KUUIIUUI IJUBI `J! , ' Mr. _W. E. Foster thanked the Board for ? appointment on the entrance examinations. ; I` Wnn:`3nn 'nnlvn|-nltnvl A5 Wank `naval ` VIII II VII UIIV VII UI GI-[UV UADIIIIIIG UI|I|uIo _M. Wooding, caretaker of West. Ward school, asked for 30 feet of lawn hose, and to have what repairs were necessary done at once. - It..- -n-u,2n ._-Ls.':-_;.1 1:__'_|._._._:_._ L-.. ____ 1`otbill phtitiond forohangina her son from the E_a.st Ward School to the Central- , ,1-`nu-_____ 'n2__1 -...1 11-11:..- IIUU IJUII WEI 0 WIIH vaunuu. ` i _ Mr. Dodds wasgranted two weeks leave of.` absence in exce_ss of the usual holidays. ` CI-...- -J3..---_---_ A.--I- ml--- Ann. LI... -up.-. GUDUIJVU Ill UAVUDB Ill. uuw ulzuul uunnuwyun Some discussion took place over the non- promotion of a pupil as a means of punish- ment, but the matter was left in a.bey- ance until a charge should be made, as the Board was of the opinion they should sus- tain theiteachers. II'IL- I1 0 _, ____LL-_ -_- `l!____- .. ..-L.-..L ___..... uuu IIIIU III7GUl|Ul{B- V The Committee on Finance : report recom- mended the payment of the following` ac- counts :- H. M. Jamieon, tvpewriting. . . . . ..$ 10 00 D. McDonald . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . 4 38 M.~Brown . . . . . . . . . . ..; __50 D. G. Johnson . . . . . . . . . . .; ..' . . . . .. 6 95 A. Croghan, soddin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 00 A. Uroghan, 16 map e trees . . . . . . . . . -4 00 T. H. Hayhtirst. . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . 41-50 Grand Trunk Ry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 Utton,& 00., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 30 \V.J.Johnson.....` . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .1 00` W. Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630 U. A. Perkins . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . 4 50 Buchanan & Penstone . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 50- J. R. Hambly.;...` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 75 R. H. Fleming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 25 A. W. Suiith, extra teacher . . . . . . 8 O0 Waterworks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 64 p $202 07 d Mr. Crogheu s bill was questioned, as in was claimed he had not nished sodding. : _The account was passed, and it was under- stood the bill should not be paid until the work was complete. Winn nmmh-9-an An Du-nnnv-9-v and QI1sfnI\'r WUFK WIIH UUlllPlU|oUo k The Committee on Property and Supply reported recommending certain minor re- pairs at the East Ward school, and that the secretary advertise for tenders for cementing `the easement oor and ,putting in rebrick so as` to burn coal in it `; also that tenders be asked for l5`tona of soft furnace coal end 35 tons of hard furnace coal, tenders to be in % by J ulv 15th.` "l`|n'nn nlun mania at-nnnu-I. rnnnmmnnina tn 1 uy ueuy xunu. ` - ` They also made a report recommending to 3 ask for tenders for re airing the furnaces in ; the West Ward achoo . 3 mL_ l'`.......LA._. ._ It ____ ........4. ..........a....I UUU VV CHI! 7' DIAL l1UllUUle The Committee on Management reported aefollows : :1\ nu.-. -|__ ...-..4;Ll.. ..........L.. -3 LI..- ......:.. NORTHC-REAVE-HO0NER--On July 3rd. at St. Paul's Church, Innisl. by Rev. Canon _ `vlurphv. Mr. Joseph Northgreaves to Miss Alice Hoqner, both of Innisl. - STODIX-\RT-HULSE-At Trinitv Church, Brad. Fmnl r nn lnllvn nun I-up Han Rev Gnnran BU IUIIUWB 3 (1) -That the monthly reports of the prin- cipals have been received and are now laid `on the table for vour consideration. mu rI1L-L \l.. 13-11-44. .....l ........... ..a.L.... `teachers were unavoidably absent a few ULI uuu IMUIU l_Ul.' vuul. uuuusuvsuuuuo (2) That" Mr. Hallett and some other days. a . (3) Your committee having received a re- 1 quest from Mr. Tothill that his `boy, having g failed twioeto pass the examinations for the ; Central school, owing to ill health, be allow-" `ed to attend the senior third in the Central, ` would recommend his admission. lA\ Y1 , ,_0 ,, _ __1___._:_.`.1 1.--_ ..__.L.... t._ wuulu lilsuululucuu sun nuuuuusvu. .(4) Having advertised for teachers for principal of East Ward school and entrance class in Central for model term, reqpmmend from the twentysix, received, that that of Mr.` Jas. Marlin be accepted for East Ward at a salary at $375 per annum, and that of Mr. S. G. McKenzie for the entrance class in the`Central at a salary at the rate of $400 perannurn. with Mr. Oke as_ second choice. IK\ unnnn |\nIv=v-I19 uvnnzunr` n DUI.` uuuuur, wsuu .LVLl.'. Una an uvuvuu uuvuauu (5) We regret having received a. complaint from Principal of West Ward school in reference to unsatisfactory marking of pro- motion `examination papers from junior second class. and recommend that the secre- tary be instructed to write Miss Lee for an explanation. ___.__ ___ . _ . _ ....... ----_- unit A -vs.