When the Fine graderlniglans in fa:wn`sm;d gra'a.3;sr fin.` $10.60 ikcus " A 8 Page 48 Column Newspaper. VI] Published from the Oice, :23 Dunlop Street L Bettie. in the County of Simcoe. the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada. every ` Thursday Morning, by `r..- Jrtiole last week, signed by Freedom. SUNDAY MILITAR' (SERVICE. ` _ Under this heading we published an 1 We would like it distinctly understood that we do not sympathize with the writer's sentiments. The writer did` not discuss the question as 9. question, but as 6 personal affair, and we have no doubt but that the writer weakened the case of those` in favor of the Sundey leivioe by so doing.` good. This is a democratic country,- why cannot people worship God as they eee fit? We are glad to ace that the. regiment desired to attend Divine eer- vlce and bring out a larger number for the worship of God than a church would have done. We contend that the de- ~ vcutneee and eincerity of the `people ' In a Christian country like ours ought to be encouraged and not forbidden. Forbid ! Is this Canada, that we should forbid the worship of God by a uniform- ed regiment and hundreds of civilians ? 'W`e repeat we arevglad to see the Chris? tiau epiritwhich inspired the people to turnout like th! giidlaat Sunday to fear, God and lioncr the i King, as the Apostle Peter wrote we should do, in his - _|-at epietle , chapter 2 : 17. 1 We believe it is the honest" `opinion _v of the almost entire community that the Sabbath is not deeeopated by annual or_. periodical militar'v"ee`rv'io9, but that the eervioe in rather -a means of doing _ What we do object to is that anyone Ihould attempt to dictate to a Christian community how they should worship, Indthat they should call it desecration when not In accordance with their own formalities. A'What right has anyone, Iniuiater or no minister, to any that the V Iiorlhipping of God` in wrong if not _l;5onducted.in a church? This is a free iciintry, and wefhope to see the Divine `continued, by the militia, and that `we_have_heard the last of in- . _"fc'e with IS; r'open_* tearing or F ` I-nhqnoyrlng if: mnrronnz. Nome} % % pow `be in order for clie Orillia B-ewe '}P mm B- ! | !n33'i!1l _ ----:- B ' f d from" ....L`.'.'&$2%a .325. .'s3{iow1'g.'" nIr\I)t\\Y"l`t\ ' ' unnu :1`o71{c;1~~1;1;.`oJ ;, Ex toss. ail. ` IRON - `(.58 pan. 11-88 mm. m *Atlantic& PacicEx. 8.58 p.31. The ovening Express leaves Toronto at 5.26 .1-IAMILTON. Rvnrnnm .m., 5.17 p.m., 5.23 p.m.. 8.00` p.m. ALLANDALB TO BARRIB. 1.5oa.m'., uao a.m.. u.a5 3.111., 8- EN 7-55 P-mu 9-59 P-31- IUIIU IIIII Ibuunu Alwyn o-u..--. ...-.....-. `Dolly. All other trains Daily except; Sunday. `ill Hallo oooo u - v -- .r----- ` `J : "W APEIIEVX $5316. rs: uh , . . ati n. . .311. `Ho :3. A.'...'.."3 a.a... 7.55 1.... ALLANDALE & BARRIE SECTION. _._..'-.. -us .vv AuI\AI'II \I|'IVUununu. suuwu \IvIoI-oav COLLINGWOOD & MEX'o'1{D'. 11.13 mm. Mail. 5 as 1 I EX I188. 7055 ` PEN TANG. .039 [nun ------. _._V_- ,. a`GRAVENHURS,T 8; NORTH BAY. 31.84 mm. Mail. ~ 5.15 pan. 8.59 p.m. *Atlantic 8: Pacific Ex. 11.54 p.m. I.1O " North Bay Muted. 7.30 a,.m. Gravonhurst mixed (south only) 9.35 -A- w c\1tIIl1l'\f\I'\ I. |jA(\D`[\ ' 1.3: |..m., 1 1.111.. (.17 DJ ` ` a;IllUlll4\lL' 1.81 mm. Ex r_esa- .o Pom- ad` _- Acvunnvfvvvrlcl Q. \` .______._, IARRIE RAILWAY GUIDE. [ `Imus or Suasclurnou. smmm -ro ALLANDALI. , 7.56 a.m., 9.37 a.m.. u.x5 a..m.. n.5~ n_m.- :.2: n.m.. 8.00 mm. s$3W`u`M\| :9 of Ponraits Award Paris I gnivexigial ..;.=:'.;:3B '* Advance; 9.09 pm. 11.33 mm. p.ni. 70 3.-55 P-3' hnBarrio'pe;ipl6."" % * 1 `Auto the meritetof the questiori itself we as opposed to` the action. of the Lord's Dav Alliance in the matter of` tbeiunday military service. We can-_ not see what harm a `religious service can have simply because accompanied `by or conducted for 9. uniformed regi- Ament and band. Looking at it from the moral aide vveare rather inclined, to think it most likely "to do `good. It seems to us likedrawing the line too clone tosay it is wrong to have an out- door divine aervioe. _ T.