Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 4 Jul 1901, p. 4

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CHURCH CHIMES. ~FIoa Township Lost. , % AAAA. __AAA_A_4A?A $ A `:1 vvvVvvvvvvv9 HIE. Private funds tolloap at 5 per cent. on farm p_ro- pertv. .Terms to suit borrowers. No connectxon with any loan company. Apply personally or by lettrto A M unnnv MIADD , Farmers Attention. I\r\r --w.-.` North-west half of Lot 3, Con. 8. Ves ra; 60 acres cleared, balance standing timber; soi . heavy clay loam; rst-class` wheat arm. Where necessary it is tile drained. , Frame House. frame barn and log ba.rn; good water etc. A pl on the remises or gy getter to EGERTON H." O NSTO , Minesing 16-tf \IlII1r--v -_- 2 Rooms for ofces in Ross Block.` No. 97. Dunlop Street. Fire proo vault; lately occupied bv Dr. R Wells. vAlso` two rooms with vault, lately_ occupxed 1.... 'u.....a, Inch: 8: Fraser. Barristers: Immediate btreeu rlrc ptuvn Va-u--s_ '`'`""l `"*-r-`--- -- -_-- . A150 gaulf, occetagxed b 1-] d agks 8;. raser. arnstcrs ' xmm xate ..Y.....?:..'.._J Annlv to C. H. ROSS. " bv Hood. Jacks art-aser. Darnstel possession. Apply to ROSS, Barrie. lanuarv x, 190:. * IAMUEL `WESLEY, Paognlafoa Frawlay 85 Monre.So1e Local Azent E ; the grounds of the menus Dominion Day, with fair success. - 3 W-13-i; fl-31.1.1;-43-1.1:-(`xi Toronto, _is viiitingwith Ming Flo_renca Shields. 1 AALIBII J. ovnwn-vv -you--wus--_. Miss Blakele , of Barrie, wai the guest at` Miss B. Shaw or a few days. ' A; , A.!II _,_,_, ,I . Ilil ll) KJICIIVI av. u: n- it -..-` V- The Rev. Mr. Craw, Thornton, will preach here nexhsunday at 2.30 pm. in the Pres-_ byterian_Chmfch. V ` nun .._.*| 1'11... 13......" an: Mun. Tflinlr nl II III?` IlI|o_ vuunvu Will. and cm; Perry and Mn. Klink, of Toronto; visited-their parents,-Mr.` and Mn. . - J. Perry on Dominion Day. 1 .-. V OFFICES TO RENT OR LEASE I'll , ,I, . ._._l-. for vour benet, and our prc ' These 3 are the blends we are str on. 3 25 2?- Hoblg-3_y 13r_gs., -n-:1: G133 31 per Anmum in Advance. 0%! I 100' ACRE FARM FOR SALE. -- -- a1? A quarter of 9. centurv we have ' been blending` 5-ly col-`FEE `l\'nERCI-IANTS, BARRIE. The Most Popular Dry Goods Store. The Highest Qualitries at the Lowest I )-i(-cs. Bitter is patience, but its fruit is sweet. Inconvenient is waiting, better order Ex mail, accept substitutes. % The slam Shoe `No new name will be added to the Subscription Ml! until the money is paid. ~ 'E;'cts. 40 cts. And 50 G16. ' TRY THEM. - MONEY TO LOAN. TEA ` Eiet the shoe you SARJEANT & SMITH, T HARRY MARR DADD and as `often as you can and. take advantage of the" low prices ii}'i:3r?E u,"ni?.`7&iFi;i:E _ _ T "II Bl;i{-RTE. DIRECT IIVIPOFQTERS THE NORTHERN ADVANCE Lmesmg 1 What about them '9 Have you everything you want for summer wmr .` .hz~t run your eye over this list and tell us if we mention any article you hppt-11 nuw, L I presently, to require. -Mnona Lawng nntfnng. Prints, `Rlnnsem Lanes. Ribbons. Novns. |.:1<`-' V113` presenmy, LU H`.'(1|.ll|'t.7. . "Muslims, Lawns, Cottons, Prlnts, Blouses, Laces, Ribbons, Glows, ('1 tains, Sateens, Hoslery, L1ghtwe1ght Undervests, Pique Skirts and l'mi-: .~1.u.x~ Crash Skirts and Underskirts, Wrappers, Dress Twteds, Dress Ducks, Art .\ln~'ii1 Corsets, Buggy Dusters. And all these goods are to move out under the irresistablc lever of low pri -he Always the cheapestin Barrie. We want to make a new record as -.1 Bax-g;1ix1 111;1`:;* and we havehit upon this month to establish it If your purse is long 01' otln-ru-i.~~ itmakes no difference.