` Mr. Foster had sent a communication making a complaint about Miss Lee's mark- ins: of examination papers. The papers had been sent to Board of Principals for appeal, and out of 8 papers read the marks were in- creased by 75. suicient to promote the three pupils who before were considerably behind. He didn t think it fair treatment, and he could see no reason for the bad marking ex- cept that the marker either could not or would not mark correctly. The Committee on Management antici- pating the passing of the above report asked Miss Lee for the explanation which they had discussed and now presented to the Board. In reply Miss L`ee sent a lengthy letter re- garding the marking of the recent promotion examinations. In the rst place she did not know exactly what was found faultwith ; that she had examined them as in previous years. This time she had taken the papers `to Miss Sherin who enters the marks and asked her if before entering them she would take them to Miss Bonis to get her to look over them before she got the remainder and meet her (Miss Lee) at the school the next morning. She told Miss Sherin the heat had made her ill and that she was-afraid she had made `some mistakes. When she went to- school she was told Miss Bonis would not meet her but would a peal to the principals. The principal had a vised them on a pre- vious occasion , to arrange matters between` themselves. Miss ..Lee also made an ex-' planation of the diianlty of decision to cer- tain marking. She alsofwanted "to. know: why, after the principal had settled the "matter of promotions, t,he..Board should take `Gain `. it :9-. It? was this letter end Mr. `Foetal- e` oom- nmnioution that enlivened Monday night : meeting. _ A Mr. Cowan said that the principals had been asked. last year to report any irregu- larities. This waa a one where one teacher had marked examination pattern and the otherteaoher appealed to the princi l,.who; fofnnd. a dierenoe of 75 marks ,e_h ht -and he `ooneidereds, it an irregul .tv.. .1`:-ininnnn nm;'nml' ahafn1'-inc``n'al was pl Oil, anu I16 uuuuluuuuu nu um Ilsvuuaunvy . r.. Jamienon claimed the princi l was. wrong. in (living this `an It TEACHERS TB0llBlES.%_ gm; splcgndid opportunity for tlache:-s am *::::`:r;.:,::;:i?:o::;?`g W at a um ' bout It. Pewnteusa ` oun REGULAR woak '~-`6 `I, "9 from mouth t`o mouth` THE WAR AT THE WEST WARD. ieson, tvpewritizgg. . .$ .1d .......... ., ....... .. son...........;..' x,B0ddin.... ... L, etrees. .. u{rst2.....-...< .. o - o u o - n o ' :4 .ns lr.Penstone bly..`..V.` ling bh, teacher`. 109 _ , 50 35 I\I'\f\\ BtllIlUa Dr. Palliug took an opposite view to those preceding him- He first referred to the method. of examining papers.. Apparently. he said, they patched up papers to suit themselves. It _was a very loose way of doing things and they had all been doing wrong. If theyhad ability their examina- tions should. stand. Why should` it be necessary to change the papers? If that was the way, the sooner the marking was stopped the better. He had always thought the work had been done conscientiously. eon HELP THE MARKING SYSTEM !' That was Dr. Pallin'g s expression of the matter. He saidthere was no denying the fact that had blood existed, and that it must be a most careless set of - teachers. If they had a custom of doing wrong for ten years that was no reason for continuing it. ` MI! .Innn:nane\ Arnnknndnntl O-kn `nnf. 1-Hal-u susuu uuuvma .|;cq_uuuu:u : .l.I: W53 apuau wuns. Mr. Rhinehart explained how_ in previous "years the teachers went to one another, and thought Miss Bonis was to blame for not going 'to Miss Lee when asked, ` It was a matter that should have bothered neither the principal nor board, but should have been settled between the teachers Miss Bonis had been asked to meet Miss Lee. and that` should have been sufficient. Instead of that the appeal had beenimade out of spite. - `nu Dnll:nn fan`: on nnnnu:n uhnnv I-A 0-I-snug ULIBIJ W96 I.IU LUDDUIJ LVL VULIUIIJIIIIJE Illa Mr. Jamieson emphasized the fact that; Miss Lee was not the only one who had been examining papers in this way, but he would lnob favor any second marking. II A,-11-`uni! out-nun C-nn`r L:n =1-uI\:r\r-an 1 T-In I-IIIU LIIVUI. `Ill UWVVIJII IIICII Ell-I`O Mr. Andrew now took his innings. He thought it was a good thing this had occur- red. It had opened their eyes to miscon- duct. He laid the blame of the trouble upon Mr. Foster. who he said did wrong in calling a meeting when he did. It was`not fair to Miss Lee. Why didn't he go about the matter like a man ? Instead, there was spite all around. He thought the sooner the changes were made the better. , It had been a cowardly act on the part of Mr.` Foster. ' ` , 1'! `1 AI. , ,I 2, EL 1"` lwas a custom `for -the teachers to go to one another for the revision of the` examining and have, marks added. It was not fair to Miss Leeto single her out as erring in the examinations. rWhv did .M.iss Bonis take the trouble to the principal and not go to Miss Lee as requested? It was spite work. MI` 'D.l~'.hanI-m-I-, nvnln:nn:` lunln uh nnnngnnn K;'\';-\l`P~I-IERRING-At Anten Mills. on July. rd,` mm. by Rev. Mr. Ingram, Miss Louisa M. er- ring to Mr. Ed. Knapp. WOEHR-AINI.E\ -In Barrie. Julv 8th,` igm. by lhl- Rev (`nu-Inn Rninnr Mr, p'(hv:n Q, lnphr. nf Mr. Reid saw something else in it. His objection was that the matter had been dis- cussed in Committee before being presented to the Board. `That was a habit they were getting into, which washwrong. He would differ with Mr. Rhinehart; the matter should come before the Board. Examiners should not have a chance to re-examine. He thought the Board should put itself on record one way or the other. He_A was in fawior of endorsing the report of the Princi- pa . - - xurnnr 1\\77n| rnvv I 171 nnnnunn At last the trustees started to put things in a businesslike shape when Dr. Pallinq `moved, seconded by Mr. Milne "that this Board express. their thanks to Principal Foster for the stand he has taken in the matter of the appeal ot Miss Bonis re mark ing, and that he be requested to warn the teachers under him that such a thing does not occur again. Actor (1 1:04:14: nn:nIv l`=III1B:l\'\ rnnf:nn I-IUII UUUUI. Oslllu ' After a little spicy discussion the motion was lost:--Yeas-Pa1ling, Milne, Reid and Smith. Nays-Jamieson, Rhinehsrt, An- drew, Young and Bruntan. Anni-Inna nnnl-inn than than I-maa C-n ant!-Jo ULUW, -L.Ul-|I-I5 ll uruuuuu. Another motion was then made to settle matters by Messrs. Rhinehart and J amieson that -the report of Principal Foster re ir- regularities in marking of papers at `West Ward school and Miss Lee s explanation re- garding same be filed. On thesame division as the lastmotion, this one was carried. uniount Sunday School excursion of Allandale will run to Big Bay Point: on July , 1951). V . :"'v1:1;e moonlight excursion under theaus- pices of the W.C.T. U. has been postponed. ` until July 26th. *I\ I Rev. Mr. Thornley will preach next Sun- | day at Holly. I 1 ti 1 I 0 D .____ qr. _..- Neill; Sunday evening at the Baptist Church Rev. Mr. Harkneaa will preach on Personal Temperance. A ~ as l`dI -I-nus . :7 ! 11 Rev. Chas. Podley, late of London, Eng., will preach on Sunday. July 14th. and also 2lat in the Congregational Church. III! II In I . 0 l The choir of Christ Episcopal Church took a trip to Big Bay Point on Saturday after- noon. where they enjoyed themselves so well that they insist on a repetition. in: I` ll 1-: A ,, |,.,_,A ,,,__,,,_,9A,, .._ STRACH/\N~AtA1liston. on June 30th, 1901. John 'Slr.'1ch.'1n. aged (:6 years. ' 4 DO.\'O\ A.\`---At Longford Mills; on` June 30th, Timothy Donovan, aged 2 vears, 9 months, 4 days: V ' nnnixnv. . A _.. - . A - T 'w1`-he` con trects ?ort-Building izhe Presbyterian Church. Allandale, has been let to Mr. W. B. Taylor. It: will cost about $4300. The U.M.B. A. ran 9. large excursion `to Big Bay` Point on Monday, the Lslay making uhree trips In the afternoon games were held and in the evening dancing. They had picnic weather and a good picnic. 1'11` 1 9 _,._ _,-_ -3 - _,__-._- -1 AL- c We have just received a report of the meeting of the :0ro Sabbath School Associa- tion-. This took place at Crown Hill but as it was over a fortnight ago we regret having to omit publishing. it in full. The reports were satisfactory .and the followin%oicers' elected :-President, B. Bertram, alston; Vice-President, U. Mitchell, Guthrie; Sec- retary, Oscar Doane, Shanty Bay. `I `I I\ =1QO.n , ,1 II 10 I` Rev. J. J. Redditt is now installed in his new position as pastor of the Collier Street Church. He prefaced .his 0 ening sermon on Sunday morning by a slig is re- ference to his coming. It had been a sur- prise to` him but a welcoine one, and he was always willing to work where it was best. have perfect harmony. that he should. He invited the co-operation of` his congregation and trustedthey would Collingwood, 0nt., July 7.--Gollingwood has lost one of its very oldest citizens in the person of Mr. John Birnie, sr.,- whose body. was `brought here yesterday. Mr`. Birnie came to Collingwood in the earl fties from the N ottawasaga River, where e built and operated the first sawmill in this localitv. Previous to this he was in business at the town of Barrie, and was known all over as a of the most sterling and 11 right character, whose name was a household word for honor and robity. The old gentlemen though past his th year. was hale and vigorous to the last, and was on his way to visit his old home on` the Nottawasga when death suddenly overtook him. e leaves a` widow. ve daughters and one son.` "Mrs. Greaves and Mi ssj_Annle _Blrnle of - Co1lingwood.< `Miss gatherine Birnle and Misscarsie Birnie oi I.oronto,_ Dr, essle;Birnle oft Peterboro and` ~,.3Irnie..,. r;~;w1<. G;`;l?-`Tt:1fI3'w=,'~l3<?'.!!i|;$`i95iF- FORMER BARBIE MANDEAD L WOULDN'T THANK EOSTER. CHURCH CHIMES, ' Th;nii'3E3ung. of Wahington, 13.0., 5 are viaining Gray Gables. ? ls `D '1` \l'Il...`I.... l\`r1IIll`C\h I-nan :-n Onrnn l uuya._ DR.\PER-~At Severn Bridge. "on June Nth G`;,'d~ infnntson of Richard Draper. aged 5 "mat 5' RALsTo.\'-m Cookstown. Ont. on Jul 4- "v Sarah Jane \Villoughby Ralston. age 7-3 Ye-"3 and 7 months. ' ' K.\'APP--On ]ul_\' 6th. 1901. at Elliotf Corners. tp. T;1v,.\lrs. Herbert Knapp. aged 35 yearsimd 5 months. MlTCHELL-I\t Toronto. on July xst, at the resi- dence of her sister, Mrs. Rhine, MFS-.M Mitch" ell. of Fe.-rgusonvale. ` R.L'.\lBLE--Suddenly, at Hillsdale, 0nt.. on Julv Srh, Maggie. beloved wife ofjohn Clark Rumle. in her .-nth vcar. Mr. _`;Vi:al1a; Guelph, was in town for a. few days this week, an Mis`sf;t:'t-i;aV&,3gi;i1-1;a;s 1e'{iaicing friends in New Lowell since Saturday. ll 11- Ian 10 I `Mr;:b;g;;;;;a"m. so1;a;.;;,a; Robinson are Visiting in Aurora and Toronto. at 11v vs -rs . . an 1 .1- Mrs? -]-).I(3eat;tAy left on Tuesday for a visit in Cobourg. III! Inn 2 1:919 in . *l\t'a . Mia; Jet:LVI:ii:-a7<;7~Va-!.