` -mu. Shoolhaiia A gu%a..;*gm,;a.A mirdion ' society Mouduy .pi'ght" `until T1-uate Raid.c()mpIained-.-then iv wal not so mutual. ` We are glad to` the "post oice plot, The.Gore,- in `better shape, and the cement Vorosing `across from the Bank of Commerce. Keep up the good vork. ' " The circus that is . billed for Barrie on June 15th,. is meeting with competition. The Liberal politic ans tire on con: and are taking .in 3 number of places in this vicinity in advance of the circus. Gratication and regret both gure in.onr appreciation" of the.High School Cadets. (}ratiI_ication-that- they made such a splhdid -showing on Monday ; regret-that their absence was noted in the divine service on Sunday. Major Galloway thought they deserved having all - Barrie out to see their review. When all Barrie was out, on Sunday, the Cadets were absent. _ It was. re- marked .by a great many, who were anxious to see them out, and after what the inspector has said they will further regret that the Cadets. did _not attend divine service on Sunday. We hope in future times nothing will prevent them from being in attendance. We have pleasure,ghowever, in congratulat- ing them on their eioienoy and hope they will` keep on progressing so favor- ably. V VI-III Iivoianvn ncvuunonvvo ._ ----_ __._a. At t the last meeting of the Board a resolution was passed stating that they expected the drill instructors to, take a course at the Military College and get certicates. It seems in "response to this the Secretary received animpudent communication from one of the teachers, which at the request of the writer was handed back to him andsnother put in. The Secretary. for parting with "T pro- perty of the Board came infer some criticism. -Ir-r II V5 I Itlvlvlaa Rev. Mr, McLeod broached the sub- ject of the Sunday service and the Cadets. He said that they had no right to be invited without consent of the Board and objected to their partici- pation. Col. `Ward then. addressed the members of . the Board who were pre sent. He claimed a certain amount of credit for the creation of the` Cadet Corps and thought if anyone had-a right to invite them that he had. The reverent gentleman` again took the oor saying he-had made no reference to 001. Ward. Whatever right you may claim doesn't belong to you h_e said, adding that as the creation of the Cadet Corps, if neither of them" had been in exiatenceit would have been created. REV. DR. imgnmon AND COL. WARD. ` These two gentlemen were at the Council Chamber on Thursday night to discuss matters at a meeting of the High School Board, A suicient num- ber to make aquorum were not. present; but for 6 few minutes the minister and the soldier indulged in orosssring. AL A`... 1...; ......I.:.... ..l LL- D---) .. l\IUUVIOUv - 0' 00-! v V -curvy. wu v-u Judge Ardagh, who was in the chau- though not acting yet as_ Chairman, tried to stop the personal manner in which the debate was being conducted, and_ when Col". Ward told Rev. Mo- Leod he knew more than him about military matters and the other gentle- men was going to respond, Judge Ar- dagh announced the meeting would be- held that day ..week. - I decline" he `said to sit in the chair, while these personalities are going on. ' coizomnw AT 'rHt;1=c;~I'roN. A oormapondenb hasaentv us the fol- lowing: . . ~ } IAMUEL wssutv. FROPRIETOR In spite of the weather, the concert given by the Epworth League on the eve of May 23rd was quite a success. The chair was ably lled by the Rev. Simpson. Mr.'H. DeLacey, soloist, of Toronto, rendered several ne selections. The Misses Lila and Muriel Adams . delighted the audience with their sweet voices. The best selectionof the even- ing was a solo, Greeting to the King, given by Miss Lila. We predict a very bright musical " career for those," two little ladies. Miss Chayter delighted the audienceby the ne recitations she _ rendered. ` Miss Sherlock and Mr. ;Faris each