Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 4 Jul 1901, p. 2

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D . D?l'l l3l.UI 5, Sohcitors in High Court ot J usticca, Conveyancers. Oices over the Ba Barrie. Klnnnuy :91 llffl ` 32.000 and upwa R. J. F. Palling, Graduate of Trinity Umversity Toronto, Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oice and Residence, 18 Owen street. Q1"l"lU1.-_-76 Uunlop atreet, aauucrs Luuun, uA- rte. opposite Post Office and Railway Station. Phone 54. P. O. Box 96. 7-ly `i:1$1Ze(s)t . 019009: lntefest. `V0 nnclpal. IUUUCY requlrt.'.u_ Lflltu C1101 UK the germ. . H. STRA1 HY. Solxcngor. Etc., Barne. 37 IvI&cI:I I& :\'rIu1u We have a. large amount of Private Funds to lead at 4} and 5 per cent; on _the security of good farm Nfnrranceg MCCARTHY. .BL)YS XL NIURCHI. [[ [nu Dnuu. l. l.a:I.LV.lL.V\1 AVl.u.4.I.4 bU1V1rA1VI-- .1. Cargentenng, Building and manufacturing of Doorg. bash. Blinds, Mouldings, etc. Planin of all kinds done promptly and satisfactorily. ot Blast Drying Kiln. District agency for grained lum- I her Fa1:tnrv-Baveld Sm-pr R: .-.-:9 pnnawn: __ ____ __.__ -..J .--... ....-...-.-uyv.-n a V- o I Rik; Dfstnct l:1.rn- I bet Fa.ctory-Bayeld Street, Barrie. RODGERS 8: GAI.I.IR mlnrncanrc tn (;nn Rail _...?.:..:?j DR. c. sMiTH, L.C.P.S., Ont., (late of Drs. arvie 8; Smith, Orillia.) Oce and residence -corncr of Owen and Comer streets, Barrie. 33-ly R. W. A. ROSS, Physician. Surgeon, etc., L. I R.C.S. Edin,, L.R C.P.. London. Offices and night residence-t3rown's Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. . V ---w_.- Report No. 3. was as follows :-That your committee have taken into con- sideration ' the applications made by the Township of Vespra for` refund of costs for school Arbitration, and, as it does not seem meet to your committee that the award made by theArbitrator upon evidence adduced before them should be interferred with by `your committee recommend that no action be taken. ` Hour`s-u4 to V1. * 7 to 8. oer ra.ctory-na.yne1a mreet. barne. J & _GALLIE successors to Geo. Ball. THE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OF BARRIE have for adolgtion. in good Homes. at number n6` hobs! .m...... ......A:.... ..I..:u...... 1...-.- _._J -2,-- 1 |nn unu..unn1V_ ozuuaublr. 1. I ur uA1u grave ado t1on._m gogd of bnght young , anadxan chxldren, boys and girls Parties desiring them are asked to communicate with the Seqretarv, |RTEV. D. B. HARKNESS. Barrie. ~-`-- ` Barrie. OCC Barrie`. Money in-sums of $2,000 and upwards, t IDP rant _ IvI&Iv1u It --tn - 5 and 5% per cent. on Mortgage. I f\IT\Y'l" Q. T f\YV\"`I` `UT ISSUE: 1-1. H. SixA'rHv, Q.C. ?No 3 giving the Clerk's report that since last session he had issued6 ped- lsrs" licenses and 11 auctioneers licenses aggregating '9. toga-1 sum of $310. `T- '1 ;L-_ ._____,_____,,I-1 MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUER. Drugs and Chemicals ._?:: 1TRA'1`HY 8: ESTEN. ` Ba VANILLA, for ice cream. for instance: ' BAKING Powmm, for cakes. One is a. drug. of course ; the other a chemical"; V and there are still others--SPICES of all kinds. cream of tartar, etc. The best lace to get drugs is at a DRUG STOR . `Th d ' kn bo t A H `man th;.px;:)]ge* ows morea u I WeAkeep a good drug store Coine and ask us ` about Kitchen Drugs. ARE NEEDED EVERY DAY In the Kitchen. MIINKMAWS . DRUG ISTDRE 1_IT-IE BALL PLANING/1\'IILL COMPANY-- - -1 narnnnfnna Rn1:1J:nm aunt` .-.n....C....4.._._... __- I CARTHY, BOYS 8; MURCHISON, Barris- .... stnncimrs. Conveyancers. etc. Success- [ T. ARNALL, M.D.C.M,, oice in Bot.hwe1l's . Block. Allandale. ?n the premises at night. 