-t;:, Sf Sarnih, is Visiting Miss Isa. Scott, Bayeld Street. . T `It _- an 0 1 John Barr is in Buffalo. He left here Monday for a. week s' holiday. __,_._.` _-_ _. .._____ __-___.__ . Mr. Wm. Andrews, of Ottawa. is renew- ing old acquaintances around town. In ' 1 gr: III a 1"; It Miss Am$1CuviI1, of Collingwood. is the I guest of her friend, Miss Hazel Phipps. U Mrs. "C. A; VViTl;or;ZoZI1dT daughtr` are on an extended visit; to Toronto and Elora Mia's _I*jh"1;:`; Packard, of Port Hope, is ` visiting in town It 1' `l\ `I'\ ..` 1:. III `I Q, , iiimen scHooL ,.-..a:A mmortunity teachers gx_nd_Aot_hers , _.__-_ - _`.,i, 5 T Dymelrtr returned from a. trip to Buffalo and other places. 1\ (WI. T1`, `I,A Mrs. Tsending some i time in St. Catharines at the Welland. \ Miss 1>ruea};;a* ZM'ia-s; 3m;15.;ma.:, of cm. cinnati, are at; Hillside for the summer. -1- .1: r p nun Q n at-aaett is home from Bishop Ridley College. ' Miss Aiice ilogue, df Allantiale, is visiting relatives in Belleville and at Amherst Island. Mr. Arthur Gray, of New York, is spend- ing his vacation at his home on Mary street. `l' -r 1 o C. :2-v Mr. `Win Vair is in Elmvale Rain week. Miss Lena Rankin is home from Dnndalk. _ Miss Annie Sinclair is visiting at Stayner, n Miss Minnie Cavanagh is home from Byng Inlet. V , Mia; Irvine, of Orangeville, is visiting ` friends in town. V 34:. John Jones and Mr. W. A. i`hi1lips, of New York, were in town a. few days this week. ' Mr. D.,A. Peregrine, of Greencastle. Ind., is visitihg her: sister, Mrs. W. E. Foster, town. ' Mr. W. F. Kidd, V.S., was visiting friends at Cookstown and Elmgrove this week. ' Mr. Wm. Vince, formerly of Mr. John Woods drug store. spent a few days in town this week. alumu-u\'_ 1 --l1L'LDlL-.`\[ 1l'lm!.'V unurcn, Drau- fnrd. Ont.. on July 3. xqnr, by the Rev. George Morley. rector, Burton Studdart to May Holtorf. only daughter of Henry Hulse. Esq., all of Bradford. K*.\".- \l`P~HERRING-At Julylird; mm hv Rnv Nlr, Inn`:-sun Mk: I.{\ll;2 M. er- Misses A. and H. Kennedy left: Mondav to spend some holidays with friends in Creighton. Miss Ehliis is home froth Exetier for the holidays. - f\ MrfvVf'i:f"15oEu3% Q{eI.E;'tv.} days this week at his home in Richmond Hill. Miss Sylvester. who has been visiting in Barrie, returned to her home in Toronto this week. - .1)`:-I. W. J. and Mrs. Anrnold, of Chicago, and Mrs. and Miss Arnold, of Toronto, at guests at Bellevue. . T in 11:11 . -.1 In . I'\ H Mr. J, F. Foster, of the Clentral Business College sta, Toronto, is visiting his brother, Mr. W. E Foster. "Mr.A*Li psei of Dundalk, is in town writing on French and Latin of the Senior Leaving examination. ~ up --nu: - n :- Mr. hElder, of Arthur, is spending: some holidays at: his home in town accompanied by his friend, Mr. Balls, of Elam. `Mrs. D. Lvis, Iiiigli Istreet, Tlefzt yesterday for the Pan-American and will be the guest of her daughter Mrs. A J.` Coeld. T us an -\ `In Mr. and Mrs. E. F. B. Johnstdn, Miss `Jessie Johnston and Miss Maud Boyd are at. Dunblane, Allandale, for the summer. --n cu 1- n p 1" ~ 1 .. 1 and one acre ofland. good young orchard of apple md Peartrccs. grapes, gooseberries. currauts. etc.; awn shru_bs and ornamental trees--all under good c.are~ ThlS Drone-.rtv will Inn cnirl nu rnannnnnhhl tnrrnn. MissNl?;rI1 ma Johnstoo, of Hamilton, and Mrs. Reedv and children, of Toronto, are visiting their mother, Mrs. M. Johnston. Et\|~ II- z(Z>fT (5l1i:ago, Z and his sister, M in M ay Graham, recently of Rat Portage, aye at; their home on Worsley street. 1:` nu 'rr-,_, , :I_ 1'-..__, ___I`_ .t h-_._:- . Mr; Thomas Kennedy, formerly of Barrie, is now General Inspector for the Chief En- gineer of the Lake Superior Power Co., Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. u` - -.\.i Hon. 0. A. Semlin, ex-Premier of Bri- tish Columbia. a. resident of Barrie in the early sixties, was renewing old acquaint-. ances in town on Monday, and expressed himself aspleased with the very noticeable improvements. v Big Bay_Point is inst: beginning to show signs of life. The hotels do not look for their visitors for another week or two, but nearly all the cottegers are there. The fol- lowing families are there now :-H. H. Otton, J. Stevens, F. M. Smith, J. Dougall, E. T. Tyrer, J. 1). Rodgers. A. Sarjeant. .W. Pa, Frank Jackson, and Mrs. MacNab and Miss McNiven. 1111.... _L_ -_._ .__..:_n.'.._-.1 -4. LL- `D..l..:_..-.. uuu. LVJISU UJULVIVGIJQ I Those who are registered at the Robinson House for the summer are Mr. and Mrg. J. H. Wood and children, Mr. and Mrs. Copp and family, Miss H. Wakeeld. Mr. and Mrs. `Adamson and daughter, Mrs. Wm. `Paul and daughter, Mr. A. T. Gilbert and wife,'and Mrs. John Gilbert and wife, all of Toronto. __- _:II ..- __--._._:__._h.L:.. _..--l_ L- LL- J.Ul'UlIUUe The boat will be runningfthis week to the Peninsular Park Hotel, where the guests are expected in a few days. A new piano is being brought there. and Mr. J. Harris. 