'n}"FB3i"e'$55;ive. We ad 'ust them s) that they are perfec y adapted to the features. G`:-lad. to see ovur old friend, Mr. J .' Nlulroy, with us again after a long ab- sence. A 9 .. ` ` M}.u0ampbell.hu set up a saw mill on the thirteenth -concession, near the lake." ` wheat; white........ `yknaf rnrlm Are Fashionable Not invisible but nearly so. The? can be made up with either solid nun`) 1211-4! lqnonnuuuonl-A` l QIAAX` g` Mrs. G. Oowae, `of Pickering, is via- iting her brother, Mr. J amen O'Neill. Bin Bay `Point. Advance Conespondenee. Mrs. -James Guest, of Barrie, was viaitng Mrs. John Sonlea lutweek. A OII Miss Maggie Mull-of npnt Suday with. friends in Ogo. ~ Mr. J. and Miss Mary Barrett, of Midhurat, spent Sunday with Miss -Lizzie Obrrigan. T V I- . `The above represent a fewof oer nest grade of Shoes and those who ~;jq1'e interested in lower prices, ranigivg from $1.20 to 75c, will nd ?values_that - \ not -be equalled outside this store, Satisfaction or money refunded is our Rimless Glasses D. H. MacL{\5EN, -!__49p9- 3-4! Newtonv Robmaon. Advance Correspondence. Miss Clara Nixon is home for vaca- -oavvw A-mull. lnli IIAIU. 2951.59 Ill -"i`oronto Marketa During the Wee . Scientic Optician, Mlo|.AREN S DRUG STORE. BARBIE. Toronto Farmers Market/3. Toa_oN'ro. Jun :8, mm. white....................... 3 7oto S o redw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . _ _- 'Hn 'n 1-an mains. Mame Vma Bums. jun to, I90! IannnIOOOqps I E `I2 .--------.. .-... '1 -%T'1:;gtm.< do---. 1 oo.___ 70. www- 75.... IE..__' ,. .47 l 1!`) .You may ndhis week the nevfest midsummer New York fancies in T:-inw med Hats. The very late notions--also a line of exceptionally, desirable hu- gains in white and colored sailor hats. Just the thing for the present and Com- ing month. 3"sallo r I-lat $`pec|aA|s: Anotl-1er lot of Men s and price . . . . . . ......... . . . . . It was reported around town that Ringling Bros. were negotiating for the purchase of the village cow. There is no truth in the storv, however, and MEN s STIFF AND SOFT FELT Hus in all leading colors, such as black, brown, light drab and pearl grays, newest shapes of 1901, worth from .~`1..:'>1jn [5 $2.25, all put at oneprice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A_--L,__,`I,A D ]l-,,)_ __,J I'I__7L `I'.`,IL `IT I I1 `I By general --consent the , best Men s and BY 3 C1tl8 _St_>re in Barrie. This reputation so well estabhshed, envlable and to us very gratlfylng, has been earned by the excellence of goods offered, our styles and t, the moderate prices asked, and on merit generally. All these po1nts_ are now more than eve, accentuated. .We quote you 9. few. They are~Barga1ns. Don t mxss t.hem_ Our Men s Furnishing Department is mostocotnplete and thoroughly u1;.t(_ date. See our underwear, white and colored shlrts, collars, ties, glgves, etc A LUCKY HIT made last week in the purchase of a line of M en s Felt IL,- at one half their real value enables us to make a special offering during the next few days, or while this lot. lasts. ` In Our Mllllnery Rooms S. S. excursion to Christian Islands on the 27th inst. ! $303 l $3.50 Bltys a.