41- v .ADlVANCE.] Z No. E5 recemtnended that; $500 be granted for t.he.exbeneion of the C019 lingwood General and Marine Hospital. -u-av-v ,-.1` L. `.35- "*Tr'T`1>`L1ax`1*o z'[ ngnamr. solicitor. ' (`.._'u-inn:-pr, Ant. MOIIEV CO 140350 a ____________________________ fM. M. CAMPBELL. Barrister, Notary, etc. Money go loan. Oic Ir Qtavnar: Bax-ne 01ce-Bank oi -1.-fYoN, PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LoANj nn Dan` afar: at `nurncf 1-arc: L`nrrnnrc' `_PI,AXTON, Banister, boucnor, nova, Conveyanoer. etc. Monev Loan. at lowest 1. Ofce~--McCarthy Block, south side Dunlap n.`...:. A 2713 . DR. `R. P. VIVIAN ______ I]. SMITH, .....:.. 2, Rmma Orillia.) MONEY TO `LOAN. THY, BOYS RIUKUHIDULV, Darrin- Solicitors, Conveyancers. etc. Sarthy, Pepler & mcglarthy. .vli:Caxthy Block, Dumop Street. Bartie. ARTHY, - W; A. Boys, MONEY 1'o_L In No. 7 the committee recommended psymem-. of $15.30, the account of the Township of Sunnidale ,for medicql examination and convevanca of Chat-lei Pifer, n" destitute lunatic to thergaol. . '92 DUNLOP-ST. BARRIE. ~1uANU1uo'rU_1ua:s. ' `ADVERTISE IN 'msoEi 7'-LOUNT & LOUNT Barristers. Barrie, _. Opposite R. K. Stat1on' MONEY T0 LOAN. In, D. C. Muncmson. FOR INVESTMENT on good fraiphnlrl epmurirv nr lnwncf rare nf ruirslcmns. `FINANCIAL. : Re;)ort No. 9 hecommandd (Int 5 8,25 b6:_i1nade to the West; A OFFICIAL. 1n:N'LuT Homoopathist. 7 :56 Dunlop St.. . Residence and Ofce. 8-ly ESWICKE, barristers, Solici- urcrne Court of Judicatuge of Flotaries, Conveyancqrs, etc. es-'-Ross Block. irng. ._......vup-era LJILILIK 9 45-1) - n \I 43-13 u , _ Barristers, no` lnetioon, .E".'-I-"I -$I`{VB.S'WlCKE. Q Solicitor, >an. Oices--Ban-ie -Bank of Toronto 5-1) jnnnoiul position be presented` to, the Oon_nci`1. _ " V ' ers, ccs, Notaries Public, : Bank of Toronto, J. C. Bnoxovszu. . G. H. Esrnx. ,toloa-Ix a.t5 ,;z,,, - . . HE :N`0R`rHERN ADVANQE A.-\DVERTI_SI_NVG nuns. V Aovancn nus A'c1m:v1.u,o g - 2 at 1'oUR'1'-BEN nvwmum Am F0ll'l`Y cox-ms. most if not uite. double A1 ' ' pdpurq published in tltslzirfef. "`' ifa.x>\-'x~:m~Isx-ms snouw NOTE '1, mm. ' ~ 13 [mes solid agate make 1. inch. TRANSIENT ADVER 1'I.`EMEN-`X's. First insegtion -10 cents per line` each sub quent 1nsemon4 cents per line, Rpndimr nnLio'e-S- 10 cents ham 1:. 4-, ` Condensed adverusements on first tage such as wants of all kinds, lost and found, property for sale or totrent, snecic articles, <-tc.'. etc., must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted--brat insertion 2 cents per word, each subsequent insertion 1 cent. per word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but a. reduction of one cent per word will bemade when the,numlmr of insertions of the same matter exceed four. REPRESENT `rm: Fouowxxc FIRE IN5L'RA.\'C! ` T COMPANIES : . The Mercantile, no\_v afliatcd with The Lon- _don & Lancashxre of England. Secur- 1ty,v$,ooo. - The Waterloo Mutual, of V\ ater1oo. Ont. Tothl assets, $334,083. - The Economical Mutual, of Berlin. Ont. Total-assets, $303,078. V ` ' A1so`L1ovd's Plate Glass Insurance Comv u pany, of New York.` Cash capiml. 525:, -In No. 10 the eoinlnittaee recommend ed that the County Council guarantee the payment of the debentures of the Town of Midland. for $78,000 for waterworks "and `electric light for the said Tomi of Midland ; and e. by-law authorizing the same was put through the Council. C A ' OFFICE.--Next door to Bank of Toronto. 0*" - Street. Barrie. n-Iy # Canadian Branch 0fce.. i `M nrwr D 1': A I U1~lI\IlIl1II\.II- \I\llIII n--- Capital. $,ood. T Full! Application forms furnished and ran- Cl GEORGE PLAXTON. AGE.\T. ..._I.. n..-.:.. n... na:....:.. \l.~:`nrrh Cuts for advertisements must In every ` case be mounted on solid metal base. And the Sun" Loan and Savings Company ' of Ontario. Private funds to loan on `rst mortgages. :\C | hounts collected. &c. . - _ (`X . A A . . A- IJ......ln..-nn .~ un-AI|'nrn Qenru Rlrfl ` . \ 1 Agent Standard Life. London (emu u- } . tee and Accident (`o.., l'rovluch1l i Building and Loan Asuociallou. cit`- | VVIJI UU Ullilrl ECU- Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertismg anything outside their own regular business} Should they do so transient Iates will be charged for such ad. vertisements. SCROGGIE & sIiI|FrI, counts collected. Sic. - ` \ Ofce over Henderson_s Hardware Smrc. Barrie Ont. ' ' 'For Broken-viuded Horses. The Qnly medicine in the world that will I-Ieayes In three days. But for :1 permanent 5} |'e_qllII'_es from one half to one bottle uscd ncc-`.'J| dxrectxons. $1.00. Kidney and Acute Cuu` F 9 5C. D1_'. MCGahe_v's Condition Pm\'` W011!`-S._punes the blood, putting horses. cntflt calves m condition; 25. Take no othur.. 0 G. Monkman. Barrie. and Ck 55 C0.. Uriiha. H Report No. 5'. recommended payment of accounts amounting to - $57 .00 3 also that a grant of $150 be` given to build a bridge over Holland river a boundary line between York and Simcoe and that Messrs. Hammell and Kiteley over see the work 3 also that $375 be granted to build a bridge over. `Mad River on town line Sunnidale and Essa and that a grant of $50 be given for town ~ line Nottawasaga and Sunnidale and `eighth line N ottawasaga doing away with grant for equal amount given in report No. 11_ Jan y. session ; also thatva grant of $50 givento improve side road between lots 20 and 201,0 5th con. Vespra be withdrawn and same amount be given to improve the old Sunnidale road through Township of Vespra. ;1iu_es. uuur All-IVA uuu .. mu... run uuc. . Reading notices, 10 cents per line for t insertion ; 5_ cents per line for each Sllbseq` 3` insertion of the same matter. All M _ _ item der 5 hues, of thus cha.racter, chargedsuim Legal, Official and Government merits will be charged at. above rates CONTRACT ADVEIl'l`ISI.\'G. Contract advertisements will be taken the lollowingruu-.s,_ wluclr are drafted on C0 rect; commercml prlnclples and will be gt]-ictlh adhered 1.0.. There wxll be only one price fol all. advertige, ' Preferred positions for local advem;e_ ments in the paper will be sold at an allvance of one-third on above rates, on no other an. count will special positions be given. This rule will be strictly earned out. CONTRACT C HA NGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that` notice of intention to change advertisemem must be handed into the oice not later than Satut day at 10 o clock, and the copy for such change must be in Tm: Anvaxcn office not later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday in any week, otherwise the advertiser s announcement may not be made public until the week fol. lowing. I0 nlm; nf Aclvprhnpnwnts nllnwml Im- LU W Ills. ` 12 changes of Adve_r_t1sements a1_1o.m-dpe; year. It morejare reqmred, com1o.smourates will be charged. A `I . 3 . ,_ ' __`I! _.-A. 1 .-. ..11........'l 5,. ....- `L PROVINCIAL BUILDINGENDIEAN ASSOCIATION. xinch 2% fnchcs.............. 5inches, % column...... no inches, 54 column.... zoinches, x celumn...... `For one month-the ` with 15 per cent. added. `For two mon ths-the with 10 per cent. added. HE IHIUIJI1 notice. WELL A9. Hanrcutting and Shaving Parlor . OPPOSITE BARICIF. HOTEL. ~ BARBIE- ' Razorannd Scissors ground and set on 611 nnma, John Rogerson, Fire and Life Assllmnce. W `Repur-b o. 11 recommended that the Treasurer be instructed to procure a copy, of _the Oriminul Code and Amend- ments `and `the Ontario Statutes for l90L ` ' ` Janaulan DYIIUCH LJHICC MONTREAL. M. C. HINSHAW, urn nah Mnnnanr '1. LI. l'll1\'DI1l\VVy CAIVI. J- 1 1` Branch Manager .\l.'1n.'