Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 6 Jun 1901, p. 2

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Is'2e.'19':... Wmvanv f R. W. A.'ROSS, Physician. Surgeon, et.c., L. | _ .R.C._S. Edin,hL.R.C.P., London. Oices and I - l---_ .......'- Illnnlz Thunlnn street. I1. LIVE; KIXIVIIIIE PULVLID L\J l.4\JllLV . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Al-no T\3n-nnntntl (`.nIInnHnna made in gnu nnrf nf W. PLAXTON, Banister, bolicitor, -Notnry Couvoyaneer, etc. Monavto Loan. at lowest 3. Oico-McCarthy Block, south side Dunlap ._. I:....:`._ 37.53 ENGINEERS AND { BVEYORS. An Dial Retain at Inwpnf ratnc, Farr-nave 'r. ARNALL,1 I21...-lo Allnnd: DR. R._ P. V|JV.|AAN A wh,sAi!>.* :t%h9I -v-_ _ _ . -_-_`. .-.-.. - -..un-u vn Iruvluu-I - U nexpectedly you are called upon to en- tertain gnesu and have numerous errands to run in a. hurry; ` ` ID-.. Ad- LI!_,, 1 .. I,, , , r u `II [U I. n 7to8 7 You wish to mike an appointment for thecvening with a friend or client. .'.vv_.____--.__n__ _,- , , ,, .. . 'MONEY TO LOAN . [I -4.. 44` 11-` KIA-9-van-g `MON EY TO LOAN. ,- At I\,!_._-_ ORDER A TELEPHONE. Qiilannnacrvxins.-' If1}L, M.D.C.M., oice in Bothwelfs . Allandale. On the premises at night. AGJV MONEY To Loam, MISCEELANEOUS. D. C. Mlmcmson. lrnyswnns. FOR INVESTMENT on good h-aehnld npcnritv at Inwent rate nf FINANCIAL. bi V6235; OFFICIAL. DENTAL. LEGAL. Homoeopathist. x 56 Dunlop St. ' Residence and Oice. 8-lv ' Co UH 43-ly DIUCK, I 4s-ly- c. w. Macputsn-oi}. Jan. Umcea-narnc -Ba.nk of Toronto sly 4| ',Notaries Public, ~ -5 4-` Tnrnntn_ "W." X."n3~}s, Solicit.o_r, 12.....- SIICI UK Etc. , all (V _ RATES. z Jojlfrr COPIES. fit. at. it d bl 'th mat p:pgrq;bfish?:1 1; B2f.` ` ` unvnnrlsnns snovm NOTE THIS n 13 lines solid agate make 1 inch. TRANSIENT ADVlRTIsEMEN'rs, First insegtion 10 cents pe_r line, each sub quent insertmn 4 c_en1a per lme. mmdinc notices. 10 cents ner `inn 4-,- . M qllcluv llllilblvu `x vvusu PG: 1111:. , Reading not.ices,'l0 cents per mm, for 1.: -insertion - 5 cents per line for ea 1, *3` 1 Vinsertion :)f the same matter. Kllsgmlent der 5 lines, of this character, charged lines. `3 5 311.. {$35 "-7? W V` , Lego] Official and Government (1 - manta vctill-be charged at above rates.a vmm ' CONTRACT ADVERTISING. Contraot, advertisements will be taken `t the fo1l_owmg.rates,. wnmh are drotted on 0% root commercxal 1;r1nc_1ples and mu be strictly adhered to. '1`here.w11l be only one price fox .11 - -_, IUIJLI-A all. `For one month-th ` with 15 per cent. added. *For two months-the with 10 per cent. added. _.._-rs n ,,,,_.1 ._...2L:....... "L51; av rw- `mu... 9' Preferred positions for local adverti_;e_ ments in the paper will be sold at an advance of one-third on above rates, on no other ac. count will special positions be given, This rule will be strictly carried out. CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that notice of intention to change. a(lvertisementa must be handed into the oice not later than Satnrdayeat 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be in THE ADVANCE office not later than 12 o clock noon on Monday in any week, otherwise the advertiser s announcement maynot be made public until the week fol- lowing. ' Io ..1.... .mq nf Advertmements allowed an lowmg. 12 changesoof Advertlsements allowed per year. ' It more are required, composition was will be chax ged. A .:..,...4.:........ m:`l1 nnf Ln nllnwpd fn nap fhaiu | W111 De Gnulgcu. Advertlsers W111 not be allowed to use thei; space for advertismg anything outside their own regular business. Should they do so transient rates will be charged for such ad. , __-L_ pi1aot.ui % ftiI.':;oIr _ ;:nnq1ea`p'lnoo4`Ao:_.s thp votgn `list - by;?1tf ' Court of I\aviuioha;`- this_ i; as` 9 11:19 left !or_ the J ndgdn I Churn. "But this _._-.. `An. ..4`--.__ IgA-L '_.