policy in South Africa." he thought it opportune to secure statement from the Colonial Secretary as to the war situa- tion. He went on to point out that Cape Colony was now invaded and over- 'run with Boers, and he asked what pros- pect there was of repelling the invaders, what the condition, of Cape Colony would be after the war, what was the prospect of famine as a result of the government's policy of devastation,` and where was Cape 0olony s constitut- ion, which appeared to him to be under lock and key since the declaration of martial law. sum .m`:cm Pll.` I91-H:% 1 ADVANCE." [T T. BANTING, Clerk County bit/imcoe, win he at his oce. at the Court, House, Barrie. everv Satutdav. Residence and P. 0. Cookstown. JAS. EDVVARDS , CONVEYANCER. it There is no doubt thetithe time is here when 9. united effort of the people I! ,!.l99*191 to blot out the dread disease that takes away more lives than war and more than all other disease oom- blned in number. The people must int he aroused tothe seriousness, the swfnlness of the situation, and the` above-mentioned Association is doing all in its power to promote that work. [THE BALL_ PLA1*{Il`lG MILL COMPANY- tenn _, Bmldnng and manufacturing of Doorg, aash. B do, Mouldings. etc. Planin of all kmda_done. promptly and satisfactorily. 01: Blast Drying Kdn. Dxstrict agency for grained lum- ber Factm-y--Baveld Sn-mt. R...-:. Dnnrznnc At` his oiee until 5 p.m.; at his private residence. 68 Mary street, after that hour. x 1-lv `| } ulual. uryuug nun. unsmct for Fa.ctory-Bayeld Stree Barrie. _& GALLIE successors to eo. Ball _______.____.._.____________________ THE CI-lILDREN_'S AID SOCIETY OF BARRIE ` I K !:a:`efof__a\:d_oR191,__in g99_d_ Homes. a number _. nnu unu.uxusN'b` Au) SOCIETY OFBARRIE have for ado tion, in good Homes. of bright young children. boys and girls Patties desiring them aroaakod to communicate with the Secretarvo IREV. D. B. HARKNESS. Barrie. . - \J. on meat nstate at lowest rates. farmers" Notes Dis:ounted. Collections made in any part of the County. Real estate bought and sold. `Convey- ancing in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. 0icc-Ross Bloclk. Dunlop street Barrie. l A- V- - L'vt.\ 11` V not Ann .I. on 000 $ 1 _h-eehold security at lowest rate of interest. Nodannipal money required until end of the term. . S'1_`RA1`HY, Solicitor, Etc., Barrie. on Ivuwriiil I& &l'1lIn We have a. large amount of Private Funds to lead at 4} and 5 per cent. on the security of good farm Mortgages. MCCARTHY. BOYS 8: MURCHL SON. Dunlo Street Barrie. ;Z.9e.9.,`!,. S. BROAD. M.D. C. M., F. T. M. C.. L. C. . P. 8., 0., latdresident Physician and Surgeon 0: Toronto General hospital. with special attention on xannanu nf \X7n.'nnm, n.nn Nmas-9 and .1 Trusting it may he convenient for ycn to publish the enclosed appeal under the head of "The Gravenhurst Free Hospital for Consumptives,and thanking you for past favors, I am, Yours truly, WALTER Jams BROWN, General Secretarv. In compliance with their request we have pleasure in publishing the above mentioned` appeal which will be found on this page, and we trust our readers will give it due `consideration. Next week we shall devote some space to the circular with reference to local branch Associations. . 01' l.0I'0ntO uenerax nospluu. wnn SPCCIBI aI.u:uuun to Dzseasea of Women, ana Nose and Throat Work, also 101' some ume surgeon no charge of Emergencv Hospital. '1 on-onto. Oice and night residence-upstairs in McCarthv Block. 21 Dunlop St., Barrie. second door east of Dougall Bros. fu_runture wa.rerooms-near Five Poiuxs. Phone 105. ' zq-ly I\o E: 1.4: K7I.