Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 27 Jun 1901, p. 4

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01 per Aamum m Advance. `No new name will Be added to the Subscription Inllt until the money is paid. ' Iublcribere now in arrears for three months and our will be charged $I. per aunum SUMMER VISITORS COMING. The summer season is now with us.` and very soon ` we shall have summer `visitors with us. This is the time of the year then, that Barrie should be looking its best. Upon each and every citizen a duty devolves. That is to stand by the town. To stand by the town does not necessitate the preaching. from pulpit or platform the beauties of the town,_ or its advantages, or its sup- eriority over- other places. But some can help it in one way, some in another. Some have property in a state of lack- ing improvement. If those who have property would spend time upon it to make, it look nicethey would be doing. acmethingffor the benet of the town. A clean, well-kept lawn, a pretty bed of owers, all adds to the beauties of the place. _ Perhaps some painting `is needed. Let it be dcneat once. Perhaps you have an old fence that detracts from the good appearance of your place in general. If it would look nicer down, why not take it down now? "The writer has observed more. then oneof these eye-sorea, and is sure much improvement could be made in this regard. In many places the grass" is long at the sides of the sidewalks. Many of our sidewalks are none too creditable, though fortunately granolithicia grad- ually extending, and in the last few weeks some of our worst pavements havebeen replaced with cement walks. But ' it cannot be expected that this summer will see many more such pave- ments laid. -Then if you have a plank iidewalk in front of your place that a nail or two would materially improve ` don't be afraid to use a hammer for a lhurt time, and keep the grass in re- 7 Ipeotable condition. V _v These are some ways in which the appearance ofthe town can be improv ed, and which we are glad to say is` being improved, and if it isoarried on the work will make a favorable im- pression upon - our summer visitors. The town can he kept better looking too, if people would refrain from throw- in; paper and other waste matter upon the street. ' c ` There is still` another way in _which the `average citizen frequently has a chance to do something for the town. That is in showing courtesy to strong- ere. Perhaps someone is here for s `city or two, at a hotel, and a stranger. A It in -conversstion with such a person -be free in giving information about jirriee, and show him as much so pos-T :`*vs'ib1e`jot the "town. It frequently'hsp- T-in sjome" towns is-' ignition; and _ receives is short r"epl'y._ ' M0 @1i*nt*;h; . TB ' f d ' f on: the ` u.`n'.1 .'.`:a%Z'a ,`{.'c` . .`i':31'io..`i'="' ' pgg. . TORONTO 93" i - an - .. RvnnuI:-_ 7.58 mm. Gnvlsnnuuax _a nvsuu una- 5.87 pan. 3. p.m. *Ac1.n'ic' az`i*'acaac' Ex. 1.86 p.m. North Bay Mixed. 7.31 mm. xavanhuut mixed (south 0:11? 9.81 ." , COLLINGWOOD_ 854 MEA ORD. A ` 13.; mm. pan. . .m. I roll. . nan. ' PEN TAN9. . T- 11. mm. Accommodatpu. 5.32 pan. [.00 pan. Accommodatxon. 7.55 mm. ALLANDALE & BARRIE SECTION. BARR!!! 1'0 ALLANDALE. .' '33` `rah, 7.55_a.m.. arm!) `!ol5 um X036 p.|n., 2.13 p.m., 5.27 p.m.. 8.oo p.m. ALLANDALE TO BARRlB._ 1.50 I..m.. uao a..m.. 11.25 a.m., :`2.58 p.m., LIE BJIL. `all D.u|u 7:55 Damn 9-09 p.m. . " ' '10 1muu1s._ . I..m.. 11.25 12.58 1.18 p.m.. 5.12 31,111., 7.55 p.m.. 9.99 . IIIIII Illa rusuu uuu-u-u-anus. mu........ "DQilv. All other tra_inu Daily except Sunday. 31: ? 31.7.