Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 18 Jul 1901, p. 1

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Us yuv -way. any fojde. QHHGO9; ` ~* mending a. number of payments,`-which re- port was carried, as was also another report recommending that the taxes for 1897 and 1898. against the old electric com any be written off as they were included 1 n settle- ment in this corporation on the purchase of their plant. and that the Treasurer be in- structed to write off the same from the col- leotor s rates. the amount of which was $540. 'm`NNnnY s runs. Mr. Wesley addressed the Council on be- half of the Barrie` Tanning Co.. appealing against taxation. Had the old tannery not been burnt they would have been exempt from taxation as they employed more than the number of men required by the by-law. When the old building was burnt no time was lost in going on with building opera- tions, and while they were not manufactur- ing they were em loying .labor-oiten as many as 60 men. t was upon the supposi- tion that they would be exempt that they put up a big concern like the tannery. The Company had done their share and he V thought deserved this consideration from the `town. |.'__1'f_o can -- - "Tam Her Back, Dad.- "Take He:i3ack, Dad. YOUNG LADY S SAD DEATH. HOSPITAL b TESTIMONY. VJTW II&lII \I 2 Rooms for ofces. in Ross Block. Styreet. Fire proof vault ; lately 1 e_l1s. Also two rooms with vault, bV .H09_d. Jasks `& F rase._ V Barris nnxcnn.~..`.. J.'he Judiciary Committee of the C.L.A. l met Monday and ordered that the Totten- ham vs. Alliston match be played again next Thursday at Alliston. They made some rulings as to rough play and someone in the Telegram says this :---"Another man who will not play lacrosse for some time to come is A. E. Clark, of Barrie. Mr. Clark, after being sent to the fence by the referee in the Beaverton-Barrie game, presented the oieial with an illuminated address, and attempted to illustrate his ideas by reaching for his jaw with his right. The referee re- ported the matter to the committee, and they lost no time in putting the Barrie man on the retired list. And they lifted up their voices and declared that any other man who thought of doing the referee had better write his resignation as a member-of the C.L.A. at one and the same time, That report that the Boaverton-Barrie game is to be protested on the grounds that the Checkers played professionals is all rot. The Beavert-on team has three or four play- ers from Newmarket, including Larry Doyle, a brother of Eddie Doyle, of the Tecumsehs, but they are regular members of the Beaver- ton club and in good standing. Barrie also has some bitter things to say about President McMillan because the Checkers play out- siders. But they should remember two things. `The first is that Peter has nothing at all to do with selecting the Beaverton team ; and` the second is that the same con- vention that elected him almost unanimous- ly voted down a residence clause. If we mistake not Barrie s own delegates voted against that residence clause. because it was .a Toronto measure. If it is sulferinz now because it indulged in a petty feeling on Good Friday, who is to blame? A And the other : Up in Barrie they sometimes play very earnest lacrosse. In the Beaverton game a Barrie chap swung hll stick like a thresher s. ail, and when it alighted a Beaverton man had passed into the land of dreams. The Barrie man was ruled o', and after he had exhausted a very `extensive, vocabulary in giving his `opinion of the.referee he grew more reasonable. `'0! Ithit him, hevadmitted`. .1_3nt'he.idodgedsme., What. pould you have done? ,_ Wouldn't you have -his him yourself, 2'? It awaswan awkward; .qu;uon- - tog pu`c}to:- any; u_:au1- who had. [ever {cereal-are-a. 1 l The boys left on a special yesterdav at { 5 a.m. for Beavercon. It is not expected | that they won, however, :36 Gib Webb got up so as to be just in time to be too `late. .11 A run! IIIVI-ll-I\nI UIIU IIDY yU|lU_l\4Iy UyUlIIII5s I The crew. impressed the critics especially 1 with their good style of start, which counts for much in a championship race. Unfor- ; tunately the crew, not being very well ac- quainted with the lav of our bay, got caught in the weeds near Centre Island, but ma.n- \ aged after some manoeuvring to clear them- ? selves safely. Charles J ohnstone, the single 3 sculler, who is matched in the senior single scull championship against Len Marsh and others, was out in his boat during the even- ing. While he rows verp fast, local critics think he does not show the staying powerof 1 Champion Marsh. In the Globe of Saturday, the referee, Mr. J. K. Munro, gives an interview with Mr. Peter McMillan, presidentof the C. . A In the Telegram of the previous date. there is a like article which it is easy to see was written by the same person.