`man s- suit equal to the best that can be obtained at $9.00 to - $10.00. All wool tweeds and imported solid wool worsteds, dark [and light colors, best makers productions, nest trimmings, for... 4--- Ladies Summer Shoes! Mrs. Bell,Mt& Ssuyner, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Bush. sation about here last week ; Mr. Frank Arnold, of Ivy, had two heavy horses stolen on the morning of the 13th inst. ; the g perpetrator about three o'clock in the morning took theseihorses, cart and harness and was seen passing through Angus about ve o clock, a.m., Thurs- day ; tracked as far as Tory Hill. he could not be traced any, further. Telegrams were sent to many places to look out for the horses and on Saturday, -Mr. . Arnold received , message from Chief Police, Uollingwood that his horses ';1r__e`rf:cslight between. Stayner and Dun- ] . . . `Horse stealing created quite a sen- 1 A`-Eli`e3`tliid nspedgwhen he saw a Men's Heavy Wool Tweed Suits,` both double breasted and S. B. Secs, lined with good Italian linings, well tailored, perfect tting garments. Special. price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lj jg K 3.6 pairs of Men s union vtvool tweed pants, strongly made, to be had . in all sizes ; a real goodknockabout pant for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boy's Suits, sizes 22 to 28-, $1.00 and upwards. I `Boy s Suits, sizes 29 to 33-, $2.50 and upwards. Mn`=_.Fvt"'#h+'n-3 Men : Felt Hats Go to liredford onthe 12th of July, there you will see a grand parade of the Orangemen, in which the brethren of this town will occupy no mean place in` the ranks of the noble order. Our town and vicinity was largeiy represented at the circus, Barrie, on Saturday. Should another show of the kind visit these parts we can close up shop, for everybody will certainly go._ o THE DOUBLE STORES. , FRAWLEY & DEVLIN, Mr. T. Smith and Mr. Booth, of Barrie. conducted services in the Meth- odist church on Sunday night-. It is about three years since Mr Booth was here last, and his many friends were glad tohear him. an A .n 11- AI Lot No. 1--Worth-'45c, and 50c. for. . . . . Lot No. 2-Worth 75c. for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lot No. 3-Worth $1.00 and $1.25 for... . . . PROBS :--.CONTINUED WARM DURING J UNEAND -JIULY. The prevailing fashion permits a man to dress in taste nd style without .~m`i, cing his comfort. If you are undecided as to what you want for warm weath-r wa-.t'.'. come in and consult our REFHIEEHATUR LINES In Mews Outrmg SIm3rts,Negh'ge Shirts, D. Flannel Suits, I/ustre Coats, Silk Coats, K001. 21 KLOTHES HUNTER BROS. ' Its not how much money a man may pay for his clotlu-s that 1n:1kv~' him well dressed, but it's what he gets for his money at `aqua u-in Advance Correspondence. F RONT STREET.BARRIE. BARRIEL, ONT. You always get th?-M0813 of the Best for the Least U The Ladies Aid of the Methodist church are holding 9. garden party at the parsonage on Tuesday, J une 25th.` A good program is being arranged and everybody` present; will be assured of having a good time. ? II Boyg Felt Hats blacks and colors, special 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c_ the `constable coming. Mr. A330 went for the bores and brought. them home none the worse for their outing. ` (-}`r(;:o:a, of Angus, visited J09` Hookridge this week. .Miaa Bessie Lennox has f`5`"'d home from Allandale. ' `Mina Kat-foot, of Mineainz Wd:l;f guest of Mrs; McDermot 911 5 p Tjnn- dalfl Mr. Jim. Hockridg is visiting in '_ Angus. Fall wheat is looking well in this vicinity. nun. _ f\A 1 _ vv-' "' u_.... w. u-mun vu A.I.I.vIJVl'-V d a Mr. and Mrs. A. CamPb f E en vale, were th guests Of M : "d Mm Pal'l_' on Sunday. 7 _ G1 I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Adams ` ` well sud Mr and MW` Wm Bust, -W Sand`! "` "`"' .---..-._,. Miss Emma `Parr visited in Colweu last week. _ W. -A. Hockridqe spent Sund? "1 Allandale, t Wellington Hodgins, of Of`): Pen `Sunday here, _ hr Mina Olive` Hobson is vismg 9 parents in Barrie. q 13,- Grentel. Advance Correspondence. L. Johnston spent Sunday in `fallen- , Du ck Tro u.