`. - "Riga?" ~ 11:55 3:3; [.18 pan. Muukoka Express 18.58 51.111. . Muskoka Express 1-88 pan. 1 98 pan -`Atlantic & Pacific 83. 3.03 pm. he evening Expren loaves Torontoiat 5.2:} . HAMILTON. ' - 1. `am: 8! IGBI. 90 P-mu I on ._ _ I all 11.38 n..m. IARRIE RAILWAY GUIDE. mm M PUBTRIE Teams or SUBSCRIPTION. TDKUNIU nun: Ex ten. 7.58 pan. 8.. .110 `cm. Aolnnl-in 8: Pacic El. 3.03 mm. vinyl 4 oodrteay to summer viaiborq, or viaiebra 1 .1 2_ _ 1*-.. LE. at `til-:1'e ,';;Io;_l-ug: *:V>'x1`:.a'Iiing `fo.r' town.' ' ' ' There, are many people` who"oo_me here who know not where. to seek. a place of quiet living. If anyone rents rooms or has aooomodation for boarders he or she should leave` such information with someone like the Town Clerk and the visitors would be grateful to have this facility. Tim ADVANCE will have allst of places for summer visitors to resort -to for information, and if .those who have acoomodation for boarders would leave their names at this oioe . we shall have pleasure in putting them on the lists. TAX RATE FOR COUNTY. 15 -MILLS- A. BUSY SESSION. T On Saturday the County Council. adjourn- ed to meet yesterday, out of respect for the Warden. whose mother died suddenly the evening before. Up to that time: the eeeeion A was a verv busy one. In the mornings re- a oommendatione were made to committee! ivhich met in the `afternoons, the evening session: being productive 301'` the most work by the Council as a whole. * ` ` _-__A_!_ ___....--__I-_A.!-.;._ -V y-- w---w..- ". On Thursday, certain communications ` were read and referred to committee and a. 7 number_ of recommendations made to the committees for consideration of certain mat- ters. The following reports were a.dopted:- ` 'D.\-nine '\Tn ` II` at-nnlnnn nnvnrndfj-an An INK! .l.uu IUIIVW nus nvyvs vu vv V513 uuuyuuu .- Report No. 1. of standing committee on 00 property recommending that the follow- ing tenders for jail `supplies be accepted,- J. B. Hogg, bread '2 cents per lb. ; J. B. Bisey, meat, with bone 5 cents per 1b.; J. B. Hisey, meat, without bone 10 cents per lb ; D. R. Murchison, butter and _other an plies, mm-mo-. Mn .0 `DI-nnnv-9-ul`.nrnrnh.fnn rnnnm; 1 E'e`;:):"t No. -2. :Proper_ty Cmmittee, recome mending payment of J. H. Wxllis accounts fqr $23.42. ' 1)-..--3 `T- 0 Dnnmnnuu ! 1...~..~.h-Lnip. Iunnnvuu nu. ozpaanta. .. . Report No. 3. Property Committee recom- ` mending that the tender of _ the Specialty : Co., of Toronto, be accepted, for `providing l ling devices for the County registry office at $2.10 per le with cases complete, work to be hnished by! Aug. 15. Mn .1:-H'nnw nunr A5 irnnn -nrivnmanr` UU I-IO uusuuuu U nu`. Au: Mr. Jeffrey, ayor of Midland, addressed the Council in refrence to the County guar- anteeing debentures of said town. ' run sanronn 13oNnsMiN.' t On motion of Mr. J upp, seconded by Mr. Bruce. it was ordered that upon Mrs. Hinds executing to this corporation aoonveyance of the right of way in common with adjoining proprietors over the lane from.Dunlop street to the Opera House. and the right of sewage as now enjoyed therewith that the Warden and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute a release of all claimsand demands under the seal of this corporation, and that the County solicitors be instructed to obtain such conveyance and give such release, and in the event of Mrs. Hinds not complying with the above, that the solicitor take pro- ceedings to recover upon the Sanford bond. 