gave. a solo in good styie. i Mr. Clark, as usual, pleased everybody by .his hum'or and. local hits. Mrs. Alex. Adams, as accompanist, did her part in her usual. good style and skill.: V Addresses were. delivered by Revs. Oraw, Stanley and Spar-ling. The con- cert came tg a close with the usual vote of thanks and an invitation tothe per- formers to a lunch provided in -the church basement` by theLLeaaue`. Gon- dering the weather, , the nancial re- turns-were very satisfactory. _ V- At Utopia on Mondcv one of the most successful barn-raising: ever held in thicdiatrict "win held at the farm of Mr. Thou. Smith. The crcwd` was ex- ceedingly large, all taking put with the best of. vim and the day us a pore {pct one, which wuuu the more appre- .* ..&I';!-.. __.--`_'_> L 064-ftor; tl:ecoxoa9Iiv_e*`.r9uiII o.em:'se.< -`;'I_u:'_ .34.. ' ; '.`_ , ' :`;"I:',!'A.!_`.~ _ ;` `Sides warp. gn ,e`xoltiI;g H wan, uuvvwqq BARN marsma A'.1,'\U`1`OPIA.' A. Miller`: % _ fatter. `The `ladies; . who were therein large numbers `pr-epgred e-supper in the orchard and dqnight the `raising was concluded by a merry dance. Four Barrie people who were `present `were, Dr. Broad, J. W. E.'Reyuolda, B.C.I., TIT `D 17 ..... .....I 'I\ 1'IT:'l......_ `.by-s-`~i;_g_1`ho V `mi- talincieoof `A. . er T in_d B.` Moqnu, A Il'3|I-...|.. .21. `...:_.L2.... 1.... `L--- -* _ WI ii" '1i3 eu{ 24.3` '1)`."v7r1'.I3.'. 81 per Annum II/n musrmm REID INDIGNANT Because s ` NOT ELECTED. A . r Col. Ward's `resignation, which was handed in to the School Board Monday night, created quite an interesting time. All members of the Board were present and the usual routine work was per- formed, after which Col. _Ward resigned the chairmanship of the Board. Re- grets were expressed that the Colonel was leaving town, and on the resigna- tion being acoepted, Trustee Cowan was _elected by ballot, to the surprise of Trustee Reid, who gave expression to his feelings. 'AL`4..... an... ....:.`...1..... ..`,4.L.. .....-_:-..- '"A'E{{-"Elie minutes of V the previous meeting were read and adopted THE_COMMI'1"1`EE nmronrs Awere all adopted without discussion. The report of the Committee on Finance recommended the payment of accounts amounting to $182.12. L ' _.,_A;___ __ 'I\,_; - 1,,_ , 1 EC U"-'I l:; -(3-o::n;1'1i`t't;eve-o;x-i ropeity and Sup- ply reported as follows : ' V I1\ 'l`L..L II... T E" \`l'-..I.._.I... `I.-- v- wu- r-"(1..)"."'Ihat 3'21}-f".'I'."I"I.' Neelands has completed his contract for putting in the water to the South Ward school, in what appears to be a satisfactory man- ner; and the same has been certied to, to the Fimsnce Committee. ` --cvw:-__v--tn 7.l`h-eVC'ommittee on Management re- ported among other things as follows: That Mr. Foster be appointed examiner- at the ensuing entrance examinations; also that the resignation of Mr. McKee, who asked to have his term terminate atthe end of June, be accepted, and a successer advertised for, applications to be considered at the next regular meet- ing. l l`0_I 1TT.;....l L'L....I.....I LI... 'l)_.....'l l'._ LL- . .5001. Ward thanked-the Board for the support they had alw a given him, and expressed his sinzxe regrets that he should have to leave town, and es- pecially the School Board, of hioh he would always have pleasant recollec- tions. ` `J I .-wag-cv-v-o nu . Secretary Mart took the chair and the motion was then spoken to. The following trustees, Dr. Polling, A. Milne, E. B. Reid, A. Young, J. Jamie- son and Thus. Smith, all expressed their regrets upon hsvin"g to accept his resignation, and testied to his ability" on the Board, his inuence in military circles, and his good citizenship in gen- eral. The motion was carried. V which we recommend. -511 an -----war ww----uw (2) That the boulevarding at the South Ward necessitates the purchase of 100 feet of hose,` 9; lawn mower and a pair of. shears, the purchase of all of as Chairman of the School Board was then handed in, the acceptance of which was moved by A. Cowen, seconded by. B. W`. Rhineharh,. __,._ `l"_.._, 1__ .