Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 11 Jul 1901, p. 2

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. PHYSICIAN 8 --------""-"""-"-." , BOYS & MURCHISON, .` Barns- Jn-.. Pnntvnvnnrf. CKC. buCCCs3' FINANCIAL. ' OFFICIAL. DENTAL. _________.__________ KOVSKI. Barristers, Solicitors- wcyancers, etc. Bank 0` Barnc. Branch Oioe, Cold` Homoeobathist. :56 Dunlop St. Residence and Dice. 8-ly . Luann. : , M.D..C.M,, office in Bothwe1l's dale. On the premises at night. .n_lu DIUUKp I 45-lyl mainstay" lllriojrnll {flnog _*1=osmn Luann."-. V In our issueof June `27th we com- mented upon the proposed` Municipal League. The proposal for a conference has been made` by" Mayor Howland, of Toronto. Mr. Radenhurst presented to Council at the last meeting a com- munication from the `Mayor of Toronto asking for Barrie` to "select a repre- sentative, which letter was referred to committee. The Mayor is in favor ot the conference as will be seen by the following opinion given to Tm: AD-A VANCE :-Mayor Howland has prepared _ a Municipal Conference, I see, to be held in Toronto next September, for de- tence of municipal rights against the encroachment of great corporations, other subjects of `common interest and advantage from a municipal point of view, he. adds, may come up for dis- cussion and be handled by the proposed union. 6. U 4343' 33.11. UHICGS-Dalnnc T--Bank of Toronto 5-ly J. C. Bnoxovsxx. ____..____._ & BROWN, _:._... _.mkan- nt BULV, , DEIJIIEF etc. Success- treet, Barrie? W. A. Bovs, vr, Notary I. at lowest 2.8- l\n-`Inn mnunu. , ore and 35-11! . Had public opinion been more keenly `alive to the `dangers above indicated there would have ` been no such`legis- lation passed by any local parliament as that commonly called, I think, `the scrap iron assessment act, nor would the City of Toronto have been forced to struggle so strenuously,at the last session to retain a moderate control of its own | streets. "ADVERTISING Iwrng, cit nus A cum, ' _ .1 -`iF0U13!.i.l..l:N.lllJNnunn A * V ` -Four]! corms. M Almost if not uito. double - _, paperqpublished int}}3l9a,;.:: Y Othg . lfanvnimsnns SHOULD some "rm; 1, `ct. _l3 lines solid agate make 1 inch "5 TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMEM-g_ First insertion 10 cents er line quent `insertion 4 cents perpline, ' each 3111300 \ Reading notices, 10 cents per ne fo insertion ; cents per line for each subszqm insertion ot the satne matter. All item `Wt der 5 lines, of this character, charged` `in. nnIe,8'1om'1 db "5 egu , cw. an `overument . ments will be chargeu at above ratee,advem8t CONTRACT ADVE}{'l`ISI.\'G. Contract advertisements will be tak the lollowixngfatesg wliich are dmtted 01: It rect commercial prmclples and win be 8tri" adlliered to. There Will be only one pcecglr al in-_McAHEv sJ HEA.E%F"* REPRESENT `THE F0[.L0\\'l.\'G F nu: I.\`S\L'RA.\'C.'; - Co.\u>A.\'1Es: ` The.Mercant11e, nofvniliatcd with The L021- _don & Lancashue of England. Secur- nty, $15,000,000. The Waterloo Mutual, of `Waterloo. 013%.` Tothl assets, $334,083. The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. 0:12. . - Tqtalassets. $303,078. A150 L1ovd s Plate Glass Insurance Corn- pa._ny_, Of New York. Cash capital. 525:. Condensed advertisements on first page such_ as wants of all kinds, lost and found, propeny for sale or to rent,_ snecic articles, etc.. etc,, must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted+-t1rat insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion '1 `cent per Word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but a. reduction of one cent pct word will be made when the number otfinsertions of, the same matter exceed four. G Preferred positions for local advems, ments in the paper will be sold at an advan of one-third on above rates, on no other all count will special positions be given, rule will be strictly carried out. CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of intention to change atlvertisemem, must be handed into the office not later am Saturday at 10 o clock, and the copy for such change must be in THE ADVANCE oice not later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in any . week, otherwise the advertiser s announcemem may not be made public until the week fol. lowing. `I0 nlmnunu nf A{1VPTi 1PY1 H-\nf"< nllmvml 1-.