'li`-uinu onnrninn his pnnn' nr - Nfnrfnn uuuuluxu IV luvvvvl. uyvu vuv uwunvbu uvuun Fridav morning, Dr. Pulling,` Dr. Morton, Mr. A. W. Wilkinson and Mr. Fletcher V addressed the Council on the subject of San- ford : securities. On Thursday, the morning session was de- voted to `the referring of a few matters to committee, and at 7 p.m. the Council met again. Reports Nos. 4 and 5 of the Proper- ty Committee were read and adopted. both dealing with jail matters. The first was as follows :-That having asked for tenders in accordance-with Report No. 7 of January session, we have carefully considered tenders received. and beg to reocmmend- the accept- ance of tender submitted by Otton & Co. for $69, work to be completed before July 10th. Your Committee also, by resolution, instruct- ed Chairman to get some small necesssary repairs made to gaol, and also to purchase 6 pairs of handcuffs and 50 books of instruc- tions, dening duties of constables. It having been pointed out to your Committee that the roof of Court House needed repairs. "we have instructed Chairman to" ask for ten- ders for shingling the same. and for other necessary repairs around Court House. and we have also empowered him to accept of any satisfactory_ tender, or refuse all ten- ers.". " rm.- _.'....-.1 ......_s. ........ ufnl...4. -.-.-'.. ........ uuus. - _ ` _ The second report says. "That your com- \ 1 \ mittee _having to-day visited the ,ga.ol,4 we found everything in clean and satisfactory condition, reecting credit on Mr. Sieeons and thg matron. I11- _,.I A_I__L LL--- _..- _. _._.__._L' In _..:..~ ' --_-- MIEIIA IND ll IIIIU IIIHUIUIIIU Wend that there are at present 13 pris- oners, 11 male and 2 female; Four are "in- sane. (2 male and 2 female). Drunk and dia- orderly 2. assault 2, ahopbreaking and theft 2, and vagrant 3. v "Pl-an-{manna nun an-nah-Ina I-Amnvnl '7 urn` BUIVIIJH BUHUUIIUUB (ll-Ill H ulv uu bwuwruuu It seems a grievance to your commigtee that the insane prisoners should be detained for such a length of time in the County zaol, l'l|l]"I$ 1J'f\I'YGIl (\Y.1.`D`l3IFI'Tf1Il' Q, uuu VDSIDIIU Us l The -insane are awaiting removal, 7 are 1 serving sentences and 2 are on remand. Tb angina n an-hnynnnn tn Innnu nnmmif-fan l At the evening session Thursday. Reports Nos. 1 and 2 of the House of Refuge Com- mittee were read and adopted. The first one stated that at present there 77 inmates in the House, 60 males and 17 females. It specied what land was under cultivation, and referred to the new granolithic walk re- cently constructed there at a cost of $585. 'I`|m nnnnn rnnnrf. rlnnlf. with the Arnnnntn UDIJVIJ UUIIDDI uuvvu uuvnv III! (I vunv vs wuuvn The second report dealt with the amounts each or the local municipalities owed for maintenange of indigents_- sent there. Of these Barrie is the most indebted. the sum re uired from the town being $288 15. _ -. ~uunt=n-u A` In mk:6nn:Jnu unnnnnant` l.'U uuuu l.l.I.uu Uuv UUVIH UUIU5 wuuu AU. n motion oi Mr. Whitesides. seconded by Mr. Hammell,' it was ordered that the . Treasurer be instructed to pay on the order I of, he Chairman of the House of Refuge the ' mil age of anyvmembers of the Council who l might wish to yisit the House of Refuge any time before the first day of September, 1901. ROADSAND BRIDGES RE_1-"OR'I'S. - . Report No. 1 of the Committee on Roads and Bridges, read and adopted Thursday night. was as follows :-"That your com- mittee have consideredthe propriety of ag- e eointing a caretaker for the bridge over t ottawasaga River on the townline Vespra and Flea, and would recommend that Gideon Miller be appointed such caretaker at a sal- ary of $10 per annum, payable yearly, and` for such pur one-herewith` submit the accom- panying by- aw. The by-law provides for cap ointment and s ecies duties. ohn Black was ikewlse `appointed care-, V taker of the bridge over Bo no , River on townline Tosso'rontio_and Murmur .at`a sal- ar ,oi~8;5perannu m. "- - \ 4a-iu-5 A 9 `n--- 1`-QQAQA nah i`; II" III PU` uuuuluu _ eporb No. 3 was passed at the F1-`ids session. In thin the committee reoommen - ed the no further grant: ova:-and above the $3600 set aside as the January union for mid: and bridgeubevmade at this. union. `ll: _4 by statute to make. L , . fepmft N . 