__:: 31: vs nun: vuv - o--V. vertisements. vv-..-..___ _, Condensed advertisements on first page such as wants of all kinds, lost and found. propeny for sale or to rent, specic articles, etc.. etc., must be accompanied with the cash, and will be inserted--A-hrst insertion 2 cents per word, ' each subsequent insertion 1 cent per word (names, addresses and gures counted as words); but a. reduction of one cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed four. V Cuts for advertisements must in every case be mounted on solid metal bases. ----__-__-__,,, REPRESENT `rm: Fouowmc Fuzz Ixsnmscz Commrussz The Mercantile, now ailiated with The Lon- don & Lancashire of England. Secur- 2A.. Q-- A... AAA 0FFICE.-Next dobr to Bank of Toronto.: Street, Barrie. W }.alULl. kl! Llauuuutxw vn. ;.~u.-any-...-- --~--- xty, $15,ooo,ooo. , The Waterloo Mutual, of Waterloo, Om. Tothl assets, $334.o83. The Economical Mutual. of Berlin. Ont. Tnal naanu Q-can AHR ' L Ull abacus, QJUJ'UlU- Also L1ovd s Plate Glass Insurance Com- pany, of New York. Cash Capital, 5250. U\lvn And the Sun Loan and Savings Company of Ontario. Private funds to loan on first mortgages. AC A counts collected. &c. . (NR2.-.. Anna llgnan.-gnu a I-Ian-Awnrp Stnru. Barn: Canadian Bmnc Oice, Head Otcc. MONTREAL. LONDON, E?\'GL.-\_.\'D M. C. HINSHAVV, SAM.J.PlPK1.\. Branch Manager ' Manager. `knit Q2 IJIGIAILII AVQEI-IQ CI unauasyn. 5 I 000 TLASOOO ASSURANCE COMPANY. `Capital. $6,ooo,ooo, Founded I503 Application forms furnished and rates quoted 5) GEORGE PLAXTON. AGENT. V _k no-lv Barrie Out. Oice in McCarthy 3* P!!!" .'`'*.a -g-`naps-,:vur-i- --'.-..' '~*:v `selves, ' than :86: list to.fefnt"er`- A It its supposed that this was done in the . luck, the local Conservatives, who knew mi-, sci -{$11013 1 about `forty apps. eto'`ha've names placed on. the manhood franchise flist. hope that the Tory organizers would not learn of `what,was afoot until too late, and so the _ whole batch would he slipped through without opposition. It thiaebe `so, the plot failed. By good by the great activity displayed by the local Grits that somet_hin- was afoot, discovered what was up, with the result that when the Court of Revision met on Tuesday, Mr. George Olark and several others were present to look after the Conservative interests; Scnocsala &. SMITH, collected. &c. B OOiceAover Henderson; Hardware Storc, amt nt. " Agent Standard Life. London Gum u- tee and Accident Co., Provincial Building and Loan Association. W" Heaves ` . In three da 3'9. 13 ut for 3 Permanent c 3]]: whnied Horses. The on `Y medi ' cme ii: the World that ii! 510; pr: it reuires f difeco tom ne`h3lf to us` $1-00- lIScd`.'1ccord Cu`? \ High Powd- /ff soc Dr M . o \ cGahey. C _ _ S ondmon P0\Vdcrs dcstrqxs Wofngs calves " . es. We blood - G. MorI"k1x:::dgl5 a5c_ Qlfggng horses. cattle an ` me. and cooke&n `'`'~ 5014 by C0-. Urillia. 40-Iy _ PIIOIIINOIAI BUILDING AND IOAII ASSOCIATION. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. $5,000,000. IHIEUI1 notice. HE EzL s_ Halrcutting and Shaving ` A Parlor OPPOSITE BARBIE HOTEL. V BARBIE- ' V Rumors and Scissors ground and set on 8110' nntlnn- John Rogerson, Fire and Life Assurance. I3 Inser-' AL.-- & One `mono- Q Numb.-' of inchei Qea Glvvh _UIlU VUIICVIVCVQVU II-vvuvuvu When the iirst of these appeals was` broughtup, Mr. Clark objected tovthe: whole batch" entered" in Mr.