- l VV111 UK`: Lzuulgcu. Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertismg anything outside theix own regular business. Should. they do 3.; transient rates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. Cuts for advertlsemenu-u must In every case be mounted on solid metal bases. \.l\J\.ln And the Sun Loa and savings Company of -Ontario. OFFICE.- Next door to Bank of Toronto.` Street. Barrie. n-l Canadian Branch Office. M n1\I.'1`p re A I `I :t-hink all municipalities have a_l common, though notean equal. interest in these matters, and that the proposed conference, if ably conducted, cannot but be of service to the community.` T` "`fa""`&X 3? Capital. $6,000,000. Application forms furnished and GEORGE 'PT_AY"l`nN, ;\( xinch 2% inches.......... 5 inches. 11 column.. ax |ncnes............. 5 inches, % column..... no inches, )4 column. . . an Iranian: I column. . . . . 1UW1llb o 12 changes of Advemsements allowed per year. It more are required, composition rates will be charged. A,lu.v.-win-.1-.. n-1411 nnf Ln nnnxvml fn \|lL'n +L.:. SCROGGIE &.SMITH, ` Private funds to loan on rst mortgngcs. t counts collected. &c. . na: ..... ._ u....,:,.......... Ll-..-.4-..-p Qmna Rn Agent Standard Life, London Gum u- tee and Accident C0... Provincial Building and Loan Arulocialiolls W" no-IV : Incnes, 73 uununuu... aomches, 1 column..... `For one month-the thre with 15 per cent. added. y M` *For two months--the three monthly with 10 per cent. added. `W _.,..A..'_____ p___ 1 The Liberal Convention at Elmvale last Wednesday resulted in the election of Mr. David Davidson, of Penetang. as candidate for the Provincial elections. Mr. John. Dickinson, Barrie, presided at-the meeting, and the following oi- cera were elected :-President, Richard Graham, Flos; VicePreeident, Robt.` Patton,` ex-M.P.P., `New Lowell Treasurer, K. Fred 'Marr, `Barrie ; Sec; rotary, Donald... Ross, Barrie; Vice- Presidenta, S. Caldwell, Barrie ; Chas. Stewart, Vespra ; J amen Martin, Sunni- dale; William Lecamp, Tiny 3 James Dillon, Flos; Executive, H. E. Jory, H. Kearna, Barrie; D. Wood,"'.l`; T. Young, Veapra ; Alfred Lawson, Robb. Oliver, Sunnidale ; Chas. Rankin, Rcbt. Ducett, Tiny ; Alex. ` Speire, John` Richardson, Floa. ` counts collected. ac. o0ice over I-Ienderson`s H.1rdware Sum nt. . ` SCROGGIE & SMITH. , WO]'n~s, . ' P`-|| 15e the ' * blo d . O , pl1ttIx1gh0r$L.S'C 50 G` M0nkm V an Barrie ' and Ck `S4 cm. Urillia. ' For Bro ken. wind! Horses. The I-leave 913 medic; . . Slnt "9 In th . re.q1l'S frogiree days: But fein-world `hat will directions. $ne half to one b R P""`'1nent Cl en Soc D `-00- Kidne 0mt`dnccordi . I`. McGa_hey.s CY and Acme L`m,..h p . . ,, calves in couq-F nd"` p0\\'dcrsdcs ` `on . 2 C Hulk 5 ' Take no other. ` PRUVINBIAL BuILnINe&NbIdi ASSOCIATION. 3| I\JI I _v OPPOSITE BAIiRIY`.`. HOTEL. BARBIE- Razors and Scissors ground and set on *?___{,J2 -J. OULVER fr`ELL S_{ Halrcutting and ShaV"g ` ~ Parlor & ..-...n......._... .. -...-rum John Rogerson, Fire and Life ASSIIPELIICB. aanaaxan Drancn UHICC. 3193 V" MONTREAL. LONDON, EI\`G'L;\_.\` M. C. I-IINSHAW, :AM. J. PIPl\l\ ` Branch Manager .\I:ma8"- OAQOATLASOCC . neenunnnnnr nnnnDANV_ Number of inches; guano AUTHORIZED CAPIT.-\L. 55.000 ow oQo.l.'1.L.l4 $000 fi. ASSURANCE COMPANV- M La], $6,009,000. Founded In '. AIe_,.- , r - u ,1 , , .1 ..... mmmd V MR. DAVIEDSON. LIBERAL NOMINEEY INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, &.C. CONDENSED ADVER'1`ISE.\I ESTS. canon forms turmshed and r.1Ic_s__qu GEORGE PLAXTON. ACvE.\1~ n..__:.. n... nm... :. \I.~\`nnlx LUIXKJD FLIIA 1 LJAV , [ll Barrie Ont. Oicc in I J uu IT, Head Office. 'nn\' l.`\'1`.l IOSOIIO AGE$T_, I Mcmrghy Bl I think however that the chief value of such a_ conference would be the raise ing of public opinion to the danger threatening the community from the greed of these corporations, and by that means bringing pressure on the legisla- tures of the country, to look moreto the interest of the public, and less to the interests of the Railway companies and other monied. corporations, which are always able to look after themselves. II I I I909. ' rates quoted 5) `1`.F\'T_ a P`.