\I`4I\ELLILV' mental $urgeOun UIIICC over Hambly's Hardware. Entrance, Owen Street. Out of town 1st and 1rd Mondays ot each month. 5:-Iv R. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. 8: S . Edin- burgh; M.F.P. 8; 5., Lila.sgow,v member of British Upthalmological Society. svecla.lI.v.-- Diseases of Eye, mar, Throat and Nose. 0FFICE.-78 Dunlop Street, Sanders Block, Bar- rie. opposite Post Oice and Railway btation. Phone 54. P. 0. Box 96. 7-ly Hours-xx to x. -9.1.) R. J. F. Palling. Graduate of Trinity University Toronto, Fellow of Trinity Medical Uollege, Member of the Codege of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oice and Residence, 18 Owen street. R. w. A. ROSS, Physician, Surgeun,_etc., L. I R.C.S. Eclin,, L.R L.P.. London. Othces and night resiaence-::brown's Block, Uunlop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. DR. J. c. SMITH, L.c..1>.s., Ont., (Ian: of Drs. _ Harvie 8; Smith, Urillia.) omce anu residence '-corner of Owen and Collner streets, Barrie. 23-`ly Notary, etc. Money to loan. Uttices--Barrie M. `M. CAMPBELL. ' Barrister, Solicitor. and Stayner. Barne Ufce-Ba.nk of Toronto I "Building, Owen street. 5-ly 171`KA'1`! an naum. _ V D ` , Barnsters, bolicitor in High Court 01 justices, Notaqies Public, Coz_1v_eya.ncers. Utflces ovex the Bank ot Toronto, Barne. Amour cI\- nu:-ca nf !a,nnn nd unwards. to loan at 5 1 `I A. RADENHURST, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, etc. . O 0ice-First door Owen street. over Bank of Com- ------A.. I1 .. -4.: 4'48- .0ntario. . ' _ Dear Sir :-2-'1`h\i_s Association is grate- . [iii to you for your co-operation in crest. in; public interest in the `campaign we are waging against consumption in Canada. We enclose herewith aoopy of our circular with reference to local branch Associations, which we believe should be organized in every municipal- ity in the country. A number of_ papers in Ontario have taken` this matter. up and are pushing it in their respective constituencies. Weareplaoning tossed out an organizer wherever there is a prospect of doing good: it is probable ` he will visit your vicinity sometime in the immediate future. This work is a national charity and is intended for the good of the whole people. HEWSON & CRESVVICKE, bafristers. Solici- tors of the Supreme Court ot Judicature of Untario, Proctor, Notaries, Conveyancers. etc. Mpney to loan. 0ices-Ross Block. Ban-ie. .. .. n _______ -_ A I4` I-I Cnsaswtcxn. . ">- `W0 DOIIBIIOY, '. M Conveyance:-. etc. Monev to Loan. rages. - 0ice-McCa.|-thy Block, sou th side I) L. ` AUI/!.`~-T Barrister. aolicitorg Proctor, Npfliry. o Conveyancer, etc. Spccial attcnuon In Eawing and probaung wila, obtaiomg letters or administration and guardianship, accounts, etg, Ro_sa'_z$locx. Barge. Money to Loan. .- | ,:;1;;..:.;'.{ J. A.--l'\ ECCV.Al'?.';`HY, . ' I1 oss & Bnoxovsxx. Barristers, Solicitors- _ Notaries, Lgnvc.-yancers. etc.` Oices Bank 0` 104-onto Building. Barnc. Branch Utcc, Cold water. Money to Luau. " '~ -- - Y I". RnnI(nV.QKl.| . . ENNOX, ARDAGH. COWAN 6: BRUWN, Barristers-',' Solicitors for obuining probate ot wuls. guardianship and administration. and General Sohcitors. Notaries, bonvegancers, etc. 'HAUGH'rON Lnnxox, . Auzx. Cowzm, `B. Huuronn Axmua, u. 1:`. Lbnowx, L.L.B .Oices: Hinds Blo.k, No. 6. Dunlap street, Bar- ne. Branch Ofces-Lennox 8; Ardagh, Gravenhuru; Lennox, Ardagh, Cowan 8; Brown, Creemore and or-Iv CCARTHY, BOYS 8'. MURCHISON. Barris- ters. Solicitors, Conveyancers. etc. Success- ors to Mcuarthy. Pepler & mccarthy. Oice--McCarthy Block, Lumop btreet. Barrie. - " " " \U A Rnvc VA2m.t.A, for ice cream. for instance; Buuue Powmm, for cakes. One in a. drug. of course 3 the other a "chemical": and there are still others-SPICES of all cream of tater. etc. The beet lace to drugs is at a. DRUG STORE - The ` tug `at knows more about ' tlaemthan other peep e. -time to time we gave `_'-: v.;._2 .. f."1`'`- . ' _ `upon the subject of consumption-Jgjifrs prevention and cure; and have pub- lllhed authoritative articles sent out by the National_ Sanitarium Association. "Those articles are part of an educational movement towards stamping out the white plague, and we hope are doing good in that respect. 