` Finn's name, ibasinghis objection on the some- what startling statement that the `docu- Inentby which they weremade was not genuine, Mr. Finn never having signed it (though `it here his name) nor author ized anyone to sign, it, nor yet had knowledge` that -the appeals had been entered in his name. Upon this,'_-Mr. R. D. Gunn, who was present in the Liberal interest, explained that he,-knew nothing of the circumstances connected with the appeal, but was acting under instructions, and demanded that Mr. Finn be brought to substantiate or otherwise this astonishing allegation. The Court accordingly, adjourned for dinner, to allow Mr. Finn to be pro duoed. Upon re assembling Mr. Finn appeared before them, and corroborated what Mr Clark had "said". He had not been consulted in any way previous to the appeals being entered in his name. and had not the slightest inkling of it _ until the day before he read what . had been done in the Packet. Mr." D. I. Grant had spoken to him A across the street, as to using his name in.connec- tion with the appeals ; but hehad sup; posed that the Judge's court was re- ferred to, and` had demurred on the ground that he would be away at the time. No one` had any authority to sign his name to the document before the Court. Mr. Clark argued that the signature not being genuine, or in ac cordance with the law, there were pro- perly speaking no appeals before the 0ourt.--Mr. Gunnvcontended that an` other name could be substituted as ap- pellant, but nally induced Mr. Finn to allow his name to stand. The Court decided to accept this, whereupon the following interesting dialogue took place: 'Il'._ `l.'.._._ l1I1TL- .. L- ...... ..... 3.... Lu Izicuuuuuuu-.I. J.!u.u.: Total assets, $303,078. ._A 1' \-_.11_ 151-`- fI`| . -EHO PUP! RU F0 Bll.UI,I.lUuD- v Acomplete equi meat, as t11'h' lviillp-7to-date esmbliisbmenta 1 Vry v:liI_I_e yhorqugh, practical. s&ti3`t'y' -n 11 IT Ct '--' V0-Irnvuuba, r-v-vv-v---- ~ _ , It pays to attend the E. B. C. I Citgnglar free for 3 post card. INSURANCE AGENTS CONVEYANCERS, &.C.- counzxszn ADVERTISEMENTS. &:;.BARm:, ONTARIO. SCROGGIE &. SMITH. its: 6, 1901. - three monthly rm ml:'l['1-.eGunn-Oh,~ I ve no doubt Mr. Grant will. I'm. sure he will. I'll guarantee that you ll be paid. um- n|-..1. .'v'.... 1...--- '..a.`_-...1 a... three monthly rate _._.___j P rucz FOR r_.._.-___ 31 tions .16mos.1 .!______ ,6! 8: s stionl :1yt , Owen , l.. In the end'Mr.i Gunn succeeded in I satisfying the Court that fteen out of the forty names submitted were entitled to go on the list. Of the remaining ap- peals eighteen were dropped, while two nmes were found to be already on the list. The proportion of.appeals_aban- doned is signicant. From this, it is evident that the. machine is at work. The Conservatives owe it to the Province to keep on the look out for crookedness, as it will be undoubtedly used by the Government supporters at next election judgingfrom their past records. ' It is manifest-too, that the Liberals have been thoroughly- getting to work and unless we are much mistaken the Government has sent word .to the party agents to prepare for an . election. As the Paoketsaysl the number of appeals struck o` in pro- portion to those made is signicant. Had not the Orillia Conservatives been` awake to what was going on, the Liberal machine's work would have been accomplished and no one the wiser. wn-vvv wags: ---. Aa"".' ' 4'" -- '" r ". Mr. Clark-"Yes, he can afford. to pay him. A good round fee, too. 1 d pay a gocd deal to get; out of such a oor_nr. _ uun'.u I1- ovnnv II II. nlavvnv -CI-_ -4-nu-ovavuv v--- r----- Mr. i`inn-`:Who s to pay me for this ? T ..;\u -rm Q `n . `II `Mr. andTMra%. A. Primrose were in Toronto last week; I ' M. W. Bnrkholder, of `crown Hill, vidited J. B. Johnahon a last week, Dr. A. L. Murphy and Robc. Shiel- drv, Phelpaton, were in town on M9n- } day. ' `~ -nu": 1-u,u\' 1: II The picnic held at -Mr. Bremner's Grove "on the-27th inet., with well at- tended. The football match between Mineeing and Edenvale juniors result- `ed one gcel in favor of Mineeing. The illustrated lecture. in the Bept_i'et'chnrch in the evening by*_,W._ P.` Reekie, B.A;, 9* .MMV;U"i."9?