` There s saving here for rich for poor, ' be they men, xwm` or children-saving all the wav from ten cents to forty cents on every (l0ll:1I`_\'ul'. l-;u' `atvthe cash store. And bear in mind, not an article we sell but bears tl1c. ~.'Iu1:z}I lrst quality" and the guarantee of newness. LIJUI for 909. Fine Laces and insertions at a. quarter and a half less than usual p1'ice.<. 25c Tafeta Gloves in black. white, grays or tans for 20c. The" best_$l.25 Lace Curtains, 3; yards long for $1 00. A Cut prices as follows on Hosxerv, 124} Hose for 10c. 10c Hose for Sc, 7' NW '1' 5c, 850 CashmeAre.I-Iiose for 25c. . $1.25 and $1.40 Wrappers for $1.00. 35:: Ladies Drawers for 25c, 50c Ladies Drawers 350. All the $1 00 Drss Tweeds and Homespuns 56 inch for 750. 12; Aft Mnslins for 10c.- `- _Cofsets cheapest _in Barrie. - `A 35;: Corsets for`25c. The bst 50c corsets for 40c. Regular 75c corsets for 50:`. V $1.25 Corsets-for 90c and $1.00. - Ch'iiAld s Ferris Waists regular 90 for 650. T` - Largest stock` -in Barrie of "ne Bobts and Shoes. $1.25 Oxfords $1.60 and $1.60 shoes for $1.25. High grade Marsh $2.50 shoe for $1 90. Al1,Bi_gh Class Boots and Shoes at wholesale prices. The Cash t:ore~pces are always the lowest on Dry Goods, Boots and SW5: - Clothing or Men's Furnishings. . it Published from the Oice, :23 Dunlop Steeet 3urie. in the County of Simcoe. the Pro- . Vince of Ontario, Canada. every Thursday Morning, by New shoes `I The July sweep is now on. D|||II I:/~~\ ` \;\::/7:-J Fanv spot and gured Muslins worth 12} for 10. Lawns ne white, 125 Lawn for 10c, 15c Lawn 12$. ` Blouses, 75c Blouses for 600, $1.50 fine white insertion trimmed Lawn Hi-~ An- IRWIN YOUR WARM WEATHER DRY GOODS NEEDABLES. HERE ARE A FEW PRIQE TPOII;ITE1i{S.W The Bargain Kins- N U cheapest In Barrie. `HIi`ID S OLD STAND, BARBIE, -_ SHOES. This wool comes free into Canada, as well as the wool from any other coun- try. If a duty were placed onlit, better prices would prevail. The United States have found it protable to place on duty of 12 cents per pound on wool. That Canada should have no tari`, and in the face of such competition. is very discouraging to the farmers of this country. A ' CASH STORE LITTLE Pmces BIG j VALUES :: --- M for $1 00' . " ` To Wreck Midland Train. Midland, Ont., June 29--An attempt at train wrecking was made a couple of miles east. of here about 7 o clock last evening. The special train con- A veying Hon. J. I. Terte and party came upon an obstruction upon the track half a. mile east of Old Fort; bridge. _ The obstruction was seen by `the engi- neer, end the train was brought to e standstill without doing any damage. The obstruction was a. number of tiee end etones piled on the crack. As yet no clue to the. guilty panties has been `and. _ _ . hMr. Goodfellow. of Midland took: vseherge of the service 0:: Thursday even- '1,:>,j_I'Ig in he absence of the Rev. Mr, 0f;'Penetsn`g. V -. { Miss E. ooox and Miss A. `Day, or '.l'oI'onto, spam a few days last. week Miss Alice Bennett. T" Mr. 0_ha_.r1ie Downr visited fl-ienda. n_ LaFaivs Camera on Sunday last. Tnlnl leave Barrie for and anive {tom illtnnentioned places as follows: V . IOI. TORONTO - non" rg sun ' Ex r_ess 7.58 pan. . p.m. > ' ml. 11.33 `n.n1. I43 pan. Muskoka Express 18.58 p.m. Muskoka Express 1.88 p.n1. pan *Atla.ntic& Pacic Ex. 3.-03 - * e evening Express leaves Toronto at 5.20 1 HAMILTON. - 7.81 mm. Ex toss. 9.09 pan. 3 8.33 13.111. ail. 11.38 am. GRAVENHURST 8: NORTH BAY. O In an - .. Mail. 5.27 mm. lllauntiunun u ursnnau u-V... BARBIE T0 ALt.AnnAI.n. 1.3: 3.31., 1.56 a..m., 9.37 a.m.. 11.15 am jam, 2.13 p.m., 5.27 p.m.. 8.oo p.m. ALLANDALB T0 muuuz. 7.50 l.In., 11.20 3.111.. u.a5 a..I'n., 12.51 1.08 p.m., 5.32 p,m., 7.55 p.:n.. 9.o9 pan. _' [guru uuu nnu...