~'0r.~'. zts, C'9'ash Coats. {Tuna 20, _ Mr. Barry Gregg has purchased Mr. Ben Webb's house` and has moved the some down to his lot. He will use it for the back of his house, and the front will be solid ' brick. 1901. The Armenian lecture on Wednesday evening last was fairly well attended. Those present were much interested in [the lecture and learnedfmany t-hinge." `-`_I_Sl[rs'.V{Rev.) Geo. Peacock, of Fort. Francis, is-visiting Mr. and Mrs. C`. R. Peacock and family. ` . Rev. R. J. D: Simpaonnud wife spent 9. few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wallace. T While in Toronto attendinqconfer-A enco Rev. B. McKee preached for Rev; Dr. Armstrong Black _in St.` Andrew's church. o _ Mr. H. Young, W. P. of Eugene division S.O.T., will be a delegate to the convention of the Dominion Alliance, to be held in Toronto. i Mrs: Drory, of Toronto, is yisitimz her sister, Mrs. Wilson Forbes, for 8 few days. ' ` 1 cu - ,. .'.g " Ming; Hughe was thguest of 1181' cousin, Miss F. Hughes, 101- a few days this week. ` - The ladies - of St. Andrew's Presby- terian church held a garden party last evening. ' up I\ all! Surouq. Advance Correspondence. Mrs. (Rem) "McKee ievis parents in xbridge. 1-; 'l\ - 'I'| _ I Q, __l_, Rev. Percy Peacock is stationed at Gordon Lake for another conference year. Dr. Evans` went to Toronto on Tues- pdey morning to attend the medical council. - Shun Finery FRAWLEY & MOIIRE {BI1I'I'%|OL _I___ Slljoo VLe%a%qo rsA. is. visiting her $1 35 90 % you snwvurna 5 u -:4.-v Misses E.-j;cobs and A. Livingstone; ` of Mtneaing, visited here on Sunday. __ - 4-u ` Mr. and_]'VIra. A. Campbell were'via- } iuing in Colwell and Grenfel last week. I "'Q'uaT fizmir of young menhjom bere attended the bgarn raising at Mr. J. MMasLer a Utopia, on Monday eve- Edenval. Advance Correspondence. _ Mist Gracie Gilchript. visited in Bar- rie lbat Sunday. ' ' ' II`__ ___`I `IE2-.. `Il'2I__. __2_a-_! l.`-!-__.I_ -......_. .v..------_, u -Mr. and Miss Miles` visited friends 3 in "Guelph last week. T lK':_..-.. `D 17.--]..- -...l .A I 2_2_...L-_-' V vuvu --u`.-uvqv v n-I\qn- ""3423. W. K.7J.i.bfaEg an? Im}I,"'1aoy, .uf Chicago, U.S.A,, are the guests of Mrs. Holme_s. .--..B . I The trustees of S.S. N 0. 13 have em- ployed Mr. D. V McFarlane [to erect the new school-house. "He will commeuce F work at the building immediately. Mrs. Foster, of Baxter-,; called on friends here last week. ` ` Mrs. W. J . Holmes visited ` friends 3 in Glencairn last week. ` Mr. W. Ularke, of Brentwood, was 7 in this vicinity last week. _ ` `K- 'I'\ .__.IIl'.'_.. T 'B-_L-._ -1)__.l_ sole, warranted solid strictly up to date,warranted thorough- ly reliable for hard wear,_ sizes a 2% to 7. Special . . . . . . . . . . .$l 20 Ladies Fine Vici Kid Ox. Shoe, Kid. lined,.hand sewed sole in ' three different shapes, J. 85 B.` I ' Bell make, very nest shoe made, no better` 81:83.00, all sizes and widths, Special price; 2 25 Ladies Vici Kid Ox. Shoe; Kid lined, Kidbip, mode turn sole, also heavy sole suited lfggilress or street, walking ._sbh`A , all sizes, very newest shape's}ea.`sily` ' T worth $2.25. . Special... . ; . , .l. 1 75 `Mr. Lefroy, proprietor of Ladywood, ha: withdrawn his consent for the use of his grounds on picnic day. that was to have been. A Therefore the teachers have decided that there will be no school` picnic this year. We think they are perfectly justified in so doing, as they cannot get `control of any other grounds this .year. The owners of Sandy C we will not give up thereon- trol of the-grounds fur picnicfday under. any consideration, and some of the teachers have said emphatically that they will not allow their schoolf to at- tend a picnicunder the some circum- stances as former years. -..J ..