`L Jwdcrs d5" 3 ...n|n an A set on shorl ' Omce. _ ENG A.\D mDL'I\' ore`. Barrie :5? - ....rn ll Mr. Davidson was nominated by. Mr. 0. E. Hewson, Barrie, both of whom made spesches as wen as the Liberal organizer and others. . V. . can 11 hr The prepared conferehce,' if attended by representatives of the larger munici- palities ~ generally cannot but be of ad- vantage I should think. Large cities are, of course, the most interested in these matters, as the greater a citv in- creases in population and wealth the more numerous and the more important are the franchises under its control _or that ought to be under its control; and the more keenly do corporations grasp atthem. ` A Runaway Accident at Egbert. On Thursday last while Mrs. George Hopkins, the wife of our respected mer- chant, was returning, from the garden party held at the residence of Mr. T. Gilroy in. company with her girl and little baby, the horse_ ran awaywhen going the hill near Egbert and all the party were thrown violently to the ground. Mrs. Hopkins sustained such a terrible shook that she was for some time insensible. Medical aid was at once summhned, when it was found that although she was dreadfully -out and bruised, especially about the head and f-0-`minonefithininrie-awe 9". til-nseronsohirnotsr-it min: - 9 we um ravens IT. T Amruaaiy t.he'AV1t'eI:"5`nfilv"e':tise- meat. eppenred .10: the moonlight ex- onreion under-the unepioee of the Bertie Betting Club. On Wednesday -nigh the Set. Enterprise nailed down to Big Bay Point with between 200Ven d 250 people on board. The Club` wasfortunate In having the rst moonlight of the season and fortun- ate in the ne weather that prevailed. Though the time for making arrange- ments was short the band accompanied the excursion andatthe pavilion at the Pcint.the excursicnistsenjoyed dancing to their music. At 11 o'clock the re- turn was made, the moon at this` time being at its best, so that `from then until 1 o clcck when Barrie was reached a "most pleasant txmelwas ' spent. This was the Boating Club s vrst e'ort and we are glad to say proved successful nancially as well as `otherwise. Prevention of Consumption. This is not .a. patent medicine adver- tisement,vbut the text of circular N o. `2 in Facts about Consumption, sent out, by the National Sanitarium As- sociation, who are conducting an educa. tional movement to prevent the spread of the disease, end` provide ssnat-aria for consumptives : b It continues,` Seeing they had no chance to win, playing lacrosse, our opponents began their cowardly, treach- erous work. `In a few minutes, Donald had` his forehead split open by the wilful blow of a stick, and, immediately after, Kennedy had agash, two inches long, on the head, to hlscredit. Then Flannagan-was knocked down, and the same happened to Rowntree. This last assault is without parallel in the history of lacrosse, in this section. The game has been protested. ' The Alliston Herald admits the game was one of the roughest of the season, but says, it s all in the game, they say." Contemptible methods should not be countenanced whether committed by a home team or not. . as l The best medicine known to modern science is prevention. In ghting such a disease as consumption, too much im- portance cannottbe attached to the ne- cessity of keeping in good health and of nourishing the body well with good food, sunlight and fresh air. Tuber- culosis or consumption is truly an in- factions disease, but when its character is properly understood and intelligent precautions taken, it may readily be guarded against. To check it entirely requires the combined action of a wise Government, trained physicians and an. intelligent people. The disease is alto- gether too frequently contracted through the carelessness of consumptives, or the unscrupalousness of meat dealers, farm- ers or dairymen, or through the bacilli thateven with the best intentions on the part of the sanitary authorities and their co-workers are likely to escape detection. For those who are predis- posed to this diseased through weakened constitutions," ' the wisdom of proper physical exercise, frequent bathing and abundance of strong food taken to the limit of digestive power is well under- stood. Lord _Beconstield once said, "that the atmosphere in which we live , has more to do with human happiness ! than all the accidents of fortune and all lthe acts "of ,government., _.These cele- brated wordshavea special meaning to'ering with or predisposed to ccnsumption.g_ Families in which con. 