\gcr. oqoATLASooo Accnntsnmhlr hnnnon NV Number of inches space. ' extend its seating accommodation, EVER in its history has the 1 CELSIOR BUSINESS 00 ti LEGEA had such an a.I;tendan_c6. `g. : ven so much satisfaction to SP0 trons as during the present sessxo - 1 Three times has it been nenessarywtg : as fast as they can be got ready, t : jibe "pupils go to situations. ' , .1...-nIIh'v ` "J '1: pay: to attend the E. 3- G- ,3 Circular free for a post card. 5115 pllpll R0 `I30 Bllllltluua. A complete equipment, A C IV up-to-date establishment,` line thorough, practical, szmsfac horoUh' : in ev9l'Y I toI'Y- : G03 4 I I I AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $ EXCE LSIO R Business college. IQOIL L A3000 ASSURANCE COMPANY. ;_I my I'Z`......ln. INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, &.C. C Totel... .,/. . ...$5ooo p The committee` on County Property reported recommending paymentof the account of John N eelands for repairs to County Goal for $20.70 and to Court House $15.95;-al.s'o that psymentsbe mode to Chief `Constable Rogers for equipmeots and other expenses amount- _ing`to $17.60. NEW'ROADS AND BRIDGES. Grants were made for a number of new roads and bridges. The committee brought in theefollowing reports which were adopted by the Council. ` CONDENSED ADVERTIS EM E.\'T.\". _;BAanu-:. ONTARIO- SCROGGIE 15:. SMITH. BUKUIS E'LA2'1'UN. x\L1l:.\ 1- Barrie Ont. Qfce in x\Ict`ar:h)'] my 4,1901. Head Otce. _ LONDON, E.\'GL.-\.\D SAM. J. PIPKIN, `'3 I13 O'ef_ -- ---:_':s' three monthl, Report No. 6 Finahce Committee recommended payment of several sic, counts, the largest of which was $11.70, to.Buchanan & Penstone. three monthly rate :26 iin3:r-`iInser- I I tionsi tionl .l3mos.;'6n'1os. I ___-_ Ctce. '1\n\' l.`\'l2I. 75| I500; ,_.__._. PRICE FOR ' rates quvtd 1 .f`.L`\fT `5e$4oo; `:3:-3 Boo F75 that will stop- nanent cure I! _ L-d according to ' Cough Powd- 51 .1, 93.... Report No.` 6. of the Roads and Bridges Committee recommended a grant of $50 to improve tow_nl_ine Essa and Innial between late one and two, seid .municipelities to supplement ; also $25 tovimprove aide reads between late 10 and I1, con. 9, Tecumseth, and $25 for 3rd and 4th con. aideroad Township Matchedash ; also 850 to improve Cold- water road in s. Orillia, and $20 to improve town line between Tecumseth and Gwiliimbury, south of Cookstown_ jr Block. HOUSE or REFUGE ESTIMATES. The Committee on House of Refuge submitted estimates? amounting to $5,- 000; The items were as follows :-- A` Salary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 9500 _ Repairs to buildings . . . . . . . 200 - Fencing... . . .` . . . . . . . . . 100 G-renolithio wa1k,........ 585 Fue1.. .... 550 Provisions and clothing . . . , V2500 Drnining. . . . . . . . . .` . . . . . .. 115 paid. a - Report No. ,9 provided for a grant of $100,to repair Nicholson bridge over N ottawasaga River; $50 to help open a new road between 2nd and 3rd con- cessions of Tay ; $85 to repair washout or main roadvinto Goldwater; $100 be given to ll in approaches to Old Fort bridge ;_also that grant made in report N 0. 8 January session be withdrawn, and that account` of Major Bruce for. commission work, `amounting to 86, be , av -1. -` . -- --.- ' In report No. 7 they` recommended that a deputation consisting of Messrs. Quinlan and Harvie wait upon the On- tario Government and endeavor to `get some assistance from them to repair or build a new bridge over Severn `River, knownas the Bennett bridge. They would also try before the next January meeting of thisfouncil to prepare some plangfor submission `to this `Council along the lines of Good Roads. Act passed by Ontario Government at their last session. ' H Report No. 8 contained recommenda- tions7for payment of several accounts, including $l00;for repairs to Bennett bridge, and'$7_5 for`Kirkpat.rick bridge bver Nottewaaaga River ; also $50 for repairs to bridge Over Mad River at Singhampton. J\ nun- Report No. 10 was that John Kirk- patrick, Sn,` be appointed` caretaker of the Kirkpatrick bridge over Nottawa- saga River at a salary of 810 per year. .