- I am going to give two extracts of interest to local men. Therst is this : The Barrie Boating Club receiveti an in- l vitation from the Orillia Canoe" Club last week to meet them eat Jackson s Point. l Thev are to have a big regatta there on the s 25th inet., and the Enterprise will run from 3 here under the B. B. 0. patronage. The. 1 bigger crowd that goes from Barrie the bet- ~ ter for the Club, as the Barrie Club may `` have a regatta this summer and we should very much like Orillians to be present then. The committee request that all who take in the Enterprise s excursion next Thursday wear navy blue and white ribbons. VVIJIIF say I'll. usauuaulvu. V The proposition will be to invite Mr. Towns, the English oarsman, to go in train- ing on Kempenfeldt. Bay. He sails from England on July 25 but his race with` Gaudaur does not come off until the first week in September. He will train on some Canadian waters and it-is not likely will do it all at Rat Portage. Barrie affords as excellent facilities for Mr. Towns as any place, and if the Englishman is only made aware of it on his arrival, he would possibly come here. club, if it has an eye to business. could bring all its regatta. * - u 1 .. that he M Then while he was here thei 4 If the Barrie Boating Club wants to make use of opportunities for promoting interest in hosting they possibly have a chance now fjhich they should-seize at once. There is be a general open meeting of the club Tuesday night and the proposition will likely ` come up for discussion. rm... .............:a.:..... ...:n I... -_ :....:.-' 11.. There passed through Barrie on Mondav `she shells belonging to the Winnipeg Rowing ' Club. They are on their way to the Inter- national regatta at Philadelphia, where they have several crews entered. ` IL... -: 4_I_-:.____._,|._._ __ an-_ n 1\ 1 ,,,, l uuvw uvvclns VIUWB cuuuruu. ` One of their number 15 Mr. P. D. Jory. a. brother} of Ald. Jory of this town. They are testing a few days `at Toronto, practising at the same time. Tuesday s News said :- The Winnipeg eight indulged in a. short spin around the bay yesterday evening. mhh nu-nu; innnrnnunrl 1-I-an nu?!-hug nnnnninlln muums tor omces. in Ross Block, No. 97. D0010? atrciet. Fire vault; occupied bv D!`- '61s. bV:H03d. Jacks & raser. Barristers : imm poI.\3sess_ion. Apply to C. H. ROSS, arne. lanuary 1, mm. _.____,_ I816 I-tf. lately occex3;_:ied_} ; report of the Barrie-Beaverton game \ will be found on page 2. ` 1 Richmod Hill wa.s`be`9.ten at Bradford on ` 1-iday by the home team by a score of 6 to J . The B. B.`C. hav:a:;:n:ed for opening 1 of the rooms next Tuesday night. Invite.-i `tions have been sent out to a large number, and it is hoped the club house will meet with approval. The secretary will receive names for entries in canoe or rowing races,` four or ve of which will be held between seven and eight o clook. All parties who l own boats or canoes are requested to illu- | minate the same and get in the procession. After that refreshments will be served in the blue and white" room. . - 30 UIIU IUIUKUU IUU LIIIII U" I 0 Now when that article "appeared in. the spams or THE wm. THE DOMINION _0I" CANADA OUR CRITERION. Lacrosse. - `Frank Harper occupied the pulpit of I the Presbyterian church at both services on Sundav. .- _Mies'1iiaggie Morrison,- who has been visiting iMrs J. H. Reid. Peel street, has returned to her home. in Gilchrist. T Mr. J. E. Cain and. faniilyg `N1 -ewmarket are spending the summer in their house boat; Georgian on the Penetanguishene Bay. I In -1 0 11!: 1-: u . 4 d for , y advertIC_ b Th V"'ble Prop; rtlurs:f:`1:l!.l Midhur9'{ glrief sale by '53 Bwmhea tthe Q9" flow]; by G- sold by Public 1\ll&llO`:l:day July 10`! `to Auc `P2530 a}\Tx't:r:1:e:rl. For p8fti"1`rs app y 23-29 txonccr. :-*"" Mr. A. U. Gibson, of_ Niagara Falls. con- ductor on the Great Gorge Railway, is in town. the guest: of_ his cousin. Mr. 9. H. Gibson. A Among those in town this week were Mr. G.'W. Bruce, Oollingwood ; Mr. Thomas Hammell. Beacon ; Mr. Jan. Ross, Guthrie ; Mr P. J..Fra.w1ey, Hillsdale. ` M Mre. vP'rnce, a<;eou;panied by Miss Rose, i leaves town to day for Barrie, where. they will be the guests of Mra..E. F. B. Johnston, at her summer residence.-A-Tuesday : Mail. 'u'p . 1 ,_n, , 6,13- 'n-,,._2_ _,_, , n " Mr. X.3}{. ;}}$Tie*:*e13a:".4i.;k.i}.e week. ago for Collingwood, was in towneon Tues- dav previous to his departure for the Sea. Where he he: been transferred by the Bank of`0ou_1merce. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Willeon, of 141 Col- lezze street, and their daughter. Mrs. An- drew R. Gordon; and her two little children, left Toronto last Saturday for a. month : letay at Peninsular "Perk Hotel, Lake Simcoe. ,AL-L '1:-s_._ 1':..:__.