'suz_nptiv`es -lives-should endeavor to have the surroundings oi` the houseas sani- tary as _pos_s'ible. They should never allow -any `dampness-* or objectionable odfors to` poison .. the_ fair, ._ nor A should hes'lthy_ individualslbeallowed to sleep ; -'in`?.the.i..roo_ms_, .00.0,pi0.d-by: oonsumptives` `ll out-l"= rst ;ha,v`ing'thB"i carpets, furni- The `Tottenham Sentinel "had an- in- dignant article in last week's issue" on the Tottenham-Alliston match. It claims the match was the dirtiest and most nnsportsmanlike game of lacrosse t that has been played in thiscounty for along time took place in Alliston on last Friday, between the team of that place and Tottenham. It was the first meeting of the teams this season, and, as the, sporting elements of the two places had always gotten on well to- gether, a gentlemanly game was looked for, but we are sorry to have to report the contrary. THE mcnossm MATCH AT ALLISTON '_;,;m% 1: , mom ? anmvaimgif wmr 1 :- 3 , AB.B0OIA`1'IO_N_? ` V Dominion Dav saw a nnmher l Old Boy excursions from Toronto to Port Hope, Woodstock, Guelph, St. Odtherines and other\ "places, "London is to receive her old boys, Aug. 5, 6 and 7 and excursions are to I madenot only from Toronto, but. from other places, including Chicago, Detroit and the Soo. Ever since London had its first celebra- tion in this respect, the old boy idea has been gaining in favor. For those towns which are well represented in the large cities by old residents it is a matter of gratication that they still love, the old toyn. There are not many towns in Ontariolwhich have sent so many of itaheonsond daughters to the metropolis of the Province as Barrie. Then why cannot an Aeeooiation be formed in Toronto ! It may be said that the initative should be taken by some of old Barrie residents in Toronto, but as this has not been done, probably because cir- cumstances have hitherto separated them in the citv, we would propose a plan which might leadto the formation of such. an associatidh. ,It'is this. Let the names ' be collected of all known residents of Toronto whosehome was once in Barrie, and in the summer when Barrie has some celebration, these people can be invited to visit the town and possibly form an old boys Associa- tion. ' A Barrie Old Boys Association would more likely result from this method than from the initiative on the part of those in Toronto. If Barrie people are like Woodstock or London people, and would like to see such a re- union of old friends, and they think our plan plausible they should act with- out delay as it is nearly the middle of July now. We shall be pleased to open a list of people in Toronto who once `lived here. Those in Barrie who have friends or acquaintances in Toronto would oblige us by sending the names and street address. If the latter is not known, the occupation might be stated, and if the initials are correctly given we shall find their street address. We would like to be able to say next week that we have a good number of these names, and would be glad it the idea would be taken up at once. The Control of the Park. Mayor Radenhurst is still of the opinion that the Council is doing wrong- in granting the Agricultural Joint Stock Go. control of the Park. He and Ald. Jory at the meeting of the Council took the stand that it was `not right to spend the people s money to buy pro- perty for the company and then refuse the use. of the track to the citizens The Mayor thinks also that it would not be legal, as- the act which allows municipalities to buy propertyvifor ex- hibition purposes and lease to companies does not provide that the same can be done for. turf racing. Outside of this phase `of it, it is thought the citizens would be done an