-..- . W ]`)'.';1d Miss J "I:`;;ter, of Bahda, visited friends here on Sutiday last. .`.._ TIT I7'._._.__I_I:__- ___l -__ 1)-... -aljglluthe Sebbath schools in town have ` been invued to go with Knock on their annual excursion to Orillia. It is quite likely that a large number willtake in the trip. Knock and Kellyleaghwill kick football in Orillia. At time of w;-iting we cannot say whetherour baaeball club will go or not, but the probabilities are that they will. those who had hoped it was true, only find their hopes thus dashed to the ground. ' - All .1_. a'.u_-;n. __L_.I_ :_ ..-__._ L--- West Grenfel. Advance Correauondenqe. Exclusive Styles LEV &. M003 E, V One of our young men got into rather a queer box on the circus grounds on Saturday forenoon. just because he looked like another person. Two men accosted him and told him they were detectives and they wanted to have a talk with him. The young man took _a companion with him in caseof trouble. They asked him` a number_ of questions, which he answered satisfactorily and proved to them that he was nott-he man that they wanted. , Everyone remembers the great strike a year ago of the G.'1`.R. trackmen. It is now the turn of the (}.`P. R. trackmen to quit work. A statement` was given out by the men to the effect that for Sunday work a new regulation reduced their pay to half aa day instead of _a whole day as formerly. This Superintendent Timmerman says is mislead- ing as the regulation referred to makes half a day's pay the minimun allowed, .but that the men are paid in full for all the time over the half-day that they work. nn Mnnnn than at-o-=1 ; AC 61-.4; I` D 'D L--.J- `U110 uwIA`ulJ huwll ouvy W II! On Monday the strike of the C.P.R. track- men from the Atlantic to the Pacic was inaugurated at 6 o'clock. The committee- men who are in Montreal claimed they had received advices from all parts of the line indicating that 95 per cent. of the men had obeyed the order of the committee declaring a strike. Mr. S. Stephens attended the horse races at Stayner on Friday. His horse, _Young Nottingham," took first in the named race. He had an awful lot to contend with, for, it is said. that in the second heat one of the drivers struck his horse over the head three times with a whip, but it was of no use, Young Nottingham was bound to win. This horse shows a ne burst of speed. There were five horses _in the race. `VJ I 30 L' 4 Toronto. T Achenge in `the G.T.R. `time table went into effect on Sunday. V L 0. L No. 432 meets t_o night (Thurs- day) in the Orange Hell. ' . Mr. W. Heard-has moved froth Charles street to the sixth ward. , V_ V . . Law`l-er hip'pod two out-`loads of hogs to Toronto last Wednesday. II'.. 1!? A 1`\_A,I, .II I C - - -- An Allandale "preacher ma_de_a good point on Sunday evening He was speaking of the awful practice of swearing, so common in our midst, and said, at the late baseball match between Barrie and Allandale the club which used the vilest language and swore the hardest, layed the poorest and of course was badly eaten. Verily it does not pay to follow satan even while you ulav baseball. A meeting washeld recently` in Midland to discuss the advisability of having a hospi- tal in that town, and an effort will be made to procure funds for `the erection of one. There are more accidents there than in most towns of itssize and last year there was con- siderable fever and infectious disease, so that the need is felt of some proper acoomodation for the care and treatment of patients. Barrws . south-Western Division. with its Pleasant Streets. 