__ _, ,-n 1.. ---J --u - v---~ ----- - vw- *----~ ----vvv. Mrs. Stennett, Miss Bethune, and Miss Elliott, of Montreal, who have been guests at Mrs. Helliwel1 e. St. _George street, left Toronto Monday for Peninsular Park, where thA'eyLwill e'pend"the_remainder of the sum- H Miss Rebecca. Pollock, of the BC. I. is spending her vacation at her home in Cooks- town. .PeI:erboro. Marshall Crossland is spending a fortnightfs holdaya with his brothers in T fmagggg 1Ts*ags1}n1T1i1Ti.{y[ 13.,{,;;,;,'.,: To- ronto, are the guests of Mrs. W. F. Kidd. II. `II I F. Biawlss, lefhwliarrieg [this week for Liudsav, where he will be ticket agent. Mrs Ronsseaux has her neice Miss Ethel Bain, of Hamilton, visiting her at Hillside. Miss Dora. Dutton, of Peterboro, is spend- ing her holidays with Miss Madge Mahoney. Mr. Robert Stzoddart. Principal Listowel High School has been visiting in Shanty Bay.\/' u---.---u RaB`"i3' Caocibg; Fpcckled Trout Fishig. 82. S: $" ~' to $2 per day. . ' ' 21*. I? r\ IIl\l1A\I In t . H ifos Evelyn Edwards, ot Toronto, is visit- ing her father, Mr. James Edwards, Mary street. ' Frank Berrose. an old Barrxe boy, now of J.`oronto, registered at the Queen : on Monday. * ' no-r q,n nu.- IVUCIUIII TIIEIIIQ Going so far as to grant that Doyle and Cain would play with Beaverton for the more sport, Mr. McMillan, in my opinion did not_show good taste in having such men selected as he did. As to voting for Presi- dent McMillan, it dosen t make a particle of difference who Barrie voted for if he didn t do what was right they have a right to ob- jectd What does it matter how our delegates vote ? .~ `ll 1 cl; lI.I 117:` : Kt: meeting Monday night of the B.L.C. it was decided to "go to Beaverton. I think [it would have been wiser to have defaulted. While it is hoped the game yesterday has been won by Barrie, still our boys had little chance, and nanciallv they would have been better o'. I should liked to have seen them lbw.-ak with the very much alive U. L.A. signifying at the same time their disapproval of the association s management. when its president is partial to his own town, and when he sees a referee acting unfairly with another club. without saying anything against it. Instead of that be upheld the referee and the latter evidently did all he could to please his employer. Baseball. The Toronto baseball team celebrated the twelfth bv putting themselves in rst place. They headed Rochester by one point. Then Rochester brought themselves up again. so that last "week ended with both teams even. Yesterday Tornnto was in the lead by nine points. - A Mr: W. 0. Hopkins spent Sunday in Uollingwood. Mr. L. A. Lewis, of Toronto, is visiting his parents in town. - Mrs. W. . Hllettleft for St. Elimo, Mus- koka. ox; Monday. ~ >11 ' Mivssiinnie Fleocher spent several days in Toronto last week. I Miss Eva. Sanagan, of Toronto, is visiting her brother in town. The Demand for Good Horses Cell sunuly on the Increase. - Wetall the attention of our readers to the great sale of Western Horses conducted by Mr. john King, the great Kansas. stockman, wluch will take place at Barrie on July 24, 1901. , Mr. King has bcen engaged m the horse business V- ....- rvun .._ ya Mrs. Wells, has been visiting "Mrs. E. Stewart, of Collingwood. . Miss MacDonald, of New York city, is visiting relatives in town. Mrs. W. G. Cross and Miss Mamie Meag- han are visibimz in Nantyr. , Dr; N. Malay, of Freeland, Pa., is visiting his friends in town and vicinity. Mia. and Miss Skelly, oi New York City, laresummer visitors at Hillside. Mr.TE1mx1n-d(wiie6;:;;f Tdfnt, was via- iting friends in town `this week. V g-n Q` - -- an up u :- ! w T ZiiI-`ia"s_(1"zii1ew:::i 'cI}11 March, of |Toronto. are visiting Mr. John March. `:0 1"! ru 7 . 1 A A 1 1 ` ma; E; ii 1{i;..1".ar;: ;;.{;g;e{.;aed visit | with her sister in Siutaluta. on Tuesday. 11- It I 1 1 III 1\ I11 !Teleam it was too late to protest. And it was not "all rot about protecting. The boys did talk at it but what good would it do? Pete McMillan would probably preside on the judiciurv committee and the referee would be another. How can Barrie remem- ber that Peter has nothing at all to do with selecting the Beaverton team, when he has ' a. whole lot to do with it? That's what you might call all rot about Mr. McMillan e innoceuse. The Telegram man is trying to lapologize for President McMillan and` at the laume time to exonerate theclub from pro- l'feslg`io_na.liem._ . `I . 1\ n I Qua ton. Mi'o.'i?Tol_Je-1'Vi:son`,v Toronto is visiting Mrs. Dollery, of Allandale. -u an . `an `on A1: 1. XL`/.iins"'].; dTi";1iimliiiss Allnn, of Gait, are visiting Miss Habbick. . - , Mr. W. H. Bennett, M.P., was visiting his brother on Sunday. ' ` Mrs, A. C. Batten, is Visiting at the home of her parents in town. ...o '11- ,. 