'pianist, and Mr. John Hockin, leader of` the Princess Theatre Orchestra, have been engaged for the summer to furnish music. They went over on Wednesdaynight last on the Boating Club excursion. ' `)..2__LA_ u_.:u_ I.-- 4.1.- 1.-..-- -8 L....a....... LI..- IILIU IWUHIIILIH LIILIU UAUl.ll.BlUIaIo Bright Smith has the honor of having the prettiest dog east of Allandale. Everybody going to the Point: makes a pointot seeing ruget. / Orillia, 0nt.. July 9.-.-Eddie Robinson, the 13-year-old son of Mr. Charles Robinson, was accidently shot through the head by a` little; companion here to-do . The latter .was playing with a gun. not owing it was loaded, pulled the tristler, with a tragic .At the recent session of the County Coun- ' y oil, the Township of Nottawasaqa s assess- ; mentvwae equalized at $3,199,914, ' and the ; levy at $4,799,87. The Connty solicitors * have been notied of the Township's inten- ` tion to make an appeal from this e ua1iza- tion. The case will come before the `ountv Judge to be decided and may possibly in- volve considerable expense. L AMTi*;.I.)-A girl-to d ok' .` A IV #0 MRS. [W M. cmmc?6 St. 28-2'8 A `KICK FROM NOTTAWASAG-A. SUCIM AND PERSONAL ORILLIA BOY SHOT DEAD. AT BIG BAY POINT. m'Anyone in want of 1;. good large resi- dence, beautifully located, can buy Col. Ward : residence at a reasonable gure. nu -I-on nu-1 .r~ um -7r-()_WN~-"X1715 V`7'I-CIIT'Y'.-_- m --For particulars of the great sale at Vair, Vickera & Go. see page 5. V -The G.T.R are building a. new cattle yard at the foot of Toronto street. Monsoon, the first packet tea Intro- duced and sun the best at BOTH- WEl4I.9s.- -Th East Simcoe, i; coveno tion Tuesdav at Urillia, selected Mr. J. B. Tudhope as candidate for Provincial elec- tions. --Vnir, Vickers and Co have purchased the business of Sheath Bros., Elmvsle. Their opening commences with a great but- gain sale July 12th. In... 4-4: -n-- w1-___nI_ 111-..... -_.J _I`I UL \IIIQCIJb I A number of women had shelled pens for which they asked 10 to 12:} cents per quart. Fruit showed signs of increaeinq. . Chortle! soldat $1.00 per basket or 10 cent: pet` quartz and gooaeberries brought; 5 cent: per quart. ' AIfnIInf:nnn urn lIl|=w|lD an adv `Ln ennui`!-I "III \iIlCI U0 Alterations are going on at the market building so as to enlarge the produce hall. Largewelling;66i:Ward sResidei1ca THE HAPPENINGS OF A WEEK IN -uzxvv-u-no . goo` coo.--`no--u-o m'Litt1e Lake--Tourista Paradise-BoatI, Lunch and Soft. Drinks can be procured as j all times. Miss Lawrence. 7 . See our springs at $1.75 and mattreuel at $2 00 and upwards. Awhole car load arrived this week. Fork & Palk, -Five Points. ' The continuation of `having still had I material effect on the attendance of forms): at market last Saturday. As usual the de- mand was good and the vendors of dairy produce soon disposed of their stock. But- ter yes rm at 15 cents and 16 cents per pound, Eggs were 11 cents and 12 cents per dozen. A nnwnknn A` urn-mun RnJ nInnnp` an-an `AI _.__ __.-- .. _.-J __-... For Choice Family Flour and all \ Kinds of Feed go to Wllklnsolvn. All ;orders delivered promptly in any 3 quantity. Please leave your orders at ` the Nllll 0lce or Telephone No. 23. its l w-v .--.-n- vra.-vv vn .-.u-vgr-v-v -`vi 4-Curt --Miss Hannah Cameron, sister of Rev. ' H. D. Cameron received her diploma this week from '1`orot1t:o Conservatory of Music for honors in harmony. A `III n`l\ I` I I I 9., ._ .._._ ___-__ . _"--A-c:'l;i`1d of Dr. Geo. Smith. who was in town on Monday, swallowed a. cent while they were on the C. M. B. A. excursion. \ There have been no serious effects as yet. --Th-oV1S&ii`i-tia general V Qid 1 ;I;nea- i day contain this :--35bh Regiment, Simcoe Foresters, to be 2nd lieutenant, provision- ally, Corporal C. G. Jackson, viceAC. W. Sharpe, retir_ed. rn . 1 ,I.,.. ,1`I\.. -Edna Taylor, youngest daughter of Dr. \ Taylor, Winnipeg, formerly of Barrie. died 1 suddenly on Sundav. Messrs. B. W. Hunter and Dr. Wm. Taylor left on Monday to at- tend the funeral. . -The announcements are out for the \ autumn sittings and winter assiz_es of the 1 High Court Justice. At Barrie Justice For- guson will preside at the jury sittings Sept. 3rd, and Justice Robertson, non-jury, Nov. 18th. ~ --um rnruns and ornamental trees-all under good 33" Property will be so'd on reasonable terms. W)` on the prcmises.- 28-31-p .__ -There was- a. good joke on the parties who undertook to launch the Adralaxa. They neglected to close the sea.-cocks and it was not until the following day that they found that there wa.sn t 9. leak, and in the meantime they had the pumps going. -I , _.,_.._ __I___ 2-- ._-_._. 4- L..- -.._-_--..-' -.--, _-.~_. --_- l...-_.t.. __._=- The cheapest place in town to buy hard and son wmm is A. \V. Wilkin- son9s. Delivered promptlv In any quantity to any part ol the town and Allundale. Leave orders at mill 011100 or phone. 