~ 4l'o_l?_;_00lo.llj l.9"..`3e9;1._.f;_"tA'1-B'tl1 `Report No. 11 was as follows :- Eaving carefully oonaidereldv `motion of Mr. Whitebide we have inatruonqd the. Chairman of this Committee to gather all the information he can :wifh,1regard f .r9llerh-nnd 1902 tvow` cica-luau 4 . . ..$ 950 ybuildinga go walk. . . . . . . .. . Stan scaoon InUernns`Ar>Poiz$7ii'mn`: ..-iaa`An'rs non cotmr! wonxs. V . The business of the County Council was resumed on; Wednesday after the. adjournment caused by the death of the Wardens mother; and on Thurs`- hdsv nished work. All _members were present, minutes of the previous meeting conrmed and communications referred to respective committees r I IV! was Nnw ,3` `T ` The following was hand `V lav forgpgblicntion last week :{ I column willillie found an` advertisement asking` for tenders for the -specication_s~ hr` the building, Mr. `Baker, the architect, and Dr. W. A. VROII. made a trip to Montreal and ex- amined thee magnicent Hospital, the -`Royal Victoria, of A Montreal, which was largely given to Montreal by Lord Hospital. They also visited lthetown oi Cornwall, which, with its suburbs, this town there are two ne hospitals, the Cornwall General Hospital, costing about $25,000, and the Hotel Dien Hospital, costing still more money. The rst was established in 1897 and the latter Hospital in 1899. Last year `over 750 patients were treated in these two hospitali- newfospit-1.-.0 Bofqmoompletins the Btrathcona-and the Montreal General has a population of 9000 people. In At the manee on `Wednesday; at `Guthrie, by Rev. N. Campbell, Miss J ennet `Sampson, was married to: Mr. J amen Stoddart, both of Guthrie. l`he_ The bride was assisted by her sister Miss Tillie, and the groom was attend- ed by Mr. Mark Hunter. ` Alvery severe thunder storm passed Over this place on Saturday evening last with some bail and -a very heavy rain. `Mr. Jamea.Stoddart. e barn was. struck, but was not burnt ; it was pretty badly shattered, Mr. D. Brown had 3 ewe and lamb killed by lightning on the same (evening. A ' The Board are much. pleased with the plane and specications for the Hospital, and think, when the building is completed, the town will have a Hospital which for the size will be second to none in Canada. -Miss Stella Stanley and Mrs. Joe Johnston paid 3 visit to Hawkestone last: week. Un tho 18th inst.; at theresidenoe of ,Mr. Geo. Caldwell, Gilchrist, there was a pretty wedding, when his daughter Annie was married to Mr. Duncan Gilchrist of the same place 5 the care- mony was performed by Rev. N. Camp- Mrs. Mitcheli is visiting in Toronto at present, A ..' - n The garden petty at Mr. Sbanley a on Tuesday evening we; a declded suc- oeas. Ccpt. Whish, was appointed Col. Wsrd s successor on the Collegiate Institute Board without any opposition; Reports of various committees were adopted as follows :'-- ` V` REPORTS ON EDUCATION.` "Report.No.' 2. recommended that the` lam of $150`be paid to the Collingwood Public School Board to recompense them for their outlay in connection `with the Model School for 1900. Anten Mills. Advance Lorrespondence. Mrs. D. J acoba, of Barrie, Spent a few days last week with relatives hem. _- cu-- u -g... A "wedding took place in the Metho- dist church here last Thursday evening, when Miss May, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James _Muir, was united to Mr; D. F.~_Streb, of Cleveland, Ohio. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Ingram in the presence of a. large number of people. ,The brides- maids were Miss L. Pratt of the 7th con. Vespra, and - Miss Bella Muir. The groom was supported by Mr. John Muir, brother of the bride. After the ceremony - a large number of invited guests drove to the family residence; The happy couple left by the afternoon train on strip to various points in the St ates `before settling down in their new. home in Cleveland. L ' ' I M1-a..Henrv Dunsmur was visiting Mr. Jameai Ross; last week; ' V Rev. Mr. Jones, an American, wag visiting at Mr. Alf Caracaddeuh this `week. ` ' Henry Stokes liazd two of the ngers of his left hand badly smashed Ain -Knapp mill on Saturday. L 1 an Ae.Mr. Albert Brown and Ernest Carson were driving nown the 7th con. .near home, the horse suddenly shied and ran through the bueh, throwing both occupants out of the rig. Mr. Brown e shoulder was badly broken, the buggy smashed. The little boy, however, escaped withoutinjury. "Mr. and Mrs. J. M._Smibh, of Tor- onto, were in` the` village" last week, Mrs. Smith called on '3 number of old_ friends while here. `ter, `Mrs; H. Knapp. Mr. -Wm. Wilson` drove to >El.liot.t"s Corners on Monday `to visit his daugh- Miss. Flortmqe Shields, visited wifh friends in Alliatgn a few .daya; T 4. nion Sunday School excursion, of Stayner, New Lowell, and Angus, will be held on Ju`_ly 4011, to Chriatain ~I:sA_la'udVu_,:_ railto Oplliugwood, tuenoe by uvvu_.. Repo_rte1"Io. 4. recommended` the acceptance of the resignations of 'Dr.i Benton and 001. Word from High School Boards of Orillis and Barrie, respectively ; also that the Public School Inspectors report be published and that . the clerk should get from Inspector -Morgan the names and qualications of the teachers in his district. Miss Du'nsmur; of Oieveland, was home on a. visit last week.` and Mn. 1`. -vBI1'l'4itt,W0l`Q tender! Guthne. Advance Correspondence. :- unu- Advance Conespondence. 1pnnEnN_, .' ADvA_1~icE. '.: :4`! '*!!is *`*-'?:7" 2 -e, ha-f*%v59:ei1 `Mr. Bums. was presentedwith an ad , mnch in leaving. MI. and Mrs.` T. ; 'xx`*w"~ ,_ - with niiieie nndIpeebhel;' dress and no hnndsenge qilver_Te+_ Set by the Orange Brethren`. Mr. Barritt `replied in.auita'ble- terme, and said he would remember ihe people of "Angus- for their kindness tehim. He had been here 15 years and regretgvd vefy Bart-in let`: for their new home at Thornbury, on Monday. Everett._ Advance Lorrespondence. Our Orangeman have decided to celebrate in Rosemont, on July 12th. A number from here attended `the anniversary services in the Preaby terian church at Roaemont: on Sunday. On 'Wednesday evening of last week the home of Mr.` and.Mrs. Edward Emma was the scene of V a very happy group of people, the occasion being the marriage of their daughter, Laura to Mr. John Jory, _Jr, of this place. Both young people are highly respected and are wished a happy and prosperous journey through life'by all the com- munity. Mr. and Mrs. Jory will, in all probability, be residents of Dalston for some years. A number of Everett people went to the Model Farm on Friday, June 28th.! Sergt. Allen and private Jankinsre. turned from camp on Saturday evening. -- -r-r --- In report No. 5. the committee re. commended that the sum of $25 be' `granted to each of the following Public Sohoolvsections :-S. S. No. 12, Sunni- dale; S. S. No. 13, Sunnidale and Ves- pra ; S. S. No. 8, Tav 5 S.S. Nos. 9, 11 and l5, Orillis. Township ;` No. 12, Matchedssh. `The nancial statements of the dn`erent teachers Associations were found correct, APPOINTMENT or TRUSTEES. Report N o. '6 was as follows :-That* the following gentlemen be appointed trustees tor the Barrie, Collingwood and Orillia Collegiate Institutes-in