-. navvun .....- ............. `Daily. All other trains except Sunday. AI'IlV.DI.ldl;V.\J`n 5 as .18 . . ccommo non. - pan `:00 Accommodation, 7.55 can ALLANDALE 8: muuun SECTION. nAn|uIt To ALLANDALE. 0.09 " Norm bay xmxeu. Gnvonhurst mixed (south onl COLLINGWOgla)ii& MEA Exnress. `I-DI. I 8.31 ORD. 5.88 3 7.55 I GRAVENHUKSL` at nunu a` mu. ,3; Mn. _ Mail. _ 5.87 pan. .08 pan. *Atlnntnc & Pacxc Ex. 1.20 12.11:. :09 " North Bay Mixed. ' 7.31 mm. Grnvnnhurnt mixed (south Cull?) ". A 8 Page 48 Column Newspaper. IARRIE RAILWAY GUIDE. " Norm Day xvuxcu. ' nnu-mGwooD -an MEA mm or Pumnms. Tums or SUBSCRIPTION. ` Fairvlew. _ Advance Con-espondsnoe. . B?3\\`M|\r . r.-r n`?2.. PEN TANG. A nun-nnnt|A.:(|II [.15 a..m.. 1.26 I UR! pan. 7 mm. I-5`8 Ply"! ` On Thursday Vfaruher ieporte oi the Finance Committee `we:-e passed, "also those of Committees on Cuunty Pro- perty and Education. " ' Danna-` A -0 LL- \nAR|_ Subscribers now in arrears for three months and _ [YOU wlbe charged $.50 per annum CCU 31$ X'$$VZUlC$Q Report No. 12 of the Finance `Com- mittee recommended the reappointment of `M. N. Stephens end Then. I. True man as Auditors. T3 1? QLCZQIYI ` The report ofwlzho County Audic.ora.of Laud Tax Sales was `oz-dered to be pub? Tr_eaeurer e statement was recom- mended to be published. fl... ----....L -1 LL. UL. `Il ...'I-..L.. .-nu-. '"f'aSoEBc'3"i"p. Medonte was cortected, $32.17 - being recommended to be paid, for the removal of Wilbert Potter, a lunatic to Mimico asylum: ' T_ _`-._n "4 ` Q LL - (1-... -..ubL4\n\ _ THE SANFORD sunnmxns. - V Report No." 2 of.the Sanford - Com- mittee was as follows :-That we have considered the question of the liabilities of the Sanford sureties and recommend that as the question was denitely set. tied at the January session it would not be advisable to reopen the same. -113--.. n .... _:u.-- _-._1.1 1-___.L_.,' ,,_ `V vvu.----we-wuv -w --wrv-- v-- -y-cu-vu `Your Committee would further re- commend that the Chairman of this Committee be authorized to sell by private sale, the properties situated in the Town of Barrie, the property of the late Treasurer, S. J. Sanford. TA. -h____ __ __j _`_ __,-__1 -_._L I, `ll ---vv --`.v------, .v. v. -v-v--vv--- It was moved in amendment by Mr. Raikes, seconded by Maj; Bruce` that the report be` referred back to consider the -inadvisability k of refunding to Messrs. John Plaxton, Charles Way and E. D.0Morton,A M.D., the amount of $500 apiece, Hamilton Stewart the amount of $100 and relieving A. W. Wilkinson, E-?q., of the $500 still due County by him. This was lost on the following division- :Yeas -- Messrs. Bell, Eplett, Graham, Raikee; Ruby, Thorpe and Whitesidee, 7; Nays- Messrs. Bruce, Breckenridge, Campbell, Fraser, Harvie, Hammell,Ju pp, Kiteley, Murphy and Quinlan" 10. A `L... 'I..... :..s.....J.-.-n.J I-... lIl'..J.-... `D......- u-.".'l?;1;a'-1-tlgliontion of the Tow of Bar- rie forV guarantee of the debenture issues to raise $2,000 for the hospital Iv you --Uuuuvvinu The report of the Committee on Printing recommended payment of no- oounts amounting to $256.50. - I'..-_- -E-I.....-_-- ._...... .....-_L_.I `I)-_ wvu-xv: -ujvvu-v--a we V-v vuvvl Leave of absence was granted` Rev. Thomas McKee, Public School Inspector for Southsimcoe, for seven weeks. L _____. 11-_ n -1--1- n, I 2. THE WOOL MARKET.