23. II ,I t\-r.I 15 O v; ynnv-vu -uno- -'1`he Barrie companies of the 35th Regi- ment are going to have n moonlight. This was the. decision some representatives arrived at at a. meeting held at the Armory on Monday night. The proceeds will be used for giving the men as few extras at camp. A committee were appointed to look after the boat and make other arrangements. They were Sergts. Hunter, Elliott, Ptes. Soules. McCarthy, Weir, McMillan, ex- Sergt W. Johnston. Corp. Rodgers. Sec v. This committee will make a. report at a meeting to be held next Tuesday evening, June I6th. Campers Supplles-All the delicacies of the season In uuued meats, fruits, &c., at B0 fHWELS S . The Turf. ' Word has ben received that Flying Bean is progressing very favorably. ' I & The good fortune that overtook the Dv- ment; horses at Detroit. did not mark the opening day of the races at Fort Erie, lost Thursday, when Flying Bess had her fan- kle thrown out while racing. The a.nkle,w:ao put in plaster of paris but. Bess will not be home for four or ve weeks Bellcourtwon a first in the last: race on Fri` day. Thompson drew a very close nish on Bellcourt being second half a length from the l nish and not winning until the last stride. gs .11. at. Cricket. The Bankers and Lawyers formedia dual alliance on Saturday to try a contest with `the town cricketers. But the Barrie club got the best of the game, scoring 45 runs in the first innings, against 19 by the.B. and L. team. The latter had first innings and was in the middle at the second when-six o clock arrived. For that innings they were 46 with 4 wickets. l I . Last Thursday at Cookstown, Churchill won from the home team. In the first in- nings Cookstown scored 29 runs and Churchill 61, W. 0. Little, of the latter team, having 26 opposite his name. and not -out. Cookstcwn scored 42 runs in the second innings, 15 of them credited to M0- Knight. This made 71 runs. Churchill played until their total was 72. and the game was therefore theirs by 9 wickets. Barrie : next game is next Wednesday at " ABea ve:V;ton. ~ If there a an excursion--VG.o IV B:JG77iFaScu1fre:n FOR SALE. . Uollingwood de?;a't.-e:1TJ;-zrkaburg on Taoi- day by a score of 2 to 1, giving them the district. Mr. J. K. Munro, of Toronlioy refereed the game, and came to Barrie yu- terday fot. the B.-B. match. I f $1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANC smeu: corms nvn cam`: SPORTS` OF THE WEEK. ARUUND mm. BARBIE MARKET. I` 4 us`. as turer; T , _. .1119 99 |"Er` r _ Both in lirst-cl.1ss'condition.' BU nlshed and completely overhauled V crms reasonable. ADPW _.___________ Fon SALE av AVUCTIQN ' - d for j V n:1v."'t" ill be um Valuable prop5rt,u;Z?1, M:dhu'tf" ,`3",,.-ie. W `W M: B'm'hca t the Q 5 Hath bY.G' soldbyPubl,1c Aucuon 3"-`day. July 2 $12.30 a,m-. 0 Saul Auc - apP`Y to ford Auctioneer, Fqr partxculars tiopeer. Q8020 n\. rord oneer. ,_ ~__, _ ANTED.--A go d t d'ver' must be Sound and kindcandslgcegsorvzle sped. REV. I H'TENEY. the Parsonage Cra.ighurst,0nt. a7- L I . W3 NEWLY MILCH cows FoR,sALE.- I u...'E 9'd Grades. good milkers. Apply to R3 Um` llww - -' ---- --- ~- - . Yonge. and Gerrard Sts.. Toronto. 0,1,. . H. SHAW PRINCIPAL. 4------'---,_________._____ ' 'a,,ie P. 8 LM 14. Con. 7. Vespra, or '1"'I NEWLY FOR,SALE.- mold good A ply By post to \ 7 _ _ 27-29-p W . ' D vI:3eI;tI.lNG T0 RENT, centrally sxtuated. South H-.. Corner of Mulcmntnr and McDonald Stc U "s7e:thc|:" Iu utsN'1`,v centrally situated. soutn Ho rner Mulcaster and McDonald Ap:]sye:); "`-V. 9 rooms and balls, gardczvand lawn. \ ""3 Premises. 4_g..tf ' I SHEEP ES , n `g from C"' it TR AY.-St!'8Ved nisl W heel! o sevn 3 _ on June 10th ltu j hell on. and W0 tol1_P - ils cut. W " had re yearlings With 19'?` ;,,form8'" 1):-ownfacc. V AM " gmng animals will b Lot MIN1K1"' e reward`-d- OH ('3. Con. 8 Vespra. Barrie P` ' E -was T0 RENT OR '. EA;nIo for offices. in Ross Block. N- 97' `geet. Fi ' mt. . re proof vault: 13? P'd bv - bven" A180 ind -h ult iatelv, 09F`. -H0051. Jags ?I:`?':s:I"f t:rriI tV|5 `mw _ _0n. Apply to C. H- Ross ;.tf.': . B 16. lanuarv 1, I90!- cu av`! Ianuaw3;'...:.;.` .T.9.`.'Iis1 Hotel Nurfoi-|<" 1901, born. That Va: 53!!` B11 ll- 3L'CKIN(`-HAM-ROGERS-At the residence of the brides father. Mr. John Rogers, 1rd Ljrie St. Vincent. on June 25th`. 1901. by Rev. Mr. Ba_\"non, Heathcote._Mr. George Buckingham. ofCpf1ing\v00d. to Mass Ethel Rogers. OSTRANDER -BELLERBY-At Shelburne, on june 26. by Eexz. F. Dufke. M_!'. Albert Os. trander. of Chmgaucousy.' to Miss Fanny E. Bcllerlw. nnly daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas, T. Bellerhy. ofShe1burne_. ' CHADWICK-GOODFELLOW-At the residence of the bride's brother, Mr. John _G.)odfellow, M,\.u-mrnnp, bv Rev. Ian. Skene. Hxllsdale, Mr. t PROPERTY FOR SALE 5/\1_E- House and Lot. with ham on Alba:-Ht - `Cheap for cash. Apply to FRANK 3. C. ' ax-88 ,1;'. s WHOLENJ VOL Lv Sgsitxxl. Wxsnnt` Ifroprietor. T 0 -~34_79} AL\`tLl\'bU.\~ l'L7 LLl\1\l-ln uulutn. on monuav-. _]une17t|1, xqm. by the R_ev. Mr. Long, Metho' dist mn?ster. Mr. Martm Halverson. of Port - 'inq, Wisconsin. to Miss Jennie Pullan. daugha tor of Mr. and Mrs. J. Pullan, Allandale, Ont. . . . ` nn.urnn vv.-\r\\vvsr\ l\, I L, ,,. ,. uc.n1\-1un 1.1;! -Jn DFiI'flC.'JUlV am, 1901. by the I\'ev. (`anon Rciner, Mr. Edwin S. Woehr. of Geneseo. 111., to Miss Alma. E. Ainley.