injustice by being refused admission except on days of sports. The Mayor says that they have no right to take $2600 or $2800 of the town s money to buy property for somebody else s exclusive use. He would hewilling that the town should take control of the track and keep it in good condition, allowing the company full charge of it on racing days. He would have preferred even to this that the electors should have passed their opinion on spending the money for the extension. ` ` The Rush To Muskoka. The rush to Muskoka has begun. Two large trains left Toronto Thurs. day over the Grand Trunk, and a car from Hamilton had a large number of citizens on board for various points on the famous lakes. The through Buffalo parlor car which runs through to Mus- koka wharf, without change, was lled with -tourists from New York, Pittsburg and Buffalo. The Grand Trunk is put- ting on the two ne,Muskoka expresses and reaping their reward in increased business. It is reported on reliable authority that the Dominion. Day sales over this popular line exceeded all former, years. This is attributed to the wise policy of the passenger department good generous time. inpmaking the tickets 'good for such a , ,,2__'L;_ L_ _'n.'|n, , igaeeiiam pass right by a" koka for Barrie has every attraction Mnakoka offers toj summer pleasure here are in touch wit the world and are near a" market w ere produce". is easily obtainable; which is not true of seekers. In addition `0 that visitors smut om nnvs. W . OLT; Barrissr. so1icim._Pm:o.-,'1omy, 0' Conveyanoer, etc. Specxal attennon tn ggvlvnpg and probatmg wills, obtaining letters or a `mstration and guardianship, eohectingaocounts, etc. Ofcu. Ross Block. Barrie. Monev to Loan. 1 '-9n'n;6Oseu1s9'n6x ; " j-;.Q"1`hs lstsst incident" st}-4 3hntlon to L the lmpostsnoe "of putting down consumption is the notion` of "United States in forbiddlng oonsump- than to enter the United States, For 3 number of years Osnndinu consump- tlvss who could oord to, hsve gone to Ooliforniu for their health. Now, rich sud poor are to be debuted from-going to United States health resorts if they as victims of tuberculosis. I , Isl- __.AI_-...A.2_.. `Conveyance:-. ode. Monov to Loan. nu wwcu. McCarthy Block, sou ' e _ ROSS 8 BROKOVSKI. Notaties, Lonvcyancers, Oiw '1oronto Building. Oi water. Money to Luau. " "-- -- - I. C. B1 vvunvvuu ..._v..-' ,, DONALD Ross. u.~.3. , ENNOX, ARDAGH, COWAN Barristers, Solicitors for obtaining probate ot wills. guardianship and administration, and General Solicitors. Notaries, Conveyancers, etc. HAUGHTON Lxrmox, ALEX. Cowzm, B. I-lou-`onn ARDAGH, G. E. l.BnowN, L.L.B _!_0oes : l;linds' Block, No. 6, Dunlop street, Bar-b R. J. F. Palling, Graduate of Trinity University Toronto, Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oce and Residence, 18 Owen street. DR. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. 8: S.. Edin- burgh: M.F.P. 8; S., Glasgow, member of British Opthalmological Society. Specia.llv.- Dlseases of Eye, Ear, Throat. and Nose. OFF ICE.--78 Dunlop Street, Sanders Block, Bar- rie. opposite Post Oice and Railway Station. Phone 54. P. O. Box 96. 7-ly R S. BROAD, M. D. C. M., F. T. M. C., L. C. . P. S., 0., late resident Physician and Surgeon of Toronto General Hospital, with special attention to Diseases of Women, and Nose and Throat Work, also for some time sur eon in .-1..-...-ma n4` Rnm-apnnv Hnsnit2l_ Toronto. 0 `cc and av-.u- gwv-..- LU JJADUTUD VI. vv `II-Id\Ia.A Work, you i; cl_1arge of _Emergencv Hpspital, Toronto. cc nncrl-If rpmdpnct-_-I1nStall'S in McC.u-thv Block. 2: charge or umergencv nospxuu, 1 oronw. \Juu.'c auu night residence-upstairs in McC.u-thv Block. Dunlop St., Barrie, second door east of Dougall Bros. furmture warerooms-near Five Points. Phone I05. - . 