- _ In Dun a `Review on Saturday was the statement that the woolen manu- faoturiogintereats are not in satisfao~ gory shape. For some time the woolen `manufacturing interests have not been ingood shape, and the price of wool has been vet-vi low. The stagnant con- dition of the market is due to agreat extent to the importation of Australian a wool. we-- vi;-w,vvvu ' It was recommended that Gsoler Sis- sons be reimbursed for an account against - the Council, also that Mrs. Mace be removed from the gsol to the House-of Refuge and that John Mace be sent there at the expiration of his term-in gsol. " A .u.u-.r-..J u..... .v...--..-.. -~. A by-law introduced by Major Bruce, seconded by Mr. J upp was passed, authorizing the Warden and Treasurer to borrow $20,000 on promieory notes to meet current expenditure. __J-._:._ _. `LI, _ _.,_._ _____..`J an vb vvn nu us---uvv-v -v -an-nauvv yew -1-u-u V In ieport No. 16 the Committee were ofthe opinion that it would be unwise to mskeany change in the time of making assessments, although at" the same time expressing an opinion that it was desirable that the assessment should be made at the time of the year when the assessor is able to judge the value of farm lands. The Council, however, had not the necessary authority to make the change. . . Report No. 7 of the Committee on County Property stated that the County Treasurer had adj ueted the insurance policies on the Court House, the total amount of insurance at the present time being $18,000. TL _.... ....--_._.-_.I-.`l 51...; {V .-1-.. G3- wX'}$;J '7a"B&`"Jaering the consolidation of the County by`-laws. ,, __.a.:... .1. 117.1... `I)__.___ _---_.I-_`l vvnauyapuwvnvnu v- --v vwu---J -VJ -.n -v On motion of Major Bruce seconded by Mr Graham it was ordered that this Council desire to express its apprecia- tion of the able and eicient manner in which His Worship; the Warden, con- ducted the business of the County. His unfailing courtesy, united with his strict business methods make him an ideal executive oicer. This resolution was carried with much enthusiasm. The Warden replied thanking them for theirkind expressions and repeated his intentions of doing what he thought was right for the best interests of the County. The Council then adjourned sine die. ' Collmgwood, June 28.--Thie town is in eoateoies over the promises made by e Hon.- J. Israel Tarte, concerning Collingwood harbor. Mr. Torte was jthe gueaboi honor at the annualemeeh ing of the Board of` Trade, and he paid in promises his indebtedness for hospi- tality received. rl1L____.. T--- _L- .....-..-;-.l LL- ""'i"oI-7"ng, a who proposed the toast to the Minister of Public Works, explained that Collingwood s great need was a 20-foot channel in the harbor-,_ 300 feet wide, and he hoped to see it an accomplished fact before the end of 1902. If that were done he believed the Grand Trunk would shorten its line between Collingwood and Toronto, and so _d_ecrease the distance to two hours. uauvwnvv-an van-up v.--w--vv vw wu- - _. Mr. Long insisted that the Govern- ment should advertise for tenders for ships, so that Canadian rms would be assured of contracts. At present ten- ders oall` for theme of raw material upon which duty is -charged, while English-built ships are brought into Canadian trade on the lakes free of duty. _,,L_L__. __.... AL. _....A. -...__._ \I|ilIl\l|CIl vp|u\nv was was`: c-u-v- ---v wu --wJ. Transportation was the moat impor-i tent question of the day, and theGeor- gian Bay wad one of the most. important points on the `Canadian system of -transportation.` He had heard that a since he had taken oice Canada s trade had gone to American ports. They moat put a stop. to` that state-of aaira. He had `atufted ppon a. patgiotio .wjo:_'k_; sum SUPPLIES COLLING-WOOD HARBOR. - I....3..._.. `LI.'.A __..;~;_'-_A_-`j spending mon9y._. ?1`u-to most of the accidents in the 8:. Law renoe to incapable captain: and pilots. ' nhn-`PA-Q II D bL--...LL 2L ._.