4~'roq9mm6nded ppymgngof _a_. excning for such re;/aalrl in _:thoy w_o'9 ob-, THE CUUNTY Cllll. THE JAIL SATISFACTORY. THE HOUSE OF ' REFUGE |'|l0'|'0 SUPPLIES I IV I-UIVUI JIIIQEU WEI CK|UvU|le LU I"VUI.II' inendedthet theibrid e. petitioned for by 3 large` number in the ooality. be not built; over the Wye River at Wyebridge, as it was unnecessary, an the old bridge with little ex- penditure could he made safe for public travel for {number of years. The expenses of the committee were $24. 85. ll- _.-a.2-.. -5 ll-. I\..S..I.... .-.........I-.I 1.... _ofe'5[II Iell- um. menu; `$132 -- Adopted. . T The report of the Special Committee on River Bridge was addpted. It recom- nvuann `flunk kknlknann nu!-`DI:-unt` `nu kn n IDI III! VUIIIIIIIUUWV WC`? W300! - On motion of Mr. Quinlan, seconded by Mr. Jupp. it was ordered thet G W. Bruce be placed on the Education Committee in glace of of R. J. fhorpe, and that the latter e placed on the Roads and Bridges Com- At the Fridav session," Mr. J upp presented Report No. 1. `of Education Committee which was adopted. It was as follows: "That we have had before no an account of Collingwood Public School Board in "respect to amount paid by said Board to their Inspector and would recommend that this Council pay the Public School Board `of Col- lingwood the sum of $70 in full payment of the Inspector : salary up to Jan. lot, 1901.` Tn urnnl clan vuannrnrnnn 1-Junk 4-his l inn-um- UIIU LIIIIJUUUUI D DCICI My UU UCI-Is LII! LUVLI We_ would also recommend that this Coun- cil supplement the grants -made by the Ontario Government to continuation classes . in this County and the Treasurer be authoriz- ed to pay the same. Thunuunk ting nntiann Anni-K A; Mr: Wn:nhh VII EV UIIU UGIIIUO Through the sudden death of Mrs. Wright at Penetang. Warden Wright was absent Saturday morning, and Mr. J upp was chosen chairman. . nn_- mg_-__-_ r4-___._'_2.L-- __._'.I_ :1... _-_-_;. VIIDII Illllu The Finance Committee made its report giving `schedule of the equalization of the assessments of . the municipalities of the County for the current year. This schedule we append to this report of the Council. `Rana:-I-. Wu 9. nf. that Winnnnn nnmmittnn VI-III UV IIIIIU 5U UIU UI UIJU \JV|.IIlUllI P I Report No. 2.of- the Finance Committee was alsoread and adopted, giving the esti- mated reoeiptsand expenditures. The sum of $48,962 52 is asked '-for. To raise the sum will require a rate of 15 mills on the dollar. THE OPERA HOUSE SALE. The Committe re Sanford reported as follows :-'- llmL_`L -2--_- 1-..; _-__2-.. _ LL- IV _ . _ _ -3! I-UIIU W B i"- That since last session of the Council your committee advertised for sale or lease the Opera House, Barrie, and received the following offers therefor : FOR LEASE. 1. Harry Lindley $375,payable half yearly. `2. ,W.' L. Veir and C. R. Ssnagan. $360 per year for 5 years. ' Q _T:-Jan Dncnnli Qqn nan want: `not Q nu K IIIVUIIUI I- .lt had been resolved on the previous-day that when the Council adjourned on Satur- day it should meet on Monday at Penetang, but on motion of Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Quinlan it was ordered that out of res- pect for the sudden sorrow which had over- taken .His Worship, the Warden, in the death` of his mother that the Council adjourn until Wednesday. 