1-.1 ___V_ BUGGY x{Nb7:`uTrEn ron SALE. IL..L - , Senator Gowan is_in Toronto. Mr. Ed. McNeil` is home from Bu'a.1o. Miss Minnie Turner. is visiting in Hamil- ll "Take Her Back. Da`d. f SUCIM AND PERSONAL. Pass was holidaying in Rama. this Mr. Richard Simmons {died at the Barrie Hospital on Wednesday of last week. He had been suffering from cancer for about ten months. Previous to that he was employed at the Wellington Hotel. V r. SimmonI_ was born in Scotland and h lived in Barriefor about ten years. . Ho was 35 ears of age, unmarried, `and Henry Freeman had to pay for breaking the law. on Saturday. It was n who the License Commissioners refused to grant a license to recently, and as there was money to be made in selling liquor at Tiny Beach at the mouth of the Noctawasaga River, he sold it without a license. He and several witnesses were summoned to appear at the Police Court, arrie, but none showed up Fridayasthevwereexpected to. Onsaturday Constable Sweeney, accompanied by Con- stable Tudhope, of Elmvale, went out there I and arrested them all. The witnesses tried to excuse themselves for non-appearance and were let off with a warning. Mr. Freeman pleaded guilty to having liquor on the premises and to selling liquor without-a" license. On the former charge he was ned $20 and costs, and on the second $50 and costs. The costs on account of the extra e trouble were very heavy. V VVIII-IKJCL VVIIUIU uuvy (Ill UQIIIU LIUIIII Bnt there were others. Beeton had its big doings and over 4000 people spent the twelfth. in Rosemont too, they had a. glori- ous time, and the air of Eimvale was charged with a. current of celebration. In one town up north the chief attraction on the bill: was the drum competion between women who played up the band along the line of spectators. Then there any number of events not on the bills. I -Take Her Back, Dad. -The 35th Regiment : moonlight will be held on the 31st. Further particulars next week. qlivignsoon, the first packet tea Intro- duced and still the best at BOTH- WELIRS. -ZTh'ea(VBa;);i;; _S-uV1'r'1<'i;x-y.'_'chool picnic took place last Thursday; when a considerable number of people went to J ackson a Point. ALA, ` ` Tourist Hotel BAYSVILLE, MUSKOKA, om`. -`1`heZ 'a.;:;,;L VS>t-1rV1-d-::'ymS;lV1;>-c>'l- Jclarsion from Newmarket was largely attended yer . terday. The boat: took the pleasure-seeker! to Orilliau, - t'See our springs at $1.75 and mattreaael at $2 00 and upwards. A whole car load arrived this week. Fork 8: Palk, Five Points. . Celebration of glory, of time honored vio- tory, it seems will never die until the 12th of July is taken from our calendar. At any rate any one who was to Bradford on Fri- day would think so. Thousands of people thronged the streets and the Orange brethren were welcomed to the town and this fact was indicated by the green arches and ban- ners and ribbons galore. There were ve bands and more ministers. The ministers, one of whom, was Rev. G. B. Morley, made` speeches and the bands made music` all the day. Stayner, Orillia, Aurora and Mark- ham bands added to the din and the fth one was the pride of Barrie. Thos. Sampson did the artistic drum-heating act. There wet so many fe and drum bands one woul wonder where they all came from. 1.)... LL...... .u..._.. ...L.._.. D.._s-.. L-) 3;- nun uuu ysluu nu usual JUL U. Fruit: was not very abundant. The pried of cherries was 7 cents per quart; red our- rsnts sold at 5 and blacjk cnrrsnts at 10 cent! per quart. ' Thorn tuna .' I34-I-In an... L... -._ LL- ...-..L-L "ir13`'J `swan a} little new hay on the market at $6.00 per ton. When all the hay bu been gathered in, the market it'isto -be hoped will resume its wonted busy appear- ance., Lunch and Soft. Drinks can be procured at all times. Miss Lawrence. A - 3'Anyol1e ln weht lorfl av lalrge 'r`e_Il'- denoe, beautifully located, can buy Col. Ward's residence at a reasonable gure. l 111,, 1'7 '- n 1 hi I u o --ir71Z the list of inventors granted patents recenb1y,issued by Marion and Ma.rion,Mont- `real, is the name of R. F. Montgomery. Bar- rie, 0nb., for a drqss supporter. 11...; 41n_..n..- ~u:_...nu_ -nn-___- __._u `an ._-. _-_ .. .._.,.... .._...`_.--v--. For Choice Family Flour and all Kinds or Feed go to Wilklnson I. All orders delivered promptly in any quantity. Please leave your order: at the Mill Olce or Telephone No. 23. THE HAPPENINGS OF A WEEK 1:: TOWN AND VICINITY. IE- 1; ULANT IN BARB . dav ` e on 3: There Dasaed bh1'gh her hibicioil French-Cami , . to go 0 Edward American EXP`. nh, H9 i Mrfg 8155 for his enormouS_h15 !'npg,nied by. W -Th9. B6Iupre,;and he! of M00591! '4, and Mr. Gaspe ' Beau.`pI'5n year . 