this county, viz.,-That Commander Albert Whish, be trustee of the_ BarrieU.ol- legiate Institute for the balance of the term of Col. Ward resigned; and that George Moberly, Esq.,' be trustee of the Collingwood Collegiate Institute for the balance of the term of the late John Hogg Esq., and that E. C. Roper, Esq., be trustee of Urillia Collegiate Institute` 'for the balance of the term of Dr. Beaten, resigned. Mayor Hand -has isued a `proclama- tion declaring `July 12th, the civic holi- day of Everett. Many of our people speak ofvgoing to Allisten, on J uly let. A good time is ` expected thete- Good purses are held up and the speeding couteatg. fhould be good. Four pupils from our public school are writing on the `entrance exams. ih Alliston this year. We wish them every success and sincerely hope that they may maintain the standing of this school which has always been equal to any in Simcoe County. The union Sunday school picnic of the Methodist and Congregational churches was a grand success. One of themany attractions was a foobbnll match between the school boys and the Never-Sweats. The boys seemingly had it all their own way. Yellow Grass, Assa. T Advance Correspondence. Miss Pearl Mcann spent. a. few days at Sunny Dale. Mr. and Mrs, Willett Clark spent Thursday at PoughLBa1T-k._ n o Mr. Wm. Brown-hsgd his barn raised and is now having a stone foundation placed under it. A can A. g I u 0 0 n The sojoum amongst us of our pastor, Rev. T. Leonard, is drawing to 5 close. "Mr. Leonard s next etslaion is at Good- wood and he `is succeeded in this place by Mr._ Douglas. Mr. Leonard has labored faithfully for the past three years amongst the people of this pure and when tetirxng commands the res- peck and been wishes of many people that he has aided spiricuallv. `All the foremn and section men on the Souris line here are` on strike for higher wages. Mr. Geo. Flowerday spent. Sunday with Mr. W. Clark. it In No. 7 `they reported that onthe recommendation of the Council that the Chairman of this committee had at `tended the Educational convention in April where many useful ideas had been received.` It was recommended Chairman J upps travelling expenses amounting to $14.75 be paid. _ Gama BY FINANCE comulrrnn. The reports presented by the Finance Committee on Wednesday and Thurs` `day were as follows :- gw-'n 1 Au an ' ..I . A little girl has come to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willis, ` Tube home of Mrs. Wil1ett'UCla.rk,' ltose Bank Farm, was a scene of a -pretty "wedding on Wednesday, June 12th, when her daughter, Miss Mays McCsnn and Mr. T. Clancy were united A "in marriage, Rev. Mr. Squico, officia- ting. The bride entered th room on the arm of her stepfather, lotiing very pretty, dressed in white Bolero muslin and, white -satin, trimmed with white silk lace. The bridesmaid, Miss M. Smith, was also dressed in white, while` Mr. J as. McCsnn, brother of the bride, ably supported the groom. The pre- sents to thqbride were numerous and costly, ,We_ wish the young` couple much happiness in7 their V new home which will be Sunnygdele after their re- tur_n`from7`Regin_s othervpoints. . - Mr. Wilkin: ind and paid a. ying vgsit to Moose Jam Saturday. I The eroias inhis vicinity are looking I well since the recent rains and every- body thinke the wild west is alright. . in rrv - I Mrs. Toronto; is visiting hermothar, Mrs. Wilson. 7 clvusu 1\_;_.,_g:|__ I-l; I-_;. _--I.. E... v v -vu--' -.w-an--wv--, _- ...._..- Rev._ A. Iabell, colored evan`g_;lgt::`o;K6;; tacky, is holding a ten days camp-meeting in" Mr. Thomas? Luck : grbve. It Vwi_lvl' be .?9!1?*:"3.:=*h`5f"9'F- j Mr; William Partridgq left 13$ week for Weybnrn, Manitoba, to visit hi! non. Lewis. . o n "at n Dalston Advance Correspondence; Vhilvvnn -9...