-_ .w-wv V`: 1 V uu-r--y_u_ uuspuuonup nun yuuwo `John Charlton, M`.P., thought it via- dom to spend money on Oollingwood harbor, and suggested that is would be advisable to spend on: Government sir `lins to Toronto the money` proposed to be expended on the Georgizg Bsy Gsnsl. _ _ . ` I If "you will invite me to the Board ot Trade banquet next year, provided it is not too early, I will promise you the Majestic will not strike bottom in the harbor, said Mr. Tarte, and the and- ience wildly applauded. The following are the W.C.T.U.- notices for this week :-.-Notwithstanding the intense heat a fair attendance was seen at the meet- ing of W. C.T. U. on Monday, July 1st, hnal arrangements were made about the proposed excursion by moonlight. next Friday, July 5th, per steamer Islay. Mrs. Gibson and Mrs. Scott were appointed delegates to the Convention of Dom. Alliance on July 9th. Anti Cigarette leaets were ordered for dis- tribution at the fall fair. . Arrangements were made for the introduction of the Tem- peranoe army in bunday Schools. Adjourn- ed to meet first Monday in August. ?`Jtidgment on `the: appeal . by the Township of Flo: from` judgment of Referee under the drainage act, award- ingjPrieet $200 damages caused to his lands` and crops owing to the negligent and improper. construction of a drain- age work in said township, and for not continuing the same to a proper outlet, but not awarding claimant, the Town- ship of Vespra, any damages. ' VI... osnpunnnn-u4':_nn -u.- _;..._-a----.` `-- I The following are the Salvation Army notices for this week :-Ensian Perry, in Roman costume, and his armor bearer, a. little boy soloist; carrying a battle axe, will visit _Ba.rrie, on Friday, July 5th, when the ensign will give an illustrated address on the Holy War of dark ages, and his `armor bearer will sing a. `selection of solos. The Sunday school children and the senior corps spent a. pleasant day in St. Vincent Park on July 1st. Adjt. Burrrows con- ducted two meetings in` thepavilion during the day. All welcome to enjoy a. good hour at the S. A. `meeting in the Queen's Pa.rkne,xt Sunday at 3 p.m. - ---r '- ' ""3"-1 ""1 ----'-aw- The prooeeding was commenced by notice under the not and consolidated upon the-reference with one in an `ac- tion between the name parties. Ap peel dismissed with costs. Foreign wool is imported into Can- ada in enormous quantities and the prices on this account have dropped so much that sheep raising does not pay II. Canadian farmer at all. That it is possible to bring wool all the way from Australia, via England, and then lay it down at Toronto for I3 cents a pound is from the reason that therice of wool in only a matter of secondary im- portance with .Aust.ralia. A 7 I 1 `Mr. Chas. King and:Mu. Smith took the 5010 parts in Hark, Hark. My Soul at the Collier Street Church Sunday night. J. A; `Campbell visited `zit ; Rose Point: Hotel, Parry Sound, over Sunday. The Municipal worn}: for July is`: to hand. , The only reference to Simcoe County is the following: a On Sunday evening Rev. T. E. Bartley preached hie farewell sermon to a large con- gregation and on Tuesday night a farewell reception was held at the parsonage. Byroz-1 King s;.nd wif, of `Toronto, is I spending a. ten days hqliday at his home in Bayr1e.. Master sin-claim-. left Friday to spend [two months with relatives at Glen- cairn.` Ont. ' mni/1}{ x5v.TJ. Hill, .M P.P., and Miss Aggie Hill, of Toronto, `are the guests pf Mr. and Mrs. A. F.` Bass. -. - '(;}$.`1*2Ja, (who has just completed his third year at the Toronto Medical, is spend- I ing a few days in town. ' `ll ` 1': ma 1 r I\ III- "_N1r.