'I'I'P_ _.---_-_1 - E._. .I._._`..._ AL. I.` DONALD Ross. u..a. lmouxmrrs onus stone Q! DUNLOP-S_T. BARRIE. Drugs and chemlgifg Ivuliji I? &\I1 5 and 5% per cent. on Mortgage. 7 (\l YxY'I\ I7. I Avvnvrn :___ MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUER. In the Kitchen. `\1f1`RATHY 3; ESTEN. * R2 Barrie. _ Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards, 5 III? (`DRY , . 'IiI Bvu tn H". H. Srxurnv. Q._C. '. on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers nfnn 1)::-nnnfnrl FnlIm~0:nna nu-u.l.. 2.. on... _...g at T we - receivod-a. few dpsyo ago the fol-_ lowing letter from the N ational Sani- tarium Association in regord to thio Odhoutional movement; :-i Editor of "THE N omjnmm ADVANCE, Barrie, . V , R. E. L. BRERETON. Dental Surgeon. oace nver Hamblv's Hardware. F.nn-an:-9 (Swan 0 oce. at the Cnnnrt H ---_.____..___-----:-.2---'--'"" "T-"' `W. `PLAXTON, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Ifnnununnnor. nit`, Mnmav IO Loan. at loW8t 135' T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M., ccjiice in Bothwe1l's Block. Allandale. Un the premises at night. J o_iv DR. R. P. VIVIAN `ARE NEEDED EVERY DAY MONEY TO LOAN. Il_,-, ,_, _RADl*.Nl-IURST, ..:..._ .-.. 1`.I-snnnerv. Convevancer. etc.l MONEY 'r_o LC_>AN_: pindgivo the diqaua to TV-W4` 9` W .3! ;!! ADVERTISE IN- MANIIFACTURE8. V sonnluinnovs. _-..-. _-----,..-n 'I'.oUN'i`_& LOUNT Barristers, Barrie. Opposite R. K. Station` MONEY T0 LOAN. FOR INVESTMENT on good freehold sazuritv at lnwesf 1-are nf 5-, D. C. Muxcmsox. PHY SIUIAN S . FINANCIAL. OFFICIAL. The National Sanitarium Association is now huilding the Gravenhurst Free Hospital for Consumptives, which will be. supported by voluntary contribu- tions, to meet the requirements of the poor consumptivea of this Province, who are in the early stages of the dis~ ease. It will be ready for occupation about November lstnext. It is sur- roundediby a beautifully wooded park of over forty-ve acres on the shore of Lake Muskoka, and is about half a mile nearer Gravenhurst than the Mus- kokacottage Sanatorium, which is now famous throughout the world` as an in- stitution in which a very high `percent- age of incipient tuberculosis patients are cured.` The Free" Hospital will be under the same management, and will have the advantages of all the experi- ence and skill so far required. There will be accommodation at. first for about forty patients." As soon as these beds are filled more will be provided. It is the intention of The National Sanitarium Aaeociationto continue en- largiug-'and.increasin'g the facilities of ` this institution until the consumptive poor of the Province are all cared for. _ Our positionat thiamoment is dis ti-(easing, During the past three. years over 1500 cousumptives have been re- fused adm ission "into the Muskoka Oct-. tage Sanatorium because we have not. had accommodation for them. 'l_lIa'ny of the applicants had-little lornevmoney. N e`.hoapital_:would ._ad'mit ' th(_e.m_ ;{ they - wereiworse um. iopgn. e .The-luakoka rgh-torihia.aven...with{hi.,ii9g( , h-med. h- not -o it A A 9'11 . l .1 to .

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