0 5 Younger Beaupre 15 b `Maven fe % Isl:-% _ . iht&1`dw~_u` as teMm,he1z:.:eoi; god but no Wpounda. His fat 6 mnn~~=~ . ,uh P`" dian who is Emu to W1...` v- :v-v.--v-V --vw ave- -The hearing before Judge Ardagh of the appeal qt Nottawasaga against their equalization was begun on Tuesday. The case_ will in all probability be a prolonged one. -The Enterprise is running an excursion next Thursday the 25th to J ackson a Point, under the patronage of the Barrie Boetin Club, big regatta there. Fare 25 and 1 cents. Wsummer price of Lehigh Valley Coal $6.50 by paying cash for it. now; you can have is delivered in the fall or winter. Summer price tor Lyken s Coal, free from bone or slate, $5 75 - a nice burnin coal. A I J. G. Soon`. 3'Str. Enterprise will run an excursion to Beavert-on by Big Bay and Jackson ! Point on Tuesday, 23rd inst. Boat; leaves Barrie 8.30. Allandale 8.45 a..m. Fare 25 and 15 cents. - The ciiase-z place in town to buy hard and soft wood is A. W. Wilkin- son9o. Delivered promptly In an quantity to any part of the town on Allandale. Leave orders at mill ofnoo or Phone. 23. -The tourist traic is increasing dailv. The G.'.['. R. perhaps never had a. better year on the Northern Division. The majoriw of resort: seekers pass by Barrie, however, and go to Muskoka. T Campers Supplies-All the dellcaci-nu of the season In tinned meats, fruits, &c., at B0'l`HWEl.S s. The attendance of people with produce was very small at the market on Saturday, very few farmers being "in. The women who brought in good butter got 16 cents quite easily for it while 10 and 11 cents per dozen was the price as usual for eggs. Ffliih `DAB nni-. nnl-I1 nknunon TR; 0133151: --The Myrtle is now makina her daily trips and the time card is out. Mr. Will King got a snap shot of her as she Wu launched. She makes good time and looks much better in the water than she did on i the car. x.oo' PER ANNUM IN ABVANCI SINGLE COPIES FIVE CENTS ` Apply on the premises. -"7 Q) and one acre of land. good young_ orchardlof apple ear trccs, grapes, goosebemes. currams. etc.; dp T3.-n shrubs and orna_menta.l`trees-all under good` care. This propergy WI be so.d on reasonable terms. 28-3|-p ,___ THE UPROARIOUS TWELF"I`H.. ILLEGAL: LIQIEOR SELLING. DIED AT THE HOSPITAL AROUND BARBIE. snnnugynxn. ~MRS. J. T. LENI\ OX.`formerly of Barrie. having large house can accommgdate sux_nmer visitors with large and small rooms, wnth or without board. House convenient to to all cars and places of amuse. ment. Temps revnsanable. 363 \Vest 15th Street. New York Cxtv. I\.Y. ` ' V 39. WExEcu'roR',s NOTICE TO cnannons. FOR $5L_E av AUCTION 'N\..; 1' LI cm C2 OAL! 27" ? MARRIED . NEY--FYFE -At Acton on Jul 1;, In th A GU;,,V_ H. A. Macpherson of Knox ghurch, J?" Gurney to lean Fyfe. - I\I 1!I I` Largeweljinwg,Uu1.Ward sResidanoa Ou I"IE\lUInl'IIl Ii&II'I\ as right along from mongh to month. _Stud- ' June or July meh a course in the 0 hen many are just entenng. We have 130 va- F3" `V We do thorough work every month tn the ad positions. "EEN RAL BUSINESS IIULLEBE, .._...... and (~)arra.rd St:s.. Toronto. are constantly sending out youngpeople. TT. ""Fi"\v Anvtm'r1sE1uENTs. +a= ' a 8P1 v lop to dc` if tit rite us OUR REGULAR endid opportungty for teachers a_ud_ others increased ea:-mug power at a lxmxted 3x- ne and_money. about It. ' worm R -_.n.. alnnw from mouth to mdnth. Stud. MER SCHOOL and others `&"Eic Es;lT"o"R:NT on LEASE ;s.;o That Va Eula L" I! uuuu-vuu --~-----~- -_______ Yonge and Gerrard S'ts.A. Toronto. ,,.1v. W. H. SHAW PRINCIPAL. ESTATE OF P. '29-31. ` 21-tf nun;-u..., V 4! )'&|'S. uvv- I90 -An\Y Now is the time to secure Y" l' Presentlcash price $55-50 P9. mu` _' "Best quality. A Well screened-' Careful delivery. Your order! ' respectfully solicited. ' Johnston &Safi"*'l _----_-?[ WHOLE No.` VOL L, No. 29 _ _ . 34.80} Smuu Wxsuzt Propetqr.` _T Tinlsme HORSES ;D-At Allandale. on Thursglav. July nth, ., Tillie L.` Arnold. aged 22 years. ,\J--Accidentally killed at the G.T.R vard. ,.:..|.. I\V| Inlv mm. mm. losenh Henrn. airpd A GIANT IN BARRIE.' . I - ` V ` A , v.1. 1 ) Neil. `of Denver,Col.,.xllv9_h_ '-t Iter Mn. Val: ~ ' tcidentauy Kuleu at me u. 151$ v_ara. , _on Iuly ncth, mot, Joseph I-learn, aged .......... `to anyrlll nu FRANK C. HARPER. 182 Dunlap Street, Barrie. I/:, Dud.V ' f='.qc';. HOGAN, Proprietor. U. A. ISl\lJl`4lV I1 U KB 1 2 Solicntor for the Execu_tors. Barrie P.O_ - DIED. H. STEWART. 97, `Dunlap nncunied hv Dr- \ll iHl\} HCIU D) -lllem. And notice is herebv further iven. that immediately alter said 31$; August. rgor, t c said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate. among the panics entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given as above required ; and said Executors shall not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof. to any person or versons.