26th inst. at 2 o'clock, in the Council Chamber, Barrie. and that all resolutions of the Council inconsistent. be- rescinded. J. Frank Jackson, PVC VWWI LU` U yclilo 3 John Powell $300 per year for 3 or 5 years". V - 4. W. P. Lewis $205 for a. year. 5. J. F. Craig and Grant Hanmer $200 per veer ; `an of the above without taxes. 14`..- O-`an vnuunnknnn O-lacuna`:-um . Ila.-u I :vur` nu U EVE UV!-[Vs The Committee recommended that Harry Lindley s offer be accepted, and a by-law governing tzhevssmewas read three times and passed. On motion of Major Bruce seconded by Mr. Murphy it was ordered that the sympathy of this Council. be extended to His Worship, the Warden in the and bereavement he had just sustained through the death of his mother. IL LA I. _ _ _ _ . _._I.__J __, .L_ ____..E__,;_ J.-- pg` Ygwl II `II IILIU UUVU VVIKIIUILII UIIAWHQ For the purchase therefor :-Harry Lind- ley $4000-$500 cash on the_exeoution of dead, balance secured by mortgage payable $400 per year with interest on the balance at 5 per cent. Imkn f1nn-uh`?!-Van rnnnnnvnnnnt` un-. "aura The following are the amounts of assess- ment for the various municipalities, as equa- lized from Schedule A.ia.nd hnally'adom2ed : Adjala. . . . . . . . . . . . . Essa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F103 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Innisl . . . . . . . . . . .- . Medonte . . . . . . ; . Matchedash . . . . . . . N ot;tzawa.saga.- . . . . . . Oro . . . . . . . I . . . . . ; . Orillia Tp . . . . . . . . . Sunnidale. _. .A . . . . . .. Teoumeeth . . . . . . . . Tinv . . . . . . . . .. V. .. . Tay. . . .; . . . . . . . . ... Tosaorontio . . . . . . . . Vespra. . . . . . W. Gwillimbhrv. . . Alliston . . . . . . . . . . . Bradford . . . . . . . . . . V Barrie. ; . . . . . . . . . . Beeton . . . . . . . . . . . . Collingwood . . . . . Midland. . . .' . . . . . . 0ri1lia...:....L .... .. Penetang, . . . . . . . . . Staynerg. . . . . . . . Tottenbam . . . . . . . . Greemore . . . . . . . . Penetanguishene, .June _23.-V--One of the most` severe storms in years, of wind, thunder and lightning, with bail and rain, passed over this place Satur- day afternoon. Four children in James Wright's house, on the Ordnance Re- serve were struck. One had her shoe torn o` her foot. Two were 0. A. Nett1eton s children and two Mrs. Wright r. A` dog, which was lying between them, was instantly killed, and thechair on which one of the Nettleton children sat was smashed to atoms. The house took re, but the re was extinguished before much - damage was done it it. , A _...`._.'.. ......... ' A-u1v=-an n Lanna A .........,,.. ...... ...._- .- ... l A young man, driving a team 0 horses with a heavy wagon, had a very narrow escape. A tree fell across the hind end of the wagon box, and de- molished it and the hind wheels. A number of houses lost panes of glass. . Mr. N ord heimer s and A. Smith s were most unfortunate in this respect. ' The wind blew the bell tower off the Public school and did damage to a number of orchards in town. N o fatalities so l far as heard. The storm blew down James ,Ayhug s barn andunroofed Geo. 0undy sstable. . ~ Olerksburg, June 23.