`iY;'eo? f`Th' Q61! A `1Md~: 3'+'9 W?11e12i>pr;i~t9d4e3:.e e t Minesmg. I Advance Correspondence. Miaa Fannie Suanden is home ffolh Chicago. - ` -gr 1 -us. '- A.Aan_d Miss ('5."DVrysdaie, and Miss L. Turner, of Hilladale, called on Miss Marion J ohnaton last week. I to tranl]-:-t;;t'lVi_:;g_1ingMBr9chrI emu: from Fi to. aim If pl-oed ' - :.`.;'n- ".-'1' `.._.:-Lu."-' ; to end, yoyld ;oyor. vno_i.rIy< - Dr." W. O. P. Bremner, of . Sturgeon Falls, is home for a fw days. oaooxmnmss AT cnn.i.IA. ; _ The O1-i1lia. P_aokeb says` that more lhnrp work has been qoing on, on the '1-w-*4-3"*7 ; requires in traini;o dmiblo length (To 1.. :...,=..f,._.:.-. auqg) :- 19?` I eiIhioh.swe"msde mtexenge in and which we: `given rhefo'ie an `immense and enthusiastic sudienoe In Massey Hall, Torono, we give below. Ifi'6n"I nsyjudge Eons" his ipeaoh, the new lender's merits have not been over- estimated, even `though it might be and to he a modest speech from the manner in yhich hespoke personally. He had as uency of expression that pleased his audience, who greeoed him enthusias- tically. ' I. p Borden at referred to the ) `fact that.) this was his rst-' political speech outside of `Parliament since being made the leader" of the Conservative 7` party in the House of Commons. . He had (shrunk somewhat from attempting to ll"-the roll which he had been. lling during` the past `few months in "Parlia- ment._ That he did so, he said, was not so much because he felt thesacrice of time, but for" the reason that he felt himself unworthy and unable to take up the task" which such giants as had been mentioned there that.night had been called upon to take. I think of Sir.JohnjMacdcnald, - said Mr. Borden, "your statue of whom I passed this afternoon. (Applause.-)` I think of Sir John Abbott. I think of SiriJohn Thompson, of whom I was not only a follower, but a friend. I think of Sir Mackenzie Bowell, and last, but not least,`of Sir Charles Tupper-(cheers) -who so valiantly fought the contest throughout Canada, and especially in this great Province of Ontario, and who, as I am glad to be able to say to you, looks upon the support which he re- ceived from the people of Ontario as one of the brightest spots in his politi- cal career. ( Applause.) I think he should feel proud that throughout Ca- nada, and especially in this province, where he had to meet a great deal of prejudice, where he had to meet attacks which had been made upon him so long and so persistently that people believed things of him which had not the slight est foundation, to that province he went, and he came back with 55'as ne re- presentatives as ever sat behind any political leader. (Cheers) . - I entirely agree with what has been mentioned here to-night as to the tra- ditions of the Liberal Conservative party, with regard to preferential trade and matters of race and creed. It has been a" tradition of the party, as I un- derstand it. from the days of Sir Johnl Macdonald, to look beyond any pro- vince, beyond any question of race and creed, and consider the Dominion as a whole. (Cheers.). This was not merely- the policy of some Cabinet or division, but was impressed upon the traditions of the party. It has not been lost. It has not been forgotten, and in this great Province of Ontario such matters are so little thought of that a man from my own little province by the sea come as a lender in the House of Com- mons of Canada of that party which shows itself not to be run on provincial lines,` but that it possesses a broad spirit of nationaiity, and that spirit jnstied it in looking-for the time being at least_-_beyond the limits of its own province, and in choosing myself, however unworthy I maybe, for [the task of leading that party in the House of Comn_;ons._ (A.pp1ause.) That might have fallen intoother hands, but it has not, and, as our friend in the audience says, I will simplyendeavor to do my best. (Applause). ` -_ Continuing, Mr. Borden referred to .Toronto e `splendid representation and to the excellent assistance