29-ly R. E. L. BRERETON. Dental Surgeon. Ofce - over Hambly's Hardware. Entrance, Owen Street. Out of town 151; and 1rd Mondays ok each month. ~ 5: -lv What a difference wehave in Canada ! Here we have women organized for numerous purposes but none for the important one of checking tuberculosis. Temperance associations seem to be a hobby with those women who wish to say soething in other peoples affairs. They everlastingly talk about intem- parance, and we admit to some purpose sometimes. But if they want to really do a great deal of good with their zeal, and at the same time not have people consider them faddists, they should form local associations for `consumptive relief and prevention work. The alarm- ing increase in consumption demands some attention. and ` we trust people will soon be more awake to the fact. V i Ei:E'BII?.'"1iEi -e:E'e'B'E"g'hEJJ 3137 L'o7iGeZ ancing in all its branches. Marriage Licenses issued. Oice--Ross Block, Dunlop street Barrie. A :-Iv . T. BANTING, Clerk County of s1mcoe.{{11 be at his oice. at the Court House, Barrie, every Saturday. Residence and P.0. Cookstowu. JAS. EDVVAR-i)s1 CONVEYANCER. -_,__- , . Branch Offices---Lennox & Ardagh, Gravenhurst; Lennox, Ardagh, Cowan & Brown, Creemore `M ` ' 1;-lv vugvw -._- V .., , ` J ..A. MCCARTHY n_ A. RADENHURST, Barrister, Attorney. Solicitor in Chancery. Conveyance: etc. O'1ce-Fi1-at door Owen street, over Bank of Com- ""`* 49-48- _ _ Barristers, Solxcntors in High Court of Justices, Notaries Public, Conv_eyancers. Oices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrne. Money in sums of $2,000 and upwards. to loan at 5 per cent. H. H. Snurmv. Q.C. G. H. Esnm. M. M. CAMPBELL. Barrister, 7 N tary to. M toloan. Oic and. Stagner. e Barn:ne(;ice-Ba.nk 01 Building, Owen street, R. J. 0. SMITH, L.C.P.S., 0nt.,'(la.te of Drs. I-larvie & Smith, Orillia.) Oice and residence -corner of Owen apd Collxer streets, Barrie. 23-ly ALLISTON POSTMASTER DEAD. The death of Mr. John Strachan, T. postmaster of Alliston, occurred at 12 30 a.m. on Sunday. ; At the time of his death he was 66 years of age, having` `been born on Inverhat Parish of Birce, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. He was the. second son of the late Alexander Straohan; In 1855 Mr. Strachan emi- grated to Canada and engaged in shoe `making in Cookstown, having" served his apprenticeship to this trade in Scot- land. In .1858 his parents emigrated to Canada, settling in the township of Tossorontio. `In 1863 Mr. Straohan was united in marriage to Miss Jane Blacli, daughter of the `late William Black, of. Tossorontio. In 1868 Mr. Straehan removed with his family to Alliston and engaged inthe boot and shoe business, doing a large .and success V fnl business for many years. Ten Vyesrslater the Mackenzie Government "appointed _him postmaster, `upon the resignation of Mr. George-Fletcher,` Vho resigned to "contest `the riding for: j tlier~IE_ouse of 0om_mons__in_ the election a : -Ewhioh, the Mackenzie .Ag'ov_ern'ment_ ..I_. R.C.S.'Edin,, L.K U.1 ., Lonaun. unuuca a_uu mght 1-esidence--Brown's Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. H0urs-1 1 to x. ....\Q 11: L191`, l'I\1Vl`ll.D FULVIJO .L\J l.4\Jl\LV U. on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Discounted. Collections made in any part of the County. Real estate bought and sold. Convey- anoinnr in all Qt: branches. l\/[arr-lane ].im=,n:pc: I l.`\Jl\ Xi` V DJ 1 LVIDAV .l on KOCQ $ freehold security at lowest rate of interest. Nolfrincipal money required until end of the term. . H. STRAIHY. Solicitor, Etc., `Ran-9:9 Iilliil I 3&rIIII We have a large amount of Private Funds to lend at 4 and '5 per cent. on the security of good farm W[ MCCARTHY, .RnVS Xx MITRCHI- at 3110 5 PCI' cent. OD Elle SCCIIYIEY OI gOOO I3.l'I'n Mortgages. MCCARTHY. BUYS & MURCHl- SON. Dunlo `Street Barrie. At his oicquntil 5 p.m.; at his private residence, 68 Mary street. after that hour. xx-lv I lTHEBALL. PLANING MILL COMPANY-- I Cargentenng, Buxldmg and manufacturing of Anna Kaela Rlihdn l....l..l:_.... _.._ `nu, . lg 1111:. n:u.u_ ru:uV_u_Vu MJLL UUMFANY-- 1 and Doors, bash. Blinds, Mouldings, etc. Planin of all kinds done pro ptly and satisfactorily. ilot Blast Drying Kiln. istrict agency for grained lum- ber Factory--Bayeld Street, Barrie. RODGERS & GALLIE successors to Geo. Ball. CCARTHY, MURCHISON4 ters, Solicitors, Conveyancers, on to McCarthy, Pepler & McCarthy. Oice-McCa.tthy Block, Dunlop Street. * - " "T~---- - w. Besides the N. S. A. 0. there is a- league started a few years ago In Toron- to called the