-of whose claim or claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time aforesaid. Dated at Barrie this 15th Julv. 1901. G. A. RADENHURST. Qnlinh-nu Cap bk- l?....n..6n.on ggy recently var- by the manufac- at a. cone or wau. That sidewalk on John etreeh, west side from Elizabeth to Wilkinson : mill be re- pailed and extended to aioe at cost of $50. rm..-. . Hm: fnnf. nnment walk he laid on weet V0 3 D01! ICIU I860 I101`!!! no It uvau vs` qpuu. That a cement walk he laid on west side of Clapperton street `from Dunlop to Wor- sley* street a distance ot 495 feet and four feet wide to Worsley street 473 feet, includ- istzocrossing on Worsley street at a cost of That the committee be authorized to pur- chase a new watering cart as present one is not worth repairing and is expected to col- lapse at anytime. . V - That a cement crossing be built across John street on` Elizabeth street at a cost of GOA - ova-u \an-vi u --u1-v-- v---_ --r-_`..._-_ .,__ The letter in reference to the sidewalk in front of Mrs. Marrin s property aroused some discussion. Some wanted the sidewalk larger, but Chairman Powell thought the people should have requested the larger sidewalk when it went through Council. Mr. `McLean moved, seconded by Mr. Bren- nan. that the sidewall: on the south side of Collier street he built ve feetwide and as far north as the trees would allow, bv cutting oplars in trout of Mr. Meeking e. Mr. &`yrer voted this way, but the other four members voted it down. thus leaving the matter for further discussion` inrcommittee. ` REPORTS ADOPTED. The` following iethe report of the Board of Works :- . _v That Mulcaeter street south to the railway be graded and walk repaired and extended at cost of $30. 1 e fl!I.~-A. -82..-null: An Jnkn llulnnll ERIC . Iid P3119 am! 83 wnuuu DU Uuuzv nu vuuu vs vuvs That 9. ve foot cement walk he side of_Me.ry qt:-eeb from brewery` remieea to point 170 feet north at. cost 0 $85. ' rm.-. .. ............a. nun"! In Inhl an want aide $30.` The Committee on Waterworks in their report recommended that there be purchased one hydrant of the kind used` in-the old water `works system and also an outside shell or barrel to replace the one now practi- cally useless at Queen's -Park rate; also a hydrant for Allandale extenslon.- They re- `commended also that Engineer Chipman o Toronto be en ed `to report A tvhat is best to be done wit eahove named matters at ; `11` 'iblo.-.- """` " " " dltaxnedi'ent'l t - --_ ..-..-.... 11.. 9 o.t..'u (ham ages a uppmu As to the feet of these, on motion of Ald. McLean and Vair. it was left to the disore- A tion of the Me. or whether or not the town solicitor ehoul be present at the hearing. `LI - lluu.u n unnnnnuo-. man nnrnnlinri with, 88 small G 00513 B! pouuuu. Inreport No. 8 they deemed it expedient` for theme of said plant that your committee be empowered topuroheee ten 10 ampere meters etlp9.25 'eee_h.f._ o.,b. Hdmilton.;- e=r'?e=9m~.e` BDHUIDUI` Illluulu uc yuiuuuu nu uuu uuqu. Mr. Gray's request was complied with. I .,, _- L- LL- -2.I-_.-I Wm. Crbasland; aecrecary`Separate-School Board, notied the Council that the tax r_ate should be the same as last year. `Notice is herebv`gived, pursuant to R.S.O. Ch. 129. .~cc. 39. that -all Creditors and others having claims against the estate of Paul H. Stewart, late of the Town of Barrie". in the County of Simcoe. Assist- ant Cnuntv Treasurer. deceased. who` died on or abmtrlhe z7l|1 June. I001, are herebv re uired to de- liver. or send by post prepaid. to G. A. adenhurst. Barrie P.O.. Solicitor for the Executors of theaaid P. H. Stewart`. on or before the 315! Align-I, 1901. their names and addresses, and full particu- lars ofthcir claims, and the nature of all securities (nfam) held bythem. Ant] lh\Y;t`tI :8 lulvro-l'u7 (III-thaw n*:nnn Gkot :$|MQA'h`n`I! Iuwruuwu parusuu Unluu uu uuy. Lennax &. Co. notied the Town of the appeal of the Township of Nottawasaga. against the, last equalization of assessment, which would` be heard on Tuesday. 16th inst. These were all referred to committee with `the exce tion of the communication in refer- ence to _ rs. Martin tindthe Collier street sidewalk, and that of Thomas Gray, and Lennox & Co. a notication eav to Nottawa s appeal. An in tho Inn!-. nf f`.hnIA_ nn mnrinn nf Ald_ Lenncx 85 Co. wrote as follows :--'Mrs. Joseph Marrin has called upon us-this morn- ing in reference to the sidewalk being ut along the south side of Collier street. 