- a.1.)iston and MissT Mabel Tay- lor, of Toronto. spent the holiday at Mrs. D. Campbell's. ` Mr. and Mrs. R: E. "i> e'ck; Dsvenport, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs.rH. M. Rubel, four children and two nurses, Cincinnati. Ohio ; Mr. and Mrs. T. R Billett, Miss Hughes. Toronto; Mr. Robert Mills and daughter. Hamilton ; A. 15. Cameron and W. R. Cars-A wright, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smallpiece and chiid, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brown, To- ronto. are guests at tbeAPenetsnguishene.- F Now that a cold storage system is in successful operation, the Australians make frozen mutton their. chief export. To make the most of the mutton trade as possible, large sheep are raised. Hence the `ne wool that was at one time procurable from Australia is not `so abundant. Larger sheep being- grown, the coarser wool supply is in-' creasing, and herein comes the competi- tion with the Canadian farmers, who market the same quality of wool,` The Australians depend on the mutton for their prots and let the wool bring whatit can. rri. _R.WG:uthrie, of` Orillia, was in town during the holidays, visitingher parents, Mr. and Mrs, Metcalf, Kempenfeldt street. ""1\Va}'._ "15u}e{L}}i;T*'dittr Lrmthe T Mord Mirror, was in town Friday to attend the funeral of his cousin, the late P. H. Stewart, - an 'I\ cw . . 1*; Colwell. Advance Correspondence, [Miss Nellie Ferguson spent a. few days in 1 Sunnxdale last: week. M `g;-'iZsTo'x17, -of `Oapra. is {visiting his I cousin, Mr. Jae. Cook . ' ' urn ., o, Q_gL vvu----, ..__. . --.-. - - _ 7- Mr. Albert Fergueorl, of Toronto, is ,visit- ing his parents here ; he_ is looking well. ,1 J A` , j_.,,_ _,-____ I___ `-wfbbose gho attendd izhe dune; given by Mrs. and Messrs. Orr on Monday night re- `port a good time. . ll ,,3 \t,,_ l\-_.L:II _...1 _...:1.. -2 H1- tn.-- -- 5--.. -_V_--- Mr. and Mrs. Uoghill and family, of To- ronto, opens thelsh of July at 0., S. Row e, Poplar Farm,` Colwelli ' _,__-__ 1.4.1 u__ .1.- I`I..___-I ;Thej garden party held by the Grenfel Methodist church on the home of D. Fergu- son on Thursday evening last; was 9. grand success; proceeds $16.75. ` ' ~ A.` __-.,___S_,_ 4- l\.-_I..I_. vvvvv -u-u ' :--v---- '_-. .-. . Those who took in the excursion to Guelph` from here on Friday last were Miss F- Ker- foot and A. M. Murdy, Miss L. Muir and .91. Young, Mind L. Ferguson and H. J. I! Z`! l\'I . lilr. and Mr. Jga. 0 Neill spent Sunday in Stayner. _ . - n in " .LL!,' -1 `|l2.1n._-._.... .__2J .-.. .. J. Frank Jackson,l -Mr.J()-.-iii Wattie; of Midhurst, paid us a. visit; last week. an 1.: ;I\ 0 uI_g'__ _L 0189: law: an-unq -- V Mr. J. H. Corrigan spent: Sunday "with friengls in Elmvale. - I 11012 "1 9,, L'__ ...__..L f Mable Villa. - . Advancg Corresuondence. A i Our public school has closed for the holi- ` dais. - % ___.1 11-". 1'-_ n1\'r-:n .........L G.....I..n ii:--Iiiiiiiii Smith, or Ora, is V visiting at Mrs. Bernard's. . _ .. 4` ,Q '. . n,, -|,_.' _g.|_ .m;Ei; Gilford. is the guest of ltha Misaes MI1lroy. . In I_._'_. I;__ .__.__-_.__.1 l_-_.- IIIIU Jllluuvw Minn Ali frQmABarrie ce hi:1l'ro`yAhga returned home Collegiate Institute. ul. 9325 . Eughaon. can-3-ow _ Advance Conuoondmce. . Harry Clark, of Toronto, spent Dominion Day at home. _ i - A A - _. _._!__...' ..-o- - . II , III IIVIIIIII. I The Presbyterian: "gave A garden putty on ` SOCIAL A:iIB'i=ERONAL. &*TQ;.. . nana;McNau,lTz.nn `aid; and Hand Book-iuued moathlv. Df\-!l-. All -sL_.. 5...}... Daily: gun...-G Q.`-Jan

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