Anti-Consumption League, but besides these two Associations there is little means of checking tuberculosis. In this regard Canada is behindmany other countries. .In Germany they have as many and as largely-built san- ataria as Canada has universities. It is the Germans who -have made the most progress in the study of the disease and they have acted on what they know. Other European countries are now taking the matter in hand, and`of these we would mention Norway. In this country the women are organized for the practical relief of consumptiyes and in the interests of public health. EWSON & CRESWICKE, barristers. Solici- tors of the `Sn tame. Court of Judicature of Ontario. Proctors. otanes, Conveyancers, etc. Monet/to loan. Ofces--Ross Block, Barrie. C. E. Huwsox. A. E. H. Cxnswxcxn. R. W. -A. ROSS, Physician, Surgeon, etc., L. I _ R.C.S.eEdin,, L.R C.P.,Londbn. Oices and .....m ..:a.-.nm._Brown's Block. { $70,000 No Dr HE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OFBARRIE have for ado tion. in good Homes. a number of bright young ganadian children, boys and girls Parties desiring them are asked to communicate with the Secretary, (REV. D. B. HARKNESS. Barrie. ' V 3-ly i"THE ADVANCE." III_`aII:| I XVI 5A and 5% per cent. on Mortgage. 1 (\YV\"" D. Y l\`lY\Y'I\ `CI Iicl-ll-A MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUER.` Drugs and chemicals v`_/KNILLA, for ice cream. for instance; `\ BAKING Powmzx, for cakes. ! One is a drug. of course ; the other a chemi<:al"'; and there are still` others-SPICES of all kinds, cream of tartar, etc. 0151 I 35;; rvhen consumption was considered hereditary and incurable. `Those ideas have been proved to be tallacies and science has taught us that consumption is infectious and curable-t but better,-preventable. How to pre- vent consumption is dealt "with in another column of this paper, thearticle used being one sent out by the National Banatorium Association of Toronto. This is an `association the object ot vhich|is to establish a public institu' tlon or institutions for the isolation, treatment and cure of persons a'ected' with pulmonary disease. It has al'- ready established the `Gravenhurst Banatorium and has plans for others. lxteen local associations are ailiated with the N.S.A.0., which has lately sent out authoritative articles for the press dealing with the subject of con- lumption. One of these we published lome weeks ago, giving the deaths from consumption, in which it was stated the 8,000 Canadians annually are its victims. One out of every six people die of this disease. Whv is not more done to reduce the terrible death rate? .-::._:.__:._._..__.__.._.. XTRATHY ai ESTEN. ` Ba In the Kitchen. MUNKMAWS DRUG STORE 92 DUNLOP-ST. BARRIE. W. PLAXTON, Banisteq splicitor, Conveyancet. etc. Loan. 1 I mt$-.-Mcclfthll Iollth Iidl H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS To Low} An Dan] ncfain at lnlilnaf I-afnc `par:-van:-c' T. ARNALL, 01 Block, Allandale. 1 41-lv 135' k rvvrtm Co (1 ask .-n": iafchen 6`.'i." "' " . - -~ _ \ a best. lace to get drugs is at a DRUG ` STOR . The drugg-ist knows more about them than other people. DR. R. P. VIVIAN V yaw:---- -_ The ITnited.`S`tetehheelth authorities no not to be blamed. for passing this not. `It is in the interests of public` heolth and but goesto show the den `or! of the dread white `plague. It hallo should be an incentive toVOanad,1anaA to toko further steps to stamp it out. -..'.I._-.. ARE NEEDED EVERY DAY MONEY TO LOAN. I! .....g..._. __ MONEY TO LQAN. -."1!IANUF.1c'rU1:-Es.' ADVERTISE IN 1v11`spE1.l}XNEoIJs. fl-.0UNT & LOU1:I:1.7 Barristers, Barrie, Opposite R. K. Station` MONEY TO LOAN. D. C. Muncmson. FOR INVESTMENT on good freehold spnxxritv at Inwegt rate nf _ In the United States where . the wealth of thevcountry and the svze and importance of the larger cities aresoi vast weknow to what an extent public franchiaea-theAproperty of the citizens at large-and what ought. to `be operat; ed solely for the benet of the public-- 1 have beool_ -the . spoil of corporate bodies. Let. us use all proper means to I protect the interests of the public here.

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