of Mr. Monk, the leader of the party in Quebec. The Liberal-Conservative party in the past, he said, had dealt with the great questions of the country, had laid down certain principles and xed certain lines of policy from which there was no de- eire to depart. The great problems of a different kind will probably arise in the future, we may well believe; we know "that economic conditions in the country have changed, that great cor-- porations are arising, that trusts, which are obtaining such a hold in `the `United `States inay beprcblema which aifepbeing in Canada. '.l`heae, if they pcaniiot be checked , can at least be `con? trolled: wise `legislation- for . the` beat i a _ He believed the questions touched on by Mr. Monk--theques`tiou of trans- portation, tor iustsuoe--coul_d be dealt Awith on hrosd a`nd:1iber'sllines`iu such` is way that iudividusLeuterprise- should he an Est the+ rj -, w .;"`<,gf gun. muiufssrstcn. .~ Then the Ross Government were to establish public abattoirs or butcher shops and ship untold quantities of beef to L England and everybody was to be 'wealthy.. That was some time ago, and-4 now the only farmer in Canada who really knew his business, the Hon. John Dryden ,announced that the farmers during all these years had not been breeding the right kind" of stock, and that we could notget the trade because we had not the right kind of cattle. ' So the people of New Ontario would have to wait still longer for the abattoirs to make them wealthy. : moreT thin tl Ihaf 1.16 pep| o money.: :~;.. id expenditnm. That adjective was "gen- eroaity," and the Government was not ":'extravagant, only "gener`aufa.* If an ' a1sl:ti!IeI4iber-1.h-vines-V. been any i from Canada for four or live years: _ ehouldecome back and ahould enquire of hiafrienda how matters etood, he would be told there was now a . Liberal Administration, that there was a period of proaperitv in Canada, that we had a revenue now of some $50,000,000 a "year, a-customs and excise taxation of 27% millions, and a surplus of $200,000,- 000, that the expenditure had aleo been run up, and that despite the surplus, the national debt, instead of being "reduced, has been increased by eight millions; thattheir were now 16 Cabinet Minis` tere, all on` account of the growing time l Touching on" the question of Mutual preferential trade within the Empire. Mr. Borden declared that it was an opportune time for Canada to under- take to accomplish the work. If the Liberal Government would only apply the same amount of effort to this object that they did to accomplish their return to power. a satisfactory system of pre- ferential trade might soon be brought about. Mr. Borden said that one of the best compliments. that could be given the Conservative party had been paid by Sir Wilfrid Laurier eta banquet in December last, when he likened Sir Charles Tupper to Moses who had failed his people into the Promised Land, which task, Sir Wilfrid said, would have -to be left to some Joshua, still unknown, and perhaps stillunborn. But Sir `Wilfrid should remember that they whom Moses led were the chosen people, who had nally reached the Promised Land, and driven out_ the heathen and taken full possession of the land. History might, and, he believed, would repeat itself, by the triumph of the Liberal-Conservative partv. ` MIDDLETON WINS UASE. Judgment has been given out by Mr. Jus- tice Street in the case recently tried at Bar- rie, Abell v. Middleton. An instrument in writing was executed by defendant James Middleton in 1893 in favor of plaintiffs as- signor in the following terms : "1 am willed by my father the following land . . . and I agree not to sell or further encumber the same until my notes and renewals and in- debtedness to John Abell are paid, and I hereby charge the said land with payment of said notes. . . This statement is made