1teoTa"stv DWBH9 ince. its Pretty Churches, and its Go- a-head. People w1ll Entice Settlement --A Weeklv Record of its Dolnxrs. in-.7 vi `A'.*'i>LQ1]1i'f.;;'.;v'd into Mr. Thorns : house on Cumberland street. 15 -1 our - u 'On Friday last a meeting was held at Oro for the purpose of appointing delegates to the Conservative conven- tion at Orillia on the 25th inst. Mr. Raikes, who is Vice-President of the County Conservatives, was chairman, and pointed out the desirability of having a representative delegation, as it was likely there would be a contest for the candidateship for the seat of East Simcoe in the coming Provincial elections. V The chairman of each of the- seven polling divisions of the Township of East Oro were delegated to attend, and that.ea_ch one should" see that seven others from his division attended, mak- ing 56 in all from East Oro._ The con- vention was ist announced for the 26th inst., butwas changed tcthe 25th inst. . The chairmen of the polling.di- visions are :-'9-I-Frank Ball. Barrie; D. Beath, Dalston 'R.iHutcheson,_ Edgar ; w. 0. .wi1son,W1l:g.:ao;oi;i .WInl.gFoater, Hakstune 1; f iiralin :B`Ii'I.|h|Tu`|'v.- -. J51`- 3+l9""9`i` rth`- - _.-__ '- -----vvuuvunnio IIVIVWUI 1 Wm. `V-Waldru`,. of Bradford, was visiting friends in the 6th ward on Sunday. Mk. IA n.......... .1 13...... Its, Mr. and Mrs. Robert `Dickey, of Rose- mont, were visiting with Mr. Dickey : sister, Mrs. J.VC. Morrison, Painawick, during" the past week. vt$`Rai1road boys appreciate the Barrie Steam Laundry because their, work is care- fully attended to. No extra charge made for repairing. Phone-55. MLLANDALE wumumnsT1 __..-__. _v---- -- --v win. It GDQI VII KIIIIELKJO I Mia: Murray, of Bruce Mines, was visiting her. brother, Mr. D. W. Murray, this week." 1 jstewart, of Bradford, spent Sun day in" Allendale, the guest of his daughter, `Mrs. E. Sheer. - Meehe1:-A'."i;aton,.while shing at the Al- landale wharf on Monday evening, caught 9. ne black been weighing 21lbe. `if..- `ml_'--.1 -2 n1_,, . , --._ -_.` - -'--v, -v--v:-nu Meears: on. Young and W. Watson sank, in excellent: style, a. duet. God is Calling Yetg in the Methodist church on Sunday Wm. Theme and family left on Wednesday of last week for L9. J on1:a.,'Ca.li- fornia, where Mr. Thorne -has a. situation on a railroad. A Mr. Chas, Hamlin has received the posi- tion of parlor car conductor. running daily from Toronto to Penetang and return. Con- gratulations, Charley. M `I I - ' " 1}; in promoted to pas- senger conductor, having charge of the Mus- koka. express, to run to Muakoka wharf. Mr. D. McDougall is his baggageman and_ Mr. [James Morrow, brakeman. `-I4;-. l1l_-.I-- nlA__--n_ can G -- -__v -._.-- 7.....- v- -vavg--v-v avvu awn `Mr. John Little, who was on duty at the gates crossing on eSaturda.y, had a very busy time of it attending to trains and the long procession of vehicles wanting to cross the track to go to Barrie, but he was equal to the occasion and did hisduty well. Mr. Hamlin says he never saw so many rigs cross the track in one day as did so on Saturday ` last- ITIrTa.T Torohto, has taken up her residence for the summer months in Mrs. D`A|t9n Mc'Jarthy a house, Tollendal. II_..