-Mr. Joseph Sane was driving to this place from his home` in Euphmie township, and com- ing down a hill ghe neokyoke came off, causing the [horses to run away. Mr. Stone was thrown infront of the wheels and theloeded wagon over him with fotllreeulte. * . ` Muni<:.ipalitv. l_AMu:L wssuzv. Paopjanaronj KILLED Nl;:A_R OLARKSBURG. LIGHTNING AT PENETANG. EDUCATION AN FINANCE. a Q on i11i:}{6u'r'y' I 3 rd II -RESOLUTION OF SYMPATHY. EQUALIZATION; 'Q;ia;eEX..IJ 11 1x;;y0.1 1 I I. 1 s1,39`:5o4 $2,097 75 ` ' 2,270,871 3,406 30 1 1.S92,`. .62 2,838 39 2,400,601 3.600 90 1,553,898 2.330 85 1 `IKE nnn 00`) 0Q 31.363304 1.s92,262 2,400,601 `I KR ono 155,902 3,199,914, 1,953,322 1,247,349 1,055,200 2,533,179 1,1l7.046 _ 1.027.823 923,475 1,297,548 1,678,085 378, 123 283,397 1,719,461 162,801 1,369,164 631,458 1,382,089 444,529 239,622 163,083 162,475 ' _233 35 4,799.37 2,929 93 1.871 73 1,532 so 3,799 77 1.675 57 1,541 74 1,385 22 3 1,946 32 2,517 13 567 18 425 10 2,579 19 244 21 2,053 75 947 19 2,073 13 .666 so 359 43 244 62 243 72 W in 1a R 3-3{1TiiWTiiaiiwa nE|5:'a1 '1"1a'm3"Bo3-3:s3aa3oua3v.a y an-\-n.. AH Ml... tuning Dnv mmant Sundnv. _e_;__A;A_n4-_A_n__A_A;;4__AA|! A 'Stavnen-. . . ...... . . ~ Brentwood. . . New Lowell . . . . . . Angus....... Utopia. . .. . . .. Cofwell . . . . . . . . . . . Alla...)-`In UOIWCII .. Alla.ndaJe........ Vine.._....... Thornton... . .. Cookstown. . . . . .1 |Frawlay & Munro. Sole LLoca1_mnt. v:ry%specia1%ssaeofdress The Bargain King- cheapest In Barrie- `Sh/res Snows with the People. mualins, dress skirts and summer blouses Big diacountg. , ' 2 4 I ! (2 gvxvg ., Say, we talk this week on Corsets._ ' The corset is an ill'tl\'ll``n you can easily be deceived about in buying. _WeAclaim that our corset offerivigs are themost v;u'ie:.l and arms- tive in this neighborhood. 4 We ll not press the claim, however, `without asking it to lw .~:u~- mitted -to your judgment. VA Please call in and .see our corsets. Yo'u ll nd variety e11ouj__:lx to give you wide choice--and, what s more, you ll nd the price asked my uuassuming. 10 to 30c saved onvevery pair. A A few names of the styles in a stock of 1400 pairs areappciillml. D. & A. ; N. P. ; E, T. ,' Wraye; Crompton ; Parisian. Stmigln fronts, loi1g,_ short medium waists ; Belfast natural form ; Ferris \v9`s`t6 2 Bicycle and Athletic corsets : Flexible hip ; many others. it We re not exaggerating when we say that its a case of saving 10 I0 20 per Cent. in buying your corsets at the Cash Store. So it is along the line of summer need-ables. VVe have new things in every department and the most wonderful bargains we ve ever shown- ;Would you care for a few quotations 2 IRWIN ' ' A fairly `good Corset made of strong Jean for 25c. The regular 50c lines in all sizes we sell at 40c. We sell a Corset made of the best Jean with Sateen St:-u1=>`fH V Side braces, equal to anything sold elsewhere, at 75c for 50c. -See our Special line of Straight from. Corsets at 50c. S _ Seelthe Stylish Athletic Short Waist Corsets for young wouwn > "ii-Ir: NORTHERN AnvANc : `You pay $2.00 for the Belfast Natural Form Corset at other swI`<.`-*5 we sellthem at $1.50. . All the usual $1.00 lines of corsets in all lengths and sizes of b_t`_S1 Jesn,-Coutile cloths with lace and Ribbon trimnngs, we sell for NC` For .90c and $1.00 youccan buy here the Standard $1.25 grades of .corse_ts in a dozen makes. A In Summer Corsets wehave high grade lines worth 50c for 371.6, 31.00 quality for 75c, $1.25 quality for 900. The Ferris Waist for children sells generally at 90c, we sell it for '55. . V . In sizes .18, l9=snd. 20, we have Corsets sold for-$1.00 and $1-25 V 9.... In- 50c pair. for 462. We have as`1arge a stock of Cofsets as any two stores in Barrie, and our prices are always the lowest. Good Goods Easy Pr-ices Courteous Service V A 8 Page 48 column Newqpapo In Publiuhed from the Oice, :33 Duulop Stx-eat T Birth. in the Countv of Simcoe. the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada. every Thursday Morning. by

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