- Advance Correspondence. VCr'own Hm; . Reort No. 8 contained the recom- mendation that the usual grant of $25 paoh be made to to the respective . ;.7Farme,ra Institutes of Centre, East, . `West and South Simcoe ; also that _in applications for Farmers In"-' atitintes be entertained until a state- of the work done by the jInstitnte_ as of nancial statement` has r S at. \JI'lIZ"' Barrie. W ' A`ULT-; Banister. Solicitor. Proctor, Nouuy. o Conveyaucer, etc. Special attention an awing and probatung wils, obtaining letters 0l_ aaministgation .nd gu.a.rdi_anship, colecsing accounts, etc. Uthces. Ross` mock`. Bamc. Money to Loan. _._ OSS & BROKUVSVKI. Barristers, Solicitorsv Notaries, yunvxyancers, etc. Uices bank 0` '1oronto Buddnng. Barne. Branch Utce, Culd` water. Money tu.Luau. _ " `" ' ' " T. C. Bnoxovsm. nun-vs. _._-,.-. DONALD Ross. u..3. no-n__u, -_ _-__,, C. E. Hnwso. " Notary, etc. nun. arid Staynen Barne Building, Owen str_eet, R. J. ARTHUR ROSS, L.R.C.P. & S., Edin- burgh; M.F.P. 8: S., Glasgow, member of British Upthalmological Society. Specially.- Dlseases of Eye, Ear, Throat and Noise. OFFICE.--78 Dunlop Street, Sanders Block, Bar- Pns: Office and Railwav pin nnnna: fe R S. BROAD. M. D. C. M., F. T. M. C.. L. C. . P. S., 0., late resident Physician and Surgeon of Toronto General, Hospital, with special attention to Diseases of . Women, and Nose and Throat Work, also for some time surgeon m charge of Emergencv Hospital, Toronto. Oice and night residence- upstairs in McC.u'thv Block, 21 Dunlop St., Barrie, second door east of Dougall Bros. furmture warerooms-near Five Points. Phone 105. _ 29-ly ` R. E. L. BRERETON, Dentat Surgeon. Oice 1 . over Hambly's Hardware. Entrance, Owen Street. Out of to_wn _1st and 1rd Mondays of each month. ' _ ' 5x-Iv` n. IJIKJLV, .l_.l\I'Vl1l`4 FIJLVLIJ L\l 1.l\Il1L` ' . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Discounted. Collections made in any part of the County. Real estate bought and sold. Convey- ancing in all its branches. Marriage Licenses vissued. Ofce-Ross Block, Dunlop street Barrie. .4 :-Iv. c0UNc1[c0NClUBEs I I'\JI\ IL` VD.l.LVlI`4LV L 011 KUUQ _tre.eholdAsecurity at lowest rate of_ interest. Normcnpal money requnred until end of Man nan-n H, STRA I HV. Snlifnr. at 4; am: 5 per Cent. on _lnc security or goon {arm Mortgages. MCCARTHY. BOYS & MURCHI- SON. Dunlo Street Barrie. V ` ' T. BANTING. Clerk County ot simcoeiiil be at his ofce. at the Court House, Barrie, [every Saturday. Residence and P. 0. Cookstown. JAS. EDWARDS CONVEYANCER. At his oice until 5 p.m.; at his private residene, 68 Mary street, after that hour. xx-lv uva-an - -_ _ , , ters. Cohv on to McCarthy, ; Oioe-Mk:Catthy 1 J. A. MCCAR'IHY, I` llnu .___________________________..____ G TA. RADENHURST, Barrister, Attorney. . Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyancer, etc. Oiee-First door Owen street. over Bank ot Com- `"` =""`~ 4943- Ul11:--rlrag. ul merce, Ban-1e. " EWSON & cmzswxcxa, tors of the_ Sn reme Court Untatio, Proctors. L otaries. Money to loan. Ufces-'-Ross B1 A 111 1:1 ....... _. A` I '53 6 -V In report No. 4 they iecommended that the `customary grants of. $250 each be made to Coilingwood General" and Marine _ Hospital and Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie 5 that account amount- ing to 315 be paid Oollingwood Hospi- tal; that. the township of Sunnidale be required to reinburse the vcountv the sum of $15, `and that upon its so-doing the county should assume respionsibilituy for the maintenance_ of Mrs. Fernieat the Collinzwood Hospital until June 30, 1901, after which the county and township should. pay one-half esch. . Aswan :

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