to John Abell to procure credit . . . on purchase of goods mentioned in within agreement, etc. These documents were registered. On June 11, 1897, George Mid- dleton, the father, conveyed the land to his son in consideration of natural `love and af- fection, and one dollar, and on June 14 James Middleton and his wife mortgaged to defen- dants MacNab. The deed and mortgage were registered at the same time. On June 23, 1897. James Middleton conveyed to his wife in consideration of natural love, etc. , and one dollar, and on July 26, -1900, she conveyed to her son, the infant defen dant. for the like consideration. This action is to recover on the notes and, to enforce the . charge uponthe land. Held, that defendants had established in evidence that the convey-` ance to James Middleton by George Middle- ton was upon trust, which need not be evi-' denced by writing, that J ames should make -the? mortgage to the ' defendants - MacNab, but not upon any trust for his wife or chil- dren. and that themortgage was therefore a rst charge on the land. Held, also, V that -the instrument of-1893 operated a soon- tract to ohargeithe` land, and being for value * was enforceable? against James J Middleton. -and those'.claimin`gunde'r_ him : Holroyd v, ` Marshall, 10 H._ G. -19,1. Judgment `act- = oo_rdingly.' -I _laintiffs~W pIy costs_of defen- - and infant -. and . `u&d"them'-to.their~own:, .;and;`.they are entitled to nsual;_m.brtgage, _.judg`tpent.-_., for sale: with Advance Corresnond;-.nce. Messrs. W. J. `and R. Holmes: visited friends in Mulmur recently. ` __ ---. ..-._ _ -. H'Ringl_ing Bros. aquarium; which is one /of many features in the zoological display of the World : Greatest Shown. comprises 9. ` wonderfully complete collection of hippo- tdmi; see . liopl, "souls, Polsr beers and other water-`frequenting animals. together` 6 vrith e of; waterfowl, pin. .o1uai-use-can-not h o`:'"i' *!!1soI~ Miss -Campbell,` of Quebec, was $116 guest of Mra.`W. Scott last; week. ' ,'.l.'hen the word was that we must sell horses, and in his emphatic way Mr. Dryden said he would open` up the trade with England and have rev mount stations established if he had to go himself to.England to do it. e But last winter, when he had put the ques- tior. about these remount stations to the Premier in the House. those before him should have seen the countenance of Mr. Ross fall when he was forced to replythat the Ontario Government had approached the British authorities on. this question, and that the`. reply of the British authorities was unfavourable. - U Mr. D. and Miss Mary Jennett, of Ivy, were renewing old acquaintances here last Sunday. `I Mr. W. L. Clarke, `of: Brentwood; visited friends here last week. coats. W.` A. Boy: (Barrie) for .plainti*'. D; RosI(Barrie) f9r`defend&nta Middleton. H. H. Strathy, K.G., for Oioial Guardian, 1?. Danton, K.C., `and H. L. LDuz_1n for de- fendants `MaNub. . V ~ ' (Too late f'or week's issue.) West Grenfel. ' _ obtaining letter: 9| rdnan-lup, Barrie. Monev to Loan. collecting accounts, ] _` * _ _. pedal attention in Staging: any probating wnls obtaining letters or ; gdmxmstration and guardiagship, coll5:ting_aoc<:unta, Ann G DB\J_l\\._I`VujJ_n:a_!` _.,-,,_..-_, , ' "Bank 0` water. Money to Loan. _ Lotryanoers, etc. Offices Toronto Building. Barrie. Branch Office, Cold DONALD Ross. LL.s. J. C. BROKOVSKI. . '-.