-..._ 1-- '11`, I 119 can , For Choice Family Flour and all `kinds of Feeclgo to Wllklnuonu. All orders delivered promptly In any uantllyy Pleane leave your orders `at `I e` Mill Olllee or Telephone No. 23. ' "If" `I I T Tan: RAILWAY CENTRE or THE "FUTURE CITY. ' - HOSPITAL FOR MIDLAND. CONSERVATIVES O1" OR0. ;Frank BIiirton is visiting friends in to. A 'rR_.A'o_KMn: N ON STRIKE. NORTHERN .ADYA'ivon. Mr; Frank Nixon. of Toronto was calling on friends here last week. up you run`..- .- u. -- - tic; MJW.H.McI.e11aud, of Bradford, visited his cousin Mrs. Jae. E. Holt on Sunday; 1218 t. ' Mr: `and Miss Walshaw and Miss Stork were guests at White Lodge" over Sunday. Mr. A. `Dickinson and ' Miss May Gross, of Oreemore are visiting friends here this week. _n _ | nnvnv wanna: vvvvana Mr. Jae. Wilson J.P'.T, was in `Ottawa last week attending the General As-_ eembly, of the Presbyterian church. The popularity of the Oxford 'l`ie"Shoe for summer wear of a few seasons ago is in evidence again this season with even g1'eatervfaror. than ever, Our exten: sive range of light Oxford Shoes -comprises, not only-the popular styles and shapes in ne Kid leathers, but also tnany pretty styles in Vici Kid and Patent Kid leathers not seen any where else. The Shoesin this list j1resent'qualities that easily discount any value you have ever seen,-even here. Come and consiilt them. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. Walton, of Mines- ing visited the letters parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Merrick,-ar.,`during part of last week. V V Buckwheat................ ........ Pfse u - o o o o o tooloIno.g...g.OlIDII'oI Pease. large".................... . B 1 n?,Z__ T.___T T GENERAL PRODUCE: Beef.f0_requarten.................. Beef, hindquarters. . Mutton.. ......... ... DressedHogs..........;.. . ..... Live; Hogs, selection: :70 to '2oo.. .. n no light or hmvv . . . . . . _ . _ _ uaraper no .... nunoyoouuuiooooull Eggspet/'?dgz'...... ....... .. ......' Apples, perbag'.. .......... Apples perba.rrel.. ........... Potatoes, perbag .. Hay erton. ....... ......... Woo,w'ashedperlb....... Wool. unwashed. per lb.. Wood. aft.. per cord. .. Wood,4ft..percord..... .... Anthracite coal, per ton....'.... .... RIDES. Mr. `Joseph Chantler end Mr. and Mrs. Russell Chantler took in one of the excursionaeto the N orth last week and spent a couple of drya with Rev. W. N. Ohantler at Port Carling. Our baaebdll boys played at a garden party eh Mr. Geo. Jebb a of Bond Head on Friday of last week and succeeded in. winning against the Bradford club by a score of 9 to 7.A COW Hidessouooosslltoolpu canon. o Calfskinsperlb................ ..... Tallowperlb . . . . ................... Horse Hairperlb....._............. Sheepskins.......... Lambskins ........................ A I l O O I C ICIDIIIC II! I U. Garden parties are all the range at present. The Methodist purpose having one at Mrs. Jae. Chantler s on Tuesday J une 25th, and St. Luke's church Pinkerton will holdtheirs some time the same week. ' luau Leonard, of Painswiok, was visiting at his uncle'i, Thomas Redforn, lam: vireek. _ V ._ V . - ' ' Th? {with 1 go! , old lled (warranted to years), , or ni el trimmings._ ' ` Tlqnco non can` Aqnnnuueccnn Ladies Dongola Kid, extra ne quality, Oxford Shoes, Kid ' toe cap, Kid lined, hand turned; sole, warranted not to rip, made in two different shapes, full round toe `and medium narrow, perfect tting and excellent wearers; no nicer shoe sold-elsewhere at $1.75, __ sizes 2% to.7. Special. . . . . . . Ladies Dong. Kid Ox. Shoe, Kid tip, Kid lined, round toe, easy tting, exible Mackav sewed sole. size 2} to 7, worth g__ $1.15-Special. .` . . . ; . . . laedies $1.50 `Dong, Kid ox. . 1 :Shoe, Kid toe, Mackay sewed