4 he told me that it encroaches upon her property, and she requires the Council forthwith to desist from the trespassing upon her land, otherwise she will bring an action for dam- aaes and probably ask for an in]' strainingthe municipality. We may add that she and Mr. Marrin (aside from this question) and other residents upon south Collier street are being badly treated by the Council deciding to make such a narrow walk as the work has been left undone for a very long time, and it was distinctly romised them that they would have a 5 t. walk. This latter point" we of course recognize is within the discretion of the Council, but as to the trespass our client will insist upon her legal rights. ' I19 -In an I . . . n $l\I|II\I ll? UIJTP BIIIIIV C9 IQCU JWIIII Hewson & Creswioke.- on behalf of F. W. Ratoliffe, wrote saying that the not re bar- berry trees only applied in the case of such trees planted before the passing of the not (April 30. 1900) as are on farming lands. As Mr. R.a.toli e's property, on which the trees grow, was town property, not used as farming lands, they thought it did not come within the scope of the not. Mr. Ratoliffe, however. was open to sell the shrubs if the interested parties cared to buy. . I ...-mav R: (`in nntin Hm 'l`nwn nf the inembers of the Council were present. They were also her, and yet they kept up slow deliberations until after ten` o olook'.' The minutes of the previous meeting being adopted. the first business was'to read the COMMUNICATIONS. G. W. Hagart wrote as follows :-'.l`he undersigned, who is the recognized bill poster of the town. was. not aware that the goat oice square, and `more especially the and stand. would be given for advertising" purposes, but each being the case and no revenue being derived from the same, beg to be allowed the exclusive right of the adver- tising on said square on the payment ot $5 per year. ' i n I` I `n. .. Brokoveki drew attention -to the 1 iniury done to the property of Miss McBride at the corner of Elizabeth and Toronto `streets, being the isho occupied b E. B. Reid. by the level 0 the aidewal being raised . ' J. B Simmons wrote saying that across- ing was badly needed in front of his dwelling corner Rose and Toronto streets. They had built the last and onlyvcrossing ten veers ago at their own expense and had paid in taxes ` to town of Barrie some $450. The crossing I at present was dangerous. ' \ 'I'_I,,, ru '- - ` joliniaheeeinan and others petitioned for a renewal of the sidewalk on the south side of Collier street, between Baveld and Owen streets, the same being at present in a. de-` lapidated condition. 1.17%.` `sIn'i1i}";$..areaa.~ B 0.1 , notified the Councilthan the Board would require $2200 tor maintenance and $500 for per- manent improvements. `I an 1` Ann ,.._ ` V . } Thoa. Grav, W. Bradford street, wanted I permission to out down one willow tree on- % posite his roadway to above lot. He wished I to plant a maple tree in its place. I11 11 ' 1 , , ,, . on I I _____.____.._.._. wo NEWLY n1IL ' Hcretmd Grades. good milkers. A ply` to R.- J- MUNRO. Lot :4. Con. 7. Vespra, or y post to Barrie 1 . O. ' V ' .27-29-p MORE MONEY non 8IDEWALKS-- l PROBABLE LAW'SUI1`8. There were eeveral lawyers letters arnong the communications read at the meetinc of the Town Council on Monday night, butit is doubtful whether there will be any clash-A ing with courts. A II - _ -. IOWN cuuucu. T HE INTERESTS OF BARRIE. THE COUNTY OF SI_MCOE- AND % BARRIE, COUNTY 01:1 SIMCOE, ONTARIO, JULY 13; 1901. The Board of Trustees of the Royal Vic toria Hospital, Barrie, desire to place on record an expression of its sorrow at the death of Mr. P. H. Stewart, and its ap re-_ ciation of its estimable character. he Board recognizes with grateful feelingsythe valuable services which Mr. Stewart has rendered to the hospital from the beginning of its work. until no `longer able forany duty. He devoted much time and thought to the interests of the institution and greatly contributed to its successful management by his faithful `and constant attention to its nances; The Board recognizes that in the death of Mr. Stewart the hospital has last a valued and sympathetic friend, The town `has lost a citizen deservedly esteemed by all classes, while the Board has lost a mem- her, who was _held in-respect and condence by every member of it. ' ~VV UDIII-IV . IJIJULQ \.IlD'V nuu. \JRIIIUIuUI-In The funeral procession was one of the largest that ever left: Barrie, and was met by a large number of friends on the way, and at Ivy was again met by hundreds of sorrow- ing friends and acquaintances, showing the esteem and respect she was held in by all that knew ' her. VUIJ IIUQIIIIIY sllll She was the onlv child at home. Her brother Mr. T. R. W. Arnold was married only a month ago Friday at Ivy where Miss Arnold was born. Besides the many re- Alatives present at the funeral there were numerous friends there from Ivy, Stroud, Vine and other places. The pall-bearers were George Davis, jr.. John E. Davis, Maitland Fletcher. Thomas H. Banting, Inn MnT.nnnnn `anus nil n` Tun I-Vl.EIUlKllJ\A I.