-- 7 I ENNOX, TARDAGH, TCOWAN & BROWN. Ban-iuiers, Solicitors for obtainingprobatc of wills. guardmnahip and administration. and General Solicitors. Notaiie. Convcyancens, etc. Hwcxu-on Lnmox, Aux. Comm. 3. Houroxn Amman", G. E. LBROWN, L.L.B _ Oces : Hinds Block, No. 6. Dunlap street. Bar- e. n Branch 0ices--Lennox 8: Ardagh, Gravenhurat; Legnox, Ardagh, Cowan & Brown, Creemore and 6 2.10 combined meeting to `discuss public utureiiint-thetProyin in .1`, rg..;ghe Liberals `hm r`uho&ea (cheimtw; .,'fpganiaation, and a nuinhcr of' political inogotings in the -Reform ;hil~ledA around. the country. Whetlierr the tottering Ross Governn1ent`will2". hold. on to power as long as` possible` or will spring anelection upon the country ' in the hope that the Opposi- tion will be caught napping while their own organization is more complete, is .a matter of conjecture. At any rate, the . Conservatives or this Province should lose no "time in presenting the political facts arising outof affairs since the last elections. to the people. We note with pleasure the great nieeting in Massey Hall, where Mr. R. L. Borden,` Mr. Monk and Mr. Whitney held a questions. In another column we re- port the Dominion leader's speech, and In this article we would draw the at- tention of our readers to the address given by the leader of the Opposition in the Ontario House. N -_.. L- -J-__I XIn:3;'.' CCARTHY. Hosts 3; MURCHISON. .'Barris- ten. Solicitors, Conveyancera, etc. Success- ors to McCarthy, Pepler & McCarthy. -0ice-McCa.tthy Block; Dunlop Street, Barrie. ` ` "' ~---- - W. A. Bovs. ._._._______________._______._._._` G A. RADENl-IURST, Barrister, Attorney. 0 Solicitor in` Chancery, Conveyance: mctc. Barne. b 49-48. 3.6. ` `Oice--Firs door Owen street, over Bank of Com- ______..__________________ HEWSON & CRESWICKE. barristers. Solici- tors of the SuYqreme_ Court of Judicature of o Ontario, Proctora. , Conve` Vcets, etc. Money to loan. Oces-Ross Block, axrie. C. E. Huwsox. A. E. H.-Cnnswxcxln. 1 -u--y- , -- _- C.V E-. I-Inwsox} D I , Dirrlauua, . Solicitors in High Court of Justices, Notaries Pubkc, ' Convgyancem. Oces over the Bank of Toronto, Barne. _ . Money 1;: sum of $2,000 and upwards, to loan at 5 nor mint- M. M. CAMPBELL, Barrister; Notary, etc. Mone toloan. Oic and Stayner. Barrie ce-Ba.nk oi Building, Owen street. .. DR; . C. SMITH, L.C.P.S., Ont., (lite of Drs. ' 8: Smith, Orillia.) Oce and residence -comer of Owen and Colhef streets, Barrie. 23-ly R. W. A. RUSS, rnysxcxan. ourguuu, cu", .4. I R.C.S. Edin,, L.R.C.P., night vresidence-Bvown's Block, Dunlop street, Barrie. Telephone 77. e had a list-of things which, it not `appalling, was at least startling. The Globe came out in a double-leaded editorial and announced that Mr. Ross `had discovered that Ontario had nickel mines, and that he was going to get the British Government to build ships of this material. Great prospects of the wealth that was to ow from this new industry were indulged_in, vet frorn that time to this not a word had been heard of nickel. Mr. Ross discovered a place called New Ontario. That, of course, the people of Ontario and their fathers never heard of before. These people quite overlooked the fact that the Liberal-Conservative party had al- `ways stood ready to develop both Old _ and New Ontario in the way most con- ducive to the best interests of the people of this great province. There was good reason for all this beating of the Grit tom-toms, and he would shortly. explain why. & R. J. F.`PaJ1in. Graduate of Trinity Umversity Tomato,` Fe ow of Trinity Medical College, Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Oice and Residence, 18 Owen street. DR. J. ARTHUR `ROSS, L.R.C.P. 8; S., Edin- burgh; M.F.P. & S., Glasgow, member of British pthalmological -Society. Specially`.- Dlseases of Eye, Ear, Throat. and Nose. OFF lCE.-78 Dunlop Street, Sanders Block, Bar- rie,` opposite Post Ooe and Railway Station. Phone 54. P. O. Box 96. 7-13; __.___.__.._________________? -R S. BROAD, M. D. C. M., F. T. M. C.. L. C. . P. S., 0., late resident Physician and Surgeon of Toronto General Hospital, with special attention to Diseases of Women, and Nose and Throat Work, also for some time sur eon in charge of Emergencv Hospital. Toronto. 