-daughter OFW H. Ainley. . ' rxvvnrs WSVILL:, MUSKOKA. O;N"'- A NEW ,1 |1\7E11TlsE1vIENTs. W W = SQN_on June 29th. at Penetang. the wife Thompson. of a son. 7 3 -In .Barrie. on Tuesdav. July and. ` _ .,. M. and Mrs- S. Bnteman---still in tirs:-clnss'condition.' Buggy 1-ecevntly `var .r3d completely by the manufa to ' on A\Yl7 n vvnnnnn FORMSALE} OUR Hnuuhnn VI\\II1I\ . . - t alongifrom mont_h to mouth. _Stud- 60" "mg m June or July msh a. course an` the cuts enen many are just entermg. T We have :30 va- in]! W 9 We do thorough work every month 1:: the on d are constantly sendmg out [young people ositions. . `"`E%iAL BUSINESS UULLEGE, ..__,.,, and Gerrard ' c"53B`: Speckled Tsfout ij 3 l` tn `Q --.. J--- - Eific Eifzpna. . :82 Dunlop Street, Barrie. Barrie. on Tuesdav. July and, Mr. and Mrs. S. Bateman-T-still MARRIED B OBN . DIED. . nu}: F0 Go onT:~AsE chers and_ others - a. limnted ex- 28-29 WAASAOHARGED AN Aooo:/tpnzom A or GARROD. `A _ . Young Kirby who was arrested some days ago. charged with com 1ast'Auguat. of Mr. P. acquitted on Saturda 9. contradictory nature. _ AI-nl-sin ,1 A - n - - - -- plicity in the robbery ; J. Moore : store. was 1 y, the-evidence being of -4.|__. L-L_J|- -- 1 .. vvu u uuwwry nature. 1 Archie Jones swore that he had laid the 1 information. The crime had been confessed `to him, and Moore heard about it. The latter told him the beat thing to do was to tell everything and he was frightened and there- fore had laid the information. ` Th. ...+....:.....-.. i..........--.. ._-- Ir- It-we uvsv uuu lulu U10 IIIIOIIIIIEUIOII. The rstwitness, however. was Mr. Moore himself, whoswore that he knew the prison- ers and heard a conversation with them at the Jail. In this conversation Kirby asked Garrod what he was going to do. The latter I `replied that he was going to tell the truth, \ and advised Kirby to do the same, asking ` him if he didn't remember taking half the \ money stolen. A T ' ` (1.........: ...L- 1.-.: 1.--- I. ..--__LL 2.4-. n ulvuwy DUUIUIIo V , Garrod. who had been brought from Cen- * tral prison to gure in the case, gave some evidence which the lawyers pretty. well twisted. He described how one day Kirby ; proposed breaking? into eomebody s place ; and it was decided to steal from P. J. Moore. * He had entered the store while `Kirby had N watched. The $1.20 which he had found in the till be divided with Kirby. To Mr. Lennox he said Mr. Moore had seen him at the jail and had given him some tobacco. 1 Hehad bargained with Moore `to draw; Kirby into conversation so it could be heard. a `Ill... ....I.. -51.-.. -_h..._.... --.. TN----1- al- &-\|l>|l] IHBU VIIHVUIBDVIUIJ BU III UUUIU UU IIUIll`Ue 1`he onlv other {witness was Frank St-. Onge who was with Moore. He could"hea.r what Garrod said and corroborated Moore, but between the thunder and "the low tone ` used by Kirby he could hear very little of g the latter s eonveraa.tion_. ! 1'. LL. _..___._ -_ __ _ _A _,, -I__ ___!! ,,__ _.____3 IIIIU IIIIJIIUL D UIJLIVUIUDIJIUI-In In the cross-examination the evidence was contradictory and the Police` Magistrate thought very little was reliable. On these grounds he dismissed the-ca.se.A fnuern)" ul uslunuunonvy l{-GOODFELLOW-At CH[:.P\t`ll:Cbride's Moonstone, by Ian. R, G. Chadwick to Miss Jennie Goodfellow. Dam; _ WESTERVELT - In Alliston. on '1hur. June 27th. 1901. bV RB G- F- Lee. \[, h d'.t . sonage, Alexander Devall ti: lglizglagth Westervelt, of Lisle. .',HOWIE-At Egbert. on Tuesday. lune GlB2S.t(}),"\ bv the Rev. A. C. Watt, `of Bong} Head. Fljlezlnor; eldest daughter of Allen Home to W. '[`_'I). Gibson. all of Essa. , _ . . .un A n\VL`\l7 1.. (`_nrV|no AL"-A`: Tn-nnfn '- 1----uv- --- ---: ---1--no - The `marriage of Miss Alma Ainlev'to Mr. - E. S Woehr. of Geneseo, Ill., son of the late Rev. E. Woehr, took place at the Pines, the residence of the bride s father, Mr. Wm. H. Ainlev, on Monday afternoon. Only the `immediate relatives of the bride were present at the ceremony, which was performedby the Rev. Canon Reiner. The house was prettily decorated. with -white lilies and roses. . The bride wore a handsome tailor-made gown of blue `broadcloth with white silk blouse and hat to match, and car- ried a shower bouquet of white roses. _ The bridesmaid, who was Miss Lilian Ainley, wore a pretty white organdie and carried red roses. Mr. E. Farnabv, of Chicago, was best man. Mr. and Mrs. Woehr will visit the Pan-American and other points of interest before going to their home,.Geneseo, Illinois. ' ` ` DEATH OF FATHER DUFFY. Rev. Father Duffy. of Stayner, died on Monday after a. prolonged illness of- cancer of the stomach. He was 48 years of age and was born in New Jersey. - He-was educated at Niagara Universitv and for 20 years had been a priest. [Before going to Stayuer as parish priest about three years ago he was Administrator at Orillia. . . MR. D. H. WARD S sucomss. Mr.- D H. Ward has been successful in his studies in London. England. He is `now a Professor of North s Therapeutic and Vocal Science Academy (with honors) along with 9. knowledge of Harmony, Oountetpoint and Tuna!-Inuvvnnllfnfgllil _ ` fl IXLIUVVIUHEV Us J; Instrumentatic_m_. }shingIe Bldcks summlanwnon AucT|9JI SALE. VALIIABLEM rnorem Under ower of sale in_a. certain registered Mort- gage to t e Vendors, wh_:ch wxll be_ produced at time of sale and on default bemg'vma.d_e no payment of the moneys thereby secured. there wall be offered for sale by Public AUCUOII by Joseph Rbgera, Auctioneer. at the Queen 3 Hotel, Barrie. on .. .' -I C 1.1- _ ll.I_.