` IV IIUIIVI Q LIIUIIIDB J..I.o JJDIIIIIIJH, I 9 Joe. McLennan, Willem Lyons , all of Ivy her- schoolmates. The service Awas held at the Burton Avenue Methodist Church, where she was a member of the choir, and was conducted by Rev. Jos. Young, of Bradford. Six other ministers were re- sent and_the church was . crowded. be other ministers were Revs. Taylor, Clark, Westney. Dryer, Crew and Cameron. V mhn `I1-maven` vnnnnna-:no\ nun}: Anna on` 0-Inn UV 0'59 Vlullll-I5 VI-I lJ_UI.UY DLIUUUI In reference to the barberry hedge, the Mayor had consulted the town solicitor who advised him that they could not enforce the act on account of the wording. He under- stood the County Counoil had memoralized the Ontario Government who had not taken any action. ' place at Isarru: on Jul) z-_2g nnuo Mr. King engaged all his life. and onlv handles the best etock. His Western horses are hand-sox_ne to look at, of splendid build, hardy. and are as docile and kind as the native horse. People who have ,purchased these hores speakln the highest terms of them. . He has-hum drcds at tcstimonals as to the qualitv of the stock and their adaptability to the requirements of the people of this country. - 29-:9-p. Miss Tillie L. Arnold, the youngest daugh- ter of , James Arnold, Allandale, V died on Thursday, J ulv 11th. She was born just 22 years ago to t-he day of her death and was a young lady of the most estimable character. Nine days betore her death she had pricked _a pimple on her face which resulted in blood- poisoning although she had always been a very healthy girl. Qhn Inna 0-kn t\I|`I9 nL:`o1 nln Lanna "nu- . . .ln.gll.|h`A1-o road of Too. b In 1840 English people mail one pound three ounces of tea. a hood. Thil `an fgrown to 5 P9undo'1 vnvluyulu Ltuul uuuauwu. ' There were no dissensiens from this and the matter was left to committee. . ` A GOOD PROPOSAL. Mr. Vair drew attention to the need of bathing houses near the head of .the bay. `He ointed out the advantages we enjoy and the ittle use towhich the'y'are put. He thought the town should build a public place for swimming or offer some encourage- ment to private enterprise in that respect. rph Mnvni maa nnmn rnrnnhln: nnnn tlnn 'i{iZL{%} saidvthe. G.T.R. would be asked to open any street they -had closed without permission and that the law would tbeenforced to make Mr. Dyment comply with several requests sent him. A `\n_T.nIn 1-nun :u-ulvnnilusnnoi ant` no-non` O-A 'l'U KIUIIIVU vnynvuw -- _...__-__ p In. order to preserve the colors of plants, it is necessary to kill the specimens quickly; and this can he elected by plunging them tor a. .few seconds in boiling water. `If 3 plant is allowed to die slowly, the colors of the leaves and owers will _gre.du- .-III_. 1.5!. vvvv I10 ' Mr. Vair expressed his opinion favorably to the Company. He said the town would be glad to. give anv enterprise a bonus to` locate here, and thought the least they could do iorthe Tanning Company would be to exemptit from taxation`. - Thorn Inning dun .-I:ne.n..:.3-...... C....... 4.1.2.. .._.'I- auvuu UU puyuuc Ul.lbUl.'|.ll.'IBU Ill EH50 l'U5PUUU- The Mayor made some remarks upon the subject, objecting to- the many youn g fel- lows who swim in the bay with no or the scantiest clothing. The town he thought, had power to prevent bathing within the limits of the town. Of course it would be a hardship butit might have to be done. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. There was _some discussion before the Works Committee Report was adopted. Mr. Brennan thought new sidewalks were required in the fth ward more than those recommended, and the question came up as towhether they were over stepping the estimates, but the chairman explained things satisfactorily. V ` ' mhn Manna an:/I .#Ln (1 rl` D Au-nnnl `an VIIIIII UVVVIKI I0`-IIICHIIU GUI-IV IIIIIII A A by-Law was introduced and passed to V extend beyond the term for the enforced collection of taxes due upon certain lots. . nn nnnfahn A; Rnaarn KN:-:1 Ann on:-I Dnnrnii UUIIUVIIIVII UL VGA`-TB MU IAIJIII-I UV! IIQILI IX: On motion of Messrs. McLean and Powell it was decided to extend the cement walk on Dunlop street east to front of Mr. Harper s to the crossing on Berczy street. ' Tn llnfnluavnnn I-A 6-kn `annknnnn Inn`:-A I-Inn It was decided that Jane street he opened to Elizabeth street, and than two lots be urchaeed from John Wilson and Judge oys at a. cost not to exceed $230. ____..._____. ' WELLING TO RENT, centrallysituated. south west corner of Mulcaster and McDonald Sta. HOUSE. 2 storev, 9 rooms and hall, garden and lawn, Apply on the premises. 45-_tf .}__._._._____

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