0 cc and night residence-`upstairs in McCarthv BIock,_zr Dunlop St., Barrie, second door east of Dougall Bros. furmture warerooms-near Five Points. Phone 105. _ aq-ly V; On [(931 nstatc at IOWCSI l'3KC8a rarmers Notes Dissounted. Collections made in any art of the County. Real estate bought and sold. nvey- ancing in all its branches. - Marriage Licenses issued. 0fce-Ross Block, Dunlop street Barrie. - A :-Iv. R T. BANTING. Clerk County of Simooe, will be at his office. at the Court House, Barrie, every Saturdav. Residence and P.0. Cookstown. JAS. EDVVARD S CQDNVEYANCER. |THE- BALL_ PLANING MILL COMPANY-- I Cargentenng. Building and manufacturing of TIA;-urn hank Rlintln Ilnnltnnpn -4- `Dl....:..... _ " R. E. L. BRERETON. Dental Surgeon. Oice over Ha.mbly's Hardware. Entrance, Owen Street. Out of town 1st and 1rd Mondays of each month. ' 5:-lv Z9..9} ... I I` \ll\ IL` V 13$]. AUDI` 1 on 8'00 $ 7 freehold security at lowest rate of interest. Norincipal money required until end of I-hp nu-m, _ H. STRATHY. Snlinitnr. Etc_. Half the good measures that were passed during the past few years were initiated by the Opposition, thrown out "by d the Government, and then Jdopted by them after all. The means . used by the Reform party at the last `elections were such as. in themselves would warrant their present overthrow, and there doubt but that the peo- ple this time will `fsmssh the ms_chine.` `We trust Mr. Whitney's openingmeet-A inll will be followed _by many others, gnnd that the good work will "go on, for as _ we have said before, - theonservs- 7.1.; [gives owe it to the country to overthrow .,fthe.;present administration. u IIIKCTOSI. QVOPTHDCIPBI IIIOIIBY required UDEII t H I the term. . STRAIHY. Solicitor, I2-.-'2- IIl&II:I I? 1%-13v- T We have a large amount of Private F unds_ to lend at 4} and 5 per cent. on the security of good farm Mortgages. McCARTl-IY. BOYS & MURCI-IL SON. Dunln Street Barrie. . CS. lVlC\Jl$I\ L 1'1 I. . 1 W101 ! SON. Dunlo Street Barrie. At his office until 5 p.m.; at his private rsidence. 68 Mary street, after that hour. u-lv l[ `RD-Dnhh ruruvuvu LVIILL L-UM1 AN-- .|. Cargentering, of Doors. bash. Blinds, Mouldings, etc. Planin of all kinds done_ promptly and satisfactorily. 01: Blast Drying Kxln. Dxstrict agency for rained lum- her Factory-Baye1d Street, Barrie. ODGERS & GALLIE successors to Geo. Ball. [ Hours--u to 1. -tail Robinson 8. Macpherson. `CIVIL `ENGINEERS; DOMINION 3 THE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OFBARRIE have for ado tion. in good Homes. a numbe at luphglnc ........... tE......A:.... -L:u_-.. I.-_._ ._J .11, E. 1. R'0BINSON. w 1111:. \ aA1uaUUus'1' UFISARKIE number of bright young anadianv children. boys and girls Parties desiring them are asked to communicate with the secre:arv. IREV. D. B. HARKNESS. Bi. n.`1y puw ---- ~ After inaking references to federal Iairs Mr. Whitney took up the ques- tion of provincialpolitios and-made a ` telling arrangement of the Ontario Gov- tion, said the Opposition leader. ernment and Premier Rosa airy pro- gram which had never been carried out. When `Premier Ross came into his present oioe he inaugurated a revolu- ll` --u- -- --nu-on : ? You are obliged to be away from home _ A ' and desire toA_g'e_tV news at any point. ' The most cpnveuient and aatisfactorv means by Aivhich yoigmav adjus these conditions is "Telephona G-_....!.." ' ` `I18 PC` Bnrnc. SUPPOSE `CI |iC|IIu H. H. -Snwmv, Q.C. II&Ii1I at :7v1I`- 5 and 5%'per cent. on Mortgage. LOUNT & LOUNT Barristers. Barrie, 32-ti. Opposite R. K. Station` --_., , g.oss;.as BRoI. Barristers. soucsum . u.....-:... Lnnvnvnnecfs. Bax_:_k`o_f .?__.___.__.._._..__._._._.___ ;'mA1'HY & ESTEN. Barrim MARRIAGE LICENSE ISSUER. Estimates, plans and specications promptly pre- aared. Oice--Bothwelfs Block, Dunlop Street, Bzuuzm. ONT. ` V n-tf n u ..A-.---_--- _ ___ __. A_-_, ONTARIO LANml;-SURVEYORS.

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