`,, AL. ,1-,_!,, ,__ ,'l 001. Ward responded, thanking them for the personal remarks of favor they had made, repeating his regrets at leav- ing, and wishing them continued suc- oessgend good work. tun: --v- cu- ..--..- , -, _ Iublcribaru now in arrears for three months and outwit! bu chamzed $!.so per annum Uvwu Innavu Bvvvn The secretary declared the chairman- ship of the board for the balance of the year open, and asked the trustees to elect the same by ballot without nomi- nation. The ballot being taken Trustee Cowan was elected chairman. ' \d\l '7 II V7 III) vguyjvun wining. I-nuns: T Chairman Gowan then thanked them for giving him the position they did, ex- pressing at the same time the regret for the canine that had left the vacancy. He continued to speak in the highest terms ' of the retiring chairman. where he had ever shown extremely wise ex- ecutive abilitv, and as a soldier he paid him thehighest encominms. MR. mam RESIGNB T00. Trustee E. B. Reid now tendered his resignation as member and chairman` of the Property and Supply Committee. 13.. ..-:.I I... ...._......II_ ......-I... ...'I...L........ """' ""'I""'J '-"' '`'`l'I '` ' ::::: " He said he generally spoke whatever he had in his mind. He had been led to suppose from his friends that he would get the. chairmanship of the Board. _ By not receiving the name his friends had gone back on him, who promised their support. He had served the Board faithfully for a number of years and this service. he thought, en- titled -him to the position. He ad- mittedit had long been/his ambition to occupy the chair,_ but whenever a va- cancy had occurred he had always been passed _ over." They workingmen had a` chance to put a workingman in that positior and had failed to do ` their 11-1-1_-._'1`_.. --..-1.;.I-.1 (1-1 1fr-_.1 ..- \-ICU 0 When he concluded, Col. Ward re- quested him to act as a member, if not chnlil-man, of the committee, which he consented to and his other resignation was accepted. ' V * 1-. m._ LL-.. __---___.__ 2-.. m._._-.. - Iv Ch ZVUVP vyuuu It was then necessary for Trustee Oowen to resign the chairmanship of the Management Committee. This- oommittee end that on Property` end- Supply then met and reported the ep- rointment` of Trustees Thos. Smith and W. 0. Andrew `respectively as cbiirmen, both reports being adopted `without dis- cussion. " V ` ' ` " _HONOR onom.. . I. Report of Ferodole Public school for My :e--V.-L. Uompbell. IV Sr.- Mo.gie Johnston. IV. Jr.- -Edith` `Mann. o 111. st.--Me Jounaeon, w. _=!W.!.0_{ onl. Jr.-v-N;- l?!i9-ikin.1J3`s COL. VWARD 8 RESIGNATION COWAN CHAIRMAN. .`rHE ADVANCE." .. ... R d;i.;`N;.: .E..':'::':'.::.a`i;.,:r.:::s:.:::.,...,.`iv.4 ' Y a'l'\-!I-. All ..oI..- on-ulna nnilv nimnnf Sunain Frawlew ltoormsole Local Agent. Minnikin, E. Kell. II.-H. Johnston, L. Berry. II. Pt.--A. Ferguson, H. Minnikin, A. Johnston. I. (s)-V. Johnston, S. Tyndall, W. Dawson ; (b) L. Munnikin, C. Mnnnikin, W. Berry; (0) P. Vsir,` B. Johnston, P. Tyndall. Qdyagu _E;I:x-:;:'::den:e.. `Mn. Hart returned td` Iunial _on Saturday. k . . _ V 7- Miss `Sarah Campbell returned to I Barrie on Saturday. " I up: u .. , . _ - fanny " M;Farlahe returned to 3 Barrio on Saturday. L 3 Barrio Saturday. 9 J ohnv Johliliongla fmtting qt atone - oelluruuderjhicfhous_a;7"` The Bargain King. 2 \ tVVVVVV`VVVVV 5 for vour benet, and but prot. These are the blends we are struck on. ?5 2*}- Hobly B_ros., .__.._.... -.-n4~u' In-re NORTHERNV AnvANcI-: A quarter of _a. centurv we have. T been blending COFFEE Fat-:ncHANTs, BARBIE. -v-u-- vv --__ _,_..- % Goodintentions on t make good shoes. 4 reebie 1:vork cost money. As good Shoes can't posibIy -be retailed for less than "the Makers -2:-ice, stamped on the sqles of- If wis_he_s were horses beggars would 1 ____,1_ The Slater Shoe" "" 1 35 cts. 4-O cts. And 50 `l'S. ADVERTISE IN TEA TRY THEM. - -`No new name will be added to the Subscription It until the money is paid. ' - m .0 ,_,AL[__ ____`