-..L-- noun-and-`In an-up Sa.turda. `1;ill:u;f;Vf8`;i.tS':.(;'Vvl!"nth dav _ A9f!IP1X{_1_9_9}1_.,__ " Vb CVI-d -w--, at one o'clock, the following properties. namely :- Fuzs'rLv-The East halves of Lots 27 and 28. in the Fourth Concession of 0:9. containini together 1? acres more or less exceptmg the Nort :4 acres 0 . the East half of said Lot 27. . On Parcel No. Lie 9. Frame Dwellin House 26 by 32 feet. Frame Barn 38 by Sofeet. and eedin stables with stone foundatton and sheds attaqhed. bouto acres of clay and clay loam under cultxvation. - V ..n 4'... and excellent mature to lake front. on Main 1 _ 11. Lnusuu. an Us .40... BL'RLING- -AGNE\V-In Grace church. Toronto.` on Wednesday, June xgth. by Rev. Mr. Bell, .\Inrv. eldest dmnghter of Andrew Agnew, Cooks- zown. to \\'es|ey'Burling. of Toronto. ` LEF.SON-MARTIN---On \Vedne=dai June 26th. by Rev. 1. Smith. Clover Hill. enrietta J.. dhughter of Joseph Martin. oftClover Hill, to Wm.-Leeson. Newton Robinson. DILANE-MCDF.R'MOTT--At St. Patrick's church Toronto, cm June 26th. by the Rev. Father Hay- den. Mr Thus. nilane. of Adjala. to Miss Alice McDcrmott,_of Toronto. ` PINKERON--l{I I`LEY--At West Gwillimbury. on ` June 26:11. b\'_ Rev. R. Large. of Tottenham. Mr. \\'a`ler H. Pinkeron to Lydia F... daughter of Mr. Archie Kitlcy, both of West Gwillimbury. BALI: - Rl.\'~ At the residence of the bride's father. \\':trminstcr, onjune 26th. bv the Rev. Wm. Burns, Mr. Thos. Ball. and Miss Annie Rix, vanngcst daughter of Mr. VVm. Rix. ' v-nxvu-wnc` r!IVD\'C AL LL,` -nu-:t`ooInA A6` thus '.a:..:.:.... II... between North part and clay loam under culnvauon. vocal" rail fence and excellent nsture Main Road, about 7 miles to arrie market. , SuooNDLv--Paxt of Lot xo. in the 24th Concession of Innisl, containing 5: acres more or lessvexclusive of roads established through the sa._tne. commencing at the distance of 7 chains and '0 links on the west side of road allowance between ots to and :1 South- erlv from the Northern Rv. on the said 1 th Cong; thence westerlv and parallel with the Rgo 'tlll .hl:&et; u o thence westerly parallel with the Ky. tux it meets `4` gal; - . , '- division line between part and South half of said Lot to. ten chain_s more or less; thence westerly till it meets a point in division line between Lots Numbers 9 and no and dlstant Northerlv a chains and I links from line of division _between South half and orth part of Lot so aforesaid ; thence Northerly on division line between said Lot 9 and to till it meets Kempenfeldt Bay; thence_ easterlv along shore of Kempenteldt Bav to west lldO of road allowance be- tween Lots Numbers to and u aforesaid ; thence on westerly side of_ said road allowance to place of be- ginnin , reserving thereout the Northern Ry. Co\.'s right 0 way and_ thgdpart of lot conveyed to that Company b regtste Deeds Numbers 79845 and 1872. and t t part conveyed to the Corporation of -Innisl b registered Deed s6e6. . 7 Erec thereon is a corntortable'BI-tck Dwelling containing eight roonmbricl: stable. all lafrood order. The grounds are laid out wxthvornamen and shade trees,, about sixty fruit trees. excellent waterthtind commanding abeautiful view of Kempenfeldt y. Tsaus-to per cent. at time ofsele. and forhelanoe terms willbeliberalandwill be made hnown at AND OF i Residential Prggglty near Barrie. if sale. For {further particulars Cg?` am` As YOU WANT rr .A.'::' LOWEST PRICES. Johnston & Sarieani. WEDDING A_T."'1`HE PINES." TOWNSHIP or one Aun nu xmsv A_c_gumn. Vllllgchl unup:,nu:I un ulna vv un sxun. '.'O.\'\'ERS--TBURNS-At the residence of the hrid_c's father. Victoria Harbor. on June 25th. bv Rev. J. H. Sheppard. Mr. \Vm. Convers and Miss Lulu Burns. < _.._..._.-....-. v\vvI v Anv v I\ I .1 In I . AND ALL KINDS OF` Soft % Wood rm: mcrnnnsrs or BARRIE. rm: COUNTY or smcon AND THE nommon or CANADA ova CRITERION. :, BARRIE, COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, JULY 11, 1901. III IIIIUUIJU The minutes of theprevious meeting having been read by Secretary Mart and approved by the Board. the following communications were read :-- L - (`.1 (I7...) _.-..!..__-.1 L2- _-..!L2-__ __ AI. _` "i31f'Vv'r$1 resigned his peaition `on the School gourd. TR 1'.'.'_.;___ LI___I_-_I LI.- 1'I-__,j B." IIUIII VIIU JMCHB VV QILI KXIIUUI IIU I-119 \JVl-Illlvlu. On motion of Messrs. Ried _and Palling, Col. Ward's resignation was accepted and the secretary was instructed to notify the Town Clerk that the position of school trus- tee for ward 3 was vacant. Il __ 15-1.1- ___-_ ..____.L_.1 A._.- -._-L_ 14.....- - A LIVELY TIME AT scaoon. BOARD . - ovnn EXAMINATIONS. . l The peaceful, "calm routine work that has } marked the recent sittings of the Barrie Public School `Board had a jar last Monday night as the , result of the examinations in` the West Ward school. Nearly all the mem- bers delivered oration: on the great. edu- cational problem, and then finished by doing nothina. The members who were there were Uowan, Jemieeon. Young, Rhinehart. Andrews,` Milne. Reid, Polling, Smith and Brunton._ V ' . f'l'II__ ...____-L-.. -1 ;_I_-______2___._ _____42_. ,.I__ ,9 , .uI.-3 |..uAu uuu - HAL\'ERSO.\'-,PIL`LLAN-In Duluth. on Monday". 1....-.-ul. mm luvtha Rn-v Mr Lnna, NH-Han`